Our Father, who art in Hell

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Our Father, who art in Hell By Geifodd ap Pwyll

In Satanism, there is a wide variety of names and titles that people use for His Infernal Majesty. Some call Him the Prince of Darkness, and some call Him Set. Some call Him the Dark Lord, and some call Him the Devil. Some call Him the Dark Force in nature, while others might call Him the Great Beast. And of course, any combination of these names is also up for grabs. These and various others are somewhat "official" sounding titles. But some folks prefer to identify the Dragon by more intimate terms. Some, for example, like to call Set by the name of "Master" or "Father." Or perhaps if they are more in tune with His feminine aspect, they might call Him "Mistress" or "Mother." Now there are a few Satanists who have what I consider to be some rather unfair prejudices against the use of such intimate terms. Most of the people who have these prejudices take a much more intellectual approach to Satanism than others, or at least this is what I have observed for myself. Either that, or they're self-worshipers. In this sermon, I would like to voice my thoughts about this particular issue, and to explain why I do not agree with the prejudices against these intimate terms, despite my own intellectual approach to Devil worship. Now from what I have observed, many of the people who call the Devil their Father do so because they experience Him as having a paternal influence in their lives. There is a belief among many of the more intellectually-inclined Satanists that anybody who experiences Him in such a way must come from a fundamentalist Christian upbringing. Furthermore, it is thought that they are unable to break free of their upbringing, and that they simply "replace" Jehovah with Satan as their religious paternal figure. The reason supposedly being, of course, that they can't handle not having one. These things are certainly true of some "Father" Satanists, but I've never seen any evidence that they are true of all "Father" Satanists. And I challenge anybody who thinks they have such evidence to produce it! But just for the sake of argument, let's say we have a "Father" Satanist who fits the above profile exactly: Jimmy was born in a Southern Baptist family and accepted Christianity until he reached his teenage years, when he suddenly realized that Christian theology is all a bunch of

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