Our trip to kolding was educational and inspiring. The focus on sustainability has led us to approach fashion in a different way. Jenny Lee’s classes has allowed us to look at speculative design from a different perspective. With these two design insights, we star ted working on this project. During the week in kolding we have been inspired by various assignments. The timeline assignment and the species.
Timeline Information
Reality check Overconsuming
Story of 2040 balbla
O v e rsh o o t D ay
P o p u la t io n G ro w t h
L iv in g Lo n g e r C lim a t e C hang e
Fram ewo rk In Kolding we have created a timeline with current and future events. In a timeframe from 2018 to 2060. From these events, we’ve selected four themes to make this an intresting timeline that we could use for our speculative design project. the four events are: - Overshoot day is getting closer every year. - The world population will count 8.5 billion - Climate change causes climate refugees - People will live longer and there for become older
TIME 2018 O V E R S H O O T D AY
2030 O v e r p o p u la t io n
ELINE 2030 C L IM A T E M IG R A N T S (C lim a te C h a n g e)
2050 L IF E S P A N
Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity services in a given year exceeds what Earth can rege this deficit by liquidating stocks of ecological resour primarily carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Earth O and calculated by Global Footprint Network, an inte organization that provides decision-makers with a menu of tools to he economy operate within Earth’s ecological limits. Year 1987 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012
Past Earth Overshoot Days Overshoot Date Year Overshoot Date October 23 2013 August 4 October 11 2014 August 5 October 5 2015 August 6 September 23 2016 August 5 August 26 2017 August 3 August 8 2018 August 1 August 4 2019 July 29 August 4 2020 TBD
If every country live as we live in The Netherlands overshoot day will be on May 4th
y’s demand for ecological resources and enerate in that year. We maintain rces and accumulating waste, Overshoot Day is hosted ernational research
elp the human
O v e rp o p u la tio n
Fewer than 800 million people populated the Earth in the mid7.5 billion and will continue growing until 2050, the moment a population.
Taking into account the fact that human beings appeared o our recent history for the number of inhabitants on the plan
-18th Century. Today, barely 250 years later, we are more than at which forecasts point to a stabilizing of the world
on Earth more than four million years ago, what happened in net to start multiplying exponentially? The tipping point was generally accepted to be the Industrial Revolution, but there are many smaller revolutions that contributed to population take-off which have brought the planet to its current dangerous overpopulation: revolutions that are medical, technological, agricultural, financial, transport and demographical in nature, among others.
C lim a te M ig ra n ts Climate Migrants
Climate migrants are people who leave their homes because of climate stressors Climate stressors, such as changing rainfall, heavy flooding, and sea level rise, put pressure on people to leave their homes and livelihoods behind. People are already moving because of climate stressors and changing weather patterns. Whether salinity intrusion in Bangladesh is making it difficult for farmers to continue cultivating rice or flooding in Kenya is killing livestock and destroying crops, people’s livelihoods are being threatened by climate stressors. In many cases, people will adapt to these stressors by migrating.
Effects of overpopulation
Exhaustion of natural resources: the main effect o unrestrained use of resources. The planet has a li materials and each year the natural resources de rate than the planet is able to generate them – countries, overpopulation causes fierce rivalries t water supply are due in many cases to geopolitic
Environmental degradation: unbridled use of nat production from coal, oil and natural gas (fossil fu planet. Consequences number, on the one hand animal and plant species and changes in the wa in the form of emissions of large quantities of gre
of overpopulation is the unequal and imited capacity to generate raw eficit – the consumption of resources at a faster – is reached earlier. Consequently, in developing to control resources. Territorial conflicts over cal tensions and can end in war.
tural resources, as well as growth in energy uels) is having a negative impact on the d, deforestation and desertification, extinction of ater cycle and the most direct consequence of all eenhouse gases leading to global warming.
L ife s p a n A group of prominent researchers predict Americans living in the next 40 years will be much older than is currently predicts. Members of the MacArthur Research Network on an Aging Society released a report Monday contending that the U.S. Social Security Administr ation and Census Bureau have misjudged the average American lifespan in 2050 by three to eight years. By the group’s estimates women would to live to be 89 to 94 on average instead of the government’s estimate of 83 to 85 years. For men, the group expects they will live to be 83 to 86 instead of the government’s projection of 80 years average life expectancy in 2050.
What is interesting about our resources are running out, we are more people, we will have to mov in order to survive. But still we This didn’t ad up and raise
How is this poss running out but in the end we will gro What will happen in be How will From this point we st context of scen
four themes is that all our e going to share our planet with ve to another area at some point will grow older and live longer. ed questions to think about.
sible that we are of resources ow older and live longer? etween 2019 and 2060? we survive? tarted to think in the nario development.
Effects of over-consuming Environmental Consequences
However, there is a price to pay for this uncontrolled cons we consume comes from the natural world - it is extracted resources on this planet are limited. As we continue to con “comfortable” life, the planet suffers from this over-extrac resulting in degraded and collapsing ecosystems, habitat creates increased pollution and waste and the very essen polluted and toxic.
Social Consequences
Perhaps, we also do not realize that if we take up the lion’ live on. Currently, 80% of the world’s resources are used b flow of precious resources from the global South to the No producing goods and services for the minority of the wor basic necessities of food, water, health, sanitation etc. for to fulfill the consumption “wants” of the rich minority, pre luxury items further depriving the poor of the world.
sumption. Perhaps, we do not yet realize that everything d, mined, farmed, grown, fished, cut down - and the nsume at an ever increasing rate for the illusion of a ction of resources - forests, fish, soil, minerals, water... ts, and species. In addition, increased consumption ntials for life - air, land, and water get more and more
’s share of the planet’s resources, then others have less to by a minority of the world’s population (17%). There is a orth. These resources are exploited and used for rld’s population instead of being used to provide the r the rest of the world’s population. Moreover, in order ecious resources are often directed towards frivolous or
There is world for there is everyone’s
eno eve not gre
ough in the eryone’s need; enough for ed. - Gandhi
It’s May 4th of 2040 we have to leave. Pack all your things, not one thing but everything. You can’t leave anything behind. Everything you have, everthing you ever bought must be carried on your shoulders. Do not complain! You caused this yourself. You who wanted more. It was never enough. These are the consequences that you suffer from. Join the rest on a trip. Together with all your things. Together with your responsibilities, you travel into the wide world in search of a new existence.
May 4th of 2040 May 4th of 2040 May 4th of 2040 May 4th of 2040 May 4th of 2040 May 4th of 2040 May 4th of 2040 May 4th
Will yo R esp on s
u tak e sib ility?