LGS Project

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design communication freedom







LGS PROJECT Dear All, LGS Project is all about Liliana Gomes Silva Design Work. I invite you to take a brief look on this little publication where you can visualize some of my design work. For me, Graphic Design is a passion, a vision and an art of communication, stylizing, and problem-solving through the use of type, space and image. Searching for new challenges, having aptitude and inclination for graphic arts with knowledge in Marketing and Advertising, I find connections that allow an enlightening visual communication in my graphic projects, always finding an analogy between Logic & Emotion. For additional information, I invite you to take a look on the following links: - issuu.com/lilianagomesilva - www.revistaprogredir.com - www.facebook.com/RevistaProgredir In the meantime I thank you sincerely for taking the time to see my creations. Yours sincerely,

Liliana Gomes Silva


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Descontraia e Reflita atra vés do vídeo do mês

Entrevista com Paul Auran d

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I had so many arrears when I was studying. Now I own Microsoft. By Bill Gates


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BER 2013

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