2019-2021 | Master’s Portfolio Landscape Architecture

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Master’s Portfolio / Master-Mappe

2019-2021 | Landscape Architecture / Landschaftsarchitektur

M.Sc. Landschaftsarchitektur

within the framework of the European Master in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft WiSe 2020/19- WiSe 2020/21 EMiLA’s study programme is based on the generation of knowledge through different national contexts of European Landscape Architecture. The curriculum is coordinated between the universities, and at Leibniz Universität Hannover takes part of the existing Master’s programme in Landscape Architecture. The degree certificate for the M.Sc. Landscape Architecture additionally shows the specialisation “European Master in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA)”. www.uni-hannover.de/de/studium/studienangebot/info/studiengang/detail/ european-master-in-landscape-architecture-emila/

Lina Teresa Buitrago issuu.com/linateresabuitragog. @linateresab


M.Sc. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE. 10.2019-currently. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURE. 05.2014. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.


SCHWAHN LANDSCHAFTSPLANUNG. Göttingen, Germany. Internship. 09.2018-12.2018. Site visits and design support for Landscape Architecture projects. GX SAMPER ARQUITECTOS. Bogotá, Colombia. Landscape Architect. 05.2017-06.2018. Architectural, urban and landscape detailed designs for Juan Amarillo Green Corridor. LUCAS OBERLAENDER. Bogotá, Colombia. Architect. 09.2016-04.2017. Architecture design for a house in Chapinero. LORENZO CASTRO ARQUITECTOS. Bogotá, Colombia. Architect. 02.2016-06.2016. Architecture design for Borde Activo de Corferias. INSTITUTO DISTRITAL DE PATRIMONIO CULTURAL. Bogotá, Colombia. Urban Designer. 01.2015-12.2015. Urban research of the city’s monuments and the conceptual urban design for the recovery of two monuments. FERNANDO CORTÉS LARREAMENDY. Bogotá, Colombia. Urban Designer. 02.2014-12.2014. Urban design support for the project La Concordia and for the rehabilitation of the Monteria’s central market and their surroundings.



Archicad, ArcGis//QGIS, Autocad 2D, Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoShop, Sketchup, Vectorworks. Spanish (Native), English (B2), German (C1) NHI101x: Drawing Nature, Science and Culture: Natural Illustration 101. Online curse. 09. 2019. University of Newcastle. Edx. Certified in GIS applied to the study of territory and Landscape. Online course. 02.2019. Fondo Verde y Colegio de Biólogos del Perú Gardening Design. Bogotá, Colombia. 12.2015. Organizmo, design build center on sustainable habitats.


WiSe 2019-2020 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover Landschaftsarchitektur und Entwerfen Pflanzenverwendung vertiefung Urban Heat

SoSe 2020 Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona Batzacs dry stream Workshop Design Studio II Ecology and Landscape

EMiLA Mandatory Module Landscape Diary Revealing landscape through mapping Summer School

WiSe 2020-2021 University of Edinburgh Landscape Contextual Studies Landscape Portfolio 3


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WiSe 2019-2020 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover


LANDSCHAFTSARCHITEKTUR UND ENTWERFEN Masterseminar The Black Hills is a mountain range located in the Great Plains of North America. Here the religious perceptions that indigenous have of their physical environment is supported through the spiritual system when there is an acknowledgment of sacred places. Sacred Mountains all around the world are central places for different religions and also the subjects of many myths and legends. They provide ecosystem services, are the location of events and ceremonies, and traditionally are sites of education. While sacred Mountains are connected to a spiritual belief and intangible heritage, they also have more problems in comparation to other mountains. In collaboration with Jessica Kreit and Yifei Li. www.ila.uni-hannover.de/de/lehr-forschungsgebiete/landschaftsarchitekturund-entwerfen/lehre/lehrveranstaltungen/archiv-seminare/winter-1920masterseminar-mountains/


Aspekt- und BlĂźtezeitenkalender



The plan section is located in the Berggarten, Hannover. The existing soil is dry to fresh, nutrient rich and humus. Client Requirements: Representative planting, which can be seen from all sides and offers different viewpoints; surroundings shrubs must be preserved, but isolated shrubs can be replaced; additional pathway leading unobtrusively through the area; sheltered seating area with a maximum area of 20 m²; the bed should be supplemented with woody plants and individual planting areas must not be larger than 1.5 m². The planting should be planned in two colors. Autumn coloration may deviate from the colors and geophytes must also fit into the color concept. In collaboration with Katrin Schneider.

Pflanzplan + Geophytenplan 13

Weaving Water concept uses economical water management to cool the square. Surface water percolates through permeable pavement as quickly as possible and is directed into underground channels. Water management uses rainwater to evaporate as much water as possible on hot days and will also be used to irrigate vegetation strips and water basins throughout the square.


Water Suspenders concept helps to cool and prevent heat by absorbing water from the air. Temporary nets attached to funnel-shaped structures are set up all over the square to catch condensed water from the air. Thus, Water Suspenders uses the water available in the air to cool it, filters water to be used for drinking and watering the plants, and creates a microclimate under itself.


Aufgabe 5: Konzepte RoĂ&#x;markt und Goetheplatz, Frankfurt a. M. 14

URBAN HEAT Vertiefungsprojekt Climate change is heating up urban areas strongly, especially in summer. Even at night and when temperatures drop sharply, heated areas can only cool down very slowly. The consequences are strong and increasingly frequent hot spots are found in more urbanised areas, which require corresponding adjustments for mitigation. The general objective of the Urban Heat Master project was to find out how to respond to this challenge of reducing heat with tools provided by landscape architecture. The design area is the Roßmarkt, Goetheplatz and Rathenauplatz in Frankfurt’s city center. Due to dense development, little greenery and intense heat in summer, the square serves as a practical example of a climate-sensitive redesign. www.ila.uni-hannover.de/de/lehr-forschungsgebiete/darstellung-in-derlandschaftsarchitektur/lehre/ausstellungen/winter-201920-ausstellung-urbanheat-hannover/

Aufgabe 4: Analyse Frankfurt Diskussionsstand 2019

Aufgabe 2: Strategien und Maßnahmen von Barcelona 15


SoSe 2020 Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona

Meta-layers 18

BATZACS DRY STREAM Workshop The main objective of the workshop was to study the relationship between the municipality of El Papiol and it closest natural and urban environment: the Llobregat River, Batzacs Stream & Collserola Nature Park in Barcelona. At the workshop three main aspects were developed: the improvement of Biodiversity: by means of topographic design, rainwater treatment and new green-infrastructure’s design, Connectivity: physical and ecological, by means of the design of a new public space and Productivity: as a key condition of new landscape of XXIth Century. The workshop was organized by ETSAB-UPC and ENSP and took place in Barcelona and in Versailles from 4th to 14th February 2020 at Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona and École Nationale Supériore du Paysage Versailles-Marseille. In collaboration with: Johan Cornu, Florian Hérout, Vlada Kataeva, Anouchka Tissot, Dionysis Stravopodis and Mayra Zeno.

Schematic sections 19


DESIGN STUDIO II Vertiefungsprojekt The project was conceived by the idea of creating a new soundscape to reduce noise in the area where the road infrastructure creates the highest noise levels and also the strongest rupturing in the landscape. In the Master Plan, the topography was adapted to reach the corresponding levels to allow the passage of pedestrians and bicycles. As well, the Batzac Stream finds a new level to flow into the Llobregat River. Such strategy and others like sound barriers or recovering white noise with vegetation and wildlife, are emphasized here to make possible the conception of a new sound spectrum. In addition, the project strengthens the relationship with the Batzac Stream, due to the possibility of clearing up sounds that could not be heard before. Establishing and maintaining a proper relationship between the local communities, both human and wildlife. Thus, the flow of the landscape through the corridor improves biodiversity, connectivity and productivity among these disconnected places.


Topography and orientation


Agricultural Mosaic

Agricultural Mosaic

Slopes and hydrography

Habitats and nutrients synthesis



The final exercise consisted on the analysis of a particular region in Catalunia through ecological mapping. The work was based on mapping different characteristics of the site, included: FLAÇA CERLÀ


-Topography: Delimitation of ridges, drains and slopes, including the study of the speed of the biogeochemical and physical processes of the landscape. -Aerial image: Identification of the most evident habitats, such as forests, agriculture or urbanization, including theirs pattern heterogenity, age, density or ecological system. -Ecological functions: Delimitation of connectivity and ecotones (contacts between habitats). In collaboration with: Daniel Arias and Jordi Clariso.


LEGEND Connectivity synthesis

River Ter Riverbank vegetation Nutrient Accumulation Geomorphologically floodable zone Stepping stones Forest mosaic without Quercus ilex Quercus ilex Streams and irrigation system

Topography and orientation

River Ter Quercus ilex Quercus suber L. and Castanea sativa Pinus pinaster Pinus halapensis Streams and irrigation system


Populus and Platanus plantations Woodland Building Dry farming Irrigated herbaceus agriculture Irrigated frutal trees Unused meadows Riverbank vegetation River Ter

Agriculture mosaic

River Ter Zone 1 Agriculture Zone 2 Agriculture Nutrient Accumulation Streams and irrigation system

Slopes and hydrogtaphy

River Ter Riverbank vegetation Plantations in nutrient accumulation zone Irrigation area Dry farming area Nutrient accumulation Streams and irrigation system

Habitats and nutrients synthesis

Connectivity synthesis

River Ter Riverbank vegetation Nutrient accumulation Geomorphologically floodable zone Irrigation area Dry farming area Tree plantations Woodland Streams and irrigation system



EMiLA Mandatory Module






LANDSCAPE DIARY MontjuĂŻc, Barcelona

A Landscape Diary explains more than just the spatial elements or the historical time line. It explains the life of a landscape. For this exercise I chose MontjuĂŻc in Barcelona while I was doing the second semester of the master. I visited the site more than once, but due to restrictions in March I was not allowed to go any more. Therefore, the Landscape Diary implemented historical events, a brief reflection on my vision of the mountain in the lockdown and also a conceptual proposal.

Proposal for a leisure park on the east side of the mountain


View from the lower area looking Pedrera del Morrot



REVEALING LANDSCAPE THROUGH MAPPING Layered mapping is a method of analysis to understand a place by overlaying historical and current maps. For this exercise I chose the topic: Agriculture challenges between urban large-scale infrastructures: contrasts in the landscape of the Besòs River around Vallbona: landscapes that coexist and make this site a point of maximum centrality and possibilities. By analyzing the site through the overlay of maps it was possible to understand the place and then propose a concept of how to improve what was relevant in the analysis.


Working as a Commissioner Göttingen, Germany

Working as a Designer Munich, Germany


The guidelines for the competition that I proposed to my partner Stanislava Odrljin was based in three main questions: What is the role of the SPACE IN-BETWEEN of the Baggersee and the Reservoir? How could WATER be managed to recover natural dynamics of the landscape? How should be linked the POETRY of the topography? In this way, a design proposal should contribute to: create more ecosystems for animals, retain carbon gas, compensate for global warming and create a possible space for people. Consequently, the regeneration of natural dynamics of the landscape is possible.

Mini Terriroties is located in Munich between the lower part of the Auer Mühlbach, a branch of the River Isar in the southern part of the city. Based on my commissioner’s vision of the Site as small interventions that legitimize the special character of the place and protect it from being overdeveloped, the design has three main strategies: Maintaining the character as a little known place, beauty in small movements and the creation of secret spots. The proposal creates an “invisible” crossing-pass over the river that connects four small interventions. The narrative was based on fragments of the poem wrote by my commissioner.


New challenges for water edges

Mini Territories Translucency of the water and the changing position of the gravel

In a rotation system, the EMiLA partners take turns to organize this teaching module which is run generally end of August each year. Summer schools are always related to local actors of a site, bringing into the summer school local authorities and potential commissioners. This year, due to the pandemic situation, it was not possible to organize the summer school in a face-to-face mode. This time the students worked in pairs, linked to the site where they are staying this summer and had a double role: be a Commissioner and a Designer. It was an online teaching for one week. It combined lectures and design work.

Auer MĂźhlbach, Munich 31


WiSe 2020-2021 University of Edinburgh


LANDSCAPE CONTEXTUAL STUDIES Abhandlung / Silence and Motion, Synchronicity of matter in Cromarty Firth Foregrounding the importance of sediments and more specifically in the intertidal zone of the Cromarty Firth in the Highlands of Scotland, this essay aims to explain the essential role of geology (Deep Time) and natural processes for landscape architecture design. Understanding Silence as the moment of resistance to change and Motion as the force that makes possible movement and transformation of matter, geological processes can be understood between these two opposite but complementary terms, because one cannot exist without the other. Synchronicity speaks of how things are organized together in an horizontal way, to make live and death on earth possible, and its relevance for a more sensitive perception of the landscape. And, understanding matter (in this essay sediments, rocks and soil) as an active actor of transformation of the landscape in the Cromarty Firth, it is possible to achieve new ways of organization and, consequently, to raise again a landscape that claims the rescue of symbolic values of the past. But, it is not only thinking about the days that have already passed, but also about those to come and the importance of how the landscape might respond to sea-level rise due to climate change. Then, what is the role of the landscape architect in the present? Can landscape design use the vision of Deep Time to transform the landscape?



LANDSCAPE PORTFOLIO 3 Vertiefungsprojekt / Silence and Motion, resurgence of sediments flow In the Cromarty Firth natural processes are affected by hard structures occupying the place of the sea. These “scars� with the form of a jetty, a groin, a seawall, a dam and a bridge, block the transport of sediments. On the other hand, the process relationship between mudflat and saltmarsh take place thanks to the tidal creek network. It transport sediments and drain the tidal water. Interdependence between saltmarsh and mudflat is possible when sediments flow through the creeks. Therefore, considering the vitality of the creeks means achieving the survival of the landscape. The strategy plan action is to sculpt creeks, where sediments, water and entities interact with each other in relation to the dynamism of the landscape. Sediments can recover their flow in the landscape, and by recognizing this, awareness is raised and accessibility becomes visible. Thanks to different mitigation strategies which work over time, such as the stabilization of the topography with bioengineering techniques, the restoration and conservation of the intertidal zone could be possible. Thinking about a productive landscape with the implementation of aquaculture techniques, such as oyster ground culture, is also a way of making possible a resurgent landscape.


If we then perceive the landscape from the bodies of a a scavenger, a predator, a burrower, a clinger or a traveller; we would enter to a place with a lot of motion, where water moves sediments and everything suddenly becomes very cloudy, or if the tide goes low we would discover our prey very easily. Also, if the tide is high, it would be easier to dig in and hide, or just stand there on the rocks because we would love the constant change of the sea. Or maybe it would be a place of passage, in search of a short time of retreat.


If we were people, we would go to the stream corridor with our family and children to plant a tree that we adopted. Or perhaps we would be with our friends hiking in a new area of the broadleaved woodland where the foresters inspect the growth of the plants. Or we would be young people passing through the mudflat while scientists take samples and measure the soil.


All works presented here are a summary of each of the final submissions. Not all courses are presented. In the SoSe 2021 I will do my master’s thesis at Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft. all rights reserved © Lina Teresa Buitrago

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