Monthly Report
August-September 2021
Image 27 a&b. Nurse volunteer enacts a scenario of having a severe wound, to encourage and show the LWC staff what to do in such a medical emergency and how to tie a turniquete until stop the bleeding until further medical asssiatnce arrives or to enable the transportation of the injured person. October 2021 objectives □ Continue with the above ongoing activities □ Staff workshop: Presentation of the project to splitting gorilla enclosure by Vallarine Aforlica, Head of Construction (postponed) □ Staff workshop: 3 days of Workshop about Marine wildlife by African Marine Mammal Conservation Organization (AMMCO)
8. Communication & Visibility □ Digital communication (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter): In the month of August and September, we have seen yet another increase of 1,372 overall followers on our platforms! With Twitter and Instagram alone, we were able to reach 128,524 people with our conservation message, and a further 54,244 viewed it via our YouTube channel. An overall increase of reach and engagement shows a positive incline of an audience who are being exposed to our vital message to continue the protection of wildlife.
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