After surviving the tragic loss of her two children, husband and mother within a four-year span, Nikki has embarked on a mission to change lives by spreading the message of 'creating wellness from the inside out'. Over the last decade, Nikki has used her voice and personal experiences to inspire women across the country that face family loss, domestic violence or other life challenges. To further emphasize the importance of overall wellness during a survivors journey, Nikki Payne has volunteered her skills as an Esthetician to treat women in shelters as well. Nikki's diverse efforts include publishing various E-books, speaking at special events, offering career training through her "Art of Body Sculpting" training courses and hosting an annual Atlanta 5K Walk event in honor of her children. Licensed as an Esthetician since 2013, her new cosmetic spa is located in the heart of Buckhead Atlanta and offers a variety of nonsurgical services to help women achieve physical health. Services include laser lipo, lipo cavitation, vacuum therapy, v-steam and more. Affectionately recognized by many as the 'Comeback Queen', Nikki strongly affirms that looking and feeling better are key components in maintaining positive mental health. Nikki encourages women of all facets to develop a holistic balance in their lives and through her latest business venture 'Vain Bodies by Nikki', she's created a serene environment that offers just that.
CONTACT @vainbodies_bynikki