by Jaida Sorensen A 72 hour juice cleanse is supposed to get rid of all the toxins or impurities in your body that you don’t need. A juice cleanse also helps with becoming more energetic, losing weight and helping clear up the skin. Let’s see if it works.
Juice #1: Liver and Kidney Detox Ingredients: 6 apples (remove the seeds) 10 small cut pieces of beets 1 bunch of celery 1 lemon 2 tomatoes 15 carrots (juice last)
Day #1: This juice wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Even the smell was actually really good. The first taste impressed me. It wasn’t sour at all but instead kind of sweet. Although the after taste wasn’t the best, I can still truthfully say that I would drink this on a regular basis. I could taste the apples and celery but none of the other ingredients. All the ingredients made two large water bottles of the juice which was a pretty good amount. I had to ration myself a little bit when drinking it because that was all I could drink that day, besides water. I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t hungry, because that is the opposite of the truth. Around 5 p.m. I heard my stomach growling so loud that I’m sure China could’ve heard it. But nothing was worse than when my parents made dinner that made my mouth water, and I just had to sit there drinking my juice. Day #2: This juice was terrible. I hated every moment that I had to take a sip of this awful mixture. I had to plug my nose when sipping it because it was that bad. Imagine sour greens with small seeds here and there.
Juice #2: Green Drink Ingredients: 4 apples (remove the seeds) 2-3 cucumbers Small handful of parsley 2 large handfuls of spinach 1 bunch of celery 1 tsp ginger
The plus side of today was that I definitely felt more energetic and happier. I’m not sure if that had anything to do with the juice but I felt more alive. This day I had work for five hours which helped me stay busy so that I would not think about my hunger as much. I had to use the restroom a lot though; it was almost every other hour that I would be soon using the bathroom. At first, I was a little concerned but then I remembered that I have only been drinking liquids for the past two days. I finished the first water bottle, but I couldn’t bring myself to finish the second one. Day #3: This juice only made one water bottle, which was a little depressing, because that meant I had to really ration myself for the whole day. I only got one bottle of nutrients, which might have been the point because it is the last day. This juice was very sour because of the two lemons, to the point where I had to plug my nose sometimes to drink it. Also, after every sip my face looked like a baby’s would after his first time trying a lemon. My stomach didn’t really growl today, which I am very thankful
Juice #3: Super Colon Detox Ingredients: 10 cut pieces of beets 1 bunch of celery Small handful of cilantro 1 cucumber 1 tsp ginger 2 lemons 10 leaves of romaine lettuce Large handful of spinach Small handful of parsley 15 carrots (juice last)
for because then my peers at school wouldn’t glare at me for bringing a bear in the class. I can definitely say I had lots of energy today, because right after school, when I got home, I started cleaning my room and doing laundry. Let me remind you, I never do chores around the house, and to say my mother was surprised to see me cleaning was an understatement. My opinion: I really enjoyed this 72 hour experience. I loved the way I felt after and I definitely did lose some weight. I would recommend this to anyone who thinks they need to feel more energized or wants a fresh start. I will be doing this once a month because of how much I enjoyed it.