TMP VACANCIES MM-designer Qualities required: Education provided: - Photoshop skills (or other graphical editor) - Printing basics - Creativity - Photoshop tips (if needed) - Presence of time for work - Brands Standards Development at vacancies: - Creativity - Designing - Real work with pre-printing models Job Description: - To create printed marketing materials (posters, fliers etc.) - To create AIESEC-promo-pictures for SM, websites - To make certificates for interns, participants of projects etc. Work conditions: - Deliver job not more than in 3 days (if is not discussed separately) - Confirm created materials with VP CMM - Tracking with R&R-document
SMM manager Qualities required: - Reading - Writing - Open mind -
Education provided: - Work with SM - Brands Standards
Development at vacancies: Real work in SMM (after it you can start your own SM page for selling) Knowledge about what is going on in Lviv (popular Lviv publics) Job Description: Create updates for pages in SM (VK, FB and other if discussed) Monitor SMM-pages of our LC Cooperate with other publics in SM Work conditions: Create at minimum 3 updates per day (if not discussed separately) Mark your work in SMM-document Tracking with R&R-document
City-based promo team member (2 persons+VP CMM) Qualities required: - Free time for work - Talkativeness - No fear for public speaking
Education provided: - Presentation skills, public speaking Development at vacancies:
Public speaking development Raising skills (negotiation) Selling skills Job Description: Find opportunities for AIESEC to be represented at an event in city Raise place for own events Represent AIESEC at external events Logistics responsibility Work conditions: Obligatory participation in external events. One of team members will be responsible for logistics at external event (will be discussed)
TMP VACANCIES: Grant manager Job responsibilities:
ß Search new grants and funds ß Contact with grants and funds ß Fill out forms for grants ß Tracking of results for each grant application ß Attend seminars and conferences devoted to «Grant Management» ß Funds servicing after grants raising ß Pass a transition with previous Grant manager ß Personal meetings with Projects Coordinator each two weeks Measures of Success: # of filled applications for grants (at least – 20) # of received grants (at least – 2, not less than 2000 UAH each) __________________________________________________ Alumni manager description: Communication with Alumni, Events for alumni, Raising of alumni. KPI: Money raised = 4000, Alumni events = 100%, Newsletters = 10 __________________________________________________________ CRM manager Description: ·
Systemize and make structure of company database.
Watch if users follow the rules.
Check new companies.
Find new companies for VP ER.
KPI: CRM is easy to use and understand = 100%, New companies are checked minimum twice per day, Companies for VP ER = 400 _________________________________________________________
Sales manager Description: Sales education for ER members and for LC. ·
Raise companies for all the local committee projects. KPI:
Year partnership = 1, In kind partners of projects = 10, Financial partners = 10 (20000 grn), Trainings for LC = 10 ______________________________________________________
Servicing manager Description: Make reports for companies. Project reports, quarter reports, annual reports. · Send reports, news and greetings to our annual partners and for permanent in kind partners. ·
Make sure all the marketing materials are at the place of proper event or project.
· Make sure every project or other event has photos with partner’s marketing materials. ·
Check if all the proper logos of partners are on the website
Check if everyone follow the brand standards. KPI: Annual reports = 2, Quarter reports = 5, Project reports = 10
____________________________________________________________ In kind manager Description: Communicate with current in kind partners.
Raise new in kind partners. Make sure interns have what to it and where to live. Make sure conferences have at least 1 in kind partner. KPI: Conferences have at least 1 in kind partner - 100%, interns have accomodation and food - 100%, Current in kind partners are saved - 100% ___________________________________________________________
HR manager: HR Manager is responsible - Make the tracking of members (e.x. to fill HR audit or others docs) -filling and tracking imps, contacts -support VP TM with PA docs - contact members after they’ll go to llk or excluded from AIESEC - support team during RcR MoS: members efficiency - 2