April 2012

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April 2012


Lincoln Press Inside This Issue Talent Show


Trio’s Trip To New York City History Exhibit 3

By Hodan Dahir

Trio is a program that helps students to succeed. They help students apply to colleges and for scholarships. Also, many students from different School Lunch 4 schools went on a trip this year. A lot of people organized this program but I only know one person who did and that’s Miss Dorothy. Miss Dorothy is a counselor at Lincoln International High School. She helps students, especially the seniors who are planning to go to college. She even takes us on college visits. Trio is important because there are lots of students who work hard through high school, especially for this program. As a result, we Coming Soon got to take a vacation and see other states and what their colleges are like. The trip was April 2, 2012 to April 6, 2012 and we went to New York City. The requirements to be able to go on this trip was you have to have a good MCA TEST writ- Apriil17 grades in all your classes, have a positive attitude, and especially you have ingSoccer , reading , mathInterested ,18in Season: to be in the Trio program. We did lot things on the trip such as: we went to playing soccer for our Soccer season starts the Statue of Liberty, we went to see New Jersey University, we went to school? Talk to Mr. Chris Time Square, and Abdalla Ege and I performed at the famous Apollo our gym and health teacher. Theater in Harlem. Practice has started. So getfit and have fun. Go Lincoln! Above: Rockefeller Center in New York City To the left: Time Square In New York

NWEA Test May 21st-25th

Memorial Day: No School May 28th 1 -9

Talent Show By Alanoud Rwaili We had a talent show on Tuesday, March 23. Students and staff volunteered to perform different acts. There were Oromo dances, Somali dances, Arabic belly dancing, a Somali wedding dance, a traditional Ecuadorian dance, an American Cowboy line dance, a poetry performance and singers.

Ecuadorian Group Dancers

Oromo Dancers

Somali Pride

Teachers Show Their Moves 2

Ecuadorian and Somali Dresses

History Day Exhibit By Henry Espinoza In US History we wrote a research paper about famous African American people. We took 3 weeks to finish. First, we had to create a cover page, type a paper and write a bibliography showing our sources. Second, we had to display information about each African American and finally the present what we learned at an exhibit where students and staff came to interview us. Many students complained because it was too much work, even though Ms. Natasha said students start doing research in elementary school. She motivated us to get this project done and be proud of our work. During the special presentation for one hour in the gym, we were asked about the project or the person that we researched. Mr. Manyi’s, Ms.Allison’s, and Ms. Karin’s classes all came to interview the history students. Mr. Loren, who is African American history expert, even learn something new. Mr. Loren said,”I learned about Bessie Colman the first African American women pilot who had to go all the way to France to get her pilot license because of discrimination in America.” In conclusion, it was a lot of work, but we learned a lot too.

Jonas Solano

Semir Besher

Mauricio Gonzales Hussein Mohamed

Maryan Khalif 3

Samsam Mohamud

The last person I interviewed was Miss

Many Students Want Pizza Everyday Rosalinda Armendariz. I asked some questions that I thought some students had in their

By Hamse Hassan

heads. A lot of students are complaining about

Complaining about our school lunch

the school lunch. I asked her why the school

everyday has become a priority topic in our

administrators aren’t willing to change the

school. Students complain about the school

food? Miss Rosalinda responded, “we have

lunch every single day. But it wasn’t that long

changed the menu so many times and we even

ago when I took my pen to the find the truth

have asked students to choose the menu of

and here is my interview with school adminis-

their choice. But the problem is that students

trators and students. I asked Saadiyo Hassan,

didn’t come the meeting we held in order to

what she thinks about our school lunch? “ I

talk to us and the food company. Our school

think our school doesn’t have good lunch and

lunch is a typical lunch that most public

the reason that our school doesn’t have tasteful schools receive.” The other question I asked lunch is because the food company thinks that Miss Rosalinda was what steps the school adwe are a small school,” she responded. My

ministration could do to make the students eat

second question I asked Saadiyo was, how the

the school lunch? She said, “The first step the

school could find a solution to fix the school

school should take toward the school lunch is

lunch. She said, “in order for the school to fix

to educate the students about nutrition because

the school lunch first of all the school can dis-

our school lunch has a lot of nutrition even

cuss the with food company about lunch.”

though a lot of students don’t like to eat vege-

Mohamed Dakane was the second stu- tables and fruits. But, as a school, we need to dent I asked the same questions that I asked

follow the rules of Minnesota health and food

Saadiyo.“The school lunch is very bad and it


doesn’t even look like fresh food,” he answered back. He also said, “I guess they could get us pizza every day as every student

Students look forward to pizza every Friday.

wishes. I think the school could do much better by changing the lunch menu.”



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