November Issue-2021

Page 18

by R by aina Raina MaRty MaRty by Raina MaRty

ThisThis generation generation is surrounded is surrounded by the by the newest newest not.not. any any students students here,here, I never I never havehave trouble trouble withwith getting getting a a This generation isideas surrounded by the newest not.signal,” anysaid students here, I never trouble with getting inventions inventions andand ideas of the of the rectangular rectangular supercomputers supercomputers signal,” said Dr. Dr. Raeder. Raeder. “You “You canhave can eveneven tell tell at four at four o’clock, o’clock,a inventions andsmall ideas of to thefittorectangular supercomputers signal,” said Dr. Raeder. “You can even tell at four o’clock, thatthat are are small enough enough infityour in your pocket. pocket. TheThe device device when when there there aren’t aren’t veryvery many many people people here,here, we have we have more more that small enough fitlooking in your pocket. The device when there aren’t very manyapps people weinhave more canare can find find whatwhat youyou areto are looking for in for less in less than than a tenth a tenth consistent consistent service. service. Everyone’s Everyone’s apps are here, are always always the in the canoffind what you arefor looking forway inway less than aBut tenth consistent service. are always in the aofsecond, a second, which which some, for some, is is too too long. long. But whatwhat background background trying trying toEveryone’s look to look for signals.” forapps signals.” happens when when everyone’s everyone’s largest priority andand most most Although Although LHS LHS hasto has 5Glook 5G towers, towers, the the school school stillstill has has of happens a second, which for some, islargest waypriority too long. But what background trying for signals.” dependent dependent item item is rendered is rendered useless useless for seven forand seven hours? hours? no control no control over over the has the connection. connection. NotNot being being ableable to have tohas have happens when everyone’s largest priority most Although LHS 5G towers, the school still At LHS, At LHS, students students and and teachers teachers are are watching watching the the four four a connection a connection with with the the outside outside world, world, however, however, has has its its dependent item is rendered useless for seven hours? no control over the connection. Not being able to have bars bars in the in the corner corner of their of their cell cell phones phones appear appear then then positives. positives. There There are are not not any any distractions distractions from from learning, learning, At LHS, students and teachers are watching the four a connection with the outside world, however, has itsandand disappear within within walking walking acell few aphones few steps, steps, making making them them itpositives. isita is lota easier lot easier to are put to not put the the phone phone down down for an for hour an hour without without bars indisappear the corner of their appear then There any distractions from learning, and unable unable to do to almost do almost anything anything on their on their cell cell phones. phones. having having the the urge urge to look to look at it. at it. disappear within walking a few steps, making them it is a lot easier to put the phone down for an hour without Students Students fail to do toanything simple do simple things things like like send a Snapchat, a Snapchat, having “Students “Students today today grew upatwith up cell cell phones phones andand theirtheir unable to dofail almost on their cellsend phones. the urge togrew look it. with make make a phone a phone call, call, check check Infinite Infinite Campus Campus and and text text their their parents parents grew grew up with up with their their kids kids having having a cell a cell phone. phone. I have I have Students fail to do simple things like send a Snapchat, “Students today grew up with cell phones and their parents parents a simple a simple afterafter school school change change of plans. of plans. no doubt no doubt thatthat in ain few a few years years technology technology willwill change,” change,” saidsaid make a phone call, check Infinite Campus and text their parents grew up with their kids having a cell phone. I have “This “This building building is over is over 55 years 55 years old.old. It was It was builtbuilt before beforeDr. Dr. Raeder. Raeder. parents a simple after school change of plans. no doubt that in a few years technology will change,” said cell cell phones phones werewere eveneven thought thought of. The of. The cinder cinder blocks blocks thatthat People People havehave suggested suggested thatthat having having no cell no cell service service maymay “This building is over 55 years old. It was built before Dr. Raeder. the the building building is made is made of makes of makes it difficult it difficult for signals for signals to go to goalsoalso be abe safety a safety concern. concern. cellthrough,” phones were evenprincipal, thought of. The cinder blocks thatother “As People have suggested that having no cell service may through,” saidsaid LHSLHS principal, Dr. Dr. Laura Laura Raeder. Raeder. “In “In other “As a PSA, a PSA, parents parents can can always always reach reach theirtheir students students thebuildings building is made of makes it difficult for signals to go also be a safety concern. buildings the the interior interior rooms rooms havehave trouble trouble getting getting service, service,through through the the office, office, andand if there’s if there’s a message a message we will we will get get it it through,” said LHS principal, Dr. Laura Raeder. “In other “As a PSA, parents can always reach their students but but the the exterior exterior is fine. is fine. However, However, if you if you looklook at how at how other other to their to their child. child. I doIunderstand do understand andand havehave a lota of lotempathy of empathy buildings the interior rooms havethey trouble getting service, through the office, and ifimmediate there’s a contact message we their will get it highhigh schools schools werewere constructed, constructed, they werewere builtbuilt almost almost 30 30for parents for parents who who want want immediate contact withwith their child; child; butyears the exterior is fine. However, if you look at how other to their child. I do understand and have a lot of empathy years afterafter LHS.” LHS.” however, however, eveneven in other in other buildings, buildings, like like WHS WHS andand RHS, RHS, there there highRumors schools were they were almost 30thestill forstill parents who want contact with their child; Rumors go around goconstructed, around fromfrom student student to student to built student saying saying the are are areas areas where where youimmediate you can’tcan’t get get service,” service,” said said Dr. Dr. Raeder. Raeder. years after LHS.”turns administration administration turns off off the the internet internet connection, connection, andand however, even in other buildings, like WHS and RHS, there Rumors go around from student to student saying there there are are blockers blockers throughout throughout the the entire entire building. building. the still are areas where you can’t get service,” said Dr. Raeder. administration the internet connection, and “There “There are turns are no internet no off internet blockers blockers at LHS,” at LHS,” saidsaid Dr. Dr. Raeder. Raeder. there are blockers throughout the entire building. However, However, students students mayblockers may findfind thatat that having having no service noDr. service has has “There are no internet LHS,” said a better a better effect effect on their on their learning. learning. Raeder. “There “There are are some some teachers teachers who would would likeno like students students However, students may findwho that having service has to put to put away away their their phones phones during during class class for the for the hour. hour. It is It is a better effect on their learning. pretty pretty nice nice to just to just be able be able to put to put your your phone phone away away during during “There are some teachers who would like students saidsaid Dr. Dr. Raeder. Raeder. to class,” putclass,” away their phones during class for the hour. It is There There are are different different places places throughout throughout the away the school school where where pretty nice to just be able to put your phone during people people willwill get get no service no service at all atbut all but as soon as soon as they as they are are class,” said Dr. Raeder. nearnear a window, a window, theythey seem seem to receive to receive full full service. service. Between Between There are different places throughout the school where trying trying to send to send a Snapchat a Snapchat andand Instagram Instagram failing failing to load, to load, people will get no service at all but as soon as they are students students havehave found found loopholes loopholes where where iMessages iMessages can can sendsend near aaswindow, they seem towhen receive full service. as green green “Text “Text Messages” Messages” when all else all else fails.fails. Between trying to“We’ve send anoticed Snapchat and Instagram failing to “We’ve noticed thatthat in the in the summer summer when when there there areload, are

students have found loopholes where iMessages can send as green “Text Messages” when all else fails. “We’ve noticed that in the summer when there are


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Raina MaRty

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