May Issue

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School l High a n o i t na n Inter Lincol

Lincoln Press

Inside this issue:

Lincoln Students’ Experiences in College Did you know that it is possible to earn college credits while you are in high school at no personal cost to you or your family? Students interested need to have good grades, and high skills in English reading, writing and math. All students must pass the placement test at the college they would like to take college courses at. A few Lincoln students have been taking classes at Minneapolis and Community And

Technical College this year. Here are their personal experiences. Ramon Campoverde Post secon-

classes. In general, I was taking Nutrition and Hispanic History. Both classes were super hard for me at the beginning,

dary education op-

but then I got into

tion (PSEO) was a

it. The hardest part

unique and challeng-

about this was how

ing experience. This

to adapt to this new

is a free program


that you can take when you are a junior and a senior in high school, which offers you college courses for free. During this time I had the opportunity to meet and take a couple of challenging

Ramon’s Story Continued


Brook’s PSEO Experience


Abdalla Ege’s PSEO Experi-


Jonathan Ruiz’s Advice


Hamse Hassan’s Advice


Doing this program brings you many benefits. With this program you are able to earn free college credits! I had the opportunity to meet adults and work with them in class. It’s an awe-

Hodan Dahir and Sonia Asqui were chosen as students of the month for their dedication to their school work. Here at Lincoln and our PSEO students at MCTC have achieved great academic success.

Ramon’s Story Continued some experience to go there

going there and that’s it, but

subject and to be able to do

and feel what college is all

you have to give all you ef-

my homework or classwork.

about and to see what is

fort. There is a lot of indi-

waiting for you in the fu-

vidual work that I did, inside

ture. Like I said, this is en-

of class and outside. I had

tirely a new experience from

to read multiple times a day

high school; this is not just

in order to understand my

Brook’s PSEO Experience Brook and Ramon

Brook Belachew The experience I had from being a PESO student was really good. It gave me a guideline about how college is going to be. This helped me a lot to explore myself and meet students who have the same interests as me. College is much different from high school; you can select your own classes and schedule that is one thing I like about it. Most importantly, students are responsible for their work. The instructors basically will give a syllabus “schedule” at the beginning of the class and after that the student will be responsible for all the tasks assigned on the syllabus. At the be-

One thing about college that I really loved is that they have a Learning Center where you can get help from student tutors.

ginning of the class I was very worried, thinking it was going to be a complicated course. However, the classes were not as I anticipated: it was easy, plus having the support from my instructor helped me a lot. One thing about college that I really loved is that they have a Learning Center where you can get help from student tutors. This is a place where you can work in a group

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Lincoln Press

Brook’s Experience Continued with your classmates and

this program during my sen-

this helped me a lot to im-

ior year, but students can

prove my grades. In conclu-

enroll starting from junior

sion, being a PSEO student

year. So, my advice is to

is one of the best experi-

start PSEO from junior

ences I had in my high


school years. I enrolled in

Abdalla Ege

Abdalla Ege’s PSEO Experience

Getting accepted to the PSEO program was a wonderful moment in my life. Since then I have worked hard to achieve what normal college students assume is just necessary to get by in classes. Taking college classes while in high school is no joke. You have to work twice as hard, if not more. What really separates the successful and the mediocre are the effort and investments they make. There are many transitional periods once you Volume 1, Issue 1

adapt to a college environ-

of action to


handle all Of the many new

things I have learned is that I did not have to ask permission to use the restroom. Thank God I haven’t made that mistake. Since then it dawned on me that college is a control-free environment in which you get what you put in, whether it’s hours of studying and research or hours of slacking. You are required by necessity to set priorities and organize plans

the bundles of work assigned to you. One point off of participa-

College is a control -free environment in which you get what you put in, whether it’s hours of studying and research or hours of slacking.

tion will be the most of your worries, let alone other things. However, you tackle and move beyond mental obstacles and you learn to face new challenges with a good outset of confidence.

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We’re on the web!

Jonathan Ruiz ‘ Advice to Freshmen My advice to freshmen is to be invisible the first year. What I mean by this is work hard in every class even though you

All of our newspapers are online. Go to Lincoln’s website and then click on school newspapers.

might not like it. Another important

thing to remember is to stay

out of trouble. For example, don’t talk back to your teachers because it only makes things worse for you, not the teachers. One more thing to remember is to try and get all your

Yearbooks are also on sale next week for $10.

credits for that year completed. That way you don’t have to


about those credits when you go onto the next grade. The last piece

Valley Fair is Wednesday, June 6th.

of advice that I can share is just try your best to make school your

Come to graduation next Friday, June 8th at 10 am to support our seniors.

friend so that in 4 years you can say

bye bye to your friend. Haha.

Then, you can move on to the next new

friend called college.

Hamse Hassan’s Advice I have decided to

friends and I invested that

share the elements that

time to homework. Finally, I

helped me gain success and

did raise my grades. As a sen-

are reading and block any other

finish school on time. Let me

ior I got A’s and B’s. The

distraction, whether it is com-

tell you this personal story. I

other prime goal I set for

ing from your best friends. So

goofed off for my sophomore

myself was to pass the

from that point you can finish

year and my grades went

graduation requirement test,

down. So, at the beginning of

especially the reading and

my junior year, I changed my

writing test. I put a lot of

point of view in life. I set a

time to read in order to im-

couple of personal goals for

prove my English and I did

myself. I decided to raise my

pass GRAD reading and writ-

grades and do my homework

ing tests.


on time. I cut the time I used to spend with my

I want you to focus your entire energy on one

thing at time. If you’re reading something, focus on what you

any tasks that are due on time. Challenge yourself and try to take the harder classes. My last advice is I want you know to take advantage of any opportunity that comes to your door. Get involved in any activity in your school, whether the newspaper, students assembly, student government, or sports.

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