Oct statesman

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S tatesman L i n c o l n

H i g h

S i o u x Fa l l s , S D

October 20, 2016

S c h o o l

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” -Abraham Lincoln

Vol. 51, No. 1

Home co S ming H

H omecoming 2016-2017 Centerspread


RemembeRing StRauSeR Page 3

gigi Hadid & Kendall JenneR Page 19

WinteR SpoRtS pRevieW Page 22

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Remembering Strauser

a walk through his life and death By GaGe Gramlick LHS student Arick Strauser was beaten to death over the summer. A video of Stauser after the assault was uploaded to social media by a group of teenagers. The LHS community is at a loss. Wilson Deontrez Hughes, 16, was charged with three counts of first-degree manslaughter. The other teenagers that filmed and uploaded the video of Stauser’s death could also face charges. Many members of the LHS community are dumbfounded by the vicious actions of the teens responsible for Strauser’s death. “It was senseless,” said LHS teacher Sara Doyle. “I can’t imagine what could have lead up to it. It’s really troubling, he certainly had the ability to do some good things in this world and it’s too bad that he’s not going to be able to now.” Strauser participated in wrestling and aspired to be a UFC fighter. Outside of wrestling, Strauser enjoyed writing poetry in a journal that he kept on himself at all times. “He was a kid who loved to write,” said Kristi Oskar-Groen, a teacher that was close to Stauser. “He was a kid who appeared to maybe not care about school and a lot of things, but deep down he really cared about a lot, only he

3 Statesman

STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

just didn’t feel like anybody listened.” Strauser’s death was not the only case of teen violence in recent months. Due to social media, many students in the Sioux Falls School District have seen firsthand these criminal acts. “It’s serious business,” said Officer Bob Draeger. “We’ve had a thing called ‘10 Second Fight Club’ where kids get together and they fight, people film it and put it out there to watch. They think it’s cool to watch this stuff, and they don’t realize how serious the injuries can get.” According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), homicide is the second largest cause of death among teens. In 2010 4,829 people ages 10 to 24 were victims of homicide, an average of 13 deaths per day. The source of these statistics is appropriate as teen violence is a disease. It is spread through an environment of isolation and apathy. The cure is simple, care. “Students who experience bullying are more likely to find peer actions helpful than educator or self-actions,” reported Pacer, an organization aimed to end bullying and teen violence. Statistics prove that students at LHS have the power to change the outcome of lives like Strauser’s. LHS has a

responsibility to help each other, and to prevent tragedies like this from happening again. “When I heard about what happened, I said please Lord, don’t let it be someone I know. And it was,” said Oskar-Groen. “It was sad for him. I can’t imagine what he went through because no matter how good or how bad somebody is, nobody deserves to go through pain that way. I think people need to remember that we need to look at everybody with their differences, not just always think of it as not right. There’s not a set box. Just because someone doesn’t fit into that mold of what a high school senior or what a high school junior should be, doesn’t make them good or bad, it makes them different. In our school, there are so many people that are different, and we need to make sure that we reach out to somebody every day. We need to make people feel like they belong.”

To help out the Strauser family, visit Arick’s GoFundMe page to make a donation.

The Statesman is a student newspaper created at Lincoln High School, Sioux Falls Public Schools, 2900 S. Cliff Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57105. The Statesman office is located in room A400. The phone number is 605-367-7998. The Statesman’s purpose is to inform and entertain with an honest and accurate approach. The opinions of students, staff members and faculty are expressed in a tasteful manner. The Statesman is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and is a winner of the George H. Gallup award for “…distinctive achievements in scholastic journalism.” The Statesman was awarded a Pacemaker in 2007 and was nominated for the 2012-2013 year. The editors and adviser take responsibility for the content of the Statesman. Follow the Statesman on Twitter and Instagram with the handle @lhsstatesman and “like” the LHS Statesman Facebook page. Editors-in-Chief: Lizette Wright & Lucy Dekkenga News Editor: Madison Landon Feature Editor: Julia Breukelman Opinion Editor: Sydney Rosinsky Sports Editor: Megan Landon Entertainment Brecht




Social Media Coordinator: Sydney Rosinsky Meet the Varsity: Maddi Barness & Anna Boyens Photographers: Baylie Embry & Karli Soyland Staff Members: Sidney Brower, Jamie Brunken, Summer Ericson, Jack Fehrs, Gage Gramlick, Abbie Griffin, Tanner Hauck, Ellie Lamberty, Oliver Lockwood-Powell, Molly McIntyre, Riley Rasmussen, Emily Whitney and Glory Yount Adviser: Katie Kroeze


Baylie Embry, 12

Favorite thing about Statesman: Sitting in the corner by myself Who would play you in a movie? Ashley Benson Guilty pleasure music: Miley Cyrus

Jamie Brunken, 12

Favorite thing about Statesman: The candy drawer Who would play you in a movie? Lizzie McGuire Guilty pleasure music: “High School Musical” sound track

Summer Ericson, 11

Favorite thing about Statesman: The candy from Kroeze’s drawer Who would play you in a movie? Kylie Jenner Guilty pleasure music: “Saucy Guap” by $YoungAG

Abbie Griffin, 11

Tanner Hauck, 12

Glory Yount, 12

Molly McIntyre, 12

Sidney Brower, 12

Favorite thing about Statesman: Anna Brecht Who would play you in a movie? Shia Labeouf post Transformers Guilty pleasure music: Lil Dicky aka the independent variable Favorite thing about Statesman: The chill vibes Who would play you in a movie? Molly Ringwald Guilty pleasure music: Anything by Fergie

Oliver Lockwood-Powell, 11 Favorite thing about Statesman: Jerald Jefferry Jarovksi III Who would play you in a movie? Bradley Cooper with the perm Guilty pleasure music: 5th Harmony

Emily Whitney, 11

Favorite thing about Statesman: The new staff mascot, Jerald Who would play you in a movie? Leighton Meester Guilty pleasure music: “Ri$k” by Dylan Warwick

Gage Gramlick, 10

Favorite thing about Statesman: Eating the candy as my lunch because I can’t go out with my friends :( Who would play you in a movie? Blake Lively Guilty pleasure music: Classical

Favorite thing about Statesman: If you get done early you can work on homework Who would play you in a movie? If Ellen DeGeneres and Zach Galifianakis had a baby, their baby would play me Guilty pleasure music: Death metal... Jk Madonna

Favorite thing about Statesman: People bringing snacks on their birthday Who would play you in a movie? Steve Buscemi Guilty pleasure music: “Colt 45” (except I’m not guilty) Favorite thing about Statesman: Meeting new people :) Who would play you in a movie? Katherine Heigl Guilty pleasure music: Fergie, “The Dutchess” album

Ellie Lamberty, 11 Favorite thing about Statesman: Emily Whitney being gone every day for tennis Who would play you in a movie? Sam Schwartz Guilty pleasure music: “Saucy Guap”

Jack Fehrs, 11

Riley Rasmussen, 10

Favorite thing about Statesman: The candy drawer Who would play you in a movie? The chef from “Ratatouille” Guilty pleasure music: Men at Work and Foo Fighters (thank you Nick Leach)

Favorite thing about Statesman: Being able to meet new people Who would play you in a movie? Lindsay Lohan in her “Parent Trap” days Guilty pleasure music: “High School Musical” sound tracks



New 2016-2017 LHS staff BY JULIA BREUKELMAN

Joey Struwe Assistant Principal; Activities Director

Kristin Brown Activities Secretary


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

Kit Rodgers

Cori White

English I & Oral Interp

Resource Special Education

Mike Magnuson Algebra I

Rebecca Kaiser Physics & Biology

Jodi Johnson Attendance Clerical &

Lee Metzger

Physical Education

Emily Koo ELL English


LHS students elect the next president: Aukerman BY MOLLY MCINTYRE

The 2016 presidential election is in the final stretch and the American people are left to decide between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Will there be a wall built between the U.S. and Mexico, or will more emails disappear without a trace? The choice is yours. A boy and a girl from each class weighed in on which teacher at LHS they believe could run the country efficiently.



Emily Eirinberg: Mr. Aukerman, he’s super cool and fun. He’s a chill dude.

Rory Crain: Mr. K (auto), he’s the man!

Hunter Merkley: Mr. Moore, because he’s trustworthy, kind and a good person

Lexxy Dluglsh: Aukerman, because he seems like he would express what he believes in.

Kate Fehrs: Mr. Smith, because he’s really helpful. He’s the reason I passed biology.

Hannah Risch: Mr. Rice because he gets along well with everyone.



Griffen Westra: Jansen, because he’s a Trump supporter. PHOTO BY BAYLIE EMBRY Travis Aukerman was the most popular answer when students were asked what LHS teachers would best run the country.

Noah Gerszewski: Mr. Dlugosh, The atmosphere in his class is always laid back, he has a good sense of humor and he’s a nice guy.



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

LHS senior, Jacobson publishes a collection of poems called ‘Human 1’ By tannEr hauck

The LHS hallways are full of hidden talent. Students are involved in so much more beyond the 415 minutes they spend in school a day. Our student population is made up of athletes, artists, singers and authors. The latest talent to come to light is LHS senior Ian Jacobson who recently published his first book “Human 1.” Jacobson announced the release of his novel this summer over social media to many people’s surprise. The book was greeted with enthusiasm and excitement by those close to Jacobson. Jacobson has been writing for pleasure since middle school but just recently made the decision to make his works public. “I started it two and a half years ago and I just started writing it for fun; I never thought I would publish it,” said Jacobson. “I almost burnt out when I published it because it took so long and was so difficult. The formatting was very


LHS senior Jacobson poses with the paperback version of his recently published novel “Human 1.”

frustrating and time-consuming.” According to Jacobson the story went through eight rough drafts before all the spelling errors were corrected Ian published his book through Amazon Createspace, a handy self-publishing website. The book is also available over many platforms including Barnes & Noble’s website and

Amazon in both paperback and hardcover. The 88 paged collection is reasonably priced at $5.38. The novel is a collection of poems beginning two months after the death of Jacobson’s mother, told through a bleak new perspective gained on reality. Each poem brings a new story to the table and with it a new set of emotions.

The collection carries a dark and abrasive tone, Jacobson’s signature writing style. When asked about the specifics of the book Jacobson was pretty dismissive, and instead encouraged interested students to read to find out what the novel was about for themselves. “It’s just a story told through some poetry, about Ian and what he went through,” said Jacobson. “It’s super ornate and wordy and unnecessary but at least it sounds cool.” With the positive feedback that he has received thus far, Jacobson plans to write a sequel or continuation of sorts titled “Human II.” He could not give any further information about the coming book or a time table but did joke around about releasing an audio version of Human with his tranquil voice as the narration. That project is a little ways out, so until then his readers will just have to settle for the boring voice in their head.

Choudhry brother duo strive for perfection in academics and life By Emily WhitnEy

Most family dinner discussions revolve around school affairs, current events or plans for the upcoming weekend. At the Choudhry household, you might be more likely to hear debate over the theory of relativity. This is because LHS students Arjun and Akshay Choudhry have set high standards for academic excellence that has become part of their identity and could brighten their future. “We take pride in our class work and doing well in school,” said Arjun, a junior and older brother to Akshay, a sophomore. “It’s always been a part of our family.” Whether soaring on AP tests or competing in academic competitions, this dynamic duo has become well-known at LHS. Arjun’s 4.2 grade-point average has him tied for first in the junior class, with AP courses boosting his GPA over 4.0. His AP portfolio includes Chemistry, Physics, World History, Human Ge-


Brothers Arjun and Akshay Choudhry stand before a math problem in an LHS classroom.

ography and Statistics. Not only did he take these classes, he also scored a five, the highest score, on all of the tests. Though the brothers support each other, they admit that sibling rivalry does exist when it comes to grades. “We are extremely competitive,” said Arjun. Younger brother Akshay’s schedule includes AP Chemistry, Physics 1,

Statistics and World History. His current GPA is 4.0225, on track to be a 4.2 with this year’s classes. Arjun’s ACT score stands at a 32 from his freshman year and he does not plan to retake it because he is relying more on his SAT, where he scored a 1560. Akshay took the ACT his freshman year and scored a 33, fueling the rivalry. “My goal is to get a 35

on the ACT and a 1580 on my SAT,” said Akshay. The brothers’ academic pursuits are supported by their parents, both doctors in Sioux Falls. Their father is an orthopedic surgeon and their mother is a radiologist. Arjun and Akshay both hope to attend Stanford University, but they’re not just focusing on their own futures. They help other students chase collegiate dreams by assisting with the ACT prep class at LHS. “We have had a lot of success with improving scores,” said Akshay. The brothers know that a wellrounded school experience means more than just classroom success. Both are involved in tennis as members of the LHS team that has captured two consecutive state championships. Overall, it has been an impressive run for the Choudhry brothers, with plenty more lively dinner table discussions and perfect scores to come.


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016


Witch is witch? By Emily WhitnEy

Within the halls of LHS there are many different types of people. Every student is unique in their own way... But are there any doppelgangers within the hallways? Here is what we came up with. You decide witch is witch!

Anika Jensen, Grade 10

Molly Faris, Grade 11

Brooke O’Connor, Grade 10

Britten Blount, Grade 11

Aysia Labata, Grade 12

Chynna Labata, Grade 12

Victor Hernandez, Grade 10

Tristan Cheeseman, Grade 11

Max Burchill, Grade 9

Connor Boe, Grade 10




STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

Six unknown and underrated places in Sioux Falls

By Glory yount It is easy to underestimate the diversity and quality of local Sioux Falls businesses, considering big chain companies such as Target, McDonald’s, Starbucks and Olive Garden consume the majority of the popularity and drown out the smaller establishments. However, shopping locally not only improves the economy for small business owners and entrepreneurs, but it also opens the door for finding unique treasures and discovering acquired tastes for new ethnic foods. The following list only scratches the surface of extraordinary yet underrated local Sioux Falls businesses. Josiah’s Coffeehouse & Cafe: Located on S. Reid street, this small, classic coffee shop could be described as anything except slow. Customers are scattered in various locations of the shop, some sharing conversation over a cup of coffee, some hunkered down working on something with a laptop. Josiah’s offers an outdoor patio along with the indoor seating in order to provide the comfortable, easygoing environment that is beneficial to anyone that just wants to hang out for


Various Sioux Falls places seem to fly under the radar, like the six pictured above.

a while and knock out some homework. Sanaa’s: This gluten-free friendly E. 8th Street restaurant offers a surplus of Mediterranean delicacies and a variety of vegetarian dishes, certain to please even the minimalist of eaters. Still not convinced? The owner, Sanaa Abourezk, has competed with Chef Bobby Flay on the Food Network and made it to the final round. Athena’s Fiber: One of the most notable characteristics about this yarn store is the location. This hidden knitter’s haven is located in an old house deep

inside of a neighborhood on Hawthorne Avenue. Each room of the house has gorgeous yarn stuffed in each nook and cranny; crying out to be taken home. Nothing is as inviting for knitting enthusiasts such as the various knitting clubs offered by Athena’s Fibers. As far as Sioux Falls is concerned, this is yarn mecca. Unglued: This underrated Phillips Avenue shop contains a plethora of handmade jewelry, beauty items and other unique gems. Not only does it contain locally made goods, but Unglued also hosts painting parties for the general

public. Unglued proves to be a perfect destination for both buying distinctive and original gifts. Urban Archeology: This antique store, found almost directly across from the Phillips Avenue Diner, accommodates a variety of vintage items; anything from typewriters and records to dresses and furniture. It is almost too easy to spend a vast amount of time walking up and down the shop, admiring each item and pondering the time period it might have come from. Urban Archeology contains even the most nostalgic items and always has a completely different inventory per visit. Total Drag: The welcoming environment of this E. 12th Street record store is easily one of the traits that has outlined its success in the past three years. Total Drag’s popularity is constantly rising due to the store doubling as a venue for local artists to perform and sell merchandise. Small bands touring around the U.S. sometimes make a stop at Total Drag, playing for the ever-expanding crowd of avid concert-goers that gathers for each show.


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016


How-to put together a Halloween costume

Harley Quinn from “Suicide Squad”

By Sidney Brower and Baylie Embry

Inflatable Mallet Store: Hot Topic Price: $10.00

Daddy’s Lil Monster shirt Store: Hot Topic Price: $26.50

Puddin Choker Store: Hot Topic Price: $10.32

Harley Quinn pants Store: Hot Topic Price: $21.52

Luke Skywalker from the “Star Wars” series

Embossed Belt Store: Walmart Price: $9.00

White/Tan Robe Store: Kohl’s Price: $29.99

Star Wars Extendable Lightsaber Store: Target Price: $8.29

Straight Cut Khakis Store: Old Navy Price: $15.00 PHOTOS PROVIDED BY GOOGLE PUBLIC USE



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

All the Wright things Why we should change the way we think about voting By Lizette wright, Editor-in-Chief


Plenty of people will tell you voting is important for no other reason than it being your civic duty and right. While I fully agree, that yes, voting is important because it’s our civic duty and right, I also think it’s time we change our outlooks about voting and that anyone who is able to, should vote. It’s no secret that when voting is mentioned it’s an instant

provocation that brings about a heavy sigh and an irritated cringe to most. It’s true our choices can be and have been terrible in the past and maybe even now. The candidates aren’t ideal, the 2016 presidential election can tell us that much, but when in history has there ever been a presidential election where there wasn’t at least one thing to be uninspired about? Despite all of this I think there is still the hope that we can change our perspectives on it. What we need today is a voting culture that is about coming together in passion instead of being dragged in force. From the Revolution to the Civil Rights Era, America had been known for their vibrant and colorful culture of voting. These generations fueled and generated groups of activists who utilized their votes to ex-

ercise their rights and claimed power.This lively culture of voting has dwindled, but think of what would happen if we all contributed to a culture of participation. What would it look like to live in a culture that was just as eager to cast their votes as the generations before us? Still not convinced? Maybe you think “enthusiasm or not, my vote will not count.” While one vote will not sway the majority of people’s opinion, it does add to the collective vote in which people with beliefs similar to your own voted for. When you do not vote, who is speaking for you? Who is conveying your beliefs? It may be someone who has opinions that counter your own. When we do not vote we are handing power over to those who may detest everything we stand for, everything we regard as important.

Vote to make known what you believe. All of the time I hear pleading for a dire need of change in government officials, public policy and an exhaustingly long list of other political aspects, a revolution so to speak. In the 2012 presidential election about 50 percent of registered voters showed up at the polls, while of the registered 18-29-year-olds, around 45 percent voted. The power that the other 50 percent of those who did not vote chose not to take claim on is the same power that would have stirred the change they wanted to see. Yes, voting is our civic duty. Yes, voting is our right, but it can be a passion if we make it one. It can be an outlet to convey our values. Voting makes differences.Voting changes the world.


Scare Affair Buy a $1 ticket as a pass to dress up for Halloween during the school day Oct. 31. All proceeds go to the LHS



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016


The establishment of Dakota Access Pipeline: a repetition of history By Summer ericSon, Staff writer

In North Dakota, the Dakota Oil Pipeline, a pipeline designed to carry 20 million gallons of oil across the midwest per day, is currently being constructed. This seems like a beneficial economic investment, but the cultural and environmental aspects that it will deteriorate do not compare to its economic benefits. “The cultures and significance of the Native American race have been disrespected and ignored.”

The pipeline’s pathway will cross through sacred Native American lands. Ancient burial grounds will be disturbed with the making of the pipeline. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe argued that the Army Corps of Engineers violated treaties and regulations

by approving the building of the pipeline, but it was not a successful debate. The right to construct was signed, due to the economic benefits. Choosing economic value over culture, is and has been an evident problem throughout history. Protests have broken out near the construction sites of the pipeline. Not only does the building of the pipeline selfishly take away indigenous Native American land, it could also cause a harmful effect on the drinking water. The fear of contaminated water not only fills the minds of residents nearby, but also environmental groups like The Center for Biological Diversity. This pipeline is being built solely for human beneficiaries. Jeopardizing the water for something that is not necessary is not the right decision. Oil is important to have, but it doesn’t balance with the fact that Native Americans and residents near the oil pipeline could suffer. Many

people have now joined in on the stand against the unethical taking of Native American lands and water. LHS student, Davina Richardson, was present during the protests. Her vivid accounts of the events created memories that will stick with her forever. “The protest was scary and interesting at the same time,” said Richardson. “But no matter what, I will continue to fight for our water.”

of the social tradition of getting free food, Larry-next-door feels “uncomfortable.” Though Larry is only trying to start a fight because he feels empty inside and uses the tears of children to fill a hole his sports car failed to fill, does not mean that Larry is not a member of the city council. Larry just convinced the city to pass an ordinance stating that children 12 and older are not permitted to trickor-treat. Everybody hates Larry. Many towns and cities are setting age restrictions when it comes to Halloween. Luckily, Sioux Falls is not one of those cities. However, that does not mean teenagers can gallivant through the night fueled by the neighborhood sugar supply. Nor does it mean that Sioux Falls is immune to the agist ordinances plaguing the U.S. Despite trick-or-treating being fun and Larry being a butt, adults do have some valid points. We teenagers do tend to interpret “trick-or-treating” as “give me a treat or I will TP your house and

shave your dog.” Unfortunately, refusal to give a treat does not constitute dog shaving. It is fair to say that we pose a higher risk for mischievous behavior than most 8-year-olds.

“Choosing economic value over culture, is and has been an evident problem throughout history.” The results of the protests have been effective, even causing a halt to the construction. Although the construction has stopped, the protests between opposing forces have sadly become violent. At least six protesters have been injured and at least 30 pepper-

sprayed. “The atmosphere felt very aggressive because of the pepper spray and the dogs,” said Richardson. “Knowing how many people were there with me made me feel at peace, though.” Peaceful protests should not have violence involved. People have the right to protect the land that they own. Throughout history, Native American land has been stolen. The cultures and significance of the Native American race have been disrespected and ignored. It is tragic that history is being repeated as Natives’ land and resources are being taken away, yet again. Richardson believes as many people as possible should be at the protests. “I think everyone who believes what the government is doing to us isn’t okay, should be there supporting our water,” said Richardson. “We have already come this far, why do they want to take our water from us now?”

Teenager trick-or-treaters: too old or just teenacious?

By GaGe Gramlick, Staff writer

The sun sets in scenic Sioux Falls, it is Halloween and the monsters are about to come out. Although they do tend to be demented, these monsters are not blood sucking or ghoulish by nature. These monsters are teenagers. “We really only want to eat candy and wear costumes that allow us to express ourselves in ways that are not LHS dress code friendly.”

The proper age to quit trickor-treating has always been somewhat blurred. Is 12 too old? What about 15? 30? When does trick-or-treating go from cute to creepy? The fact is, people like candy. And contrary to popular belief, teenagers are people too. Yet, when teenagers take advantage

“We teenagers do tend to interpret “trick-or-treating” as “give me a treat or I will TP your house and shave your dog.” Besides, there are plenty of wholesome, alternative activities teenagers can participate in; paint a rock that looks like your dad, homework, meth… Just kidding, nobody does homework. What Larry neglects to remember is his wild youth, he was not always the straight-laced, cardigan lover he is today. Back in the day, Larry, better known as Naked Larry, had quite the Halloween outings. Local legend has it, that his 17 year-old self would go door to door dressed as a pregnant lady

and pretend to go into labor. His performance was so believable, what with the umbilical licorice and ghastly Hawaiian Punch, that multiple residents called for ambulances. Yet, he now shames us simply for being young… When it gets down to it, most teenagers are not going to vandalize the neighborhood. We really only want to eat candy and wear costumes that allow us to express ourselves in ways that are not LHS dress code friendly. Oooo, mid-thigh! Do your hands go past your shorts? Scandalous! Regardless, teenagers can find something better to do with their time; haunted houses or scary movies are more than acceptable. However, we are only young for so long. Once we grow up, that is it, game over… After that, we can only wait for death to come. So, why try to abridge our childhood anymore than it already is? Let us bask the glory of our youth, and not be a Larry. Nobody likes Larry.



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

Football is more than just a game on Sunday afternoon

By Molly McIntyre, Staff wrIter Imagine this: You’re scrolling through the TV on a Sunday afternoon. You feel like something is missing, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Then it hits you. You check every sports channel and you figure out what is missing. Football. No DirecTV NFL ticket, no footage of players walking into rival stadiums and no NFL “experts” harassing the San Diego Chargers. Oh what a nightmare that would be. There are many who believe that nightmare should become a reality. But how can someone cancel football or force an enormous population to stop watching the game they love? They can’t. In a recent article by Chuck Klosterman in The New York Times magazine, Klosterman debates whether it is ethical to watch football. Football is one of the most intense contact sports in the nation and with that comes a handful of

injuries. Klosterman believes that football, while a somewhat dangerous sport, should not be elimi“The game is more than just a compilation of stats. It is more than just a Sunday afternoon.”

nated. I agree. `Every player who steps on the field knows they are putting their body at risk for the game that they love. They run out of the tunnel for the fans knowing that their health is at stake. One hit could tear their ACL and end their season, if not their career. Every head-to-head blow can damage a player’s brain without them even experiencing symptoms. But they are willing to chance it for the game they love, for the game they spent their entire life pursuing. So why is it wrong

for the fans to enjoy the game? It isn’t. It is not wrong for someone to watch the game of football. I truly believe that the beauty and the poetry of the game overshadow the negatives. Football is more than just a game. It is families coming together to watch the game they love. It is seeing someone in the hallway with your favorite team’s shirt and sharing a connection with them you did not even know you had. The heartbreaking losses and the inspiring wins is what the game is all about. Football shows that any given Sunday an underdog can prevail; it gives all of us hope. Every Sunday, you can find me

“Football shows that any given Sunday an underdog can prevail; it gives all of us hope.” watching the San Diego Chargers play. Most of the time they lose,

but that is not what the game is about, even though it would be nice to win a game every once in a while. The game is about my family and I chunking out some time in our hectic schedules to bond. Football is a source of euphoria for me. If you think that I am unethical for watching the game I love, you are wrong. The game is more than just a compilation of stats. It is more than just a Sunday afternoon. The game is about underdogs, connecting families and communities together. No one should have to worry that their morals and values are at stake when they watch the game they love. A whopping 64 percent of Americans watch football every. The game is the most popular sport in America for a reason. Of course there will be injuries in a heavy contact sport, but for those that say it is unethical for to continue watching the game: you are so unbelievably wrong.

Tebow tries baseball; former heisman winner returns

By Jack fehrS, Staff wrIter Heisman trophy winner, twotime Heisman trophy finalist, two-time SEC national champion and two-time SEC player of the year. These are all achievements of the phenomenal college football player, Tim Tebow, who you would expect to be playing in the NFL. However, Tebow, as many fans know, was unsuccessful in the NFL. Since then, he has been broadcasting for the SEC network and contributing to other ESPN broadcasts. Although it seems Tebow has stayed busy since he left the NFL, Tebow has embarked on another athletic venture. This past summer Tebow began to train in order to compete in the MLB. After performing well in a workout, the Mets signed him to a deal with their minor league team in early September. The news that Tebow would really be playing baseball was met with a lot of support, but there were doubts by

sports analysts and professional athletes alike. “Here’s my take: I would never bet against Tim Tebow in anything,” said Cardinal’s third baseman, Matt Carpenter, according to ESPN. “I’m actually a big fan. I think he’s got an extreme amount of will and determination, all that good stuff, character off the charts. That being said, this is an extremely hard game… I’d be shocked if he pulled it off.” “If he works hard enough, it is possible that he can significantly improve his game...”

Tebow showed major power and speed in his workout. Even though his mechanics were not phenomenal, they can still be improved. He is not yet on the 40-man roster for the Mets’ minor league, but is

practicing and working out all of the kinks and becoming a better player. “On the other hand, baseball is obviously a very different sport than football that requires a very unique skill set. Running and catching a football is much different than hitting curve balls and 96 mph fastballs.”

Despite the doubts that many people are having about Tebow. If he works hard enough, it is possible that he can significantly improve his game and may have a shot at the big leagues. But I’m talking about A LOT of improvement. It will take a lot of practice to get to be even on the same level of the pros. However, Tebow is a phenomenal athlete and someone who has a lot of determination. He knows the work and the will power

it will take to reach his goal. On the other hand, baseball is obviously a very different sport than football that requires a very unique skill set. Running and catching a football is much different than hitting curve balls and 96 mph fastballs. On top of all that, Tebow has not played baseball since he was 17 and still attending high school. Tebow is going to have to go through months of coaching and training to fix his mechanics and hone his skills in order to compete with his younger baseball peers. There is a slim chance that Tebow can pull this off. This whole ordeal may be more than a publicity stunt to boost jersey sales and to cause a stir after all. If Tebow works at it hard enough, he may be able to improve enough to make it onto the 40-man roster for the Mets’ minor league team. But even from there, Tebow has a long road ahead of him to the MLB. Only time will tell if he can find success in baseball and make it to the big league.


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

Stanford rape case verdict erupts in controversy

By Jamie Brunken, Staff Writer

It’s been in the news recently about how the legal system and society treat the victims of sexual assault. They ask the victims what they were wearing, were they leading the other person on or if they had too much to drink that night. “It’s unfair that the victims have to go through events like this and their attackers go unpunished.” Society asks them everything except the most important question: Are you okay? This has been the case for years. The victims themselves are on trial until it can be proven that they are telling the truth. This is especially true coming off of the verdict of the Brock Turner case. A former Stanford University swimmer, Turner was

convicted and tried on three counts of felony sexual assault because he raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. The verdict? Six months in jail, which was later reduced to three. Three months for sexually assaulting someone seems a little lenient. I, along with many others, agree that the victim wasn’t given the justice she deserved. I find the verdict of this case appalling and it shows how the legal system failed. The victim had to endure her attack all over again and all Turner got was three months in jail. How does that show the victim that we won’t let actions like this go unpunished? During his trial, Turner was facing up to 14 years in federal prison. That was later reduced by the prosecutors to a six-year sentence. The judge, Aaron Persky, decided a six-month sentence would suffice because time in prison would have “severe impacts” on Turner. Turners upbringing,

wealth and reputation are some of the reasons why he got off so easily. His father wrote a letter to the judge, and it is an awful example of the rape culture in society. In it, his father says his son’s life has been “altered forever” because of his “20 minutes of action.” Although this verdict is enraging, most sexual assault cases never actually get reported and the attackers are not brought to justice. Verdicts like this show why victims of assault struggle to come forward. They are given the impression that the crime isn’t important and that they don’t deserve justice. Rape victims fear the legal system and feel like they will be treated like a criminal. How can society blame the victim for something that wasn’t their fault? It has been estimated that for every 1,000 women who attend a college or university, 35 incidents of rape occur each year. Out of those 35 incidents how many do you think get reported? The an-


swer: close to none. Almost 90 percent of sexual assault victims do not report their assault. After the verdict was released, social media erupted in anger. Nobody could believe that someone who raped another human being got a measly six months in jail. I was frustrated that Turner didn’t apologize for his actions. He didn’t take what he did back, but instead blamed the alcohol. He said he drank too much and didn’t realize what he was doing until it was too late. There are cases like this all the time. The attacker is given a slap on the wrist and the victim is told they don’t matter. That needs to change. It’s unfair that the victims have to go through events like this and their attackers go unpunished. People like Brock Turner are let loose without paying the consequences. Society needs to realize that there are no excuses for violence and everyone needs to be accountable for their actions.




By Madison Landon The LHS Homecoming Games proved to be a success. From dress-up days to the football game against Mitchell, there was an abundance of activities for all students to enjoy throughout the week. The dress-up days brought out the spirit of competition as well as pride in LHS as students of all grade levels dressed according to the daily themes. Monday started out the week strong, as denim and khaki faced off. Then, on Tuesday, students had the choice of spots vs. stripes, followed by Wednesday’s theme of sporty vs.



Homecoming Olympics:

techy, where students dressed in uniform as their favorite athlete or wore geeky glasses and suspenders. Thursday’s theme was preppy vs. hipster, where students sported plaid skirts and collared shirts. Friday rounded off the week with a school spirit theme of red vs. white vs. blue in preparation of the Homecoming football game later that night. Overall, the themes helped set the tone for the fun activities that were available to the student body all week. The first activity of the week was on Monday, when 36 teams of students competed for the $90 prize in the bean bag

tournament held by the Student Council. The yelling and cheering of the competitors and their fans could be heard from outside the gym as most games came down to the wire. Finally, after a long battle, the winners were crowned. They were senior Eric Looby and junior Sam Mendel. The competition was entertaining for everyone involved. On Thursday night students could attend Coronation and the RLD Variety Show. The Homecoming queen candidates were Kenna Decker, Katie Patrick, Mandy Neff, Elma Sahuric and Vanesa Arapovic. The five

36 teams compete in the LHS gym in the annual bean bag tournament.

Eric Feng and V Homecoming ro

Cecilia Stolle sings “Misery Business” at the RLD variety show.

Luka Ilic leaps over the meltdown inflatable on Homecoming day.

Part of the LHS staff performs “Thriller” at the RLD variety show.

The Ker


: the Pats get competitive boys nominated were Ben Schilling, Trent Naasz, Eric Looby, Eric Feng and Daniel Gertner. In the end, only one boy and one girl could win, and based off of votes from the junior and senior classes, Eric Feng and Vanesa Arapovic were named Homecoming King and Queen. Following Coronation, students could attend the variety show where they could enjoy watching their classmates showcase their talents to the school. All of the acts were representative of how truly talented LHS is, including Beats by R&G, the LHS Drumline and many singing acts. Another big hit

of the show was the teachers dancing in football uniforms to “Thriller.� Friday was the busiest day of the week with shortened class periods, pizza, inflatables, a shortened version of the variety show for the students who were unable to attend it the night before and finally a pep rally to pump up students and encourage them to attend the game. Despite losing to the Kernels 28-7 at the Homecoming game in the afternoon, the LHS Crazies had the biggest student section yet this season to cheer on the football team. The dance following the game was


definitely the highlight of the night, as there was something for everybody to enjoy. From strobe lights and good music to Mario Kart and inflatables, the dance had its best turnout in years. Overall, Homecoming was a great week for everyone at LHS. It was a fun and relaxing break for both the students and the teachers. The Homecoming Olympics was a great choice for the theme because the competitions kept everyone interested and the dress-up days were easy enough for everyone to dress up to. It was a fantastic week to be a Patriot!

The Lincoln Crazies show their support and pride for the LHS football team at the Homecoming football game.

Vanesa Arapovic are crowned as the 2016 oyalty.

e LHS football team plays against the Mitchell rnels at the Homecoming football game.


Patriot Olympics



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016


Halloween: a magical season for all generations

By Jamie Brunken When September turns to October, the leaves turn from green to bright red and vibrant orange, and the childhood memories of Halloween come racing back. The memories of trick-or-treating with friends, carving scary faces into pumpkins and watching Halloween movies that only come around once a year. The excitement and the feeling of magic when watching movies like “Halloweentown,” “Twitches” and “Hocus Pocus” is what brings back those childhood memories. The anticipation of getting home from school and turning on the TV to catch the start of the movie is what gives adults and teens the chance to be kids again. One of the most popular Disney Halloween movies is “Halloweentown.” Marnie Cromwell (Kimberly J. Brown) learns that she comes from a family of witches, and is one herself, and has to help save “Halloweentown” from an evil warlock and other crea-


tures. As children, it was easy to imagine goblins and witches. This movie brought those fantasies to life and they still do for adults and teens. The thought of there being a different town with ghosts and witches makes the inner child of everyone get excited. It allows the grownups and college students to only worry about whether they ate too much candy. Another movie that brings

back the nostalgia of Halloween is “Twitches.” Twin sisters are reunited and have to use their powers to fight off the darkness that is threatening their home of Coventry. Little kids were able to pretend they were witches themselves with magical powers and the joy that this movie brings can still be felt by those who are not little kids anymore. It gives them the chance to relive their childhood and re-

member what it was like to become immersed in the Halloween season. “Hocus Pocus” is another movie that portrays the essence of Halloween. Max Dennison (Omri Katz) and his sister Dani (Thora Birch) explore an abandoned house after their new friend, Allison (Vinessa Shaw), tells them superstitions and events that have gone on in their town. Max ends up setting three witches loose and they ensure the help of a cat to take the witches book and keep them from becoming immortal. This movie portrays every aspect of Halloween one could think of: magic, witches, black cats and so much more. It reminds everyone what is so special about Halloween and the fall season. Halloween can bring the inner child out of everyone. The carefree feeling of eating buckets of candy and watching movies that seem just a bit more magical than the rest; Halloween movies are something truly magical.

Just clowning around: the creepiest phenomenon in the U.S. By molly mcintyre

It all started in South Carolina. In late August, many called in saying that a group of clowns were trying to lure kids into the woods. Ever since then, clowns have been found spooking everybody in nearly all of the states and a handful of countries. These clowns are not the average, every day clown that makes or breaks a kid’s 10th birthday party. No, these clowns are doing their best to scare the living daylights out of anyone they see. These clowns are trying to lure groups of kids into the woods, chasing people with knives and machetes and are yelling at people from cars. You can find them in creepy situations such as on an abandoned country road in the dead of night, a cemetery or anywhere someone could shoot a horror movie. It is a mystery as to why these clowns sprung up. Some believe it could be a social media fad, others


Clown sightings have been increasig since August. What seemed to merely be a pecularity has turned into an alarming phenomenon.

think that they are just trying to get people petrified for Halloween. Regardless of their rhyme or reason, they are here and do not intend on leaving. Clown sightings have not only scared people, but they have put a negative impact on regular, happy-go-lucky clowns. Clown

Lives Matter groups have formed trying to get people to realize that not every clown was made to be spooky. The livelihood of clowns could be at stake. Schools around the US have banned clown costumes for the upcoming holiday, but that is not staggering the sales of clown cos-

tumes. Clown costume sales are up 300 percent, and will increase as Halloween approaches. Police have warned people that these clowns could actually be carrying weapons and are dangerous. However, they ask you not to harm the clown unless they threaten your well-being, no matter how creepy they could possibly be. On the bright side, the clown craze has not produced a significant amount of people who have been hurt or died. Just to be safe, do not adventure into creepy places in town at night. With Halloween just around the corner, this could just be the beginning of the clown craze. Bozo-arre Clown fact of the day International Clown Week was passed into law by President Richard Nixon Aug. 2, 1972


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

‘The Girl on the Train:’ chugging its way to the top

By ABBie Griffin At number one on the The New York Times Fiction Best Sellers List of 2015 for 13 weeks and 11 million copies sold worldwide, ‘The Girl on the Train” is now being referred to as the next “Gone Girl.” This book first came out on Jan. 13, 2015 and it occupied the number one spot of the UK hardback book chart for 20 weeks straight. Longer than any other book has held that spot. Not only has this book made international attention, it is also being made into a movie which is set to release on Oct. 10, 2016. The film rights were acquired by DreamWorks Pictures in 2014 and is starring Emily Blunt and being directed by Tate Taylor. British author Paula Hawkins has published other writings but none have gotten the commercial breakthrough as this one. This intellectual narrative is told from the point of view of three different women who have different relations with the same


“The Girl on the Train” movie premiered in theaters on Oct. 6. The movie received $24.7 million in its first week.

man. The plot revolves around the lives of Anna, Megan and Rachel. Rachel, an alcoholic who semi-recently just got divorced from Tom, lost her job and gets so drunk on a daily basis she will black out for hours at a time. Anna, Tom’s new wife, mother of his child and former mistress and last but not least Megan, the beautiful woman who lives down the street with a handsome, de-

voted husband, yet no one knows anything about her or her past. As the story progresses, Megan goes missing and the divorce becomes entangled in a missing persons investigation that promises to alter her life’s existence forever. With no dead body turning up and no leads, the police start to latch onto any idea they set in their minds. Their theory was that the unstable alcoholic who cannot even re-

ple are happy with this decision, as they believe that the princesses in the past gave the wrong message about love. “It’s good if you find love, but you do not need it to be yourself and be happy,” said L H S junior Abbie Falconer. “Elena of Avalor” aired its first episode on July 22nd. The influ-

Not only is this one of a kind princess promoting a positive message about womanhood, she is also bringing diversity to the group of princesses. With young girls being surrounded by the entertainment business, people like to see diversity in every way possible. The ethnic groups of the


member where she was that night may have something to do with the case. Leads were also pressed on her husband on her disappearance but he was not the only man she was seeing. She found comfort in the arms of her therapist Dr. Abdic. The storyline continues to build around a missing Megan and the idea that her being missing could have more to do than just her husband. Although this book could be confusing to follow because of switches in narration, most readers could read this book and enjoy the complexity of the characters and the plot. With the difference in character nature, the story is engaging and is hard to put down. For me, time after school consisted of trying to finish this intriguing book. I am not the only one who believes this book is exciting. “A high speed ride full of twists and turns. Gazing out of the train window will never be the same again,” said book critic, Colette McBeth.

Let the childhood memories come flooding back: Disney princesses

By Summer ericSon Growing up, children were surrounded by legendary Disney characters. Whether it was Mickey Mouse, or the Disney princesses, these personalities were the idols of many. Although these movies and books seemed and may still seem like nothing but unrealistic fairy tales, the underlying meaning and lessons that are incorporated have an impact on people around the world. With the release of the newest princess many were happy to discover that the first Latina princess was created, “Elena of Avalor.” The newest addition to Disney will be a series of episodes that will be available to watch online and on Disney Channel. Viewers will watch as the princess uses her resilience and thoughtfulness to solve problems. This princess also will be steering clear of love, contrasting to most previous Disney princesses in the past. Some peo-


ences of Hispanic and Latino culture are very present in the episodes of “Elena of Avalor.” Latino musical styles like the salsa and mariachi are heard throughout the series.

princesses differentiate, spreading a message that every race is important. Before the addition of the first Latina princess, the nationalities of some of the princesses included Native American, African American, Indian and Chinese. Many people think that the relationships between young girls and fictional characters could, in a way, shape young children’s selfesteem. Falconer agrees with the

idea that diversity should be promoted. “We have a world of millions of people,” said Falconer. “It’s really important that society represents everybody.” The second newest Disney princess will be “Moana” from Hawaii. The princess’s story will follow along with her as she faces challenges during the voyage to a famous island. Ten-year-old Lily Hennies is excited about the new Latina and Hawaiian princesses. “I think the new Disney princesses are cool because they will be different than all of the others. I also think that the princesses are good role models,” said Hennies. “Elena of Avalor” is now airing as a TV show on Disney Channel, and “Moana” will make its debut on Nov. 22, 2016. Both of these Disney created animations are expected to have high ratings because of their uniqueness.


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016


Jiggly to jacked: The return of Gucci Mane

By Oliver lOckwOOd-POwell

With the return of the widely known rapper Radric Davis, also known as Gucci Mane coming back from prison after a threeyear stint, rap fans around the world are excited for more exhilarating lyrics and hysterical music videos by him and his colleagues, but there is a twist. After Gucci Mane returned from his sentence served at an Indiana federal penitentiary for possession of guns and drugs, the Atlanta native was not acting the same. According to some of his friends, he is a clone made by the group known as the Illuminati. Friends of his such as rapper Torrence Hatch, also known as lil Boosie, were almost positive that he was a clone. He believed that he was a clone because when they went to record a song together, it seemed all wrong, everything was out of place and his head was not in the game.

“That’s not the real Gucci or will it be the same old GuMane,” said Hatch. “I rock with cci? Will we see the traditional Gucci the long way but that ain’t creative rhymes, or is that long the real Gucci. We were both sit- gone? All these are questions rap fans are thinking ting in the about but do not studio and he know the answers seemed lost to. and after his “If a man does show at Mannot have the sion he called sauce, then he is me Herman.” lost. But the same With the man can be lost question in the sauce,” said out there of Radric Davis. whether or After a few not he is a weeks back, Gucclone, no one Photo Provided by google Public use for sure can really get to the bot- ci Mane has already collaborated tom of it. What rap fans can get in a few songs like “Last Time” to the bottom of is the fact that with Travis Scott and he seems a very talented rapper made his aware that people are questionway back into the studio and is ing him. Within his verses he expected to drop a few albums says things like “They thought featuring collaborations with big I was a clone cuz they heard me name artists, such as Drake, Fu- speak proper.” ture and others. Will it be more This is not the first time Gucci aggressive and straight forward, Mane has been arrested. In 2010,

he was sentenced to an 18-month stay in a county jail, but was released one year early because he scored a huge legal win behind his lawyer and his legal team. Back in 2013 he was caught skipping parole, and more legal issues piled on to his record. It is finally official. Gucci Mane is a free man. When presented over his Snapchat, a video of him cutting off his ankle brace tracker, it showed all the exhilarated fans what was next to come from the life of Gucci Mane: more intriguing raps, down to earth snapchats and humorous interviews with the press. When the news of his freedom officially dropped in the news, fans all over Twitter were praising the comeback and drooling in their mouths for more Gucci Mane music. “Gucci is back and so is my will to live,” said one anonymous fan. “Can’t believe Gucci is out, today is a holiday.”


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016


Supermodels influence more than just the fashion industry

By AnnA Brecht Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid have officially taken over the fashion industry. Considering that they are only 20 and 21 years old, being the two most known supermodels in fashion is a pretty big accomplishment. Being well-known models is just a minor accomplishment compared to everything else that they have attained so far. Jenner and Hadid have made an impact on many people all over the world, with Jenner raking in 65.6 million followers on Instagram and Hadid with 22.8 million followers on InstagramJenner and Hadid could possibly bring in between $125,000 to $300,000 per social media post. Yes, they are both social media stars, but they did not get there just because. Jenner is a part of the reality TV show with her family, “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” and Hadid’s mom Yolanda Hadid, is a former model and part of the reality show “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” which Hadid makes appearances on as well. They have completely taken over magazine covers and runways all over the world.

More than


Jenner and Hadid are pictured walking in the Chanel Haute Couture fashion show in January 2016

Speaking of covers and runways, Jenner and Hadid rank as the #1 and #2 in the amount of Vogue covers they have been on. Jenner has been on over ten Vogue covers, with a variety of countries in the mix. Hadid has been on over eleven Vogue covers, also with a number of different countries. Out of those covers, one of Jenner’s included a mini issue of just her. Every single page was filled with pictures and quotes from Jenner, and the issue was called “The Kendall Effect.” This proves that she is this moment’s “it girl” and has an influence on many. Jenner also covered the biggest Vogue issue of the year, this September Vogue issue, an issue with


800 pages in it. It is considered the biggest issue of the year because September is fashion month all over the world. Hadid also covered an American Vogue cover this year for the Olympics, with Ashton Eaton, who is an Olympian himself. The runways that they have strutted down are another accomplishment added to their list of things they have done by the ages of 20 and 21. In this year’s New York Fashion Week, both of them added a number of runways to their list, walking in shows such as Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren and many others. Both Jenner and Hadid have walked in over

55 shows each, displaying new fashion looks for each season. Taking over the fashion world in more ways, Jenner is a model for Calvin Klein clothing, and Hadid is a model for the Stuart Weitzman shoe line. Hadid actually walked in her own clothing line at NYFW this year, which she teamed up with Tommy Hilfiger for, and their line is called TommyXGigi. Jenner and Hadid are both the faces of major makeup companies as well. Jenner is the face of Estee Lauder, and Hadid has become a face of Maybelline. Being all over social media, covering magazines, walking on catwalks and being the faces of well-known brands shows what each of these supermodels have accomplished by such young ages. Jenner, 20, and Hadid, 21, have shown that with hard work, it is possible to reach certain goals. While nobody should strive to be them, fans can admire their hard work and how they continue to affect the people who look at their work as an achievement among many.

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Sports OCT. 20, 2016


LHS football By the Numbers New quarterback’s comeback from knee injury 1,

Number of


career digs by


seNior aNNa boyeNs average Number of strokes by


seNior george mickelsoN iN the state tourNameNt


Number of goals seNior madisoN laNdoN

scored by

this seasoN


Place the lhs girls teNNis team earNed at the state tourNameNt

Upcoming EvEnts Tuesday, Oct. 25

Varsity Volleyball vs. RHS @ LHS

Thursday, Oct. 27 Varsity Football Playoff @ Howard Wood Field

Thursday, Nov. 17

Varsity Volleyball State Tournament @ Brookings Swiftel Center

by sydNey rosiNsky Being the “new kid in school” may come with a lot of emotions and stress. From the pressure of making new friends to learning the layout of the school, starting somewhere new can be difficult for any high school student. But for junior Preston Eisenbraun, these cliche stresses are not what he has experienced. Second semester of last year was when Eisenbraun first became an LHS Patriot. Moving from Wall, SD, Eisenbraun did not have to take too far of a journey to get here. “School is different here than in Wall because there are a lot more kids and school itself is a lot bigger,” said Eisenbraun. “But it wasn’t a hard transition for me.” Eisenbraun has always been an athlete. When he lived in Wall he found himself to be involved in football, basketball, baseball and track. At LHS, he soon found comfort when joining the football program as the starting quarterback. “It has been pretty easy to get adjusted to the coaching here,” said Eisenbraun. “The coaches really helped me get used to the way things are right away.” Unfortunately, the first game of the season played a toll on the newest edition to the team. On a broken play, Eisenbraun got brought down and suffered a familiar pain in his knee. “I was on an extra point attempt, and we had a bad snap, so the kicker yelled ‘fire’ meaning the play was broken down,” said Eisenbraun. “I started running to


Junior Preston Eisenbraun’s first game back from ACL injury was the Homecoming game vs. Mitchell High School on Friday, Sept. 30.

try and get into the end zone. My knee then buckled as a guy tackled me from my left shoulder. It bent awkwardly and ended up tearing my ACL.” In sports, hearing the phrase “torn ACL” is almost like a death sentence. This type of injury can take months to recover from and for some athletes, there is no going back. For Eisenbraun, he had experienced this before, so his comeback came a lot quicker the second time around. “I had torn my ACL last year before the season,” said Eisenbraun. “That injury felt a lot worse and my knee was very unstable. That is part of the reason why I moved to Sioux Falls for this season. With this tear, my knee does not feel any different, and I can walk on it and pretty much do everything without too much pain.” Eisenbraun’s injury had been detrimental to the team because they were missing their first

string quarterback, making the first few games rough. His comeback in the Homecoming game made it easier for players to be filled in their natural positions. “I always kind of planned to just try to brace it up and play on it,” said Eisenbraun. “I’ve been doing physical therapy early in the mornings before and after school since I got hurt. The doctor was surprised how stable my knee was without the ACL and decided to give me the okay to play as soon as I got my strength back.” Eisenbraun notes that the constant physical therapy three to four times a week is what helped him recover so fast. “The ultimate goal is to win the last game of the season and make it to state,” said Eisenbraun. “We are going to do our best at achieving that. I plan on playing throughout the rest of the season and then get surgery after.”


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

Freshmen make a standout appearance at LHS

By rilEy rasmussEn As freshmen begin their journey through high school, they have the chance to get involved with activities they are passionate about. The pressure is on for freshmen athletes as they enter into high school sports with tougher practices, competitors and games. Entering this new world can be intimidating to play and practice with the more experienced upperclassmen. However, many freshmen are up to the challenge by making varsity teams and working hard to do their best. Kate Sargent is involved in LHS competitive cheer and dance. She is participating in all four competitive dances such as hip hop, jazz, pom and kick, and also is a flyer for the LHS cheer team. “In some of the dances I am

the only freshman,” said Sar- we have to do to prepare for the gent. “It is really nerve-racking game so we can do our best,” because I don’t want to let my said Hackett. Caroline Sudbeck runs for the team down.” LHS Varsity cross country team. Lexi Herr plays as a defensive While running and specialist on the LHS training, Sudbeck Varsity volleykeeps in mind ball team. the words from “Keeping up senior teamwith everymate, Katie thing can Patrick, who sometimes be always says a pressure,” “Carpe Diem” said Herr. “I meaning seize just try my the day. hardest at each “I want to imgame and practice.” prove each year I run so Elliott Hackett plays PHOTO BY MADDI BARNESS I try to do my best and on the LHS freshman get better,” said Sudbeck. football team. Before every Emma Osmundson is shortgame Hackett likes to listen to stop and leadoff hitter for the Beyonce’s “Single Ladies (Put a LHS Varsity softball team. Ring on It),” and each game he “Especially being a freshman, wears the same white socks for a people judge you a lot more,” superstition. said Osmundson. “You just have “We all just focus on what

to be humble.” Wyatt VanDenTop plays right-back for the LHS Varsity soccer team. To be prepared, VanDenTop listens to Jay-Z and warms up before each game. “The coaches expect a lot out of me,” said VanDenTop. “I am just a freshman so it can be a lot of pressure.” Morgan McDonnel plays as an outside-back for the LHS Varsity soccer team. “I try to play as well as the upperclassmen and try not to let them down and not make mistakes,” said McDonnel. Brita Quello plays for the LHS Varsity tennis team. This season, Quello has won over 20 matches along with being part of an undefeated team. “My team and I have made so many memories together, and I can’t wait to make more,” said Quello.

Family is inspiration for elite athlete Patrick

By ElliE lamBErty Throughout her childhood, she remembers watching her dad run, bike and swim, and when she was old enough, she loved to join him. After years of waiting at the finish line to see her dad finish races, the tables were turned. This time, her dad was cheering her on for a monumental moment in her life. LHS senior Katie Patrick enjoyed spending time with her father while he was training for triathlons. That was when they spent the most time together. Her love for the sport began at competitions her family took part in, and as soon as she could, Patrick began competing. She has become extremely successful in triathlons since she ran in her first one when she was only 6-years-old. “I wanted to be involved in triathlons because my whole family did it, and because I really enjoyed it,” said Patrick. “I don’t know if I really had a ‘why’ right away, but now I say I do it because I love it and it makes me happy.” Patrick spends hours training.


Katie Patrick finishes the race at the Junior Elite National Championship Invitational. Katie finishes 14th in the race.

Whether it be a light or hard day, she is constantly active. Even during the school year her free time is spent training. She is a member of the cross country and track team, but her work outside of competitions is what makes her an elite runner. “On my most rigorous days, I wake up and have swim practice for about two hours,” said Patrick. “Then, we do a run and that’s usually shorter, about 30 minutes, and a bike ride in the middle of

the day that is usually an hour. Then, at night, usually a longer workout that is sometimes a combination of the three.” Patrick’s hard work paid off in late July this year when she competed in the Junior Elite Nationals for ages 16 to 19, in West Chester, Ohio. Only 75 triathletes nationwide qualify for the competition. Patrick had to finish in the top 20 in one of three qualifying races to run at Nationals. She punched her ticket at the qualifying competi-


tion in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. “My goal was to finish in the top 15, and I finished 14th. I was really excited about that,” said Patrick. “I’m grateful for my family, coaches, teammates and friends that help me achieve my goals. It’s their support that got me to where I wanted to be at the end of my season.” Patrick plans to go to college, but with triathlons not yet being sanctioned as an official NCAA sport, she will focus on academics and participate in triathlons as a club sport. Although she is not focusing solely on triathlons in the future, she does hope to continue competing throughout her life. “I don’t plan on coaching, but I do think triathlons will be a big part of my life,” said Patrick. “I know I want to do an Ironman when I’m older. I won’t be doing triathlons competitively, but they will always be a part of my life. I hope my future kids and husband do them too, because I love that my whole family does them now.”



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

2016-17 Winter SportS previeW By Madison Landon

Boys Basketball

How they prepared: Senior point guard Carson Coulter and the reigning state champions have prepared by pushing each other in open gyms and working to build team chemistry. Expectations for the season: “They are high for sure, and hopefully we have a similar result as last season,” said Coulter.


Girls Basketball

How they prepared: Senior basketball player Anna Brecht and the rest of the Lady Pats basketball team have been working through the summer and fall, attending open gyms, lifting and participating in fall league, where they play two games every Sunday to prepare for their season. Expectations for the season: “I have high hopes for this season because we have some really talented new freshmen coming in that will add depth to our team, so I think we will be able to make state this year,” said Brecht.



How they prepared: Junior bowler Matthew Dunham has prepared for the season by bowling throughout the summer to keep sharp. Expectations for the season: “Beat everybody, have fun and eat. Ow ow,” said Dunham.


How they prepared: Junior gymnast Michaela Mohr and the LHS gymnasts have done open gyms to practice and get ready for their season starting this winter. Expectations for the season: “I’m excited because we have a newer team because a lot of people graduated and we expect to do well at state this year,” said Mohr.



How they prepared: Senior wrestler Corey Fichter and other members of the LHS wrestling team went to multiple wrestling camps during the summer to prepare for their upcoming season this winter. Expectations for the season: “My expectations are to get at least six guys into the state tournament,” said Fichter. “I am excited because we have a lot of guys coming back from last year and I think everyone is excited.”




STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016


Standing Patriette

Olympic athletes should take more pride in representing their country By Megan Landon, sports editor

Although the U.S. exceeded every other country in the Olympic medal count this summer in Rio de Janeiro, Americans were left feeling slightly defeated after the questionable behavior of our athletes during the games. The Olympics are a time that athletes should have pride in their country and try to show the world why the U.S. is the best, but some of the athletes seemed to have taken the privilege of donning the red, white and blue for granted. For years, Hope Solo has been known as the goalkeeper for the U.S. national women’s soccer team who isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and is widely regarded as the best female goalkeeper of all-time. During the Olympics this summer, the USWNT was expected to win the tournament and become the first

team to ever win an Olympic games back-to-back after winning a World Cup, but the U.S.’s stand in the tournament was short-lived when they were defeated by their rivals Sweden before the quarterfinals. After the game, Solo commented that the Swedes were cowards and the better team did not win the game. It was a completely inappropriate comment from a seasoned veteran of the national team, and it deservedly resulted in the termination of her contract and her resignation from club team, Seattle Reign. This wasn’t the first time that her words have caused her problems, as she has made rude comments about teammates, former U.S. players and fans all out of anger. Everyone was always so quick to dismiss them because of her talent, though. In Rio, Solo let down all of the young girls

who have looked up to her and her teammates who have believed in her for all 17 years she was on the team. Another controversy that occurred during the Olympics was when 32-year-old swimmer Ryan Lochte lied about being jumped in Rio one night during the games. Lochte, who only swam in two events, was out with other swimmers and got intoxicated at a club, where he then got into a cab and stopped at a gas station. He claimed that there, the swimmers were approached by men with guns who made them get onto their knees and then took all of their money. Lochte and his crew didn’t report the incident for several days, which should have been the first red flag. Then, the story kept changing throughout the games and it was uncovered that the swimmers had fabricated many details of the encounter,

lying about what truly happened. Team USA’s faithful fans cringed as we heard the real story unfold because we are so proud of our athletes, especially experienced ones like Lochte, that we hold them on pedestals and believe they can do no wrong. Lochte clearly disappointed his country with his actions during the games, and like Solo, let down all of the kids around the world that admire him. When all eyes are on Olympic athletes, they need to handle the pressure and spotlight better. Being able to represent the U.S. should be a great honor because we, as fans, have so much pride in our country. Solo and Lochte are athletes who are leaders in their respective sports and have been competing on a world level for over a decade. They represented the U.S. inadequately and should have known better.


Henry Klitzke, 12

Gabe Peters, 12

Julia Breukelman, 12

Mandy Neff, 12

Katie Patrick, 12

Pregame Ritual: One hour of motivational selftalk, two hours of tears Good Luck Charm: A gentle kiss on the cheek from Lincoln’s most beautiful boy, Tucker Hall Spirit Animal: Duckbodied platypus

Pregame Ritual: Praying to the running God Jazzy Coop Good Luck Charm: My newly polished Asics Spirit Animal: Jack VanVeldhuizen’s thumb

Pregame Ritual: I contemplate life Good Luck Charm: I’m never lucky Spirit Animal: The silverback gorilla

Pregame Ritual: Sacrificing a freshman in the locker room Good Luck Charm: The same pair of socks I’ve been wearing since third grade Spirit Animal: My dead dog Scout

Pregame Ritual: Sleep Good Luck Charm: An old tic-tac Spirit Animal: A walrus

Pregame Ritual: Listening to “Lose Yourself ” by Eminem Good Luck Charm: When my teammates are happy before a race Spirit Animal: Cheetah



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

FOOTBALL Eric Looby, 12

Trent Naasz, 12 Pregame Ritual:

Pregame Ritual: Drink a 5-hour energy and almost pass out Good Luck Charm: The compression shorts that Cole won’t give back to me Spirit Animal: Paul Thanel

Mine and Coach Mo’s handshake

Good Luck Charm:

My white and red Elites I’ve worn every game since freshman year Spirit Animal: An outside dog

Ben Schilling, 12

Joe Sudbeck, 12 Pregame Ritual: Mourning the death of our beloved Harambe

Pregame Ritual: Singing “Adam’s Song” by Blink-182 with Tucker Good Luck Charm: Grey Swoosh Nike socks Spirit Animal: Dirty Money Zebra

Good Luck Charm:

Clown masks

Spirit Animal: A baby gorilla because they’re short like Jack V

Payton Sudenga, 12

Harrison Backer, 12

Pregame Ritual: Listening to hardcore heavy metal and roasting Jack V about his height Good Luck Charm: My mother’s necklace and wearing as much pink as I can Spirit Animal: A wolf...Because BIG DOGS-Gotta eat!!!

Pregame Ritual: Deven Lovro and I put on each other’s jerseys Good Luck Charm: Collin Bryson’s beard and my bottle of GoldBond Spirit Animal: A shaven guinea pig that learned to walk upright because it looks like Jack V

Corey Fichter, 12 Pregame Ritual: Take a shot of 5-hour energy with Eric Looby Good Luck Charm: My wristband Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous” Spirit Animal: Lion

Stan Larson, 12 Pregame Ritual: Staring at Jack Meyer’s smile and stroking Collin Brison’s beard Good Luck Charm: Kya Marie’s heart Spirit Animal: Ben Schilling because GAINZ

Tucker Hall, 12 Pregame Ritual: I listen to Blink-182 with my Ben Schilling Good Luck Charm: My lucky headband Spirit Animal: Xavier because he is fat

Deven Lovro, 12 Pregame Ritual: I listen to Bobby McFerrin “Don’t Worry Be Happy” while Harrison puts on my game jersey over my pads Good Luck Charm: Pre-workout

Spirit Animal: Butterfly

Jack Van Veldhuizen, 12 Pregame Ritual: Deep conversations with P.Suds about my height Good Luck Charm: Chest bumps with Ben Schilling Spirit Animal: Thumb, yes a thumb



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

FOOTBALL Cole DeBerg, 12 Pregame Ritual: Stretching out Eric’s compressions Good Luck Charm: #7 Spirit Animal: Dirty Money Zebra

Brennan Large, 12 Pregame Ritual: Music Good Luck Charm: D Lov Spirit Animal: Liger

Ben Boehrns, 12 Pregame Ritual: Becoming the infamous club man Good Luck Charm: My club hand Spirit Animal: Dodo bird

VOLLEYBALL Anna Boyens, 12 Pregame Ritual: E stim, flexall and quality time with Adam Sandler and B Fox Good Luck Charm: Wearing my red towel around my neck Spirit Animal: Ms. Chanandler Bong

Maddi Barness, 12 Pregame Ritual: Spiling on myself Good Luck Charm: My knee brace and mismatched socks Spirit Animal: Meredith Grey

Anezka Szabo, 12 Pregame Ritual: Rap-battling Sydnaya Good Luck Charm: Pre-game mirror pic snap Spirit Animal: Kylie Jenner

Tominee Sorenson, 12 Angie Lee, 12 Pregame Ritual: Braiding more than half the team’s hair...then eating some good Bagel Boy Good Luck Charm: Adam Sandler as our new athletic trainer Spirit Animal: Christina Yang...cause ya know

Pregame Ritual: On game days I take power naps at Ellie’s house over open lunch Good Luck Charm: My special bobby pin Spirit Animal: ABBA

Sydney Siegel, 11 Pregame Ritual: Listening to “Dancing Queen” Good Luck Charm: Allie Engel’s man bun Spirit Animal: Adam Richman from “Man vs Food”

Allie Engel, 11 Pregame Ritual: Jamming out to “Dancing Queen” Good Luck Charm: Sydney Siegel’s arm brace Spirit Animal: Starnosed mole



STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016

GIRLS SOCCER Madison Landon, 12 Pregame Ritual: Summon my inner Cristiano Ronaldo Good Luck Charm: My Cristiano Ronaldo bobblehead Spirit Animal: Meg when she’s hangry

Kennedi Keller, 12 Pregame Ritual: Giving Elisabeth Tifft a.k.a. “hood mom” cornrows Good Luck Charm: Morgan McDonnel Spirit Animal: Peyton Johnson or Eva Mendoza

Megan Landon, 12 Pregame Ritual: Hiding from dad Good Luck Charm: Big Bird Spirit Animal: Hood mom

Molly Faris, 11 Pregame Ritual: Eating a bean burrito from Taco Johns Good Luck Charm: Mollie, Abbie, Britten and I wear our jailbreak sports bra to every game Spirit Animal: Peyton Johnson and her dead animals

Sydney Johnson, 12 Pregame Ritual: Warming up last in the right line Good Luck Charm: Big Bird Spirit Animal: Kennedi Keller

Abbie Griffin, 11 Pregame Ritual: Listening to dad’s criticism Good Luck Charm: My right leg and its many injuries Spirit Animal: Kayane Childs

BOYS SOCCER Blake Hustrulid, 12 Pregame Ritual: Slipping into my sleek leg brace Good Luck Charm: My leg brace Spirit Animal: Any gorilla who is living (or was living) in a zoo

Mike Schmidtman, 11 Pregame Ritual: Stretching with Brian Good Luck Charm: Wheaties, always eat your wheaties Spirit Animal: Brennan Huff from “Step Brothers”

Liam Downey, 11 Pregame Ritual: Bagel Boy Good Luck Charm: Nick Leach’s stubble Spirit Animal: Canada Goose

Connor Corsini, 11 Pregame Ritual: Eating Bagel Boy for lunch Good Luck Charm: Wearing 3 pairs of socks during games Spirit Animal: Dwight from “The Office”

Isaac Woods, 11 Pregame Ritual: Tournament seeing who can balance the longest on Liam’s crutches Good Luck Charm: New followers on Instagram and Twitter (Wisaac03) Spirit Animal: Glaucomys sabrinas

Trace Dobson, 12 Pregame Ritual: Trying to balance on Liam’s crutches Good Luck Charm: Doug’s beard Spirit Animal: Blue Wildebeest


STATESMAN | Oct. 20, 2016


SOFTBALL Baylie Embry, 12

Alexis Smith, 12

Monique Renville, 12 Pregame Ritual: Showing up five minutes late Good Luck Charm: Corey Fichter because he is our only other fan Spirit Animal: Howie from “The Benchwarmers”

Pregame Ritual: Listening to Emma Osmundson and Chloe Black sing during warm ups Good Luck Charm: Mo always being late to game days Spirit Animal: Jaden Javers

Pregame Ritual: Rubbing my bat (to warm it up) Good Luck Charm: Megan Spears, because she is one of our only fans Spirit Animal: Regina Fallange

BOYS GOLF Tyler Westra, 12

George Mickelson, 12

Pregame Ritual: Air squats with George Mickelson and Bronson Vasa Good Luck Charm: Washing golf balls before playing Spirit Animal: Eagle

Bronson Vasa, 12

Pregame Ritual: Rub Nash Stenburg’s femur Good Luck Charm: Everyone coming to our meets to cheer us on... oh wait Spirit Animal: Bronson and Megan’s future kid named Back Breaker

Pregame Ritual: A soft tender caress to Nash Stenburg’s femur Good Luck Charm: Nash Stenburg’s femur Spirit Animal: Femur

GIRLS TENNIS Sidney Brower, 12 Pregame Ritual: Eating a pan of Special K Bars with my team Good Luck Charm: Hugs from the Emily Whitney Spirit Animal: Nat Benson (Meredith’s little sister)

Brooke Lovrien, 12 Pregame Ritual: Drinking a dozen raw eggs Good Luck Charm:

Natalie Benson, Meredith Benson’s little sister who cheers for me every game Spirit Animal: The silly rabbit from the Trix are for kids commercial because he never gives up

Meredith Benson, 11 Pregame Ritual: Check ing out Tom’s chacos of the day Good Luck Charm: Pre-match caramel apple suckers Spirit Animal: Ivy Whitney

Featured in next issue: Chorus, Band, Orchestra and Student Council

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