Monthly Report
May 2021
Image 12. The male baby Preuss monkey Camfor, which means “Welcome” in Yamba, received his first health check 2 weeks after his arrival. He is strong and healthy!
Image 13. After checking his general health condition, which appears to be perfectly adequate, the vet team took the time to measure key features in the baby to be able to monitor his growth in the coming months.
June 2021 objectives: □ Continue with the ongoing activities □ African grey parrots: Continue to provide special care for the last individuals with difficulties improving their body conditions □ Vet cares: 2nd quarantine health check: Preuss monkey (1), Contraception: Drills (3), Chimpanzees (3)
3. Wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and release programme Funders
Arrival & quarantine □ 1 infant male Preuss monkey (Allochrocebus preussi) (Image 14)
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