MOVEMBER 2013 t comes a little late but... better late then never! The MO’TUGAS’VEMBER initiative was a success and we have all of you, who participated, to thank for it.
First off I would like to enumerate the Team members, the brave ones who put forward their ‘moustaches’ in order to make this event a reality. So to Paulo Lopes, Miguel Silva, Pedro Carvalho, Bruno Bolrão, Nuno Picareta, Bruno Custódio, Pedro Silva and Liliana Gomes Silva I will endorse my deepest gratitude for embarking on this one month adventure for a very noble cause. A special “thank you note” for the members that really put their very own moustaches on the line for our “Cut down the Moustache” raffle. The winners where inventive and creative, as one can be in such short notice conditions, providing the most strange/bizarre variety of moustaches available out there! All in all, our HP colleagues where responsive to the initiative and we are happy to announce that the MO’TUGAS’VEMBER team raised € 156,00 in total this year. So thank you all for supporting Movember through our team and please continue to do so by doing it youself, donating to others or simply by creating awareness for the initiative itself! Let the Moustaches Grow!!!
Text by Nuno Silva
3 | MOVEMBER 2013
A mous tache growing charity e vent held du ring the mouth of n ovem ber each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health!
Scenes from the “Cut down the Moustache� Raffle on the last day of Movember 2013.
Let the Show begin... 4 | MOVEMBER 2013
Movem ber helped create a serious co nver satio n throug h someth ing wh imsicla!
Paulo Lopes VS Liliana Martins
5 | MOVEMBER 2013
Amo ng black men, 19% nearly o ne in five, will be diagn osed with pros tate cancer, and 5% of those will die from th is disease.
Bruno Bolr達o VS Vincenzo Atteo
6 | MOVEMBER 2013
Whate ver you call them, do n't for g et to check them. Schedule you r physical & learn more a bout early d etectio n of tes ticular cancer.
Pedro Carvalho VS Cรกtia Serrano
7 | MOVEMBER 2013
One of e very six men is affected by Pros tate C ancer.
Miguel Silva VS Carla Narciso
8 | MOVEMBER 2013
I support men's health issues by allowing you to like 70's porn s tar for a mo nth!
Nuno Silva VS Pedro Rodrigues
9 | MOVEMBER 2013
MOV EM B choose E R yo weapo u r n. No sh .. ave Novem ber!
Contributors • • • • • • • • •
Nuno Silva Paulo Lopes Miguel Silva Pedro Carvalho Bruno Bolrão Nuno Picareta Bruno Custódio Pedro Silva Liliana Gomes Silva.
We wish to express our gratitude to everybody who contributed!
12 | MOVEMBER 2013