Spokane Sizzle 2014-2015

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$5.00 2014-2015 ANNUAL ISSUE

Restaurants, Entertainment, the Arts & Community Events

| Local Food, Wine & Brews | Spokane Sizzle.com




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When looking for an address in Spokane, Sprague and Division are the "0" points, Sprague divides north and south, and Division divides east and west addresses. The larger the number, the farther away from these streets the address is. They converge downtown, just a few blocks north of the Division Street exit off I-90.














2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com



Finding neighborhood favorites, enjoying Spokane's own successful restaurants, wineries, breweries and distilleries. Spokane diners flock to enjoy them, the Sizzle takes you there. Celebrating Spokane Success Stories Fork-in-Cork Award Winners Shopping for the BEST! Community Events & Entertainment

WEST SIDE & BROWNE'S ADDITION Neighborhood Spotlight Chaps Coffee Company & Cake Bakery

NORTH SIDE 65 66 68 72

Frank's Diner Neighborhood Spotlight Downriver Grill Flying Goat

SOUTH HILL 74 76 78

Neighborhood Spotlight MAX at Mirabeau

WINE TIME 84 86 88 90 92

65 74

Neighborhood Spotlight Lindaman's Gourmet To Go & Bistro Ferrante's Marketplace Cafe




Stacks at Steam Plant Neighborhood Spotlight Geno's Traditional Food & Ales


55 56 64




50 52



Spokane Winery Tour Map Spokane Winery Tours Tips for Tasting Robert Karl Cellars Townshend Cellar Latah Creek Wine Cellars


14 45 46 97








It's our 10th Anniversary Issue! It seemed like a simple concept: to create a restaurant guide to Spokane’s little out-ofthe-way gems and share with people a few places they might not otherwise find out about. But alas, it was a much larger task than at first glance. There are so many hidden gems! Creating Spokane’s first annual dining guide was no small task. And, as the 10 years have passed, Spokane has had no shortage of restaurant openings each year. There have been many successful startups along the way; discoveries that I have had the pleasure of sharing with the world. And, with the need for keeping an eye on a constantly changing restaurant scene, starting our weekly eNewsletter in 2008 has kept our Sizzle fans in the know about hot new places and community events that are just the ticket for enjoying their time out around town. In this issue you will get the scoop on some very successful restaurants, wineries and Washington’s own first distillery, all right here, making Spokane a very special place to be. There is a lot of passion being served in this town, and it comes to the tables all over town in the form of food and drink. When you attend and support Spokane’s locally owned and operated restaurants you are supporting your community, helping the sustainability of our own food and economy, and sharing time with your neighbors. This is your community. Enjoy finding out a little more about it. Cheers to the Sizzle of Spokane! Be sure to find our website @ SpokaneSizzle.com and check out our online events calendar weekly, or simply sign up for our weekly Sizzle'n Cuisine eNews and get all the latest news delivered right to your inbox.


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Publisher/Editor in Chief Jeanette Dunn jeanette@premierpub.net Senior Editor/ Writer Jillian Chandler jillian@premierpub.net Graphic Design Scott Lakey BornInvincibleDesign.com Photography Brett Fontana StudioFontanaMaria.com Sheena Dunn SpectactularPortraits.com Distribution Steven Dunn steven@premierpub.net Contributors Cathy Pirello, Mariesa Stokes, Jill Rider, Julie Collins, Sylvia Fountaine, Juli Norris, CToreson Photography, Coquille Gallagher of Reardan Cowboy-Urban Homesteading, Jed Conklin, White Sage Photography, Chris Guibert Photography, Vanessa Swenson, Deb Green, Linda Anderson.

© 2014-2015 Spokane Sizzle Published annually by Premier Publishing, Inc., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho All phone numbers within this publication are (509) area code unless otherwise noted. All content within this issue is copyrighted and no part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher, Jeanette Dunn, Premier Publishing, Inc. All editorial material represents the views of the respective authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of Premier Publishing, Inc. Every effort is made to ensure accurate information. However, the publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions and/or incorrect listing information.

To order your copy of the Spokane Sizzle magazine mail $5 to: PREMIER PUBLISHING - SPOKANE SIZZLE PO BOX 518 COEUR D’ALENE, ID 83816 Send email request to: SizzlenCuisine@premierpub.net Or call us! (208) 665-9805

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Celebrating 10 Years! of the Spokane Sizzle


Some say I’m lucky. And when I think of the work I do, I think I am. So lucky to sit at these hundreds of tables all year long, in restaurants all over town; we sit, we talk, we toast, we taste, we sip, we laugh, we cry, we hope … that our connection to each other … and the moment, lasts. I do get to sit at the tables where this same thing has happened thousands of times. These tables, up for rent for an hour or two at a time; I just wonder at the thought of all the people who have shared a moment there. If they could tell the stories, those tables would be a 24-hour news feed. If we could read each table’s history, what a tale we would hear! This is what I am so fortunate to see—all the time. In this special feature section, I will be sharing with you just a few stories of those tables. In the 10 years I have been publishing our local dining guide, I have had the pleasure of sitting at so many of these tables, meeting with restaurateurs, winemakers, brewers, distilleries, roasters and specialty food producers about their businesses and have seen many a story play out like a kaleidoscope before my eyes. The effort that goes into presenting sometimes simple, sometimes glamorously delicious food, served in a beautiful restaurant, historic or brand new, served with expert attention and care, is largely unseen by the general public they serve. And that is exactly why they are such great successes. There are millions of hours and thousands of hands at task that no one at the table ever sees. The following pages are filled with just a few of Spokane’s great success stories in the hospitality business. They have learned that the guest may not remember every detail about the food or the service, but they know you will always, always remember how they make you feel when you are in your place. These are the places that make you feel at home when you walk in the door, like you are a friend they have been waiting for, or even if they don’t know you, make you feel like they want to. People who are a success in this business want to feed people, lots of people, over and over. They are magical jugglers. These are your neighborhood entrepreneurs; they pay attention to what you want, they will remember your familiar face, they want to connect with you and have you enjoy their tables, food, music and all. It’s a pleasure to live and laugh with them. They bring you some amazing people, places and food, and all you have to do is walk through the door. They are about sharing their love of food and drink with you. There is much to enjoy amid the chinking of silverware, clacking of plates and the din of other conversations around you.


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Yes, I do have a great workplace. Thousands of tables, never ending, always enlightening. We all come to the table to share our existence for a moment and leave with a memory. Yes, I am at home there. So, unplug for a bit. Turn off the phone, look around you and look in these pages—have a relaxing moment with the magazine in your hands. You just might see a table you are familiar with or one you want to try to get a seat at. Saluté Spokane!

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate—you know someone's fingers have been all over it."  ~ Julia Child on nouvelle cuisine

The following pages are a compilation of the efforts of many. We hope you enjoy their stories as much as we have enjoyed watching them flourish. 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories


Mizuna Restaurant to Feast Catering

Sylvia Fountaine stepped into the restaurant business a novice, presented Spokane with its first eclectic vegetarian restaurant, and continues to carry her passion for cooking into new endeavors. She has raised the bar on fine inventive food in Spokane's restaurant and catering scene over the years she has been in business. When I think back to the time we first opened Mizuna Restaurant in 1996, I have to laugh a little. My best friend Tonia and I had no idea what we were doing. And looking back, this was probably a good thing, because if you know what you are doing this may actually prevent you from doing it! Sometimes life beckons you to take a leap into the unknown, and no matter how frightening, how risky, you know deep down you simply must do it. The day we opened our doors, I remember both Tonia and I having panic attacks in the kitchen. Tonia in a swirl of emotion said, "Sylvia, what are we doing? I don't know how to cook!" And I thought to myself, "And I don’t know how to run a restaurant!" but managed to say, "Let's just pretend we do.” And that's what we did. I am often in awe at how when you take one little step in the direction of your dreams, life comes in and helps you along with the rest. For the next 10 years, we bumbled along, learning as we went. Slowly we grew Mizuna into a successful business, and eventually we were able to sell it. 16

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Granted it was not always easy, but looking back, I would not trade that experience for anything. After being "married" to the restaurant for 10 years, I took some time off to do some serious soul searching and figure out what path to take next. I always came back to my love of cooking and travel. But how could I cook for a living and at the same time still have the freedom to go experience the world and taste all the delicious food it had to offer? Somehow starting a catering business offered a solution. In 2007 I started Feast Catering Co. with my husband Brian, which allows us a few months off a year in winter to explore the world and experience its unique flavors. The summer months are booked solid with wedding catering, and then there is all of the holiday catering, but come January and February, we try to leave. These trips are good for the soul, infusing our lives and especially our food with new and vibrant ingredients and recipes. Our little appetizer bites are often inspired from these travels. And being able to create with new ingredients and flavor profiles keeps me feeling passionate about the work. A couple years ago, another shift happened. I picked up my camera and starting photographing some of our food. Photography was an old love that I had kept buried for 20 years. A friend encouraged me to

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

start a recipe blog—which truthfully, at the time, I didn't know what that was. I sort of just jumped in, pretty ungracefully, but something happened. I got help as I needed it and it began to evolve. The blog, called Feasting at Home, is where I share recipes we cook at home. It has become such a fun, creative process for me; developing recipes, taking pictures of the food and writing. The weekly practice comes from my soul and really feeds me. Since then, the blog has been growing steadily with readers from around the world. Then, from this, other doors began to open. I started writing and photographing for the Spokesman Review for a monthly column called "The Seasonal Kitchen," and also for Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine and North Idaho Wellness. I began selling some of my photographs and getting professional photography work. Little did I know when I picked up my camera where this small step would lead. Forty-six years into my life, I finally figured out that I am happiest when I am in alignment with my truest self, acting and creating from this place. If I could share one thing it would be this: Take some time and listen to the cravings of your heart. Ask yourself, “What activities bring me the most joy? What brings me true fulfillment?” And figure out how to take one small step in that direction. When living from this place of alignment to the deepest part of yourself, life will support you. I don't understand how this works, but I've seen it happen repeatedly in my own life and in others. This may be signing up for an art class, picking up pen and paper, a piece of clay or wood, learning how to play an

instrument, or even starting a business. You don't have to know what you are doing before you start. You don't have to have all the answers in the beginning. You don't even have to know what the outcome will look like, or where it will lead. In fact, most of the time you just can't know. And that's the beauty of it. Trust the process, take a leap and know that it will lead to something amazing. (509) 879-9568 ~ Sylvia Fountaine (owner/chef of Feast Catering and publisher of the blog Feasting at Home) Photos of food and Sylvia by Julie Collins and table by White Sage Photography

FeastCateringCo.com FeastingAtHome.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Frank's Diners

The sheer historic uniqueness of presidential train-car dining is an amazing experience. When coupled with a long history of consistent stellar service and delicious home-style food (check the blogs) prepared at the counter by chefs with a passion for great food, it is legendary. The Downtown Frank's Diner—Great Northern Car No. 1787— celebrated its 100-year anniversary in 2006 and brings rail-car dining elegance to a whole new meaning. This car once served as the president of the railroads personal coach for 15 years. It was then sold and has been a luxury dining car ever since. For more than 60 years this beautiful aristocratic car served millions of diners in Seattle until its relocation to Spokane in the spring of 1989. Here it has continued to bring joy and great meals to generations of travelers seeking an epicurean experience thought to have been only reserved for an era long since forgotten. The Northside Frank's Diner is a 1913 Laketon, No. 4216. It offers all the elegance of its older downtown brother to the residence of North Spokane. This beautiful one-of-a-kind coach hails from what the railroad called their “heavy weight division.” Weighing in just over 150,000 pounds, this beautiful car had the smoothest ride of any car in its day. Used exclusively on what was known as the Glacier Run, car No. 4216 served dignitaries and luxury travelers late into the ’40s. When airline travel became the popular way to see the world, this car was then used as a cook coach for line workers until it retired and was put to pasture in the late 1980s. In 2004, its current owners found the car in a rough part of the railyard in Seattle and decided to bring it back to its glorious like-new self. Two years and nearly $1 million later, the beautiful Frank’s Diner of North Spokane was born. Frank’s culinary team is committed to using local sustainable products and vendors as much as possible. Meals are prepared from 18

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scratch while you watch the chefs cook right in front of you. Frank’s embraces its responsibility to support earth friendly, healthy and renewable food sources which helps build a strong and sustainable economy. The chefs and owners strive to use minimally processed ingredients and handle them as little as possible to make them ready for cooking. They work closely with local growers and vendors to find fresh, natural, healthier ingredients for you and your family. Nearly all the foods used comes from a 300-mile radius so they can be easily source verified. Per month, the chefs cook more than 2.5 tons of hash browns and 30,000 jumbo eggs, all one breakfast at a time! Frank’s Diner has won Best Breakfast awards in numerous Spokane publications for decades. Both Frank’s Diner locations offer a wide range in scratch-made foods, with breakfast served all day. Only extra thick Daily Farms bacon, jumbo sausage links and smoked pit ham from Montana is used. Frank’s cooks off whole turkeys and choice top rounds of beef daily to make their legendary sandwiches. Fresh lean beef and chicken for burgers, hand-cut and battered cod for fish and chips, fresh baked bread and DOWNTOWN even 120-year-old family hot-cake 1516 W. Second Ave. recipe is still made from scratch. (509) 747-8798 Recently awarded the 2014 Casual NORTH SIDE Dining Restaurant of the Year 10929 N. Newport Hwy (509) 465-2464 by the Washington Restaurant Association Spokane, Frank's FranksDiners.com Diners are dear to both the locals and visitors alike. “Proudly served travelers since 1906.”

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

The Elk Public House

In 1996, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, was introduced to the first of what would eventually become a family of eateries—Moon Time Traditional Food and Ales. Three years later, in 1999, it would be joined by The Elk Public House in Spokane. The location in Browne’s Addition was originally The Elk Drug Store and bragged of having the oldest original soda fountain operating this side of the Mississippi. When it became available, the Moon Time owners decided to bring Moon Time’s popularity to Spokane. The close proximity to downtown coupled with the fact that Browne’s Addition was undergoing a much-needed revitalization, convinced them that they could create a pub home for that neighborhood, too. What had once been an area of beautiful homes with distinctive architecture was just beginning to overcome some rough years that caused many buildings and homes to become run down. Fifteen years later, Browne’s Addition is in an ongoing restorative blooming, a destination for restaurants and the arts. The Elk and its annual Elk Fest event are a significant part of that scene. Walking into this pub, you will notice the diversity of its patrons, defining the nature of the term public house: an 85-year-old couple seated near a 21-year-old who’s sitting across from a group of businessmen. Consistently good food and atmosphere, friendly service and menu items offered at a reasonable price; these things appeal to everybody, no matter what their age or financial status. The establishment offers a comfortable welcome-to-my-house-for-dinner environment, which is laid back, not pretentious. What keeps people coming back for more you ask? The Reuben, thanks to the Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives show, which featured the Elk back in 2010. Two more customer and staff favorites are the Santa Fe chicken sandwich and Mediterranean lamb sandwich. Also, the legendary corn pasta is a must-have

accompaniment to the burgers and sandwiches. People from all over Spokane come to the Elk to enjoy their delicious pub fare and find themselves openly wishing for one in their own neighborhood. That wish was granted for folks on the South Hill in 2008 when they opened the Two Seven Public House in Lincoln Heights. Their El Que is just behind The Elk, serving unique Mexican fare accompanied by more than 70 delicious tequilas. Most recently the group opened Geno’s Traditional Food and Ales near Gonzaga University in the Logan Neighborhood. Those living nearby are the first to be lucky enough to enjoy their delicious brand of menu items accompanied by French fries. What’s the key to their success? The owners credit consistency, and not overextending themselves. Having three owners between a total of six establishments, including Moon Time and The Porch in Hayden, they are able to each focus on particular aspects of the restaurants. John Grollmus, Brad Fosseen and Marshall Powell are all very involved and spend a lot of time in the restaurants ensuring everything is running smoothly THE ELK PUBLIC HOUSE and keeping the groove going 1931 W. Pacific Ave. (509) 363-1973 in the right direction. All in EL QUE all, they don’t get too caught 141 S. Cannon St. up in little details, but focus on (509) 624-5412 the big picture: to offer quality TWO SEVEN PUBLIC HOUSE 2727 S. Mount Vernon food served in the spirit of a (509) 473-9766 comforting gathering place. GENO’S Their common philosophy is: 1414 N. Hamilton St. (509) 368-9087 Make it from scratch, price it WeDontHaveOne.com affordably and serve it with a smile. 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Chaps Coffee Company

The lifelong dream of Chaps owner Celeste Shaw-Coulston was to establish a restaurant commemorating the memory and pioneer spirit of her grandmother and Montana roots. So when she first spied an old farmhouse steeped in area charm and history, tucked along the banks of Spokane’s Latah Creek, she knew it was perfect for the purpose of seeing her vision come to fruition. Shortly after purchasing the property however, the Department of Transportation announced plans for a new overpass at the site, which in fact it just completed. Undeterred, Celeste was determined to preserve the structure; so she moved the house to its present location just across the highway, then proceeded to upgrade, remodel and expand the original house to its present status. The end result is an architectural delight, blending old and new seamlessly into an alluring, comfortable presentation that invites guests to linger long after meals have been served and eaten. The restaurant has grown in increments and phases far faster than ever originally contemplated. The initial plan was to simply enjoy the slow growth of the intimate confines of a small upscale coffee café where locals could casually gather to enjoy an outsourced pastry or a bowl of homemade soup over premier coffee blends. That plan evaporated almost immediately as word quickly spread about the unique setting that Celeste had created, giving way to a creative fullblown lunch menu and weekend breakfast offerings that fondly evoke memories of the sumptuous old-fashioned farm feasts prepared by our moms and grandmothers we enjoyed so much as children.


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The word-of-mouth lines at Chaps grew, and so did its offerings. A dinner schedule followed that incorporated home cooking, comfort food presentations with elegance and sophistication prepared by culinary-trained chefs who constantly garner rave reviews. A modest wine list was added, carefully crafted and paired to an ever-changing selection of entrees and sides that offer a variety of choices; something for each and every discriminating fine-dining palate. A full-service bar with microbrew on tap followed with expanded hours of operation, accenting a covered patio and garden area all of which accommodate anyone looking for the perfect place to enjoy an afternoon beverage or an evening of open-air dining. From its earliest days as a mere concept, to its present status as a one-of-a-kind award-winning eating destination, one constant has remained: It is the owner’s daily commitment to making certain the restaurant is the best it possibly can be. To that end it was only natural that a bakery component of Chaps be added. In conjunction with Celeste’s dear friend and renowned local bakery and pastry artisan Gina Garcia, Cake was born. Gina’s incredible talent for pastry, cake and pie creations made her ideal for perfecting the addition of the new bakery, and Cake has risen to become one of the top bakeries of the area. Many of Cake’s signature offerings prepared, in its state-of-the-art walk–in oven, can now be found outsourced and on display in the cases of some of the most prestigious shops, cafés and stands around. The story of Chaps and Cake is a dream-come-true success story.

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

& Cake Bakery

Rewind back two decades ago to 1994. After working various jobs with a degree in art and photography, Gina Garcia decided to pursue a new career—the love and joy of cooking that had been instilled in her since childhood. It became clearly evident that culinary baking and cooking was the right profession. She began attending culinary courses at a local community college. Gina obtained a job as a prep cook in the kitchen of Spokane’s Rock City Grill. It was through this humble beginning that her path to sweetness began and flourished. While working at Rock City Grill, she was introduced to Karen Hansen, owner of the Take the Cake bakery. At that time, Karen had the reputation of being one of the best in the industry. She serviced Luna, Luigi’s and the Anaconda Grill, as well as many other restaurants at the forefront of Spokane. Before long, Gina began working with Karen, acquiring the competence and techniques required of a pastry chef. Two years later, in 1996, Gina purchased and acquired Take the Cake. After experiencing seven years of success with Take the Cake, Gina felt the time was right to expand the bakery, so in 2003 she relocated Take the Cake to South Grand Boulevard, establishing Bittersweet Bakery and Bistro. More than expanding the tiny occupied space of Take the Cake, a focus on Bittersweet’s menu would evolve as well, as Gina had focused


solely on desserts in the past. She would now offer more pastry-type items, with the addition of savory foods. Bittersweet Bakery was a popular destination for its unique savory crepes, its array of beautiful pastry, exceptional cakes and desserts, but due to some location-related issues, it closed in 2009. Soon after, Gina and Celeste Shaw of Chaps Café started discussing the thought of opening a bakery addition to Celeste’s café. Their design was to offer simple pastry and cakes. The rest is history. Anyone who has visited Chaps knows Cake is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art bakery within Chaps, and Gina’s experience and expertise shines through in all of her creations, (509) 624-4182 emphasizing the importance of 4237 S. Cheney pure simple baking focusing on quality ingredients and products. Spokane Rd. From Take the Cake to Bittersweet ChapsGirl.com Bakery and now Cake … Gina Garcia’s baking has been a sweet treat to Spokane.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com



Steam Plant

You can’t drive through Downtown Spokane—or past Spokane— without taking notice of the twin 225-foot high smokestacks, which have been Downtown Spokane’s most striking and familiar landmark since 1916. The steel-reinforced concrete and brick Central Steam Plant building is 140 feet long, 83 feet wide and approximately three-stories tall with a full basement. Each of the two smokestacks is comprised of 166,770 bricks and designed to sway with the wind while adding an aesthetic balance to the mammoth terra cotta and brick structure. Architect Kirtland Cutter designed the plant’s exterior, which took more than a year and a half to complete, and was erected around the equipment that was producing steam heat. Nearly a century later, the smokestacks continue to remain important in the makeup of the Spokane landscape and skyline. Steam no longer bellows out from these large noticeable structures and hasn’t since 1986; instead, the building is now alive and buzzing with retail and office spaces, along with the full-service Stacks restaurant and the Steam Plant Brewing Co. and Pub, with private dining areas and ingenious displays and cutouts of the equipment that once operated there. But this was no easy task. Rewind a bit … After the Great Fire of 1889, which devastated 32 city blocks, many of the new city structures were being constructed with electrical lamps. But, due to the high price of electric power, steam remained the preferred heat source. With as many as 350 buildings in 22

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Downtown Spokane operating their own coal-stoked boilers to produce steam, leaving the air heavy with coal dust and ash, the city was in desperate need of a centralized heat distribution system. A group of local businessmen formed the Trustee Company of Spokane, determined to find a solution to the air-quality problem. They hired experienced boiler engineer Harry A. Flood, a teacher at Washington State College (now Washington State University). After studying the problem from fall 1913 through spring 1914, Harry proposed creating a central steam heating plant that would distribute heat to as many buildings as would be willing to sign up. On April 6th, 1914, the Trustee Company applied for a 25-year franchise to construct, maintain and operate the infrastructure necessary to provide the inhabitants of Spokane with steam heating and electricity. The franchise was granted. Construction began in 1915. With initial construction and operation exceeding $1 million, and because of the escalating cost required to complete construction, Harry opened the valves the moment it was possible to do so, though construction of the steam plant was nowhere near completion. On March 16, 1916, Gus Pearson of the Stockholm Hotel and Pearsons Building, located at the southeast corner of Main Avenue and Wall Street, became Spokane’s first steam heat customer. The exterior was erected around the equipment while it was already producing steam heat. The next few years were a tumultuous time in the business of power generation, and the company was in the

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

red. In 1919, the Steam Plant bacame a subsidiary of Washington Water Power. Coal and oil were the only fuels used from 1916 until the late 1930s, when sawdust was also burned. Sawdust and coal were eventually phased out for pollution and handling reasons. Oil was used until it became too expensive, and in 1958, three of the boilers were converted to cleaner, more efficient natural gas. But as recently as 1970, workers were still shoveling coal at the steam plant. Later, all five boilers in the plant were converted to natural gas. Eventually, due to costly maintenance and repairs, combined with the fact that it was simply no longer economically feasible to supply steam heat throughout downtown, Washington Water Power made the decision to close the steam plant. The last boiler was shut down in December 1986. In 1996, Avista Development, a subsidiary of Avista Corp. (formerly WWP), partnered with local historic preservation specialists, Wells and Company, to renovate and transform the building into a mixed-use space. It was conceived as a catalyst to revitalize the Davenport Arts District in Downtown Spokane. A decade later, the plant was transformed from a dirty, drab industrial behemoth into a cathedral-bright architectural showcase, alive with people and commerce. The goal was to maintain as much history and equipment as possible, as well as to complete the work within the rigid guidelines of historic renovation while providing an attractive, functional commerce space. Unique features of its infrastructure were used in the renovation, saving as much original machinery as possible. The four massive steam boilers are now restaurant seating and a waterfall/wishing well. The 1,200-ton coal bunker has become high-tech office space suspended

from the ceiling. One of the stacks is a visitor attraction, while the other houses a conference room in one of the office spaces. Their efforts earned multiple awards, including the first-of-itskind recognition from the National Trust for Historic Preservation for historic buildings in our region. Steam Plant Square LLC, which owns the Steam Plant Square, acquired the restaurant, pub and brewing company in January 2011. What began as a renovation of a single WWP landmark grew to include two additional structures: the Seehorn Lang and Courtyard buildings. All three buildings combine to create one contiguous property totaling more than 80,000 square feet of unique office space, one-of-a-kind retail shops, and dining and entertainment. Stacks at Steam Plant and The Steam Plant Brewing Co. and Pub welcome many a visitor to the one-of-a-kind landmark with their multitude of food and beverage options. A seat at the cozy subterranean pub gives you a straight-up fullheight view of the four-story interior that wraps around the restaurant, and any table in the restaurant level provides “ooh” and “ah” views of the sheer majesty of the large room as you are surrounded by catwalks and original pipes. The menus range from the signature Coal Bunker Cheese Bread, to fresh inventive salads, to entrées featuring their in-house smoked meats and several of the handcrafted ales brewed on site. (509) 777-3900 Stacks at Steam Plant Wander around a little and you can 159 S. Lincoln St. see displays of equipment and history SteamPlantSpokane.com that made this incredible building possible. Both visitors and locals love the privilege of enjoying the transformation of this beloved historic landmark.

The plant was transformed … into a cathedral-bright architectural showcase, alive with people and commerce.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Scratch Restaurant & Rain Lounge

It has been nearly three decades since Connie Naccarato, along with her parents, decided to open the traditional Italian restaurant Mamma Mia’s in Spokane. The inspiration of such a bold business venture came from Connie’s mother, who had a longtime dream of owning a restaurant where she could share her love of cooking real Italian food. Connie was determined to help her mother fulfill her dreams, despite being aware of the fact that most restaurants fail within the first year of opening. Instilled with hard work and true passion, thanks to her parents, there was hope for her family to triumph in such a difficult industry—and they have stood the test of time. The once 40-seat mom-and-pop joint grew to a successful 140seat restaurant, all possible because of the Naccarato family’s passion and determination of sharing their love of food and family with their community. Customers were more than just customers, becoming more like family. After close to 20 years owning and operating their Italian dream, it was time for Connie’s parents to retire and for her to venture out on her own. It was during this time that she was introduced to a successful local chef who had dreams of becoming an entrepreneur in the industry right here in Spokane. Within hours of sharing ideas, talents and dreams, the pair had their business plan mapped out. One year later, Scratch Restaurant opened its doors to Downtown Spokane, confident that Spokane was ready for a kind of restaurant Spokane hadn’t seen before. They succeeded in a very big way from the start, with a shared passion for food and serving others. Connie accredits their success to not only 24

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hard work and determination, but the participation of their customers and dedicated staff. Scratch has become one of Spokane’s favorite downtown destinations, with many customers enjoying its “big city” feel in the midst of Spokane. It’s the perfect spot to stop in, especially when planning a night on the town due to its proximity to the Davenport Entertainment District Spokane is known for: First Friday art walks, Martin Woldson Theatre at the Fox, The Knitting Factory concert venue, Interplayers Theatre and The Bing Crosby Theater. A short time after opening, the space next door became available, and they jumped on the opportunity to expand the restaurant and create a new fun space for a bar and lounge—Rain Lounge. Now established as a hip and happening gathering place, at Rain you will find a contemporary atmosphere, music, delicious cocktails expertly prepared and a late-night (509) 456-5656 food menu that is unmatched downtown. 1007 W. 1st Ave. Connie loves what she does, ScratchSpokane.com and she hopes that the customers feel that when they come in to dine at Scratch. Stop in; she has a table for you.

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Madeleine's Café & Pâtisserie

Celebrating years of successful restaurants and catering, Deb Green and her family are creating delicious eateries where Spokane and its visitors love to gather for meals together. There is a lot more in store for their fans. Twenty years ago, I started a little catering business. It quickly grew, and as my kids grew, they began to help. They’ll tell you that they wrapped countless numbers of shrimp in bacon and stuffed millions of puffs with savory fillings. Along the way, I leased the café at the MAC, and the kids became young culinarians and baristas. Ten years ago, Jeanette Dunn walked into the café, introduced herself, and talked me into participating in the very first Spokane Sizzle magazine. We’ve been with her ever since. It was my daughter Megan’s idea to go to culinary school so we could open a restaurant. Soon after graduating from pastry school, we opened the doors of Madeleine’s, a cozy yet busy French café and patisserie. As time passed, we made many new friends. Meg met her husband here, and we quickly outgrew our space. When my son Ben joined us, we began to talk about a second restaurant, and together, the three of us opened Casper Fry. Located in the South Perry Neighborhood, Casper Fry pays homage to my great grandfather, a Southern-born Baptist minister who lived in the neighborhood. Very different from Madeleine’s, Casper’s has a Southern-inspired menu, which is seasonally and locally driven, much of which is prepared in a wood-burning oven. Each day we’re there, we’re reminded of the family who came before us.

This summer, we’ll open our third restaurant, Durkin’s Liquor Bar. Named for Jimmie Durkin, an Irish immigrant and liquor tycoon who owned three pre-prohibition saloons in Spokane, one of which was located in the exact spot we’ll occupy. We’re really excited about this project, and all three of us find that we really love the process of designing and opening restaurants together. In October, we’ll move the one that started it all. Madeleine’s will move to her new location at 415 W. Main, right next to Durkin’s. We’re so pleased for the opportunity to give her a facelift and look forward to making even more new friends. I’m proud of my kids and this family journey we’re on. We want to build great restaurants and help build a better food culture in Spokane. I have the best job in the (509) 624-2253 world. I get to work with Meg and 707 W. Main Ave. Ben every single day, and each day 415 W. Main (Oct. 2014) passes with great purpose. We’re Madeleines-Spokane.com thankful for every opportunity we’ve been given. We revere our Casper Fry restaurants, guests, staff and our (509) 535-0536 family with stalwart commitment. 928 S. Perry St. Our lives are blessed and enriched CasperFry.com beyond measure as a result. ~ Deb Green 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com



Chef Mathieu

The Davenport Hotel celebrates a century of culinary excellence.

In September 2014, the Davenport Hotel celebrates 100 years of world-class hospitality in Downtown Spokane. Since its inception, the Davenport has always been measured by the satisfaction it gives its guests and by the manner in which it reflects the hospitality of the Spokane community as a whole. Every feature of its accommodations and every phase of its service have been built around a sincere desire to contribute to the comfort, convenience and enjoyment of every guest of the hotel and every visitor to this community. Starting as early as 1890, Louis Davenport featured exotic ingredients in his Spokane restaurant—caviar, lobster and crab. Specifically the Crab Louis has been on the menu from the early days of the Hotel dating back to 1915. The origin of the Crab Louis has kept chefs speculating for years, but the preponderance of evidence points to Davenport Chef Edward Mathieu as its creator. Inspired by similar dishes he experienced while working in San Francisco, perhaps Mathieu offered his Louis dressing to impress his new boss. (He includes his recipe for it in his autobiography, The Life of a Chef.) Whatever the story behind the dish, Mathieu did impress Louis Davenport enough to stay as head chef at the Davenport for 30 years. Today the Davenport sells as many as 750 of his famous Crab Louis Salad’s every month. Sadly, looking back into the history of the Davenport, you could hear Spokane gasp as it closed its doors in 1985 and brood as it remained vacant for 17 years. Long awaiting the proper method of destruction, the hotel—and Spokane—uttered a collective and hopefilled cheer when Walt and Karen Worthy stepped in to change it


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all. Walt had suggested to the owners that he was ready to buy it when they were ready to sell it, that he and his wife Karen could see possibilities in this project and wanted to pursue it. A call came in one Monday morning regarding a purchase, and by that Friday he owned it. Walt was already doing great things for Spokane by renovating deserted buildings. He is a visionary who is always looking for new ideas, and he and Karen are a team, keeping their eyes open to new ways to do their projects. Karen says they enjoy their explorations and travel, always thinking about their own projects; “We go to restaurants and hotels. Walt’s been known to pick up a chair and look at the bottom to see where it came from. … We get ideas and ask the staff about their menus and their opinions on different things. It’s a work in progress but always fun.” Opened in 1914, the hotel's service motto has remained the same for the last century: “In all things the hotel sincerely desires to so well please its guests that they will be glad they came, sorry to leave, and eager to return.” ~ Louis Davenport 1914 Karen also notes the importance of their staff for their success: “You need to surround yourself with good people, and we really have a good team. They want to be here, and they want to work here, and it’s very rewarding that way. ” The Worthys have created an array of successful restaurants for the enjoyment of not only their hotel guests, but the entire Spokane community. When Walt and Karen restored the historic hotel, they preserved countless memories in the hearts of the people of Spokane.

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories “In all things the hotel sincerely desires to so well please its guests that they will be glad they came, sorry to leave, and eager to return.” ~ Louis Davenport 1914 Louis Da ve


Dining options for breakfast lunch and dinner offer an array of three restaurants, an espresso bar and a stunning lounge, as well as a variety of private event rooms. The Palm Court Grill is open daily at 6:00 am serving in the cozy dining room or the grand lobby next to the fireplace. Signature items include a Scottish king salmon benedict, crab omelet, their famous Crab Louis salad, burgers, sandwiches and fish dishes, USDA prime beef filets and ribs, Alaskan scallops, fresh halibut and wild salmon. An Espresso Bar in the lobby offers a quick stop for fine coffee and house-made pastries and cookies with free wireless Internet access. The not-to-miss Davenport Champagne Sunday Brunch is served starting at 10:00 am until the last seating at 1:00 pm, with a lavish buffet of seafood, salads, specialty items, carved meats, a chocolate fountain, house-made desserts and of course champagne and a build-your-own bloody mary bar. The Peacock Room Lounge opens at 4:00 pm and is central to downtown’s entertainment district. Known for it's extensive list of craft cocktails with fresh-squeezed juices, signature menu items of prime rib french dip and warm Cougar Gold cheese dip. The intimate surroundings are great for a cozy drink, meet-up for conversation and to enjoy big laughs with a group of friends or business associates. And, one simply should not miss the 5,000-piece stained-glass peacock inlayed in the ceiling. Event rooms for various sized banquets and meetings are available for gatherings from 100 to more than 600 guests depending on the

configuration; the Grand Pennington Ballroom (up to 620 guests), Hall of the Doges (up to 300), an English Tudor-style Elizabethan Room (up to 200), the French Neoclassic Marie Antoinette Room (up to 320), the Italian Neoclassic Isabella Ballroom (up to 300), and the lower level Early Bird Room (up to 250) are all exquisitely appointed and can be arranged for comfort from meetings to elegant banquet events and weddings. The Tower’s Safari Room Fresh Grill and Bar is a buzz hub in Spokane for its Happy Hour. Signature dinner items range from housesmoked barbecue and a classic southern-fare menu along with crispy flatbreads and private dining for up to 25 people. The Safari Room is also an amenity for guests as a full-service breakfast, lunch and dinner place with a full gluten-free menu and fabulous mini desserts. The Post Street Ale House personality is one of good food and cold beer—a lot of cold beer, twenty six on tap, including some of our region’s best beer. Lunch and dinner are served with a late-night noshing after 10:00 pm. Some signature items include the award-winning fried pickles that have amazed so many, halibut fish and chips, BBQ pork (509) 455-8888 sandwich and Guinness-braised The Davenport Hotel short ribs, with hot wings, gourmet Collection burgers and dogs that complete the 10 S. Post St. solid pub menu here. A private dining DavenportHotelCollection.com area accommodates up to 40 guests. Full menus can be viewed on their website.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

The Onion Bar and Grill

With more than 35 years of success, multiple locations and a dozen restaurants in Spokane opened by people who have gone through their manager training, one would think that The Onion Bar and Grill is the work of a national chain. Not so. This local treasure, which can be found at two Spokane locations, is owned and operated by local owners Kenneth and Christy Belisle, and retired business partners and founders Larry and Jan Brown. Both families still live, work and play right here in Spokane. Guests tend to notice the Downtown Onion’s amazing back bar, as they should, since it came from Chicago more than one hundred years ago; it is most definitely a focal point of the restaurant. You also can not miss the leaded glass, tin ceilings and crown molding, all of which is original. Originally The Downtown Onion Bar and Grill was established by Larry Brown in 1978. The Onion was the first of its kind and has appeared in countless write ups and several movies. One of the most famous was Vision Quest with Matthew Modine, Linda Fiorentino and Madonna. The old hotel portion of the building above the restaurant has been transformed into attractive upscale apartments. For the past decade, Ken Belisle has been an owner and managing partner. Today, he and his wife Christy are setting the pace and tone for the next generation of The Onion. 28

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The Onion’s culinary teams are committed to using the best of local sustainable products and vendors as much as possible and preparing meals from scratch daily. The North Onion on Division is a beautiful large facility, so during its recent remodel, they stayed with the original architecture, which they accentuated with new tones, fabrics and lighting. It is a terrific family and large-group restaurant with a new ‘Kids Zone.’ During The Downtown Onion’s recent remodel, they brought back its natural architectural roots. The beautiful original 100-year-old handcarved wood bar and historic turn-of-the-century ornate moldings, the leaded glass, thick wood columns, Alabaster chandeliers and streetside sidewalk sunroom lend the diner a chic New York metropolitan sidewalk bistro vibe. With The Onion’s professional Downtown culinary teams offering a fun creative (509) 747-3852 menu with full and lighter version 302 W. Riverside Ave. meals, coupled with their legendary North Side service, it seems they are planting even deeper roots to be here for the next 35 (509) 482-6100 years. 7522 N. Division St.


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

The Satellite Diner & Lounge Colleen Freeman and Kimberly Dunham

Colleen Freeman and Kimberly Dunham first met in 1995 when they worked together at Gabby’s Irish Grill, just a half block from where the Satellite Diner and Lounge is today. Colleen came there from the now defunct Otter Bay, where she worked and became the manager. Kimberly was formerly at Flaherty’s Irish Grill and then made the transition when it became Gabby’s, managing it for 17 years. Now these dynamic business partners share duties at the Satellite; Colleen and Kimberly have more than 60 years combined hospitality experience. But, this is only part of the recipe for success that Colleen and Kimberly bring to the table. They are very passionate and very much in love with the work they enjoy at the Satellite. They both agree that now, even after 16 years, they still love coming to work every day. They have long-term dedicated employees, a huge following of loyal regulars from all walks of life and are strong in their commitment to treating their guests as if they were visitors in their homes. The prevailing atmosphere at the Satellite Diner and Lounge is genuinely one of warmth and camaraderie. According to both Colleen and Kimberly, when they opened the Satellite, they had an immediate comfort level that people liked. The two saw the need for a late-night diner and decided to act on it, filling a niche that wasn’t being met in Downtown Spokane. The Satellite does not cater to just one demographic; it has a revolving assortment of interesting people; a retired millionaire can be seen having lunch next to a college student, along with anyone in between seated at the booths and barstools—a melting pot of people and diversity. As Kimberly would say, “The Satellite is a collection of people in random lives mingling together.” They are both adamant that their employees play a huge part in

their success, saying that they have professional people working for them who are just as dedicated to making their customers feel welcome and at home. According to Colleen, guests can come in years later and see some familiar friendly faces. And she adds: “A customer told me that visiting the Satellite feels like slipping on a comfortable pair of slippers after a long day at work.” Colleen and Kimberly both agree that you must not let your ego get in your way, or “you might as well shut the doors. When running a restaurant, the focus is taking care of one another—the customers and the employees.” And as one success leads to another, Colleen decided to step into a new venture just north of the river near the new Kendall Yards. On Broadway near the Spokane County Courthouse, Knockaderry Irish Pub and Eatery is sure to become a hot new gathering spot for both Satellite fans and those in their new neighborhood. Menu highlights include Lamb Sheppard’s Pie, Guinness (509) 624-3952 Stew, two distinctive Reuben sandwiches, hand-dipped to425 W. Sprague Ave. order Guinness-battered Fish SatelliteDiner.com and Chips, fresh crisp salads and a full array of delightfully Irish beverages. Cheers are in order for another new neighborhood hangout that is sure to be Colleen’s lucky star. 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Rock City Grill

Ever wonder what happens when you throw a Spanish major, a kitchen, Las Vegas and a bad gambling experience together? Rock City Grill. Jim Rhoades, a Spokane native, was a young college student back in the ’80s when he decided to take a summer job in Sin City. Thanks to that opportunity, Jim began to learn the ropes of the restaurant business. Combined with the motivation, determination and willingness to succeed, Jim found his way back to Spokane where he was hired at The Onion Bar and Grill as operations manager for seven years, continuing on to manage The Patsy Clark Mansion for another six years. It was during his time there that he decided the time had come for him to open his own restaurant. Rock City Grill was ahead of the times when it opened its doors in Spokane on October 19th, 1992, in the Fernwell Building on Riverside and Stevens. Spokane was not seen as a culinary destination at that time; it was very conservative when it came to food, a “steak-andpotatoes place.” But Jim, with help from his wife Rose, helped change all of that, paving the way for culinary enthusiasts down the road. After a quiet first week in business, the restaurant was soon bustling thanks to a great newspaper review. With wood-fired thin-crust pizzas (yup, they were here long before The Flying Goat and Fire) and an Italianinspired non-traditional menu, Rock City Grill was already making a name for itself. And then it hit, the winter of 1992-1993 and the snowstorm of the century, nearly silencing the restaurant for good, after only three months in business. But with a little financial help, the restaurant was able to make it through a tough time and work its way into becoming one of Spokane’s most popular restaurants, offering its own exciting signature dishes. 30

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In 2003, Jim made the decision to move his restaurant to River Park Square downtown, where it has continued to thrive for the past decade. Rock City Grill, after 21 years serving Spokane, has proven it can stand the test of time, and taste. The casual quirky restaurant’s everevolving menu is tailored to the tastes of the customers. It has nearly doubled in size over the past two decades, now offering 64 menu items which include pastas, pizzas, sandwiches, burgers, steaks and more. If you’re having a hard time choosing, Jim says their biggest selling item is the Thai Chicken and Shrimp Pizza. There are also great entrees like the Greek Chicken and the President’s Whiskey Steak, which Jim and Rose served to President George H. W. Bush when he visited Spokane in 1989. Throw in a Blue Martini and you’re set with some Rock City classics. Jim attributes the people—his staff and his guests—for the success of the restaurant, along with overall good business management over the years. Since Jim and Rose are both native Spokanites, they feel they understand local preferences and take pride in remembering their customers’ names, birthdays (509) 455-4400 and even golf handicaps. Jim is 808 W. Main Ave. in proud to be a part of the Spokane River Park Square community, standing alongside RockCityGrill.com locally owned, chef-owned, family owned restaurants, where the culinary scene and creativity only continues to grow and shine.

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories PHOTOS COURTESY OF ANTHONY'S

Anthony’s at Spokane Falls Fresh Seafood, Great View!

Located in the heart of Downtown Spokane, Anthony’s at Spokane Falls overlooks the Spokane River and the dramatic upper falls. The panoramic view of the cascading river gushing over the falls provides a beautiful backdrop for diners enjoying the freshest Northwest seafood, local produce and delicious wines and beers from nearby producers. The Anthony’s story can’t be told without focusing on fresh fish. Anthony’s opened their own seafood company in 1984 with the sole purpose of ensuring their guests only the highest quality seafood. Anthony’s Seafood buys direct from fishermen and other suppliers who practice the finest methods of handling fresh fish. Anthony’s serves only wild-caught salmon from Alaska and the West Coast. Halibut, ling cod and other fish and shellfish are also favorites with their customers. Anthony’s is a proud supporter of Washington beef, featuring premium beef from Double R Ranch. Family owned Double R Ranch shares Anthony’s strong commitment to quality and environmental stewardship. Steaks from the grill include Double R Ranch Signature Top Sirloin, Tenderloin Filet and Rib Eye Steak. Seasonal Surf and Turf selections are also popular. Just as Anthony’s knows where to find the best seafood and beef, they also have long-standing relationships with local farmers to provide

“Best of the Season” produce throughout the year. Whether it is fresh strawberries for shortcake, organic Washington peaches used in desserts and cocktails, or perfectly ripe tomatoes, Anthony’s works with suppliers throughout the Northwest to find the best for their customers. In addition, Anthony’s at Spokane Falls features wines from local wineries and popular microbrews from throughout the Northwest. Open for lunch and dinner daily, the restaurant offers outside dining on the deck with a panoramic view and private dining in their banquet room overlooking the falls for up to 50 people. Many customers take advantage of early dining with Anthony’s four-course Sunset Dinners offered until 6pm Monday through Friday. (509) 328-9009 The spectacular view of 510 N. Lincoln St. Spokane Falls brings customers Anthonys.com to Anthony’s, and the superb Northwest seafood, Washington beef and excellent service keep them coming back.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Europa Restaurant and Bakery

Europa first opened its doors back in 1982 just south of the intersection of First Avenue and Wall Street near the railroad bridge in Downtown Spokane. Since day one, Europa has been well received and a Spokane favorite, and after more than three decades in business—32 years to be exact—this beloved restaurant is still going strong. Just last year, the restaurant changed ownership; the first time in more than two decades. In February 2013, after running the restaurant successfully for 22 years, Janice and Dennis Maas said goodbye, handing over the keys and entrusting the restaurant’s future to a new husbandand-wife team, Jeff and Aja Engels. The restaurant has remained in experienced, capable, passionate hands and will continue to be the Europa Spokane has remained faithful to all of these years. Husband and wife are both seasoned restaurant veterans. Jeff started working in the kitchen at 15 years old and worked his way up to chef by age 22. Since moving to Spokane in 2006, he has worked for three different locally run businesses—Vin Rouge, SS Beryl and Europa— with his ultimate goal being that of learning how to run his own restaurant. Aja is a Spokane native who started working as a hostess at 16, working her way up to server and bartender. She was hired at Europa in 2009, followed by Jeff, who became the executive chef on


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February 1, 2012. And exactly one year later on February 1, 2013, Jeff and Aja officially bought Europa; a dream of theirs for many years. The couple agrees that they had never imagined that they would be fortunate enough to own a Spokane landmark like Europa. Aja grew up frequenting Europa and 20 years later, she is an owner! She and Jeff are excited to be able to reintroduce Europa to Spokane. Jeff and Aja have kept the restaurant much the same, having kept the entire staff, the cozy at-home atmosphere and much of the great classic menu items it has been known for over the years. Jeff is improving the menu, though, creating more dishes in house and keeping things fresh and exciting. (509) 455-4051 Aja and Jeff are not afraid to 125 S. Wall St. try new things! From fresh, new EuropaSpokane.com menu items to local wines, to offering brunch for the first time and monthly wine dinners, Europa is on the right path to continued success. Cheers to another 32 years!

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories


Churchill’s Steakhouse

Big-city fine dining with superior attention to detail and taste is what Churchill’s Steakhouse has become known and loved for. It has become a tradition among the locals for special dinners when the highest of whitetablecloth service is called for. Named for Sir Winston Churchill, a connoisseur of great food and drink, Churchill’s opened its luxurious dining space on Post Street in Downtown Spokane in 2008 offering prime cuisine. From day one, guests have been treated to the highest quality of service and rich quality products presented to its patrons. From the Mid-Western Prime Beef to the imported butter from Belgium, you can be assured that you are being treated to only the best of the best; the highest quality simple food done well. This has been their founding—and successful—principle from the start, and they haven’t varied from it. They have been named Best Steakhouse and Best Fine Dining in nearly every local readers’ poll. And Churchill’s isn’t just impressing Spokane food enthusiasts, but food aficionados across the country! Churchill’s received the honor of being named one of the Top 10 Steakhouses in America by Prime Time Top 10. The atmosphere and quality is considered Chicago style and equal in excellence to the food. The beautiful interior is adorned with rich mahogany, natural stone, detailed wood trim finish and lush leather. The bone china dinnerware and crystal stemware add an extra touch of elegance that is unequaled. All of this is topped off by the delightful tones of the piano that cascade from the lounge seven nights a week. If you’re in town for a night or if you’ve lived in Spokane for years,

Churchill’s should be your destination for a great meal, no matter what the occasion. Whether it’s your birthday or anniversary, if you have an important business dinner, if you are going to propose to that special someone, or if you just want to treat yourself because you deserve it, the staff specializes in serving it all. Locals often bring in family or friends from out of town to impress them and just show them Spokane’s culinary treat. The regulars come in because they know what to expect—the best—while newcomers are always pleasantly surprised and the staff often hears, “I can’t believe I haven’t been here!” And then … they keep coming back for more. For those who think Churchill’s is simply out of their league, too upscale or too expensive, they are absolutely wrong. Stop in for Wimpy Wednesdays, where they serve up USDA Prime Beef burgers in their lounge, accompanied with hand-cut fries for just $7. The burgers are exceptional! Get there early, as this is known to be a very popular week night to stop in the restaurant and (509) 474-9888 often times a standing room-only 165 S. Post St. affair. ChurchillsSteakhouse.com Guests also have the pleasure to dine privately. The elegant private dining room seats up to 30 guests— comfortably of course—or up to 60 for that reception-type occasion.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories


for Steaks and Chops

Since 1998, Spencer’s has been a staple of Spokane dining destinations for special occasions, travelers, friends and families alike. Located in the DoubleTree by Hilton Spokane City Center, Executive Chef Jeromy Farnsworth attributes its longevity to quality ingredients, consistency and passion. Spencer’s caters to Spokane as a traditional steak and potatoes town, so the kitchen staff focuses on using the best ingredients and cooking every dish to perfection. Priding itself as a prime steakhouse, Spencer’s also offers Kobe and natural beef options. “Buying finer and specialty ingredients is what sets us apart,” Chef Jeromy says. “We don’t get overly complicated. We take the time to consistently cook right, season well and let the food speak for itself.” The rock star of the restaurant is the 1600° infrared broiler. Used exclusively to cook steaks, the high heat chars the meat while sealing in juices. And it takes a lot of training to master the technique. “We’ve used the Vulcan broiler since we opened. Our experience with this cooking method is unmatched in Spokane,” he says. Ninety-five percent of menu items are made from scratch, and molecular gastronomy has put a twist on some traditional dishes. Customary mint jelly with lamb has been replaced by mint “caviar,” and shrimp cocktail is now served with tomato tartare. “It’s the same comfort food served differently to stay contemporary in the culinary world.”


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Family style side dishes are available a la carte. While not on the menu, Farnsworth says half orders can be requested by single diners or those who want a variety of choices to sample. And, he says, guests with food allergies, gluten intolerance or other special dietary needs should feel comfortable speaking up. “The sky’s the limit on what we can do. I’m passionate about helping create memories for our guests, and our staff has that passion, too. We’ll do whatever we can to accommodate.” Chef Jeromy adds creative flair with seasonal, fresh, local items. Fall and winter selections include a compressed spinach salad with warm bacon dressing and deep dish apple pie made with apples from Green Bluff. In the summer, he adds a berry spinach salad with tangerine vinaigrette and peach shortcake to (509) 744-2372 the menu. When visiting Spencer’s, 322 N. Spokane Falls Ct. always save room for the (Inside the DoubleTree by strawberry shortcake. Big enough Hilton Spokane City Center) to share, this old-fashioned biscuit SpencersforSteaks is sandwiched with a pint of fresh andChops.com strawberries and local vanilla bean ice cream from Mary Lou’s Milk Bottle.

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories


Downriver Grill

When people think Downriver Grill, they think elegant, relaxing atmosphere, great service, great food and a superb selection of local wine and beer. Now in their 11th year, Downriver’s longstanding reputation for outstanding food and service keep locals and travelers alike coming back for more. With a desire for revitalizing the Audubon Park neighborhood, Jonathan Sweatt and his family collaborated with local companies to build the restaurant in June of 2003. They researched fresh local produce for the menu, and hung local artwork on the walls. Jonathan was quick to recognize that Spokane was developing a new appreciation for fine wine and cuisine, and that the city was “growing up.” His creativity and innovative thinking with food and wine set the bar high in the beginning and continued to keep the Downriver Grill at the top year after year. In addition to the restaurant’s commitment to service, they strive to offer the best quality food for the value as well. With a focus on supporting the Spokane community, the menu offers local and seasonal specials, flavorful sauces from scratch, delicious sandwiches, the best in fresh seafood and steaks, and decadent house-made desserts. Guests can also choose from local microbrews, hand-crafted cocktails and the exquisite selection of local wines, including their own signature wine blend, DRG’s Relentless Red, made by Townshend Cellar. Chef Juli Norris became an owner of the Downriver Grill in 2011, bringing her catering and restaurant expertise to the team. This officially fused her and Jonathan’s full-service catering company, Simply Gourmet, with the restaurant. With the collaboration came more

opportunities for off-site weddings, wine dinners, parties and cooking classes. In 2012, the restaurant got a fresh new look with a re-model on the inside and exterior of the building, a new website and a new logo featuring a contemporary river design to represent their commitment to the Downriver Neighborhood and their style of modern-American cuisine. Soon after, they opened their doors every Saturday and Sunday morning for breakfast—something that this neighborhood has been asking for years. Their approach to breakfast was simple: use local and seasonal ingredients to create the best from-scratch traditional and creative menu options. The result? Delicious twists on traditional fare like Eggs Benedict and French Toast, and creative original dishes like the Greens, Egg and Ham, and the very popular McD.R.G, which boasts a savory corn soufflé “bun.” Even with recent updates, Downriver Grill honors its (509) 323-1600 regulars and its roots by keeping 3315 W. Northwest Blvd. several of their best-loved original DownriverGrillSpokane.com dishes on the menu. So whether you want to grab a quick lunch, enjoy a romantic dinner for two or a delicious weekend brunch, Downriver Grill has something in mind just for you. 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Robert Karl Cellars

Robert Karl Cellars is devoted to bringing the beautiful gift of wine from the earth to your table. From their early accolades and the plans they have followed from the beginning of their endeavor, the excellence of the wines is no accident. Winemakers/owners Joe and Rebecca Gunselman have a passion for winemaking and chose the Horse Heaven Hills American Viticultural Area to grow their grapes and their wine business. Joe was first inspired to be a winemaker while working toward his MBA while doing a marketing project for a family winery. He fell for the winery business right then and there. Joe and Rebecca started looking—in Joe’s usual scientific method—for the best place, where the very best grapes were coming from, and they found exactly that in Washington State, according to Rebecca. They believe that the terrior (soil and locale), the climate and the Columbia Valley’s angled slopes come together to create the most ideal growing conditions in the world. This is the place where the Gunselmans chose to live. Moving to Washington in 1998, they drove to different vineyard areas across the state, with the intention to start the family business that would carry on for generations. The name, Robert Karl, is a family name. Robert comes from Rebecca’s side of the family and Karl is from Joe’s. They searched for a place to live near where the grapes are grown but found that with Dr. Gunselman’s medical practice, Spokane was the place to be—and chose it. During their explorations they met Dick Beightol, owner of Phinny Hill and the viticulturist for their own eight acres of Gunselman Bench, planted in 2000. They met another grower, Rob Andrews, at McKinley Springs who 36

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planted blocks of Cabernet, Malbec and Petit Verdot. Although the Gunselmans do not own the dirt, each block of grapes is grown to Joe’s specifications. However, they defer to the owners’ and managers’ expertise—the growers decide when to do necessary things as they have their fingers on the pulse of the vineyard. Joe and Rebecca are committed and close to their vineyard managers and consider it a partnership. The Horse Heaven Hills AVA is considered one of the most prominent 6,000-plus acres to grow grapes in the entire Columbia Valley, and Joe believes that Horse Heaven Hills grows the best Cabernet in the world; the very best wines require the very best grapes. That’s why the pair is completely committed to the Horse Heaven Hills … committed to making the best. And although she does the marketing for the winery, Rebecca believes that the wine sells itself. Wine is their passion and their job. In doing it well they have a lifestyle they love. They (509) 363-1353 fly, travel to eat and drink and 115 W. Pacific Ave. share their wine with others. RobertKarl.com Robert Karl Cellars is the result of heavenly grapes meeting with science and a passion for winemaking.

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Dry Fly Distillery

Locally Made; Internationally Consumed

The story of Dry Fly Distillery is a bit of a fishing tale—with a twist—which is about all you’d want to add to their award-winning product. About 10 years ago, Kent Fleischmann and Don Poffenroth were out doing a little fishing and sipping on what was considered the world’s finest vodka when they wondered what happened to the spirit: When did it become a flavorless, odorless base for just cocktails? They refuse to disclose the brand that offended their palates, but they decided that liquor needed to be made better—so that’s what they did. Instead of lamenting the demise of vodka, they quit their corporate jobs and drafted a bill that would make distilling legal in Washington State. These maverick distillers have not only provided Spokane with a treasured local business, but the entire state with a new industry. When hatching their plan, they decided to do it right. They chose to be very inefficient and take no short cuts, which is generally the way of small distilleries. They use only locally grown ingredients including their wheat, which is provided by a 105-year-old homesteaded family farm in Rosalia, Wash. The boys at Dry Fly work hard to support the community that supports them. In doing so, they have created awardwining, memorable, world-class spirits and a heck of a fishing tale. As a result, the community is hooked. Their portfolio includes vodka, gin and limited-release small-batch whiskies, which are sold nationally.

In 2009, their vodka won The San Francisco International Spirits Competition. Our little Spokane distillery went to play with the big boys and brought home the big one! They competed against 200 other brands for the coveted title of the spirit industry. Stop by to see their impressive operation and be a part of the experience. It’s worth the visit. You can partake of their product in their tasting room and check out the gift shop to buy loot for your favorite fisherman. Drop by on Saturday early afternoon for the visual experience of community bottling. They are open daily for tours— unless they’ve gone fishing. Grab a bottle of Dry Fly, and remember, responsible drinkers support local distilleries! Get in (509) 489-2112 there and taste the difference—but 1003 E. Trent Ave. don’t bother if you’re in possession DryFlyDistilling.com of a sissy palate interested in coloring up your liquor with a lot of fluff—Dry Fly stands on its own.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories THE LINDA


Lindaman’s Gourmet To Go

Lindaman’s Gourmet To Go opened its doors in Spokane’s South Hill neighborhood 30 years ago, bringing a casual, convivial, European atmosphere to the area, and offering its patrons comforting food made from scratch, love and true passion. Owner Merrilee Lindaman is passionate about food. She grew up in a home where food was an important part of her family, with a house full of people, meals made from scratch and homemade pies served after dinner. That is what inspired Merrilee to open Lindaman’s all those years ago; she wanted to create a local gathering place where her food could be enjoyed by many in a family friendly atmosphere. Cooking is what she loved, and she decided that was what she wanted to do for her life. Meals are created using the best ingredients, along with a commitment to providing guests more than just food, but a community in which they can enjoy a meal together. Because of this, Lindaman’s has a faithful clientele; customers who return often and who are familiar with the staff and each other. Merrilee has said cooking for her restaurant guests is more like cooking for friends. The love Merrilee brings to the kitchen is seen in each dish prepared and served at Lindaman’s. 38

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Menu items revolve around consistent ingredients, such as fresh fish cakes, enchiladas, pot pies, salads, desserts and casseroles. The pot pie is one of their rock star favorites, and to date they have sold a whopping 80,000 plus! Merrilee has introduced more than 500 recipes since opening in 1984. Vegetarian and gluten-friendly variations are available as well. Food items may be eaten at the restaurant or taken to go. Besides its delicious food, Lindaman’s is known for its deliciously decadent Italian-inspired caffe corretto; an espresso with one or more liqueurs, spices or chocolate, and in some, cream. You will also find artisan cocktails, beer and wine. After 30 years, Lindaman’s is as popular a gathering place as ever (509) 489-2112 and has become a familiar part of 1235 S. Grand Blvd. the landscape in the community that Lindamans.com has embraced it since the beginning. Memories have been being made at Lindaman’s for three decades, and there are many more that have yet to be made.

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories


Ferrante’s Marketplace Café

What a difference a café makes! This welcoming and charming Italian restaurant and marketplace has transformed a spot in a strip mall that was a vacuum cleaner store and a Sun Rental into an essential food and shopping stop for the neighbors. Owners Tony and Robbie Ferrante are not only bringing fresh Italian food to Spokane, but the Italian culture as well. Step into Ferrante’s Marketplace Café and you’ll enter a world of Italian aromas, tastes, ambiance, warmth and most importantly … connection to family! Ferrante’s is the entire experience; not only is there authentic delicious Italian cuisine featuring Tony’s 100-yearold family recipes that truly separates them from the rest of the competition, but the one-of-a-kind marketplace and all its unique offerings. Guests can enjoy a glass of wine while they shop for jewelry, enjoy a gelato on site or to go, or purchase family style dishes and take them to the lake. Ferrante’s has enjoyed a rousing success in the 10 years they have been open on Spokane’s South Hill and have earned the reputation of being a gathering place for family, friends and the neighbors. People come together here to enjoy delicious food and each other’s company; a very personal experience. They keep things casual here; guests order at the counter and pick up their order from the kitchen window. Making

this connection, meeting the person who cooks their food, completes the circle of family belonging. Their pizza has been enticing guests since the restaurant first opened its doors, but there are other items not to be missed. The peas and bacon is one of Ferrante’s best-selling dishes. Calzones are another favorite. And what Italian meal is complete without gelato? The menu now offers more than 25 items and is continuously evolving. Community is important to the Ferrante family and their business, and to show their support for those who support them, they support various local causes: Providence Children’s Hospital, Boys and Girls Club Reach for the Future, and the Senior All-Nighter fundraisers for Ferris and Lewis Clark High Schools. They are also involved with Feed Spokane, the Tony Marie Foundation, and Ronald McDonald House Charities of (509) 443-6304 Spokane. 4516 S. Regal St. Ferrante’s has become a staple in the community over the DoItalian.com past decade, and it is sure to be serving up its fine Italian fare and hospitality for years to come.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories


There are few restaurants that absolutely everyone knows about in Spokane, and Luna is one of them. In a quaint neighborhood on Spokane’s South Hill, at 57th and Perry, you will find one of the most distinguished tastes of Spokane in a bustling romantic restaurant. You won’t find a finer collection of wines anywhere in town, and the cuisine has a reputation for being presented by chefs interested in showing Spokane a new delightful dish they couldn’t have otherwise imagined. Luna has been the starting ground, training wheels if you may, for many or our area’s chef-owned restaurants and as a beloved inspiration for many local one-of-a-kind restaurants in the Spokane area. With an obvious passion for food and a flair for preparing it, owner Marcia Bond shares her love of fine cuisine and fine wine with husband William. Luna is a warm and welcoming family restaurant and one of the very first to bring bistro-style dining to Spokane. And William’s knowledge of wine seems to know no bounds as he has amassed one of the largest and most revered wine cellars in Spokane. Luna is highly regarded as a badge of honor in Spokane’s restaurant scene. Marcia has been instrumental in setting a high standard for fine cuisine expertly served in a fine environment; yet Luna feels as welcoming as home. Long before it became a popular trend, Marcia had a passion for working with local food producers. Luna was one of the first to incorporate local farm food into the menu. They do their best to be flexible and are seriously committed to using fresh, seasonal, local,


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organic and sustainable whenever possible. Marcia feels that it is important to be connected to her community, and her relationship with local growers is an important element to feeding their customers well. And, with the desire to have local in-house breads, she created Bouzies Bakery, which supplies their artisan fresh baked goods, as well as to a few other local restaurants. Just walking in the door, one can tell that the staff focuses on welcoming the guests and providing a pleasing atmosphere you just want to absorb for a while. Marcia attributes their 20 years of success to the love of her guests and staff. “It is about making people happy, the commitment to excellence and the desire to bring joy. Eating out can be so joyful!” she says. “The very essence of our 20 years is that we have really loved this Luna family and our guests.” Luna is a Spokane gem that (509) 448-9765 may be just a little out of the way 5620 S. Perry St. but, as one of the most successful LunaSpokane.com restaurants in Spokane, remains a local favorite and one of those not to be missed on the visitor’s agenda.

Celebrating Spokane Success Stories


A tiny café tucked into a quiet neighborhood, Gordy’s on the South Hill is off the beaten path for many. But those who know this hidden gem make the trek regularly, savoring favorite dishes and introducing them to friends. Gordon and Jaymie Crafts are the husband-wife proprietor team, serving their ever-growing fan base for more than 17 years. Gordy’s is even well known among restaurant insiders. When we routinely published a feature on where chefs eat, Gordy’s received highly valuable recommendations—the most mentions of mouthwatering reasons to dine there from the pros themselves. From the start, they wanted to be a mom-and-pop operation. They sought out a previous restaurant location that had been abandoned so they could get the liquor license attached to it. They found a 50-seater that would require only a simple plan to open—and have been there ever since. This year the Crafts celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, and when it comes to being a husband-and-wife operation, Jaymie says, “There’s a reason mom and pops work so well. They are pulling for each other, and together, with the same goals, more than any other kind of partnership. It’s good to have equal need to succeed. When you’re at home, there are no secrets; you share the work environment, and work ethic is going the same direction, just like a good marriage.” She says their biggest changes in 17 years have involved social media. She feels, despite content that can sometimes be out-of-control, theirs has been favorable and has accomplished the goal of reaching more visitors. “It has been a huge boon to us. People are using their

phones, finding us and it has really helped get new people to our door, especially in summer.” The cuisine is truly among the most authentic classic Chinese dishes served anywhere in the Spokane area. The feedback we hear at the Sizzle is that it’s the best anywhere. It’s Sichuan, but not all the dishes are spicy. Some of their most requested dishes are Gan Pung chicken, lemon chicken, Mongolian beef and coconut curry tofu. Don't overlook the Dan Dan noodles, Gan Shao scallops, Sha Cha green beans or Kung Pao salmon—just to name a few. The staff understands the food and is keen to the customers’ desires. “This is not like ordering a pizza. It’s more about everyone really knowing the cuisine,” says Jaymie. Flavor is the mode of preparation here; getting the flavors that suit the ingredients best, from mild to hot, including vegetarian items. You can’t just order by the number of stars at Gordy’s. Eating at Gordy’s is like sitting down at the table at a friend’s (509) 747-1170 house. They support and hang local artists’ works on the walls on E. 501 30th Ave. a monthly rotation. They welcome (Behind Slick Rock Burrito) all, prepare with care, serve with smiles and give diners a welcoming dine-in-our-house experience. And in this little slice of culinary heaven, they make it look easy. 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

MAX at Mirabeau

Max at Mirabeau really does have something for everyone. Centrally located between Downtown Spokane and Coeur d’Alene, the award-winning restaurant is welcoming for a special night out, family meals, business travelers or locals watching a ball game. In the hospitality industry since he was 12, General Manager Andy Rooney has experience reviving old concepts and bringing new energy to run-down restaurants. He came to Spokane in 2003 and turned the Mirabeau into a viable business in the Valley. “I’m proud that we took this hotel and restaurant that were in need of love and care and transformed them back to life,” he says. Starting with the meat-and-potatoes palate of Spokane, regular menu choices include burgers, filet and lobster, and everything in between. Specialties include a New York peppercorn steak with huckleberry herb butter, seabass and prawns Napoleon, and a cinnamon-fried banana sundae for dessert. Influenced by different parts of the country, chefs are constantly evolving other dishes. Open late seven days a week, they serve the entire extensive menu from open until close. And with two Happy Hours daily, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to close, it offers drink specials and 20 different appetizers for half price. Rooney works hard to support other area businesses. The Mirabeau is the host hotel of the Spokane Indians baseball team and the Spokane Shock arena football team, so Max serves burgers honoring each. On the first Wednesday of each month, the public is invited to view local 42

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art and to taste local wines for free. And Max stocks as many regional beverages as possible. River City Brewing recently crafted a specialty beer, and Merry Cellars and Townshend Cellar have both created wines exclusively for the restaurant. The wine alone is reason to put Max on your must-visit list. The restaurant won Wine Spectator Awards of Excellence in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. As Washington Restaurant Association’s Fine Dining Restaurant of the Year 2014, Max sets itself apart as a standout among peers in the industry. It was also the winner of our Sizzle Fork-in-Cork Award as the place for The Power Lunch for Making Deals in 2006, 2008 and 2009, for A Cocktail and a Bite to Eat 2010 and Favorite Wine List 2014. “They say if a restaurant can make it five years, it can make it forever,” says Andy. “Max has been going strong for almost (509) 924-9000 10 years. We offer a consistent 1100 N. Sullivan Road product, prepared and served by MAXatMirabeau.com passionate people. Everyone on our team is excited about being here and giving our guests an exceptional dining experience they don’t get at home.”


Latah Creek Wine Cellars

The Conway’s first day in Washington was definitely one that will never be forgotten. The date was May 18, 1980, and Mount St. Helen’s ash was raining down across Eastern Washington. The couple spent their first week in a motel in Pasco, waiting for the roads going north to open up; most definitely a grand welcome. Mike’s experience in the wine business began in California back in the early 1970s while working for wine giants E&J Gallo and Franzia Brothers. And it was during his time as assistant winemaker at Parducci that he learned the skills needed to venture northward with Ellena to this relatively new wine region of Washington. It was obvious to them early on that they had made the right decision. A “Best of Show” in his first wine competition, along with many other accolades, confirmed it. Wines produced at Latah Creek were instantly hailed as some of the best in Washington State and started the Conways off on their now three-decade journey. Latah Creek’s light and fruity whites are unmatched in the state and are a result of the slow, cold fermentation process learned at Parducci. Additionally, their red wines garnered three Wine Spectator Magazine TOP 100 Wines of the Year and their recommendation as one of the top producers of Merlot in the state. Fast forward 31 years to today and Latah Creek continues to be a family run winery, especially now with daughter Natalie joining the team. Though she was unaware of it at the time, Natalie’s parents have

been grooming her to be a part of the winery her entire childhood. Time at the dinner table meant talking about food flavors and smells. This laid the groundwork for the talented winemaking skills she now shares at Latah Creek. From the beginning, Latah Creek’s aim has been to create wines that reflect the grapes from which they came. And they have stayed true to this vision, using only exceptional fruit sourced from the best growing regions in Washington, assuring a unique experience with each and every bottle. Their award-winning affordable wines, ones that can be enjoyed every day, are what set Latah Creek apart. Latah Creek Wine Cellars is truly a pioneer in Washington State’s wine industry. And today, with more than 700 wineries in (509) 926-0164 Washington, only a handful can 13030 E. Indiana Ave. boast beginnings back to the early LatahCreek.com 1980s when there were only 18. Explore a Washington original in the Latah Creek tasting room daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


Celebrating Spokane Success Stories

Townshend Cellar Winery

Looking back through the years, a few wines and some wonderful local supporters helped Townshend Cellar grow to become the premier wine producer in the Spokane area. In 1987, Don Townshend moved to Green Bluff, a very special agricultural area north of Spokane flourishing with family farms growing cherries, apples, apricots, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, pears, other produce and Christmas trees. Green Bluff has always had a spirit of farm enjoyment and adventure, with a full calendar of events that Inland Northwest fans flock to attend throughout the various harvest seasons. By 1990, Don was toying with the idea of joining in the fun and opening a garage-type business using these local fruits, but making wine out of pure fruit wasn’t as easy as it first seemed. After analyzing the situation, it became very apparent that even though he could make good fruit wine, it wasn’t likely to become a booming business. Fast forward to 1995 when Don made a barrel of Merlot and a barrel of Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Don enjoyed his first batches of wine so much that he filled out the paperwork and started Townshend Cellar winery in 1998. Townshend Cellar burst onto the winemaking scene, bottling the production of his first Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The winery officially began selling to the public with his first release of a 1998 Cabernet Sauvignon and 1998 Merlot, along with a 2000 Chardonnay and a Huckleberry Port in 2001. Townshend Cellar has appreciated the support of the local fans who later embraced his wildly popular T3, Vortex and Red Table Wine, and other favorite wines as well. Townshend wine lovers have spread the word not only by putting it on their tables at home, but by introducing it to friends and family and requesting Townshend wines at local restaurants and retail locations. 44

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Townshend started the winery not only to be able to do the work he loves, but to create a business that would include his sons, Michael and Brendon, with hopes they would grow to love the wine business and take the helm someday. And he has. “So far, it is working out well. Brendon started working for Townshend after graduating from Cal Poly. He also was hired by the Air National Guard and is currently at flight training learning to fly refueling tankers,” says Don. “He will be stationed in Spokane after his training is complete and will return to full-time work at the winery. Michael, who graduated from Montana State University in December, has taken over for his brother while he is in flight school. They have both done a great job at the winery, and it’s fun to have them involved.” Townshend Cellar has grown from producing only four wines to an array of close to 30, and case production from 500 to about 18,000 cases annually. He credits Jill Rider, who manages the tasting room, marketing and just about everything else, with much of the successful (509) 238-1400 growth of the winery. “It has been 8022 E. Greenbluff Rd. great having Jill working for us at the TownshendCellar.com winery,” Don says. Due to a recent move, fans can enjoy the new Townshend tasting room and farm by driving just a little further up the hill.

Gotta find our Spokane Sizzle

Fork-in-Cork Award Winners!

Just where are the local favorites? The neighborhood hangouts? Who is creating that buzz and getting enough attention to motivate our readers to go online and vote? Look no further. You will find them here! Our unique Fork-in-Cork Award recognizes the special talents of the brightest shining stars of the culinary world right here in Spokane. These award winners present to you fine cuisine, great places to take the kids, the hot spot to make that great business deal, the ideal setting to meet a friend for lunch and so much more! Step up to the plate, pull up a chair and tip the glass; you will find a tasty destination sure to please. Cheers to a great dining— and drinking—experience. We’re sure you will find one of your favorites here, or maybe a new place to try.


For a Cozy Romantic Dinner for Two

Power Lunch for Making Deals

For the Love of Food ... A Chef with Style

Honorable mentions: Chaps, Churchill’s, Clinkerdagger, Downriver Grill, Europa, Italia, Luna, Milfords, Mizuna, Wild Sage

Honorable mentions: Anthony’s, Chaps, Clinkerdagger, Downriver Grill, The Elk, MAX at Mirabeau, The Onion, Post Street Ale House, Rock City Grill, Safari Room, Santé

Honorable mentions: Alison Collins of Boots, Brian Hutchins of Clover, Gordon Crafts of Gordy’s Sichuan, Jeremy Hansen of Santé

Santé Restaurant and Charcuterie Downtown: 404 W. Main. Ave. 315-4613

Enjoyable for the Entire Family

Chaps Diner & Cake Bakery West Side: 4237 Cheney-Spokane Rd. 624-4182 Honorable mentions: Casper Fry, Cottage Café, Europa, The Flying Goat, Frank’s Diner, The Onion, Rock City Grill, Tomato Street

Coffee Shop that Soothes the Jitters Coeur Coffeehouse North Side: 701 N. Monroe St. 703-7794

Honorable mentions: Atticus, Boots, Brews Bros., Cannon Coffee, Chairs, Lux, Revel 77, Rocket Bakery, Rockwood Bakery, The Shop

Party Place Food or Not

Zola Downtown: 22 W. Main Ave. 624-2416 Honorable mentions: Bistango, The Elk, Irv's, Manito Tap House, The Onion, Post Street Ale House, Press, Rain Lounge, Safari Room, Saranac

Meet-a-Friend-for-Lunch Place

Palm Court Grill at The Davenport Hotel Downtown: 10 S. Post St. 455-8888

Favorite Wine List

MAX at Mirabeau Spokane Valley: 1100 N. Sullivan 924-9000 Honorable mentions: Churchill’s, Downriver Grill, Left Bank Wine Bar, Latah Bistro, Luna, Masselow’s at Northern Quest, Santé, Spencer’s, Wild Sage

Martini Bar that Shakes it Up!

Bon Bon at the Garland Theater North Side: 924 W. Garland Ave. 327-1050 Honorable mentions: Bistango, Butcher Bar, Clover, MAX at Mirabeau, Rain Lounge, Twigs

For a Cocktail and a Bite to Eat

Wild Sage Downtown: 916 W 2nd Ave. 456-7575 Honorable mentions: Boots, Butcher Bar, Casper Fry, Central Food, Clinkerdagger, Downriver Grill, Lindaman’s, Rain Lounge, Twigs, Zola

Adam Hegsted of Yards Bruncheon and The Wandering Table in Kendall Yards North Side: 1242 W. Summit Parkway

When Nothing but a Place with a View Will Do!

Anthony’s at Spokane Falls Downtown: 510 N. Lincoln St. 328-9009 Honorable mentions: Central Food, Clinkerdagger, Klinks on Williams Lake

Diner Worth its Salt!

Frank's Diners North Side: 10929 N. Newport Hwy. 465-2464 Downtown: 1516 W. 2nd Ave. 747-8798 Honorable mentions: Chaps, Cottage Café, Dolly’s Café, Ferguson’s, Hogan’s, Knights Diner, Satellite Diner

The BEST Pizza!

The Flying Goat North Side: 3318 W. Northwest Blvd. 327-8277 Honorable mentions: Benneditos, Ferrante’s, Fire, MacKenzie River, Veraci

Finest Pub Food and Brews

The Must-Try New Place on the Block

Honorable mentions: The Elk, Flying Goat, Post Street Ale House, Waddell’s Pub and Grille, Zola

Honorable mentions: Butcher Bar, Knockaderry, Yards Bruncheon

For the Best Sandwich Anywhere!

Alive at 5! Fun Happy Hour

Congratulations to the 2014 Spokane Sizzle Fork-in-Cork Award Winners!

Honorable mentions: Caruso’s, Casper Fry, Central Food, Domini’s, The Elk, Main Market, Sandwich Gardens, Stella’s Café

Honorable mentions: Clinkerdagger, The Elk, Neato Burrito, The Onion, The Peacock Room, Rain Lounge, Zola

Lindaman's Gourmet To Go & Bistro South Hill: 1235 S. Grand Blvd. 838-3000 Honorable mentions: Ambrosia, Casper Fry, Chaps, Davenport Restaurants, Downriver Grill, The Elk, Madeleine's, Mizuna, The Onion Madeleine's Café & Pâtisserie Downtown: 707 W. Main Ave. 624-2253

Manito Tap House South Hill: 3011 S. Grand Blvd. 279-2671

Safari Room at The Davenport Hotel Tower Downtown: 111 S. Post St. 789-6800

The Wandering Table North Side: 1242 W. Summit Pkwy.

VOTE for YOUR Spokane favorites! Visit our website @ SpokaneSizzle.com 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com





It’s really a buzz word these days: "Buy Local" but, here in the Spokane Sizzle, we have been telling you since the start. We love to show you the way to local favorite restaurants, wines, brews and food shops that are owned and operated by people who live in our neighborhoods. It's what we do. More than ever, people want to make more conscious decisions about the products they eat, and shopping for locally produced foods is so much closer to home … and the heart. Here are just a few local foods you’ll want to seek out and try because they are world-class tasty.


Tom and Julie Purdum purchased Brain Freeze in 2010, and started producing a line of gourmet ice creams. They enlisted their son Nathan to begin making the ice cream and now have a growing, thriving family run ice-cream business with exciting news; they are opening a new store in the Kendall Yards Neighborhood, offering 24 varieties of ice cream, (their best-selling is salted caramel) including a few vegan versions and a variety of changing signature flavors such as avocado, mango habanero, and maple bacon. They also serve coffee and sandwiches. And, as a natural expansion on gourmet ice-cream products comes a plan to make their own gelatos as well. Gelato flavors include chocolate hazelnut and salted caramel. What makes Brain Freeze Ice Cream stand apart from other ice creams is the quality of ingredients and the butter-fat content. Tom says that typically most premium ice creams are around 46

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16-percent butter fat, but theirs is 19-percent butter fat. That makes it what he likes to call "super-duper premium" ice cream. "Our ice cream is richer, denser, creamier and smoother than most, and,” Tom jokes, "it's like silk sheets for your tongue." Tom makes an effort to source ingredients locally whenever possible, and during the summer months, buys fresh local Green Bluff peaches and apple butter, and local huckleberries for their seasonal ice cream flavors. One of their more unusual flavors features Palouse Red Lentils, called Palouse Crunch, made with local red lentils, cinnamon almonds with a honey cinnamon ice cream. You can purchase Brain Freeze Ice Cream at The Scoop and The Shop in Spokane, as well as from area restaurants: Chaps and the Saranac Tap House.


Brush Creek Creamery’s Jersey cows are treated very well. They are raised naturally in rotating pastures and fed during winter months with hay from their property and locally acquired alfalfa. Calves stay with their mothers for as long as it takes to reduce separation stress, and no hormones, chemical pesticides or fertilizers are used. You can trust their raw unpasteurized milk and artisan products and the processing because they care. And it shows. Located in Deary, Idaho, they create their artisan cheeses without artificial coloring or preservatives. It makes for a delicious difference. Their bestselling Labneh (Mediterranean soft cheese) is made with yogurt that is made from their pasteurized cows’ milk, made into balls


and spiced with fresh garlic, parsley and salt, preserved in jars of olive oil with peppercorns and fresh herbs and spices. The creamy texture and tangy flavor of their popular Orchard Blue Cheese is like no other you have tasted; the result of dipping the raw cow milk cheese wheels in apple cider for three days. Other cheeses include Marinated Feta, Camembert and Aged Cheddar. Cheese products are available at Pilgrim’s Market in Coeur d’Alene, local restaurants, the Moscow Food Coop and the Moscow Farmers’ Market; raw Jersey milk is sold at the Farmers’ Market only. Inquire to find out more @BrushCreekCreamery.com


Cowgirl Chocolates was founded in 1997 in Moscow, Idaho, by “Head Cowgirl” Marilyn Lysohir. Marilyn's two favorite things in the world are art and chocolate. One of her first jobs was working in a chocolate factory in Pennsylvania. Marilyn mingled some favorite memories with some new ideas to create an American original, Cowgirl Chocolates ... chocolates with a spicy cowgirl kick. She began combining good-quality chocolate with spices to create her signature flavors, and to her surprise the chocolate truffles began to win awards in national competitions. Soon she was featured on the Food Network, CNBC and national publications. CNBC’s “On the Money” was quoted: “Cowgirl Chocolates, one of the hottest entries in the billion dollar-plus premium chocolate category.” This recognition kick-started the company’s visibility, and the team began shipping even more chocolates both domestically and internationally. In 2005, Cowgirl Chocolates opened a store in Moscow, Idaho. Marilyn is excited about the future of her company, stating: "Keep an eye on us for an exciting new product coming out this year." Cowgirl Chocolates is open Monday through Saturday offering the famous spicy and mild truffles, candy bars, high-cocoa organic chocolate daisies, caramels, brittles, cocoa, special gift baskets, art and more. Find the chocolates in Spokane at Huckleberry’s or online @ CowgirlChocolates.com

Located in Mead, Wash., Fletchers Sauce Co. makes Gourmet Hot Sauce, BBQ Sauce and Spice Rubs, but their No. 1 best seller is their Gourmet Hot Sauce. Jeff Panagos, along with his two partners, purchased Fletchers in 2011 starting off with just BBQ Sauce. One year later they added their own Gourmet Hot Sauce, and it took off immediately. Jeff attributes their tremendous success to the sauce’s robust flavors. "It's not your standard or typical hot sauce in that it's really flavorful but not overwhelmingly hot. We want it to enhance food rather than overpower it with heat." Instead of being vinegar based, it has a chili pepper base with a unique blend of spices that sets it apart. Local area chefs use it to give recipes a burst of flavor. You can find it as a condiment at many local restaurants and bars. “It’s great in a Bloody Mary, as well as on pizza," says Jeff, "and currently it's the hot sauce being served at the Seattle Space Needle Restaurant." Jeff is currently working on another new version of their hot sauce. Fletchers Gourmet Hot Sauce and BBQ Sauce can be found for retail purchase at Yokes, Super 1 Foods, Tim’s Special Cut Meats and Eggers Meats or online @ FletchersSauceCo.com


Fresh Nature Foods are local innovators and pioneers in the green garbanzo bean arena. They fully utilize sustainable agricultural practices to grow and harvest their fresh-picked green garbanzo beans. This family farm has been in operation in the fertile rolling hills of the Palouse for more than 30 years. They are the first in North America to offer fresh-picked green garbanzo beans on a year-round basis. In the early 2000s, they developed a unique idea to harvest garbanzo beans early, in their fresh, live "green" state before the healthy natural sugars dry and turn to starch. Fresh picked green garbanzo beans are simply baby garbanzo beans (also known as chickpeas) that are harvested while still in this fresh live state and at their peak of nutrition and flavor. At this stage of growth garbanzo beans are highest in nutrients and protein and are extremely versatile for use in salads, soups, side dishes and for making a beautiful green hummus. Fresh Nature’s green garbanzos are non-GMO, gluten free, allergen free and a wonderful product of the Pacific Northwest. They can be found locally at Trader Joe’s and are available to wholesale accounts through Food Services of America. FreshNatureFoods.com

SAVORX SPICE & FLAVOR CO. - Spiceologist Block™

Chef Pete Taylor and food blogger Heather Scholten have created a solution for anyone who loves to spice up their cooking without ever opening the spice cabinet. They wanted a beautiful, yet handy to use spice dispenser. So, they commissioned a local wood artisan and after a few prototypes, they had it! The 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


SHOPPING FOR THE BEST Spiceologist Block™ holds 22 or 44 glass test tubes filled with fresh spices sealed with natural cork. Imagine making your favorite dish and reaching over, popping the cork and sprinkling on some fresh ground spice, without ever having to open the dreaded spice cabinet! Spiceologist Blocks™ can be found on their website where you can purchase it prefilled with spices, or you can choose from more than 100 fresh whole or ground spices, infused salts and blended spice rubs. Unleash your inner chemist with the Spiceologist Block™ @SavorX.com


Victor's Hummus is made with organic garbanzo beans right here in Spokane. His seven delicious flavor choices are: basil, jalapeno, sesame, lemon zest, toasted sesame, caramelized onion, roasted garlic and the dairy-free, low-fat Chocolate H’Mousse. Victor’s products have quickly zoomed to rank in the top of local foods lists, winning him a gold medal by the local Spokane CdA Living magazine for best local food product. All of Victor's varieties are organic and significantly lower in calories than his competitors. At Victor's restaurant, The Cafe MAC, located inside the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, he has created something exciting and fun. In celebration of the Museum's 100 year anniversary, Victor is offering 100 different flavors of his hummus over the course of the next two years. Find Victor’s Hummus locally at Yokes, Super 1 Foods and Rosauers Supermarkets, as well as many other independent specialty stores and online @VictorsHummus.com


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EVANS BROTHERS COFFEE ROASTERS RICK AND RANDY’S PASSION Passion! This trait is at the core of Evans Brothers Coffee, defining how brothers Rick and Randy approach coffee and life. They have always shared a passion for the outdoors, family and community, which led them to choose North Idaho as the ideal location to raise their young families. Their shared passion for excellent coffee, driven by Randy’s extensive roasting experience and Rick’s marketing expertise, led them to open Evans Brothers Coffee in 2009. Appropriately, the idea was first conceptualized while riding Schweitzer Mountain’s Chair 6. Their mission was to elevate the coffee culture in the region while supporting the local community and the global coffee communities from which the coffee is harvested. Rick, Randy and manager, Daniel Gunter, recently returned from a buying trip to Costa Rica and El Salvador. They spent time with the farmers, inspecting and selecting this season’s crop from the top-scoring micro-lots and mills. In speaking with the brothers, you can

feel the passion in which they discuss their relationships at origin and the responsibility they feel to represent these hardworking producers. Says Rick: “Working directly at origin is extremely rewarding, as you understand the incredible effort it takes to produce topquality coffee. Along with our importer partners, we can play a part in ensuring the farmer receives the financial benefit of their hard work, paying more for the best lots of coffee.” The hard work of the producers as well as the brothers has paid off. Evans Brothers Coffee has received national recognition such as a Gold Winner at 2013 Good Food Awards, Top 8 in America’s Best Espresso at CoffeeFest Seattle, and being featured at the foodiefamous James Beard House in NYC. Evans Brothers’ wholesale roasting business is growing as they continue to partner with the best cafés, restaurants and markets in the Inland Northwest. Spokane area partners include Main Market, Pilgrim’s Market, Boots Bakery, Little Garden Café, Santé Restaurant

and Stella’s. If you are in Sandpoint, you will find Evans Brothers to be a bustling roasting studio and urban rustic café in the Granary Arts District. The café features handcrafted coffees ‘dripped to order’ on the brew-bar and expertly crafted espresso drinks. The roastery is attached to the cafe, giving an authentic multi-sensory experience. Recently, Schweitzer Mountain Resort has chosen Evans Brothers to be their exclusive coffee roaster, giving the brothers a feeling of coming full circle since they first dared to dream of opening a roastery while on the slopes of their hometown mountain.

Find out about wholesale or other inquiries, call (208) 304-5665 or find online @ EvansBrothersCoffee.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com




WEST SIDE From Browne’s Addition to Airway Heights, Spokane’s West Side is home to the beautiful Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture (MAC), the Spokane International Airport and Fairchild Airforce Base in Airway Heights, and Eastern Washington University Campus in Cheney. In the 1970s and ’80s, Browne's Addition was considered less than desirable. Run-down houses with knee-high grass were a common sight; crime was rampant. When potential renters responded to an apartment ad and discovered its location, their response would be an automatic, “No thanks.” The neighborhood was known as Hippie Haven. Then, in the early ’80s, a group of optimistic neighbors began a branding campaign to put forth the neighborhood as historic—not just old. They came up with a logo and directed neighborhood funds received through a HUD grant to be spent on old-style street signs, historic plaques, a traffic turn-a-round and a replica gazebo in Coeur d’Alene Park. The branding campaign worked, and over the years, the perception of the neighborhood gradually changed. As the apartment occupancy rate increased, so did the revenue the building owners were willing to reinvest. Today, the upscale neighborhood is now full of classy, hip and high-end condos and refurbished stately homes. Take a stroll in Browne’s Addition to see how this magnificent area has once again come alive, allowing for growth of new businesses. This area is home to many historic homes to include the EJ Roberts Mansion, Patsy Clark’s Mansion, the Campbell House and the grand centerpiece of the neighborhood, the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture. The MAC is one of Spokane’s must-visit treasures featuring art, history and cultural exhibits along with family focused activities. The café at the MAC is provided by D’Zaar Cuisine and serves American and Middle Eastern lunches, along with delicious pastries. The corner of Cannon Street and West Pacific is home to the Elk Public House, the popular neighborhood pub for all ages, with El Que taco bar and tequila shack out back. The Elk presents a three-day outdoor music festival called ElkFest the first full weekend of June, filling the neighborhood with live music and merriment. The historic building on the corner is set to reopen as Browne's Tavern this summer. Italia Trattoria offers its eclectic Italian cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and just around the corner is Café Capri and the popular Pacific Avenue Pizza. Nearby Coeur d’Alene Park in Browne’s Addition is home to one


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of the largest annual art events in the area—Artfest, usually held the first weekend of June. This three-day event of art, art-making and performances by local musicians is fun for the entire family. South on Highway 395 to Pullman at Cheney-Spokane Road you will find the charming Chaps Café and Cake Bakery next to the Trading Company grocery store. Chaps is a cozy café in a beautifully restored farm house, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with the fresh baked cakes and pies that fly out the door. Also in this location is Latah Bistro, offering bistro fare with music and top-notch service. On Sunset Highway, State Route 2, the Rusty Moose Bar and Grill is near the Hilton Garden Inn. A little farther west to Hayford Road then north is the ever-entertaining Northern Quest Resort and Casino and its numerous variety of restaurants and bars. This is where you will find Masselow's, a four-diamond award-winning restaurant which also received the Washington Restaurant Association's Fine Dining award in 2013. The west plains area is where Airway Heights, Medical Lake and Four Lakes surround Fairchild Airforce Base. Klink’s on the Lake is at Williams Lake, a surprising upscale restaurant that is way out of the way but worth the trip when you want to take the time for a drive and a little conversation while in search of some great food. They are famous for their prime rib, along with their service. NORTHWEST MUSEUM OF ARTS AND CULTURE (MAC) AND THE CAFE MAC

WEST SIDE CAKE—the bakery at CHAPS 4237 S. Cheney-Spokane Rd. (509) 624 4182 Specialty Bakery & Desserts $-$$ The addition of CAKE to owner Celeste Shaw-Coulston’s awardwinning CHAPS Restaurant was a dream-come-true culmination of her dedication and vision to create the quintessential gathering place. Where people of all walks could gather to enjoy meeting and eating in a setting that conjured images of home; tantalized by the aromas and smells of baked goods and coffee wafting the air; freshly baked racks of French and European pastries and breads on display begging to be sampled; and counters and glass cases brimming with an irresistible enticement of cookies, cakes and pies serving as a visionary art fest making selection of ‘just one’ an impossible task. CAKE is a specialty bakery not to be missed! Hours are 7:30am-close Tues.-Sun, closed Mon. For more visit our website. ChapsGirl.com

Chaps Coffee Company 4237 S. Cheney-Spokane Rd. (509) 624-4182 American Cuisine & Coffeehouse $-$$$ One of the region’s most popular and successful full-service restaurants is a ‘must experience’ culinary delight. Conveniently located just minutes from Downtown Spokane in the Latah Shopping Plaza next to Trading Company grocery store, at the SR195 off-ramp Exit 279, you can’t miss or mistake that you’ve found CHAPS and the right place to be. Situated in a quaint 1917 farmhouse surrounded by gardens and outdoor patio seating; everything about it suggests “home” and a warm invitation to come inside and enjoy the best. Serving Breakfast 8am-11am Tues.-Thurs., 7:30am-3pm Fri.-Sat., 7:30am-2pm Sun.; Lunch 11am-3pm Tues.-Sun.; Dinner 4:30pmclose Wed.-Sat. Closed Mon. For sample menus visit our website. ChapsGirl.com

El Que 141 S. Cannon St. (509) 624-5412 Street-Taco Style $-$$ El Que, opened December 2009, is part of the Elk-Porch-Moon TimeTwo-Seven family of restaurants. El Que brings together traditional, house-made, South-of-the-Border favorites like chile rellenos, tamales and taco-truck style tacos with inventive cocktails and infused tequilas. Throw in some homemade hot sauces and mix together in a 35-seat space, and you have one of the coolest spots in Spokane for a margarita and some tacos. Open 4pm daily. WeDontHaveOne.com

Elk Public House 1931 W. Pacific Ave. (509) 363-1973 Pub & Grill $-$$ We’re Spokane’s not-so-secret neighborhood restaurant located in the heart of historic Browne’s Addition, featuring fresh salads, soups, sandwiches and pastas all made from scratch. Find a great selection of micro-brewed beers, wines by the glass and original cocktails served in a comfortable pub-style atmosphere. We also feature some of the region’s best outdoor seating. Open 11am daily. For menu, specials and more, visit our website. WeDontHaveOne.com

Italia Trattoria 144 S. Cannon St. (509) 459-6000 Italian $$-$$$ This chef- and manager-owned neighborhood Italian trattoria is committed to cooking genuine Italian food with the finest local produce and artisan products available from Italy and the Pacific Northwest. Whether you are in the mood for house-made pastas and desserts to unique grilled meats and fresh fish, we have it. We offer handcrafted martinis, barrel-aged cocktails, Italian and Northwest wines, and the best Roast House espresso in town. Please peruse our accolades in Yelp, Urbanspoon and TripAdvisor, and come dine with us. Serving brunch, lunch and dinner. ItaliaTrattoriaSpokane.com 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com



CHAPS & CAKE Chaps, a multiple award-winning restaurant since its opening in 2006, including the region’s coveted Top Table Award remains the quintessential restaurant for comfort food married to classical fare. Chaps, a celebrated breakfast and lunch favorite, is also a sophisticated dinner destination having received national notoriety from Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, and Guy Fieri who prominently continues to feature it on a regular basis on the Food Network. The immense popularity that Chaps has enjoyed from its earliest days led to the natural transition of creating and adding its highly touted and equally incredible dessert and pastry bakery called Cake. “It is my goal as owner of Chaps to conduct my restaurant business with a 52

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faithful adherence and assurance that what I am doing in our community matters somehow. I have carried with me a quote I found some time ago in a book of my grandmother, Selma. Clearly she copied it from somewhere, and the words have always so moved me. I have read it and carried it with me for years. I love to share it. ‘Service without ideal of self, trains you to transcend all the artificial distinctions imposed by history and geography and to realize that the human community is one and indivisible' (Sri Sathya Sai Baba). Remaining true to these words no matter what the circumstance within my business is the accomplishment for what I want Chaps to be known and for which I am, to date, most proud.” True to her vision, Celeste developed


Chaps by turning a two-story, turn-ofthe-century farm house into a one-ofa-kind, multifaceted, full-service, family oriented destination eatery specializing in comfort food, and mouth-watering baked goods and pastries. In addition to a superb array of food and drink selections including boundless barista offerings and a full bar, Chaps is a constantly changing showplace for art, antiques and furnishings unlike any other restaurant, while maintaining the flavor and charm of the original farmhouse. The ambiance greeting guests coupled with Chaps’ commitment to ensuring quality service, atmosphere and great dining fare guarantees a culinary experience second to none. Giving care and attention to each detail in serving its diners and guests is an inherent part of



Celeste’s philosophy and why Chaps is one of the areas most frequented restaurant destinations. A key component of Chaps’ success is its business philosophy that it remains comfortable and inviting to an array of customers and clientele including family friendly. That’s why you will see a toy-filled sandbox out front and coloring books and crayons readily available inside while at the same time, on any given day, groups of suited businessmen and women will be gathered conducting business over lunch and beverages of choice. The goal is to ensure that the people who visit Chaps take an instant liking to and foster a sense of ownership in the restaurant. People expect quality, friendliness, genuineness, honesty, respect and fairness in all their

daily dealings; Chaps is founded on the notion there can be no compromise on these life guidelines and convictions when folks come to visit. If you take care of the fundamental basics with people, people take care of you. Chaps is precisely about that—taking care of people.

(509) 624-4182 4237 S. CheneySpokane Rd. ChapsGirl.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com



THE ELK SAMPLE MENU Roasted Garlic and Onion Bread

French bread slices loaded with oven-roasted onion, garlic and butter, available with melted gorgonzola cheese for an extra cost

Southwestern Taco Salad

Romaine lettuce tossed with black beans, tortilla chips, red onions, fire roasted corn, Monterey jack cheese and our creamy BBQ/chipotle dressing

74th St. Gumbo


Chicken Caesar Soft Taco

Our own house-made dressing, made without raw eggs, tossed with crisp romaine lettuce, parmesan cheese and croutons

The Moon Burger

A six-ounce, lean, hand-formed patty, char-grilled and topped with melted cheddar and caramelized onions, served with mayo, lettuce and tomato on a toasted bun

Anasazi Bean Burger

These hearty beans provide the nutty flavor in our hand-made bean burger. It’s pan seared, topped with melted cheddar and served on a grilled bun with lettuce, mayo, red onion and tomato


Inspired by Seattle’s finest Ale House. Chicken, sausage, shrimp and vegetables in a traditional sauce served over rice. It’s hot!!! A tender grilled chicken breast tossed with romaine lettuce, fresh tomatoes and our famous Caesar dressing, stuffed into a warm flour tortilla and served with a creamy chipotle and roasted corn pasta salad

Kale Pesto Ravioli

Chicken, provolone and rosemary stuffed ravioli topped with our house-made kale pesto cream sauce, garnished with goat cheese and served with sliced French bread

French Dip Royale

Thinly sliced top sirloin piled high on a toasted French roll with caramelized onions, Swiss cheese and horseradish mayo, served with a side of Au Jus

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STUNNING INTERIORS TO ENJOY SIGNATURE DISHES AND HANDCRAFTED BEER There are three entities located within the award-winning, historically preserved Steam Plant: a restaurant, a pub and a brewing company. Stacks at Steam Plant serves up dishes worthy to compete with its intriguing interiors. With a fantastic internal view of catwalks, pipes, fascinating steam plant control panels and access to the interior of one of the 225-foot smokestacks, dining at Stacks is anything but boring. Named for the twin smokestacks that have been a part of the Downtown Spokane skyline for nearly a century, Stacks offers a fullservice dining experience in a one-of-akind space. Unique private dining spaces include boiler rooms where the original pipes still line the walls and ceiling. Signature dishes are created from scratch and incorporate ingredients produced only at the Steam Plant including smoked meats, fish and vegetables, and many of the Steam Plant ales brewed on site.

The restaurant sources many ingredients locally—including herbs from the chef ’s own garden—and maintains relationships with farmers and ranchers throughout the region. Appetizers range from steamed shellfish to smoked steelhead to Coal Bunker cheese bread. Fresh soups and salads are on the menu; try their signature beer cheese soup and the restaurant’s very own Marguerite salad with fresh mozzarella cheese, Roma tomatoes and fresh basil placed on a bed of romaine hearts and laced with a honey and lemon vinaigrette. Be sure to leave room for the incredible array of entrees, such as the black and bleu sirloin, chicken al fresco, smoked salmon pasta, pork osso bucco, Columbia River steelhead, fish and chips made with Scottish Ale tempura, and so much more! Steam Plant Brewing Co. produces more than 10 handcrafted microbrews on

site—including seasonal varieties—under the Steam Plant label. The casual Steam Plant Pub features flat-screen TVs, game room and an incredible early and late Happy Hour serving pub fare with a twist. Several areas are perfect to hold a very memorable special event. Steam Plant Commons is located at the base of the west smokestack and features a fountain made of original pipes. There are also several unique private dining spaces carved out of the original boilers—all of which can be reserved for private events. And if you have something bigger in mind, they’ll even rent the whole facility out to you … imagine the possibilities! Be a part of Spokane history while enjoying fabulous food and brews at the locally owned Steam Plant. 159 S. Lincoln St. (509) 777-3900 SteamPlantSpokane.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com





DOWNTOWN A full array of restaurants coupled with an exquisite selection of late-night hangouts and hip, happening music and theatre venues make downtown a unique destination for those looking to have some fun at any age.

The Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox continues to play its role in keeping the downtown streets buzzing. Nearby, Scratch Restaurant, Rain Lounge, Luxe Coffee House, and The District Bar have been busy spots for theatre and concertvenue patrons. Within walking distance are the historic Davenport Hotel restaurants: Palm Court Grill and Peacock Room Lounge, the Davenport Tower's Safari Room, and the Post Street Ale House at the Hotel Lusso, along with nearby Madeleine’s, Fire, Agave, Stacks at Steam Plant, Steam Plant Brewing Co. and Wild Sage American Bistro—just to name a few. Spokane has become a great destination for musicians and performers in the last decade, and with all the fantastic music venues the city has to offer, it’s no wonder. The Bing Crosby Theater, Interplayers Professional Theatre, The Knitting Factory, The INB Performing Arts Center and Spokane Civic Theatre prove there is no shortage of venues for live entertainment to experience downtown. Of course, no downtown experience would be complete without a little food with some wine or a brew to match. The variety of downtown restaurants provides whatever suits your taste, from pizza and kid friendly to the most elegant


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fine dining available in the area. Standing the test of time are the long-time reliable The Onion Bar and Grill, which is celebrating its 36th anniversay this year, Frank’s Diner, Suki Yaki Inn, The Italian Kitchen, Luigi’s, Europa Restaurant and Bakery, The Old Spaghetti Factory, Rock City Grill and the Steam Plant restaurants; all very popular spots for an enjoyable family experience. Fine-dining options for that date night with someone special or a cherished event on the calendar, the list includes Santé Restaurant and Charcuterie, Madeleine’s Café and Pâtisserie, Spencer’s, Hills’ Restaurant and Lounge, Mizuna, Scratch and Wild Sage American Bistro. Overlooking the Spokane River, which meanders through Downtown Spokane, enjoy the finest views of the falls with some of the finest cuisine and service to be found in Spokane at Clinkerdagger and Anthony’s at Spokane Falls, both just north of the river. Gibliano Brothers Dueling Piano Bar is the only dueling piano bar in Spokane and offers late-night entertainment six days a week! And right next door is the delicious and healthy Method Organic Juice Café. The lunch and coffee café scene includes the ever-popular Domini’s Sandwiches, Neato Burrito, Chicken and More, Soulful Soups, Stella’s, Brooklyn Deli, Brews Bros. Espresso Lounge, Atticus Coffee House, Boots Bakery, Taste Café and Madeleine’s Café and Pâtisserie, with its fresh

baked pastries still warm from the oven! An eclectic mix of fun doesn’t end with the pub and nightlife offerings including O’Doherty’s Irish Grille, The Blue Spark, The District Bar, Bistango Martini Bar, Steelhead Bar and Grill, Twigs, Marquee Lounge, Saranac Public House, Zola, Borracho Tacos, The Red Lion Pub and Fast Eddie’s. No night out would be complete without the Satellite Diner, where you can find that latenight café with great diner food way into the wee hours of the morning, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are wineries and tastings rooms a plenty where you can explore Spokane’s own winemakers’ talents: Arbor Crest, Barili Cellars, Barrister, Grande Ronde, Overbluff Cellars, Robert Karl and Vintage Hill. Bridge Press and EMVY Cellars recently restored and opened the newest downtown winery at the corner of Browne and Pacific. A few local tasting rooms present a taste of out-of-area wineries; Whitestone, Cougar Crest, Patit Creek Cellars, Nectar Tasting Room and Left Bank Wine Bar. Local breweries include Steam Plant Brewing Co. and River City Brewing downtown, and No-Li Brewhouse in the nearby University District. Downtown is a hip happening hub that gets better with each passing year as the dining and entertainment scene evolves. There are three ways to cross the river: Division, Washington and Monroe streets. Just across the river on Monroe to

DOWNTOWN the west is the Kendall Yards Neighborhood, with several new restaurants filling the need of the new neighbors housed there: Knockaderry, The Yards Bruncheon, Wandering Table, Brain Freeze Creamery and Central Food. Both sides of the river hold a wide variety of entertainment and dining options to enjoy. Don’t miss them.



Nestled between Division and Hamilton and surrounding the Spokane River is the University District. Resting on the south bank of the river is the Riverpoint Campus, made up of the Spokane campuses of Eastern Washington University and Washington State University, and on the north side of the river lies Gonzaga University and Gonzaga School of Law. There’s a lot of fun happening in this studentpopulated district, and the options are endless with the key design supporting pedestrian and bicycle-based populations. The district provides a vibrant mixed-use environment with housing, campus facilities and amenities, along with shopping, dining and meeting places. Adjacent to the central business district featuring Riverfront Park, a vibrant downtown, recreation area and a thriving cultural and arts community, Spokane’s University District offers the ideal learning environment. Just a short walk from these higher institutions of learning is Gonzaga’s Washington Trust baseball field and the McCarthey Center Stadium. Just east of Hamilton and Trent is


RiverWalk, the location of Dry Fly Distilling, Washington’s first craft distillery, Bangkok Thai, Hallet’s Chocolates and No-Li Brewhouse. Also known as the Logan Neighborhood, a little north on Hamilton you will find Loco Dogz, Wolffy’s, Ultimate Bagel, Pita Pit, Chairs Coffee, Donut Parade, Geno’s, Jack and Dan’s, Clover and an entire scene for the college-aged population. The U-District is a fun and exciting place to eat, drink and be merry.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


DOWNTOWN Anthony’s at Spokane Falls 510 N. Lincoln Ave. (509) 328-9009 Seafood & American $$-$$$ Enjoy fresh seafood with the best view dining in Spokane! Overlooking the grandeur of the upper Spokane Falls, we offer the finest in fresh Northwest seafood in the heart of Downtown Spokane. Enjoy warm-weather dining on the expansive deck, where the rush of water can be heard as you enjoy cocktails, lunch or dinner. In addition to the freshest seafood available, Anthony’s also offers a selection of great steaks, pasta and salads, all complemented by fresh-fromthe-farm local produce, Northwest wines—including many selections from Spokane-area wineries—and microbrews. Banquet facilities are available for your special celebration. Offering lunch 11:30am-3pm Mon.-Sat., 11am-2:30pm Sun.; dinner 4-9:30pm Mon.-Thurs., 4-10:30pm Fri.-Sat., 3-9pm Sun. Anthonys.com

Churchill’s Steakhouse 165 S. Post St. (509) 474-9888 Steaks & American $$-$$$ Named one of Top 10 Steakhouses in America by Prime Time Top 10, Churchill’s Steakhouse provides a luxurious, masculine décor, top-shelf cocktails and traditional (in all the best ways) takes on sides and steaks. The star of the show here is the USDA prime Midwestern beef that’s dry aged, then cooked at 1800˚F. Join us for a memorable experience. Open daily at 4pm for dinner service. Ample self parking is available. ChurchillsSteakhouse.com

Europa Restaurant and Bakery 125 S. Wall St. (509) 455-4051 Italian, Greek, Specialty Pizza & Bakery $-$$ Tucked beneath the railway trestle between 1st and 2nd avenues, Europa has been located in Downtown Spokane for more than 32 years, offering a wide variety of fresh made food. Our on-site bakery provides us with fresh bread, desserts and pizza crust. We have a large selection of gluten-free items and diverse and extensive wine and martini lists. Our banquet room is perfect for parties, rehearsal dinners and meetings. Catering and delivery is also available. We offer daily Happy Hour 3-6pm and 9pm-close, and all day Sunday with live music 6-8pm. Enjoy $6 weekday lunches! A great date spot, ask about our “secret notes” next time you come in! Open 11am-10pm Sun.-Thurs., 11am-11pm Fri.-Sat. EuropaSpokane.com

Franks’ Diner Downtown –1516 W. 2nd Ave. (509) 747-8798 North Side – 10929 N. Newport Hwy. (509) 465-2464 Casual Dining $-$$ Voted Best Breakfast for decades! Enjoy Frank’s 120-year-old family hot cake recipe, extra thick Daily’s bacon, legendary Chicken Fried Steak, and five fresh gravies and grilled onions to choose from each day at no charge. Enjoy giant malted waffles, ¼-lb. sausage links, buttermilk biscuits and gravy, Artisan bread bowl soups and chowders, and more. We cook whole turkeys and choice top rounds of beef daily to make our amazing sandwiches. Please visit our website. FranksDiners.com


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DOWNTOWN Madeleine’s Café and Pâtisserie 707 W. Main Ave. (415 W. Main as of October 2014) (509) 624-2253 French Provençal $-$$ Synonymous with French pastry and comfort food, Madeleine’s opens early each day, as the aroma of fresh baked croissant and hot espresso drifts through the doors. Our mother/daughter owners and our staff use only the freshest ingredients and traditional methods to create consistently high-quality, award-winning, handcrafted pastries, savories and coffee drinks. Open seven days a week for breakfast and lunch, we also offer fine dining, authentic French dinner entrees Friday and Saturday nights. Open 7:45am-5pm Mon.-Thurs., 7:45am-10pm Fri., 8:30am10pm Sat., 8:30am-2pm Sun. Madeleines-Spokane.com

Barrister Winery 1213 W. Railroad Ave. (509) 465-3591 Taste Barrister’s award-winning wines! Nestled away in a 100-year-old brick building located in the historic Davenport Arts District, Barrister is home to not only a winery, but an unforgettable experience for all who enter. Enjoy wine tasting, offered noon-5pm Mon.-Sat., with winery tours available by appointment. We’re open for First Friday 5-10pm with artist reception, bistro buffet and acoustic blues. Book the winery for your wedding reception, rehearsal dinner, corporate event or holiday party. BarristerWinery.com

The Onion Bar and Grill Downtown – 302 W. Riverside Ave. (509) 747-3852 North Side – 7522 N. Division (509) 482-6100 Casual Dining $-$$ The Onion is honored to have received the coveted 2013 Best Casual Dining Restaurant of the Year by the Washington Restaurant Association. At The Onion, our chefs cook whole turkeys and choice top rounds of beef daily to make our legendary sandwiches. We only purchase fresh local beef for the amazing burgers. Enjoy Artisan pizza, fresh pasta, center-cut steaks, fresh seafood and an award-winning kids menu; Happy Hour is served up twice daily in the lounge! Like us on facebook to see our special FB only menu, and visit our website. TheOnion.biz

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


DOWNTOWN Palm Court Grill at The Davenport Hotel 10 S. Post St. (509) 789-6848 Seafood, Steaks & Classic American $$-$$$ Serving the highest-quality food at a price that makes fine dining accessible to everyone. The menu features choice cuts of USDA prime beef and freshly caught fish along with the region’s finest wines. Lunch offers the choice of salads or popular favorites like the Prime Rib French Dip sandwich and Tomato Basil Soup. Also upholding another estimable tradition … the Crab Louis salad loaded with tender Dungeness crab, created and made famous nearly a century ago for Louis Davenport by the hotel’s Chef Edward Mathieu. It’s still served according to the original recipe—with, of course, a dash of contemporary spice. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner 6amclose daily. PalmCourtGrill.com

Spokane Winery Tours SpokaneWineryTours@yahoo.com (509) 280-2560 Jump aboard with Spokane Winery Tours and experience the best wines that Spokane has to offer. We provide a fully guided tour of any four local wineries of your choice, where you can meet with the winemakers and see why Washington is second only to California for U.S. wine production. We cater to groups of 12 or less, allowing you a more intimate tour with your family, friends and/or co-workers. Touring with Spokane Winery Tours provides everyone in your party the opportunity to enjoy Spokane’s own quality wines, finding the hidden gems within our community. Tours run noon-5pm Fri.-Sun.; special accommodations can be made for tours on Wed. or Thurs. with enough advance notice. Reservations are a must as tours book quickly. SpokaneWineryTours.com


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Peacock Room Lounge at The Davenport Hotel 10 S. Post St. (509) 789-6848 Cocktails & Appetizers $-$$ Just one glimpse and you’ll understand why the fashionable Peacock Room Lounge has become Spokane’s place to see and be seen. Mingle under its breathtaking 5,000-piece stained-glass ceiling and walls decorated with stuffed peacocks. This unique décor exudes all the fun and flamboyance of the Jazz Age. And our award-winning double martinis are a hit with both the up-and-coming trendsetters and the seasoned sophisticates. With a vast wine selection and mouthwatering menu featuring Prime Rib Sandwiches and tender Dungeness Crab Cakes, we take a rare and perfect blend of what’s timeless and trendy. Open for dinner and late night 4pm daily. DavenportHotelCollection.com

Post Street Ale House at the Hotel Lusso 1 N. Post St. (509) 789-6900 American Traditional $-$$ Considered “casual dining,” but, rest assured, that doesn’t mean halfhearted service. For example, Worthy sampled 58 different cheeses before selecting the one that would define the Alehouse’s incredible fried cheese. He even had the sweet horseradish pickles that are used in the succulent fried pickles specially flown in because nothing else would do. And when it came to the battered halibut and chips, Worthy toured “chippies” across England to find a better recipe than his own. Not surprisingly, he couldn’t. Good Food, Cold Beer says it all. Post Street Ale House serves lunch, dinner and late night 11am-close daily. PostStreetAleHouse.com

DOWNTOWN Robert Karl Cellars 115 W. Pacific Ave. (509) 363-1353 Physician-winemaker Joe Gunselman, while nestled in an old fire station in the Historic Warehouse District, focuses on Bordeaux-style wines, with grapes grown in Horse Heaven Hills, and has received national recognition for our Claret and Cabernet Sauvignon. We have been rated one of the Best New American Wineries. We’re open 2-5pm Thurs.-Fri., noon-4pm Sat. RobertKarl.com

Safari Room Fresh Grill and Bar at The Davenport Hotel Tower 111 S. Post St. (509) 789-6800 Contemporary $-$$ The frequent hum of activity, the sparkle of laughter and conversation— not to mention the incredibly affordable lunch and dinner specials— seem to draw scores of guests almost instinctively. This truly stylish restaurant has been a place that owner Walt Worthy has been able to introduce all the classic Southern fare from his youth in Georgia: dishes like home-style grits, savory smoked barbecue, indulgent fried okra and flatbreads fired in our special oven then sprinkled with tantalizing toppings. Yet the menu is broad enough to satisfy all cravings breakfast, lunch or dinner. Open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night 6am close daily. DavenportHotelCollection.com

Rain Lounge 1009 W. First Ave. (509) 456-5656 Contemporary & Cocktails $-$$$ Rain is the must-try lounge in Downtown Spokane. Located right next door to Scratch Restaurant, Rain Lounge is unique not only because it offers great Happy Hour food and drink menu specials—the full Scratch menu is offered at Rain, even late-night! Try one of our signature highend martinis without the high-end price. Come in after an evening at the Fox, after work or swing by Wednesday nights and enjoy half-off bottles of wine. RainSpokane.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


DOWNTOWN Scratch Restaurant


1007 W. First Ave. (509) 456-5656 Contemporary & Fine Dining $-$$$ There is always a reason to come to Downtown Spokane—Scratch! At our upscale yet casual restaurant, we offer contemporary fine dining with something for everyone! Our food menu features locally sourced ingredients including fresh fish, high-quality meats and a menu that is never stagnant, as we change it seasonally. We offer onsite catering in our banquet room or offsite at your desired location. Scratch is open 11am-10pm Mon.Fri., 4-10pm Sat. Check out our menu online. ScratchSpokane.com

SAMPLE MENU Satellite Scramble

Three eggs, diced ham and German sausage, scrambled together with hash browns and served with choice of toast; add cheese, gravy or both

Eggs Benedict

English muffin with thinly sliced ham and 2 eggs, smothered in hollandaise sauce and served with hash browns. Vegetarian option with sautéed spinach, mushrooms and tomatoes

Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast

One large homemade biscuit smothered in sausage gravy, served with 2 eggs and choice of patty sausage, links or bacon

Rueben Sandwich

Corned beef, Swiss cheese and sauerkraut grilled to perfection, served on thick marbled rye

Steak Gorgonzola Salad

6 oz. sirloin charbroiled and served on mixed greens with roasted red peppers and green onions, served with creamy gorgonzola dressing on the side

Orbit Burger

Sautéed mushrooms and red onion topped w/ melted provolone


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Rock City Grill

Black & Bleu Burger

A spicy 1/4 lb burger topped with crumbled bleu cheese

Satellite Burger

Double meat, double cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato and onion

Philly Steak Sandwich

Thinly sliced sirloin, sautéed with red onion, topped with melted provolone cheese, served on a grilled baguette

Chicken Fried Steak Breakfast Steaks are hand cut in house, served with a loaded baked potato and Texas toast

Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies Yes, bacon!

808 W. Main Ave. (509) 455-4400 American-Italian $$ Located at River Park Square just across the street from Riverfront Park, this locally owned American-Italian grill is a Spokane landmark. Our menu has more than 60 items—be sure to try the Greek Chicken, Thai Chicken and Shrimp Pizza, President Whiskey Steak, or any one of our pastas, pizzas and sandwiches. We are also the home of the Blue Martini Bar and an excellent wine list. Be sure to stop in and check out the great lunch specials. Open 11:15am daily. RockCityGrill.com

Satellite Diner and Lounge

425 W. Sprague Ave. (509) 624-3952 Diner Casual $-$$ Our friendly, fun and experienced staff is waiting to serve you! We are located downtown, walking distance from Riverfront Park, the Convention Center and many hotels. We offer a full menu 21 hours a day from 7am4am daily, with a great home-style cooking menu and a full cocktail lounge with TVs for enjoying games and more! Come in and see why we were voted Best Casual Dining by the Washington Restaurant Association, Best Late-Night Dining by the Inlander and Irish Business of the Year, as well as the Spokane Sizzle Fork-in-Cork Award for Diner Worth its Salt. SatelliteDiner.com

DOWNTOWN Spencer’s for Steaks and Chops

322 N. Spokane Falls Court (509) 744-2371 Fine Dining $$-$$$ Spencer’s for Steaks and Chops has set the bar high for steaks! Locally sourced, USDA Prime and natural steaks and chops are seared to perfection in their 1600-degree infrared broiler. But it's not just beef that will bring you to Spencer’s. Their menu offers sensational seafood, a variety of innovative entrees and delectable desserts. Spencer’s Lounge offers a great selection of handcrafted martinis, fine wines, beers and spirits along with inspired appetizers. Open every day for lunch and dinner with Happy Hour 4-6pm that you are sure to enjoy! Check us out online. OpenTable.com/ SpencersforSteaksandChops.com

Stacks at Steam Plant and Steam Plant Brewing Co. and Pub

159 S. Lincoln St. (509) 777-3900 Contemporary American $-$$ The historic Steam Plant is home to three distinct offerings. Stacks at Steam Plant offers a full-service dining experience that is one-of-a-kind with 80-foot ceilings, catwalks and pipes retained from the original steam plant operation. The unique nature of the space is as much a part of the dining experience as the menu itself! Enjoy signature dishes created from scratch, incorporating regional and local ingredients, and varieties of meats, fish and veggies that are smoked in-house. Steam Plant Brewing Co. produces on-site more than 10 handcrafted microbrews, including seasonal varieties, under the Steam Plant label. The brews are available in kegs and growlers, and can be best enjoyed in the casual Steam Plant Pub with its flat-screen TVs and game room. Diners can bask in the award-winning preservation of the Steam Plant which has been highlighted as a self-guided tour throughout this historic building. SteamPlantSpokane.com


Wild Sage American Bistro

916 W. 2nd Ave. (509) 456-7575 Contemporary $$-$$$ From our extraordinary signature dishes to our scratch-baked artisan breads, crackers and desserts, we feature fresh, flavorful fare presented with flair. We also feature a gluten-free menu. Enjoy dinner or stop in afterthe-show for a taste of our amazing house-made desserts. We also have a fine selection of regional wines and handcrafted cocktails to enjoy. Open 4pm daily. Reservations welcomed. See what people are saying about us on TripAdvisor and Urbanspoon! Visit our website for our current menu and hours. WildSageBistro.com

Dry Fly Distilling

1003 E. Trent Ave. (509) 489-2112 Washington’s first distillery since prohibition is making award-winning vodka, gin and whiskey. All our brands are carefully made from local products “from farm to the bottle.” We offer free tours, free tastings, not-free bottle sales and a not-free gift shop. Come see how it is all made! We are open 8am-5pm Mon.-Fri., 10am-3pm Sat. ... unless we’re fishing, and then none of these hours can be trusted, so you better call first. DryFlyDistilling.com

Geno’s Traditional Food and Ales

1414 N. Hamilton Ave. (509) 368-9087 Pub & Grill $-$$ Geno’s has joined the family of pubs that include The Elk and Two Seven in Spokane, Moon Time in Coeur d’Alene and The Porch in Hayden. The menu includes some of your favorites like The Elk’s famous Rueben Sandwich and Moon Time’s Gumbo, but new items such as the Korean Pork Sandwich and Vietnamese Wings are sure to keep you coming back for more. For a new twist on the menu, we have French Fries as a side item, along with the ever-popular and addicting Roasted Corn Pasta. Open 11am-11pm Sun.-Wed, 11am-midnight Thurs.Sat. Check out our full menu online. WeDontHaveOne.com

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SAMPLE MENU Vietnamese Wings

Chicken wings marinated and tossed in a Vietnamese-style caramelized garlic sauce and served with a curry dipping sauce; available traditional buffalo style

Orange Miso Spinach

GENO’S TRADITIONAL FOOD & ALES WELCOME TO THE FAMILY The University/Logan District has welcomed its own little piece of restaurant heaven just right for the Gonzaga University neighborhood. Geno’s has long been a University District icon, known over the years as an Italian eatery. The change in ownership in October 2013 brought Geno’s into the popular family of pubs that include The Elk and Two Seven in Spokane, Moon Time in Coeur d’Alene and The Porch in Hayden. Though the menu has changed, Geno’s is continuing its long tradition of good food and friendly service in neighborhoods where guests are welcomed by a casual feels-like-home atmosphere. The menu includes some of the same favorites known in their other pubs, like The Elk’s famous Rueben sandwich (guests have the choice of a gluten-free bun for all sandwiches) and Moon Time’s gumbo, but new items adorn the menu with the Korean pork sandwich and Vietnamese wings. Each of their neighborhood pubs have their own qualities that keep the locals coming back for more. For a new twist on this menu, Geno’s has French fries—which none of the other restaurant locations have—thanks to the fryer, in addition to the ever-popular, and addicting, roasted corn pasta. 64

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Staying in tradition with the other pubs, Geno’s menu appeals to the masses not only in taste but in price. Menu items range in price from $4.25 for a cup of the 74th St. gumbo to around $10 for most salads, burgers and sandwiches, with entrees maxing out at $12.50 for the sundried tomato ravioli. No one leaves Geno’s hungry, or broke. Geno’s is a perfect place to unwind and support the Gonzaga Bulldogs, with plenty of TVs to watch the games, great tap selections, cocktails, and of course, the tasty food and good company they are known for. During the warmer months, guests can enjoy outdoor dining on the patio, and take note, the kitchen stays open late, until 10pm Sunday through Wednesday and 11pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Geno's is a great spot to meet up after the game, or for that matter, any event taking place at the Spokane Arena, thanks to its close proximity. With the success its sister restaurants have seen over the years, Geno’s is already establishing itself as another neighborhood gem the community is quickly embracing. 1414 N. Hamilton Ave. (509) 368-9087 WeDontHaveOne.com

Tender spinach tossed with quinoa, carrots, edamame, dried cranberries, toasted pumpkin seeds and an orange/ ginger/miso dressing

The Moon Burger

A six-ounce, lean, hand-formed patty, char-grilled and topped with melted cheddar cheese and caramelized onions, served with mayo, lettuce and tomato on a toasted bun

Grilled Mozzarella

Fresh mozzarella cheese, basil pesto and roasted red bell peppers layered between sourdough bread then grilled to perfection, served with a cup of tomato bisque

Korean Pork

Lightly breaded and fried Korean marinated pork loin served on a bun with spicy kimchi cole slaw, hoisin and mayo

Pineapple Chicken Curry

Red curry, coconut milk, sliced chicken breast, pineapple, red bell peppers, onions, peanuts and basil served over jasmine rice, accompanied by a spicy quick cucumber kimchi

Tacos De Pescado

Two warm flour tortillas stuffed with crispy beer battered cod, shredded cabbage and Mexican white sauce, garnished with a lime wedge, radish and roasted jalapeno, served with Mexican-style rancho black beans

Creamy Pesto

Crisp romaine tossed with mushrooms, diced tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, croutons and our house made creamy pesto dressing * All sandwiches are served with your choice of fries or roasted corn pasta salad. Gluten-free buns available on any sandwich for a small additional cost.


FRANK'S DINERS Frank’s Diners are a dining experience all their own. Grab a seat in one of these luxurious turn-of-the-century Great Northern railcars. The beautiful northside 1913 railcar has a deep history all its own. It is easy to imagine dining as you gently glide along the tracks in an era long gone, but not forgotten. Once inside this popular northside location, sit at a counter made from rich hand-inlayed mahogany and watch as chefs prepare your meal. The chefs at each Frank’s Diner crack 30,000 jumbo eggs and grill up 2.5 tons of hash browns each month, but each legendary breakfast is still made one at a time. Frank’s menu offers meals prepared with fresh whole local ingredients and are as authentic as the railcar they are served in. Frank’s chefs are proud to prepare each meal from scratch every day, from their 100-year-old family pancake recipe, jumbo omelet selections, Belgian waffles, French toast, fried green tomatoes with Creole hollandaise, grilled buttermilk biscuits and gravy, quarter-pound sausage links, thick smoked Daily’s Farm bacon,

artisan bread bowls filled with soups and chowders, gourmet burgers, sandwiches, salads and a whole lot more. They even roast off whole turkeys and barons of beef fresh daily for their legendary country-style knife-and-fork sandwiches, and most meals are offered in a full or lighter version. With two great locations (the downtown Frank’s was the railroad president’s personal car), the atmosphere is always a bustle with homey intimacy. These popular neighborhood favorites are a destination for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have been voted Best Diner and Best Breakfast for decades (check the local blogs). The restaurants are open 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and slightly longer in the summer. Frank's Diners—“Proudly serving travelers since 1906.” North Side: 10929 N. Newport Hwy. (509) 465-2464 Downtown: 1516 W. 2nd Ave. (509) 747-8798 FranksDiners.com 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com





NORTH SIDE The North Side continues to be one of Spokane’s fastest growing neighborhood. Division Street runs north from downtown into a kaleidoscope of fast food, national chains and international cuisine restaurants. The variety of options includes most major chains, and the cuisine flairs of Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Russian, Indian and Thai … all handy stops for shoppers at Northtown Mall and the numerous shopping centers cascading north near the “Y” and along Francis. It takes some looking to find the local hot spots tucked away like precious hidden gems among the neighborhoods surrounding these high-traffic commercial zones. Just north of downtown, across the river, the North Side begins. The new Kendall Yards Neighborhood is putting a new face on this North River overlook. Central Food, The Yards Bruncheon, The Wandering Table, Brain Freeze Creamery, Coeur Coffee and Knockaderry Irish Pub offer the new neighbors delicious options for a variety of culinary tastes. Downriver Grill is one of the revered favorites nestled in the neighborhood near Audubon Park, south of Garland Avenue and just west of the park. This restaurant is a must for your list, along with The Flying Goat across the street, where you have to stop in and taste their unique and delicious multiple award-winning pizza pies. A little further


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east on Northwest Boulevard you’ll find the Little Garden Café and Rancho Chico. Along Northwest Boulevard are several coffee cafés and other eateries with personalities all their own. Going north, where Indiana magically turns into Northwest Boulevard at the intersection of Monroe, will bring you to the popular local Greek and Mediterranean restaurant Azar’s on Monroe. There you will find an authentic menu and charming Greek atmosphere. On Garland Avenue lies a neighborhood full of charm and ambiance; like walking downtown in one of Norman Rockwell’s paintings. The Garland District is home to the historic Garland Theater, with movies at far lower prices than the big-box movie theaters, and the tiny Bon Bon cocktail lounge. Get there early; it can be crowded! Just down the street, The Blue Door Theatre performances are every Friday night, offering improv and sketch comedy suitable for all ages. Shopping in quaint shops in this little district is an appetite builder. For family style eateries, try: Kim’s Teriyaki near the Garland Theater, The Rocket Bakery coffee shop, Celebrations Cupcakes, The Milk Bottle and Ferguson’s Diner. Fun pubs and bars in this neighborhood include the Garland Pub and Grill, Rick’s Ringside Pub, the Brown Derby Tavern and the Garland Drinkery.

North on Wall Street you will find the Wall Street Diner and Morning Sun Bakery. At West Francis lies the Five Mile Shopping Center where Five Mile Heights Pizza Parlor has been a longtime favorite for Spokane families. Also located there are GoGo Burritos, Das Stein House, Pita Pit and Tonicx lounge and nearby the new Waddell's Brewery. Heading east along Francis will bring you to the popular Swinging Doors Tavern, Mamma Mia’s Italian Restaurant and Aloha Island Grill. At the intersection of Division and Francis is the Aces Casino and nearby Tomato Street, a fun family Italian restaurant, and north to Flamin’ Joes, a sports bar boasting a menu with 27 different wing sauces. West of Francis takes you to Five Mile Area where the new Waddell's Brewing Co. and The Boiler Room Artisan Pizza recently opened. Just east on Francis will lead you to De Leon Mexican Foods and Deli and the family owned Kusina Filipina, the area’s only Filipino restaurant with traditional ethnic favorites. The main drag of Division Street runs from downtown to the far north reaches of town and offers most of the familiar chain restaurants. But along the way you will see a few local hot spots if you know where to look. Watch for the red Thai Bamboo restaurant and their family fun spot, Did's





Pizza and Froyo, next door. A little further north, The Onion Bar and Grill, Stir Restaurant and Lounge, Qdoba Mexican Grill, and near the "Y" area, Bigfoot Pub and Eatery, and Rancho Chico. Spokane Floral, Ritter’s Nursery and Just Roses fill the need for floral and gift stores, and several shopping centers are filled with variety here. MacKenzie River Pizza, Grill and Pub is on Nevada east of the “Y” near the Service Station Café, Twigs and Hop Jack's. Further north at the end of Nevada lies a long-time Spokane favorite family dining destination; the award winning Frank’s Diner. This historic railcar diner received the Washington Restaurant Association's Best Casual Dining award and continues to be voted as Best Breakfast in numerous local readers' polls. Beyond the “Y” is the Whitworth University neighborhood. Whitworth is located on

Hawthorne Road between North Waikiki Road and North Division. Find Petite Chat Village Bakery, a neighborhood stop for soup and a sandwich or a few of their delectable pastries and breads; and Wasabi Bistro Sushi Bar and McClain's Pizza near Division and Hawthorne. Just north is the location of the Spokane Country Club and nearby, A Taste of Thai and Fizzie Mulligans bar. The far north at Wandermere is home to Twigs Bistro and Martini Bar, Prospectors Bar and Grill, and Fat Daddy’s Pizza, as well as a few sandwich shops and fast-food eateries. Farther north off Division is Wandermere Golf Course and nearby Dartford Drive which will take you to that farout (literally) Italian place—Commellini Estate private event venue restaurant.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com





Downriver Grill’s fundamental desire to define our Eastern Washington food scene around fresh, local and seasonal ingredients stays steady and strong. In addition to their award-winning lunch and dinner menu, the restaurant has upped its game by adding innovative and tasty breakfast and Happy Hour offerings to its repertoire. Opened in June 2003 by Chef Jonathan Sweatt and his family, the Downriver Grill has been a favorite destination restaurant for Spokane ever since. Their focus has always been on supporting the Audubon neighborhood and local community, and offering the best possible quality and value to its customers. The menu has featured local items like beef from the Northwest, potatoes from Washington, local wine, beer, spirits and desserts made from Greenbluff fruit. “Spokane is our home,” says Jonathan Sweatt, co-owner and proprietor, “and supporting local businesses, farms and people has always been important to us.” 68

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Newly remodeled in May 2012, the restaurant underwent a complete makeover. The changes included fresh paint inside and out, a new entryway with expanded seating, updated patio area and a complete facelift for the dining room and bar. The menu and logo were also updated featuring a contemporary river design to represent their dedication to the Downriver Neighborhood and their style of modern-American cuisine. Their motto, “local, seasonal, fresh,” was written on a prominent wall of the restaurant as a constant reminder of this commitment. Every two weeks, Chef Robert Estrada creates the Downriver’s Fresh Sheet Menu and seizes the opportunity to prepare unique dishes with local ingredients as the star of the plate. “Working with local products is an opportunity to be in touch with our own community and utilize the freshest ingredients possible,” says Robert. “It’s our job to take fresh local food that is

delicious on its own and create something spectacular.” Late last summer, they opened for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.—something the locals have been asking them to do for years. The breakfast concept was simple: use only the freshest seasonal ingredients to create the best “from scratch” traditional and contemporary menu. The result was simply delicious breakfast dishes unlike anywhere else in town. “We’ve taken the best classic breakfast dishes like Eggs Benedict and Omelets, and then added a little DRG flair,” says Juli Norris, co-owner. “We also included fun original dishes like the Greens, Egg and Ham—so unique and delicious.” Of course they offer a French Toast on the menu, but the Downriver’s “flair” is a surprise flavor twist. They start with thick-cut sourdough bread, soak it in a secret orange- and cinnamon-spiced egg batter, cook it up and top it with a


roasted almond-orange-ginger butter and 100-percent pure maple syrup. The Corned Beef Hash is another traditional dish with a tasty contemporary spin. Maybe it’s the very flavorful housecured corned beef (in local No-Li Brewery Ale), or perhaps it’s the way the dish comes together as it’s served with their signature

bar menu. In fact, more than 80 percent of their wine list features Washington wines. The restaurant also infuses liquor to create house signature cocktails with seasonal produce, such as habanero-garlicbasil vodka for the DRG Bloody Mary, and grapefruit-fennel gin for the DRG Gin Fizz. Another fun creation is coffee-

Prices are happy, too, with cocktails starting at $6 and appetizers starting at $4. It’s no secret that they pride themselves as a casual neighborhood restaurant with a fine-dining feel. Couple that with their commitment to quality and desire to develop delicious and unique dishes—and it’s no wonder that


“smash-fried” herb potatoes, two eggs and butter toast points—regardless, it all adds up to one savory, delicious meal. “Corned Beef Hash has always been a family favorite, and we are excited to share our take on this breakfast classic,” says Jonathan. “Right out of the gate, this dish has become a favorite.” Working with other Pacific Northwest small businesses is commonplace for Downriver. Local wineries and breweries such as Townshend Cellar, Barrister Winery, Robert Karl Cellars, Dry Fly Distillery and No-Li Brewery claim top slots on the Downriver’s award-winning

infused bourbon, used for cocktails as well as in a caramel glaze for their breakfast croissant donuts (their version of the popular CroNut). Every visit, there is something creative and new to try. Happy Hour at the Downriver is an opportunity for customers to taste some fun, casual appetizers and drinks at a discount, without sacrificing taste. In keeping their commitment to quality and freshness, the menu offers dishes like custom-ground sliders with house-baked croissant buns or Red Potato Chips, sliced to order (just before frying) topped with parmesan, roasted garlic and truffle oil.

for more than a decade, locals have been coming back for more.

(509) 323-1600 3315 W. Northwest Blvd. DownriverGrillSpokane.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


NORTH SIDE Downriver Grill 3315 W. Northwest Blvd. (509) 323-1600 Contemporary Northwest $$-$$$ Located in the cherished Audubon Park Neighborhood, the newly remodeled Downriver Grill offers an elegant and delicious dining experience. Family owned and operated since 2003, our award-winning restaurant serves the best in fresh and local food, as well as exquisite local Washington wines, handcrafted cocktails and microbrews. Come enjoy seasonal menu specials, flavorful sauces from scratch, delicious sandwiches, the best in fresh seafood and steaks, and decadent house-made desserts. Breakfast is served Saturday and Sunday mornings from 9am-2pm. Catering is also available at our location or location of your choice. Reservations are recommended, walk-ins are always welcome! DownriverGrillSpokane.com

The Flying Goat 3318 W. Northwest Blvd. (509) 327-8277 Pizza & Beer $-$$ The Flying Goat is an eclectic pub nestled in the quaint Audubon Park Neighborhood, specializing in handcrafted Neapolitan-style pizza and craft beer. The Goat is not limited to just pizza either; try a great appetizer, salad or sandwich! With an award-winning beer selection, we have 14 tap handles plus one


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cask-conditioned ale, and more than 50 bottles of craft beer! Our passion for beer extends to a Mug Club and Beer of the Month Club! If you are ordering take out, you can also buy beer or wine to go to enjoy with your delicious pizza! TheFlyingGoat.com

Frank’s Diner Downtown –1516 W. 2nd Ave. (509) 747-8798 North Side – 10929 N. Newport Hwy. (509) 465-2464 Casual Dining $-$$ Voted Best Breakfast for decades! Enjoy Frank’s 120-year-old family hot cake recipe, extra thick Daily’s bacon, legendary Chicken Fried Steak, and five fresh gravies and grilled onions to choose from each day at no charge. Enjoy giant malted waffles, ¼-lb. sausage links, buttermilk biscuits and gravy, Artisan bread bowl soups and chowders, and more. We cook whole turkeys and choice top rounds of beef daily to make our amazing sandwiches. Please visit our website. FranksDiners.com

The Onion Bar and Grill North Side – 7522 N. Division (509) 482-6100 Downtown – 302 W. Riverside Ave. (509) 747-3852 Casual Dining $-$$ The Onion is honored to have received the coveted 2013 Best Casual Dining Restaurant

of the Year by the Washington Restaurant Association. At The Onion, our chefs cook whole turkeys and choice top rounds of beef daily to make our legendary sandwiches. We only purchase fresh local beef for the amazing burgers. Enjoy Artisan pizza, fresh pasta, centercut steaks, fresh seafood and an award-winning kids menu; Happy Hour is served up twice daily in the lounge! Like us on facebook to see our special FB only menu, and visit our website. TheOnion.biz

Townshend Cellar Greenbluff, Wash. – 8022 E. Greenbluff Rd. (509) 238-1400 Located just north of Spokane in the Green Bluff area, Townshend Cellar is dedicated to producing small lots of quality wines, ports and dessert wines. Come taste our wines and enjoy the beautiful view of the Greenbluff countryside and Mt. Spokane. We are open noon-6pm Fri.-Sun. Visit our website to find out about special events and locations Townshend Cellar will be at and to join our ‘Diamond T’ Wine Club. Find Townshend Cellar on Facebook for updates. Look for Townshend Cellar wines at your favorite restaurants and stores. We look forward to seeing you soon at the Tasting Room! TownshendCellar.com

NORTH SIDE Yards Bruncheon 1248 W. Summit Parkway (509) 290-5952 Brunch $-$$ Here at Yards Bruncheon, we figured out how to extend the weekend to all week by offering brunch every day! Our food features comfort food from all over using local farms and producers in the season. This food is food we love to eat and is meant to be taken lightly. We have fun here and want our passion for good ingredients to shine without too much fuss. We make most of our foods in house including our pastries, which are some of the best around. We also feature some of the best coffees and teas from around the world. Don’t miss out and come enjoy the eatertainment! Open 7am-3:30pm daily. TheYardsBruncheon.com

Wandering Table 1242 W. Summit Parkway Modern-American $$-$$$ Here at Wandering Table, we have an insatiable appetite for cooking and creating food and use a variety of techniques from around the globe. Enjoy meals inspired by the season, made with seasonal, local ingredients; a tomato, still warm from the sun, or from the farmer you work with, or from a day

of foraging for mushrooms. We seek the best products and honor those who grew them by doing my best at serving them to people in way that makes food memorable. This is how we create great experiences, traditions and communities. We’ve created one of the most interesting and unique dining experiences in the Inland Northwest and you’re invited. Open for dinner at 4pm daily. TheWanderingTable.com

Knockaderry Irish Pub & Eatin' House 1011 W. Broadway Ave. (509) 241-3738 Irish Comfort Food $-$$ Inspired by the village in Limerick, Ireland, Knockaderry is Spokane's newest Irish pub and eatin' house! Opened in March just north of the Spokane River off Monroe, our restaurant is a fun new neighborhood gathering place. On our menu you will find more than a few Irish comfort food favorites: lamb shepherd's pie, Guinness stew, three different Reuben sandwiches, great salads and a full array of Irish-inspired cocktails. We also serve Spokane's own Roast House Coffee. Open 7am-2am serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, coffee and refreshing drinks. Find us online. Facebook.com/Knockaderry

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THE FLYING GOAT HOUSE OF ARTISAN PIZZA AND CRAFT BEER Still going strong after four years, The Flying Goat has been established as the neighborhood pub to find the most creative, award-winning handcrafted artisan pizzas, flavorful appetizers, sandwiches, salads and desserts. They have repeatedly won The Inlander's readers' poll and our Sizzle Fork-in-Cork Award for Best Pizza in Spokane. And they also boast a great selection of craft beer. The Goat strongly believes in using only fresh and quality ingredients. To provide the best quality, they prepare fresh cut and roasted vegetables every morning and use only house-made sauces and dressings to give their food uniquely delicious flavor. The Goat also has their own proprietary cheese blend and uses only top-quality meats. Their dough is made fresh every morning, hand-stretched and topped to order, then cooked at 600°F. This creates the perfect texture and charred crust—important to the flavor of Neapolitanstyle pizza. Chef Darrin Gleason and Sous Chef Adam Shove are never at a loss for creativity, as their unique menu offers several great pizza combinations to choose from. This year they will be curing their own meats, which will allow the Goat to develop its own unique charcuterie flavors as well. They also create weekly specials and host great beer dinners at the restaurant. They are proud of the Goat’s uniqueness and focus on the local community, and menu items are named after places and streets in the neighborhood.


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A couple pies not to be overlooked are The “D” Street, with house-made yellow coconut curry, house cheese blend, house marinated chicken, potato, carrot and jalapeno, finished with Sriracha, cilantro and fresh-squeezed lime juice. Don’t forget their signature pie The Kiernan, with heavy cream, house cheese blend, house-made Italian sausage, over-medium egg, topped with truffle oil-tossed arugula. General Manager Beth McRae is always rotating their 15 craft beer taps, a selection of more than 50 bottled craft beers and a great selection of wine. Beth also began building The Goat’s collection of beers for cellaring in 2013. The house beer, The Horned Aviator, is produced by local No-Li Brewing Co. in Spokane, and house wine, Goat Head Red, by local Townshend Cellar. While The Goat is the perfect place to sit and relax with delicious food and drink, you can order take-out and enjoy their pizza, beer and wine at home! Committed to providing a delicious dining experience, The Flying Goat is open 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. 3318 W. Northwest Blvd. (509) 327-8277 TheFlyingGoat.com



Pan seared atop spring mix with caramelized onion, roasted pepper and fresh basil with a lemon-basil vinaigrette

House-Cut Fresh Fried Potato Chips

Your choice of three dipping sauces (Tartar, Ranch, 1000 Island, Bleu Cheese)

Guinness Fish & Chips

Herb and Guinness battered with house-made tartar and cocktail sauces

Shepherd’s Pie

Lamb and fresh herbs fill a housebaked bread bowl crowned with horseradish mashed potatoes

Biscuits & Gravy

Served with two eggs and two meats

Dublin Reuben

Beer-braised corned beef, smoked paprika sauerkraut, Swiss and gorgonzola cheeses on marbled rye dressed with Knockaderry’s brandied thousand island

Belfast Reuben

thousand island on marbled rye

Beer-braised corned beef, sautéed bacon and sauerkraut, toasted fennel seed, fresh basil, Swiss and greyere cheeses with Knockaderry’s brandied

Vegetarian Benedict

Two eggs, broccoli, basil tomatoes and spinach hollandaise sauce with one side (hashbrowns, potato cake, pancake, steel-cut oatmeal, O’Brien potatoes, potato pancakes or waffles)

Chicken Fried Steak

Two eggs, choice of starch (see sides mentioned above) with in-house sausage and onion gravy



2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com






SOUTH HILL Spokane’s South Hill encompasses several different areas, all equally worth a mention— and a visit. The lower South Hill area includes the medical centers of both Sacred Heart and Deaconess hospitals. This is where doctors’ offices and medical buildings are the scenery, and the nearby restaurants pepper the steep hillside landscape in between the trees and tall buildings. Located south of I-90 paralleling Downtown Spokane, the lower South Hill encompasses approximately Fifth through 14th avenues, first along Grand Avenue, accessible from South Stevens downtown. The rest of the upper South Hill branches out from 14th up the hill to 29th, and then farther up to 57th Avenue. The Medical Center area is focused on serving those who work and visit the doctors’ offices there, and nearby Beau K Florist is helpful for that hospital visit. The east side of the lower South Hill is the South Perry Business District, a quaint neighborhood that is home to the beautiful Liberty Park Florist, the Shop Coffee House, Casper Fry, South Perry Pizza, the Lantern Tavern, South Perry Farmers Market and Lorien Herbs—the resident natural food store housed in a charming Dutch windmill building. The Medical Center neighborhood is where medical center visitors can enjoy the speedy


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Apple Spice Junction, Fery’s Catering and To Go, Qdoba Mexican Grill, Quizno’s, Press, Lalo’s Pizza and The Park Inn/Park Plaza. Just up the hill are Ginger Asian Bistro, Fiesta Mexicana and Lindaman’s, which is celebrating 30 years as one of Spokane’s favorite eateries. Bangkok Thai is near the intersection of 14th and Grand. The west side of the South Hill, along Monroe, is Huckleberry’s Natural Foods Market, Picabu Bistro and Bennidito’s Pizza. Just a little way further up the hill to 18th Street between Bernard and Grand will reveal one of the most beautiful attractions in Spokane—Manito Park. During summertime they open a café, and just east of the park is the Rockwood Bakery, a charming neighborhood gem and popular gathering place serving beautiful bakery items and lunches with soups and salads. A little further south on Grand to 29th will bring you to the corner very near Gordy’s Sichuan Café. It is worth finding, so don’t give up! Turn right after the intersection of 29th and Grand, and look to the right behind the shopping center where Slick Rock Burritos and The Chalet Restaurant are. Vintages is located on the south east corner of 29th and Grand, as is the popular Manito Tap House, and just south on Grand to 38th you’ll find the Hop Shop neighborhood pub.

East on 29th will take you to one of the shopping hubs of the South Hill at Southeast Boulevard and 29th. The neighborhood favorites here include Thai Cuisine, Great Harvest Bread Company, and further east, the popular Maggie’s South Hill Grill, Two Seven Public House, Forza Coffee Co., Hogan’s Diner and Thai Bamboo. Hugo’s is Spokane’s first boutique bowling alley, with a unique entertainment scene and bistrostyle food. Nearby is the intersection at 29th and Regal. Heading south on Regal will take you up the hill to 44th and Regal, where you will find Laguna Café, Twigs Bistro and Martini Bar, Waddell’s Pub, Sushi I and Café Italiano. Nearby shopping areas include local favorite Ferrante’s Marketplace Café, along with Round Table Pizza. The neighborhood at the tip top of the South Hill up Regal to 57th is home to Morty’s Tap and Grill, and Famous Eds, a sports pub and bistro that also serves Spokane’s famous David’s Pizza, MacKenzie River Pizza, Grill and Pub, and nearby Revel 77 coffee shop and Mezzo Pazzo Wine Bar. Luna is west from there on 57th and Perry, offering its own unique garden restaurant ambiance with top-shelf service, creative menu and a wine list that is but a mere morsel of their exquisite cellar collection shared.

SOUTH HILL Casper Fry 928 S. Perry St. (509) 535-0536 Southern Classic & Comfort $-$$ We are committed to bringing the community together through simple, delicious, Southern-inspired American comfort food, using local, farm-grown and foraged ingredients. By cultivating relationships with our local purveyors, Casper Fry brings those ingredients from farm to table by doing our own in-house, whole animal butchering, and hand-picking produce at local farmer’s markets. Meals are prepared in a solid fuel-burning Josper oven, one of only 13 in the country. Cocktails are crafted using in-house barrel-aged spirits, and the whiskey cabinet contains the largest selection in the Northwest. CasperFry.com

Gordy’s Sichuan Café 501 E. 30th St. (509) 747-1170 Fresh Classic Chinese $-$$ Chef Gordon Crafts brings more than 25 years of experience cooking Chinese cuisine at his small neighborhood café. He prepares fresh and classic Chinese dishes, many with an emphasis on the spicy traditions from the Sichuan Province. Dining choices, served family style, range from tangy Lemon Chicken to tonguescalding Hunan Beef. Many of our customers come just for the Dumplings! The array of options on our menu includes vegan, vegetarian and a variety of dishes that can be modified for special dietary needs. A small, well-chosen wine list focuses on our Northwest lineage. Here at Gordy’s, we offer a relaxed atmosphere with minimalist but warm décor, and our service is polished, fun and informative. We invite you to join us for a taste of Sichuan.

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


“Why have we been coming to Lindaman’s for so many years? On its own, practical analysis would quickly point to the convenience of a neighborhood bistro that offers deli-style from-scratch meals—real ingredients, real quality. Make no mistake, there are certainly times we have been in a great hurry and have headed straight to Lindaman’s because we knew we could get in and out AND enjoy our meal on the go ... but here’s the thing: We are not practical by nature. We are people of heart, and we come to Lindaman’s because it feels good. When family members are in the hospital, we gather here to nurture our bodies and console our hearts; when we are meeting old friends, this is where we gravitate. When we want to have a few friends over to celebrate an anniversary or birthday, we invite them to Lindaman’s because the desserts are off the charts, the coffee is divine, and it feels like home. Lazy Saturday mornings? Check. Quick, healthy lunches? Check. Dinners to go, dining in, et cetera. The staff is always friendly and professional, yet they are more than that. For us, many of them have become friends. It’s that kind of place; and yes, it’s definitely our kind of place.” ~ Michael and Keleren Millham



Welcome to Fer rante’s Marketp lace Café Making Memor ies for 10 years

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(509) 443-6304 4516 S. Regal St. DoItalian.com Spending ti me and cr with the on eating a special memor es you care fo y r… 2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com


SOUTH HILL Ferrante’s Marketplace Café 4516 S. Regal St. (509) 443-6304 Italian $-$$ Celebrating 10 years, our menu is specially designed to delight everyone, from individuals to couples, the whole family or for the entire office or party. Pastas, gnocchi, pizzas, lasagna, calzones, paninis, salads and gelato are all on the menu. Our marketplace offers exclusive specialty items you won’t find anywhere else. We also offer catering. Open 11am-9pm Tues.Sat. DoItalian.com

Lindaman’s Gourmet To Go 1235 S. Grand Blvd. (509) 838-3000 Eclectic Bistro $-$$ Thank you, Spokane! We are celebrating our 30th anniversary, and it’s all because of you, our loyal customers. Here at Lindaman’s, guests can pick from an assortment of chicken dishes, salads, pot pies, enchiladas, loads of desserts, and then take home. Or, stay here and enjoy one of our artisan cocktails or DOMA coffee with your meal. We always have vegetarian and gluten-free selections. Our patio is open during the warm season. We are situated in the shadow of St. John’s Cathedral and Manito Park is just up the block! We’re open 8am-9pm Mon.-Sat. Lindamans.com

Manito Tap House 3011 S. Grand Blvd. (509) 279-2671 Gastropub $$ You won’t find just any ordinary pub food here. Creative house-made fromscratch appetizers, soups and salads are on the menu, Hand Held items featuring burgers and wraps, Fork and Knife entrees including steaks, pasta and pork schnitzel, and desserts such as the Ancho Chile Brulee round out the menu. To accompany the great food, we offer 50 beers on tap, 60-plus beer bottles, a 40-plus bottle wine list focusing on Northwest wines and full cocktail menu. MTH is a 4-Star Certified Green Restaurant. Open 11am11pm Sun.-Thurs., 11am-2am Fri.-Sat. Find us on Facebook at Facebook. com/ManitoTapHouse or visit our website. ManitoTapHouse.com

The Two Seven Public House 2727 S. Mount Vernon #5 (509) 473-9766 Pub & Grill $-$$ The Two Seven Public House was added to our restaurant family in 2008, which includes Moon Time in Coeur d’Alene, The Porch Public House in Hayden, the Elk Public House and El Que in Browne’s Addition, and Geno's in the University/Logan Neighborhood. At Two Seven, you will find a menu featuring fresh salads, soups, sandwiches and pastas all made from scratch. We offer a great selection of micro-brewed beers, wines by the glass and freshly squeezed juice cocktails served in a comfortable pubstyle atmosphere. Open 11am daily. For menu, specials and more, visit our website. WeDontHaveOne.com



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SPOKANE VALLEY & LIBERTY LAKE The Spokane Valley’s culinary scene is a long stretch from the edge of the city of Spokane out to Liberty Lake near the Idaho State Line. Sprague Avenue is the main route through the valley, paralleling I-90. At Sprague, Argonne becomes Dishman Mica, where Savage Land Pizza is a popular family pizza-and-play center. At Argonne, just off I-90, you will find Casa De Oro, Longhorn Barbeque, the chic Ambrosia Bistro and Wine Bar, Timber Creek Buffet and Caruso’s Sandwich Co. The Rocket Bakery can be found north on Argonne in Millwood, as well as Bottles wine and beer shop. Farther north, East Upriver Drive to Fruit Hill Road will take you up a winding road to the Old-World charm of the recently restored Arbor Crest Winery, with its stunning panoramic view of the entire Spokane Valley. Nodland Cellars and Liberty Lake Cellars are also located in this neighborhood, as well as Twelve String Brewing Co. Taproom and Spokane’s own Chocolate Myracles. Far north at the end of Argonne will take you to the area known as Green Bluff. This is where Townshend Cellar winery is located at the west side of Green Bluff Loop Road. Green Bluff is an agricultural area that is a must destination for family fun, with the various seasons of harvest events to celebrate the fruits of their labors. Near University and Bowdish on Sprague, the lineup includes local Egger’s Meats shop, Bruttles Candy Shoppe and neighborhood favorites such as O’Doherty’s Irish Pub, Top of India, Peking Palace, Flamin’ Joe’s, HuHot Mongolian Grill, Dave’s Bar and Grill, and Savanny’s Food Express Thai Cuisine. Just off I-90 between Evergreen and Sullivan lies the Spokane Valley Mall with a variety of chain eateries and Twigs Bistro. Located at the Mirabeau Park Hotel just south across the I-90 Interstate is MAX at


Mirabeau, at the Mirabeau Park Hotel, Spokane Valley’s award-winning restaurant offering an eclectic menu and a friendly staff; a great place to entertain a client for lunch or meet up with friends after work. Hay J’s Bistro, located next to a gas station just north of the I-90 exit at Liberty Lake, is a bistro treat not to miss for lunch or dinner and they opened their new Eau de Vie wine bar and a new butcher shop in recent months. It may not look like it from the outside, but the experience continues to bring their loyal fans back for more. Try a taste of the Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake.

MAX at Mirabeau at the Mirabeau Park Hotel Spokane Valley – 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. (509) 922-6252 Eclectic $-$$$ Find eclectic cuisine, an award-winning menu, steaks, chops, seafood, salads, burgers and more than 100 other menu items at Max! Our wine list boasts more than 500 labels; a perfect match for everything on the menu. Wednesdays and Sundays, enjoy halfpriced bottles of wine. Our lounge menu features more than 75 of the most eclectic and innovative cocktails and martinis from Retro to Nouveau. Enjoy two Happy Hours daily, 3-6pm and 9pm-close, an a la carte Brunch Menu weekends, live Rockin' Blues music Friday and Saturday nights, private dining rooms, courtyard dining and more! We offer late-night dining with a full menu until close. Open 6am daily until midnight Sun., 1am Mon.-Thurs., 2am Fri.-Sat. MAXatMirabeau.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com





In March 2005, Spokane Valley welcomed a new restaurant, which opened its doors and introduced unfamiliar and exciting flavors for its guests to discover. Nine years later, Max at Mirabeau continues to offer its guests fresh tastes, with menu items offering many locally grown and produced products. Max strives to incorporate the best the surrounding area has to offer, and using the best ingredients available is an integral part of its mission. “Passion’ is a word that comes to mind when I think of dining in Max, or even just the restaurant business,” says General Manager Andy Rooney. “From recipe conception to plate presentation, the staff and management have to be passionate about the product they are presenting to the customer. I feel confident that we are able to convey that to our clientele.” To ensure quality—from the purveyor to the customer—the staff at Max works closely with a variety of sources. Once 82

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they have the ingredients, each dish is consistently prepared the same way, following an exact recipe, using the same production techniques, insisting every dish is the best it can be each and every time it is made. Max prides itself not only in using fresh, local ingredients, but the fact that nearly 100 percent—97 to be exact—of what they offer on the menu is made from scratch. This means that they are making nearly everything in house from raw ingredients, eliminating prepackaged, pre-made ingredients. People are becoming more aware of their surroundings, being mindful of everything they put into their bodies, from the water they drink, the air they breathe and the food they eat, which makes it as important as ever for restaurants to make the best choices available for their customers. And now, with so many food allergies and food preferences, starting with raw ingredients allows for the chefs to deconstruct and


reconstruct existing dishes to cater to those needs. “Even though we don’t technically have a gluten/dairy-free menu, we have an advantage due to the fact that we make the majority of our items from scratch, so our kitchen staff is able to go above and beyond for special-need diets,” says Andy.

Each chef and cook is trained using Max’s developed recipes—complete with pictures—tasting sauces at every step of production to ensure quality. To keep the menu bright, Max chefs are consistently


Max Tournedos of Filet Mignon, Cougar Gold Salad, Roasty Toasty Butternut Squash Soup, Gorgonzola Blue Burger, Fried Banana Sundae … the list goes on … your taste buds will be taken on a culinary journey of excitement and satisfaction. Having such an extensive menu allows Max to be many things to many people: a place in the Spokane Valley to impress out-of-town guests; a Happy Hour spot for after work; a place to go dancing on weekends; a spot for an important business lunch; a place to celebrate a special event in the private dining room. The Max has been designed to serve all of the local and hotel guests’ restaurant needs, which are ever-changing. “We are excited to offer an abundance of choices to guests,” says Andy. “It's amazing to walk the restaurant and see that having such an extensive menu gives the guest the opportunity to pick and choose what really sounds good to them. It SAYS GENERAL MANAGER may be an Iceberg Wedge salad or ANDY ROONEY. it could even be a full-on order of Huckleberry Baby Back Ribs.” In April 2014, Max was awarded Fine Dining Restaurant of the Year exploring new flavors and experimenting by the Washington Restaurant with new dishes and ingredients, along Association, Spokane. with perfecting existing menu items. And The food at Max is certainly the chefs and cooks don’t stop there. Once complemented by its bar program, which the food is prepared, it is not thrown onto has blossomed greatly over time, as well a plate. Rather, each dish is plated so that as its award-winning wine cellar and it is visually appealing before the guest its inviting, contemporary atmosphere, ever tastes it. but more importantly, by its staff; from With five menus offering 100-plus dishwasher, to cook, to server, to front desk menu items served 20 hours a day, Max agent to chef, Max genuinely cares about truly has something for everybody. With its guests. Max invites you to dine with items like Sesame Crusted Crab Cakes, them.


(509) 922-6252 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. inside The Mirabeau Park Hotel MAXatMirabeau.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com



TIPS FOR TASTERS • Do not wear lipstick, gloss or balms as these will taint the flavors of the wine. • Do not wear perfumes, cologne or scented lotions as the fragrance may overpower the unique fragrances of the wine. • Drink plenty of water between tasting rooms, as this will allow your taste buds a chance to rest up before the next winery and keep you hydrated. • Gum and mints detract from your ability to taste the wine. In fact, winemakers have hinted that they won’t brush their teeth the morning they are tasting to see if their wine is ready to bottle! • Do not rinse your glass with water between pours. Wine diluted by wine is far less disturbing to the overall taste than a water dilution. • Follow the tasting card that most tasting rooms provide. Winemakers know how to present their products to allow the best sampling. • Don’t be afraid to dump a tasting that you do not enjoy. Move on to the next sampling and focus on the overall experience. • Remember that many of our local wineries do not sell their products in retail markets. If you find a wine that you enjoy, buy a bottle. There is something truly romantic about popping the cork on your new favorite bottle of wine when it comes with the great memory of how you found it.




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Women of the Vine is an open facebook group where you can join in and attend their monthly events. Gatherings are held at local wineries or tasting rooms, where you will get to hear local winemakers talk about their wines. As some of their wines are only available at the winery, what better way to get to know our friendly neighborhood winemakers a little better—and discover more local wines. You just might find your new favorite wine out there! The gatherings are also a great way to meet fellow wine lovers. Join the group on facebook to receive notification of where and when the events are, or send an email to receive their monthly notification of events. SpokaneWomenoftheVine@gmail.com

Joe Gunselman at the Gunselmen Bench Vineyard

Where the most beautiful gifts from the earth ... n, Winemakers Rebecca and Joe Gunselma

... come to the table.

Robert Karl Wines


115 West Pacific Ave. (509) 363-1353 or (888) 4CLARET (425-3728) RobertKarl.com

Order Robert Karl at your favorite restaurant and visit our family winery in Downtown Spokane 2-5pm Thurs.-Fri. and Noon to 4pm on Saturday.

Dick Beightol Vineyard Manager




When they chose the Columbia Valley as the place to plant their dream, Joe and Rebecca Gunselman knew their wines would be special. Fifteen years later, on any given evening across the Inland Northwest and far beyond, wines from Robert Karl Cellars are uncorked, swirled and sipped. But before they were poured into glasses, before they were bottled, before the grapes were harvested in the Horse Heaven Hills, the story of these highly praised Washington wines was planted roughly 200 miles 88

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southwest of Spokane. The longevity and excellence of Robert Karl Cellars wines is no accident. The Gunselmans have followed thoughtfully laid plans from the beginning. The award-winning wines are the result of a precise balance of perfect growing conditions, meticulous care and deep-rooted passion. A physician, licensed pilot, husband and father, Joe Gunselman was inspired to pursue yet another passion while working on his MBA—winemaking. Using his usual scientific method, Joe and his wife


started searching the country for the place where they could grow the highest-quality grapes. Rebecca says they found what they were looking for in Washington State— specifically in the Horse Heaven Hills American Viticultural Area. “The very best wines require the very best grapes,” says Rebecca. “That’s why we are totally committed to the Horse Heaven Hills … committed to make the best.” The land spanning 6,000-plus acres is considered to be one of the most

WINE TIME Rebecca met Dick Beightol, owner of Phinny Hill, who became the viticulturist for their own eight acres of Gunselman Bench. They also met another grower, Rob Andrews, who planted blocks of Cabernet, Malbec and Petit Verdot. The Gunselmans have a runway at the vineyard so they can fly down and check in with the growers, but they say they trust their expertise and allow them to make many necessary decisions. “We are committed and close to our vineyard managers,” says Rebecca. “We consider it a partnership. They are providing us with the best.” All of the planning paid off with almostimmediate acclaim. One of their first wines to be released, the 1999 Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, was awarded gold SAYS REBECCA GUNSELMAN medals from the Northwest Enological Society and in OF ROBERT KARL CELLARS. the Washington State Wine Competition. In 2008, Wine and prominent places to grow grapes in the Spirits included Robert Karl in a feature entire Columbia Valley. The Gunselmans on Best New American Wineries—a believe the unique combination of soil, locale, climate and the angled slopes of the Ten Year Retrospective. They’ve won prestigious gold medals from the LA terrain come together to create the most International Wine & Spirits Competition ideal growing conditions anywhere. Joe and were rated in the top 100 Washington believes the finest Cabernet in the world Wines by Paul Gregutt of the Seattle stems from this soil. Times. Most recently, Robert Karl Cellars In 1998, the Gunselmans moved to won several gold and double gold medals Washington. They settled in Spokane so at the 2013 Seattle Wine Awards, and Joe could continue to practice medicine. multiple double gold and silver awards In Horse Heaven Hills, they laid down in 2012. roots with what they hoped would Dr. Gunselman has always been become a new family business. Even the adamant about the health benefits of name of Robert Karl Cellars was passed consuming wine—so much so that they down through the generations. Thinking call their wine club “Health Club—a “Gunselman” would be too difficult for wine club for long life.” Clearly for patrons to say, spell or remember, they the Gunselmans, wine is also good for decided on “Robert” after relatives on her the soul. Their passion isn’t limited to side of the family and “Karl” from his. the viticulture, as they’ve also grown A self-taught winemaker, Joe to love the culture of the Spokane Gunselman ensures that each block of community. They share their enthusiasm grapes is grown to his specifications. by participating in many regional events During their explorations, Joe and


throughout the year, holding tastings most weekends, hosting local artists’ exhibits for First Friday festivities, supporting local causes and businesses, and they are quick to congratulate other area winemakers when they receive recognition. Avid travelers, the Gunselmans even spend vacations flying to destinations where they eat, drink and introduce others to their wines. “Our goal is to keep going,” says Rebecca. “We want to keep striving to make better wines and reach larger audiences every year.” Find and follow them on facebook/ RobertKarlCellars and @robertkarlwine on Twitter for updates on events, to get pairing recommendations and to find which Spokane restaurants are pouring Robert Karl wines.

(509) 363-1353 (888) 4CLARET 115 W. Pacific Ave. RobertKarlCellars.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com




Townshend Cellar has taken flight into the future with the opening of a new tasting room and production facility atop Green Bluff. Don Townshend is overseeing operations as his sons, Brendon and Michael, are at the wheel and charting the course for Townshend Cellar. Since his graduation from college in 2011, Brendon has been responsible for operational oversight, business development and assisting Jerry Widing and Don in the winemaking process. This past fall, Brendon departed for pilot training for the Washington Air National Guard. In the meantime, Michael has taken over Brendon’s responsibilities at Townshend Cellar since his graduation last December. Like his brother, he has maintained a strong focus and vision for the growth of the business. Brendon and Michael both love to fly, and together they own a small plane, which they fly as often as possible. Guests 90

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in the tasting room could often hear and see them flying over the incredible landscape of Green Bluff. This genuine family business is deeply rooted in the local community giving us all a sense of pride and enthusiasm as Townshend Cellar takes flight into the future. Townshend Cellar moved into the newly constructed tasting room further up on Green Bluff this past fall. The new tasting room, at 8022 E. Greenbluff Road in Colbert, Wash., is built on the historic Huckaba orchard property. There are panoramic vistas to be seen from the bar and a fun seating area with used winebarrel bistro tables to sit at and enjoy a bottle of wine with friends. There is also a stunning and spacious patio to enjoy during the upcoming warm seasons as well as an upstairs seating area complete with couches and tables by the fireplace for those colder months. Additionally, Mountain Dome sparkling wines have

been added to the wines available to taste with the Townshend Cellar wines. This great addition allows guests to taste an even broader spectrum of wines. The list ranges from sparkling, to dry white, dry red, dessert and port wines—something for everyone to love! The Green Bluff area continues to grow and become a destination to enjoy with the many farms, great produce and products, gorgeous scenery and friendly community. Townshend Cellar is now right in the heart of all that Green Bluff has to offer. After a day of picking fruit, browsing antiques or enjoying the carnival atmosphere, what better place to stop, enjoy some wine, meet with friends and savor the season than Townshend Cellar? The new facility will give Townshend Cellar the opportunity to offer new activities, including unique wine tasting experiences with pairing classes and dinners with the winemaker. The location,


just minutes out of Spokane, will be where you want to meet with friends and family to enjoy the beauty of the countryside. Even with the new tasting room, a few things won’t be changing at Townshend Cellar. Their goal is still the same as when they started in 2000: provide customers with the best wines, the best customer service and the best experience possible. Wine tasting should be fun! Jill Rider, an icon in the Spokane wine industry, continues to manage the Tasting Room and is the face you will usually see greeting you when you walk into the new tasting room. Her goal is to make sure you have such a great wine tasting experience that you will want to bring all of your family and friends back to visit. Finally, Green Bluff Christmas Tree Farm, which comprises a large amount of the land surrounding Townshend Cellar, will continue operating as it has for years beginning the day after Thanksgiving. Now, you will not only have the opportunity to continue traditions and cut down your own Christmas tree with the family but can also taste some wine to purchase for your holiday table and gifts. Your family will certainly enjoy this holiday (509) 238-1400 tradition that includes hot 8022 E. Greenbluff Rd. cider, hot chocolate and Colbert, Wash. candy canes for the little “Please come by and visit ones, and tastes of wine us soon – we look forward to seeing you!” for the adults! Townshend Cellar can Summer/Fall Hours: truly offer the best and Wed.-Sun. Noon-6pm most unique wine tasting Winter/SpringHours: experience in Spokane. Fri.- Sun. Noon-6pm

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com







Mike and Ellena Conway have lived what many would consider a blessed life. Both from Southern California, the two dated back in high school. Mike joined the Air Force in 1968, and the two were married in 1969. The couple spent the first two years of married life in Ankara, Turkey, while Mike was on tour. They came back stateside, with one year left of Mike’s four-year service, and relocated to central California. As his discharge date was approaching, Mike decided he would go back to school, and he applied at a number of businesses looking for a job for when he got out of the service. E & J Gallo Winery was hiring, he applied, got hired, and went to work in their microbiology department; going to school during the day. He worked there until 1975, and then at a neighboring winery—Franzia Brothers Winery—where he became the winery’s microbiologist. Shortly after, in 1977, he heard of an opening for an assistant winemaking position at Parducci in Northern California and applied for the job, with not much hope that he would get the 92

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position. Well … he did. Mike was hired and worked there for the next three years, learning the craft of winemaking. It was then that Mike was presented with an opportunity he just couldn’t refuse; he was offered a full-charge winemaking job in Washington State, which at the time was just emerging onto the wine scene. In 1980, Mike and Ellena moved to the Inland Northwest, with the responsibility of starting up and operating a new winery—Worden’s. According to Mike, when they opened the doors of Worden’s in 1980, there were 18 wineries total in Washington State, and when they later opened Latah Creek in 1982, they were number 35. The wine scene was growing astronomically, with a new winery opening its doors every seven days. Ten years down the road there would be 150 wineries, and today? There are more than 750 wineries in the state of Washington! And … Washington ranks second in the United States, only to California, in winemaking. Mike’s dream—as that of any winemaker—of opening his own winery was coming into fruition, with many

thanks owed to Michael Hogue, a wellto-do farmer and grape grower in the Yakima Valley, who helped finance Latah Creek. During this same time, Mike pulled double duty as Hogue Cellars’ first winemaker getting their new winery up and running. At the young age of 34, financing had fallen into place, allowing he and Ellena to buy a piece of property, winery and tanks. As Mike says, “We were young enough and naïve enough believing that it would go without a hitch, and it did.” Latah Creek’s first release was in July of 1983, with their Riesling, Chenin Blanc and Maywine. The response was phenomenal. “There was a good public response, but the awards and recognition the first couple of years was unprecedented,” says Mike. “We were off to a great start, and we haven’t looked back since.” Latah Creek was taking awards that hadn’t been seen before, such as taking Best of Show for their Chenin Blanc. Mike and Ellena’s daughter, Natalie, a graduate of Eastern Washington State University with a degree in Biology, is


passion, and I could not imagine being or doing anything else.” As Mike adds: “This is something that has been instilled in her from the time she was little.” They would sit down for dinner as a family nightly, discussing the flavors of the foods they were enjoying at that night’s meal. “One of the things I remember most is my mom’s taste tests,” recalls Natalie. “She would always have something for us to taste; two types of chocolate chip cookies, two types of noodles, two different ways to SAYS MIKE CONWAY, OWNER make the same thing. She would AND WINEMAKER. always have something to challenge your senses. What is the difference learning winemaking from her father, and the fiscal aspects of running a winery from between these two cookies, which is better, her mother, with hopes to one day take the and why? I have kept up the tradition and continue this in my home. My daughters reins in the family business. are gluten free, so I am continually trying “As a kid, I always saw myself as a new variations of recipes.” winemaker. At my 5th grade graduation, Ellena’s fond childhood memories of we were asked what we wanted to be when dinner at the table with family growing we grew up,” Natalie recalls. “Doctor, up with her three brothers, one sister, fireman and teacher were the usual responses, but of course I said, ‘winemaker.’ mom and dad is what helped cultivate the importance of eating together as a family We had a D.A.R.E. officer there who with her own husband and daughter. It came and spoke to my parents because we was important to both she and Mike to were promoting alcohol. But they couldn’t share mealtimes together. have been more proud.” An experienced cook, Ellena began After being treated for a soccer injury honing her culinary skills shortly before at 14, Natalie changed her focus to getting married, learning she and her physical therapy. It wasn’t until her junior husband’s favorite family recipes from her year in college that she returned back to mother and future mother-in-law, hosting her goal of being a winemaker. “It was the dinners for neighbors, participating in best decision I have ever made. This is my


dinner clubs. She has published three cookbooks, chronicling more than 40 years of “flavorful, easy yet simple recipes” to share with others. Latah Creek offers a warm, friendly, inviting atmosphere. It is not pretentious. Mike and Ellena pride themselves on their great staff. Whether you consider yourself a wine connoisseur or you are new to the wine world, you will be treated to an unforgettable and personal experience. Most importantly, through it all, his wife has been by his side since day one of this journey, with her focus on the accounting and fiscal side of the business. She also manages the gift shop at the winery, which offers everything from wine accessories, cork screws, glasses, T-shirts, food items including a line of gluten-free foods, and gift baskets, ready made or custom. Thirty two years down; we’re excited to see the next chapter of Latah Creek unfold. Cheers!

(509) 926-0164 13030 E. Indiana Ave. LatahCreek.com

2014-2015 SpokaneSizzle.com





Barrister Winery is housed in a magnificent 100-year-old warehouse whose soaring ceilings, exposed brick walls and weathered beams create an ambience that is truly unique. Barrister’s Gallery, located on the Winery’s main floor, is ideal for larger events such as rehearsal dinners and wedding receptions. The Gallery accommodates up to 225 guests and features a beautiful backlit Tasting Bar, spacious receiving area and large dining space designed to meet all your needs from dinner to dancing the night away. The Winery Courtyard is Spokane’s most beautiful outdoor urban garden. Potted trees and flowers play off a canopy of twinkling lights above, making this a favorite for summer weddings and other sparkling al fresco summer celebrations. The Courtyard's season runs from May 1st through September 30th. Barrister’s Barrel Room, also available from May 1st through September 30th, is designed for events up to 50 people. Perfect for intimate gatherings such as engagement parties, the Barrel Room’s candlelit French Oak barrels and Basalt rock walls make it the most romantic wine-and-dine setting imaginable. Award-Winning Wines and sumptuous food planned and catered by Barrister’s exclusive caterer, Beacon Hill Events and Catering, creates an experience that is both elegant and unforgettable. Beacon Hill’s commitment to delicious food, impeccably prepared and presented, gracious service and an array of thoughtful touches all make Beacon Hill catered events at Barrister truly memorable. Barrister Winery also hosts holiday parties, birthday and anniversary celebrations, winemaker dinners and corporate receptions, dinners and retreats.


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WINE TIME Barrister Winery Downtown Spokane – 1213 W. Railroad Ave. (509) 465-3591 Taste Barrister’s award-winning wines! Nestled away in a 100-year-old brick building located in the historic Davenport Arts District, Barrister is home to not only a winery, but an unforgettable experience for all who enter. Enjoy wine tasting, offered noon-5pm Mon.-Sat., with winery tours available by appointment. We’re open for First Friday 5-10pm with artist reception, bistro buffet and acoustic blues. Book the winery for your wedding reception, rehearsal dinner, corporate event or holiday party. BarristerWinery.com


Latah Creek Wine Cellar Spokane Valley – 13030 E. Indiana Ave. (509) 926-0164 Creating wonderful Washington State wines since 1982! Located just minutes from Downtown Spokane, visitors are offered the chance to sample our award-winning wines while browsing through one of the most unique gift shops in the area. This past year we proudly introduced a brand new wine label featuring local artist Edward Gilmore’s piece Monarch. This abstract vision of the Monarch Butterfly will be used exclusively for our new Monarch Series Reserve Reds which currently include a spectacular Monarch Red blend of Cabernet, Syrah and Zinfandel, and magnificent small-lot productions of intriguing varieties like Petite Sirah, Zinfandel and Primitivo. Open 9am-5pm daily. LatahCreek.com


Robert Karl Cellars Downtown – 115 W. Pacific Ave. (509) 363-1353 Physician-winemaker Joe Gunselman, while nestled in an old fire station in the Historic Warehouse District, focuses on Bordeaux-style wines, with grapes grown in Horse Heaven Hills, and has received national recognition for our Claret and Cabernet Sauvignon. We have been rated one of the Best New American Wineries. We’re open 2-5pm Thurs.-Fri., noon-4pm Sat. RobertKarl.com

Spokane Winery Tours SpokaneWineryTours@yahoo.com (509) 280-2560 Jump aboard with Spokane Winery Tours and experience the best wines that Spokane has to offer. We provide a fully guided tour of any four local wineries of your choice, where you can meet with the winemakers and see why Washington is second only to California for U.S. wine production. We cater to groups of 12 or less, allowing you a more intimate tour with your family, friends and/or co-workers. Touring with Spokane Winery Tours provides everyone in your party the opportunity to enjoy Spokane’s own quality wines, finding the hidden gems within our community. Tours run noon-5pm Fri.-Sun.; special accommodations can be made for tours on Wed. or Thurs. with enough advance notice. Reservations are a must as tours book quickly. SpokaneWineryTours.com

Townshend Cellar Green Bluff, Wash. – 8022 E. Greenbluff Rd. (509) 238-1400 Located just north of Spokane in the Green Bluff area, Townshend Cellar is dedicated to producing small lots of quality wines, ports and dessert wines. Come taste our wines and enjoy the beautiful view of the Green Bluff countryside and Mt. Spokane. We are open noon-6pm Fri.-Sun. Visit our website to find out about special events and locations Townshend Cellar will be at and to join our ‘Diamond T’ Wine Club. Find Townshend Cellar on Facebook for updates. Look for Townshend Cellar wines at your favorite restaurants and stores. We look forward to seeing you soon at the Tasting Room! TownshendCellar.com


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1st Friday Art Walks: Downtown Spokane Galleries, Shops & Restaurants (509) 625-6081 DowntownSpokane.org/FirstFriday.php Sat. & Sun. (seasonally) Green Bluff Farms Events / GreenBluffGrowers.com May-Sept. Thurs. & Sun. Arbor Crest Winery Summer Concert Series / ArborCrest.com Sat. & Wed (May-Oct.): Farmers’ Market, 5th & Division / SpokaneFarmersMarket.org

Theatre & Entertainment Venues:

Bing Crosby Theater (509) 227-7638 / BingCrosbyTheater.com Blue Door Theatre (509)747-7045 / BlueDoorTheatre.com Christian Youth Theatre (509) 487-6540 / CYTSpokane.com Garland Theater (509) 327-2509 / GarlandTheater.com Interplayers Professional Theatre (509) 455-7529 / InterplayersTheatre.org Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox (509) 624-1200 / FoxTheaterSpokane.org Magic Lantern Theatre (509) 209-2383 / MagicLanternSpokane.com Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture (509) 456-3931 / NorthwestMuseum.org Spokane Children’s Theatre (509) 328-4886 / SpokaneChildrensTheatre.org Spokane Civic Theatre (509) 325-2507 / SpokaneCivicTheatre.com Spokane Symphony (509) 624-1200 / SpokaneSymphony.org

Spokane Public Facilities:

(509) 434-5064 / CCS.Spokane.edu/foundation 14 The Pour Winemaker’s Dinner & Auction, Arbor Crest Winery, (509) 474-2819 / ThePour.info 28-29 Strawberry Celebrations, Green Bluff GreenBluffGrowers.com 28-29 Hoopfest, Downtown Spokane (509) 624-2414 / SpokaneHoopfest.net

July 2014

4th of July Neighbor Day, Riverfront Park (509) 242-2505 12-13, 19-20 Cherry Festival, Green Bluff GreenBluffGrowers.com 19 SpoKenya Run (509) 290-1036 / SpoKenyaRun.com 27 Spokane Valley Cycle Celebration (509) 922-3299 / ValleyFest.org 27 Zak! Charity Open’s Summer Celebration Dinner & Auction, Northern Quest Resort & Casino (509) 489-0741 / ZakCharityOpen.org 28 Zak! Charity Open’s Golf Tournaments, Spokane Country Club / Manito Golf & County Club (509) 244-8656 / ZakCharityOpen.org

August 2014

16 Labor Day: Peach Festival, Green Bluff GreenBluffGrowers.com Coaches vs Cancer Weekend (509) 242-8291 / CvsCSpokane.com Spokane Falls Northwest Indian Encampment & PowWow, Riverfront Park (509) 535-0886 27-Sept.1 Pig Out in the Park, Riverfront Park (509) 921-5579 / SpokanePigOut.com

September 2014

2014 Events

1 Pig Out in the Park, Riverfront Park (509) 456-4386 / SpokanePigOut.com 7 Cobra Polo Classic, Spokane Polo Club (509) 624-0500 / RMHSpokane.org 7 SpokeFest, Riverfront Park (509) 456-7200 / SpokeFest.org 20-Oct.26 Apple Festival, Green Bluff GreenBluffGrowers.com 19-21 Valleyfest Weekend, Mirabeau Point Park (509) 922-3299 /ValleyFest.org

May 2014

October 2014

INB Performing Arts Center (509) 279-7000 / INBPAC.com Spokane Arena (509) 279-7000 / SpokaneArena.com Spokane Convention Center (509) 279-7000 / SpokaneCenter.com

4 Bloomsday, (509) 838-1579, BloomsdayRun.org 9-11 Spring Barrel Tasting, Spokane Area Wineries SpokaneWineries.net 10-11 MAC Mother’s Day Tour, MAC (509) 363-5304 / NorthwestMuseum.org 10-11 Blooms on the Bluff, Green Bluff GreenBluffGrowers.com 17 Spokane Lilac Festival (509) 535-4554 / SpokaneLilacFestival.org 24-25: 24 Hours Round the Clock Bike Race, 7 Mile Airstrip, (509) 953-9831 / RoundAndRound.com 30-June 1 ArtFest, The Park in Browne’s Addition (509) 456-3931 / NorthwestMuseum.org

June 2014

1 ArtFest, The Park in Browne’s Addition, (509) 456-3931, NorthwestMuseum.org 6-8 Elk Fest, Pacific & Cannon in Browne’s Addition, (509) 363-1973 / WeDontHaveOne.com 13 Bigfoot Golf Classic, Downriver Golf Course

3-5 Spokane Visual Arts Tour (509) 327-6622 / SpokaneArts.org 3-5 Fall Antique & Collectors Sale, Spokane Fair & Expo Center, (509) 924-0588 / CusterShows.com 1-26 Apple Festival, Green Bluff GreenBluffGrowers.com 17-19 Quilt Show, Spokane County Fair & Expo Center (509) 244-8821 / WSQSpokane.org 25 The Pumpkin Ball, Spokane Convention Center (509) 994-4146 / ThePumpkinBall.org

November 2014

14 Epicurean Delight, Spokane Convention Center (509)232-4567 / EpicureanDelight.org 8 Spokane Cork & Keg Festival, Mirabeau Park Hotel, (509) 467-7744 / SpokaneCorkAndKeg.com 9 Fall Folk Festival, Spokane Community College (509) 747-2640 / SpokaneFolklore.org 21-23 Christmas Arts & Crafts Show, Spokane Fair & Expo Center, (509) 924-0588 / CusterShows.com

21-23 Holiday Wine Fest, Spokane Area Wineries SpokaneWineries.net 28-Dec.24 Holiday Memories, Green Bluff GreenBluffGrowers.com

December 2014

1-24 Holiday Memories, Green Bluff, GreenBluffGrowers.com 31 First Night Spokane, (509) 252-5027 FirstNightSpokane.org

2015 Events January 2015

Spokane International Film Festival, Multiple Spokane locations (509) 624-2615 / SpokaneFilmFestival.org Chefs’ Culinary Classic, The Davenport Hotel (509) 232-8131 / CMNSpokane.org

February 2015

6-8 Spokane Visual Arts Tour (509) 327-6622 / SpokaneArts.org A Taste of Hope Benefit for The ISAAC Foundation, The Lincoln Center (509) 499-1679 / TheIsaacFoundation.org Kids at Heart Benefit, Davenport Hotel KidsAtHeartCharityLunch.org 26-Mar. 1 Home & Yard Show, Spokane Fair & Expo Center CusterShows.com

March 2015

6-8 Spring Arts & Crafts Show, Spokane Fair & Expo Center, CusterShows.com Shamrock Gala for Holy Family Hospital, Davenport Hotel, (509) 474-4923 / Holy-Family.org

April 2015

Festival of Wine & Flowers Winemaker’s Dinner, The Club at Black Rock, CdA (509) 473-6370 / FestivalOFWineAndFlowers.com 24-26 Spring Antique & Collectors Sale, Spokane Fair & Expo Center, CusterShows.com 24 Festival of Wine & Flowers Wine Tasting & Auction, Manito Golf & Country Club (509) 232-8131 / FestivalOfWineAndFlowers.com 25 Wine & Gourmet Gala, SCC Lair CCS.Spokane.edu Please remember to contribute generously to help feed Spokane's hungry. Second Harvest Food Bank and Feed Spokane are two ways to share. Contact them with donations of either food or funds: 534-6678 @ 2-Harvest.org or 216-7364 @ FeedSpokane.com

View our online events calendar @ SizzlenCuisine.com and sign up for our weekly eNews for updates and additional event information throughout the year.



Syringa has developed a loyal clientele starting from the first day it opened its doors due largely in part to its dedicated staff. Now celebrating eight years serving fine Japanese cuisine and sushi in Midtown Coeur d’Alene, Syringa is a solid front runner in the sushi category. Owners Viljo and Autumn Basso have been working in restaurants together since 1995; Viljo attended Portland's Western Culinary Institute, and after an internship at Rover’s—a well-known French cuisineinspired restaurant in Seattle—he became a full-time chef there. Autumn worked in restaurants in the Seattle area and attended Seattle's Art Institute where she studied fashion design. While still in Seattle, Viljo added to his credentials at Cascadia Restaurant and Mashiko Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar. He was later asked to help open and be the head kitchen chef at Saito's Japanese Café and Sushi Bar, a traditional Japanese restaurant in Downtown Seattle. After eight years in Seattle, Viljo and 98

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Autumn married and returned to Coeur d'Alene. In 2004, Ezra "EZ~B" Basso was born, and they made the big decision to open Syringa, Japanese Café and Sushi Bar, naming it after the Idaho state flower. It quickly became a neighborhood hangout and award-winning restaurant that attracted fans from throughout the Northwest. Fresh ingredients and a flare for originality and excellence is what set this quaint little restaurant apart from the rest. Offering the best in sushi and Japanese cuisine, Syringa’s menu boasts some of the freshest fish the area has to offer with menu items such as Hamachi Carpaccio, Scallops, Poke, Manila Clams, Halibut and White Cane Sockeye Salmon. Not in the mood for fish? Choose from Gyoza, Agadashi Dofu, Vegetable Tempura, Teriyaki Chicken, Yakisoba—with your choice of seafood, beef, chicken or tofu— Pork Shogayaki and Trip-Tip. And then there are more than 20 rolls to choose from, along with nigiri.


In addition to the food, the atmosphere offers an intimate and casual dining experience with an artsy and eclectic edge. The walls are adorned with unique Japanese-influenced art—some by local artists. Syringa is open 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday, 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday, and 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. Saturday. Kanpai!


I-90 Coeur d'Alene Exit 13, 4th St. Go to Walnut and turn left. Syringa is on your left at 4th St. & Walnut. 1401 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (208) 664-2718


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Vintage Unlimited

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Vintage Limited

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Same specs as the Unlimited Vintage class, but with a wide range of restrictions, depending on class.

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