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COBSAE Fall 2010

Community of Báthory Scholars & Enthusiasts Our forum is dedicated to research, discussion, and debate regarding one of history’s most enigmatic characters, Countess Erzsébet Báthory. Dear Friends, There’s a chill in the air and down our spines as we head into the fall season in anticipation of one of our most favourite days of the year, Halloween! In keeping with the “spirit” of the season, this issue lends a slightly darker twist to matters surrounding our beloved Countess. We speak to a medium about tortured souls; showcase a “gore-geous” feast for the eyes by the amazingly talented makeup artist, Bec Wurzbacher; bring a bit of history to life with re-enactor Jason O’keefe; and author Rebecca Johns, shares a bit about her latest novel, The Countess. We hope you enjoy this issue and invite you to join our COBSAE and Infamous Lady communities on Facebook. As always, we welcome you to share your work and interest in Her Ladyship with us, and look forward to hearing from you! Warmest Regards,

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

What Lurks Amongst Us


Violently Beautiful


Bringing History to Life


The Countess, A novel


The Last Word


~ Liz Carrington, COBSAE Co-Founder & Editor-in Chief

W h a t

L u r k s

A m o n g s t

U s …

When darkness falls, and we’re alone, do we let our imaginations get the best of us? Or, are there really things that do go bump in the night? We spoke with medium, Angie Kafcsak about her take on how spirits, lost souls, and hauntings may indeed be very real. COBSAE: Can you tell us a bit about what you do as a medium? Is your gift different from that of a psychic, and how do you communicate with the “other side”?

Photo Courtesy of Bec Wurzbacher ©2010

AK: “There are different types of psychic gifts. I don‟t see into the future or have premonitions like some other intuitives do. Not to sound too cliché, but what I have is a “sixth sense”, it is the

ability to pick up on subtle, yet very active energies. Some may refer to it as a hyper-sensitive periphery, which allows me to actually see, hear and communicate, with these energies; in other words, clairvoyance. By picking up on all of this activity, I am able to decipher the past and attempt to explain what may have happened. I have had this ability ever since

I can remember...since childhood. You know how kids are to known to have “imaginary” friends? Well, mine weren‟t so was quite frightening at times since you can‟t really control what you see and hear sometimes. These energies and entities are all around any given time. Over the years, as I have come to learn about and better understand this ability,

Volume 2, Issue 3

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