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Lillstreet’s Digital Photography program offers artist-taught classes covering a wide range of topics — from basic technical instruction to advanced creative projects. We engage in conversations surrounding contemporary digital media and facilitate students’ critical thinking skills when it comes to reading the image. Equipped with Adobe software, Epson printers, and a large lighting studio, we’re here to help you master the tools and concepts necessary to create meaningful images that stand out in a culture in which everyone has access to a camera.
First-Time Artist
First-Time Digital Photography 5 Weeks This class is designed specifically for those who are brand new to digital photography. Get to know your DSLR with the help of an experienced instructor who will guide you through how your camera works and how to control its various exposure settings. Learn the functions of aperture, ISO, and shutter speed while you explore the visual elements of image-making. USB drive and camera with manual settings required, DSLR preferred.
First-Time Photo Editing 5 Weeks What do we do with our digital images once they’re shot? This introductory class will guide you through the basics of digital workflow, file organization, image enhancements, and printing using various editing tools across Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of these two programs and how you can effectively integrate them to meet all your photo editing needs. Students should bring an external hard drive for storing image files. This class is not designed for images made using smartphone cameras.
Sunday 2–5pm Shawn Rowe Session I: Starts April 5
First-Time Computer Skills 5 Weeks Technology changes at a rapid pace, and it can be challenging to navigate the world of digital photography if you’re unfamiliar with the computer side of things. This course is designed as a refresher for anyone feeling unsure about their computer skills. Gain knowledge of useful troubleshooting techniques and learn how to use the computer with ease.
Students may bring their own laptops or use the iMacs in Lillstreet’s computer lab.
Beginner/ Advanced Beginner
Fundamentals of Photography 10 Weeks This extended class will dive deep into the fundamental principles of photography. Review the essential camera functions of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed, and learn how things such as white balance and focal length affect your photograph. Through creative assignments and group discussions, you will visually explore subjects you’re passionate about. You will learn to navigate the use of light and color, make balanced compositions, and infuse meaning into your images. Camera with manual settings required, DSLR preferred.
All Levels Welcome
Working The Frame 5 Weeks
Learn to work inside the frame and better understand the design principles of photography. You’ll cover various compositional concepts from figure/ground relationships to contrast management, and receive an overview of photo history. You’ll learn key elements through fascinating slide lectures and employ those strategies through in-class shooting. No matter what kind of camera you’re working with, this class will expand your visual vocabulary. All levels welcome.
Photographic Lighting 5 Weeks This introductory course focuses on the technical aspects of studio equipment and different approaches to photographing with artificial light. Steady lights, speedlights, strobes, and reflectors are used throughout this course; you’ll also study how to best utilize lighting for studio portraiture and still life photography. DSLR and basic knowledge of camera functions required.
Prerequisite: First-Time Digital Photography or Fundamentals of Digital Photography
Websites For Artists 5 Weeks Have artwork and need a way to show it to the world? This course gives students the skills to make artwork web-ready and display it on a custom built artist website using Squarespace. This class is open to photographers and artists of all mediums who want to learn to digitally document their work in the studio. Squarespace subscription required.
Prerequisite: Computer competency and basic web literacy required.
Walking as Photographic Practice 10 Weeks This practice-based survey course centers on the storied relationship between walking and photography. Classes will frequently meet on location at local museums/galleries as starting points for guided photo walks through various parts of the city, as well as convening in the classroom for discussion and group feedback sessions. The course will culminate in the sequencing and printing of a collaborative zine featuring student work.
All photographic devices are welcome, from cell phones to analog cameras. Suggested: A reliable and comfortable pair of shoes, sunblock, and/or a hat.
Intermediate/ Advanced
Looking Inward: Self Portraiture 8 Weeks The self-portrait has a long history in photography, ranging from artists like Francesca Woodman to the modern-day “selfie.” While many photographers point their cameras at the world around them, others use their cameras to uncover the wealth of stories within themselves. Learn to navigate the technical skills behind self-portraiture while digging deeper into your personal narrative through in-class discussions/critiques and writing exercises.
Prerequisite: First-Time Digital Photography, Fundamentals of Photography, or equivalent experience
Tuesday 6:30–9:30pm Shterna Goldbloom Starts March 31 $285, Members $275 $10 Print Fee
Portrait Photography 5 Weeks Learn to capture the human form through in-class exercises, assignments, and group critiques. Discover the nuances of the artist/subject relationship while you explore composition, lighting, positioning, and environment. Imagebased lectures will introduce you to the work of various portrait artists and the many approaches to photographic portraiture. DSLR and tripod are highly recommended.
Prerequisite: First-Time Digital Photography, Fundamentals of Photography or equivalent experience
Advanced Photo Editing 5 Weeks Feeling like your photo editing skills have plateaued? Whether you’re using Lightroom or Photoshop, there’s room to grow in this flexible advanced editing class. We’ll explore digital compositing, HDR processing, portrait retouching, blending modes, layer masking, and more. Come with questions and goals that we can integrate into our class together. Prerequisite: Photoshop I or equivalent experience in Photoshop
Photo Book Making 5 Weeks Ready to turn your photographs and photo blogs into handcrafted, tangible objects? In this class, we work on bringing your ongoing photography projects to completion through creating photographic books, giving your digital images a physical form. We explore mixed media, creative writing, sequencing and layout. Hands-on exercises will include book-binding and inkjet printing demonstrations. (tools provided, students purchase their own paper)
Prerequisite: First-Time Photo Editing, or proficiency in Photoshop or Lightroom
Photographic Collage 5 Weeks Learn to use images in new and alternative ways through photographic collage. This class will introduce you to several techniques to combine imagery, both physically and digitally. You will gain experience in photomontage, scan objects to create 2D images, layer photographs in Photoshop, and reappropriate found imagery. Collage offers you the ability to abstract the photograph beyond the camera.
Workshops/ Service/ Custom Class
Artwork Documentation Workshops and Services Open to our friends working in all art forms across Lillstreet. Utilize Lillstreet’s lighting studio to document your physical artworks and create professional-quality digital files for online display and print publication. Sign up for a custom experience to learn how to use these tools yourself, or let us take care of the technical stuff for you. Artwork documentation is available as a service scheduled through our Custom Class Coordinator at customclasses@lillstreet.com.
2 hour Custom Workshop or Service Rebecca Memoli