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From the classroom to Carnegie m to Carnegie From the classroo s m to Carnegie classroo by Kate theMatthe From by Kate Matthes 12 Matthes pg.Kate by pg. 12 pg. 12
April Issue April Issue April Issue
Issue No., 6 2023 Issue No., 6 2023 Issue No., 6 2023
Lucas Hiatt & Josie Tollinger Ellen Merkley Delaney Gramlick
Kate Matthes Ariahna Wells & Samantha Zeeck Morgan Sandness
LHS Ninja Warrior Going on Tao time QuestBridge: Connecting students and colleges
Ella DuBois Clara Binstock Fisher Meyerink & Katie Jensen Raina Marty
Kinley Freese
From the classroom to Carnegie
Addison Remme
28 29 30
Kate Tollinger
LHS office staff and their daily impact
Sarah Bomhoff
FEATURE EDITORS- Anna Anderson & Vanessa Timat
Laura Heckenlaible
PERSPECTIVES EDITORS- Laura Heckenlaible & Clare Heupel SPORTS EDITOR- Lucas Hiatt NEWS EDITORS- Reese Duncan & Kate Matthes SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATORS- Raina Marty & Ellen Merkley STAFF WRITERS- Clara Binstock, Elana Bishop, Emery Bishop, Kadence Dean, Ella DuBois, Kinley Freese, Betsy Haft, Caroline Hughes, Katie Jensen, Zoe Larson, Fisher Meyerink, Grace Miner, Natalie Nolan, Bergen Quello, Addison Remme, Adrienne Revier, Gabe Schmit, Katya Surendran, Adeline Theophilus, Josie Tollinger, Daniel Valentine, Elysse Weber, Ariahna Wells, Reagan Wulf, Samantha Zeeck
ENTERTAINMENT EDITORS- Delaney Gramlick & Emma Southwick
Kadence Dean Morgan Sandness Betsy Haft Natalie Nolan Emma Forster Anna Anderson & Emma Southwick
LHS’s metropolitan diary Lettuce Club BeReal: LHS teacher edition
Built by Bonte
Grace Miner
ONLINE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF- Emma Forster & Kate Tollinger
That’s a wrap
Running for the money
Daniel Valentine
PAPER EDITORS-IN-CHIEF- Sarah Bomhoff, Morgan Sandness & Jada Sandvall
LHS TikTok celebrities
Ella Termaat: LHS track’s hidden gem
ADVISER- Dr. Katie Kroeze
Emery Bishop & Elysse Weber
Una adventura en España
Down Home Fab
19 20 22 24 26
38 39 40 41 42 44 46
33 34 36
Katya Surendran
8 9 10 12 14 16
Book it to the parks
Adrienne Revier
The Sioux Falls Humane Society: a second chance for every animal
Teenage consumerism
Clare Heupel
Bergen Quello & Reagan Wulf
Accounting for the ramps at LHS 503,712,000 seconds Coming up short
Ballin’ on a budget: senior photos April Astrology Teacher Superlatives Easter bunny conspiracy theories
What in the word! LHS nepotism babies Conspiracy confirmed: Adam Morrison has ties to alien empire
by C by lare Clare Heupel Heupel
andand volunteers volunteers havehave theirtheir fair fair share share media, media, television television andand emails emails relieved relieved of responsibilities of responsibilities when when ensuring ensuring that that the the shelter shelter of a of significant a significant number number of of Since Since 1919, 1919, the the Sioux Sioux FallsFalls Humane Humane each each animal animal receives receives the the attention attention animals. animals. Society Society has has beenbeen introducing introducing families families need. need. Though Though the the number number of of “In “In the the week week following following our our appeal, appeal, in and in and around around the the Sioux Sioux FallsFalls areaarea to to theythey housed housed animals animals typically typically theirtheir newnew bestbest friends. friends. around around 250250 to 275 to 275 at a at a TheThe Sioux Sioux FallsFalls Humane Humane Society Society lies lies time time in the in the facility, facility, problems problems is a is haven a haven for animals for animals of every of every when when thisthis number number getsgets background, background, ranging ranging fromfrom dogs, dogs, catscats arisearise too too high. high. This This winter, winter, an an andand other other smaller smaller household household pets.pets. abnormally abnormally large large number number of of Unlike Unlike many many animal animal shelters, shelters, the the surrendered, adoptable adoptable dogsdogs Humane Humane Society Society is anisopen-admission an open-admissionsurrendered, were were presented presented to the to the shelter. shelter. shelter. shelter. ThisThis means means theythey accept accept Without Without a raise a raise in adoptions, in adoptions, any any animals animals surrendered surrendered to them to them found found themselves themselves at a at a regardless regardless of their of their statestate of health, of health, theythey near-capacity near-capacity number number of dogs of dogs aggression aggression or other or other needs. needs. ThisThis alsoalso by late by late February. February. Having Having such such includes includes any any animals animals taken taken by Animal by Animal a high number number of animals of animals not not Control Control in Sioux in Sioux FallsFalls or surrounding or surroundinga high only only exhausts exhausts the the efforts efforts of of communities. communities. Animals Animals thatthat come come to to the the employees employees and and volunteers volunteers the the Humane Humane Society Society are are evaluated evaluated taketake carecare of them of them but but as toaswhat to what kindkind of treatment of treatment or care or care whowho also also leads leads to high-stress to high-stress theythey require, require, andand thenthen hopefully hopefully situations for these for these animals animals in in receive receive the the proper proper carecare in anticipation in anticipationsituations such such proximity. proximity. With With fewer fewer kennels kennels we adopted we adopted 33 dogs, 33 dogs, 28 cats 28 cats andand of finding of finding theirtheir forever forever home. home. available available for housing for housing these these additional additional three three small small animals. animals. This This was was in spite in spite Housing Housing overover 8,000 8,000 animals animals a year, a year, animals, animals, portable portable kennels kennels that that are are half half of being of being closed closed for two for two days days due due the the Humane Humane Society Society andand its employees its employees the the sizesize of the of the usual usual space space to snow,” to snow,” saidsaid James James Oppenheimer, Oppenheimer, these these animals animals would would receive receiveExecutive Executive Director Director of the of the Sioux Sioux FallsFalls must must be used. be used. As aAs result, a result, Humane Humane Society. Society. “We“We are are thankful thankful lessless space space andand increased increased to the to the Sioux Sioux FallsFalls community community for for noise noise withwith more more animals animals helping helping us out.” us out.” present present quickly quickly leadlead to ato a ThisThis is just is just one one example example of how of how deterioration deterioration in behavior in behavior the the Humane Humane Society Society benefits benefits fromfrom as these as these animals’ animals’ irritation irritation the the aid of aidsurrounding of surrounding communities communities rises. rises. andand individual individual action. action. Making Making suresure Thankfully, Thankfully, the the space space thatthat all pets all pets are are spayed spayed andand neutered neutered availability availability issueissue waswas is a is small a small action action thatthat helps helps the the brought brought to ato close a close withwith Humane Humane Society Society by regulating by regulating the the the the helphelp of surrounding of surrounding number number of animals of animals brought brought intointo the the communities communities andand the the quick quick shelter. shelter. Additionally, Additionally, donations donations fromfrom thinking thinking of the of the Humane Humane individuals individuals andand businesses businesses contribute contribute Society Society team. team. Publicizing Publicizing heavily heavily to its tofunctioning. its functioning. Being Being a a the the issueissue through through social social non-profit, non-profit, independent independent organization, organization,
option for those for those wanting wanting an an the the Humane Humane Society Society doesdoes not not receive receive option animal of their of their ownown but but whowho any any funding funding fromfrom other other organizations, organizations,animal alsoalso cannot cannot commit commit to one to one statestate or national. or national. ThisThis makes makes long-term. Becoming Becoming a foster a foster donations donations andand fundraising fundraising essential essential long-term. simple a simple process process andand should should for its forcontinued its continued success. success. TheThe shelter shelter is a is be considered by anyone by anyone whowho holds holds an annual an annual “Paws “Paws to Celebrate” to Celebrate” be considered believes believes theythey can can provide provide a a event event where where people people can can make make comfortable environment environment for for donations, donations, which which willwill be accepted be accepted in in comfortable of these of these animals. animals. the the formform of both of both money money andand pet pet one Ensuring Ensuring thatthat all animals all animals Running Running on $3.5 on $3.5 million million eacheach year,year, treated treated withwith respect respect andand the the Humane Humane Society Society is always is always grateful gratefulare are given given a chance a chance at finding at finding for the for the generous generous donations donations of the of the theirtheir forever forever home home is the is the community. community. top top priority priority of the of the Sioux Sioux Becoming Becoming an animal an animal foster foster is is Humane Humane Society. Society. ThisThis another another wayway individuals individuals can can NotNotFallsFalls requires requires difficult difficult decision-making decision-making andand contributions contributions of many of many people. people. tremendous tremendous support support fromfrom An organization An organization like like thisthis can can often often employees, employees, volunteers volunteers andand the the be overlooked, be overlooked, especially especially when when it has it has community community of the of the Sioux Sioux FallsFalls beenbeen around around for so forlong. so long. Providing Providing area.area. the the necessary necessary attention attention to this to this “To“To increase increase adoptions, adoptions, shelter shelter andand these these animals animals is just is just one one we are we are looking looking to decrease to decrease wayway we can we can ensure ensure thatthat eveneven the the the the timetime between between when when an an smallest smallest souls souls experience experience the the heart heart of of animal animal is dropped is dropped off off andand humanity. humanity. when when it goes it goes up to upadoption,” to adoption,” saidsaid Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer. “To“To decrease decrease euthanasia euthanasia numbers, numbers, we are we are making making some some tough, tough, andand occasionally occasionally expensive expensive decisions.” onlyonly doesdoes it free it free up space up space within within the the decisions.” Unfortunately, euthanasia euthanasia facility, facility, but but it also it also provides provides relief relief for for Unfortunately, is still is still a last-resort a last-resort decision decision animals animals by letting by letting them them staystay in ain nona nonmust must be made be made in certain in certain chaotic chaotic environment environment which which the the shelter shelterthatthat situations. situations. However, However, withwith proper proper cannot cannot provide. provide. An animal An animal foster foster funding, the the Humane Humane Society Society has has essentially essentially cares cares for an foranimal an animal in their in theirfunding, avoided euthanasia euthanasia by finding by finding the the home home untiluntil it isitassigned is assigned an adoption an adoption avoided right right veterinarians veterinarians for treating for treating appointment. appointment. Fostering Fostering is a is great a great infections infections andand illnesses. illnesses. ThisThis is a is continuous a continuous effort effort of the of the teamteam at the at the Humane Humane Society Society andand is made is made possible possible by the by the
Scan Scan to to learn learn more more about about the the Humane Humane Society Society and and see see other other adoptable adoptable animals. animals. designdesign by Clare by CH lare eupel Heupel pHotos pHotos provided provided by alexis by aC lexis rowley Crowley
LHS NINJA WARRIOR by Josie Tollinger & lucas HiaTT
Josh Miller has spent the last four years developing his strength in calisthenics and ninja training and has finally received the opportunity to compete in season 15 of “American Ninja Warrior.” Miller is a sophomore at LHS who trains as a ninja at a local Sioux Falls gym. His interest initially sparked after watching the popular show “American Ninja Warrior,” in which top athletes tackle America’s most challenging obstacle courses. These courses require unbelievable upper body strength as most of the obstacles consist of the athletes hanging, climbing and traversing across rock walls. Aside from getting stronger physically during all his training years, he has worked on improving his nerves during competition. “[The competitions were] definitely a lot harder a couple years ago when I first started but once I got the feeling of the competitions down I got my nerves ready for it,” said Miller. Originally, Miller’s goal was to have fun and try something new while competing. However, after a while of practicing and being in the gym on a weekly basis, he started to improve and his passion for the sport grew. As Miller started to progress in his training, he began to post to Instagram his most impressive skills which he had been practicing at his gym. These range anywhere from swinging from bar to bar to doing single arm pull ups. He has been able to get his name out there and showcase his abilities to his audience. As a result of the spread of his name, Miller started to compete in local competitions which then led him to want to try out for the show by sending in an audition video. “[Posting to Instagram] has helped get my name out there,” said Miller “A lot of the people that have already been on the show have started following me and that’s definitely helped me boost my confidence.” Miller has found himself with the opportunity to test both his physical and mental capacity as he is being thrusted into the highest level of his sport. Miller has dealt with pressure in the past but never under pressure of his performance being broadcasted. Because of this, Miller is lucky enough to have the opportunity to train with someone who has first-hand experience. His coach, Jason Steinberg has experience with the sport and performing it at a high level. He will be working with Miller as he prepares to appear on screen. Miller has been able to lean on him for advice in every aspect of this process. “Jason Steinberg is my coach, and he was on season 9 [of American Ninja Warrior],” said Miller. “He’s helped me a lot with the mental side of it.” Miller will fly out to Los Angeles on March 29 for the first round, and after that he hopes to make it as far as he can. His ultimate goal would be to make it to the finals in Las Vegas. Although his goal is to make as far as he can in the competition, he also has other intentions for his journey. He hopes that his success will help to boost his self-esteem going forward. “I want to make my mark on the show and hopefully make it to finals,” said Miller. “I’d like to be more confident and make new relationships.”
As daydreams of sunshine and warmer weather start to near reality, many people also begin to plot out their never-ending list of spring/summer activities. Due to living in a state where winter seems to last a lifetime, the warmer days are especially cherished among Sioux Falls residents. This means most people here desire to spend their free time outdoors when the grass is finally visible again. A great place to do this is at one of the many state parks located near or within Sioux Falls. This includes Good Earth, Palisades, Newton Hills and many more. The state parks are great, but some citizens may not be as familiar with their joys due to the cost of admission. Luckily, Siouxland libraries and the state Department of Game, Fish and Parks have recently announced their collaboration. So, what exactly does this entail? Well, three-day state park passes are now available for check-out at participating Siouxland libraries. “Normally, a daily park license costs $8 per vehicle to $20 for a seven-day temporary license for Custer State Park,” said The Argus Leader. Now passes are as obtainable as checking out a book and do not cost a dime. These passes are beneficial for anyone ranging from busy parents looking to get their crazy kids outside or even someone looking to take their dog on a leisurely stroll. A few polls were sent out to collect data from students here at LHS about their use of libraries and state parks. A total of 22 students participated in these polls. 72.7% said they already own a library card and 27.3% do not. For the students who do not already have a library card, 18.2% said this information increases their chances of receiving one of their own. Only 9.1% said they still have no interest in obtaining one. They were then asked about their current usage of the state parks. 18.2% said they use them multiple times a month, 13.6% said once a month, 40.9% said every couple of months and 27.3% claimed they never use those state parks. For both a cheap and eventful summer, take full advantage of what the libraries are now offering. Customers can even check out both at one time. Maybe someone fancies getting worn out with some sunshine and movement, then relaxing with a cozy book. On the other hand, someone else could be more into learning about various types of trees and then taking a hike to see them in person. No matter the case, it can all be accomplished for a whopping $0 this summer thanks to our local libraries and the state Department of Game, Fish and Parks. DESIGN BY ZOE LARSON
pHoTos provided by JosH Miller design by Josie Tollinger & lucas HiaTT
On Aug. 25, 2022, Chris Tao was just another face in the incoming freshman class; however, throughout his few months here at LHS, Tao has been anything but that. “LHS has been outstanding so far. I’ve met a lot of great people and been able to get involved in the community here at LHS,” said Tao. Tao came into LHS with a bit of an upper hand due to him playing up in tennis through his middle school years. As a seventh grader, Tao started off on the JV team; however, he worked his way up to become a part of the Varsity team for his eighth grade season. “Playing up during middle school allowed me to meet a lot of new people,” said Tao. “Going into high school with these connections helped the transition be a lot easier and allowed me to be more outspoken.” During Tao’s short time at LHS thus far, he has already gotten himself involved in various extracurriculars along with tennis. Some of these include Chess club and most recently, LHS Student Council. Tao joined STUCO due to the fact that he wanted to represent his freshman class and be able to add to the community of LHS. During the election process, Tao made sure to go out and connect with his fellow Patriots to share his ideas. This connection allowed the student body to get an idea of what Tao could do for LHS. “I just want to make the school a better place for people, and I know it sounds a little cliche,” said Tao. “But I truly only want the best for people and to make a positive impact on the community.” Along with extracurricular activities, Tao’s academic schedule is jam-packed. For his second semester, Tao dropped his lunch to be able to fit more classes into his schedule. “I don’t particularly know what I want to do with my life, so I am trying to take as many classes as possible during these next four years. This will allow me to be prepared for whatever path I decide later on,” said Tao. With so much on his plate, Tao does have patches where he struggles with motivating himself. Although this does throw a bump in Tao’s road sometimes, his amazing support system allows him to keep going. His friends and family push him to be not only a more motivated person but also a better individual as a whole. Along with Tao’s superb support system, he does have a couple of other tricks up his sleeve. “Sometimes everything can just get to be too much. I get so overwhelmed and stressed, but then I just make a checklist and all is well again,” said Tao. “I LOVE my checklists.”
An excellent opportunity which grants free college tuition for selected students, QuestBridge, offers a chance for not only an excellent education, but a debt-free one. QuestBridge is a nonprofit organization that aims to connect low-income students to leading colleges, ultimately with the goal of offering these students a chance to gain access to opportunities and success without going into lifelong debt. QuestBridge partner schools, which all offer exceptional education and range in size and location, include Brown, Dartmouth, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, Northwestern, Princeton and more. To apply, students must submit an application similar to the Common App, including components like essays, teacher recommendations, test scores, financial background and a high school transcript. After that, finalists will be selected and further application materials will be required. LHS senior Nyapal Chuol matched with Tufts University in December and will be attending the school on a full ride through the QuestBridge program. She began her application process with the Prep Scholars Program, which prepares students for college; if accepted, they are able to go to fully paid for summer programs through prestigious colleges.
“I recommend doing [the Prep Scholars Program] for juniors because it gives you a higher chance of getting to the match later on,” said Chuol. After the summer program, Chuol ranked colleges and submitted a formal application. “The application opened in August… it was all in the QuestBridge platform so you don’t do Common App at all. You rank up to 15 schools. You don’t have to do all of them, and then you just kind of fill out an application like regular colleges,” said Chuol. “After you turn that in, you will learn if you’re a finalist, and after you’re a finalist you solidify your rankings for sure: you can remove some, move things around. Then you have to write supplemental essays for each college you ranked, so it can be a little more writing. Then you turn in some finalized things, things from your counselor because this is binding, so if you do get a match with one of these schools, you have to go by law. It’s a contract, so you have to make sure you rank schools you are for sure wanting to go to.” For sophomores and juniors getting ready for college, QuestBridge is a fantastic option to consider. “I absolutely recommend it for others! Some tips would
be to start on your essays early,” said Chuol. “Also, I didn’t rank all 15 schools, I ranked seven schools because after you’re a finalist you have to write like five supplementals for each school you rank so that adds up. Unless you are a quick essay writer, then I suggest ranking less than eight schools.”
ThisThis summer summer fromfrom JuneJune 5-14,5-14, Monica Monica Conover Conover plansplans on taking on taking 12 of12her of Spanish her Spanish students students on aon tripa trip to Spain, to Spain, where where theythey will will be be completely completely immersed immersed in a in different a different culture. culture. ThisThis is Conover’s is Conover’s firstfirst timetime going going to Spain to Spain withwith students. students. However, However, this this trip trip offers offers her the her opportunity the opportunity to share to share the rich the rich aspects aspects of Spanish of Spanish society, society, fromfrom the country’s the country’s foodfood and and architecture architecture to the to customs the customs and and traditions traditions that that are still are still practiced practiced today. today. “It’s“It’s not the not same the same to read to read about about the festivals the festivals in books, in books, and and [my[my students] students] will will be surrounded be surrounded by that by that [culture] [culture] for 14 fordays,” 14 days,” said said Conover. Conover. She She plansplans on taking on taking her students her students to Barcelona, to Barcelona, Madrid Madrid and and Seville Seville in Spain, in Spain, where where theythey will will expand expand theirtheir fluency fluency in the in the Spanish Spanish language. language. “I lived “I lived in Spain in Spain before before and and . . . I. am . . Iso amexcited so excited to [visit to [visit again] again] . . . and . . . and be inbea in very a very beautiful beautiful placeplace withwith a lotaoflothistory,” of history,” said said Conover. Conover. From From learning learning about about the historical the historical artwork artwork of Salvador of Salvador DalíDalí and and Diego Diego Velázquez Velázquez to entire to entire unitsunits dedicated dedicated to learning to learning about about gazpacho gazpacho (cold(cold tomato tomato soup) soup) and and empanadas empanadas (fried(fried turnovers turnovers withwith filling), filling), all Spanish all Spanish students students spend spend a lotaoflottime of time trying trying to to absorb absorb culture culture through through a textbook a textbook and and withwith the use the of useGoogle, of Google, but these but these 12 students 12 students get to getexperience to experience the real the real thing. thing. BothBoth LHSLHS sophomore, sophomore, Flora Flora Richter Richter and and LHSLHS junior, junior, Haylee Haylee Knutson Knutson hopehope to get to aget lotaout lot of outthis of this trip trip while while traveling traveling withwith theirtheir friends friends and and theirtheir favorite favorite teacher. teacher. Although Although Knutson Knutson has only has only taken taken fourfour yearsyears of Spanish, of Spanish, she has she had has had her her fair share fair share of reading of reading and and learning learning about about all the all different the different facets facets of Hispanic of Hispanic culture. culture. “In Spanish “In Spanish classes, classes, we learn we learn a lotaabout lot about culture, culture, and and mostmost of the of time the time was was spent spent on Spain, on Spain, so it’ll so be it’llcool be cool to see to the see places the places that that we learned we learned about about in real in real life,”life,” said said Knutson. Knutson. Hanging Hanging on aon wall a wall in Conover’s in Conover’s classroom classroom is a poster is a poster of the of place the place in Spain in Spain Knutson Knutson is most is most excited excited to visit: to visit: TheThe Sagrada Sagrada Familia, Familia, Antonio Antonio Gaudi’s Gaudi’s masterpiece masterpiece and and the largest the largest incomplete incomplete Catholic Catholic church. church. Millions Millions of tourists of tourists visitvisit it each it each year,year, and and this this summer, summer, Knutson Knutson will will be one be one of them. of them.
Along Along withwith Knutson, Knutson, Richter Richter wants wants to know to know moremore about about Spanish Spanish society society and and visitvisit a place a place withwith a different a different culture. culture. “I hope “I hope to get to aget better a better understanding understanding of how of how things things workwork in other in other countries, countries, instead instead of just of just in America,” in America,” said said Richter. Richter. While While she hopes she hopes to practice to practice her Spanish her Spanish skills, skills, Richter Richter would would be content be content withwith simply simply strolling strolling along along a street a street in the in center the center of Madrid. of Madrid. TheThe FrenchFrenchstylestyle streets streets of the of capital the capital dazzle dazzle visitors visitors fromfrom across across the world the world and and this this summer summer Richter Richter will will finally finally see them see them for herself. for herself. “I want “I want to see to all seeofallthe of pretty the pretty architecture architecture because because that’s that’s whatwhat [Spain] [Spain] is is known known for,” for,” said said Richter. Richter. EachEach avenue avenue in Spain in Spain might might catchcatch Richter’s Richter’s eye, eye, but one but one building building in in particular, particular, the University the University of Madrid, of Madrid, holds holds a special a special placeplace in her in heart. her heart. Richter Richter is just is just visiting visiting this this year,year, but ifbutshe if keeps she keeps up with up with her Spanish, her Spanish, Spain Spain will will havehave a new a new resident resident in the in next the next two two years. years.
by Kate Matthes
LHS senior Jo Kimball was chosen to perform at the prestigious Carnegie Hall this February in New York City, fulfilling a dream of theirs. Kimball has been involved in music for as long as they can remember, from singing to playing instruments, music has been constant for them. Kimball has been in choir since sixth grade, has taken vocal lessons for about six years and is currently in the jazz choir at LHS. In addition to their singing abilities, Kimball was also involved in Band and Orchestra for several years and plays the trumpet. “Music has always been something that I love,” said Kimball. “I feel like there is definitely a healing power to music and it definitely helps you grow as a person.” Kimball’s passion for music has led them to perform and sing many times, including at the LHS variety show last fall where they performed a duet of “I Put a Spell on You” with sophomore Jackson Klawonn. “I really love vocal jazz, that’s definitely one of my favorite [types of music],” said Kimball. “You can just express yourself so much more, you can improv.”
In February 2023, Kimball was given the opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York, one of the most prestigious concert halls in the world. The hall, which opened in the 1890s and is named after its main contributor, the millionaire philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, has hosted many legendary artists over the years from Tchaikovsky to The Beatles. Singers such as Judy Garland, Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone have also given performances at Carnegie along with Simon and Garfunkel and even Led Zeppelin.
Carnegie Hall has given a spotlight to icons like Billie Holiday and Frank Sinatra, virtuosos like Vladimir Horowitz and many other talented musicians. With its long history as a center for musical excellence, Carnegie Hall has earned itself a reputation as one of the most famous concert halls and the title of National Historic Landmark. Kimball first found out about the Carnegie Hall performance in 2022 when they received a letter in the mail inviting them to apply for the honor choir; they held onto the letter despite receiving similar mail often. “I got a letter last summer in the mail. I was a part of their pool because I had done honors choir before,” said Kimball. “I saw that it was in New York so I was like ‘oh my god I want to audition.’” In August, applicants had to write a short essay about why they love music and why they should be chosen for the performance. In addition, Kimball sang two solos for their audition, one a folk song and one in Italian. In November, Kimball found out the results while at an oral interpretation tournament: they had been chosen.
Out of about 20,000 applicants internationally about 500 people were chosen for the Carnegie performance. This included a band, orchestra, high voice choir and a 100-person honors choir, which Kimball was a part of. “We had a dress rehearsal on the stage and we walked out and sang one of our songs to get the sound checked and I literally started crying. One, it was an emotional song and two it was a lot to take in, it was just surreal, “ said Kimball. “It was a huge hall and literally gorgeous; the ceiling is all decorated and there are lights everywhere, it’s amazing.” Kimball’s performance took place the first week of February, after arriving in New York Kimball had three days of rehearsal from about eight a.m. to five p.m. each day in preparation for the seven-song set they would be a part of. Kimball’s choir was part of the matinee performance along with the band and high voice choir, there was also an evening performance later in the day. Directing Kimball’s honors choir was none other than ASCAP award-winning conductor and composer Greg Gilpin. “I saw his name and I was like, ‘I kinda recognize that,’ and it’s because he’s written and composed so many pieces of music that our [LHS] choir has done. It’s crazy because he’s literally a genius so it was an honor,” said Kimball. Kimball was accompanied to New York by their mother and grandmother who got to watch the performance. The group left Sioux Falls early to see New York and explore. “Just going to New York was something I’d always wanted to do. I got to see ‘Phantom of the Opera’ and ‘Wicked,’ dreams of mine to see both of those shows,” said Kimball. “Overall, it was probably one of the best experiences of my life.”
After high school, Kimball is planning to study music education at Gustavus Adolphus in Minnesota in part because of its choir program and also because of its smallschool feel. “End goal, I’d like to get my Ph.D. and teach at the college level,” said Kimball. One of the people who have had a big impact on Kimball both in music and life is their voice teacher Whitney Warner, who they have been working with for six years. “She does it all and I really, really admire that. She’s so talented and she’s helped me grow in so many ways. I’m always gonna be thankful for her,” said Kimball. Overall, music has been a positive influence in Kimball’s life. There is one quote in particular that Kimball finds truth in which comes from the poet Maya Angelou: “music was my refuge.” “Music is something that I feel can help so many people,” said Kimball. “That is definitely something that I’ve experienced because I’ve gone through a lot of stuff and found that music is [a refuge].”
design by Kate Matthes photos provided by Jo KiMball
ascination has grown for HGTV television shows like “Fixer Upper,” “Flip or Flop,” “Down Home Fab” and many more. For those who are not familiar with this channel, it focuses on home design and renovations. It is always incredible to see the before and after of homes designed on these shows. What many HGTV lovers may not realize is that we have a student here at LHS who’s home was transformed by the television show “Down Home Fab” on HGTV.
by AriAhnA Wells & sAmAnthA Zeeck
HGTV has some new faces on the channel: Cole and Chelsea DeBoer, who have returned to their hometown of Sioux Falls, South Dakota to renovate homes in the city and surrounding small towns. These two are not new to our screens as they previously appeared on “Teen Mom 2,” however, they are new to the HGTV scene. The DeBoers will take your home from “drab to fab” after meeting a few small requirements. Not only does the possible renovation need to have three to four spaces “in need of a fabulous facelift,” but you also need a fabulous budget of at least $75,000. Having premiered in early January of 2023, only six episodes have been released showcasing their talent; however, the show has already become a success as season two has been given the green light. But how did it all begin, especially in a small city like Sioux Falls, South Dakota? “We were building our house and documenting that process, and we were just having so much fun. I was like, wouldn’t it be so cool to be on HGTV?” said DeBoer in an article published by Yahoo. “I just sent them [HGTV] a message. It was like, ‘It’d be so cool to document this process.’ They wrote me back, and then it just went up the ladder.”
Many people live vicariously through the HGTV channel but few have the opportunity to experience the experience. Luckily for Griffin Downey, a sophomore at LHS, and his family, they had the experience of having their home redone on HGTV’s blossoming show, “Down Home Fab.” “My mom saw an online ad about the show and decided to apply on a whim. She had some remodeling plans in mind anyway and thought this was a good opportunity,” said Downey. However, it is not as easy as just signing up. There is a lot of work that goes into the process of a home getting redone on this show. Everything has to be moved out, and the family has to relocate for about ten weeks. “It was a ton of work to move into the rental house we own,” said Downey. “We had just bought it and were fixing it up, but the shower and sink weren’t finished yet. We had to drive to GreatLife to use their showers for a while. ” Typically, items are tossed during the demo process. The Downeys were able to repurpose their kitchen cabinets and countertops and install them at their rental. Just like not everything on social media is true, everything shown on television is not as glamorous as it seems. There are often bumps in the road and hidden details not seen by the camera. “The staged furniture was really cool, but it was way out of our budget, so we didn’t buy any of that. It wasn’t so fun to put our regular stuff back in after seeing it staged,” said Downey. “We also had to have them come back and fix a few things that were overlooked. We noticed there weren’t any outlets by our new pantry counter, so those had to be added afterwards.” Most people have that one room in their house that they enjoy spending time in the most. For some, it is where they can kick back and relax, and for others, it is where they can be most productive. For Downey, his favorite transformation is the living room because of the contrast of lighter walls with painted woodwork and windows. “My favorite room is definitely the living room because the way they painted it makes it feel more open,” said Downey. “We spend most of our time there. The big windows give a view of the huge trees and the river behind us. I’m a fan of all the changes they made. The only thing I didn’t like was the staged dining table and chairs, but we didn’t keep those anyway.” While this can sometimes be a long process that requires patience, having one’s home featured on national television is a rare and rewarding experience. “I am glad that we did it; it was definitely a once in a lifetime experience,” said Downey. “If you have the budget for it, I would definitely recommend it.” design by AriAhnA Wells & sAmAnthA Zeeck photos provided by the doWney FAmily ArtWork by cAnvA
LHS office Staff
Doug Doug Wegner Wegner The Thefirst firstface faceseen seenbybyany anyperson personwalking walkinginto intothe thebuilding buildingisisDoug DougWegner. Wegner. Greeting Greetingparents, parents,students studentsand andany anyvisitors, visitors,Wegner Wegnerisisa awell-known well-knownface faceatatLHS. LHS. “A“Atypical typicalday daystarts startswith withopening openingthe thewelcome welcomewindow windowtotoallow allowstudents students totoenter enterLHS LHSearly. early.This Thisinvolves involvesmaking makingsure sureallallcomputers computersand andprinters printersare are functioning functioningproperly properlyininmy myarea areaalong alongwith withpreparing preparingthe thedaily dailysign-in sign-insheets,” sheets,” said saidWegner. Wegner. Juniors Juniorsand andseniors seniorsalong alongwith withmany manysophomores sophomoresget getpasses passestotopark parkininthe theLHS LHS parking parkinglot. lot.Wegner Wegnerisisinincharge chargeofofmaking makingsure surethe thecorrect correctpasses passesare areininthe the correct correctarea areaand andpeople peopleare areusing usinga apass passififininthe thelot. lot. “The “Thefavorite favoritepart partofofmy myjob jobisisgoing goingoutside outsidefor for “My “Myjob jobisis parking parkingpatrol. patrol.I Idodonot notenjoy enjoywriting writingtickets ticketsbut butfully fully to tomonitor monitor enjoy enjoythe theoutdoor outdoortime, time,especially especiallyduring duringthe thewarmer warmer weather,” weather,”said saidWegner. Wegner. student studentand and Wegner Wegnerisisthe thesmiling smilingface faceininthe thewelcome welcomewindow, window, visitor visitortraffic traffic checking checkingeach eachperson
and and their their daily daily impact impact
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throughout throughoutthe the day dayincluding including parking parkinglot lot enforcement.” enforcement.”
Many Manypeople peoplewalk walkthe thehalls hallsofofLHS LHSeveryday. everyday.Whether Whetherititisisa asports sportsgame, game,a aband bandconcert concertorornormal normalday, day,the theLHS LHSoffice office staff staffare areinvolved. involved.The TheLHS LHSoffice officeand andcounseling counselingdepartment departmentdodomuch muchmore morearound aroundthe theschool schoolthan thanseen seenbybystudents. students.
Becky Becky tHomaS tHomaS Becky BeckyThomas Thomasisisone oneofofthe thesix sixcounselors counselorsatatLHS. LHS.Thomas Thomasisisinvolved involvedininmany many activities activitiesthroughout throughoutLHS. LHS. “I“Ilead leada aRelationship RelationshipBuilding Buildinggroup groupoffoffcampus campusatatCommunity CommunityCampus Campusfor for ananhour hourevery everyother otherweek. week.I Ialso alsoco-lead co-leadthe theCultures CulturesofofLincoln Lincolngroup groupwith withMr. Mr. McDonald McDonaldatatLHS LHSduring duringthe thelunch lunchhours hoursevery everyother otherweek. week.The TheCOL COLgroup group helps helpsstudents studentstotogain gaina abetter betterunderstanding understandingofofdifferent differentcultures, cultures,leadership, leadership, communication communicationand anddiversity diversitywithin withinour ourbuilding,” building,”said saidThomas. Thomas. Community CommunityCampus Campusfocuses focusesononproviding providinglife lifeskills skillsfor forthose thosewho whohave havemet met graduation graduationrequirements. requirements.Thomas Thomasspends spendsher herdays daysmostly mostlyininthe theLHS LHShallways, hallways, providing providingstudents studentswith witha aconnection connectionthroughout throughouttheir theirday. day. “I“Itry trytotobebeininthe thehallway hallwaybefore beforeschool schooland andbetween betweenclass classperiods periodsdaily dailyasasthis this isisa agreat greattime timetotobebevisible visibleand andconnect connectwith withstudents. students.I Ienjoy enjoymy myposition positionsoso much muchasasI Istart startthe themorning morninghaving havingananidea ideaofofwhat whatthe theday daymay maylook looklike, like,but butI I get gettotobebeflexible flexibleasasplans plansare areconstantly constantlyneeding needingtoto adjust adjustthroughout throughoutthe theday,” day,”said saidThomas. Thomas. “My “Mygoals goalsas asaa As Asa acounselor, counselor,Thomas Thomasfocuses focusesonongetting getting school schoolcounselor counselor students studentstotograduate graduateonontime. time.She Shespends spendstime timemeeting meetingwith withher heronline onlineclass classstudents students are areto tohelp helpsupport support and andwith withstudents studentswho whomay mayfall fallbehind. behind.Her Herrole roleisistotoprotect protectstudents studentsand andprepare prepare them them for for after after high high school. school. academic, academic,socialsocial“I“Icommunicate communicateand andcollaborate collaboratewith withteachers, teachers,students studentsand andfamilies familiestotoadvocate advocatefor for emotional, emotional,college college students studentsand andreduce reducebarriers barrierstotohelp helpstudents studentsachieve achievesuccess,” success,”said saidThomas. Thomas.
and andcareer career development developmentfor forall all students.” students.”
“Even “Evenworking workinginin the theadmin adminoffice, office, I Iinteract interactwith with people peopleall allday day long. long.It’s It’svery very rewarding.” rewarding.”
Janet Janet LenSegrav LenSegrav
Over Over2,000 2,000people peoplewalk walkthe thehalls hallsofofLHS LHSevery everyday, day,but butfor formany, many,Janet Janet Lensegrav Lensegravisisananunfamiliar unfamiliarface. face. Lensegrav Lensegravspends spendsher herdays daysatatthe thefront frontdesk deskininthe theadministration administrationdoors. doors.Many Many students studentswalk walkright rightpast pasther herdoor doorwhen whenwalking walkingthrough throughthe theschool. school.Although Althoughshe she may maynot notbebeseen seenbybyeveryone, everyone,her herjob jobdoes doesnot notgogounnoticed. unnoticed. “I“Iwork workwith withsubs subsand andmake makesure surethey theyget gettototheir theirrespective respectiveplace placeeach eachday. day.I I also alsohelp helpteachers teachersget getananon-staff on-staffsub subififone oneisisneeded neededfor fora aperiod periodorormore. more.I Iorder order supplies suppliesand andcreate createPO’s PO’sfor forthe theschool schooland andwork workwith withour ourfinance financepeople peoplewith withinvoices,” invoices,”said saidLensegrav. Lensegrav. For Formost moststaff staffatatLHS, LHS,the thesummer summermeans meanstime timeoff. off.Lensegrav Lensegrav finds findsherself herselfininthe theoffice officeatatthe thefront frontdesk deskthroughout throughoutthe theentire entire year. year. “I“Iwork workallallsummer. summer.I Iam ama a12-month 12-monthclerical clericalsosothere thereare areseveral several non-school non-schooldays daysthat thatI Iwork workand andeven evenduring duringthe thesnow snowdays dayswhen when the theweather weatherisisnot notsosonice niceoutside,” outside,”said saidLensegrav. Lensegrav. Although Althoughshe shedoes doesnot nothave havemany manydays daysoff, off,Lensegrav Lensegravdoes doeslike like the theempty emptybuilding buildingthe thebest bestdue duetotothe theamount amountofofwork workshe shecan canget get done doneininthe thequiet quietspace. space.She Shefinds findsinteracting interactingwith withpeople peopleallallday dayisis the themost mostrewarding rewardingpart partofofher herjob. job.
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BY has BY BERGEN BERGEN Qteens UELLO Qteens UELLO &through R&EAGAN REAGAN Wonline ULF Wonline ULF In the In the last last couple couple of decades, of decades, product product marketing marketing has targeted targeted through magazines, magazines, ads,ads, TV TV shows shows and and the the appsapps on their on their phones, phones, creating creating a a consumerism problem, majorly affecting people ages consumerism problem, majorly affecting people ages 13-19. 13-19. According According to Headphones to Headphones Addict, Addict, there there was was a drop a drop in teenage in teenage spending spending In the In the last last couple couple of decades, of decades, product product marketing marketing has has targeted targeted teens teens through through magazines, magazines, online online ads,ads, TV TV shows shows and and the the appsapps on their on their phones, phones, during during COVID-19 COVID-19 inproblem, 2020; however, there is now a people rapid increase in 2020; however, there is now a people rapid increase at13-19. the at the start start of 2023. of Headphones 2023. average, On average, anAddict, individual anthere individual teen spends spends $2,331 $2,331 per per year year and and creating creating a consumerism a consumerism problem, majorly affecting ages majorly affecting ages 13-19. According According to toOn Headphones Addict, there was was a teen drop a drop in teenage in teenage spending spending $3,826.30 $3,826.30 if they if they have have a job, a job, which is $44.8-$73.6 a week. To put which is $44.8-$73.6 a week. To put the the data data to the to the test, test, we decided we decided to track to track our our spending spending this this past past week week to compare. to compare. during during COVID-19 COVID-19 in 2020; however, there is now a rapid increase in 2020; however, there is now a rapid increase at the at the startstart of 2023. of 2023. On average, On average, an individual an individual teenteen spends spends $2,331 $2,331 per per yearyear and and
$3,826.30 $3,826.30 if they if they havehave a job, a job, which is $44.8-$73.6 a week. To put which is $44.8-$73.6 a week. To put the the datadata to the to the test,test, we decided we decided to track to track our our spending spending thisthis pastpast week week to compare. to compare.
Reagan’s Reagan’s Journal: Journal: Reagan’s Reagan’s Journal: Journal: Friday Friday
Tuesday Tuesday •Friday •Friday Calculator Calculator •Tuesday •Tuesday Tanning Tanning lotion lotion ($148) ($148) sample sample ($5) ($5) • •Calculator Calculator • •Tanning Tanning lotion lotion • •Circle Circle K Dr. K Dr. • •Sweet Sweet cheeks cheeks ($148) ($148) sample sample ($5) ($5) Pepper ($7.50) • •Pepper Circle Circle K Dr. K Dr. • •($7.50) Sweet Sweet cheeks cheeks $2.12) (Pepper $2.12) • •Circle Circle K Dr. K Dr. Pepper Pepper • •(Pepper ($7.50) ($7.50) ($1.50) ( $2.12) • •($1.50) Circle Circle K Dr. K Dr. Pepper Pepper • •( $2.12) Saturday Saturday ($1.50) ($1.50) •Saturday •Saturday DoorDash DoorDash Tokyo Tokyo Wednesday Wednesday 26 ($20.15) ($20.15) •Wednesday •Wednesday Starbucks Starbucks venti venti • •26 DoorDash DoorDash Tokyo Tokyo Strawberry Acai Acai 2626 ($20.15) ($20.15) • •Strawberry Starbucks Starbucks venti venti refresher, refresher, cheese cheese Sunday Strawberry Strawberry Acai Acai Sunday •Sunday GasGas ($46.55) ($46.55) danish danish ($10.49) ($10.49) refresher, refresher, cheese cheese •Sunday • •Circle Circle K($10.49) Dr. K($10.49) Dr. Pepper, Pepper,• •GasGas ($46.55) ($46.55) danish danish Monday Monday Nestle icePepper, ice • •Nestle Circle Circle KDibs Dr. KDibs Dr. Pepper, •Monday •Monday Starbucks Starbucks venti venti cream, cream, Nestle Nestle Dibs Dibs ice ice Strawberry Strawberry • •chocolate chocolate donut donut • •Starbucks Starbucks venti venti cream, cream, Acai Acai refresher refresher ($5.58) Strawberry Strawberry • •($5.58) chocolate chocolate donut donut with lemonade lemonade Acaiwith Acai refresher refresher ($5.58) ($5.58) ($6.07) ($6.07) Thursday Thursday with with lemonade lemonade •Thursday •Thursday N/AN/A ($6.07) ($6.07) Total: Total: $252.96 $252.96 • •N/AN/A Average Average of $36.14 of $36.14 Total: Total: $252.96 $252.96 Average Average of $36.14 of $36.14
Bergen’s Bergen’s Journal: Journal: Bergen’s Journal: Journal: Tuesday Tuesday Bergen’s Saturday Saturday
•Tuesday •Tuesday N/AN/A •Saturday •Saturday N/AN/A • •N/AN/A • •N/AN/A Wednesday Wednesday Sunday Sunday •Wednesday •Wednesday Starbucks Starbucks venti venti •Sunday •Sunday N/AN/A Caramel Brulee Brulee • •Caramel Starbucks Starbucks venti venti • •N/AN/A latte latte ($7.40) ($7.40) Monday Caramel Caramel Brulee Brulee Monday •Monday Starbucks Starbucks latte latte ($7.40) ($7.40) •Monday Thursday Thursday grande Iced Iced • •grande Starbucks Starbucks •Thursday •Thursday N/AN/A White White Chocolate Chocolate grande grande Iced Iced mocha mocha ($5.46) ($5.46) • •N/AN/A White White Chocolate Chocolate Friday Friday mocha mocha ($5.46) ($5.46) •Friday •Friday Charlie’s Charlie’s Pizza Pizza Total: Total: $48.94 $48.94 gluten free free Average: $6.99 $6.99 • •gluten Charlie’s Charlie’s Pizza Pizza Average: Total: Total: $48.94 $48.94 pepperoni pepperoni green green Average: gluten gluten free free Average: $6.99 $6.99 pepper pepper pizza pizza pepperoni pepperoni green green ($32.35) ($32.35) pepper pepper pizza pizza • •Bagel Bagel BoyBoy ($32.35) ($32.35) blueberry scone scone • •blueberry Bagel Bagel BoyBoy ($3.73) ($3.73) blueberry blueberry scone scone ($3.73) ($3.73)
To recap, To recap, I spent I spent a total a total of $252.96 of $252.96 thisthis week, week, which which is anisaverage an average of of Overall, Overall, thisthis pastpast week week I spent I spent on average on average $6.99 $6.99 a day. a day. For For the the entire entire spending this this week week was was athis little a week, little shocking shocking to Iaverage didIofdidof week, week, IOverall, spent I spent $48.94 $48.94 which which very close close to $6.99 the to $6.99 the national average average of entire of $36.14 $36.14 a day. a day. To recap, To recap, IMy spent IMy spent aspending total a total of $252.96 of $252.96 this week, which which is to anisme. average an me. Overall, this this past past week week I was spent I was spent onvery average on average a national day. a day. For For the the entire to amake some some purchases purchases this week week that that Ianormally Ishocking normally do to not dome. not have toI did to $44.8. $44.8. than than thewhich the overly overly expensive expensive pizza, pizza, ittowas it was anational regular a regular week week have$36.14 have to My My spending spending thisthis this week week was was a little little shocking to me. I have did week, week, IOther spent IOther spent $48.94 $48.94 which was was very very close close to the the national average average offoroffor $36.14 day. amake day. racked racked up purchases my up total mythis total bythis quite byweek quite a bit, bit, like like the the calculator I had I had spending. my spending. I did Ithe did notthe not have have to buy to buy gas gas or extra or extra supplies supplies any for any type typefor make, towhich make make some some purchases week that that Ia normally I normally docalculator not do not have have to to my $44.8. $44.8. Other Other than than overly overly expensive expensive pizza, pizza, it was it was a regular afor regular week week for havemake, have towhich the ACT. This definitely did did show show that me that I the need I calculator need to betoImore be of activity of activity which my spending my on gas more onextra more ofextra my of supplies wanted my wanted than than to buy to which buy for which forracked the ACT. This racked up my up total mydefinitely total by quite by quite a bit, ame bit, like like the calculator had Imore had my spending. my spending. I which didIkept did notkept not have have tospending buy to buy gas or or supplies for items any for items any type type make, make, needed ones. ones. I do Inot do not have a job a at jobthe at moment, have I wanted have to items betoaware bethan aware mindful mindful when when it comes it This comes to my todefinitely spending. my spending. Forshow For example, went went tobe the tomore the gas gas needed the ACT. definitely did did show meexample, that me that II need II need to to be more of activity of activity which which kept kept myhave spending my spending onthe more onmoment, more of so my ofIso wanted my items than to buy to buy for for the ACT. This of my of spending my spending as have my as bank my bank account account is just issojust draining draining nothing nothing station station three three times times this week week for for snacks andFor and drinks. drinks. That That added added up up to needed ones. ones. I dohabits Inot dohabits not have a job a at job the at the moment, moment, Iso have I have toand betoand aware be aware mindful mindful when when it comes itthis comes to my to spending. mysnacks spending. For example, example, I went I went to the to to the gas gas needed is added added back. back. In as the Inmy the end, end, I bank think I think I could Iiscould hold hold offdraining off on the on the tasty tasty $9.20 $9.20 for the for the week week which would would be be $478.40 adrinks. year. adrinks. year. That That isadded money isadded money of being my of being spending my spending habits habits as bank my account account just is just draining and and nothing nothing station station three three times times thiswhich this week week for snacks for$478.40 snacks and and That That upIto upIto is drinks drinks until until I get I get aback. solid a solid income income save my money my money for off necessities. forthe necessities. could could be be onweek more on more important important likealike saving up That for up for is being is being added added back. In the In the end, end, Iand think Iand think I save could I could hold hold off on on the tasty tasty $9.20 $9.20 forusing the forusing the week which which would would becosts $478.40 becosts $478.40 year. asaving year. That is college. money is college. money I I drinks drinks until until I get I get a apartments solid a solid income income and and saveexpensive save my money my money for ever, necessities. for could could be using begeneral using more onneed more important costs like like saving saving uptheir for up college. for college. Teens Teens in inon general need to important betomore be costs more careful careful with with their spending, spending, as things as things like like college college and and apartments are more are more expensive than than ever, andnecessities. and these these areTeens expenses areTeens expenses teens teens will will have have to pay to pay for soon. for soon. Some Some ways ways teens teens can can be more be more conscious conscious would would be trying be trying to eat to at eat home at home more more often, often, buying buying clothes in general in general needneed to betomore be more careful careful withwith theirtheir spending, spending, as things as things like like college college and and apartments apartments are more are more expensive expensive thanthan ever,ever, andclothes and these these second-hand second-hand to get to get a better ahave better deal deal onpay prices onsoon. prices and and trying trying toways limit to limit aimless driving driving around around town town tobehelp to their their gas last last longer. longer. Overall, Overall, itbuying isitbuying most is clothes most are expenses are expenses teens teens will will have to pay to for for soon. Some Some ways teens teens canaimless can be more be more conscious conscious would would trying behelp trying to eat togas at eathome at home more more often, often, clothes important important fortoteens for not not bedeal impulsive bedeal impulsive with with their their spending spending and toaimless betodriving mindful be driving mindful of their of their future. future. second-hand second-hand get toteens get atobetter atobetter on prices on prices and and trying trying to limit to and limit aimless around around town town to help to help theirtheir gas gas last last longer. longer. Overall, Overall, it isitmost is most
for teens for teens to not to not be impulsive be impulsive withwith theirtheir spending spending and and to betomindful be mindful of their of their future. future. 18important 18important LHSSTATESMAN.COM LHSSTATESMAN.COM 18 18 LHSSTATESMAN.COM LHSSTATESMAN.COM
AsAs thethe As well-known the well-known well-known app app TikTok app TikTok TikTok becomes becomes becomes more more more popular, popular, popular, As the the As well-known the well-known well-known app app TikTok app TikTok TikTok becomes becomes becomes more more more popular, popular, popular, soso doAs do so LHS LHS do students. LHS students. students. TikTok TikTok TikTok has has been has been the been the most the most popular most popular popular app appapp soin so doAs do so LHS LHS do students. LHS students. students. TikTok TikTok TikTok has has been has been the been the most the most popular most popular popular app app app As the the As well-known the well-known well-known app app TikTok app TikTok TikTok becomes becomes becomes more more more popular, popular, popular, in the the in U.S. the U.S. for U.S. for two two for years, two years, years, now now being now being being downloaded downloaded downloaded two two billion two billion billion in so in the in U.S. the U.S. U.S. for two two for years, two years, now now being now being being downloaded downloaded downloaded two two billion two billion billion so dothe do so LHS LHS dofor students. LHS students. students. TikTok TikTok has has been has been the been the most the most popular most popular popular app app app times times times globally. globally. globally. TikTok TikTok TikTok isyears, is an an app is app an that app that allows that allows allows users users users to to express express to express times times times globally. globally. globally. TikTok TikTok TikTok is is an an app is app an that app that allows that allows allows users users users to to express express to express in in thethe in U.S. the U.S. for U.S. for two two for two years, years, now now being now being being downloaded downloaded downloaded two two billion two billion billion themselves themselves themselves by by creating creating byyears, creating videos. videos. videos. Some Some Some may may include may include include singing, singing, singing, themselves themselves themselves by by creating creating by creating videos. videos. videos. Some Some Some may may include may include include singing, singing, singing, times times times globally. globally. globally. TikTok TikTok TikTok is is an an app is app anthat app that allows that allows allows users users users toas to express express to dancing, dancing, dancing, lip-syncing, lip-syncing, lip-syncing, etc. etc. Although etc. Although Although TikTok TikTok TikTok started started started as an an asexpress an dancing, dancing, dancing, lip-syncing, lip-syncing, lip-syncing, etc. etc. Although etc. Although Although TikTok TikTok TikTok started started started as as an an as an themselves themselves themselves byused by creating creating byby creating videos. videos. videos. Some Some Some may may include may include include singing, singing, singing, app app mainly app mainly mainly used by used young young by young kids, kids, many kids, many many different different different ages ages have ages have have app app mainly app mainly mainly used used by used by young young by young kids, kids, many kids, many many different different different ages ages have ages have have dancing, dancing, dancing, lip-syncing, lip-syncing, lip-syncing, etc. etc. Although etc. Although Although TikTok TikTok TikTok started started started as as an an as an incorporated incorporated incorporated this this app this app into app into their into their lives. their lives. Many lives. Many Many LHS LHS students LHS students students incorporated incorporated incorporated this this app this app into app into their into their lives. their lives. Many lives. Many Many LHS LHS students LHS students students app app mainly app mainly mainly used used by used by young young by young kids, kids, kids, many many different different different ages ages have ages have have have also have also grown also grown grown interest interest interest in in creating creating inmany creating their their own their own videos own videos videos for forhave for have have also have also grown also grown grown interest interest interest in in creating creating inlives. creating their their own their own videos own videos videos for for for incorporated incorporated incorporated this this app this app into app into their into their their lives. Many lives. Many Many LHS LHS students LHS students students their their classmates their classmates classmates to to see, see, to and see, and some and some some of oftheir their of videos their videos videos have have have their their classmates their classmates classmates to to see, see, to and see, and some and some some of of their their of videos their videos videos have have have have have also have also grown also grown grown interest interest interest in in creating creating in creating own own videos own videos videos for for for received received received great great great fame. fame. fame. received received received great great great fame. fame. fame. their their classmates their classmates classmates to to see, see, toand see, and some and some some of oftheir their of videos their videos videos have havehave LHS LHS senior LHS senior senior Lauren Lauren Lauren Holte Holte Holte cancan becan be be received received received great great great fame. fame. fame. You You may You may recognize may recognize recognize LHS LHS junior LHS junior junior
LHS LHS senior LHS senior senior Lauren Lauren Lauren Holte Holte Holte can can becan be be seen seen showing seen showing showing her her gymnastic gymnastic her gymnastic abilities abilities abilities seen seen showing seen showing showing her her gymnastic gymnastic her gymnastic abilities abilities abilities and flexibility; however, in 2019, Holte and and flexibility; flexibility; however, however, in 2019, in 2019, Holte Holte LHS LHS senior LHS senior senior Lauren Lauren Lauren Holte Holte Holte can can be can be be and flexibility; however, inFour 2019, Holte and and flexibility; flexibility; however, however, in 2019, in 2019, Holte Holte was ashowing little too flexible. Four years ago, was was ashowing little ashowing little too flexible. too flexible. Four years years ago, ago, seen seen seen her her gymnastic gymnastic her gymnastic abilities abilities abilities was a little flexible. Four years ago, was was a little atoo little flexible. too flexible. Four Four years ago, ago, Holte Holte Holte posted posted posted atoo TikTok a however, TikTok a however, TikTok that received that received received and flexibility; however, inthat 2019, Holte and and flexibility; flexibility; in 2019, inyears 2019, Holte Holte Holte Holte Holte posted posted posted a TikTok a TikTok a TikTok that that received that received received 6.8M 6.8M views, 6.8M views, views, 749.6K 749.6K 749.6K likes likes and likes and 8915 and 8915 8915 was a little flexible. Four years ago, was was a little atoo little too flexible. too flexible. Four Four years years ago,ago, 6.8M 6.8M views, 6.8M views, views, 749.6K 749.6K 749.6K likes and likes and 8915 and 8915 8915 comments. comments. comments. In this In particular this particular particular TikTok, TikTok, TikTok, Holte Holte Holte posted posted posted aIn TikTok athis TikTok alikes TikTok that that received that received received comments. comments. comments. In In this this In particular this particular TikTok, TikTok, TikTok, Holte is views, performing aparticular floor and Holte Holte is performing is performing a floor aroutine floor routine routine and and 6.8M 6.8M views, 6.8M views, 749.6K 749.6K 749.6K likes likes and likes and 8915 and 8915 8915 Holte is performing amajor floor routine and Holte isexperienced performing performing a floor aankle floor routine routine and and sheHolte she experienced experienced she aIn major a this major ankle injury ankle injury injury comments. comments. comments. InisIn this this particular particular particular TikTok, TikTok, TikTok, she she experienced experienced she experienced a major a major a major ankle ankle injury ankle injury injury doing doing doing so. so. She She so. shows She shows shows the the first first the clip first clip of clip of of and Holte is performing a floor and Holte Holte is performing is performing a floor aroutine floor routine routine and doing doing doing She She so. shows She shows the first first the clip first clip of clip ofinjury of the the TikTok TikTok the TikTok as as the as video video the of video of the the of injury injury the injury she she experienced experienced she experienced athe major a shows major athe major ankle ankle injury ankle injury thedoing the TikTok TikTok the TikTok as as the the as video video the of video of the the of injury injury the itself, itself, then itself, later then later transitioned later transitioned transitioned into into into doing doing so.then so. She She so. shows She shows shows the the first first the clip first clip of clip of injury of itself, itself, then itself, then later then later transitioned later transitioned transitioned into into into showing showing showing the the aftermath aftermath the aftermath ofof ofthe the of incident incident the incident the the TikTok TikTok the TikTok as as the the as video video the video ofthe the of injury injury the injury BYBY EMERY EBYMERY EMERY BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP && ELYSSE E&LYSSE ELYSSE WW EBER EBER WEBER showing showing thelater the aftermath aftermath the aftermath of ofthethe of incident incident the in showing in crutches crutches in then crutches and and atransitioned boot. and atransitioned boot. atransitioned Holte boot. Holte Holte ties ties it into ties itincident it itself, itself, then itself, then later later into into BYBY E MERY E BY MERY E MERY B ISHOP B ISHOP B ISHOP & & E LYSSE E & LYSSE E LYSSE W W EBER EBER WEBER in in crutches crutches in crutches and and a the boot. and awith boot. aHolte boot. Holte Holte ties ties itmy ties it all all together together all together with with the caption, caption, the caption, “Get “Get “Get myitmy showing showing showing the the aftermath aftermath the aftermath of ofthe the of incident incident the incident BY BY E MERY E BY MERY E MERY B ISHOP B ISHOP B ISHOP & & E LYSSE E & LYSSE E LYSSE W W EBER EBER WEBER allin all together together allup together with with the the caption, caption, the caption, “Get “Get “Get myitmy in crutches crutches in crutches and and aTikTok boot. and awith boot. aTikTok Holte boot. Holte Holte ties ties itmy ties it messed messed messed up ankle ankle up ankle TikTok famous.” famous.” famous.” messed messed messed uptogether up ankle ankle up TikTok ankle TikTok TikTok famous.” famous.” famous.” all all together together all with with the with the caption, caption, the caption, “Get “Get my “Get my my messed messed messed upup ankle ankle up TikTok ankle TikTok TikTok famous.” famous.” famous.”
When When When multi-sport multi-sport multi-sport athlete athlete athlete Jack JackJack When When When multi-sport multi-sport multi-sport athlete athlete athlete Jack Jack Jack Smith Smith Smith is not is not at is not at practice, practice, at practice, you you may you may bemay be be Smith Smith Smith is not is not at isfind not at practice, practice, at practice, you may you may be may be smoke be able able to able to find find to him him dancing him dancing dancing toyou to pop pop to smoke pop smoke When When When multi-sport multi-sport multi-sport athlete athlete athlete Jack Jack Jack able able to able to find to him him dancing him dancing dancing toyou to pop pop to smoke pop smoke smoke with with his with his WHS WHS his WHS friend, friend, Mason Mason Mason Wilson. Wilson. Wilson. Smith Smith Smith is not isfind not at isfind not at practice, practice, at friend, practice, you may you may be may be be with with his with his WHS WHS his WHS friend, friend, Mason Mason Mason Wilson. Wilson. Wilson. Smith Smith Smith posted posted posted ahim video adancing video a friend, in video in 2020 in that 2020 that that able able to able to find find to him find him dancing dancing to2020 to pop pop to smoke pop smoke smoke Smith Smith Smith posted posted posted a WHS video a friend, video a friend, in video in 2020 2020 in that 2020 that that received received received 60.3K 60.3K 60.3K views, views, views, 12.6K 12.6K 12.6K likes likes and likes and and with with his with his WHS WHS his friend, Mason Mason Mason Wilson. Wilson. Wilson. received received received 60.3K 60.3K views, views, 12.6K 12.6K 12.6K likes likes and likes andhis and 553 553 comments. 553 comments. comments. Still Still Still maintaining maintaining his his Smith Smith Smith posted posted posted a 60.3K video a views, video amaintaining in video in 2020 2020 in that 2020 that that 553 553 comments. 553 comments. comments. Still Still maintaining Still maintaining maintaining his his TikTok TikTok TikTok career, career, career, his his videos videos his videos continue continue continue to tohis to received received received 60.3K 60.3K 60.3K views, views, views, 12.6K 12.6K 12.6K likes likes and likes and and TikTok TikTok TikTok career, career, career, his his videos videos his videos continue continue continue pop pop up pop up on on people’s up people’s on people’s pages, pages, pages, averaging averaging averaging 553 553 comments. 553 comments. comments. Still Still maintaining Still maintaining maintaining histo histohisto pop pop upabove pop up on on people’s up people’s on people’s pages, pages, pages, averaging averaging averaging above above 10 10 thousand thousand 10 thousand views views views per per post. post. per post. TikTok TikTok TikTok career, career, career, his his videos videos his videos continue continue continue to to to above above above 10 10 thousand thousand 10 views views views per per post. post. per post. pop pop uppop up on on people’s up people’s onthousand people’s pages, pages, pages, averaging averaging averaging above above above 1010 thousand thousand 10 thousand views views views perper post. post. per post.
You You may You may find may find LHS find LHS freshman LHS freshman freshman Finley Finley Finley Arndt Arndt Arndt You You may You may find may find LHS find LHS freshman LHS freshman freshman Finley Finley Finley Arndt Arndt Arndt supporting supporting supporting the the LHS LHS the football LHS football football team, team, however team, however however you you you supporting supporting supporting the the LHS LHS the football LHS football football team, team, however team, however however you may may also may also see also see her her see making making her making a TikTok afreshman TikTok aFinley TikTok in in front front inof front ofyouofyou You You may You may find may find LHS find LHS freshman LHS freshman Finley Finley Arndt Arndt Arndt may also may also see also see her her see making making her making a TikTok aduring TikTok ahalf. TikTok in in front front inof front ofyou ofyou themay the concession concession the concession stands stands stands during during half. Arndt half. Arndt Arndt posted posted posted supporting supporting supporting the the LHS LHS the football LHS football football team, team, however team, however however you the concession concession the concession stands stands stands during during during half. half. Arndt half. Arndt Arndt posted posted posted athe TikTok a TikTok a TikTok dance dance dance with with her with her friend, friend, her friend, freshman freshman freshman Miya Miya Miya may may also may also see also see herher see making making her making a TikTok a TikTok a TikTok in in front front inof front of of a TikTok a concession TikTok a dressed TikTok dance dance dance with with her with her friend, friend, her friend, freshman freshman freshman Miya Miya Miya Jepsen, Jepsen, Jepsen, dressed dressed in in bright bright in bright neon neon colors neon colors colors matching matching matching the the concession the concession stands stands stands during during during half. half. Arndt half. Arndt Arndt posted posted posted Jepsen, Jepsen, Jepsen, dressed dressed dressed in in bright bright in bright neon neon colors neon colors colors matching matching matching theme theme theme ofdance ofthe the of student student the student section. section. section. The The TikTok The TikTok TikTok athe TikTok athe TikTok athe TikTok dance dance with with her with her friend, friend, her friend, freshman freshman freshman Miya Miya Miya the the theme theme the theme of ofthe the of student student the student section. section. section. The The TikTok The TikTok TikTok received received received around around around 68.1K 68.1K views, views, views, 5K 5K likes likes 5K and likes and 45 and 45 45 Jepsen, Jepsen, Jepsen, dressed dressed dressed in in bright bright in68.1K bright neon neon colors neon colors colors matching matching matching received received received around around 68.1K 68.1K 68.1K views, views, views, 5K 5K likes likes 5K and likes and 45and 45her 45her comments. comments. You may You may also may also see also see Ardnt Ardnt see Ardnt growing growing growing her thecomments. the theme theme thearound theme of ofYou the the of student student the student section. section. section. The The TikTok The TikTok TikTok comments. comments. comments. You You may You may also may also see also see Ardnt Ardnt see Ardnt growing growing growing her her received received received around around around 68.1K 68.1K 68.1K views, views, views, 5K 5K likes likes 5K and likes and 45 and 45 45her TikTok TikTok TikTok platform platform platform showing showing showing herher surfing surfing her surfing abilities. abilities. abilities. comments. comments. comments. You You may You may also may also see also see Ardnt Ardnt see growing growing growing herher her TikTok TikTok TikTok platform platform platform showing showing showing her her surfing surfing herArdnt surfing abilities. abilities. abilities. TikTok TikTok TikTok platform platform platform showing showing showing herher surfing surfing her surfing abilities. abilities. abilities.
You You may You may recognize may recognize recognize LHS LHS junior LHS junior junior Keeton Keeton Keeton Lechtenberg Lechtenberg Lechtenberg not not only not only only Keeton Keeton Keeton Lechtenberg Lechtenberg Lechtenberg not not only not only only from from the from the LHS LHS the track LHS track team, track team, but team, but also also but also You You may You may recognize may recognize recognize LHS LHS junior LHS junior junior from the from LHS LHS theLechtenberg track LHS track team, track team, but team, but also also but also onfrom on your your onthe TikTok your TikTok TikTok ‘For ‘For You’ ‘For You’ page. You’ page. page. Keeton Keeton Keeton Lechtenberg Lechtenberg not not only not only only on on your your on TikTok your TikTok TikTok ‘For ‘For You’ ‘For You’ page. You’ page. page. Lechtenberg Lechtenberg Lechtenberg posted posted posted a TikTok a TikTok a TikTok from from the from the LHS LHS thetrack LHS track team, track team, but team, but also also but also Lechtenberg Lechtenberg Lechtenberg posted posted posted aYou’ TikTok a‘For TikTok amusic TikTok “blind “blind “blind ranking” ranking” ranking” of of popular popular of popular music music on on your your on TikTok your TikTok TikTok ‘For ‘For You’ page. You’ page. page. “blind “blind “blind ranking” ranking” ranking” ofprovides ofpopular of popular albums. albums. albums. The The app The app app provides aamusic filter a music filter a music filter Lechtenberg Lechtenberg Lechtenberg posted posted posted apopular TikTok aprovides TikTok TikTok albums. albums. The app The app app provides provides a music filter aof filter a music filter with with aalbums. with random aThe random a ranking” random variety variety variety of of albums albums albums “blind “blind “blind ranking” ranking” ofprovides ofpopular popular of popular music with with a with random a random a random variety variety variety of of albums albums of albums that that will that will select will select select one one of one of the the of options options the options albums. albums. albums. The The app The app provides app provides provides a filter a filter a filter that that will that will select will select select one one of variety one ofthe of options options the options for for you, for you, and and that isvariety that the is the same isthe same the one same one one with with ayou, with random aand random athat random variety of of albums albums of albums forthat for you, you, for and you, and that and that isone that the is the same is same the one same one Lechtenberg Lechtenberg Lechtenberg used used to used to make make to his make his hisone that will that will select will select select one of one ofthe the of options options the options Lechtenberg Lechtenberg Lechtenberg used used to used to make make to his make his hisone TikTok TikTok TikTok such such aand such viral a is viral ahit. viral hit. With With hit. With for for you, you, for and you, and that that that the is the same is same the one same one TikTok TikTok TikTok such such a such viral a viral a hit. viral hit. With With hit. With 358.2K 358.2K 358.2K views, views, views, 68.3K 68.3K 68.3K likes likes and likes and 1076 and 1076 Lechtenberg Lechtenberg Lechtenberg used used toused to make make to his make his his 1076 358.2K 358.2K 358.2K views, views, 68.3K 68.3K likes likes and likes and 1076 and 10761076 comments, comments, comments, it is clear is itclear is that clear that TikTok that TikTok TikTok TikTok TikTok TikTok such such aitviews, such viral a68.3K viral ahit. viral hit. With With hit. With comments, comments, comments, itto is itviews, clear is68.3K itclear is68.3K that clear that TikTok that TikTok TikTok was was not was not one not one one to disappoint. disappoint. to disappoint. 358.2K 358.2K 358.2K views, views, 68.3K likes likes and likes and 1076 and 10761076 was was not was not one not one to disappoint. to disappoint. comments, comments, comments, itto is itone clear is disappoint. itclear isthat clear that TikTok that TikTok TikTok was was not was not one not one toone to disappoint. disappoint. to disappoint.
Freshmen Freshmen Freshmen Preston Preston Preston Marty Marty Marty and and and Freshmen Freshmen Freshmen Preston Preston Marty Marty Marty and Cole Cole Weisz, Cole Weisz, Weisz, posted posted posted aPreston TikTok a TikTok a TikTok inand in and in Cole Cole Weisz, Cole Weisz, Weisz, posted posted aPreston TikTok ato TikTok ato TikTok inand insound, in September September September of of2022 2022 ofposted to 2022 the the sound, sound, the Freshmen Freshmen Freshmen Preston Preston Marty Marty Marty and and September September September of of2022 2022 of 2022 to the the sound, sound, the “Country “Country “Country Girl” Girl” by Girl” by Luke Luke Bryan. Luke Bryan. This This Cole Cole Weisz, Cole Weisz, Weisz, posted posted posted ato TikTok aby TikTok ato TikTok inBryan. insound, in This “Country “Country “Country Girl” by Girl” by Luke Luke by Bryan. Luke Bryan. Bryan. This This This video video received video received received 116.5K 116.5K 116.5K views, views, views, 26.1K 26.1K 26.1K September September September ofGirl” of2022 2022 of to 2022 to the the to sound, sound, the sound, video video received video received received 116.5K 116.5K 116.5K views, views, views, 26.1K 26.1K 26.1K likes likes and likes and 279 and 279 comments. 279 comments. comments. The The idea The idea idea “Country “Country “Country Girl” Girl” by Girl” by Luke Luke byBryan. Luke Bryan. Bryan. This ThisThis likes likes and likes and 279 and 279 comments. 279 comments. comments. The idea The idea idea of of this this of TikTok this TikTok TikTok was was to116.5K was to actviews, act like toThe like act they like they they video video received video received received 116.5K 116.5K views, views, 26.1K 26.1K 26.1K of likes ofthis this ofand TikTok this TikTok TikTok was was to was to actThe act like to like act they like they they did did not not did like not like country like country country music, music, music, but but then then butidea then likes and likes 279 and 279 comments. 279 comments. comments. The idea The idea did did not not did like not like country like country country music, music, music, but but then then butthey then start start dancing start dancing dancing to to the the song. song. theact Although song. Although Although of of this this of TikTok this TikTok TikTok was was to was to act like to like act they like they start start dancing start dancing dancing to to the the to song. song. the Although song. Although Although they they wore they wore beach wore beach beach theme theme theme instead instead instead of of of diddid notnot did like not like country like country country music, music, music, butbut then then but then they they wore they wore beach wore beach beach theme theme theme instead instead instead ofAlthough ofviewers of western-styled western-styled western-styled clothing, clothing, his his viewers viewers his start start dancing start dancing dancing toclothing, to the the to song. song. the Although song. Although western-styled western-styled western-styled clothing, clothing, his his viewers viewers his seemed seemed seemed to to enjoy enjoy toclothing, his enjoy his 15-second 15-second his 15-second video video they they wore they wore beach wore beach beach theme theme theme instead instead instead ofvideo ofviewers of seemed seemed seemed to to enjoy enjoy toclothing, his enjoy his 15-second 15-second hishis 15-second video video clip. clip. clip. western-styled western-styled western-styled clothing, clothing, his viewers viewers hisvideo viewers clip. clip. clip. seemed seemed seemed to to enjoy enjoy to his enjoy his 15-second 15-second his 15-second video video video ARTWORK ARTWORK ARTWORK BY E BY LYSSE ELYSSE BY WEEBER LYSSE WEBER WEBER clip. clip.SCREENSHOTS clip. APRIL APRIL APRIL ISSUE ISSUE 19 19 19 SCREENSHOTS SCREENSHOTS BYISSUE E BY MERY E MERY BY B ISHOP E B MERY ISHOP B ISHOP ARTWORK ARTWORK ARTWORK BY E BY LYSSE ELYSSE BY WEEBER LYSSE WEBER WEBER
As the fourth quarter approaches and spring sports begin, many events and activities are being wrapped up. You may be interested in attending more extracurriculars before the school year ends. Here’s what’s left of the 2022-23 year.
march March 16-18: Boys State Basketball @ The
Monument in Rapid City. This year, LHS is ranked second in the tournament.
April 7-10: Spring Break April 13: First Girls Golf Meet @ Spring Creek Golf Course
April 13, 14 & 15: “LHS Theater “Big Fish” Musical @ 7 p.m. all days & 2 p.m. on April 15
April 15: ACT April 22: Prom April 24: Mr. LHS
March 24: First Track and Field Meet @Mount Marty
March 24: JROTC Drill Meet March 23-25: All-State Band @ OGHS
March 25: First Softball Game @ Sanford Sports
Complex Games will be played at the brand-new fields near the Pentagon. It consists of 18 turf diamonds, five of which are used for softball. This is the first year that softball is spring-sanctioned, meaning it is officially a school-sponsored sport, which is a change for some athletes.
March 28-29: State Student Council in Rapid City March 30: First Boys Tennis Match @ Match Pointe March 30: Band Spring Concert @ Washington Pavilion
May 1: Band Pops Concert May 9: Orchestra Spring Concert May 11: Chorus Ensemble Concert May 18-19: Boys State Tennis @ Tomar Park May 21: Graduation and Senior Party May 25-27: State Track and Field @ Howard Wood
june June 1-3: State Softball @ACHS June 5-6: State Golf @ Pierre-Griffin Park ARTWORK BY ELLA DUBOIS DESIGN BY ELLA DUBOIS
hehe daily daily newspaper, newspaper, “The “The New New York York Times,” Times,”has has a section a section called called the the “Metropolitan “Metropolitan Diary’’ Diary’’ where where readers readers send send inin tales tales that that they they have have experienced experienced inin New New York. York. The The stories stories give give a glimpse a glimpse into into the the interesting interesting and and obscure obscure experiences experiences New New Yorkers Yorkers come come across across inin their their day-to-day day-to-day life. life. One One example example is is a story a story ofofa woman a woman sitting sitting next next toto a man a man onon a park a park bench bench who who was was holding holding a picnic a picnic basket. basket. The The woman woman does does not not suspect suspect anything anything unusual unusual until until the the man man reveals reveals a single a single pet pet pigeon pigeon inside inside ofofhishis basket. basket. This This scenario scenario undoubtedly undoubtedly sounds sounds like like something something a person a person could could expect expect toto encounter encounter only only inin New New York. York. These These stories stories are are what what define define New New York York toto itsits own own uniqueness, uniqueness, displaying displaying the the reasoning reasoning behind behind the the title, title, “Metropolitan “Metropolitan Diary.” Diary.”Some Some intriguing intriguing interactions interactions also also occur occur atat LHS, LHS, which which serve serve toto reveal reveal itsits own own uniqueness. uniqueness. So,So, LHS LHS students students shared shared their their personal personal anecdotes, anecdotes, making making their their own own metropolitan metropolitan diary. diary. Here Here are are some some ofofLHS’s LHS’s finest, finest, oror oddest, oddest, moments. moments.
Dear Deardiary: diary:
Dear Deardiary: diary:
ItIt was was many many moons moons ago: ago: I was I was exposed exposed toto the the most most extreme extreme PDA. PDA.
While While the the StuCo StuCo campaigns campaigns were were going going onon this this year, year, II witnessed witnessed a task a task force force ofofabout about 3030 students students who who were were allall putting putting upup posters posters forfor the the same same person person allall across across the the school school atat 7:30 7:30 a.m. a.m.
I was I was walking walking toto class class one one late late morning morning when when allall atat once once I saw I saw I was I was blown blown away; away; two two friends friends ofofmine, mine, junior junior boys, boys, were were walking walking together together inin the the opposite opposite direction direction asas I, I, towards towards me. me.
When When I asked I asked one one ofofthe the people, people, a senior-looking a senior-looking boy, boy, if ifhehe was was friends friends with with the the candidate, candidate, hehe simply simply said said “I“I have have nono clue clue who who this this person person Matter Matter ofoffact, fact, I don’t I don’t even even know know if ifthey they really really exist.” exist.”
They They held held hands hands inin the the most most vulnerable vulnerable and and sincere sincere embrace, embrace, their their fingers fingers intertwined. intertwined. AsAs if ifthis this wasn’t wasn’t enough, enough, they they weren’t weren’t really really walking walking but but instead instead skipping. skipping. Joy Joy flowed flowed offoffofofthem them and and filled filled the the foyer. foyer. Their Their innocence innocence and and happiness happiness spread spread toto meme like like a disease. a disease.
I aspire I aspire toto have have that that level level ofofconfused confused commitment. commitment.
- Anonymous - Anonymous
Before Before I knew I knew it,it, I was I was emulating emulating their their gait gait and and skipping skipping inin the the same same goofy goofy manner. manner.
- Anonymous - Anonymous
Dear Deardiary: diary:
Dear Deardiary: diary:
One One day day during during WIN WIN time, time, asas I’m I’m minding minding my my own own business business and and walking walking toto Mr. Mr. Amundson’s Amundson’s room, room, a girl a girl comes comes upup toto meme and and kindly, kindly, but but enthusiastically, enthusiastically, says says “I“I love love your your hair.” hair.”
So,So, there there I was, I was, your your average average Thursday Thursday inin Stats Stats class. class. ItIt was was a sunny a sunny April April day, day, and and the the room room reflected reflected that that attitude. attitude. Everyone Everyone was was very very giddy, giddy, and and wewe were were allall anxious anxious toto take take the the AP AP test test and and get get done done with with that that class. class.
I was I was very very taken taken aback, aback, soso I responded I responded and and said said “um “um thanks?” thanks?”I I continue continue walking, walking, feeling feeling very very flattered, flattered, when when she she says says “WAIT.” “WAIT.”AtAt this this point, point, I’m I’m a little a little scared scared about about what what is is toto come come next. next. She She proceeds proceeds toto say, say, “can “can wewe please please bebe friends?” friends?”
AsAs I was I was thinking thinking about about what what I should I should get get forfor lunch lunch and and playing playing I Spy I Spy with with myself myself(anything (anything toto keep keep meme awake awake inin that that class), class), Mr. Mr. Kocer Kocer said said that that hehe needed needed toto step step out out forfor a few a few minutes minutes toto copy copy something. something.
Once Once again, again, I’m I’m flattered flattered but but a little a little confused. confused. Nonetheless, Nonetheless, I’m I’m not not going going toto pass pass upup onon anan opportunity opportunity toto make make a new a new friend, friend, soso I tell I tell her her “sure.” “sure.”
We We allall satsat there, there, waiting waiting forfor him him toto get get back back soso the the lesson lesson could could finally finally bebe finished, finished, when when allall ofofa sudden, a sudden, I saw I saw something something out out ofofthe the corner corner ofofmy my eye. eye.
She She then then insists insists onon taking taking my my phone phone soso she she can can add add herself herselfonon Snapchat. Snapchat. For For some some reason reason I was I was willing willing toto give give this this random random girl girl my my phone, phone, but but she she was was my my friend friend now now soso I felt I felt like like I could I could trust trust her. her.
I look I look toto my my left, left, and and sure sure enough, enough, my my friend, friend, who who will will remain remain nameless, nameless, is is shirtless shirtless and and shoeless shoeless inin class. class.
- Anonymous - Anonymous
Finally, Finally, I continued I continued my my journey journey over over toto Mr. Mr. Amundson’s Amundson’s room. room. When When I checked I checked my my phone phone later, later, she she had had never never added added meme back back onon Snapchat, Snapchat, and and I never I never saw saw my my new new friend friend again. again. DESIGN DESIGN BY BY CLARA CLARA BINSTOCK BINSTOCK ARTWORK ARTWORK BY BY CLARA CLARA BINSTOCK BINSTOCK & E&LLEN ELLEN MERKLEY MERKLEY
- Anonymous - Anonymous
Reviews: Reviews:
consumeconsume an entirean head of lettuce, we were banking on around entire head of but lettuce, but we were banking on around 10 minutes. What weWhat couldwe notcould havenot guessed is how much variety 10 minutes. have guessed is how much variety there would in terms ofterms scores. therebewould be in of scores. From theFrom second timers was a very thethat second thatbegan, timersthere began, there wasclear a very clear front runner, Luke Jerstad. lettuce thewith the front being runner, being Luke Jerstad Jerstad.ate Jerstad atewith lettuce ferocity of someone who hadwho not had food in weeks. ferocity of someone not had food inJerstad weeks. Jerstad finished finished in a shocking 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Second place came in a shocking 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Second place came in at nearly that timethat withtime a two way timeway in between Zach Zach in attwice nearly twice with a two time in between Wrightsman and Arthur withTao 6 minutes and 25 seconds. From From Wrightsman andTao Arthur with 6 minutes and 25 seconds. there, thethere, morale contestants started to drop, to times started theofmorale of contestants started drop, timesto started to
Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey You getYou some You getYou get getlettuce! some lettuce! some lettuce! You getYou some some lettuce! get some lettuce!lettuce!
Kanye WestWest Kanye
My greatest pain inpain life isin life is My greatest that I will ablebe toable see to see thatnever I willbe never myself myself eat lettuce live. live. eat lettuce
Ice Spice Ice Spice
He say He thatsay I’mthat lettuce, grabbin’grabbin’ I’m lettuce, my lettuce. Think about my lettuce. ThinkLettuce about Lettuce I shouldn’t have. have. I shouldn’t
our club our as long promised to plant to lettuce the school’s clubas aswe long as we promised plantinlettuce in the school’s Part of what makes school great so is the immense Part of whatour makes oursoschool great is the immense greenhouse and put any lettuce waste in the school’s composter, greenhouse and put any lettuce waste in the school’s composter, variety ofvariety clubs of available for students. But whatBut do what you do clubs available for students. dowhen you do when which wewhich were we happy do. Into considering his schedule, we decided weretohappy do. In considering his schedule, we decided the available clubs don’t align with your greatest interests? Well, Well, the available clubs don’t align with your greatest interests? to meet the following Thursday, setting the president of Lettuce to meet the following Thursday, setting the president of Lettuce you makeyou your dream a reality. make yourclub dream club a reality. Club meeting the second of each month. Club meeting theThursday second Thursday of each month. Lettuce Club is aClub club is fora those interested in the artinofthe art of Lettuce club for those interested Having found a teacher host us, that left to wasto do was Having found a to teacher to all host us,was all that wasdoleft competitive lettuce eating. this interest sound competitive lettuceThough eating. Though this may interest mayniche, sound niche, submit an official proving proving that our that greatour club would submit anapplication official application great club would it has a fairly reach. at the Maine it hasbroad a fairly broadOriginating reach. Originating at theSchool MaineofSchool of Science and Mathematics, it has since spread various Science and Mathematics, it has sincetospread to schools, various schools, includingincluding the University of Maryland, University of Minnesota, the University of Maryland, University of Minnesota, University of SouthofCarolina and mostand recently, LHS. LHS. University South Carolina most recently, Whispers of a lettuce haveclub always present LHS. in LHS. Whispers of aclub lettuce havebeen always been in present In order In to order shape to these rumors reality, had to shape these into rumors intowe reality, weapproach had to approach the bardthe most closely to this hopeand hope bard mosttied closely tiedlegend: to this Shawn legend:Bogart, Shawn and Bogart, that he may home to our club. thatprovide he may aprovide a home to our club. When we first entered room, heroom, was visibly When we first Bogart’s entered Bogart’s he was visibly confused.confused. When we statedweour intent, things became When stated ourhowever, intent, however, things all became all too clear.too Upon hearing words Bogart’s eyes lit eyes lit clear. Upon the hearing the“lettuce words club,” “lettuce club,” Bogart’s up, like an hearing namethe of name a friend hadwho passed up,old likeman an old man the hearing of who a friend had passed away long ago.long Upon starting our interview, Bogart was insistent away ago. Upon starting our interview, Bogart was insistent on defining what wewhat wanted ourfrom club.our club. on defining we from wanted “This is my understanding of what of you’re in for in “This is my understanding whatlooking you’re for looking lettuce club. Please if I am in this and I hope lettuce club.correct Pleaseme correct memistaken if I am mistaken in this and I hope I am mistaken. In a meeting of Lettuce youClub, lay out tarp I am mistaken. In a meeting of Club, Lettuce youalay out a tarp and you and lay out of heads lettuce participants just eat lettuce Lettuce Club supervisor, Kyle DietzKyle Dietz youheads lay out of and lettuce and participants just eat lettuce Lettuce Club supervisor, off of the said Bogart. offtarp,” of the tarp,” said Bogart. Going into this,into we had theheard detailthe of detail the heads Going this,not we yet hadheard not yet of the heads be of value to value our school’s community. We wereWe a bit concerned be of to our school’s community. were a bit concerned being eaten offeaten of a off tarp,ofbut we ultimately decided against being a tarp, but we ultimately decidedthis against this that our that club our application would not be approved so late insothe year, club application would not be approved late in the year, measure measure for sanitary purposes.purposes. Many have speculated that Bogart for sanitary Many have speculated that Bogart but alas, but upon arriving to schooltothe following week, there was an was an alas, upon arriving school the following week, there was the president of this mythic longclub ago,long but ago, he was was the president of thisclub mythic butquick he was quick email waiting us, approving the formation of our club saying email for waiting for us, approving the formation of our club saying to shut this theory is one of isthose things to shut thisdown, theorysaying down,“This saying “This one of those things they “have utmost that thisthat prestigious organization will they “haveconfidence utmost confidence this prestigious organization will that I believe like theis pool. It was actually a thing. It that Iisbelieve like the pool.never It was never actually a thing. It contribute immensely to LHS’stocommunity.” contribute immensely LHS’s community.” was planned, but neverbut actually executed.” With this newfound was planned, never actually executed.” With this newfound Now all Now that was left to wastoprepare. We askedWe that eachthat each all that wasdoleft do was prepare. asked knowledge in mind, in wemind, proposed to Bogarttothat he help knowledge we proposed Bogart thatfinally he help finallycontestant bring their own headown of lettuce, knowing that some contestant bring their head of but lettuce, but knowing that some make thismake clubthis a reality, he politely saying that for that forwould forget, club abut reality, but he declined, politely declined, saying bought additional scholarship heads to heads be safe. wouldwe forget, we18 bought 18 additional scholarship to be safe. Lettuce club, “2023 is “2023 probably not the year.” Lettuce club, is probably not the year.” Before we knewwe it, knew the day wasClub uponwas us. upon us. Before it, of theLettuce day of Club Lettuce Leaving Leaving Bogart’sBogart’s room, having the club’s nonroom,learned having of learned of the club’s non-WalkingWalking into thatinto classroom, we were we notwere sure not howsure many people that classroom, how many people existent existent past, morale a bitwas lowato the butleast, still but still would bewould past,was morale bitsay low toleast, say the attending. To our surprise 25 people25showed blowing be attending. To our surprise people up, showed up, blowing we felt that for the of the webody, had to we felt thatsake for the sakestudent of the body, student wepush had to push our expectations out of the the 25 attended our expectations outwater. of theOfwater. Ofpeople the 25who people who attended forward.forward. To continue on, it wason, clear we clear needed find a to new To continue it was weto needed find a new only 11 brave souls decided participate, meaningmeaning all that was left was left only 11 brave souls to decided to participate, all that base of operations. Luckily, we knewwe just whojust to approach: base of operations. Luckily, knew who to approach: to do wastohave people their timers startand thestart festivities. do was havestart people start theirand timers the festivities. Environmental Science teacher Dietz, promised to host to host In all honesty, Environmental Science Kyle teacher Kylewho Dietz, who promised we had no longhow it would to take to In all honesty, weclue hadhow no clue long ittake would
Leonardo Dicaprio Leonardo Dicaprio Lettuce club presidents, Fisher Meyerink and Katieand Jensen andJensen first head of head of Lettuce club presidents, Fisher Meyerink Katie and first Lettuce Club, LukeClub, Jerstad Lettuce Luke Jerstad
I love lettuce almost almost as muchasasmuch as I love lettuce I love young I love women! young women!
drag anddrag suddenly contestants started to forfeit.toThis started and suddenly contestants started forfeit. Thiswith started with Senior TJ SimkoTJwho saidwho “I may challenge again, I again, I Senior Simko saiddo “I the mayone do chip the one chip challenge will never trynever to eattry another of lettuce.” The nextThe participant will to eat head another head of lettuce.” next participant to drop out was Emma who tookwho thistook competition in a veryin a very Where Where am I? am I? to drop out wasForster, Emma Forster, this competition unique approach, bringingbringing a varietyaofvariety dressings and toppings. unique approach, of dressings and toppings. When asked about herabout performance, Forster said: “Some When asked her performance, Forster said:people “Some people *These quotes 100%are legitimate *Theseare quotes 100% legitimate won, some people I atelost. a salad.” won, somelost. people I ate a salad.” As people started to finish,toone contestant was Asgradually people gradually started finish, one contestant was @lhslettuceclub @lhslettuceclub visibly lagging we hitAsthe Owen visibly behind. lagging As behind. we20 hitminute the 20mark, minute mark, Owen Batcheller finally finished, while Cassidy pushed forward, Batcheller finally finished, while Jennings Cassidy Jennings pushed forward, refusing refusing to forfeit,toand forcing to disqualify her. forfeit, andus forcing us to disqualify her. Ultimately, Lettuce Club wasClub a huge haveWe thehave the Ultimately, Lettuce wassuccess. a huge We success. utmost confidence that thisthat clubthis willclub be awill partbe ofa LHS’s utmost confidence part oflegacy LHS’sfor legacy for1st: Luke 3:40 3:40 1st: Jerstad: Luke Jerstad: years to years If come. you are in being in a part ofa something If interested you are interested being part of something 2nd: Zach / Arthur Tao: 6:25 2nd: Wrightsman Zach Wrightsman / Arthur Tao: 6:25 bigger than yourself, make sure to come room to A120 after school bigger than yourself, make sure to come room A120 after school the second Thursday of each month. the second Thursday of each month. 3rd: Nyapal Chuol:Chuol: 9:47 9:47 3rd: Nyapal
Joe Biden Joe Biden
Instagram: Instagram: Placement: Placement:
4th: Max 11: 1611: 16 4th: Altena: Max Altena: 5th: Milena Vercellino : 11:27: 11:27 5th: Milena Vercellino 6th: Rachel Bruggeman: 12: 1712: 17 6th: Rachel Bruggeman: 7th: Fisher Meyerink: 14:44 14:44 7th: Fisher Meyerink: 8th: Owen Batcheller: 20:51 20:51 8th: Owen Batcheller:
Disqualified: Disqualified: Cassidy Jennings Cassidy Jennings
Forfeited: Forfeited: EmmaEmma Forster Forster Tj Simko Tj Simko
Teens have been using BeReal for about a year now. When the “Time to be real” notifications go off, many times students are in the classroom. So why not have some fun and include the teachers? Students love to include teachers in their BeReals, sometimes without the teachers even knowing.
AA hidden hidden gem gem is the is the best best way way to to describe describe LHS LHS freshman freshman Ella Ella Termaat Termaat who who will will bebe running running track track forfor thethe Patriots Patriots this this spring. spring. Termaat Termaat is not is not a stranger a stranger to to winning; winning; in in eighth eighth grade grade sheshe went went undefeated undefeated herher entire entire spring spring track track season season while while running running four four events. events. InIn herher first first year year playing playing soccer soccer at at LHS, LHS, sheshe ledled herher JVJV team team in in goals goals scored. scored. Constantly Constantly training training and and preparing preparing forfor herher next next bigbig event, event, sheshe ranran allall winter winter in in preparation preparation forfor thethe spring spring track track season. season. Termaat’s Termaat’s passion passion forfor running, running, maintaining maintaining a positive a positive demeanor demeanor and and avid avid love love forfor competition competition makes makes herher a valuable a valuable asset asset to to thethe future future of ofthethe LHS LHS track track and and field field team. team. “I “I think think it’sit’s important important to to make make sure sure I am I am putting putting in in thethe work, work, especially especially in in thethe winter winter time time so so I I cancan succeed succeed when when thethe time time comes comes to to race,” race,” said said Termaat. Termaat. Termaat’s Termaat’s hard hard work work is is definitely definitely paying paying offoffas as herher speed speed times times this this winter winter have have been been notnot only only some some of ofthethe best best of ofthethe sprinters sprinters at at LHS LHS butbut as as some some of of thethe best best times times in in thethe past past decade decade forfor thethe LHS LHS track track and and field field team. team. Her Her ability ability to to bebe coached coached and and herher dependability dependability makes makes herher stand stand outout from from thethe average average athlete. athlete. “While “While herher times times have have been been outstanding, outstanding, herher drive drive to to getget better better each each dayday will will certainly certainly benefit benefit herher as as herher career career at at LHS LHS progresses,” progresses,” said said LHS LHS head head Track Track and and Field Field Coach Coach James James Jarovski. Jarovski. InIn middle middle school, school, track track runners runners cannot cannot useuse running running blocks blocks or or running running spikes, spikes, butbut it is it allowed is allowed in in high high school. school. Termaat Termaat believes believes that that with with thethe useuse of ofblocks blocks and and most most importantly importantly spikes, spikes, herher time time of of13s13s in in thethe 100m 100m dash dash will will improve improve substantially. substantially. Although Although Termaat Termaat is not is not sure sure of ofwhat what sheshe will will bebe running running sheshe guarantees guarantees to to give give 110%. 110%. “I “I amam excited excited to to have have Ella Ella onon thethe team. team. She She is going is going to to have have anan important important year, year, and and sheshe is aisgreat a great addition addition to to ourour team,” team,” said said junior junior LHS LHS track track sprinter sprinter Linnea Linnea Nesheim. Nesheim. The The LHS LHS track track team team is in is in thethe midst midst of ofanan incredible incredible season season with with a very a very deep deep sprints sprints team team onon thethe girl’s girl’s side. side. Termaat Termaat hopes hopes to to challenge challenge and and bebe a consistent a consistent competitor competitor forfor herher team team and and teammates. teammates. ByBy thethe end end of ofthethe year, year, sheshe hopes hopes to to improve improve and and stay stay with with thethe strong strong current current of ofrunners runners around around her. her. The The doubts doubts cancan easily easily creep creep up,up, butbut Termaat Termaat believes believes that that if ifsheshe stays stays focused focused and and works works hard, hard, that that sheshe will will have have a great a great season season and and thethe accomplishments accomplishments will will come come when when appropriate. appropriate. The The pressure pressure cancan consume consume anan athlete athlete especially especially as as a freshman a freshman coming coming upup to to anan incredible incredible varsity varsity team. team. “I “I have have already already putput in in allall thethe work. work. I am I am nervous, nervous, butbut I have I have also also done done allall thethe right right things, things, so so only only time time will will telltell what what happens happens this this season,” season,” said said Termaat. Termaat. The The LHS LHS track track and and field field team team is aiswinning a winning team. team. The The team team is known is known forfor itsits signasignature ture slogan slogan “got “got rings?” rings?” and and Termaat Termaat wants wants to to inevitably inevitably bebe a part a part of ofthat. that. Her Her high high hopes hopes and and goals goals forfor this this upcoming upcoming season season keep keep herher motivated motivated as as well well as as in in check. check. “When “When I leave I leave LHS, LHS, I want I want to to make make sure sure I accomplished I accomplished as as much much as as I could. I could. If Ifit is it is anan individual individual title title or or State State title, title, I want I want to to leave leave with with it,”it,” said said Termaat. Termaat.
week.week. Compared Compared to other to other athletes, athletes, week. Compared Compared to other to other athletes, athletes, builds builds timetime management management skillsskills and it and it It is It noissecret no secret that that highhigh school school workweek. work seems seems to beto more be more of a of priority a priority for for builds builds timethem time management management skills skills and it and and it It is It no is secret no secret that that high high school school work work seems seems to be to more be more of a of priority a priority for for trains trains them well well for the for real the world real world and comes comes withwith a significant a significant workload workload Nelson. Nelson. trains trains them them well well for the for real the world real world and and comes comes with with a significant a significant workload workload Nelson. Nelson. beingbeing able able to balance to balance something something you you that that can be cana be lotatolotmanage. to manage. On top On top “If I“If work, I work, I’ll skip I’ll skip practice practice being being able able to balance to balance something something you that can can a be lotaschool tolotmanage. to day, manage. On top On top “If I “If work, I work, I’ll skip I’ll skip practice practice want want to do to versus do versus something something you kinda youyou kinda of a that of seven-hour abe seven-hour school teachers day, teachers sometimes,” sometimes,” said said Nelson. Nelson. want want to do to versus do versus something something you kinda you kinda of a of seven-hour a seven-hour school school day, teachers day, teachers sometimes,” sometimes,” said said Nelson. Nelson. have have to do,” to said do,” said Stegeman. Stegeman. assign assign up touphours to hours of homework, of homework, EvenEven though though working working a jobadirectly job directlyhavehave toLike do,” toother said do,” other said Stegeman. Stegeman. assign assign up to uphours to of homework, of for homework, Even Even though though working working a job adirectly job directly Like any any person person working working a a which which can be can challenging behours challenging some for some affects affects the athlete, the athlete, coaches coaches notice notice the the Like Like any other any other person person working working a ina which which can be can challenging be challenging for some for some affects affects the athlete, the athlete, coaches coaches notice notice the the job, these job, these athletes athletes have have one goal one goal in to handle. to handle. For student-athletes For student-athletes this this tollstolls it canit take can take on the onathlete, the athlete, as well as well job, these job, these athletes athletes have have one goal one goal in to handle. to handle. For student-athletes For student-athletes this this tolls tolls it can it take can take on the on athlete, the athlete, as well as well common, common, money. money. Money Money can be cana be huge ainhuge struggle struggle is magnified, is magnified, especially especially for for as the asteam. the team. common, common, money. money. Money Money can be can a be huge a huge struggle struggle is magnified, is magnified, especially especially the asteam. the team. driving driving forceforce for students, for students, especially especially athletes athletes that that also also workwork a job. a job.for for as “[Working “[Working a job] a job] definitely definitely driving driving force force for students, for students, especially especially athletes athletes that that also also work a job.tackle “[Working “[Working a job] a job] definitely definitely those who who are trying are trying to save to save up for up for Adam Adam Behrend Behrend is a work right isa ajob. right tackle for for affects affects theirtheir availability availability for football, for football, those those those who who are trying are trying to save to save upisfor up for Adam Adam Behrend Behrend is a right is a right tackle tackle for for affects affects their their availability availability for football, for football, college. college. For Behrend, For Behrend, that that is just the just the the LHS the LHS varsity varsity offensive offensive line and line and like missing like missing camps camps or practices or practices and and college. college. For Behrend, For Behrend, that that is just is the just the the LHS the varsity varsity offensive line and like missing like missing camps camps or practices or practices and and case. case. works works a LHS part-time a part-time job.offensive job.line and workouts,” workouts,” said said KyleKyle Stegeman, Stegeman, the the works works a“It’s part-time apretty part-time job. workouts,” said said Kyle Kyle Stegeman, Stegeman, the LHS the work] “[I work] so that so that I have I have a little a little bit bit “It’s pretty tough tough butjob. you but just you have just have workouts,” offensive offensive linemen linemen coach coach for the forLHS the JV JV “[I “[I work] “[I work] sotowards that socollege that I have I have a little a little bit “It’s “It’s pretty pretty tough tough but you but just you have just have offensive offensive linemen linemen coach coach for the for LHS the LHS JV JV of funding of funding towards college so that so that bit to betodedicated, be dedicated, and you and have you have to put to in put inand Varsity and Varsity football football of funding of funding towards towards college college so that so thatsaid to to dedicated, behours,” dedicated, and you and have you have to put to in put inand Varsity Varsity football I’m not I’m totally not totally in debt in debt afterward,” afterward,” said thebehours,” the said said Behrend. Behrend. A and bigAconcern bigfootball concern for team. many for team. many coaches coaches I’m not I’m totally not totally in debt in debt afterward,” afterward,” said said theBehrend hours,” theBehrend hours,” said said Behrend. A when big concern big concern for many coaches coaches Behrend. Behrend. works works at Behrend. Lewis at Lewis DrugDrug and and when itAcomes it comes to for missing tomany missing practice practice is theis the Behrend. Behrend. Behrend Behrend at Lewis at Lewis Drug Drug and has and whenwhen it may comes it may comes to have missing missing practice practice is the Another reason reason students students workwork a a averages averages 20works hours 20works hours a week, a week, which which has effecteffect it it have ontothe onteam the team during during ais the a Another Another Another reason reason students students work work aas aas averages averages 20 hours 20 hours a week, a week, which which has has effect effect it may it may have have on the on team the team during during a a job could job could be for be the for same the same reasons reasons proven proven to betoa be challenge. a challenge. game. game. Athletes Athletes who who missmiss practice practice may may job could job could be for be the for same the same reasons reasons as her as proven to be to challenge. challenge. game. Athletes Athletes who misshow miss practice practice may Nelson, who who is trying is trying to pay to off payher off “Itproven makes “It makes ita be hard; ita hard; sometimes sometimes you you game. not know not know plays plays and who how and to run to them run them inmayinNelson, Nelson, Nelson, who who is trying is trying to pay to off pay her off her “Ithave makes “It makes it hard; it hard; sometimes sometimes youand you not know not know plays and tomissing run to them run them in incar, or car,Thuch or Thuch who who just likes just likes to have to have have to cut to out cut hours out hours at work at work and a game a game as a result as plays aand result ofhow missing ofhow practice. practice. car, or car, Thuch or Thuch who who just likes just likes to have to have have have to cut to out cut hours out hours at work at work and and a game a game as a result as a result of missing of missing practice. practice. a little a little spending spending money. money. Either Either way, way, you are youreally are really tiredtired afterafter workwork and and [the[the “ [Working “ [Working a job] a job] affects affects a little a little spending spending money. money. Either Either way, way, you are you really are tired tired afterhard after work and and “ [Working “ [Working a job] affects affects managing managing school, school, sports sports and aand joba job football, football, so itreally so [can it [can be] be] hard towork get toout get out athletes] athletes] in being ina job] being able able to be to[the be [the managing managing school, school, sports sports and a and job a job football, football, sothe it [can it morning,” [can be] hard be] to get to out get out athletes] athletes] being being ablelearning able to be to be takestakes a lotaofloteffort of effort and can and be can be of bed of in bed inso morning,” the saidhard said Behrend. Behrend. present present toineither toineither learning stuff, stuff, takes takes achallenging lotaofloteffort of matter effort and can and can of Although bed of Although in bed the initmorning,” the morning,” said said Behrend. Behrend. present present to either to either learning learning stuff, challenging no no matter howbe howbe is harder it is harder for some for some whether whether it theitplaybook the playbook or orstuff, challenging challenging no matter no matter how howmay Although Although it harder it school, is harder forsports some forsports some whether it the itplaybook the playbook or or muchmuch determination determination one may one athletes athletes to balance toisbalance school, and and whether workouts,” workouts,” said said Stegeman. Stegeman. much much determination determination one may one may athletes tosome balance to balance school, sports and and workouts,” workouts,” saidnegative said Stegeman. Stegeman. have.have. ThisThis makes makes whatwhat thesethese a job,athletes a some job, find find it aschool, bit it aeasier. bitsports easier. Despite Despite the the negative effects effects have. have. This This makes makes what what these these a job, a some job, some find find it hard abut bit it it abut easier. bit Despite Despite thewhile negative thewhile negative effects athletes athletes do that do that muchmuch moremore “It’s “It’s kinda kinda hard works. iteasier. works. It It that that working working playing playing aeffects a athletes athletes do that do that muchmuch moremore “It’s “It’s kinda kinda hard hard but it but works. it works. It It that that working working while while playing playing a a impressive. impressive. helpshelps if I know if I know my entire my entire basketball basketball sportsport can have can have on anonindividual, an individual, impressive. impressive. helps helps if Itrack know if I know my entire myit’s entire basketball basketball sport have can have onwith anonindividual, an individual, and track and schedule, schedule, so sopretty it’s pretty easy easy sport it does itcan does come come with its benefits. its benefits. and track and track schedule, schedule, so it’s so pretty it’s pretty easy easy it does it does come come with with its benefits. its because because we fill weout fill aout schedule a schedule at work at work “I think “I think it’s good. it’s good. It Itbenefits. because we fill weout fill aout schedule aAshely schedule at Thuch, work ata work “I think “I think it’s good. it’s good. It It oncebecause once a month,” a month,” said said Ashely Thuch, a once once a month,” a month,” said said Ashely Ashely Thuch, Thuch, a a center center for LHS for LHS JV and JV Varsity and Varsity girlsgirls center center for LHS forwell LHS JVwell and JV Varsity and Varsity girlsand girls basketball basketball as as as a runner as a runner and basketball basketball as well as well as a runner as a runner and and highhigh jumper jumper for LHS for LHS tracktrack and field. and field. high high jumper jumper for LHS LHS track and field. and field. Thuch Thuch works works inforthe in cafe thetrack cafe at Scheels at Scheels Thuch Thuch works works in the in cafe the cafe at Scheels at Scheels and averages and averages 8 to15 8 to15 hours hours a week, a week, and averages and averages 8 to15 8 to15 hours hours a week, amore week, which which makes makes school school and sports and sports more which which makes makes school school and sports and sports more more manageable. manageable. manageable. manageable. “Since “Since we can we pick can pick our hours, our hours, it it “Since “Since we can we affected pick canmy pick oursports,” hours, oursports,” hours, it hasn’t hasn’t really really affected my said it said hasn’t hasn’t really really affected affected my sports,” my sports,” said said Thuch. Thuch. Thuch. Thuch. For some For some athletes, athletes, theirtheir relationship relationship For some Forwork some athletes, athletes, their their relationship relationship withwith work and sports and sports looks looks slightly slightly with with work work and sports and sports looks looks slightly slightly different. different. Ava Nelson, Ava Nelson, who who playsplays different. different. Ava Nelson, Ava Nelson, who who plays plays tennis tennis for LHS, for LHS, works works at Escape at Escape tennis tennis for for LHS, works works at Escape at Escape 605 as 605 a game asLHS, a game master master and averages and averages ARTWORK ARTWORK BY ADDISON BY ADDISON REMMEREMME 605 as 605 a game as a game master master and averages and averages ARTWORK ABY DDISON BY A REMME REMME anywhere anywhere fromfrom 20 to2030tohours 30 hours a a DESIGN ARTWORK DESIGN BYBY ADDISON ADDISON RDDISON EMME REMME APRIL APRIL ISSUE ISSUE 29 29 anywhere anywhere fromfrom 20 to2030tohours 30 hours a a DESIGN DESIGN BY ADDISON BY ADDISON REMMEREMME APRIL APRIL ISSUE ISSUE 29 29
e for several etter in and sionate, ver y bout getting weight room. s in the real m seeing the ork in,” said
Jared Fredenburg Jared Jared Fredenburg HeadFredenburg football coach Jared Fredenburg has been around Coach Bonte for several
Head football coach Fredenburg has Coach Bonte forfor several Head coachJared Jared Fredenburg hasbeen beenaround around Coach Bonte several years Fredenburg appreciates Bonte’s passion to make kids better in and years now. Fredenburg appreciates Bonte’s passion to make kids better years now. appreciates Bonte’sis passion to make kids betterin inand and outside of theFredenburg weight room. “Coach Bonte very involved, very passionate, very outside ofofthe weight room. “Coach Bonte is isvery involved, very passionate, very outside the weight room. “Coach Bonte very involved, very passionate, very knowledgeable and a great relationship builder with kids. He is all about getting knowledgeable and a agreat relationship builder kids. HeHeis isallallabout getting knowledgeable andand great relationship builderwith with them bigger, faster stronger and he knows his waykids. through the about weightgetting room. them bigger, faster and stronger and he knows his way through the weight room. them bigger, faster and stronger andinhethe knows his room way through the weight room. He is specifically relating situations weight to situations in the real He specifically relating situations ininthe room totosituations ininthethereal Heisisthat specifically relating situations theweight weight room situations real game they are about to play. The kids are seeing the results, I’m seeing the game that they are about totoplay. The kids are seeing the results, I’m seeing thethe game that they are about play. The kids are seeing the results, I’m seeing results. Everybody knows knows that the the resultsare are comingififyou you putthe thework workin,” in,” said results. said results.Everybody Everybody knowsthat that theresults results arecoming coming if youput put the work in,” said Fredenburg. Fredenburg. Fredenburg.
Trey Trey Naasz TreyNaasz Naasz
Trey coaches football and track LHS. Naasz has been good friends with Trey Naasz good friends with TreyNaasz Naaszcoaches coachesfootball footballand andtrack trackatatatLHS. LHS.Naasz Naaszhas hasbeen been good friends with Coach Bonte for a long time and even played against him growing up. Naasz has seen Coach him growing up.up. Naasz has seen CoachBonte Bontefor fora along longtime timeand andeven evenplayed playedagainst against him growing Naasz has seen huge from athletes that started working with Coach Bonte four years ago huge growth ago hugegrowth growthfrom fromathletes athletesthat thatstarted startedworking workingwith withCoach CoachBonte Bontefour fouryears years ago when “Kids are faster, stronger and handle adversity way better now than when adversity way better now than whenhehestarted. started.“Kids “Kidsare arefaster, faster,stronger strongerand andhandle handle adversity way better now than they past,” said Naasz. “Coach Bonte craft. knows they have inin hishis craft. HeHe knows theyhave haveininyears yearspast,” past,”said saidNaasz. Naasz.“Coach “CoachBonte Bonteisisisa amaster a master master in his craft. He knows exactly how to specialize a workout for a specific athlete whether they are injured, exactly specialize a workout for a specific athlete whether they are injured, exactly how to specialize a workout for a specific athlete whether have ororare are inintheir their off-season. He one that takes seriously have takes hishisjobjob seriously haveaa agame gamethat thatday dayor arein theiroff-season. off-season.He Heisisisone onethat that takes and athletes’ safety before numbers, holds everyone accountable and will accountable and andwill willput putthe theathletes’ athletes’safety safetybefore beforenumbers, numbers,hehe heholds holdseveryone everyone and expectsthe thebest bestout outof younot notonly onlyinininthe thegame gamebut butinin inthe thepreparation preparation expects leading upup expects ofofyou you not only the game but the preparation leading Heholds holdshis hisathletes athletesto thehighest higheststandard standardasas asmuch muchasas ashehe hepossibly totoit. hehe to athletes totothe the highest standard much possiblycan; can; expectsyour yourbest bestduring duringthe theoff-season. off-season.He Heexpects expectsyour yourbest best day expects day before hehe expects during the off-season. He expects your best day beforea game, a game, expects your best during the game.” expects your best during the game.” expects during the game.”
aasz has seen As student-athletes makemake theirtheir wayway through high As student-athletes through high As high ur school, years ago they are accompanied by many coaches and school, they are accompanied by many coaches and school, and ter now than teammates along the way, but one of the strongest teammates along the way, but one of the strongest teammates strongest t. influences He knows to appear all four yearsyears at LHS is strength andand influences at LHS is strength influences to appear all four strength and are injured, conditioning coach, Brady Bonte. conditioning conditioning coach, Brady Bonte. obBonte seriously trains athletes for nearly every sport at LHS. Bonte every sport at LHS. Bonte trains athletes for nearly LHS. ountable and He organizes for all He currently currently plans workouts He currently organizes and and plans the the workouts for for all all n leading up football, athletes participate in volleyball, athletes soccer, football, athletes that that participate in volleyball, soccer, football, sibly can; he basketball. Bonte’s favorite part of his job iswatching watching his athletes country, Bonte’s favorite part his athletes cross country, wrestling basketball. Bonte’s favorite part of of hishis jobjob is is watching his athletes crosscross country, tracktrack and and field,field, wrestling andand basketball. e a Bonte game, he Sanford work hard every time they come into the weight room also trains athletes of work hard every time they come into the weight room Bonte all sports at the Sanford Bonte also trains athletes of all sports at the Sanford work hard every time they come into the weight room throughout their high school career, but then later Fieldhouse. Bonte’s everyday work schedule can look throughouttheir theirhigh highschool schoolcareer, career,but butthen then later later Fieldhouse. Fieldhouse. Bonte’s everyday work schedule can looklookthroughout watching his athletes find success is really the best part slightly different throughout the week. watching athletes find successis isreally reallythe thebest bestpart part slightly Brady, Brady, watching hishis athletes find success slightly different throughout the week. Brady, I would liketo thankyou youfor past four years. Not only did Ireceive receive the best athletic training but you for Bonte. Coach Bonte has a variety of sports to prepare “My schedule adjusts based on the time of year and but “My you also would like totothank thank four years. Not only did I Ireceive thethe best athletic training butbut youyou alsoalso Bonte. Coach Bonte a variety sportstotoprepare prepare “My II would like you forforthe thethepast past four years. Not only did best athletic training also Bonte. Coach Bonte hashas a variety ofofsports schedule adjusts based on the time of yearyear andandfor for helped me build some of the most important life skills. Thank you for building an environment where I could where I could helped me build some of the most important life skills. Thank you for building an environment where I could for and with that can come different obstacles. is very chaotic,” said Bonte. twofor and with that can come different obstacles. is very “Every day I spend twohelped me build some of the most important life skills. Thank you for building an environment where I could is very chaotic,” said take Bonte. “Every day I spend two- for and with that can come different obstacles. consistentlyshow showupupand and pushmyself myself each lift. As I plan to pursue personal training in the future, I will re, I three will consistently in in thethe future, I will taketake “The most most challenging challenging aspect aspect ofof my job isis trying trying planning and organizing, and five-six hours hours consistently show up and push push myself each eachlift. lift.As AsI Iplan plantotopursue pursuepersonal personaltraining training future, I will take “The job three hours “The most challenging aspect of mymy job is trying allthetheknowledge knowledgeI’ve I’velearned learnedininyour your weight room with me. Lastly, thank you Brady for being one ofthethe most hourshours planning and organizing, and five-six hours onethree of the most all weight room with me. Lastly, thank you Brady for being one of most all the knowledge I’ve learned in your weight room with me. Lastly, thank you Brady for being one of the most to help help as as many many athletes athletes as as II can,” can,” said said Bonte. Bonte.“I“Ienjoy enjoy working with teams and individuals.” to working with teams and individuals.” impactful people throughout my time at LHS. impactful people throughout my time at LHS. to help as many athletes as I can,” said Bonte. “I enjoy working with teams and individuals.” impactful people throughout my time at LHS. Kate Tollinger Kate T ollinger Kate Tollinger working with with athletes athletes of of any any kind kind as long long asas they theyare are Bonte grew up in SD. In In high school, school, he working in Garretson, Garretson, Kate Tollinger with athletes of any kind asaslong as they are BonteBonte grewgrew up inupGarretson, SD. SD. In highhigh school, he heworking DESIGN BY KATE TOLLINGER consistent and and trust trustthe theprocess.” process.” participated in football, baseball, wrestling and and track track consistent DESIGN BY K A TE TOLLINGER DESIGN BY KATE TOLLINGER participated in football, baseball, wrestling Questions for athletes: DESIGN BYBY KATE TOLLINGER Questions for for athletes: athletes: and trust the process.” participated inHefootball, baseball, wrestling andUniversity track consistent PHOTOS PROVIDED BRADY BONTE PHOTOS PHOTOS PROVIDED BY BRADY BONTE PROVIDED BY BRADY BONTE Questions One would think that the process of planning workouts and field. later attended Dakota Wesleyan PHOTOS PROVIDED BY BRADY BONTE would think that the process ofplanning planningworkouts workouts and field. He later attended Dakota Wesleyan University OneOne Howdoes doescoach coachBonte Bontemake makeyou youa abetter betterathlete athlete and person each day? would think that the process of and field. He later attended Dakota Wesleyan University How and person each day? different sports sports would would all all look look completely completely different, different, for where college football. football. After After for different How does coach Bonte make you a better athlete and person each for four four years where he he played played college you had describe coachBonte Bonte oneword wordwhat what would be?day? IfIfyou had totodescribe coach ininone would it it be? different sports would all athletes, look completely different, for four yearsyears where hewith played college football. Afterandfor for but for coach Bonte and his he keeps it simple. graduating college both a sports exercise If you had to describe coach Bonte in one word what would it be? graduating college with both a sports exercise and but for coach Bonte and his athletes, he keeps it simple. coach andthe hisprocess athletes,ishesimilar keeps regardless it simple. of graduating college with both a sports exercise and but for“In highBonte school, wellness at DWU DWU as aa graduate graduate “In high school, the process is similar regardless of wellness degree, degree, Bonte Bonte stayed stayed at as school, the process is similar regardless of wellness degree, the Bonte stayedand at conditioning DWU as a graduate ElliotRenville Renville trainsfor forfootball football andwrestling wrestling trains for track Pudwill trains track the high sport,” said Bonte. Bonte. “The goal goal tomake make thesimplest simplest assistant department, “In Ivy Elliot Pud trains will and IvyIvy Pudwill trains forfor track the sport,” said “The isisto the assistant for for the strength strength and conditioning department, Elliot Renville trains for football andworkouts wrestling Ivy Pudwill trains for good track “With his experience, he knows what “He really builds us up when we are doing the sport,” said Bonte. “The goal is to make the simplest assistant for theof strength and in conditioning department, workout that will help the athlete move in the direction in pursuit his master’s education. While being on “He builds us up “With his experience, when he knows what workouts we are doing “He really builds usgood up when we are doing good that will help the athlete move in the direction in pursuit of his master’s in education. While being on workout really “With his experience, he knows what workouts “He really builds us up when we are doing will produce results. He brings his philosophy of things and helps us to not get beaten down by bad that willwhile help keeping the athlete move thefresh.” directionus to not in pursuit of histhe master’s in and education. Whiledepartment being on atworkout of their their goals things funin and the conditioning things and helps will produce results. get He brings his philosophy beaten of down things and helps by us to not get bad beaten down by badgood of goals while keeping things fun and fresh.” the staff staff of of the strength strength and conditioning department at weightlifting into real life and that is what inspires days.” will produce results. He brings his philosophy of things and helps us to not get beaten down by goals while keeping fun Bonte and fresh.” the staff of Bonte the strength and conditioning department at of their The one piece piece of of advicethings thatcoach coach Bonte wouldlike liketoto weightlifting into real life and that is what inspires days.”days.” bad DWU, was coach for volleyball, volleyball, The one advice that would DWU, Bonte was the the head head strength strength coach for me.” “Empowering” weightlifting into real life and that is what inspires days.” me.” “Empowering” “Empowering” piece of advice that to coach Bonte would like to giveone to all all athletes in order order to be be successful successful throughout DWU, Bonte was the and headbaseball strength volleyball, track, wrestling, as coach well as asforthe the assistant to to The give to athletes in throughout track, wrestling, and baseball as well assistant “Inspiring” me.” “Empowering” “Inspiring” high school something that every athletethroughout capableofof to all athletes in order that to be successful track,football. wrestling, and baseball as well as the assistant to givehigh Peter Jal trains for track, basketball and football school isistrains something every athlete isis capable football. “Inspiring” basketball and Peter Jal for track, Peterfootball Jal trains for track, basketball and football college, Bonte was hired as a strength andhighimplementing. school is something that every athlete is capable of football.After Marie Horsted trains for soccer “He is Jal always picking everybody up and and teaches you implementing. After college, Bonte was “He hired as a strength and Peter foreverybody track, basketball football is always picking ever Marie ybody Horsted trains for soccer up and teaches “He is alwaystrains picking you up and teaches you “Be consistent and trust the process,” said Bonte. “Your conditioning coach by Avera Queen ofstrength Peace hospital implementing. After college, Bonte was hired as a and “Brady pushes me to my limits and wants me to be how to do it right.” is always picking everybody Marie trains soccer “Be consistent and trust the process,” said Bonte. “Your conditioning coach by Avera Queen of Peace hospital “BradyHorsted pushes me to myfor limits and wants how me to be to do “He it right.” howup toand do itteaches right.” you and respect to the coaches that are helping you as an outreach for multiple high schools around loyalty great pushes and exceed in my my limits sport.”and wants me to be consistent and trust thecoaches process,” saidare Bonte. “Your conditioning coach coach by Avera Queen ofhigh Peace hospital “Brady meinto how to“Leader” do“Leader” it right.” loyalty and respect to the that helping you as an outreach coach for multiple schools around “Be great and exceed my sport.” “Leader” “Kind” will and go arespect long way in ancoaches effort to getare the most out After one year in Mitchell, heloyalty to in the youofof as anMitchell, outreachSouth coachDakota. for multiple highyear schools around he “Leader” great “Kind”and exceed in my sport.” will go a long way an effort tothat get thehelping most out Mitchell, South Dakota. After one in Mitchell, Elliot Whitney trains for basketball them.” was hired Sanford as aone sports performance coach. “Kind” go a long way in an effort Elliot to get the most out of Mitchell, Southby Dakota. After year performance in Mitchell, coach. he willthem.” Whitney trains for basketball Elliot Whitney trains for basketball was hired by Sanford as a sports Rylie Brison trains for track “Brady helps me with recovery and making sure Coach Bonte has no specific plans for the future but just Outside of Bonte’s work life, he enjoys doing anything Whitney trains for basketball with recover y and making “Brady helpsElliot me with recovery sure and making sure Rylie Brison trains for track was Outside hired byofSanford a sports coach. specific plans for the futureme but just Bonte’s as work life, heperformance enjoys doing“Brady anythingthem.”Coach Bonte has nohelps “He helps me become a better athlete and a better my body feels good so that I can perform at a high like hisBonte athletes, hefeels holds himself to high standards. outside, from hunting and he fishing to my golfing and playing Rylie Brison trains for track “Brady helps me with recovery and making sure body good so that “He helps me become I a better can athlete and a better perfor m my at body feels good a so that high I can perform at a high Coach has no specific plans for the future but just Outside of Bonte’s work life, enjoys doing anything outside, from hunting and fishing to golfing and playing like his athletes, he holds himself to high standards. person.” level.” “I don’t know where I’ll be in 10 years. The only goal I baseball and softball. my body feelslevel.” good so that I can “Knowledgeable” performlevel.” at a high “He helps me become a better athlete and a better person.” like his athletes, he holds himself to high standards. outside, from hunting and fishing to golfing and playing “I don’t know where I’ll be in 10 years. The only goal I baseball and softball. “All of which aren’t near as enjoyable as spending time have is to be a better husband, coach and person tomorrow “Knowledgeable” “Knowledgeable” person.” level.” Claire Meyerink trains for track “Ihave don’t know wherehusband, I’ll be in 10 years. The only goal I baseball“All andofsoftball. is to be a better which aren’t near as enjoyable as spending time today,” said Bonte. coach and person tomorrow with my wife and one-month-old daughter Lydia,” said as I was Claire Meyerink trains for track “Knowledgeable” “He encourages me and corrects me when I’m doing Eli Olson trains for basketball betoday,” a better husband, “All of which aren’t as enjoyabledaughter as spending timesaidhave asisI to was said Bonte. coach and person tomorrow Eli Olson with my wife andnear one-month-old Lydia,” “He encourages metrains and corrects trains me when I’m doing for basketball Eli Olson trains for basketball Bonte. Claire Meyerink for track things incorrectly.” “Consistent” with Bonte. my wife and one-month-old daughter Lydia,” said as I was today,” said Bonte. things incorrectly.” “Consistent” “He encourages me and corrects me when I’m doing Eli Olson trains“Consistent” for basketball “Educated” Bonte. “Educated” things incorrectly.” 30 LHSSTATESMAN.COM APRIL ISSUE“Consistent” 31 “Educated” 30 LHSSTATESMAN.COM APRIL ISSUE 31 APRIL ISSUE 31 30 LHSSTATESMAN.COM APRIL ISSUE 31
“The ramps are very make up. The ramp by the Most students who are not very student knows “The ramps arehard veryto new make up. The ramp by the enrolled Most students are not steep, and it’s really gym has a strange in music who classes and loathesvery the student struggleknows steep, and it’s really hard to new gym has a strange enrolled in music classes push myself up them, so if layout that incorporates a may be unfamiliar with loathes theand struggle of and walking back forth push myself upless them, so if small layout that incorporates a themay unfamiliar with they were a little steep, transitional level off area,bebut it is the only of walking back between A wing andand E forth they were a little less steep, small transitional level off the area, but it is the only it would help,” said Sanger. in the middle of the slope, way for a disabled student between A wing and E wing in a measly five it would help,” said Sanger. in the middle of the slope, way for a disabled student This brings about more and also has a “resting to access the ensemble wing in minutes -- aa measly feat thatfive can This brings about more threshold” and also integrated has a “resting to access thetoensemble intriguing questions. What into room. Similar the gym minutes feel -- a feat that can sometimes impossible. intriguing questions. What threshold” integrated into room. Similar to the be gym it’s design as well at the ramp, this ramp would sometimes impossible. are the guidelines for the Now imagine feel placing are the guidelines for the it’s design as well at the ramp, this ramp would steepness of ramps? Could turn near the top. The ADA unusable if it were not forbe Now imagine another nuisanceplacing onto this steepness of ramps? Could turn near the top. The if it were at notthe for does demand at least one ADA theunusable resting threshold another nuisance onto this one quantify the steepness already stressful situation. one quantify the steepness does demand at least one the resting threshold at of the ramps here at LHS? resting threshold for any turn implemented into it. the already This is thestressful reality ofsituation. those of the ramps here at LHS? resting threshold for any turnwhat implemented into it. ramp with a rise of 30”, and So, was the point This the reality of those The American Disability who areisphysically disabled. The American Disability ramp with a rise of 30”, and So, what was the Act (ADA) was passed the total rise of the gym’s of all that measuring?point who are physically Some students havedisabled. Act (ADA) was passed the total rise of the gym’s thatworks measuring? in 1990, and sets out ramp is 48.75”. When If of theall math out, endedSome up onstudents crutcheshave or on in 1990, and sets out ramp is 48.75”. When If the math workscare? out, specifications for ramps measured out, the inclines why should anyone ended up on for crutches or on a knee scooter varying specifications for ramps measured out, the inclines why should anyone among many other laws. by themselves are barely This issue goes beyondcare? a knee scooter for varying conditions, and most of among other laws. by themselves arethe barely theThis issue goes The ADA many declares ramps compliant, but with steepness of a beyond few conditions, them could telland youmost whatof The ADA declares ramps compliant, but with the the steepness of a few must not exceed a 1:12 additions of the level off ramps. Inaccessibility can them could a hassle it is totell useyou the what must not exceed a 1:12 additions of the level off ramps. Inaccessibility ratio for rise to run, or and the turning platform, cause many roadblocks can a hassle it is to use the ramps at LHS. The ramps or theisturning many roadblocks oneratio footfor of rise rise to to run, 12 feet theand ramp deemedplatform, good all cause throughout the school, LHS. areramps out ofatthe wayThe andramps one foot of rise to 12 feet the ramp is deemed good all throughout the school, of distance that the ramp for use. and even into the working are out of the way and inconvenient. However, of distance that the ramp for use. and even into the working occupies. But how do LHS’ Then, there are a few world. Have you ever However, notinconvenient. a lot of students occupies. ButHow how are do LHS’ Then, there are aby few world.about Havewhat you ever ramps add up? our ramps in the building thought route a a lot of students arenot wheelchair-bound, ramps add up? How are our ramps in the building by thought about what have route a students affected? the E wing. There is a disabled person would are that wheelchair-bound, a fact can totally students affected? the E wing. There is a disabled person would “I use the little [decline] slight decline between to take in an emergency? have a factone’s that can totally change perspective “I use the little [decline] slight decline between to take in aanmundane emergency? between the orchestra the choir room and the What about one’s perspective on change ramp use. It could be between the orchestra the choir roomwhich and the Whatfunction, about a mundane room and choir room most orchestra room, was human like using on ramp use. Itthat could plainly assumed a be room and choir room most orchestra room, which was human function, like using often, followed by the ramp implemented before the the restroom? Just because plainly assumed thatbe a wheelchair user would often, followed by the ramp implemented before the the restroom? Just because outside the new gym and new gym was built. How accommodations for the wheelchair user would affected differently by the be outside the new gym and new gym was built. How accommodations for does that section compare? disabled are often out ofthe affectedofdifferently by the the ramp to the ensemble steepness a ramp versus the ramp to the ensemble does that section compare? arenot often outthey of Well, it has a ratio of thedisabled way, does mean steepness of This a ramp versus room,” said Sanger. a knee scooter. could room,” said Sanger. Well, it has a ratio of the way, does not mean they Equipment necessary for 1:13.5, so this ramp is should be forgotten entirely. a knee scooter. could significantly affectThis the time Equipment necessary for 1:13.5, so this ramp is should be forgotten entirely. good for use as well. The significantly time an endeavor such as this it might take toaffect get tothe class. an endeavor such as this formeasured use as well. includes a tape measure and lastgood ramp wasThe it might to getWhat to class. How can it take be done? includes a tape measure and last ramp measured was cantoitaccommodate? be done? What a basic grip on geometry (it the one in the band room. canHow we do grip onThe geometry wasa basic a struggle). ramps (it the one in the band room. can we do to accommodate? “[Administration] put was a struggle). The ramps by the new gym, band me on“[Administration] a 504 plan so thatput by the gym, band room andnew the incline by the me on a 504 so that I am allowed toplan be late to room and the incline by the orchestra were measured I am allowed to be late to class,” said senior Cheyenne measured andorchestra all have awere different class,”“Isaid senior Sanger. think I canCheyenne also and all have a different Sanger. think I cando.” also leave early,“Ibut I never leave early, but I never Sanger also takes issue do.” alsothemselves. takes issue with Sanger the ramps with the ramps themselves.
some days are manageable and the waves are minuscule, some the waves painful are minuscule, other days days are themanageable waves growand to enormous heights, other days the waves grow to enormous painful heights, reminding me to embrace the pain of my grandma’s death reminding to Iembrace the pain of my grandma’s death in order tome heal. also believe the longer you spend in the in orderthe to more heal. Iyou alsolearn believe the longer you spend the waves, to live with them, but theinwaves waves, theaway. moreTime you learn with them, butinstead the waves never go does to notlive heal all wounds, the never go away. Time does not heal all wounds, instead the wound of loss continues to embody your spirit to protect wound of loss continues to embody your to emulate protect you, be with youspirit and to you, be with you and to emulate your loved one through your own your loved through your own actions andone grace. actions and grace. Lastly, my grandma taught Lastly, my grandma taught me countless lessons throughout me countless lessons throughout her life, the most important one her life,what the most important one being love is. Love is more being what love is. Love is more than acts of kindness, family than acts of kindness, family bonds and memories. Love is bonds and memories. Love is an unconditional sacrifice of an unconditional sacrifice of one’s own happiness for another. one’s own happiness for another. To me, my grandma embodied To me, my grandma embodied what love is through her actions, words and spirit. She what love is through her actions, words and spirit. She was a light of love and joy in each life she touched. was a light of love and joy in each life she touched. While the world has become dimmer since she left, her While the world has become dimmer since she left, her light continues to shine through the countless people she light continues to shine through the countless people she touched and memories she left with them. touched and memories she left with them.
503,712,000 seconds filled with laughter, long talks and portraying complete joy. She was my everything, my every 503,712,000 seconds filled with laughter, longseconds talks and portraying complete joy. She was my everything, my every memories that I will cherish forever. 503,712,000 I day, my heart. memories that I will cherish forever. 503,712,000 seconds I day, my heart. took for granted. While the two months I spent with my grandma in the took for granted. While the two I spent with my grandma in the On July 28, 2022 I lost my best friend, mentor and hospital before shemonths passed away have made an immense On July 28, 2022 I lost my best friend, mentor and hospital before she passed away have made an immense grandma. On May 31, 2022 she fell from her ladder while impact on me, the time I spent with her prior to her grandma. to Onremove May 31, 2022 she from ladder while impact me, the spent withIher her attempting a bird’s nestfell from herher eavestrough, fall trulyon shaped metime intoIthe person am prior today.toHer attempting to remove a bird’s nest from her eavestrough, fall truly shaped me into the person I am today. Her which unknown to my family and me at the time would willingness to sacrifice everything for my family and put which unknown to my family and me at the time would willingness to sacrifice everything for my family and put lead to the end of our cherished time together. For the our needs before her own continues to inspire me. She lead to the end of our cherished time together. For the our needs before her own continues to inspire me. She following two months, she was in and out of the hospital, spent countless hours driving my sisters and I to school, following two months, she was in and out of the hospital, spent countless hours driving my sisters and I to school, suffering from a subdural hematoma and later cerebral going to all of our activities, reading all of my essays and suffering from a subdural hematoma and later cerebral going to all of our activities, reading all of my essays and venous sinus thrombosis (CVST). For the last three weeks infinitely many other acts of selflessness and love. venous sinus thrombosis (CVST). For the last three weeks infinitely many other acts of selflessness and love. of her life, she underwent three major brain surgeries Throughout my childhood, she gave me the gift of of her life, she underwent three major brain surgeries Throughout my childhood, she gave me the gift of and was on a ventilator. My family and I had unwavering creativity, encouraged me to follow my passions with and was on a ventilator. My family and I had unwavering creativity, encouraged me to follow my passions with hope she would wake up and improve; however, on the perseverance, the art of writing and fueled my passion hope she would wake up and improve; however, on the perseverance, the art of writing and fueled my passion Tuesday before she passed, the doctors told us she would reading. She also taught me how to knit and sew and Tuesday before she passed, the doctors told us she would for for reading. She also taught me how to knit and sew and not recover. started my obsession with murder-mystery shows, such as not recover. started my obsession with murder-mystery shows, such as At that moment the world came to a crashing halt. “Monk.” At that moment the world came to a crashing halt. “Monk.” While I was feeling the most pain I had ever felt, I knew She emulated generosity through each action she While I was feeling the most pain I had ever felt, I knew She emulated generosity through each action she I was not feeling the entirety of it. The idea that my underwent, making each holiday special and memorable. I was not feeling the entirety of it. The idea that my underwent, making each holiday special and memorable. grandma, the woman that had sacrificed everything for Our Thanksgivings were filled with games, such as, a grandma, the woman that had sacrificed everything for Our Thanksgivings were filled with games, such as, a my family and I would no longer be here was devastating. feather hunt, a turkey shoot (with balloons and a nerf gun) my family and I would no longer be here was devastating. feather hunt, a turkey shoot (with balloons and a nerf gun) She was also so much more than a grandma; she was with board or card games. Over Christmas she used her She was also so much more than a grandma; she was with and and board or card games. Over Christmas she used her memeduring every special moment, holiday, school concert, advanced needlepoint skills to create a special ornament during every special moment, holiday, school concert, advanced needlepoint skills to create a special ornament recital, tennis match, giving a hug when needed and for each person recital, tennis match, giving a hug when needed and for each personininour ourfamily. family.Easter Easterwas wasfilled filledwith withan an
extravagant egg hunt, perfectly set up creative name tags extravagant egg cups hunt,filled perfectly up creative nameintags and small bunny withset candy at the table, and small bunny cups filled with candy at the table, addition to large loads of candy. While each holidayinhas addition to large of candy. While each holidayher has been difficult sinceloads she passed, I believe celebrating been difficult since she passed, I believe celebrating her birthday on April 7 without her will be the most difficult. birthday on April 7towithout her willofbegrief, the most difficult. It is impossible avoid feelings sadness It is impossible to avoid feelings of grief, sadness and longing on a day made to commemorate her. The and longing a day mademaking to commemorate her. The traditions weon had involved traditions we had involved making angel food cake with lemon filling, angel food cake filling, the same one shewith has lemon had since the same one she has had since she was a little girl, then opening she was aplaying little girl, thengames opening presents, board and presents, playing board games and spending time with one another. spending with one This year time my family andanother. I are This year my family and I are hoping to do something she would hoping to do something she would enjoy on her birthday, such as enjoy on her birthday, such as sharing memories of her, playing sharing memories of her, playing board games and watching movies. board games and watching movies. While celebrating her birthday While celebrating her birthday without her here will be incredibly difficult, my family and without her here will be incredibly difficult, my family and I are hoping to get through it by supporting one another I are hoping to get through it by supporting one another and honoring her memory. and honoring her memory. During the months I have spent without my grandma I During the months I have spent without my grandma I have struggled with acknowledging the grief that comes have struggled with acknowledging the grief that comes with a loved one’s death. The truth that I will never get with a loved one’s death. The truth that I will never get to experience my grandmother’s laugh, wit and love again to experience my grandmother’s laugh, wit and love again is too devastating to be true, so I postpone dealing with is too devastating to be true, so I postpone dealing with my emotions. However, I have also experienced intense my emotions. However, I have also experienced intense anger and sadness over losing her. The young age she anger and sadness over losing her. The young age she died at makes me feel as if thousands of memories have died at makes me feel as if thousands of memories have been depression been stolen stolen from from me; me; while while the the sadness sadness and and depression of at times. times. This This of never never seeing seeing her her again again is is overwhelming overwhelming at has resulted in my belief that grief is like waves. While has resulted in my belief that grief is like waves. While
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harmacies nationwide struggle to keep many popular drugs on their shelves, if they even reach the shelves in the first place. America is in a major drug shortage crisis and nobody is talking about it. A common ADHD medication, Adderall, is produced by multiple manufacturers, yet the drug has been in national shortage since the FDA announced on Oct. 12, 2022. For nearly six months, ADHD patients have been majorly feeling the effects of a lack of Adderall. Some patients have had to switch medications to Adderall substitutes such as Concerta (Methylphenidate) and Vyvanse, but these medications are not all necessarily synonymous to Adderall. Another temporary fix that Adderall users have tried is using the same dosage, but instead taking multiple pills. For example, if someone is taking Adderall 10 mg, they will instead take two 5 mg pills. This can be an acceptable solution if the larger dosage is unavailable at the time. Still, more often than not, even with coverage with insurance, the bill will be more as the patient is purchasing double the amount of pills. A final “solution” to the problem is rationing prescriptions, stretching their supply to last longer or simply not taking the medication at all and unfortunately, this is the reality for many patients. The stock of Ozempic, a drug made for type two diabetes is running dangerously low. A leading factor is the influence of celebrities who have gone on Ozempic specifically to lose weight, causing the demand for the drug to increase. Celebrities such as Elon Musk and Chelsea Handler have admitted to using semaglutide, the generic name for Ozempic. Handler stated on the Call Her Daddy podcast that her “anti-aging doctor just hands it out to anybody.” Jimmy Kimmel even made a joke about Ozempic 36 LHSSTATESMAN.COM
the onion ring.
coming up short
usage in his monologue while hosting the Oscars. The reality is, those who are using semaglutide for personal reasons are taking it away from those who physically need it to stay alive. “Every day pretty much we get an email from the main pharmacy with different things that are short,” said Dr. Sarah Hutton, a Clinical transplant pharmacist at Sanford 16 years. Adderall and Ozempic are not the only drugs that are in major shortage. Albuterol Sulfate is an inhaler that is commonly used for asthma, bronchitis and other lung issues. Unfortunately, Albuterol has no other affordable alternatives, therefore the inhaler is crucial for many people to regularly have on hand. The cause of this specific shortage is due to manufacturing plants shutting down or shipping out less and can be expected to worsen due to a major manufacturer out of Illinois closing its doors in March. “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first noted the shortage in October after Akorn Pharmaceuticals, one of the last major albuterol suppliers, stopped shipping its 20-milliliter (mL) formulation,” Mary Van Beusekom, MS with the University of Minnesota Health. Drug shortages are not limited to just common retail drugs, but many shortages are seen in the hospital with transplant drugs. Hospitals are also feeling the effects of the albuterol shortage. “We have had IV magnesium shortages and IV morphine shortages. Myfortic is one of our transplant medicines that I have had a few patients say they had issues with,” said Dr. Hutton. “A lot of things I have seen are IV related and things in the hospital that we have struggled to get in and then having to figure out other options of what we can do to take the place of it.” Although there are many different reasons and causes for drug shortages, Hutton believes a major factor is the difficulty in finding the raw materials to actually make the drugs themselves. Working in a pharmacy, I have a front seat to seeing the effects that drug shortages have on patients of all kinds. Many are upset by a raise in prices, but more severe cases are worried about their own livelihood if the drug they are prescribed is temporarily unavailable. A diabetic patient whose medication was on backorder and paying for the name brand drug would cost hundreds of dollars said to me “I guess I’ll just have to let the diabetes come as it comes!” The bottom line is that drug shortages are a major problem and people’s lives are being jeopardized daily and unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do about it.
The Onion Ring is a rendition of The Onion, which uses satire to entertain audiences on current events. Please do not take offense to these stories, as they are purely for entertainment purposes.
You are in line for some creativity in April. Start You are project, in line for in know April. you Start a new or some two orcreativity three. You a new project, three. You won’t finish any or of two themoranyway. It’s know also ayou good won’t any of them anyway. It’sand alsomaybe a good time finish to start some spring cleaning, time someofspring cleaning, and get to ridstart of some the 230 contacts in maybe your get rid of some of the 230 contacts in your phone that do not even have names. phone that do not even have names.
This April you will question yourself. Is 30 minutes This April you of will question yourself. Is 30 minutes sitting in front a mirror a little excessive? Maybe sitting in front a mirror a little Maybe posting everyofTikTok draft with excessive? the same sound posting every TikTok draft with the same sound because you cannot decide isn’t necessary? Maybe because you change cannot my decide isn’t Maybe you should Insta bionecessary? from 7th grade? you should change my Insta bio from 7th grade? Whatevs, just keep in mind this April holds a Whatevs, just keep in mind this April holds a transformation. transformation.
For all the athletes out there, this photo is perfect to reminisce on your glory days. Through this single photo, you will remember the pain you felt after each practice, the crushing defeat after a loss and the nostalgic smell of perspiration and too much body spray.
The future is in your favor. Let your guard The and future is in your favor. may Let your guard down a special someone be waltzing down and a special someone may be waltzing right into your life. Just don’t let it be your ex right your life.because Just don’t let itabeGemini. your ex that into you ghosted they’re that you ghosted because they’re a Gemini.
Love! Love is coming for you this April. (You Love! is coming forvery you end thisof April. (You just haveLove to wait until the the month just to wait untiltothe very end then, of thework month for ithave to reveal itself you). Until on for it to reveal itself to how you).toUntil work on yourself, perhaps learn makethen, a decision so yourself, learn how to make a decision when it perhaps comes time you actually know whetherso when it comes time you actually know whether you want a relationship or not. Just stray away you want a relationship or not. Just stray away from those Virgos, because you can’t really from those Virgos, because you can’t really control someone who is already controlling you :) control someone who is already controlling you :)
Knowing you, you won’t take this month Knowing you, you won’t take this month lightly Virgos. Rejection, rejection and lightly Virgos. Good Rejection, more rejection! thingrejection you haveand not more rejection! you have not overthought this Good news thing already and stopped overthought thisyou news already and someone stopped reading, because will also meet reading, youother will also meet someone new. Justbecause drop that Virgo, your guys’ new. Just dropare that other Virgo, yourother. guys’ insecurities projecting on each insecurities are *eyeroll* projecting on each other. *eyeroll*
Start fresh and take risks this April. Out Start fresh risks April. with the old and and take in with thethis new. Out Out with with the old andthey in with thetoo new. Out with that Capricorn, were controlling that Capricorn, theyare were too controlling anyway… but they your boss…maybe anyway… but they are your you shouldn’t quit… neverboss…maybe mind you you shouldn’t quit… never you probably impulsively quit mind anyway. probably impulsively quit anyway.
Reflect on who you want to be, meaning Reflect on choose who you want toofbe,your meaning you gotta from one two you gotta from one of your two faces. Thischoose is a hard decision, but who faces. This is a hard decision, but who knows? Maybe it will pay off with a fellow knows?haughty Maybe hottie it will in payyour off future. with a fellow haughty hottie in your future.
We did not forget about you Taurus, this is We not forget aboutchallenges you Taurus, this yourdid month too! April love, butis your month too! April challenges love, but so do you. If you don’t refuse to accept your so do you. If resort you don’t refuse to acceptcrime your feelings and to binge-watching feelings and resort to shows by yourself forbinge-watching the rest of yourcrime life, shows byApril yourself for theyou restTHE of your life, maybe will bring ONE. maybe April will bring you THE ONE.
Here is a little feature photo. What better way to remember not only your high school mascot but also the very icon, the epitome of honesty, Abe? Contort your face with an awe-filled expression to show your admiration.
Arguably the best photo yet… This photo will definitely make you feel like the main character. It is a great way to embody the ample amount of school spirit you have during the “best four years of your life” than to be surrounded by the amazing drip in the school store.
It is your season, baby! This April brings Ityou is your season, baby! This April a relationship, hopefully with abrings Leo you a relationship, hopefully withfrom a Leo considering you don’t shy away a consideringand youthat don’t shyprobably away from a challenge… you won’t challenge… and that you probably won’t make it past the talking stage. make it past the talking stage.
This April you must think about your values. This thinkyour about your values. And April valuesyou notmust meaning collection of And values not meaning your collection crying selfies. This month is going to beof crying selfies. month going to be emotional but willThis bring manyisblessings…only emotional but will bring many blessings…only if you keep up the work instead of bailing out if you keep up the work like lastinstead time. of bailing out like last time.
April is going to be the time to start practicing April is going thedon’t time reject to start practicing healthy habits,toifbeyou them right healthy habits, you don’t them right away. You also ifmight meet reject someone new, or away. You also might meet someone new, two, who knows? The more options to date,or the two, knows? TheJust more options to date, the morewho to manipulate! stay away from those more to manipulate! Just stay away from those Pisces and maybe you won’t be such a… mean Pisces and maybe you won’t be such a… mean person. person.
This April you will be recognized for your hard This Especially April you will be recognized hardin work. if hard work refersfor toyour holding work. Especially if hard to holding in your tears every time youwork don’trefers get your way. You your tears every time you don’t get your way. You might want to look for some support considering mightyou want to look some support considering can’t rely for on yourself for forever. you can’t rely on yourself for forever.
With rising inflation, it is becoming more and more difficult to pay for all the necessities. From a $4 gallon of gas to a $10 carton of eggs, all the way to the ever-rising prices of senior pictures which are reaching hundreds and even thousands. It is ridiculous! While I respect the craft of dedicated photographers, how are 17-something-year-olds expected to pay $900 for some pictures they’ll end up despising in 10 years? ‘Cause trust me, I’ve seen my parents’ photos, and if I get the same feeling I get when I see those, ain’t no way. I’d rather spend it on something worth my while… like coffee. Like the good Samaritan I am, I decided I would assist you all so you too can continue purchasing that $8 drink while still getting memorable pictures to display when you walk across the stage. Grab a friend, come in early in the morning before class, during WIN time, study or even just a few minutes after school. A phone camera will be ideal, but if you have something highquality at your disposal, that will work too. Without further ado, here are some unforgettable senior photo inspiration taken from around the LHS stomping grounds:
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BY MORGAN SANDNESS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF superlative: an exaggerated or hyperbolical expression of praise
most likely to...
Polish their head each morning.
Have peaked in high school.
Give you an office referral.
Talk about his horse for the entire period.
Be mistaken for a student. 40
Catch you without an E-Hall Pass.
Have their dogs out in class.
Win a rap battle.
The Easter Bunny is a mystery to most, there is very little known about it. As a result of the lack of knowledge, conspiracies have been created and some proven. Many of these conspiracies may seem farfetched, however, once the evidence is given, they are difficult to deny.
basements, that plan is not simple. In recent years, more and more homes have started installing complex alarm systems that make breaking and entering more difficult for the big rabbit. Now the Easter Bunny works with ADT and Ring doorbell systems to help assist in his illegal activities.
The Easter Bunny uses its long bunny teeth to pick locks on doors and break into homes, similar to how Santa goes through the chimney. One might say that the Easter Bunny should not enter homes by such extreme measures; however, it is the quickest and easiest way to get inside. He can not go through the chimney because it would appear as if he were copying Santa, so he had to create his own method. Picking a lock may sound wild, but it’s actually really easy for the Easter Bunny and easier than how the Tooth Fairy gets inside (through the vents). He could try and burrow through the floor of homes, but with so many people living in apartments and having
The Easter Bunny travels by private plane to arrive and hide eggs at each home. Comparable to Taylor Swift and her private jet, the Easter Bunny is not an environmentalist, and emits very high carbon emissions as a consequence of the amount of diesel he burns through the night of Easter. The Easter Bunny’s plane is specially designed to resemble a carrot and although that makes for a conspicuous flight, he likes to travel in style. He flies the plane himself because he can risk having someone who follows airline rules. He lands his plane wherever he wants and flies as quickly as possible. Those factors combined make for a dangerous, terrifying ride and an unnatural view of a carrot
flying from below. Kyle Stegeman, a freshman Biology teacher, is secretly the Easter Bunny. On the night before Easter every year, Stegeman prepares all the decorated eggs to deliver to the homes he will visit later that night under another well-known title. The movie “Hop” is loosely based on the life of Stegeman. He goes up to Easter Island a couple of times a year to check in on how Easter basket production is going. Not only was he hand selected by the previous bunny to take over, but his dream job since childhood was to become the Easter Bunny. This will be his fifth year being the Easter Bunny and he has grand plans for this year. It’s pretty easy to tell he is the Easter Bunny on account of the bright, springcolored shirts he wears year-round. His love of birds is because birds are his employees, specifically chicks. But his favorite birds are the candy birds, peeps because of how cute they are in an Easter basket. APRIL ISSUE
The English language sucks. Proper grammar is beyond baffling, and the way words are spelled makes it even worse. As the years go on, learning these complex words get easier to spell, but for now, autocorrect is the only thing that can save us. Some words are worse than others when it comes to spelling and these are some of the words that should be re-written to make it much easier for the writer. After surveying students, here are some of the responses submitted:
If you have learned anything from this, let it be that words suck and most of them should just be spelled differently. But for now, we must rely on auto correct to help us spell, because there is no way to remember all the different and complex words and silent letters. 42
Monica Conover
Claire Conover
Michelle Peterson
Elena Conover
Kim Tollinger
Nev Peterson
Liv Peterson
Tara Paclik
Danyelle Brown
Have you noticed a student who is doing suspiciously better in a class than you? Or perhaps a certain individual who somehow beat you out for a leadership role in your favorite activity? The truth is that LHS is crawling with nepotism babies, also known as the children of staff members. To help navigate the difficult world dominated by favoritism that we non-nepotism students face, I have compiled a noncomprehensive list of LHS’ nepotism families. So, the next time you see a student out in the halls without an e-hallpass or notice the lack of a ticket on a car wrongfully parked in staff parking, refer to this chart to see if you are witnessing nepotism at play. Jaws
Rebecca Mehrens-Peters
Ella DuBois
Chase DuBois
Travis Schafer
Tate Schafer
Sumner Christenson
Kara Brown
Trey Salava
Braden Bradfield
Baby Shark
Mark Ernster
Jenn DuBois
Sadie Brown
Josie Tollinger
Trevor Fredenburg
Lisa Bainbridge
Ali Bainbridge
Matt Meyers
Grace Meyers
Abraham Lincoln
Shawn Bogart
Sara Klawonn
Jackson Klawonn
Jared Jansen
Camdyn Ernster
Jared Fredenburg
Eric Rice
Kinsley Ernster
sibling 44
4 45
TheStatesman Statesman The
Conspiracytheory theoryconfirmed: confirmed: Conspiracy adammorrison morrisonhas hasties tiestotoalien alienempire empire adam “I thought was very by many by many Service SecretSecret Service “I thought it wasitvery oddMorrison that Morrison members thatsped then sped that then odd that had had members forming theback way back WhenWhen forming our our DatingDating all theall way planned a competition him offhim off towards the airport. planned a competition towards the airport. plan, we realized there,”there,” to when hestarted first started mastermaster plan, we realized to when he first said Wrightsman. He may Hehave maygotten have gotten said Wrightsman. away away that we could his teaching could not donot thisdo this “We rarely his teaching career,career, LHS LHS that we we could “We rarely of state, beforebefore we could talk totalk to go outgo ofout state, We needed students and teachers alone.alone. We needed help help so hearing students and teachers so hearing that we were him, but him, butwe now had free that we were now hadwefree from an outside alikebeen havenoticing been noticing from an outside sourcesource who who alike have scan the scene go to Nevada reign reign to scantothe scene for for goinggoing to go to Nevada was was Morrison some strange knowsknows Morrison betterbetter shocking.” some strange actionsactions from from evidence. We began to make shocking.” evidence. We began to make than the average theirown: very Adam own: Adam than the average LHS LHS their very we heard ourtoway his classroom, WhenWhen we heard about about our way his to classroom, population. We reached this, we Morrison. Lastwe year, we population. We reached Morrison. Last year, and before wegot even got this, we knew was the and before we even knew it wasitthe to Wrightsman, Zach Wrightsman,perfectperfect an attempt to expose out toout Zach made made an attempt to expose we noticed opportunity to there, there, we noticed what what opportunity to a senior and Bowl Quiz Bowl uncover the MUSH teacher’s a senior and Quiz the MUSH teacher’s seemed be a dollar uncover more information. seemed to be atodollar bill onbill on more information. member, for more involvement within the member, for more involvement within the With much more bravery the ground. Upon With much more bravery the ground. Upon takingtaking information on sealing Empire. on sealing the thethan last Alien Alien Empire. WhileWhile our our information thanyear, lastwe year, we a closer look, we noticed a closer look, we noticed deal for Morrison’s findings were definitely deal for Morrison’s alien alien immediately findings were definitely thatwas thisunlike was unlike immediately any any bookedbooked our our that this ties. ourmeeting first meeting plane plane suspicious and ourAtfirst suspicious and out ofout theof theties. At hadseen ever seen to Nevada moneymoney we hadweever ticketstickets to Nevada and and with Wrightsman, ordinary, we not were not with Wrightsman, he he ordinary, we were up to the E-Wingbefore.before. an alien walkedwalked up to the E-Wing ThereThere was anwas alien withsuspicions our suspicions to confidently with our able toable confidently draw draw agreedagreed to question Morrison in of place of George to question Morrison for for face inface place George and informed any conclusions us thatus that any conclusions about about and informed Washington’s, planning Quiz trip Bowl tripWashington’s, and it and had it had planning a Quiza Bowl theya had Quiz Bowl Morrison. However, Quiza Bowl Morrison. However, our our they had a green hueemanated that emanated such an unsuspecting a green hue that at suchatan unsuspecting competition coming to Areacompetition coming up thatup that beliefsbeliefs of hisoftieshistoties Area location. Asas soon thealmost bill, almost location. As soon we as we off of off theofbill, like like had his doubts its posse alien posse he hadhehis doubts about.about. approached 51 and51itsand alien approached the hallway it wasitglowing. was glowing. We had the hallway We had Normally, competitions still remain. Hehave may haveNormally, competitions are are still remain. He may officially collected our first his room is located,officially collected our first wherewhere his room is located, held to close to home, awaytime, last but time, butheld close home, withinwithinwe saw gottengotten away last wehim sawbolting him bolting for the piece of concrete evidence for the piece of concrete evidence a maximum two drive hour drive thisaround time around we werea maximum two hour this time we were and eager were eager and more door in an all suit black suit and were and more door in an all black from Sioux However, determined to expose Falls. Falls. However, determined to expose him himfrom Sioux and sunglasses carrying a than ready to make and sunglasses carrying a than ready to make our our this competition for good. this competition was towas be to bebriefcase for good. undercover to Nevada briefcase overflowing trip totrip Nevada overflowing with withundercover in Nevada… held inheld Nevada… wherewhere what seemed what seemed to be some to finally to finally Morrison to be some exposeexpose Morrison Area 51 is located. Area 51 is located. his schemes. of paper a suitcase sort ofsort paper and a and suitcase of hisofschemes. filledhis with his belongings. The next Theday, nextwe day, we filled with belongings. he exited the building,gathered gathered our belongings As he As exited the building, our belongings wehim sawbeing him being usheredand prepared and prepared ourselves we saw ushered ourselves limo surrounded for thefor the journey into a into limoasurrounded journey to theto the southwest. As world famous southwest. As world famous journalists, journalists, we hadwetohad be to be for every conflict ready ready for every conflict that that could arise. We loaded could arise. We loaded into into ourclass first seats class and seats and our first were off. When we arrived, were off. When we arrived, we wasted noand timewent and went we wasted no time directly the Air Force directly to theto Air Force base, 51. Area 51. Immediately base, Area Immediately uponarrival our arrival upon our to theto the we shocked were shocked scene,scene, we were EMMA SOUTHWICK DESIGN BYDESIGN EMMA BY SOUTHWICK LHSSTATESMAN.COM 46 46LHSSTATESMAN.COM BY A ANDERSON & ESMMA SOUTHWICK BY ANNA ANNA NDERSON & EMMA OUTHWICK
see a 12-passenger the to team to Nevada to see to a 12-passenger van vanthe team Nevada for onefor one directly out front reasonreason only, to gather parkedparked directly out front only, to gather more more with the license to his build his alien with the license plate plate peoplepeople to build alien “QUIZBWL” and multiple “QUIZBWL” and multiple possy.possy. LHS bumper stickers. noheidea LHS bumper stickers. “I had“Inohad idea washe was Knowing thelevels high levels of to bring us here,” Knowing the high of goinggoing to bring us here,” said said security surrounding Wrightsman. “Hekept just kept security surrounding Area Area Wrightsman. “He just we knew that absolutely had important 51, we51, knew that absolutely sayingsaying he hadheimportant no one was allowed inside business to no one was allowed inside business to attendattend to.” to.” the gates…except the Quiz Having no idea where the gates…except the Quiz Having no idea where the the Bowl team? This would rest of his teammates Bowl team? This would rest of his teammates had had seem impossiblehe asked our help seem impossibleunlessunless gone, gone, he asked for ourforhelp the members to locate his peers. one ofone theofmembers to locate his peers. was involved with their got separated was involved with their “I got “I separated from from operation…weird. theofrest the Bowl Quiz Bowl operation…weird. With With the rest theofQuiz that, had found and Ino have no idea that, we hadwefound what what team, team, and I have idea was likely another piece ofwherewhere they went,” was likely another piece of they went,” said said evidence thatMorrison tied Morrison Wrightsman. “I stopped evidence that tied Wrightsman. “I stopped the oligarchy. alien oligarchy. to tie myon shoe to theto alien to tie my shoe theon the Asas soon we began toway inway in and here,when and when I As soon we as began to here, I walk up to the entrance, looked back up they had walk up to the entrance, looked back up they had all all we were surrounded by at vanished.” we were surrounded by at vanished.” least 15 security guards Now having Wrightsman least 15 security guards Now having Wrightsman who started questioning to helptous, help we began to who started questioning weus, began to and began to handcuff searchsearch for Morrison us andusbegan to handcuff for Morrison and and us before wehad evena had a the rest theofrest the team. us before we even theofteam. to explain ourselves. Wrightsman, possessing chancechance to explain ourselves. Wrightsman, possessing we would knowledge They They told ustold we us would be begreat great knowledge about about the the arrested did not leave the began base, began finallyfinally arrested if we if didwe not leave layoutlayout of theofbase, Atwe last, we evidence. evidence. come. come. At last, the premises immediately;to leadtouslead us to different the premises immediately; to different areas areas had seen real proof of wemade even made it had seen real proof of BeforeBefore we even it however, we not were not in hopes in hopes of finding however, we were of finding any any Morrison Morrison having serious back to South Dakota, the having serious back to South Dakota, the give so easily.sign ofsign life.hours, For hours, ready ready to givetoup so up easily. life.ofFor we weinvolvement involvement the Alien news had newsalready had already in the in Alien begunbegun Knowing that Morrison searched searched through countless Knowing that Morrison through countless Empire. Obviously, to spread. Empire. Obviously, we we to spread. PeoplePeople on ouron our was already hillsvalleys and valleys until we wastedwasted was already inside,inside, we letwe lethills and until we nointime in whipping back could not stop no time whipping flight flight back could not stop the guards that we landedlanded upon looked what looked out our the guards know know that we upon what outcameras our cameras talking and and talking about about “those“those two two Morrison, to belast ourhope, last hope, knew knew AdamAdam Morrison, and and to be our a largea largerecording recording the situation, asgirls who girlsexposed who exposed the situation, as their their presented the guards a building a metal presented the guards with awithbuilding with awith metal vault vault we knew nobody teacher for being an alien.” we knew nobody wouldwould teacher for being an alien.” and Morrison containing the words, picturepicture of us of andusMorrison containing the words, possibly it to came possibly believebelieve this. this. With With that, itthat, came no to no his MUSH class. At once, SECRET: DO NOTSuddenly, in his in MUSH class. At once, “TOP“TOP SECRET: DO NOT Suddenly, we couldsurprise surprise that when we took beforebefore we could that when we took they profusely apologizedENTER.” ENTER.” Gathering they profusely apologized Gathering all all do anything do anything else, Morrison our phones of airplane else, Morrison our phones off of off airplane and stepped us courage the courage hadthe left, the and stepped aside, aside, lettingletting us the we hadweleft, babbled what sounded they blowing were blowing babbled what sounded like like mode mode they were inno with no other questionsthree of three us shoved in with other questions us of shoved open open gibberish gibberish outand loud and up with uptexts, with texts, out loud emailsemails from from free range the door theonly doortoonly find whatwithinwithin asked.asked. With With free range findtowhat seconds, the ceiling every major news seconds, the ceiling every major news stationstation the entire grounds, hadlooking been looking to theto entire grounds, we wewe hadwebeen for for had opened had opened to let in a to interview to let in a askingasking to interview us andus and scavenging the areaall along: all along: theofrest beganbegan scavenging the area the rest theof the gigantic gigantic obviously chats the from the UFO. UFO. From From above,above, obviously chats from any that clueswould that would Quiz Bowl Quiz team Bowl morphed team morphedthe UFO for anyforclues the shined UFO shined Lincoln Brazies GroupMe. a neona neon Lincoln Brazies GroupMe. us to where Morrison into form alien along form along lead uslead to where Morrison into alien with withgreengreen light on Morrison We were We pleased were pleased light on Morrison to be to be and the Bowl Quiz team Bowl team thousands thousands of other and the Quiz of other green,green,so bright so bright that we could getting getting recognition that we could recognition for ourfor our were located. wide-eyed tonot even were located. WhenWhen wide-eyed aliens aliens turnedturned to notstand even stand fearless actions, but were to looktoatlook at fearless actions, but were entering thebuilding first buildinglook atlook at us, breaking entering the first us, breaking their their it. When it. When the stopped light stopped more happy that we could the light more happy that we could our quest, ran into gaze from gaze Morrison from Morrison on ouronquest, we ranwe into who who shining shining we were be at peace knowing and weand were finallyfinally be at peace knowing Wrightsman, who we could was levitating of Wrightsman, who we could was levitating 50 feet50offfeet of off finally finally lookup, back up, thatsuspicions our suspicions able toable looktoback that our about about tellinwas in distress. the ground. tell was distress. This This the ground. Morrison had disappeared. Morrison were reality Morrison had disappeared. Morrison were reality this this confirmed our suspicions We could We could not believe He may confirmed our suspicions not believe Hehave maygotten have gotten away, away,entireentire time. time. that Morrison had brought our the eyes; the moment that Morrison had brought our eyes; moment had hadbut webut got with away with gotwe away APRILAPRIL ISSUEISSUE 47 47
Statesman Statesman ISSUE ISSUE NO. NO. 6 6 APRIL APRIL 2023 2023 ISSUE ISSUE