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Atra-hasis and the Flood

James W. Bell’s

Ancient Sumeria

Atra-hasis and the Flood (This tale from Babylonia, dated ca. 1700 BCE, is the longest and most comprehensive of the Mesopotamian Flood stories.) Retold and Condensed by James W. Bell

In the beginning, before men were created, the

Anunnaki – the gods living on the earth – had to till the land and water it to grow their food. They found the work tiresome and too much trouble. So they gave Enlil lordship of the earth. He summoned the Igigi, calling down from heaven the lesser gods, lower divinities without names, to do the work. Besides tilling the soil, Enlil assigned to the Igigi the additional tasks of digging canals, river beds and keeping their channels clear. For thousands of years, the Igigi toiled for the Anunnaki. It was too much! They downed their tools and went as a group to the Ekur, Enlil’s citadel at Nippur, to demand relief. When the Igigi arrived before Enlil’s stronghold, he ordered his doorkeeper, Nusku, to bar the gate to keep them out. But Nusku asked, “Why has your face become as pale as the tamarisk? Why do you fear your sons? Call the other gods and let them help solve this thing.” So Enlil summoned the others, including Anu from heaven, and Enki, lord of the Abzu. Together, they stood on the ramparts of the Ekur and addressed the besiegers. “Why do you attack us?” The Igigi answered as one, “The work you have assigned us is killing; we can no longer bear it. We have put a stop to digging and declared war.” (1 de 8)03/01/2009 12:59:30 p.m.

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