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DIGITA AL ASS SET COLLEC CTION Digital Design D Print Project T The information n collected in th his document is s to enable Van ncouver Film S School (VFS) to o archive your p project, showca ase your w work, and subm mit it to festivals s, contests, and d awards.

P Please be advis sed that, with the exception of o your contact information, alll other information provided to o us in this doccument may b be made public c for the purpos ses of promotin ng your work.


This document must be submitted digitally. d Please e DO NOT PR INT; leave this form in its orig ginal format. En nter your mation and save e this document in accordance e with the nam ming convention n outlined on th he next page un nder the inform ‘Namin ng Convention’ section.


Please e package all assets a togetherr (project files and a all related d documentation n) into one folde er. Compress tthe folder as a ZIP file. f For detaile ed instructions on o how to crea ate ZIP files, ple ease refer to http://w www.myvfs.com m/docs/how_to o_zip.pdf


marily PRINT bu ut also includes s INTERACTIV VE or MOTION files, please fo ollow the directtions in the If yourr project is prim Interac ctive and/or Mo otion Design As sset Collection (DAC) docum ment and include e all related file es in a single Z ZIP folder 3000 px

that includes all of the following: a..

A minimum of four (4) scanned design co oncepts/sketch hes els (horizontal length) in JPEG G or TIFF form mat. at 3000 pixe

3 3000 px

This include es early design documents.


All print-ready digital files necessary to re eproduce this p project and a “rreadme” file wiith detailed desscription of the project and a any specia al instructions on o reproduction n of the projectt.


A selection of supporting material, m such as a scanned skketches, prototyypes, mockupss, case studies,, pictures of s, work journals s, planning doc cuments, projecct briefs, projecct plans, and m mood boards. the process


A copy of yo our Animatic, Rough R Cut, and d Fine Cut.


Any project--related design n sketch files (s scanned or com mputer-generatted).


It is strongly y recommended that you inclu ude an up-to-d ate, high-resolution photo (m minimum 300 dp pi) of yourself for promotional pu urposes. If a photo p is not pro ovided with thiss package, your VFS student ID will be used instead.


y have comp pressed your project p package e as a ZIP file --- including projject files, documentation and releases -Once you upload d the project pa ackage ZIP file to the server lo ocation provide ed by your Program Managerr.


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c to: dd_dac@vfs.c com Email notification of completion

VFS Dig gital Asset Collectio on: Digital Design – Motion Design



Level 1

Level 3

Level 2

Prog gram Identifier & Class Number

Levell 4

Level 5

Level 6

Proje ect Nam me

Pro oject Type Prog gram Specific

File Type Identifier

Full Student Name

5-Digit Universal U Student Number

Identifies it ass a Digital Asset Content Document

**Always use unde erscore for level separations.**



No spa aces or comma as are permitte ed. Separate each e level with an underscore e and capitalize e to separate w words within the lev vel (CamelCase e). For example: if your name e is Jonny Van nderhoof, it sh hould appear ass “JonnyVande erhoof”, or if your project p name is ‘The Jolly Gia ant’, it should appear a as “The eJollyGiant” (se ee above exam mple).


Universal Student Number: N All file es must include e a VFS Unive rsal Student Number (USN) a as part of the n naming s submitted. Ple ease refer to yo our student ID card or web lo ocation for yourr USN (see below). convention of all files e student who is responsible for the Team Projects: If a project is creatted by a team, please use infformation of the Digital Asset Content document and related documentation.


Case Study = CAS

B Brand/Identity y = BRD

Package Design = PKD D

Poste er = POS

PROJECT FILE TYPE (LEVEL 6) D Documentation: Enter type of o documents in n level 6 of the naming conve ention. For exam mple: if the doccument is a pro oject brief fo or a case study y the full name of file should be: b DD99 _384779_JonnyVandeerhoof_TheJollyyGiant_CAS_Pro ojectBrief.doc

Your VFS Universal U Stu udent Numbe er can be fou und here:

Student S ID Card

2 22/09/2010

https://tree e.vfs.com/stude ent/login.php

VFS Dig gital Asset Collectio on: Digital Design – Motion Design


STUDENT INFORMATION First Name: Full legal first name

Last Name:


Program Name:

Full legal last name

Digital Design

VFS Universal Student Number:


Class Number:



PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT TITLE: All projects must have unique names

Bloom PROJECT TYPE: Book ■

Case Study

Brand Identity


Package Design Other:


Case Studies

Mood Boards

Planning Documents

Concept Sketches

Project Plans

Photos of Process

Project ‘Read Me’ ■

Project Charters

Design Documents

Scanned Sketches

Production Journals Other:

ADDITIONAL PROJECT ELEMENTS: For example: CD Cover and Booklets (Print). Promotional Ad for Website (Motion)

Donation merchandise box, website mockups




Yes: Please provide URL:

VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design



Adobe Acrobat Professional

Adobe Illustrator


Adobe Photoshop


Adobe InDesign

3D Studio Max


TECHNIQUES USED Character Design

Hand Drawn

Digital Painting



Font Creating


Scanned Textures

Logo Design


Packaging Design

Vector Art


Letter: 8.5” x 11” (216mm x 279mm) Ledger: 17” x 11” (432mm x 279mm) Other:

Legal: 8.5” x 11” (216mm x 279mm) Tabloid: 11” x 17” (279mm x 432mm)

Junior Legal: 8” x 5” (203mm x 127mm)

Business card:2''x3.5'' Magazine Advertisement: (left print) 2.625''x10.75'' (right print)8.625''x10.75''

PRINT INSTRUCTIONS Include detail instruction print reproduction of the project. For example: All documents may be printed in colour on standard 8.5 x 11 paper. There is also a brand package kit. To properly print the brand package kit you will need to provide the printer with the following information: 5” x 5” page size, 6 pages, CMYK, double-sided, offset printing on 80-pound “luna-gloss” paper with saddle-stitched finishing. All pages are full-bleed.

All documents may be printed in color on Tabloid 11"x17" paper. CMYK on 80-pound "luna-gloss paper.


VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design


SYNOPSIS / PROJECT DESCRIPTION (50 words max, complete sentences, no point form) Example: This project is an interactive walkthrough of the problems plaguing the Amazon forest. Targeted at educating children, it takes the view of an unlikely friendship that develops between a bear and a possum who must struggle to survive their ordeal.

This project is a brand identity and awareness campaign for "Bloom", a non-profit program that empowers teenager girls living with cancer to face the future with confidence and positivity. The awareness campaign is an invitation to those teenager girls to join “Bloom�, open up themselves and discover hope.

VISIONARY PROCESS (75 to 100 words explaining how and why you created the concept for this project) Where did your inspiration come from? ..

I used to volunteer for a charity service that helps women undergoing cancer treatment, so I realized the importance of such a program, especially for younger women. The girls living with cancer often feel alone and afraid to face the world. By connecting them together, and let them know there are people going through the similar situation. Encourage them to open up about their conditions, breaking through the boundaries and supporting each other, their lives can truly blossom. What problems or struggles did you come across during the creation of this project and how did you solve them? The topic was too broad at the beginning, It was hard to narrow it down to one straight forward point. After spending some time researching and brainstorming, I found out the most critical thing for teenager girls living with cancer is the fear of loosing relationships with people the love. They tend to lock up themselves. This discovery made it clear that my focus should be to encourage patients to open up and share their stories with others. Choosing a proper name was another obstacle, it needed to convey positive attitude for girls in life. Among a lot of other choices, I decided on BLOOM. It means growth, adopt and youth. Another interesting challenge for me was showcasing the motivation through the campaign posters. The photos I've taken are mostly full shots of the girls trying different postures and facial expressions, my point was to show the process of life from down moments to the most happiest. I was happy with the shots that i had but it was hard to show the emotions through still images. Later on, I decided to tell a different story by cropping the images from long shot, to close up, and create a three panel transit poster. In that way i was trying to engage the audiences to my story and give them the opportunity to get to know the girl in the images.

What do you want your audience to know about the making of this project?

The making of the project was like any other design process, but the story and message behind it is very important, which I would love to share with others. The "music" (or happiness) of life does not come from the circumstances or environment we live in, but from one's inside (or the set of attitudes). Not only the girls living with cancer, but for every healthy person, we should all break through our fences and boundaries, discover hope around us. Treasure the relationship with people around us. This is what motivated me to do this project. I can not do it without the help and care from my dear mentor, instructors and friends.


VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design


MOTION DESIGN TRANSCRIPT WITH TIME CODE – FOR APPROVED FILMS ONLY Film festivals often require exact dialogue transcripts in order to translate for subtitles or the hearing impaired. Sometimes there may also be content/censorship concerns. Please provide an exact transcript of the final film’s dialogue, including all character, narrator, and voice over dialogue and when it is spoken in the time code (00:00:00). Unlike a film script, the transcript should not include any screen directions/description of action.

Example: Character Name: Dialogue

Option: You can attach Film Transcript with Time Code as a Text, Word, or PDF

00:05 - Jane: Hi there!

document with your asset document.

00:07 - Jim: Hello Jane!

Attached Transcript:

(Or) 00:10 - Narrator: A long time ago…




Name of file:

VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design


APPENDIX FILE FORMAT REQUIREMENTS All work submitted must comply with the following format guidelines:

Standard Definition

High Definition


QuickTime Motion JPEG-A


QuickTime Motion JPEG-A

Frame Rate:

24p OR 29.97

Frame Rate:







Stereo (LTRT)

Number of Fields

Two (2)


Field Dominance


4:3 / 4:3 Letterboxed:

720 x 480


Stereo (LTRT)

16:9 / 16:9 Letterboxed:

853 x 480

Dimensions: 16:9 / 16:9 Letterboxed:

1920 x 1080 (720p)

FILE FORMAT REQUIREMENTS All video work supplied must have a five-second introduction slating of “Vancouver Film School Presents” and a five-second VFS copyright slate at the end of your film. These slates cannot be altered in any way and must be downloaded from: http://www.myvfs.com/docs/vfs_slates.zip

MANDATORY SLATING REQUIREMENTS VFS All video work supplied must have a five-second introduction slating of “Vancouver Film School Presents” and a five-second VFS copyright slate at the end of your film.

These slates cannot be altered in any way and must be downloaded from:


5 Alarm Music Due to special licensing agreements with 5Alarm Music additional slate any project that utilized 5Alarm Music Clips must be added as part of the end credits and appear for minimum 3 seconds on screen. 5Alarm Music end credit slate cannot be altered in any way and must be downloaded from: http://www.myvfs.com/docs/5alarm_slates/

CUSTOM TITLING It is permissible for the introduction slate of the supplied work to be replaced with custom titling, provided the VFS brand guidelines are completely adhered to. The VFS brand guidelines are available at: http://www.myvfs.com/docs/vfs_branding_guidelines.pdf

Students are not permitted to make use of the VFS logo in their custom titles. Students are permitted to place their own “Vancouver Film School Presents” titling in a clear, readable font, no smaller than 16 points on Standard Definition and no smaller than 24 points on High Definition.


VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design


APPENDIX CREDITING All crediting found within a student’s work is expected to meet a minimum level of professionalism with the full understanding that the work is expected to be on par with current industry expectations. As such: 1.

Credits (Mandatory) – Students must credit all individuals who made a material or creative contribution to the production of their project. This includes crediting any mentors, project supervisors, and post-production staff, as well as creative materials incorporated into the project, any downloaded elements, and any other material as detailed in this document. All credits must be exclusive to the individuals or companies who were actively involved in the production of the project (i.e. those individuals listed as contributors on this form).


No Third Party Logos (Mandatory) - Under no circumstances may any third party logos be included in the credits including those companies actively involved in the production of the project. These companies may be listed as contributors as per the normal crediting roles.


Thank Yous (Optional) -- The purpose of a Thank You section is to acknowledge any friends or family who offered support during the production of the project but did not directly contribute to it. Additionally, students may choose to credit senior administration or faculty members, along with any creative material which inspired the creation of the project but was not explicitly utilized.


Software Used (Optional) – Students may also wish to display the logos of the software used in the creation of their project, but such crediting must appear on its own slate and come before any personal contact info slates. The editor will remove any logos of companies with which VFS does not have a formal partnership if the student project is selected for public display. (Please refer to the above Mandatory Slating Requirements section for more information on how to credit VFS partners.)


Personal Contact Info (Optional) – Students may include their personal contact information in their personal copy of their work only. Under Vancouver Film School’s privacy policy, any student project VFS chooses to promote in a public venue cannot bear personal contact information. This includes contact information, such as phone numbers, addresses, URLs, or email addresses, and similar information on any personal contacts such as family and friends.


VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design


GUIDELINES AND DESCRIPTION OF STUDENT PRODUCTION LEGAL DOCUMENTS The legal process is an important and often overlooked aspect of film and video production. Almost every aspect of the production process presents legal issues, including the rights and entitlements of stakeholders and contributors, issues relating to ownership and exploitation of the film/video and various underlying rights, and management of legal and business risks and liabilities. Failure to effectively deal with those issues can jeopardize the success of the production.

As part of the student film/video production process, student producers are required to have standard form agreements signed by all project stakeholders and contributors. The following is an overview of the documents.

1. List of Contributors/Performers: The following table (see next page) is for listing the names of any group or individual that contributed to the creation of the film/video/project. This includes other students who may have provided assets or talent. Please note that this table must be completed, but is intended only as a compilation of names and an outline of duties. All relevant releases and forms are still required.

2. Performer Release Form: This agreement is signed by each performer. It confirms the performer’s consent to participate in the film/video/project for no compensation.

3. License to Use Musical Work for Student Film Project: This agreement is signed by the owner of a pre-existing musical work that is used in the soundtrack of a film/video/project. It confirms the owner’s consent to the use of the musical work in the film/video/project, and specifies the required credit. This is not required for VFS globally licensed material such as the 5 Alarm Music library. There is one agreement for use when the Musical Work is being requested from a company, and another form if an individual is the owner of the music.

4. License to Use Video Work for Student Sound Track Project: This agreement is signed by the owner of a pre-existing video work that is used for a student soundtrack project. It confirms the owner’s consent to the use of the video work in the project, and specifies the required credit.

5. Parent/Guardian Authorization Agreement: This agreement is signed by the parent or guardian of a performer or contributor that is a minor (under 18 years of age in British Columbia). It confirms the parent/guardian’s consent to the applicable agreement (performer or contributor) signed by the minor. It is required because under B.C. law, certain contracts signed by a minor may not be enforceable.

6. Location Release: This agreement is signed by a property owner or their authorized representative to confirm consent to the use of a specific film/video/project location.

VFS reserves the right to use and distribute any student work produced. Students may use any production in which they have a credit for self-promotion, festivals, concept presentations, and any non-profit application the production may have. VFS encourages students to show their work and we actively seek opportunities such as festivals and other forms of distribution to promote our graduates.

No fictitious student production companies are allowed to appear in any credits or titles on film/video/projects, or in film festival packages.


VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design


CONTRIBUTOR LIST AND RELEASE CHECK LIST Please only indicate the people or companies who contributed creative content, not faculty or mentors who participated in an advisory role. For VFS student contributors please indicate their program and class number, for external contributors please indicate company name. 

You must include ALL contributors in the list below (including you). If you need more space, please add extra rows as necessary to the table.

Please also check the “release obtained” box to acknowledge that you have included releases for the contributors.

A release is required for every contributor (including you), however room for noting exceptions has been provided on the next page.

VFS Internal Student or Staff Contributors (VFS students or staff who have directly contributed to the project) Release Attached

First Name

Last Name

Role or Type of Contribution

Program Name

Class Number

Student Number












yes ■ No ■ yes



Garza de Grr




■ yes







■ yes







■ yes







■ yes




























VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design

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EXTERNAL CONTRIBUTORS (outside individuals, group or companies that have directly contributed to the project) Release attached






















First Name

Last name Coldplay

If contributor is a musical group or company with one name you may enter in a single cell.

Role or Type of Contribution

Contributor Bio (50 words max)

Company Name & Contact Info

Original Music

The Band has been together for 20 years. They have performed globally and will release their 10th album in fall 2010.

Iam Agent 1755 Cotton Blvd., Vancouver, BC 604-555-1234 theband@soundworks.ca

Project Releases (Please indicate any Product or Location releases that are applicable to this project) Release attached























Contact First Name


Contact Last Name



Company Name & Contact Information


Contact Corp. 12456 Elm Street Vancouver, BC 604-867-5309 www.website.com

VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design

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INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Have you obtained ALL of the relevant releases for this project? ■

YES NO (Please specify missing releases and explain why it was not obtained.) ** IMPORTANT NOTE: You will not be penalized for not obtaining all releases. However, missing releases will leave you and your project exposed to potential legal complications. Therefore, it is extremely important to give as much information as possible for missing releases. This is to protect you and your project **


VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Can I submit my own project to festivals or awards competitions? Yes, you can submit your projects on your own. However, we suggest you notify VFS’s Online Distribution & Festival Coordinator (festivals@vfs.com) prior to submission to ensure that VFS has not already submitted the same project on your behalf. This will prevent any double entries.

What festivals will VFS be submitting my film to? We have a lengthy list of festivals in our directory to which we continuously submit student work, ranging from the well-established to more niche-specific.

How will I know if my project has been submitted? We only inform students of the submission if their project achieves placement at a festival or awards competition.

Can I upload my project to YouTube, Vimeo, or other online media sites? Yes, absolutely. However, we recommend that students first check VFS’s online channels to see if their project has already been posted by VFS, as it may give them greater opportunity of exposure.

What if I only use a clip, do I need to put the VFS slate on that too? No, but you may want to link your clip to the original piece to help increase awareness of your project.

I don't have any concept art. Do I still need to submit something? Concept art includes any initial concepts of the project creation, such as doodles, sketches, wireframes, or draft renderings from the early development stages of your project. Anything you provide along these lines can help in the promotion of the project.

Does VFS’s copyright on my project limit me in any way? No. Please review page 13 of your Student Handbook for more details on this topic. The excerpt below is provided for your convenience.

STUDENT PRODUCTIONS The following policies relate to the creation of student productions. 1.

All productions must include the following information: “Copyright © (year) Vancouver Film School. All rights reserved.” The copyright on all student productions is held by VFS. Because students use educational versions of software to create their projects it is a condition of our license that student productions cannot be used on a commercial basis or for a profit. To ensure compliance with this restriction, VFS must hold the copyright to the productions produced at VFS and this copyright applies to all productions made on our campus with our software, hardware and facilities. Students, however, retain the underlying rights to the production’s content. The underlying creative material in those projects, such as characters, story lines or designs, remains the sole property and copyright of the student. VFS does not own or control a student’s ideas.

2. 3.

No fictitious student production companies are allowed in any credits or titles on final productions or for festival packages. VFS reserves the right to use and distribute any student work produced. All student productions are Vancouver Film School productions. Students may obtain copies of any production in which they have a credit and may use these copies for selfpromotion, festivals, concept presentations, and any non-profit application the production may have. VFS encourages students to show their work and we actively seek opportunities such as festivals and other forms.

Who do I contact if I have more questions later? If you have further questions please email the completion email address listed on the first page of this document.


VFS Digital Asset Collection: Digital Design – Motion Design

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