Monthly Report
June-July 2021
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | PROJECT MANAGER A Calm time for gorilla physiotherapy
Dear Friends and Supporters,
including our newly employed Animal Care and Rehabilitation Manager, Marie-Claire Gauthier, will keep monitoring Mbigou’s progress in the group thoroughly. We’ll assess levels of bonding with others for at least two months until we can consider that he is fully part of the group.
After several difficult months, or rather a difficult year, it was very satisfying to have two months gone by without any serious problems or hurdles. In fact, the months of June and July were two of ease and serenity, the only exception being a branch that fell as a result of a storm and that damaged the drill fence.
Another individual has received special attention of late. As all the groups are stable, we have more time to devote to individuals with special needs. Twiggs is one of these individuals. She arrived in 2003 with an untreated injury of the right arm that left her disabled. Since then, she has not been able to use her arm properly. To increase her mobility and strength, we initiated an innovative physiotherapy
Despite this incident, Mbigou, a juvenile male drill rescued in 2020, finally integrated into the large group of 65 individuals. Although the integration of individuals into an already wellestablished group is always tricky, the process went well and smoothly. Our team,