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LIN HSIN-JU Portfolio 2014-2015 NCKU Industrial Design

LIN HSIN-JU Portfolio 2014-2015 Industrial Design


Seeking a position for what I truely want to be. Before reaching it, I won't limit myself to try ANYTHING.

not clear.

veiled, but got the contour.

certain, and headtoward with concentration.


13.9.1994 National Chen Kung University Industrial Design

Intent to get involved in different activities.

I like to try something new or challenging, usaully get envolved in many kinds of activities. The purpose of doing so is mainly because that I can "Gain different aspects" .

Meet new people.

I'm quite social. I really like to get aquaintance to different groups of people. I believe that "Network" is important and willing to spend time on maintaining it.


I like to do out-door activities, which help restore my energy back. Travel broadens my sight, and enrich the inspiration in my design.

PLAY -Principle of my life.

Anything that can be regard it as "PLAY" is the highest goal in my life. It means that "Working" and "Passionate" happen at the same time. I expect myself to treat anything as mind of playing.

Contents 7






Furniture Home Appliance Metal . Pottery . Glass

i Design Award NCKU Best Award_Product Design

Chinese English Deutsch

Native TOFEL : 76 TOEIC : 815 Goethe-zertifikat A1




成大工設營 / 隊輔

2014.10 2014.11 2014.12 2014.12 2015 3.27-4.5 2015.4 2015.5 2015.7 2015.8 2015.3-9 2014.92015.6

Ballroom Dance Performance / Cha Cha 14th NCKU Industrial Design Camp / as Counselor 創業宿舍工作坊 I / 成員

Entreprenurship Dormitory Design Wokshop 台南城市浪人 / 攝影 設計

Tainan City Wanderer / as Photogragher and Design 創業宿舍工作坊 II / 成員

Entreprenurship Dormitory Design Wokshop 木工營 - 系會教學 / 助教

Wood Carptner Workshop / as Tutor

海峽兩岸太陽能設計工作坊 / 北京交通大學

Crosstrait Design Workshop / Beijing Jiao Tong University 陶藝營 - 系會教學 / 籌辦人

Pottery Workshop / as Holder 成大國標期末成果發表

Ballroom Dance Performance / Jive 唐草設計 / 實習

Internship : at Ndd 燦坤先端 / 實習

Internship : at Magic Lab

成功登大人籌畫團隊 / 設計長

NCKU Freshmen camp / Design Chief 成大工設系學會 / 教學組

NCKU ID Student Union / Tutor Department



Freeze & Flow Clock_


Acre Field Fountain pen_

Tai Chi Drug dispenser_

Phoenix Fighter Flashlight_

Contents 9

STRATEGY DESIGN GF Resturant Program Service design_

3D Model Skill_

SKILLS Set Sail Metal sculpture_



Wish every piece to present its elegancy.


Clock : Freeze & Flow

Contents 13

Freeze & Flow size material technique

12.8*5.7*20.6 cm black iron laser-cutting


Time rolls nonstop. While there are always some precious moment thatwe want to keep and freeze forever. The surface of t he c lock i s sunken t o a point, a nd separate into three parts. which is unforgetable and we want to freeze it forever.


01 Sketch The purpose of this appointment is to use lasercutting technique.There are no specific theme, so we can do what ever we want but to use laser -cutting of metal.

Other sketch

Clock : Freeze & Flow 15 15 Contents 15

02 Three-View drawing It w as first t ime I used 3 d mode l soft ware, Solidworks, to m eet u p my opinion. Beacause this is the only way to communicate with factory effectively. At that time, I actually didn't know how to make a 3d model yet, thank to my friend, Ya-jiun, who got well in 3d modeling, she spent lots of time to help me complet e this work.

Usual sleeping time in design apartment..5am to 9am!

03 Factory This factory is really far away from my school, which locates in an industrial park in Tainan county. My work is not a classic product for laser-cutting while laser-cutting is dedicated for two-dimentiona l product. Fortunately, they have a DNC computerized bending machine.And they also pay a lot of patience which won't be stocked by my original design, while there are some unprecise measuring.

Engineering drawing by Autocad

Clock : Freeze & Flow 17 17 Contents 17

1 KIND sales, who discussed with my work with lot of patience. 2 LASER-Cutting 12 3 DNC computerized bending 3

Clock : Freeze & Flow Contents 19

Natural Bareness Light Shadow

Layer y Transform


Fountain pen : Acre Field Contents 21

Acre Field material technique

Fountain pen

1.5*1.5*14.9 cm Cement , Black iron , Acryli r c Silicone mold , Wire electrical discharging

For this work, there are not too much concept inside but purchasing the delicacy and unique of it. Pen, which we usaully see it as cylinder, while I want to be different from others, I decided to make it into SQUARE. I also like trying different texture. So I use CEMENT as the main material of my design.These two elements just met my principles of design : elegant , mature, and neat.


Fountain pen : Acre Field Contents 23


01 Mood board that I thought could represent the thee elements that I've mention above.

glass, water, transmittance fabric Purity Honest cement, nature, unprocessed Innocent child, sincere relationship

glass, water, transmittance fabric Purity Honest cement, nature, unprocessed Innocent child, sincere relationship

Fountain pen : Acre Field 25 Contents 25

02 Sketch Brand storming



It 's really a painstaking process. Cement, is quite a fragile material than others.

At tha time, I don't even know if it will be completed or not, but continue proceeding.

03 Modeling Three Heros Intro


Silicone mol d

Soap mold

To g et t he s mooth textile, I have to use the cement without sand. And tried many different ratio of mixture.

It p lays a n important r ole on the delicacy of this pen. As it could make the surface more smoothy than other mold.

The character of soap is j ust suitable for the carving. It remains the appropriate hardness so it's easy to control its form.

Fountain pen : Acre Field Contents 27

START Experiment !



1 Cement Mixture

It's hard to get perfect mixture of cement. Especiallywhen"pen"is such a tiny thing so that I have to make out both smooth textureand strong constructionto meet the request of pen : Durable andTactile impression. build a more solid constructionand smooth surface.But it actuallydid not work well, it could be easily smashed. I then asked the companywho is well-knownin cement product, about the ratio of making perfect cement.

2 Soap carving

The reason t o choose " SOAP" as p en 's n egative m old is because it s hardness i s just a pproprite for the carv ing. I t could easily b e formed. And it 's also a cheap material.

3 Ink tube making

To put the ink into pen, I have to make a specific tube that can satisfy the size or of ink. It's quite hard to make the exact size for the ink, I've tried the existed pen that is on the market to convert.

Fountain pen : Acre Field 29 29 Contents 29

4 Filling capacity

The final p art to m ake out of m y work, which is t he m ost functional too to produce the pen models many times . I've tried two differnt capacit y : Silicone and Plaster .

Silicone mold

Silicone m odel is r eally good a t delicate expression. A nd t he a ir b ladder is easier to keep out to make the surface without holes by vibrating it. It is a useful and durable model and can make smooth surface model I've ever use. To be ashamed of, silicone model is quite expensive.

Plaster mold

Why I tried to use plaster mold is because of its "Permeablity". As cementcontains a lot of water, so it required good absorbility of water. Unless I have enough time to wait it be dry. to make a nice outlook, because it's too easy to cause bubble during the process. But I still learn something from the experience "Molding inwo t directions.

04 Enginnering The "Hollow Qube" i s what I thought t he spotlight of this work. To make such hollow form is actually quite hard.Luckily, a friend of my dad, who is related to t he f actor y that o wns such t echnique , "Wire Electrical Discharging (WED)".

3D Model and Rendering

Engineering drawing for WED

Fountain pen : Acre Field Contents 31

05 User test The user is actually a stranger from the coffee shop where I took the scenery of my work. She is a person who study Doctor in business at my university. metal part is too hard to hold it comfortably". She thought it is a beautiful work and even ask if I will go further to the mass produced part. She also took some of picture by her own camera. Thought we j ust first met, b ut i t feels like w e are friends for awhile.


Fountain pen : Acre Field Contents 33




Contents 35


泰極,只求來看病的人都能夠身體安泰 Participants: Hsin-Ju Lin Ming-Keng Lu Tu-Ting Su


Market research

任務層次分析 草圖發想



Final proposal

使用者訪問 Interview



Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 37

共採訪了三間中醫診所,其中一間還是我親自當病人 完整參與了從醫生開藥到藥劑師調藥、使用包藥機等過程


Market research

使用流程 Process

1. 選取藥瓶

2. 秤重

5. 刮平 ( 等量化 )

9. 進入加熱器

6. 手動落藥

10. 紙捲更換

Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 39

3. 人工混藥

7. 藥掉入漏斗

11. 清理殘藥

4. 設定包數

8. 進入藥紙

12. 外部手動吸塵


Market research






Final proposal


Hierarchical Task Analysis

經過 "HTA 任務層次分析 ",我們能更有脈絡的去尋找問題點,而且清楚得 知造成此問題點的上下因果關係,同時也不會遺漏了潛在待解決的問題。 While going through "HTA" method, the problems we found are more logically and easily to be known its cause and effect by its obvious context. Meanwhile, it reduces the possibility of missing problem.

Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 41



Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 43

關鍵問題 Main Problems

換藥紙 程序繁瑣、錯誤代碼難檢測

使用介面 日文不易上手、部分按鍵平時使用率低

漏藥及殘藥 落藥時,藥粉殘留於藥槽及機器內部,造成損失與清潔不易

潮濕 藥粉潮濕易沾黏,增加機器故障率

體積大 藥房空間不大 , 機卻占了許多空間 主要和藥槽軌道有關


Market research






Final proposal

水平發想 Lateral Sketch 針對此分藥機我做了數次草圖發想。從一開始偏向以其功能為導向 而產生出的造型,經過老師與同學的討論,發現我們小組缺乏產品 語意的呈現,進而探討功能與造型上的平衡兼顧,以及其所傳達之 產品語意。

腦力激盪 Brain Storming

Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 45



問提解決 Problem solved

體積縮小 圓形藥槽減少軌道來回的雙倍空間

減少漏藥 分藥及落藥動作合為同一機構

混藥 電腦自動震平

天數設定 以亮燈的方式提醒天數,環繞於圓形藥槽的周圍

紙捲更好替換 採用斜面,更符合出紙方向

介面簡易 只保留最主要的按鍵,並以圖像化呈現

Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 47

產品語意 Product Semantics 我們從中醫的特色中擷取此兩元素,作為產品的情感及語意表現


中醫學以 " 陰陽五行 " 作為基礎,將人體看成是氣、形、神的統一體





垂直發想 Vertical thinking TYPE 1

Sketching TYPE 2

Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 49




Final proposal

機構 Mechanics 縮減體積 我們發現機台之所以有這麼大的體積是因為藥槽需要有來回軌道,也就是藥槽的兩倍體積。 此圓型藥槽能夠有效解決體積過大問題。

減少漏藥 另外一個嚴重問題是漏藥,此乃源自於藥槽到分藥槽的過程。因此我們刪去這個過程,直 接在藥槽進行分藥的動作。




Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 51

機械示意圖 Step1 分藥前



Step2 分藥後





活塞 馬達


Final proposal

產品圖 Product


Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 53



Final proposal

使用情境 Senario 1 設定包數 - 旋轉設定藥包數,共 24 格 - 所經之處會隨著亮起燈以此直覺提醒操作者

2 倒入藥粉 - 以自動震平均量藥粉取代傳統刮平動作 - 落藥及分藥為同一空間以此減少漏藥

3 撕藥包 - 出藥口設計暗示 - 位置較一般分藥機高

1 2


Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 55

4 外部吸塵 太極吸塵氣,符合人體工學及產品語意

5 清洗藥槽 手向上一抓即可拆卸完整藥槽

6 斜面換藥紙 斜面使藥紙放置與出藥口方向一致,省去複雜裝配藥紙的路徑


5 6


Final proposal

3D Printer

Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 57

這是我第一次接觸 3D 列印,感覺蠻新鮮的,但 過程中其實並沒那麼順利。 主要原因有二,一為檔案無法和機台配合為軟硬 體整合問題,另一則為尺寸過大必須拆件。 然而 3D 列印的好處,是能精準呈現設計原貌, 曲線平滑對稱,這都是傳統製造模型難以達成 的。但其後續的表面處理能需要花許多時間來細 磨,才能達到光滑細緻的表面。



Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 59

此 project 讓我學到的三大事 : 1 產品語意 如何使產品同時兼顧外觀 (form) 和外觀所希望傳達,聯想到的意義 (meaning) 2 HTA 使用者的流程,上下因果關係,依循脈絡有邏輯地尋找問題點並解決 3 產學合作 與業界,不管是行銷 , 技術人員 , 經理等人交流,對現實成本考量更有概念


Final Present

Drug dispenser : Tai Chi 61

三間學校共同進行交流 / 南台科技大學 / 雲林科技大學 / 成功國立大學

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 63

鳳凰是消防員的精神象徵,PF 手電筒通過仿生的手法,模擬 鳳凰的意象,希望可以給予消防員精神上的支持,寓意在惡 劣環境中浴火重生。曲線和按鈕配置符合人因,讓消防員使 用起來更得心應手。 Phoenix, represents three main spirit of fireman : Justice, S a c r i f i c e, a n d H o l y. We d e s i g n t h i s f l a s h l i g h t t h o u g h b i o n i c s, i m i t a t i n g t h e f e a t u r e o f p h o e n i x . I n a d d i i t o n to the out-feature, we pray for the fireman to sur vive


林欣儒 Hsin-Ju, Lin

吳瑞卿 Jui-Ching, Wu

郭育誠 Yu-Cheng, Kuo

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 65



We even asked him, "which animal you think that represents fireman ? " Their answers are Phoenix, Leopard, Bee. Phoenix : Symbol of fireman, also be put on uniform as label. Leopard : Fast moving, which requires in action. Bee : Mission distribuition must be completely followed.

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 67

我們參觀的分隊位於台灣文學館附近 接受訪問的是一位分隊長,年紀才二十幾 他大方地將所會用到的手電筒種類操作給我們看 同時很有耐心地回應我們的提問,了解到他們的實際需求

The fire station we visited is located around National Literature Museum. The guy who we interview with is the capital of this section, is just about 30. He is very kind and full with patience, demonstrating every kinds of flashight for us. We've asked him many question, such as the situation they might meet in action, what are the defects in current flashlights, and requirement of flashlight.



Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 69 草圖發想 Sketch

草圖發想 Sketch

Fish Owl Wolf Conch Eagle Phoenix Leopard Elephant Crocodile

Move smoothly in water. Bright eyes at night. Move fast,and cooperate well with others. Condense the power of sound, as streghten the light. Sharp eyes, and having clear goal. Symbol of fireman,justice,sacrifice,and holy. Move fast, goal-oriented. Long nose as water tube. Rough skin, as protect fireman from burning.

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 71





Wolf Ear



Model making

1 雛形 PU Forming

From 2D sketching to 3D forming, is actually quite a big gap. We met the obstruction while forming its 3 different view, front, side, and top. It's kind hard to make it as sketch so we change its form a little bit, which just follow our own sense to form in PU. After each member finished, we then chose which form is better.

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 73

2 拆卸 Dismantle

We bought a real flashlight and dismantled it. To get some components that is already there. Such as light, reflect sheet, bettery, and wire.

3 裝機構 Component-setting and welding

Welding is kind the biggest mess during process, as we failed so many times to weld properly. Wire was easily to seperate from the battery and circuit board.


補土 Putty filler

It's a really time-consuming process. Puffy filling and polish back and forth. We three took turns to tackle this process, as it can only be done by single person.

5 測試 Testing

The moment we saw it light-on is really inspiring. As the components have already been assembled inside the shell, cannot be take anymore unless destroy it.

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 75

6 噴柆 Spray painting

While painting is just one step from completing, it took a long time and effort to make it well. We first choose red, silver,and black as our paint, but we soon changed our mind trying another combination. Gradient of red, orange, and yellow is far more successful while it looks more active, as a lively phoenix.


Display Board

各司其職,合作無間 Each of us contribute our abilities in different parts, and cooperate well.

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 77

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 79

Flashlight : Phoenix Fighter 81

Tackle things thoroughly as system.


K uang-F u Student Res taurant Project

改變,近在咫尺 當我們太習慣於一件事,我們會忘了其實它有改變的機會。


林欣儒 Hsin-Ju,Lin

王煒堉 Wei-Yee,Ong

黃思云 Shi-Yuin,Hunag

Guang-Fu student restaurant project

Motivation Relatives Process Main Idea Prototype Result


Motivation There is no public, indoor space that provides students for discussing. Excepet library. r Change the image of our student restaurant, while it can also bring comfortablity. t TTo make it as a memorable place in our university t life, where we get proud of.

Relatives STUDENTS

Dining Students NCKU Student Union


NCKU Housing Service Division NCKU Health Center


Jeng-Fa Restaurant Businese Team T

Process Observe

Interview uestionaire

Experience the environment ourseleves to got the real points of problems.

e need to know others feeling about the restaurant to see if their aspects also meet our insight. Here we ve used methods

Communicate After collecting some informaiton from students and restaurant manager, we got the proof to negostiate

Inte rview Students/Rest aurantM anage By interviewing people personally, we could get more detailed information for what they thought about the restaurant and the insight we veraised.

e contacted the main administration who take over the restaurant issue. They mentioned that we

e continually go to the restaurant for more than a wee and observe the interaction between students, seller, cooker, routes, clarity t of indication, environment and so on.

Insights After the observation, we found some problems and raised some solutions. At this stage, every r thing is ust open, without too many retriction.

Questi onair e post uestionaire on facebook club that are related to NCKU, and got a huge feedbeck

Find Blind Spot Ad ust Find the aspects that we ve never thought before. And ad ust our insight to a more completed plan.

into concern, as well as other realistic parts. e also learn how an organi ation works and manyregulation that should follow.

roposal Before put into real action, we have to make a complete plan.To our group, school, ,every r section that related to this pro ect.

Guang-Fu student restaurant project

Interview anager of uang -Fu Student Restaurant

He is a really kind person, who has served the restaurant for more than years. He regards students as his kids, insist to provide the cheapest, safest food for us. Despite he got very little profit to manage this restaurant, he says hen you reach cert ain age, you will know that A IN is actually a satisfying thing . He always keeps the faith to service students.


Observation x Problems

To much information, and too colorful.

Indication is unclear.

Lin-up route is not make sense.

Unconvenient to access.

No basin beside

Guang-Fu student restaurant project

Layout is too strict, crowded, and boring.

dirty tableware space.


Place on the passway.

Uncomfortable lighting

Investigate x Questionaire

Why do you go to the restaurant ?

Frequency ? Cheap In a rush Bad weather Good service Health and Hygienic Delicious

Why don't you go to the restaurant ?

When ? Too many food choices around school Undelicious Too crowded Bad environment

Guang-Fu Guang-Fustudent studentrestaurant restaurantproject project 5791

NCKU Student Union, Right Ministry 615 reponses from students of NCKU

What would you do in this space ? Except dining, I won't go to this space. Meeting e x: chatting , club event,.... Organization discussin g Do self-stuff ex: using PC, reading,....

3-5 times per week 1-2 times per week 1-2 times per month Never

Do you know the"Complaint Access" ? Lunch Dinner Breakfast Other

No, but now I know it by your info. I know. It's not my business. 1



FINAL QUESTION What can improve your image of Guang-Fu restaurant ?

11% Visualization Redesign indication, menu

14% Popular meal voted

Daily Special21% Meal

31% Specail meal launched with festival

8% Change the poster

Change layout 13% of table and chair

Employee2% Introduction

According to our questionaire, we found out that most of students care about "MEAL" itself, but not what we thought"PACKING" can be a great enhance of the restaurant image.

Guang-Fu student restaurant project

Main Ideas It's also the plan for whole project. Step by step to reach the result.

Main Visalization + Creative Black board + Menu + Informative Poster + Indications ex : toilet, tableware Hardware + Lighting + Layout + Line-up route + Interior renoviert + Art installations Service Design + Instant questionaire + Employee introduction + Communicate platform + Most Popular Shop voted + Irregular events


Main Visalization + Creative Black board + Menu + Informative Poster + Indications ex : toilet, tableware Hardware + Lighting + Layout + Line-up route + Interior renoviert + Art installations Service Design g + Instant questionaire + Employee introduction + Communicate platform + Most Popular Shop voted + Irregular events

Guang-Fu student restaurant project



Alternative menu

Easy to change the menu

1 There are two LATCHES on top and bottom, which make the paper menu replace easily.

1 With a PASSAGE and HOLE for the string, it i s easy t o take d own whole menu. So, we don't have to worry if the menu model won't be suitable for the next years contract

2 Shop can change their item at anytime. They don't have to cover a new item to the original menu by gluing, which makes it a terrible look.

2 I t's easy to hang o n the ceiling, w hich corresponds with the currrent environment.

Appearance Style x Restaurant Old. Warm. Honest. Neat. Clear. Systematic.


Guang-Fu student restaurant project


Even the slightest effort, we can still see something special happened .

Guang-Fu student restaurant project


Feel the force that goes through curves.

Award & Skills


3D model

3D Model and Rendering Contents 103

1 Mechanic pencil 2 Hair dryer 3 My notebook 4 Ant chair 5 Earphone

1 2 3 5


3D Model and Rendering Contents 105

Lin hsin-ju Kuo yu-cheng Kuo hsiao-ying



Competition : Set sail

Contents 107

Set Sail size material technique

130*50*62 cm

White iron, Wood, LED Welding, Bending, Drilling

Wind, which has no certain form, made me think of the process of purchasing our dream. Wind can be either strong or soft, with its instability, no one would know what will happen in the next step, like adventure. Someone’s winds spiral near the ground, while they are just about to set up the sail. Someone’s wind has ascended above the ground, while they are CONCEPT just carrying on their dream. Wind truly represents the process of purchasing our dreamsometimes stop, sometimes forward.


Competition : Set sail

Contents 109

About Competition Shin:Kong Mitsukoshi Organizer Theme Stop : & Stay Info : At t he beginning, I a ctually d idn't put send one of my pieces, which I made at freshman. It was totally out of my expectation when

The organizer sponsored each contestant 20,000 N T dollars f or a dvancing thei r work. It was a great experience to go throug h this competition, it gave me the chance to r edo m y old work, but b roaden m y sight of those amazing work from other contestants.


Metal Processing

Without his sincere help, this work would not be completed.

Cover Sto ry WU , MING-FENG InIn order ordertotomagnify magnifymy mywork worktoto1.5 1.5ratio, ratio,I asked I asked many factories i f they have t he t echnique many f actories i f they have t he t echniquet ot o meet meet my my request. request. AtAtthe thebeginning, beginning,there therewas was no factory could help me because of its irregular no factory could help me because of its irregular Finally, Finally,this thisvery verykind kinduncle, uncle,agreed agreedtotohelp helpme! me! He He followed followed my myinstruction instruction and andtried triedhis hisbest best to to meet meetup upmy myoriginal originalwork. work.He Hespent spentsosomuch much time timewith withme, me,even evenstop stophis hiscurrent currentcase. case. During During the theprocess, process,we’ve we’vemet metmany manyobstacles, obstacles, like its stabili ty. Not only h elp me o vercom like i ts stabili ty. Not only h elp me o vercome e these roblems, hhe e also considered hhow these pproblems, a lsomore considered owt ot o advance it, made my work outstanding. advance it, made my work more outstanding. Without him, this wor won't be accomplished. him, thisallwor IWithout thank him with my won't heart, be andaccomplished. thisrelationship I thankend himbywith all my heart, andforthis relationship won’t this work.It will last a long time. . won’t end by this work.It will last for a long time

Competition : Set sail

Contents 111

Polish Bending Welding Drilling


Wood Case

Cover Sto ry


In o rder t o make s ure my w ork is w ithout harnes s during the transport p rocess, I decided t o make a Thankfully, the manager of our wood factory, Charlie Yang agreed to help me with this CASE. The process of making it was also tough. Every inches had to be measured precisely in order to assemble it successfully. We installed 4 wheels under the box to make it more convenient while transport. Because my work is too heavy that almost no one could lift it, which weigh 30 kg. Though it is just a box, but it plays an important role.

I have known him for a while. He always helps me to complete my work if I have any technical problem. I've always been appraciated to him.

Competition : Set sail

Contents 113

Drilling Air nailer Wood sawmill Styrofoam cutting



email phone facebook address 886 952 830 808 Lin Hsin-Ju 林欣儒 10F-1, No.111, Beida Rd, North Dt. Hsinchu City, Taiwan

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