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LIN HSIN-JU Portfolio 2014-2016 Industrial Design



ABOUT Involve In Different Activities I like to try something new and challenge myself. I usaully get envolved in many kinds of activities to gain different aspects of insight.

Strong Network Building CONTACT

I like communiation, especially for whom I don't know yet. I really like to build up the relationship with different groups of people.


Observe In Travel

NCKU Taiwan, Tainan Industrial Design

I love to travel. Travel broaden my sight. And I enjoy the observation during travel, when I figure out some subtle stuff.

+886 952 830 808

Play, Principle Of Life It is the highest goal in my life to regard anything as play. It means that working and passionate happen at the same time.


Craft, Material


Home Appliance Food, Agriculture Green, Sustainable


i Design Award Taipei International Design Award NCKU Best Award, Product Design


Chinese Native English TOFEL:84 TOEIC:825 Deutsch Goethe-zertifikat A1


成大工設營 / 隊輔 14th NCKU Industrial Design Camp / Counselor


創業宿舍工作坊 I / 學員 Entreprenurship Dormitory Design Wokshop


台南城市浪人 / 攝影 設計 Tainan City Wanderer / Photogragher


創業宿舍工作坊 II / 學員 Entreprenurship Dormitory Design Wokshop


木工營 - 系會教學 / 助教 Wood Carptner Workshop / Tutor


海峽兩岸太陽能設計工作坊 / 北京交通大學 Crosstrait Design Workshop 陶藝營 - 系會教學 / 籌辦 Pottery Workshop / Holder

2015.4 2015.7

唐草設計 / 實習 Internship : Ndd


燦坤先端 / 實習 Internship : Magic Lab


成功登大人籌畫團隊 / 設計長 NCKU Freshmen camp / Design Chief

2014.92015.6 2016.3

成大工設系學會 / 教學組組員 NCKU ID Student Union / Tutor Department


新加坡設計工作坊 / 學員 Workshop with NUS and Geogia Tech 設計設計工作坊 / 學員 Designing design workshop

2016.5 2015.92016.6

小情設 台科 x 成大聯合工作坊 / 總召 NTUST x NCKU Sensing Workshop / Chief

成大工設系學會 / 公關組組長 NCKU ID Student Union / PR Department




26 PETAL CAN Trash Can

44 PHONIX FIGHTER Flashlight

56 ACRE FIELD Fountain Pen







Food Design

Lighting Install

Material Experiment


" A better tea-making process for beverage stores "

Teapot, provide a better tea-making system for today's beverage stores in Taiwan.

Ong, Wei Yee

Lin, Hsin Ju

Chang, Shih Min

Lu, Hsiang Hsi

This project is related to purifying water, so we chose beverage store as our target users. By observaing and experiencing the teamaking process, from preparing to cooking, we intergrated the exisiting tea-making process and simplify the process. Based on the now existed facility,we re-design the equipment to help beverage store spare the unecessary space and improve the efficiency of tea making.

Industrial Design Tea-making system

M otivation

MOTIVATION BEVERAGE STORE It holds a big consumption of water,and we thought that it might have a big request for the purified, drinkable water.

FOOD SAFETY Taiwan is a country that many people love drinking beverages. So the quality of water seems to be a great concern that owes our attention.

I nterview

P roblems

INTERVIEW from user Through the interview with shop's keeper, we know m o re t h o ro u g h l y a b o u t t h e p ro c e s s o f m a k i n g tea. These tips are professional and rely on user's experience.

" During the tea cooking process, all leaves should be spread through the entire pot " " Cooked-tea should be prepared in advanced when there are only 3 cups of tea left in the container "

" Different types of tea has different request in temperature " " There is low requirement for RO filter, since tea needs water of minerals to bring a better taste " " After the tea is cooked, it should be in contact with air until the temperature drops to 40-60째C "

teapot : 11



By obser ving what tea-shop staff is doing in everyday routine, we've exprienced the whole process that relates to water utillity, and we also ask them what are those disturbing situations they usually meet.

Inject hot water from water heater.

Lift the pot on to the stove and continue to heat the water.

Heat the water until it reaches the specific temperature that depends on different type of tea.


By lifting the hot pot


By measuring manually

Put tea leaves into the pot and make the leaves spread through entire pot, which helps the extraction of tea evenly.


Close the pot cover to simmer the tea , and set the alarm clock.

When it is finished, o p e n t h e cove r to make the tea to a p p r o a c h t h e a i r, which we call é†’čŒś


Move the hot pot to the front counter top and put the filter net onto tea container.

Lift the hot pot and pour hot tea through filter net and the tea leaves will be remained on the net .


By measuring manually



By lifting the hot pot

By moving back and forth

teapot : 13

P reface M otivation

I nterview O bservation

P roblems

S ketc h

Handle Rail


D esign S trategy S ketch

S olutions

F inal P resent


Handle Rail


P reface M otivation

I nterview O bservation

P roblems

S ol ution new process

Drag the movable faucet to fill the water into the bucket.

Set the temperature and cooking time by adjusting the knob.

P u t t h e te a l e ave s i nto filter net and lie into the bucket.

D esign S trategy S ketch

S olutions

F inal P resent

12 min

When cooking time is over, the timer will ring to remind the staff.

Pick up the filter net, which easily romove the tea leaves from the bucket.

Then, tea is ready !

teapot : 17

TEAPOT Te a p o t , p ro v i d e a b e tte r te a - m a k i n g system for today's beverage stores in Taiwan. With its special tea-cooking way, it also catch the customer's eyes.

teapot : 19


Filter net

Thermos bucket



2 Display 3 Grarduation 4 Trailer






feature To make this tea-cooking machine more pleasant for the user, we've designed many details that not only based on the main problemsolving but a enhancement of the tea making experience.

5 Press handle




1 Knob






M anip u l ate

M ova b l e

f a u cet

Tea maker can move the faucet with rolliing car and its trailer. This is the most benefit for tea maker since each teapot could be filled up water without moving up and down.

D esign S trategy S ketch

S olutions

F inal P resent

S pace & F l ow

b e f ore

a f ter


l erk

F ront


The original route of flow is extremely complicated, while user has to pass through many places to get all tea-making steps done.



The new system makes all steps converge into one equipment. User simply work at the front counter instead of working all around.


teapot : 23



" Compress the trash to reduce the use of plastic bags. "

This idea is inspired by a normal daily activity, "Dealing with our trash". Trash can could be filled up quickly if we don't compress them. Since most people are not willing to compress the trash with their bare hands, so they just tie up the trash bag which seems full. But actually there is still a lot space that can accomodate more trash. So I designed a trash can that can be compressed by foot or hand with its soft rubber material. And it will be easier to be pressed with the cracks, which is like a petal.

Product Design Compress Trash Can


M otivation P roblems

S ketch P rogress

3D progress

M otivation

When the trash can is full, it is actually still loose. By compressing it, the trash become more condensed. More spaces are released, more trash can be accomodated. Less consumption of plastic bags.

P roduct D etails

M odeling

U ser flow S cenario

P ro b l em s

ECO-UNFRIENDLY Since people are not willing to compress the touch by hands or grab another tools, they usually pack up trash bag when the it SEEMS FULL, but actually LOOSE, which leads to plastic bag WASTE.

HARD TO PACK Usually when we're going to pack up the trash bag, they are over load. Since then, it's hard to pack up the trash, moreover, our hands get touch easily with the trash, which we may not expect.

HIGH FREQUENCY Since we are not willing to compress the trash by hands, the trash can easily be filled up. So the frequency of packing up the trash bag will be pretty much, which might be quite annoying in our life.

petal can : 29

M otivation P roblems

I d ea

S ketch P rogress

s ketc h

By brainstorming with classmates, we discovered many kinds of problems in our life, and come up with various ideation.

3D progress

P roduct D etails

M odeling

U ser flow S cenario

petal can can : 31 petal

M otivation

P roblems

F orm & F u nction In this section, I go deeper for the concept, including how it is being used, how it transforms a f te r p re s s i n g , h o w fo r m m atc h w i t h i t s function.

S ketch P rogress

3D progress

P roduct D etails

U ser flow S cenario



progre s s

progre s s


M otivation P roblems

P ro d u ct

S ketch P rogress

3D progress

d etai l s

S i l i co n e Folding line Easily transform, easily compress..

H ide

plastic bag

With two layers, plastic bag can be hidden inside, which is more beautiful.

P roduct D etails

M odeling

U ser flow S cenario

S tability With the up-narrow and d o w n - w i d e st r u c t u re , i t ' s m o re sta b l e w h e n p e o p l e


wide petal can : 35

M otivation P roblems

S ketch P rogress

3D progress

22 cm

M ea s u re

35 cm

30 cm

P roduct D etails M odeling


C olor scheme

U ser flow S cenario

o d e l

1 : 1 1 3D Printer 2 Cardboard 3 ABS Board

1 PU Forming 2 Existed container

1 : 2 3D Printer

TPE (Thermoplastic Elastromer) petal can : 37

M otivation P roblems

U s er

S ketch P rogress

f l ow

S et


3D progress

b ag




Tu r n o v e r t h e o u t w a r d wall, and set the plastic bag at the inward wall. So that keep the ugly plastic bag from revealing outside.

When the trash seems full, it is actually puffy. There are still a lot of spaces left ih the trash can.

P roduct D etails

M odeling C olor scheme

U ser flow S cenario

C ompre s s

C on d en s e



To release more spaces for trash, compress the soft silicone wall of trash can with foot or hand.

After compressing the t ra s h ca n , m o re s p a c e s are being released, more accomodation for trash, less use of the plastic bags.

petal can can : 39 petal

C o l or

s c h eme

petal can : 41

U s er The style of this trash can is suitable for these groups of people, owing to its color, texture, and the funny interaction with the users.





petal can : 43

PHONIXFIGHTER " Wish firefighter to act like phonix. "

This work is about combining one of career who has high frequency of flashlight and using bionic form as its appearance. The target user we chose was FIRE FIGHTER. After the visit with fire fighter, we know more about the situation they will meet, and try to find the attribute that represent the spirit of this great career. By trying all kind of different creature of form, PHONIX is the one that most corresponds to the spirit of firefighter.

Product Design

Flash Light with Bionic


I nterview

M oodboard

I nterview

We visited the fire station near National Literature Museum. The guy who we interview is very kind and full with patience, demonstrating every kinds of flashight in terms of different situations. We've asked him many questions, such as the situations they might meet while on the duty, what are the defects in current flashlights, and their expectation for a new flashlight.

S ketch

H adn M odel

3D M odel

F inal P resent

" W H AT A N I M A L S P R E S E N T T H E F I R E F I G H T E R ? " Here are the answers of firefighter :

PHONIX Symbol of fireman, also be put on uniform as label. LEOPARD Fast moving and accuracy, which requires in action. BEE Mission distribuition must be completely followed and organized.

phonix fighter : 47

I nterview

M oodboard

S ketch

M oo d b oar d

Move fast, goal-oriented and be precise. Condense the power of sound, as streghten the light.

Sharp eyes, and clear goal.

Symbol of fireman, justice, sacrifice ,and holy.

Long nose as water tube. Move fast,and cooperate well with others.

Rough skin, as protect fireman from burning.

H adn M odel

3D M odel

F inal P resent


phonix fighter : 49

I nterview

M oodboard

S ketch

P roce s s

1 PU Forming From 2D sketching to 3D forming, is actually quite a big gap. We met the obstruction wh i l e fo r m i n g i t s 3 d i ffe re nt view, front, side, and top. After each member finished, we then chose which form is the best.



We b o u g ht a re a l f l a s h l i g ht and dismantled it. To get some co m p o n e nt s t h at i s a l re a d y there. Such as light, reflect s h e e t , b a tt e r i e s a n d w i re s .

P rocess





Welding is kind the biggest mess during process, as we failed so many times to weld properly. Wire was easily to seperate from the battery and circuit board.

4 Putty filler It's a really time-consuming process. Puffy filling and p o l i s h b a c k a n d f o r t h . We three took turns to tackle t h i s p ro c e s s , a s i t c a n o n l y be done by single person.

5 Painting Painting took a long time to make it perfect.The gradient of red, orange, and yellow looks more active, as a lively phoenix.

phonix fighter : 51

H an d

mo d e l


e f ine

Change the clip to the front, which make it easier and more stable to be attatched in the pocket.

Phoenix, represents three main spirit of fireman : Justice, Sacrifice, and Holy. We design this flashlight though bionics, imitating the feature of phoenix. In addiiton to the out-feature, we pray for the fireman to survive, with a functioanl and useful flashlight.



" Build up the warmth between writers and words "

In this work, I tried to experiement some special material which is rarely applied in funtain pen. Cement,with abundance of attributes, is one of the material that has always attracted to me. The texture is smooth with a bit rough. The small bubbles randomly emerge on the surface. The temperature it delivers to writer's hand is also comfortable. The weight of it is a bit heavy, which seems to make every word more valuable.

Craft Design Fountain pen

Acre Field

acre field : 59

S tor y

The process of making this pen was really tough. Cement is quite a fragile material so it's hard to control while molding. Moreover, it takes a long time until the water evaporating. I failed thousands of times to make each part of the pen since it broke easily. I could just trust myself and kept trying. Finally, I made it.

acre field : 61

P roce s s

1 Deploy In order to make out a texture that is stong enough for the usability of pen, I've tried many different ingridents and proportion to deploy the cement. I've asked many people who have been successful in deploy a perfect cement, they told me to add some "White plastic glue" or "Plaster", which might build up a stronger durability. After many experiements, it still failed. I then tried buying another cement and add only water to deploy it. And finally it worked!

2 Soap carving The reason to choose "Soap" as the negative mold of the pen body is because its hardness is just appropriate for the carving. Soap can easily be formed and it's also a cheap mterial.

3 Filling capacity It's the final step to make out of the pen, which is also the most difficult one. The method of how to eject mold is quite hard. You have to make sure the gate won't be to obvious or the quality of its surface.

Sillicone mold The reason to choose "Soap" as the negative mold of the pen body is because its hardness is just appropriate for the carving. Soap can easily be formed and it's also a cheap mterial.

Plaster mold Why I choose plaster as the mold is due to its "Permeability". Since cement contains a lot of water, it required good aborbility to the water. I've made "8" plaster molds in a day, but the outcome isn't so good. Most of them were failed, since it was easily producing bubbles during the process. Afterall, I still learn some experiences like ejecting mold into 2 directions.

acre field : 63

E ngineer The "Hollow Qube" is what I thought the spotlight of this pen. To make such hollow form by metal is actually a bit challenging for me. Luckily, a friend of my dad owns the technique,which is called Wire Electrical Discharging (WED), helped forming this qube .

U s er The user was actually a stranger who I met at a coffeshop. At first, I asked her if she could be my model to hold the pen, to feel whether it's comfortable .

The girl said, " It's quite comfortable to hold the pen, while I first assum the metal part might be too hard." "Would you put it into mass production?" "I would like to take some pictures of

acre field : 65

EAT REAL " Present the true face and lovely scenery of food."

Nowadays, more and more fake foods are engaged in our life. People easily choose those "unreal food" instead of natural one. So, in this project, we've done many experiments. We try to demonstrate the essense of food which we've might never noticed, and how beautiful these true foods are. We try to aware people to eat real food, and cherisch them. Since they are so lovely and innocent.

Food Design Food Experiment


E x periment We've tried various methods to explore the different perspectives of foods. There are always s o m e t h i n g t h a t amaze you when you observe them with such intimacy.





eat real : 69

White Family

Head Family


Mrs. Eggplant Mr. Lotus root

eat real : 71


" Let the dream be settled sail with wind."

Wind, which has no certain form, make me think of the process of purchasing our dream. Wind can be either strong or soft. Everyone has their own, specific wind. Someone's wind spiral near the ground, where they are just about to set the sail. Someone's wind has already asended to the sky, where they are just carrying on their dream. Wind truely represent the process of purchasing our dream, sometimes stop, sometimes forward.

Craft Design





Wind, which has no certain form, make me think of the process of purchasing our dream. Wind can be either strong or soft. Everyone has their own, specific wind. Someone's wind spiral near the ground, where they are just about to set the sail. Someone's wind has already asended to the sky, where they are just carrying on their dream. Wind truely represent the process of purchasing our dream, sometimes stop, sometimes forward. Size Material

130 x 50 x 62 cm White iron, Wood, LED



war d

" i DESIGN AWARD " Organizer SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI Date 2014.12 - 2015.3 T h e o r g a n i ze r s p o n s e r e d e a c h f i n a l i s t s 20000NT to improve their work piece in the final round of the competion. For me, it was a unforgettable experience to engage this competition. It gave me a chance to refine my work, and went through the process of making a big-scaled art craft.


Special thanks to...







In order to magnify my work to 1.5ratio, I asked many factories if they have such technique to meet my request. They were depressions that no one was able to do this or cannot be affordable until this uncle, who made everything possible! He spent so much time to complete this work with me, even stop his current work. We've met many obstacle during the process, such as the stability. He not only helped me with the technical problem but tried to make my work more outstanding.

Polish Drilling Bending Welding


METALISM " Experiment different views of material, present variety of characters"

It's a project of one material presented in 4 different forms with 4 characters. I've always loved metal by its solid attruibute, so I decided to make some TRICK on it. It was interesting for me to discover different kinds of metal, especailly when I was a freshman. Not only using different material, I also tried some physical experiments such as beating and wrenching.

Craft Design

Metal Experiment



n d u re

Endure, one of character I wish to own, is the key point of becoming a successful person. Every thing requires insistence to be accomplished.

metalism : 83

Like a melted creature that curve its body to endure the harsh environment.

metalism : 85

R e s o l u te Resolute, another character I wish to own which I'm in lack of it. I really want to be a resolute person while making decisions. Just confident of what you made, don't be hesitate and regretful afterward.

metalism : 87

Determination makes unique. Be strick to yourself.

metalism : 89

P roce s s To make this tea-cooking machine more pleasant for the user, we've designed many details that not only based on the main problem-solving but a enhancement of the tea making experience.

metalism : 91


email phone facebook address +886 952 830 808 LIN HSIN-JU 林欣儒 10F-1, No.111, Beida Rd, North Dt. Hsinchu City, Taiwan

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