Join the glambitious power circle
Publisherʟ’s Note
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Your Own Book!
We're a Tax consultanting and Tax literacy company. We specialize in tax prepara tion with an emphasis on educating our clients with the changing processes/information within the IRS in frastructure. Email: • •
Business, Babies, and Beauty
I help women build business and balance it all by providing information and services on how to build a successful business brand without compromising the ability of taking care of a family and maintaining their beauty! We also offer business packages in our Business Boutique at for entrepreneurs needing ideas on what kind of business to start. Email: • Social Media: @businessbabiesandbeauty
Funky Flair Boutique
Fashion is a state of mind. Fashion speaks. Fashion is Funky Flair Boutique. • Email: Address: 3020 Canton Road - Suite 220 - Marietta, Georgia 30066 Twitter: @FunkyFlair • Facebook: FunkyFlairBoutique • Instagram: FunkyFlairBoutique
Rae’Nahs Boutique
Rae’Nahs Boutique is an online boutique whose goal is to bring out the fierce, classy & sexy side of each and every individual. We feature clothes that get you noticed and stand out; we do this “For the Luve of Fashion” Instagram: Raenahluve • Facebook: Raenahs •
The Tawni Logues, LLC
A freelance writing company offering services such as bios, career packages, website verbiage, press releases, book editing, and more. Clients range from music industry executives and artists, to startup companies. • Info@TheTawniLogues • Facebook: The Tawni Logues
The Purple Cinderella
Written by Lillie Young as a testimony and reflection of her life story, visit and search ‘The Purple Cinderella’ to purchase. • Instagram: Lillie Young • Facebook: Lillie Young • Facebook Group Page: The Purple Cinderella
Style Me Chiq
Style Me Chiq offers high quality, classy women's attire to today's modern women. • Email: Facebook: StyleMeChiq • Instagram: @StyleMeChiq • Twitter: @StyleMeChiq
First + foremost – let me just preface this post by saying that this is what works for me. I was contemplating writing a post on “how to achieve work/life balance”, but I feel like the definition of it varies for everyone. How I feel balanced may actually feel like chaos for you, and visa versa. But all of that is okay – Iʼ’ve personally set a 6 rules for myself to ensure that I have some level of work/life balance in my life everyday. 1. One free weekday evening and one free weekend day. This rule ensures that I have time to recoup and relax in my space. I love spending time doing a whole bunch of nothing in my Harlem studio apartment. During this time, I try my best to stay off of my computer, unless I am journalling, and zone out with a good cup of tea… and occasionally some takeout. I read, I nap, I watch movies or catch up on TV shows that I missed, and I just enjoy the time to myself. Sure, sometimes I bring out the bleach and start giving my space a deep cleaning, but I kind of like the feeling of relaxing in your space after youʼ’ve cleaned everything and feel like there is nothing else to do.
Itʼ’s time to pack away winter clothes, clean your house, throw out old stuff that is cluttering your space and refresh your style. Donʼ’t forget to add an Energy Cleanse to your cleaning List. If you arenʼ’t familiar with it, an Energy Cleanse removes negative energy vibrations that you may have picked up from others or even manifested yourself. Itʼ’s a spiritual detox that allows you to center your energy and emotions and direct them away from negativity and towards positive and prosperous thoughts and emotions. My experience with energy cleansing leaves me feeling peaceful, focused, and more connected. Negative energy comes from worry, dealing with difficult situation, and being around negative people. You know when you walk into a place and just get a bad vibe -itʼ’s from bad energy in that place. Have you ever spent time around someone who was negative and afterward you felt angry or uneasy for no reason – you absorbed some of their negative energy. Ever felt like a relationship or work issue sucked the life out of you…itʼ’s time for an energy cleanse.
C o v e r G i r l