April Issue

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Statesman L i n c o l n

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April 2018

Vol. 52, No. 5









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Photo Photo Credits: Credits: 1. 1. LHSLHS Spring Spring Play Play byby Gage Gage Gramlick Gramlick 2. 2. LHSLHS Statesman Statesman Staff Staff byby Katie Katie Kroeze Kroeze 3. 3. Levitt Levitt at at thethe Falls Falls provided provided byby Levitt Levitt Foundation Foundation 4. 4. LHSLHS girls girls basketball basketball byby Somer Somer Luitjens Luitjens 5. 5. Front Front page page photo: photo: Ashley Ashley Longshore Longshore











Statesman Statesman

The Statesman’s purpose is to inform and entertain with an honest and accurate approach. The opinions of students, staff members and faculty are The Statesman’s purpose is to inform and entertain with an honest and accurate approach. The opinions of students, staff members and faculty are expressed in aintasteful manner. The Statesman ScholasticPress PressAssociation, Association,the theColumbia Columbia Scholastic Press Association expressed a tasteful manner. The Statesmanisisa amember memberof ofthe the National National Scholastic Scholastic Press Association andand is a iswinner of the George H. H. Gallup award in scholastic scholasticjournalism.” journalism.”The TheStatesman Statesman was awarded a Pacemaker in 2007 a winner of the George Gallup awardfor for“…distinctive “…distinctiveachievements achievements in was awarded a Pacemaker in 2007 andand waswas nominated forfor thethe 2012-2013 year. forthe thecontent contentofofthe theStatesman. Statesman. nominated 2012-2013 year.The Theeditors editorsand andadviser adviser take take responsibility responsibility for Editors-in-Chief: Lucy Dekkenga and Gage Editors-in-Chief: Lucy Dekkenga and GageGramlick Gramlick

Photographers:Anna AnnaDekkenga Dekkenga and Riley Rasmussen Photographers: and Riley Rasmussen

News Editors: Emily Whitney News Editors: Emily Whitney

FeatureEditor: Editor:Jack JackFehrs Fehrs Feature

OP/ED Editor: Summer Ericson OP/ED Editor: Summer Ericson

EntertainmentEditor: Editor:Abbie Abbie Griffin Entertainment Griffin

Sports Editor: Oliver Lockwood-Powell Sports Editor: Oliver Lockwood-Powell

Meet Meetthe theVarsity: Varsity:Ellie EllieLamberty Lamberty

Staff Writers: Becker, Jenna Becker, CaidenCapaldo, Capaldo,Chloe ChloeCrissman., Crissman., Landon Faris, Kate Fehrs, Staff Writers: LilyLily Becker, Jenna Becker, Caiden LandonDeBoer, DeBoer,Taylor TaylorEricson, Ericson,Molly Molly Faris, Kate Fehrs, Hannah Hansen, Will Howes, Somer Luitjens, Hunter Merkley, Katie Osmundson, Brita Quello, Timothy Stolp, Lauren Teller, Cathleen Weng Hannah Hansen, Will Howes, Somer Luitjens, Hunter Merkley, Katie Osmundson, Brita Quello, Timothy Stolp, Lauren Teller, Cathleen Weng Design Team: Jenna Becker, Caiden Capaldo,Anna AnnaDekkenga, Dekkenga,Lucy Lucy Dekkenga, Dekkenga, Taylor Molly Faris, Katie Fehrs, Jack Fehrs, Design Team: Jenna Becker, Caiden Capaldo, TaylorEricson, Ericson,Gage GageGramlick, Gramlick, Molly Faris, Katie Fehrs, Jack Fehrs, Hannah Hansen, Will Howes, Oliver Lockwood-Powell, Riley Rasmussen, Lauren Teller, Cathleen Weng Hannah Hansen, Will Howes, Oliver Lockwood-Powell, Riley Rasmussen, Lauren Teller, Cathleen Weng Business Manager: Katie Osmundson Business Manager: Katie Osmundson Adviser: Katie Kroeze Adviser: Katie Kroeze




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New New progams progams promise promise progess progess by TimOTHy by TimOTHy



Freshman Academy Freshman Academy Next year LHS will be

Next year LHS be initiating a new and will unique initiating a new and unique program to help freshmen by program to help by setting them apart freshmen from the rest setting them apart from the rest of school. of school. LHS Principal Bob Grimm LHStoPrincipal Bob Grimm plans implement a new plans tothat implement a new strategy allows freshmen strategy thatas allows freshmen to flourish they enter their to flourish they enter high schoolascareer in a their way highhave school in a way we not career seen before. His we have not section seen before. His plans would off a part plans section off a part of thewould building specifi cally for of the buildingclass. specifi for the incoming Thcally e move the incoming Thekind move would be the ficlass. rst of its in would be the of itsDistrict. kind in the Sioux Fallsfirst School the Siouxbelieves Falls School District. Grimm this action is Grimm believes this action is necessary. necessary. “[At LHS] we do a lot LHS] do a said lot of “[At things reallywe well,” of things really well,” said Grimm. “Our ACT scores are Grimm. “Our ACT are off the charts; our scores AP score off the charts; our AP score rate is higher than the national rate is higher than the national

average. One thing we don’t do average. One thing don’t do well is graduate our we kids.” well is graduate our kids.” The current graduation rate The current graduation rate at LHS is 80 percent, meaning at LHS is 80 percent, meaning around 20 percent of students around of students will not 20 passpercent with a high school will not pass with a high diploma. LHS currentlyschool ranks diploma.the LHS currently ranks around 2000th school of around the20,000 2000th school of the nearly high schools the nearly around the20,000 nation,high but itschools is the around the nation, it issuch the best among schoolsbut with schools with such abest lowamong graduation rate. Grimm a lowthat graduation rate. Grimm feels with the Freshmen feels that with Freshmen Academy, LHS the could see an Academy,in LHS could see an increase students graduating increase studentsranking graduating and our in national as a and our national ranking as a school. school. “Typically, we’re not losing “Typically, we’re and not senior losing kids in their junior kids in their junior and senior year; they’re unsuccessful their year; they’re unsuccessful their freshman year,” said Grimm. freshman year,” said Grimm. “If I can catch them in that “If I can year, catchmore them inlikely that freshman than freshman year, more than likely

we will get them graduated by we them graduated by the will timeget they are seniors.” theAlong time they are seniors.” with a separate are with abuilding, separate the are of Along the school of the school building, the Academy will include a new Academy will include a new set of administrators and set of administrators and counselors specifically to advise counselors specifi cally toclass. advise the incoming freshmen theWhile incoming freshmen class.feel students may While students may feel

concerned with the change concerned of dynamicswith this the may change enact, of dynamics this enact, Grimm reassures may students: Grimm reassures students: This is for the benefit of the Th is is for t of the teenagers andthe thebenefi school. teenagers and the school. “We’re in the business of “We’rekids in their the business of getting diplomas,” getting kids their diplomas,” said Grimm. “Don’t we owe said “Don’t we owe kids aGrimm. diploma?” kids a diploma?”

Saturday Saturday School School Another program that shakes that shakes upAnother the way program LHS does school is up the itway does school having on LHS a Saturday, and it is is having on a Saturday, and it is already ithappening. already The happening. addition of Saturday The addition of Saturday School as a program allows School as a program students to catch up, get allows ahead students catch get ahead or receivetohelp onup, assignments. or receive off help assignments. Grimm ers onsome insight Grimm off ers some insight into what the recent addition into what the recent addition of Saturday School is as an of Saturday School is as an initiative. initiative. “It’s not punishment or “It’s not forpunishment or detention kids,” said detention for kids,” said Grimm. “It’s simply a chance Grimm. “It’s simply chancea for kids who maybe amissed for kids who maybe missed couple days the week before toa couple week before to come indays on athe Saturday [and get] come in on a Saturday [and get] the support of a teacher or two the of a teacher or two and support catch up.” andLHS catchstudents up.” are already LHS the students already reaping benefits are of the extra reaping the benefi ts of the amount of time availableextra to amount of building time available work in the as well to as work in the building as well as

the efficiency of the program. the“Teachers efficiency ofwill the program. send out “Teachers will out information to the send guidance information to the guidance counselors,” said Grimm. “The counselors,” saidmake Grimm. “The counselor will a phone counselor will make a phone call home and send an e-mail to call home and send an e-mail to the parent telling them what the the parent telling them what the

program is. The teacher will put program willdrop put the workis.inTh ane teacher electronic the work in an electronic drop box.” box.” The design of Saturday The also design Saturday School allowsofstudents to School also allows students to work at their own pace and work at their own pace and around their own schedule, as around their own schedule, as

the program runs from 9 to 12 the program runs mornings. from 9 to 12 a.m. on Saturday a.m. on Saturday mornings. “When [students] are here, “When [students] here, they work,” said are Grimm. they work,” said Grimm. “When they are done, they “When done, can leave;they theyaredon’t havethey to can leave; they don’t to wait the whole threehave hours, wait the whole three hours, but if they need all three, they but if they all three, they can stay forneed them.” can“Th stay for them.” e first week we did it “ThIethink first we week it here, hadwe six did kids,” here, I think we had six kids,” said Grimm. “Last week, we said Grimm. we had about 40 “Last kids, week, so it will had about 40 kids, so it will get bigger.” getGrimm bigger.” has some wise Grimm haslongevity some wise words on the and words on the longevity and impact of these two programs. impact of these two programs. “The only shame in failing “Thgetting e only up,” shame failing is not saidinGrimm. is not getting up,” said Grimm. “[We have to] try something.” “[We have to] try something.”



Spring show preview: Murder comes to LHS Spring show preview: Murder comes to LHS

Any well-seasoned director knows by GaGe Gramlick that a superb show requires but two Any well-seasoned director knows factors: gravy and murder. LHS thethat a superb show requires but two atre teacher Amanda Nelson is wellfactors: gravy and murder. LHS theseasoned, and is consequently directing atre teacher Amanda Nelson is wellthe 2018 spring show seasoned, and is consequently directing “The plot, like gravy, thickens.” Prethe 2018 spring show miering April 12 and running through “The plot, like gravy, thickens.” PreApril 14, this show is bound to kill. miering April 12 and running through “‘The plot, like gravy, thickens’ is a April 14, this show is bound to kill. murder mystery with some of our clas“‘The plot, like gravy, thickens’ is a sic stock characters,” said Nelson. “You murder mystery with some of our clashave the billionaire who is mean to sic stock characters,” said Nelson. “You everybody, you have the jilted ex-wife, have the billionaire who is mean to the secretary, the servants. They’re all toeverybody, you have the jilted ex-wife, gether for a birthday party, and, all of a the secretary, the servants. They’re all tosudden, a murder happens. Now, they gether for a birthday party, and, all of a have to figure out: Who could it be?” sudden, a murder happens. Now, they The show, being somewhat ridicuhave to figure out: Who could it be?” lous, is a new and exciting challenge for The show, being somewhat ridicuthe LHS theatre department. lous, is a new and exciting challenge for “The last show that I directed was the LHS theatre department. so big, that we just thought it was time “The last show that I directed was for a comedy,” said Nelson. “And if so big, that we just thought it was time we’re going do a comedy, we’re going for a comedy,” said Nelson. “And if do some ridiculous comedy.” we’re going do a comedy, we’re going With a new style, comes fresh actors do some ridiculous comedy.” and leads. With a new style, comes fresh actors and leads.


Nathaniel Bridgeman works on character deveoplment at PHOTO BY GAGE GRAMLICK an afterschool pratice. Nathaniel Bridgeman works on character deveoplment at an afterschool pratice.

“I have three separate characters,” said LHS senior Matthew Frohwein “I have three separate characters,” who plays the lead role(s). “I’m really said LHS senior Matthew Frohwein excited. It’s going to be a really fun way who plays the lead role(s). “I’m really to express all kinds of different intensiexcited. It’s going to be a really fun way ties when it comes to performing. I get to express all kinds of different intensito unleash and be loud and express myties when it comes to performing. I get self around other people. It’s fun.” to unleash and be loud and express myThe cast is larger than the typical self around other people. It’s fun.” LHS spring play, with a large ensemThe cast is larger than the typical ble-style cast. LHS actress Ella Olsen LHS spring play, with a large ensemloves the diversity of the characters and ble-style cast. LHS actress Ella Olsen actors. loves the diversity of the characters and actors.

“I play Peggy Sue Brumley,” said Olsen. “She’s a typical Southern belle “I play Peggy Sue Brumley,” said from Alabama, which is super fun to Olsen. “She’s a typical Southern belle play. She’s also the very personal secfrom Alabama, which is super fun to retary of the older wealthy man and play. She’s also the very personal sectrying to get him to marry her to gain retary of the older wealthy man and access to his wealth. The characters are trying to get him to marry her to gain all such a blast to play and to watch on access to his wealth. The characters are stage. They sort of start out as really all such a blast to play and to watch on broad caricatures: there’s a gold digger stage. They sort of start out as really trophy wife, a Southern belle, a ditzy broad caricatures: there’s a gold digger wife, a confused old lady, a playboy, a trophy wife, a Southern belle, a ditzy bitter ex, the list goes on.” wife, a confused old lady, a playboy, a bitter ex, the list goes on.”


Friday, April 20 4 Friday, April 20 4

Schedule your personal visit at usiouxfalls.edu/admissions.

Schedule your personal visit Scholarship at usiouxfalls.edu/admissions. Register for Music & Theatre Auditions at usiouxfalls.edu/fa-audition. 4 Register for Music & Theatre Scholarship Auditions at 4



Despite the comedic nature of the play, the cast is working diligently to Despite the comedic nature of the add layers to their characters. play, the cast is working diligently to “My favorite part is that we can add layers to their characters. take [the characters] to really interest“My favorite part is that we can ing places beyond those caricatures and take [the characters] to really interestmake them our own complex chaping places beyond those caricatures and ters,” said Olsen. make them our own complex chap“The plot, like gravy, thickens” ters,” said Olsen. shook up the LHS theatre department, “The plot, like gravy, thickens” requiring a unique set. Set in the 80s, shook up the LHS theatre department, the stage will be covered in the outlandrequiring a unique set. Set in the 80s, ish decorations of the period: wood the stage will be covered in the outlandpaneling, a plush velvet green couch ish decorations of the period: wood and orange carpet. Additionally, the paneling, a plush velvet green couch out-of-the-box nature of the show calls and orange carpet. Additionally, the for a dynamic cast. out-of-the-box nature of the show calls “I am most excited about new faces for a dynamic cast. in the cast,” said Nelson. “We have a “I am most excited about new faces lot of talent coming to the stage in this in the cast,” said Nelson. “We have a show that I have never met before. lot of talent coming to the stage in this They’re bringing cool energy and new show that I have never met before. ideas. I’m excited to showcase talent They’re bringing cool energy and new that’s maybe been hiding at Lincoln.” ideas. I’m excited to showcase talent The show is family-friendly show, that’s maybe been hiding at Lincoln.” and tickets are $5 at the door. The show is family-friendly show, “Everyone should come see the and tickets are $5 at the door. show,” said Nelson. “There’s a little bit “Everyone should come see the of something for everybody.” show,” said Nelson. “There’s a little bit of something for everybody.”

Don’t just learn. Don’t just learn. Live. Live. 4


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From sea to shining sea LHS foreign exchange students

CATHLEEN WENG Foreign exchange programs are exceptional chances for students, from middle school to college, to study abroad and gain indispensable life experiences. A study by the International Education of Students found that 95 percent of the exchange students who were surveyed admitted that studying abroad served as a catalyst for increased maturity, 96 percent reported increased self-confidence and 95 percent said it had a lasting impact on their worldview. The U.S. is a popular destination for foreign exchange students and there are a number of them in the halls of LHS. BY




College location: the arduous decision College location: the arduous decision head new people as well as head every so often,” said senior T E BY



every so often,” said senior BY T AYLOR E RICSON at I Tiegen Salava, who will be College. A word that Tiegen Salava, who will be College. A word that senior attending University of South either haunts or excites high attending University of South either haunts or excites high will be Dakota in the fall. “My schoolers around the globe. Dakota in the fall. “My schoolers around the globe. ollege friends From friends that that go go there there say say it’s it’s aa From loans loans to to laundry, laundry, “I’ll blast. That influenced me countless new responsibilities to countless new responsibilities blast. That influenced me to Clinic go there as well.” and stresses are added to go there as well.” and stresses are added to hospital. Aside students’ Aside from from wanting wanting to to be be students’ plates, plates, particularly particularly er y seniors. and close to family, tuition cost close to family, tuition cost seniors. A A major major question question e tofrom do is those is also also something something that that can can from those who who choose choose to to persuade one to stay further their education often persuade one to stay in in state state further their education often ces opens for ask for college. college. ask is is “Where “Where should should II go go to to ou college?” “It “It is is much much cheaper cheaper to to stay stay college?” Choosing Choosing between between u might in state compared to out the comfort of South Dakota in state compared to out of of the comfort of SouthSam Dakota Mendel in state,” state or state locations,” locations,” said said Esther Esther or the the unfamiliar unfamiliar adventures adventures del. He Breukelman. out Breukelman. Breukelman Breukelman will will out of of state state has has to to offer offer is is versity of also be attending University quite intimidating. A few also be attending University quite intimidating. A few e, T enn. of LHS students of South South Dakota Dakota next next year. year. LHS students expressed expressed the the ed for “I benefits of “I will will use use the the money money that that benefitsthe of both both options. options. weather II saved Many saved for for expenses expenses in in my my Many different different factors factors nt people future.” play future.” play an an important important role role when when Although being being close close to to Although choosing one’s one’s future future college college choosing family is something that many location. Whether Whether itit be be on location. family is something that many seniors appreciate, appreciate, there there are are family or or convenience, convenience, there there e and seniors family also many many other other benefits benefits that that are multiple multiple reasons reasons that that t is are also can be gained by going to would cause one to stay in choose can be gained by going to would cause one to stay in college far far from from home. home. South Dakota. thatSouth will college Dakota. “I’m excited excited to to live live “I want wantas to stay stayEsther close to to Breukelman future “I’m “I to close somewhere new and meet family, so I can come home erests. somewhere new and meet family, so I can come home

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new people as well as head towards the career that I towards the career that I want to pursue,” said senior want to pursue,” said senior Lilyka Pickard, who will be Lilyka Pickard, who will be attending attending Ursuline Ursuline College College in Pepper Pike, in Pepper Pike, Ohio. Ohio. “I’ll “I’ll Tiegen Salava Tiegen Salava Tiegen Salava be near the Cleveland Clinic be near the Cleveland Clinic which which is is aa prestigious prestigious hospital. hospital. II am studying am studying midwifery midwifery and and nursing. I will go there to nursing. I will go there to do do my my clinicals.” clinicals.” “Going “Going to to new new places places opens opens new doors and gives you new doors and gives you opportunities opportunities that that you you might might Sam Sam Mendel Mendel not not get get while while staying staying in in state,” state,” said said senior senior Sam Sam Mendel. Mendel. He He will be attending University will be attending University of of Tennessee Tennessee in in Knoxville, Knoxville, Tenn. Tenn. next next year. year. “I “I am am excited excited for for the the country music, warm weather country music, warm weather and and the the many many different different people people Lilyka PickardLilyka Lilyka Pickard Pickard that II will will meet.” meet.” that Every college college location location Every will have have both both positive positive and and will negative aspects, aspects, but but itit is is negative essential that seniors choose essential that seniors choose to attend attend somewhere somewhere that that will will to Esther Breukelman Breukelman positively guide guide their their future future as as Esther positively well as cater their interests. PHOTOS BY BY RILEY RILEY RASMUSSEN RASMUSSEN well as cater their interests. PHOTOS BY RILEY RASMUSSEN PHOTOS

States step up to fight for Earth

make. Due Due to to the the energy energy sector sector mainly mainly gas emissions emissions of of the the U.S. U.S. by what what was was set setmainly by Katie Katie Osmundson Osmundson make. Due to the energy sector make. gas by by relying on fossil fuels in the present day, the the in the Paris Agreement. By pushing for With Earth Earth on Day right rightfossil around the the corner, corner, relying fuels in the present day the relying on fossil,fuels in the present day, in the Paris Agreement. By pushing for With Day around policies within their own states to reduce industry can come to a complete standstill people around the U.S. are working towards industry can come towithin a complete industry can come to a complete standstill their own states to reduce standstill people around the U.S. are working towards policies when they they run run out. out. Pushing Pushing for for green green the emissions, emissions, they are are able able to to for make sure sure green making the thethey world aa little little greener. greener. But But many many the when run out. Pushing when they make making world energy allows the energy sector to make aa that the U.S. is not left behind in the fi ght local leaders are expanding their focus on energy allows the energy make energy allows the a energy sector to make that the U.S. is not sector left behind in the fito ght local leaders are expanding their focus on against climate change. transition to reliance on renewable energy the Earth past just one day a year. transition to reliance onchange. renewabletransition energy to reliance on renewable energy against climate the Earth past just one day a year. rather than thanforced fossil fuels fuels before before they they are are forced forced Thee states statesbefore uphold three three main main pillars pillars in On June 1, 2017, President Donald rather than fossil fuels they are rather fossil Th uphold in On June 1, 2017, President Donald too. Th is also opens up the market for new their alliance: Trump announced that the U.S. would too. is that also opens up the markettoo. for This alsonew opens up the market for new their alliance: TrumpTh announced the U.S. would They first recognize that states are jobs and technological innovation. no longer be involved in the Paris Climate jobs and technological innovation. jobs and technological innovation. They first recognize that states are no longer be involved in the Paris Climate necessary to lead on the issue of climate And finally, they are standing for a Accord, an agreement with the goal ofthey And finally , of are standing afinally, they are standing for a necessary to lead on the issue of climate forAnd Accord, an agreement with the goal unified nation. The states involved in this change. States such as California and New unifying a global response to climate unifi ed nation. states involved in this unifi ed nation. The states involved in this change. States such as California and New unifying a global response to climate The alliance are showing the world that just the danger that a warming change. The U.S. remains the only nation to York recognize alliance showing thetheworld that just alliance are showing the world that just danger that a warming change. The U.S.are remains the only nation to York recognize planet can have on their high populations because the federal government is not have not accepted the agreement. because federalplanet government because the federal government is not can have on their high populationsis not have not acceptedthe the agreement. behind an international endeavor, the and coastal cities. California faced one of its This has not stopped those within the behind international the an international endeavor, the and coastal cities.endeavor, California faced one of its behind This has not an stopped those within the United States can still be a part of it. An worst fire seasons yet this year and already U.S. who care about cutting emissions United States can still beyeta of United it. States An can still be a part of it. An worst fire seasons this part year and already U.S. who care about cutting emissions faces drought yearly. All problems that can almost unprecedented movement that shows from working to uphold the details of the almost that shows almost unprecedented movement that shows faces droughtmovement yearly. All problems that can from working unprecedented to uphold the details of the the strength of the U.S. be exacerbated by rising temperatures. agreement. Governors Andrew Cuomo the strength of the U.S. the strength of the U.S. be exacerbated by rising temperatures. agreement. Governors Andrew Cuomo The alliance allows our country to work Second, they affirm that the actions (New York D.), Jay Inslee (Washington Th eD.), alliance allows our country to work The alliance allows country to work Second, they affirm thecial actions (New York Jay Inslee (Washington that they are taking arethat benefi to the towards protecting theour environment, and D.) and Jerry Brown (California D.) towards protecting the environment, and towards protecting the environment, that they are taking are benefi cial to the D.) and Jerry Brown (California D.) more importantly the world which weand live communities and the economy. Pushing for launched the U.S. Climate Alliance, a more importantly the live more importantly the world which we live communities and the economy. Pushing launched the U.S. Climate Alliance, more greenworld energy is one of thewhich smartest for on.we team of governors from both parties awho on. on. more greendecisions energy isthat onegovernments of the smartest team of governors from boththeparties who economic can are committed to reducing greenhouse economic decisions that governments can are committed to reducing the greenhouse



Who’s in my seat ? BY


Day by day, each classroom and teacher sees hundreds of students, all learning similar things in different ways. Each day, students go through the day not knowing what changes from period to period. Learning different things like genome sequencing, brain layout patterns and how blood types differ from each person. So, as I sat in Joni Bushfield’s anatomy class, I started to wonder, who else sat in my seat?

1st period Chloe Harbaugh, freshman

What class are you in? 1st period Biology What are you learning about? “We are learning about messenger RNA and tRNA and all that fun stuff.” Do you like what you are learning about? “Yeah what we are learning about is pretty interesting and fun to learn about.” Is this your favorite class? Why or why not? “I like this class because it is easy, but I probably like my other classes better because they are more interesting to me.”

2nd period Richard Peck, freshman

What class are you in? 2nd period Biology What are you learning about? “We are learning about translations and transitions.” Do you like what you are learning about? “Yeah, I like learning about this stuff a little bit, but it can get really confusing sometimes.” Is this your favorite class? Why or why not? “This is my favorite subject because it’s actually fun to do and learn about and other classes kind of get on my nerves sometimes because they give out so much homework, and they are a bit tougher than biology.”

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4th 4th period period Abbie Abbie Griffin, Griffin, senior senior

6th 6th period period Sebit Sebit Yasir, Yasir, senior senior

What class are you in? What class are you in? 4th period Anatomy 4th period Anatomy What are you learning about? What are you learning about? “Right now, we are learning about how the brain “Right now, we are learning about how the brain functions and how the different parts of the brain functions and how the different parts of the brain control different parts of the body” control different parts of the body” Do you like what you are learning about? Do you like what you are learning about? “I do like what I am learning about because it is “I do like what I am learning about because it is different from what we learn in different classes different from what we learn in different classes and the approach in how we learn stuff is also and the approach in how we learn stuff is also different.” different.” Is this your favorite class? Why or why not? Is this your favorite class? Why or why not? “I mean I like the class, but no it is not my favorite “I mean I like the class, but no it is not my favorite subject because there is a lot we have to memosubject because there is a lot we have to memorize, and it can get confusing at sometimes.” rize, and it can get confusing at sometimes.”

What class are you in? What class are you in? 6th period Anatomy 6th period Anatomy What are you learning about? What are you learning about? “I am not gonna lie to you, I don’t even know. “I am not gonna lie to you, I don’t even know. Oh, we are learning about like waste and the Oh, we are learning about like waste and the body and stuff.” body and stuff.” Do you like what you are learning about? Do you like what you are learning about? “I mean it’s cool, I’m chillin’, it sounds pretty “I mean it’s cool, I’m chillin’, it sounds pretty interesting.” interesting.” Is this your favorite class? Why or why not? Is this your favorite class? Why or why not? “Uh yeah I guess, I like it because I can take naps “Uh yeah I guess, I like it because I can take naps in this class.” in this class.”

7th 7th period period Max Max Chedester, Chedester, junior junior

What class are you in? What class are you in? 7th period Anatomy 7th period Anatomy What are you learning about? What are you learning about? “We are learning about red blood cells and “We are learning about red blood cells and white blood cells.” white blood cells.” Do you like what you are learning about? Do you like what you are learning about? “Absolutely.” “Absolutely.” Is this your favorite class? Why or why not? Is this your favorite class? Why or why not? “Yes, because it is very interesting and some“Yes, because it is very interesting and something I do not normally learn about during the thing I do not normally learn about during the rest of the day.” rest of the day.” PHOTOS BY ABBIE GRIFFIN PHOTOS BY ABBIE GRIFFIN



Reduce, reuse, recycle: Is recycling garbage?

lauren Teller Have you ever heard the phrase, “reduce, reuse, recycle”? Well, you probably have, as we don’t reuse many things, sayings or tangible materials in our society. We live in a disposable culture. Everything that we use in our day to day lives is in fact meant to be disposed of. Seriously; everything from the food containers we use, to the cars we drive; everything’s meant to wear out and be thrown away. During the course of one day, I know that I would be unable to count the amount of items that I throw away on two hands. Sure, we do the best we can to recycle, but how do we know that our plastic is being reused and not just going by

in the landfill? As citizens of the United States, we all most likely do some form of recycling. It’s likely that you separate your plastic trash from food scraps and other forms of waste at your household. However, is it all just a waste of time? At one point in time, during the ‘90s, the recycling movement was young, and many involved in the industry marketed the idea that the items that we recycled here in the US could be sent overseas and made into new products. To this day still, most of our recyclables are sent to foreign countries, especially China where they are used to help fuel the manufacturing boom. However, in 2013, China instituted new policies that are against importing the nearly 9 million plastic recycling materials that they received each year on average with no place to go. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the country produces over 254 million pounds of trash each year, but only recycles or composites 87

million pounds, which adds up to a mere 34.3 percent. If China is refusing the U.S.’ recyclables, then what are we to do after they are used? The fact of the matter is that recycling is not cheap. It is a long, complicated process that involves more time than just disposing of the garbage in landfills. One study conducted by the University of Arizona found that the paper and cardboard, or “biodegradable materials”, were often still intact after being given to do decompose in landfills. The U.S. must take improved measures to manage our waste. No longer can we dispose of our waste in landfills, as many will be filled in the years to come. However, landfills only take up a mere five percent of America’s land, and eventually the landfill, once filled, will be converted into parks, becoming a part of the 15,000,000 square miles of park land in the United States. In honor of Earth Day, there is hope for the future of our waste.

participates in; this goes straight to the heart of direct community involvement. There are a slew of ways that students can actively meet the needs of their communities, but only a percentage of students take the initiative to do so. One problem may be that students do not know how to get involved; they do not see the need, so they assume that it does not exist. Many students want to help, but I am here to say something different; don’t just help your community, get involved in it. Actively participate in activities that you are not accustomed to so that you can meet people outside of your normal life. There are so many needs within our community, and all one has to do to figure

this out is ask around. Ask people that you don’t usually talk to about their needs and do so in love. If students of LHS were to actively seek out ways that they can help their communities, then Sioux Falls would be a better place for it.

As Earth Day approaches, we remind you to do your part in taking care of the environment. According to Novak Sanitary Service in Sioux Falls, SD, all of the following items are able to be recycled: - Aerosol cans (empty) - Aluminum, steel or tin cans, clean foil and trays - Retail & grocery bags enclosed in clear, tied bag - Bags - Books, paperback only - Food and Beverage Cartons (juice, milk, ice cream) - Chipboard and Cardboard (cereal, pop, boxes) - Glass bottles and jars - Magazines, catalogs, junk mail - Newspapers and inserts - Office paper (can be shredded but must be tied in a clear, plastic bag) - Paper egg cartons - Plastic bottles, jugs and tubs (+ attached caps) - Prescription bottles, lids on (empty with no paper, foil)

“The best way to have success in high school is to…”


Caiden Capaldo

“...GET INVOLVED!” Every student who has walked the halls of LHS has heard this phrase at least a dozen times in their high school careers. This saying is such a staple to the high school experience, it would be strange not to hear it. What is beautiful about this is that many students do participate in a plethora of extracurriculars because of the advice given. However, I would like to ask, what does this phrase really mean? This phrase goes beyond any activities that one

“Many students want to help, but I am here to say something different; don’t just help your community, get involved in it. “ Every Thursday, middle school students from Whittier Middle School meet at the Network basketball building to practice the sport they love. However, they face a harsh reality at home: hunger. These students often do not have three meals a day, and do not expect a hot meal on their table once they get home.

They desire to have food, but they have no means to gain it. Through Collision, a nonprofit organization in Sioux Falls, these students not only get their physical needs met, but other students at LHS meet their spiritual and emotional needs by spending time with the players every week. Community service groups at LHS are always looking to get more students involved in the activities that they organize for the community. If you are looking for something to be a part of, ask any of the people who work so diligently in these movements. Get involved today by taking ownership of a need in the city and working to solve it. The world will be a better place for it.


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Sick of of it: it: Saving Saving society Sick society from fromsexism sexism have been shown to link sexual stay safe, as a woman, when I they were said by other women. It

maninin a a room room full full ofof “A“Aman womenis isecstatic. ecstatic.AAwoman womanininaa women roomfull fullofofmen menisisscared,” scared,”said said room unknown. unknown. AsAsI Iread readthis thisquote, quote,I Ididn’t didn’t know knowhow howtotorespond. respond.I Ididn’t didn’t want wanttotoagree agreewith withthe thepremise premise ofofit.it.I didn’t I didn’twant wanttotobelieve believethat that inina aroom full of men, I, myself room full of men, I, myself would wouldalso alsobebescared. scared. According According toto Harvard Harvard University, University, 8787 percent percent ofof women womenbetween betweenthe theages agesofof18 18 and 25 have experienced and 25 have experienced some some sort of sexual harassment in sort of sexual harassment in their lives. The same studies their lives. The same studies

have been shown to link sexual harassment to Post Traumatic harassment to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which affects Stress Disorder, which affects the mental stability of people, the mental stability of people, causing them to fall behind in causing them to fall behind in theworkforce workforce or, or, more more generally, generally, the make living an everyday struggle. make living an everyday struggle. These statistics made These statistics made me me feel blind-sided. More More than than half feel blind-sided. half of women women my my age age have have been of been victims of of not not only only harassment harassment victims but also also of of the the misogyny misogyny that but ragesthe the U.S. U.S. every every day. rages wish that that these these facts were II wish enough enough to to show show and prove to deniers deniers of of gender gender inequality inequality that there there isis aa need need for for feminism in today’s today’s world, world, but but there are still so many people want so many people who who don’t don’t want to acknowledge our country’s to acknowledge our country’s sexism. sexism. As senior AsIInear near the the end end of of my my senior year and venture off to take on year and venture off to take on the world, many relatives and the world, many relatives and friends have not forgotten to friends have not forgotten to give me advice about how to give me advice about how to

stay safe, as a woman, when I go to college. “Don’t walk or go go to college. “Don’t walk or go anywhere by yourself.” “Don’t anywhere by yourself.” “Don’t even think about accepting even think about accepting drinks from men that you don’t drinks from men that you don’t know.” know.” But But I’ve I’ve lacked lacked advice advice about how to be a strong about how to be a strongwoman woman or or how how to to be bean anadvocate advocatefor formy my genders’ equality. genders’ equality.

“More “More than thanhalf halfofofwomen women my my age age have havebeen beenvictims victims of of not not only onlyharassment harassmentbut but also of of the themisogyny misogynythat that also rages the theU.S. U.S.every everyday.” day.” rages I’ve been been told told toto cover cover up up I’ve because my my shoulders shoulders are are a a because distraction to to men men around aroundme. me. distraction I’ve even been told that a college I’ve even been told that a college education wouldn’t wouldn’t do do me me any any education good and that I should just find good and that I should just find man with withaastable stablejob jobtotomarry. marry. aa man What is even more disturbing What is even more disturbing about these comments is that about these comments is that

they were said by other women. It seems like some women became seems like some women became blind to the misogyny of our blind to the misogyny of our world and decide just to go along world and decide just to go along with it. According to Newsweek, with it. According to Newsweek, 3434percent think that percentofofwomen women think that gender equality already exists. gender equality already exists. These areare constantly Theseproblems problems constantly addressed, but many still believe addressed, but many still believe that we live in a world that we live in a worldthat thatis is completely completely equal. equal.We Weshould should give about how giveadvice advicetotowomen women about how they toto thethe society theycan cancontribute contribute society bybybeing willing to to beinghard hardworkers workers willing standupuptotosexism. sexism. I don’t think stand I don’t think thatour oursociety’s society’sview view women that ofof women comparedtotomen menwill willever everbebe compared completelyequal, equal,but but I do think completely I do think that everyone, especially women, that everyone, especially women, shouldbebeaware awareofofthethesexism sexism should that still exists. that still exists. Butmost mostimportantly, importantly,in ina a But room full of men, I do not want room full of men, I do not want to feel scared. to feel scared.



Patriot Views on progress

by Will


What does “Progress” mean to you?

Where does “Progress” come from?

How do you achieve “Progress?”

“Progress is all about you growing as a person. Progress is about you reaching your personal goals, not others’ goals. Other people don’t determine if you have progression, only you can do that for yourself.”

“You actually doing something. Today most people are too lazy and don’t do anything, leading to a lack of progress with their lives. Why do you think so many people say they’re miserable?”

“By self-reflection, and truly acknowledging changes that need to be made from within by taking a hard look at yourself and allowing self-criticism. Once this takes place, then take the time to right as many wrongs as possible. Lastly, keep holding on to a goal to be kind and caring.”

“Acceptance of all races and cultures, plus a community of caring and kindness.” “Progress is just you moving forward for a reason. You must do something that is important to you and fulfill its goals and means. Otherwise you won’t move forward and will not progress.” “To me, progress is the act of improving. Progress can be found in a lot of things, may it be your personal grades, or this country growing as a whole.”

“The Latin word progredior, progredi, progressus“ “Progress comes from the people. It seems that many connotate progress with political means or our government; actually let’s say lack of progress. This is why I believe that progress must come from us: students with a thirst for activism and social justice. Teachers with the courage to teach the fringe. A collective voice that acknowledges, then pushes against the social norm in order to move forward. It takes everyone. One of my favorite quotes is “Nothing About Us, Without Us, is For Us.” If you aren’t involved or don’t include those that need to be at the table, it won’t work.”

“By allowing new generations to share their ideas and put them into motion.’ “Sometimes the steps are big and sometimes they are little. Sometimes they are forward, sometimes they are sideways and sometimes they are backward. We just have to keep moving forward in whatever way we can get there.” “By moving forward.” “Question. Research and learn. Question. Then push for something better.”

An explanation

Additional comments from respondants

The questions posed were answered in an anonymous email survey sent to the LHS student body and staff members. The purpose was to gain insight into the thoughts of the LHS student body and staff and to assemble the gathered ideas into a diverse representation of what our school believes about “progress.”

“To be honest, progress has many different forms. It all just depends on your personal preference. I myself, lean more on the conservative side, so when I make progress, I focus on the Bible and our Constitution. But don’t get me wrong, I understand the other half of the spectrum and their goals. I respect their opinions, and if they find progress with a liberal mindset, so be it. But one thing similar about both sides, is that we wish to improve as much as we can as a whole. I believe it was Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”



Let’s respin Spinsters: how we can be better Often we outgrow conventions that once served as powerful platforms for change. And the Spinsters convention is as tight as a corset. Spinsters is a district-wide dance where the girls ask the boys. The dance is facilitated by EmBe (formerly the YWCA), who aim to empower “women and families to enrich lives.” Somewhat counterintuitively, we are writing women out of roles of power by writing them into the Spinsters narrative. Spinsters was founded over 81 years ago. 81 years ago, women were treated as second class citizens. Today we are fighting a significantly more nuanced battle; thus, it is no longer scandalous for women to be the initiators of relationships. This is not to say the inception of Spinsters was in vain. In fact, the founders of Spinsters were trailblazing feminists who helped shape the world today. This is a history we should be proud of, but it is not a history we should be living. We have outgrown Spinsters; bras have been burnt, yet young women in Sioux Falls are still shackled by damaging social norms disguised as progress. Moreover, our sharp growing pains are piercing gaping holes through which disadvantaged groups are falling. Those people deserve to be included. I have a proposal: Inclusion isn’t merely the lack of outright exclusion; rather, genuine inclusion requires proactive and deliberate action. In other words, in order to be inclusive, we must actively invite other people to the table. Other people are not commonplace at the deeply homogeneous Spinsters dance.

As defined above, Spinsters is a dance where the girls ask the boys. The dance is a round hole, and homosexuality is a square peg. It simply doesn’t work; gay students are invisible in the Spinsters tradition because they are not included in the script. A few maverick, gay couples boldly flip that script and dive in the hetero-abysstheir bravery is profound. However, not all gays are so gallant, nor should they have to be. It is not queer for a straight couple to attend Spinsters, nor should it, therefore, be for a queer couple. The culture we’ve created at Spinsters requires gays to deviate from 81-year-old standards

profits made serve young women in our community. This year 1,630 students attended and a net profit of nearly $30,000 was made. Truly inspiring. The problem arises when an event designed to make money becomes a social expectation that not everyone can meet. In my experience, most students do not attend Spinsters because they want to contribute to the prosperity of women in the community; instead, students attend because it would be socially unacceptable not to. We are effectively pushing those without economic means to the social edge. High ticket prices at Spinsters fosters the ever-injurious socioeconomic gap. Furthermore, the disparity between the price for single people and couples is markedly unacceptable. Single people are not a burden and should not be charged more, especially when the canon of the dance inhibits people from finding people to go with. My solution is fairly simple; we have outgrown Spinsters and it’s time we moved on. Instead of pigeonholing women, let’s have a dance that celebrates women. We can change the name from Spinsters, which conjures images of women forgotten by society because of their lack of beauty and utility, to a name that inspires strength such as the the Ruth Bader Ginsburg dance. We can cheapen the ticket price and have optional donations as well as concessions. We can rewrite the narrative, inviting everyone to participate. We can sell tickets at one price. We can be better. We always can be better.



in order to be included; we have invented social deviants by creating a culture which lacks depth. Additionally, the shallowness of Spinsters extends beyond forgetting the gays; Spinsters ostracizes the poor and discourages the single. The cost for a couple to buy tickets to Spinsters is $30; whereas the cost for one ticket is $20. Those prices are too high. With 29.7 percent of LHS students on free or reduced lunch, many students cannot afford the dance. At $30 per couple, a reduced lunch student would have to skip lunch for two weeks to pay for his or her tickets. Spinsters is a fundraiser in which the

elcome to the fifth installment of EnGage, a column. The goal of EnGage is to entertain, inspire and educate: to engage. Often, the stories will be satirical. However, they will occasionally be serious, as the above is. Pay attention to the disclaimers, and, as always, please do not sue the Statesman. Thank you.

50 Toilets

1,967 Students in our school

38 Urinals

64 Stairs

650 Parking Passes

Lincoln by the Numbers L B BY ILY


LHS is a second home to many; therefore, we should know the ins and outs of the school. Here, is a snapshot of LHS by the numbers.

190 Staff members

51 Years



56 Clubs and groups

361 Doors



LHS photography: BY


Among the many art classes housed in the famous “E wing,” one can find the photography classroom: a class aimed to teach the basic functions of a DSLR camera while supporting students’ original and innovative ideas along the way. Students at LHS are fully embracing this unique opportunity to branch out. While creating and producing their own photographs, the students’ final products are beyond breathtaking. Photography extends far deeper than simply what is visible in a photograph. The hidden meaning implied in a photograph is something highly treasured among LHS photographers. “Photography doesn’t necessarily have a ‘part.’ It’s a process that requires a connection with yourself and the way you want to portray your work, as well as whatever you’re taking a photo of,” said sophomore Jemal Berzati. “A good photo is one that connects to people looking at the photo. It portrays a message or deeper meaning that will move the viewer.”

LHS photography students emphasize the value in creating a meaningful photograph. In photography, composing a photo that is nothing short of original is key to the expression one wants to illustrate. “My favorite part of photography is the ability to express yourself and the ability to show people your point of view of the world,” said senior Jade Knutson. “Photography probably wouldn’t exist if selfexpression wasn’t a part of it.” The photography class at LHS highlights creative work through extensive reflection. Anyone can take a photograph, but the way a photo communicates emotion, feeling and personal attachment is what separates and shifts a photograph from simple to superior. “Nowadays, there are millions of photos uploaded to social media, so having a photo that truly stands out and tells people ‘this is my style’ is what makes a good photo,” said Berzati. “Having a message and individual style connects to the viewers and gives them your own personal touch.”





Jemal Berzati (10) Jade Knutson (12) Quincy Greene (11) Jada Carlson (10) Mary Allen (12) Kat Grangaard (11)





Get to know the Mr. LHS contestants BY SOMER LUITJENS Catch all the action, Thursday, April 26 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets are $5.

1. What are you most excited about with being apart of Mr. LHS? 2. Were you surprised that you got nominated? Why or why not? 3. Do you have any ideas about what your talent will be? 4. Who’s your biggest competition and why?

Caiden Capaldo

Peter Christopherson


1. “I am most excited to see Akshay shaking his “tite” adidas sweatpants up on that stage.” 2. “I was surprised that so many girls knew how to spell my last name on the ballot. Also, I was not surprised that 2 out of the 5 Mr. LHS candidates were from Frau Edwards’ Ad-Room. Great things come from her room.” 3. “Oh yes. My talent will be one of the utmost seduction-and a result of countless hours of meditation, practice and underhanded deals made with Mr. Blankenship.” 4. “My biggest competition may very well be the outfit I chose for Mr. LHS. Hopefully it will allow for the types of varied and vigorous movements that are necessary to win.”

1. “I’m excited for Katie Patrick to hear that I am in Mr. LHS.” 2. “I kind of suspected that I would get on because all of the ladies love me, especially Katie Patrick.” 3. “Absofruitallydoodally, it just might be something involving Katie Patrick” 4. “My biggest competition has got to be Katie Patrick’s boyfriend. That yahoo will give me a run for my money, I’m sure. Oh wait about Mr. LHS? Then probably my biggest competition would be getting Katie Patrick here to watch me performing in Mr. LHS.”

Ian Ward

1. “The ability to give something back to my school… with style.” 2. “Yes. My “campaign” began as a joke in my AP Lang and Comp class. I will never underestimate the power of memes.” 3. “Nope, keep your ear to the ground…”

Gage Gramlick

Akshay Choudhry

1. “All the female attention.” 2. “Yes. I didn’t know there was gay affirmative action.” 3. “Disappointing my mom” 4. “Vladimir Putin because he’s closer to Donald Trump than I am (physically). Oh wait, we’re talking about Mr. LHS?”

1. “The benefits it will have on my college application.” 2. “I was very surprised; I thought this thing was only for hotties like Gage Gramlick.” 3. “Three words: “Microsoft Support Services”.” 4. “Tim White. He’s the only other competitor who’s trained as rigorously with Brad Newitt for this moment as I have.”

Michael Chang

Jack Fehrs

1. “I’m excited about the group dance, I feel like I have a spiritual connection to Selena Gomez, for some reason, I can’t explain it.” 2. “I was a little bit because I went underground for about six months.” 3. “Something involving “Hearts of Iron IV”” 4. “Sam Mendel. The kids got talent, and he’s sneaky. Just looking at him I get scared.”

1. “Getting my last name changed to “LHS”” 2. “No because I’m a younger Eric Fang” 3. “Yes.” 4. “My biggest competition is Akshay Choudhry because have you seen that man’s face?”

Riley Sullivan

1. “I’m just excited to finally show how great I am by absolutely destroying the competition… and of course, having fun.” 2. “Not too surprised considering I’m so talented in every degree.” 3. “It’s hard picking just one because I have so many.” 4. “Considering if Jack and I took a picture together, one of our heads would be cropped off, so he’s probably my “biggest” competition.”

Sam Mendel

1. “I’m most excited to be a candidate this year because I’ve emceed the last couple years and have gotten to watch everyone get ready for it and the whole process seems very fun.” 2. “I’m very surprised I’m a part of it because I wasn’t originally one of the five seniors selected.” 3. “Gonna take the audience a ride through the country.” 4. “Jack Fehrs because he entered in a coffin last year so all bets are off for this year’s entrance.”

Tim White

1. “The money.” 2. “No, it was part of the prophecy.” 3. “I’m not allowed to talk about it, but here’s a hint: it involves a LOT of milk.” 4. “Akshay. He may not be the smartest contestant, but in terms of physical strength and endurance, he’s the one to beat.”








K F T Y K F A T Y A E E W S W Ryley Heier, Mollie Kelly and S Emily Anderson. Along withKelly them,and Ryley Heier, Mollie BY



T &



The annual spring dance was just as successful as the previous The annual spring dance was year withjust tickets selling outaswithin the boys:Emily Michael Chang, Tristan as successful the previous Anderson. Along with them, two days.year If attendees did selling not snag Cheeseman, Jack Fehrs, Jaden with tickets out within the boys: Michael Chang, Tristan their tickets time,Ifthey founddid not snag Julius, Ryan Rasmusson and Xavier twoindays. attendees Cheeseman, Jack Fehrs, Jaden themselves standing outside the Kolb. Julius, Ryan Rasmusson and Xavier their tickets in time, they found doors waiting for other students Michael Chang and Emily themselves standing outside the Kolb. to leave sodoors theywaiting could enter. Or Anderson were crowned as and Emily for other students Michael Chang even worst, they may have found SpinstersAnderson King and were Queen of LHS. to leave so they could enter. Or crowned as themselves buying a fake ticket Both Chang and Anderson even worst, they may have found Spinsters King andare Queen of LHS. from another student. considered positive roleand models to are themselves buying a fake ticket Both Chang Anderson Students from all fi ve Sioux Falls students.considered positive role models to from another student. high schoolsStudents started rolling into the It is not often that one comes from all five Sioux Falls students. Emma Miller, Adam Groth, Andrew Whitney, Caiden Capaldo, Court sweet “Candyland” at 8:30 p.m. across a group students that one comes high schools started rolling intoAnderson, the It isofnot often that Kate Amundson, Madison Chedester and Jadyn Cummins and danced the night away until Emma Miller, Adam Groth, Whitney, Caiden Capaldo, Courtdid not enjoy With sweet “Candyland” at 8:30 p.m. use Candyland themed props in theAndrew photo booth at Spinsters. acrossSpinsters. a group of students that Anderson, Kate Amundson, Madison Chedester and Jadyn Cummins 12 p.m. From playing oldies like the student requested songs the With and danced the night away until did not enjoy Spinsters. use Candyland themed props in the photo booth at Spinsters. Justin Bieber’s classic “Baby” to top DJ playedthe and the sweet setup songs the in the middle was a blast,” said a good time. On the other hand, 12 p.m. From playing oldies like student requested hits like Drake’s “God’s classic Plan,” “Baby” the togetting of the dance, the dance made for setup in sweat and Georgia Conlin. Justin Bieber’s top drenched DJ played and the sweet in the middle was a blast,” said a good time. On the other hand, District was bumping all night long. an exciting night for many who having perfectly curled hair turn Th e excitement of revealing who hits like Drake’s “God’s Plan,” the of the dance, the dance made for getting drenched in sweat and Georgia Conlin. Dancing in thewas midst of all night into attended. was Queen and King from each nest may have not been District bumping long.a ratshaving perfectly curled hair turn The excitement of revealing who an exciting night for many who hundreds ofDancing other students isn’t like any other school started at 10:30 p.m. students really carenot been in the may midst of so fun. But, attended. was Queen and King from each “Spinsters intodid a rats nest may have have beenhundreds the best or worst dance,” said Conlin.“It’s so like much Th e candidates of Spinsters how gross and sweaty they got? of other students may “Spinsters isn’t any other school started at 10:30 p.m. so fun. But, did students really care experience from the dance for fun with all the high schools royalty were voted upon by the “Regarding the excessive have been the best or worst dance,” said Conlin.“It’s so much The candidates of Spinsters how gross and sweaty they got? students.experience Jumping and screaming that got on senior class. The were girls nominated from the dancetofor amounts of sweat funone withdance, all theand highgetting schools royalty voted upon by thetogether for “Regarding thewiped excessive favorite songs with friends is always to see friends from other me from other students, dancing were: Ellie Lamberty, Abbie Griffi n, students. Jumping and screaming to amounts of sweat that got wiped on senior class. The girls nominated together for oneschools.” dance, and getting favorite songs with friends is always me from other students, dancing were: Ellie Lamberty, Abbie Griffin, to see friends from other schools.”

Michael Chang, King Michael Chang, King




Future LHS hangout location:

New concert venue coming to Sioux Falls in 2019 by Lucy Dekkenga

LHS students are always looking for new and exciting places to hang out, especially in the summer when there seems to be nothing but everything to do. Thursday nights are spent at Gitchie Manitou State park, climbing on the graffitied boulders, and Saturdays are (for the boys) spent at Total Drag or at someone’s house playing a game of Catan. It is hard to find a new place to go every week and going to the same one can get old. Sometimes it is nice to be able to switch it up a bit and find a brand- new hang out location. Levitt Shell Sioux Falls, or Levitt at the Falls, could be this place. “Levitt at the Falls is a project that will bring the community together through music,” said Beth Jensen, the News Director at KELOLAND and the Sioux Falls Levitt Vice Chair. “It’s scheduled to open in the summer of 2019 and will feature 50 free concerts each summer.” 50 free concerts may make people think the concerts will be low quality with unknown artists, but it is the opposite. “Some of the artists will be local, some will be regionally known and others will be artists who perform across the

country,” said Jensen. “One of the requirements for the Levitt at the Falls, and all Levitt venues, is that the performer is a professional artist. So, while you may not know all of the performer’s names, you’ll have a great experience when you go because the quality will be consistently high.” Along with the high-quality concerts, Levitt at the Falls will have a great atmosphere as it will be located in downtown Sioux Falls, spanning from downtown’s bustling 5th Street North to the Falls Park, according to the Levitt website. Levitt at the Falls will be unlike anything Sioux Falls has ever had and once it is finished, Sioux Falls will be the smallest city in the country with a Levitt facility. So how does a South Dakotan city, out of anywhere else in the

nation, get the opportunity to have a new place like this? “A dedicated group of people has worked very hard to earn the approval of the Levitt Foundation, the commitment from the City of Sioux Falls and support from the community,” said Jensen. “Once Sioux Falls community leaders heard about this project, they thought it would be a perfect fit for Falls Park West.” Such a large project is sure to make a large impact on the Sioux Falls community. “It’s going to be great for quality of life in Sioux Falls,” said Jensen. “The 50 free concerts will bring people together, who may not have otherwise had the chance to meet. I think it will also be a great asset to the already strong downtown cultural scene.” In all other eight Levitt

locations the venue has been very successful, experiencing a combination of a change of public space and powerful community togetherness, and the new Sioux Falls location will be no different. The venue will be a refreshing, new location for students to spend time at, as well as the concerts being free and located in an already popular area, DTSF. “The concerts are free, high quality entertainment and we hope the music will attract people from neighborhoods near downtown as well as throughout the city,” said Jensen. “And I think as young people decide what kind of community in which they would like to live, the Levitt at the Falls will be one of the things they consider when it comes to quality of life in our town.”



jack Visiting a psychic was something I never thought I would do. But when Mrs. Kroeze said we should determine our future for the last ever J n’ O go, I was on board. Oliver and I ended up visiting the palm reader on Minnesota Ave., a psychic who is doing business out of her home. As we pulled up at 8:30 on a Tuesday night, we half expected the psychic to be done for the night; but to our excitement, we were immediately offered service. The cozy home was welcoming, as Sonja pitched us the options of what we could do. There was palm reading and card reading, as well as an entire package. We selected palm reading, but sensing our skepticism of the steep price, our psychic cut us a deal, changing the price from $45 per person, to $25, as long as we only offered one palm. The palm reading began, and I must admit I was a little nervous. Sonja saw that I would be a father in the future and have three kids, two of which

are going to be twins or very close in age. I am not sure how to feel about this, because I imagine one baby is hard enough to care for at once, let alone two. Sonja also saw me close to the ocean, predicting a future vacation with my family. Luckily for me, she said it will go well. Looking further ahead in my future, Sonja told me I will be successful in pursuing my major in college, but it will not come without struggle. Finally, she said that I am a determined individual and strong willed. Sonja’s prediction about my major was a little worrying, but her guarantee that I would eventually be successful was reassuring. Overall, the psychic was a great experience and something I thought I would never do. Although I am a bit skeptical of the legitimacy of Sonja’s predictions, it was really exciting to feel like I had a sneak-peak into my future. So, in the future, when I have twins, I will have Sonja to thank.

So, Jack and I went to a psychic named Sonja and if I am going to be honest, that was the biggest waste of money in my life. $25 for a random lady in a house off of Minnesota Ave. to look at my palm and try to “predict” my future. At about 8:30, Jack and I started our adventure down Minnesota Ave. As we approached the palm reader, we were unsure whether or not it was still in business. We anxiously turned the corner into what looked to be a regular driveway. I quickly finished up my DQ blizzard and started the trek towards the door. The weird feeling I was getting inside was inevitable. When Jack and I approached the door, I looked inside, and to my surprise, I saw a man and a woman watching a movie on a couch eating popcorn. As we rang the doorbell, we slowly looked into each other’s eyes and I could just feel the discernment between the two of us. We both predicted it would be weird; that was a given. We knew that somehow, someway we would leave that place with a few questions and that we did.


The kind lady answered the door and took us to a room that resembled an office space in a home. It had one desk in the middle, two fluffy chairs sitting across the table and a PayPal station to the side ready to collect the 25 bucks I wasted. I flipped my palm over and immediately she looks intimately into my eyes and goes “your future is bright.” So many thoughts were rushing through my brain because she did not elaborate for another 20 seconds. As time went by, she went on and on about my future wife, kids and job. Intimidated, I slowly started to pull my hand towards myself and she opened her eyes back up and said “Ok, we're done.” I'm not kidding when I say this; I was in that chair no longer than four minutes. I spent 25 dollars for a random woman to look at my palm and tell me something that just confused me further. Overall, I would give this trip and four out of five stars solely based on the fact that I thought it was hilarious how serious she looked into my eyes when she looked at my palms.

24 24 24



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APRIL 2018


By the Numbers


Track athletes


State championships the boys tennis team is going for


Days until the next girls golf meet


senior boys on the baseball team

Calling all crazies

MOLLY FARIS For the past four years, LHS has been pretty dominate when it comes to winning State titles in fall, winter and spring sports, which resulted in winning the KELO Cup each year. With spring sports in full swing, we need all, and I mean ALL, the Crazies out supporting our school. The KELO Cup is a friendly competition between the high schools throughout the state of South Dakota. Each school earns points by winning a state championship in each sport. If they win first place, the school receives five points; second place, they receive two points; and third place, they receive one point. At the end of the year, KELO recognizes the school with the most points and awards them with the KELO Cup. Currently, LHS is sitting in fourth place, behind Pierre and rivals OGHS and WHS, which means our spring sports teams need to have a solid season if LHS wants to get that five-peat. However, their success does not BY

just come from their skill and ability; it also comes from the help of the crowd. “I think the Crazies have a major impact on the players when they are playing,” said sophomore Ellie O’Connor. “When there isn’t anyone there or no one is cheering, they do not have any encouragement. But when everyone is there and cheering, you can tell that they are running off adrenaline and giving it their all, so they don’t let their fans down.” If the school wants LHS sports to be successful, it is important to get as many Crazies to the games as possible. We cannot expect our sports teams to win when we are not even there to support and cheer them on. “As fans, more people just need to show up,” said O’Connor. “Once you do show up, don’t be too cool to stand in the student section.” Standing in the student section is a fun way to cheer on friends and feel the energy in the crowd.

“My favorite part of cheering on LHS is when the game is really close and the energy in the student section gets really high,” said O’Connor. “Everyone is just cheering on the players to get a win.” If you are one that has not been to very many games this year, it is not too late. Some spring sports that you can attend include boys and girls track, boys tennis, girls golf and baseball. Even though most of these sports require an individual effort by the athlete, they would still love to see some fans cheering them on. Attending sporting events is a memorable part of one’s high school experience. It is a way to have fun, cheer loud and create memories you will never forget. So, grab your friends, put on some LHS spirit wear and go watch the spring sports in action to help these athletes taste victory. This will also help our school win the KELO Cup for the fifth year in a row.

Upcoming Events On April 24, the LHS boys tennis team will challenge the OGHS boys tennis team at home.

On April 27, the LHS track team will compete at the Brandon Valley meet at BVHS.

LHS senior boys cheering on the Patriot football team at the 2017 President Bowl.





State basketball tournament 2018 State basketball tournament 2018 BY


On Thursday Mar. 15th, 2018, both Unfortunately, our boys team did LHS boy and girls basketball teams were not have as much luck as the girls. BY CHLOE CRISSMAN AND SOMER LUITJENS represented at the South Dakota State They came in ranked third in the AA Tournament. conference Unfortunately, and fell short the On Thursday Mar. 15th, 2018, both ourfirst boysgame team did The girls in ranked second the Yankton Twin teams, LHS LHSteam boy came and girls basketball teams to were not haveBucks. as much luck as the girls. in the AA conference. battled the State Patriots They took on theinDouglas represented at They the South Dakota came ranked Patriots, third in the AA seventh ranked team, WHS Warriors, but onlyconference one Pat could out the first game Tournament. and come fell short victorious. However, it was notTwin us. The and came out easycame win, in scoring Thewith girlsan team ranked second to the Yankton Bucks. teams, LHS 55 pointsinto 47. They went to Douglas Patriots took took on us the down 80-73.Patriots, theWHS’ AA conference. Theyonbattled the Patriots Douglas Playing for we took on out play the seventh HHS Tigers andteam, fell short, ranked WHS but Warriors, but seventh only oneplace, Pat could come not without a fight. Playing foreasy third city rivals WHS Warriors anditagain, lost.us. The victorious. However, was not and came out with an win, scoring ThetoLHSDouglas Pats were namedtook eighth in the80-73. place, the Lady Pats took the went on 55LHS points to WHS’ 47.on They Patriots us down BVHS Lynx emerged victorious. Playing for seventh place, we took on play and the HHS Tigers and fell short,conference. but an overall great season forand the again, lost. With a come-from-behind not without a fight.victory, Playingthe for third With city rivals WHS Warriors Pats, theThe future is bright for named our teams to in the LHS girls teamthe received a third place LHS Pats were eighth place, LHS Lady Pats took on the come. conference. medal with a score 50-45. BVHS Lynxofand emerged victorious. With an overall great season for the With a come-from-behind victory, the Pats, the future is bright for our teams to Denny Sanford PREMIER Center LHS girls team received a third place come. medal with a score of 50-45. Denny Sanford PREMIER Center

LHS girls basketball bench cheering on their team against WHS.

LHS boys basketball bench cheering on their team against Yankton High School.

LHS girls basketball bench cheering on their team against WHS.

Sophomore Morgan Hansen defending WHS point guard.

Sophomore Morgan Hansen defending WHS point guard.

LHS boys basketball bench cheering on their team against Yankton High School.

Senior Christophe Bwanya taking a three-point shot against Douglas High School. Senior Christophe Bwanya taking a three-point shot against Douglas High School. PHOTOS BY SOMER LUITJENS


28 28

::Redraft Redraft


SPORTS SPORTS OlIVer lOCkWOOD-POWell, lAnDOn DeBOer, Hunter Merkley AnD JACk FeHrS

The Statesman decided it was time for a change. The imbalanceBybetween the Western Eastern has persisted for OlIVer lOCkWOOD -POWelland , lAnDOn DeBconferences Oer, Hunter Merkley AnD JACk FeHrS too long, and it is time for a redraft. Staff members, Oliver, Landon, Jack and Hunter, took it upon themselves to redraft current NBA players. Oliver went for a versatile approach, while drafting his team, “The Pinners,” ensuring scoring from inside and out. The Statesman decidedoff it was a change. between the Western andfor Eastern conferences Landon tried to balance ensetime and for defense, withThe his imbalance team “LanDog’s Army. ” Hunter went swagger and youthhas on persisted his team for too long, and it is time for a redraft. Staff members, Oliver, Landon, Jack and Hunter, took it upon themselves to redraft current “Comeback SZN.” Finally Jack went for chemistry and spirit while drafting his team, “I have eczema.” NBA players. Oliver went for a versatile approach, while drafting his team, “The Pinners,” ensuring scoring from inside and out. Starters: Landon tried to balance off ense and defense, with his team “LanDog’s Army.” Hunter went for swagger and youth on his team “Comeback SZN.” Finally Jack went for chemistry and spirit while drafting his team, “I have eczema.”


LeBron James LeBron James

Kawhi Leonard Kawhi Leonard

Kevin Durant

Russell Westbrook

Kevin Durant

Russell Westbrook

Giannis Antetopkounmpo

Andre Drummond

Giannis Antetopkounmpo

James Harden Karl Anthony-Towns James Harden Karl Anthony-Towns

Stephen Curry Stephen Curry

Anthony Davis Anthony Davis

DeMarcus Cousins DeMarcus Cousins

Paul George Paul George

Damian Lillard LaMarcus Aldridge

Andre Drummond

Damian Lillard LaMarcus Aldridge

Kyrie Irving

Blake Griffin

Kyrie Irving

Jimmy Butler Jimmy Butler

Blake Griffin

Joel Embiid Joel Embiid

Donovan Mitchell Donovan Mitchell

Devin Booker Devin Booker





5 LHS sports Top 5 LHS sports moments from this yearTop B H M y

By Hunter Merkley


#5- Girl’s Basketball

At number five is the girls basketball team Number four is Jack Elliott’s state championship crosstocountry which sent them the State tournament. L run. This year the state meet was held in Rapid the weather Klatt andand sophomore Morgan Hansen, the L conditions were not ideal. bring home a state title. The girls played on “The wind had really picked up andWHS I needed to use in the firstsome round of the tournament. drafting techniques to stay in the race,”ended said Elliott. “I preparedwith a a third-place fin the tournament ton during the offseason and it really paid off.” Even with the wind, Elliott still managed to win the state title and set a new PR. With Elliott’s victory, the boys cross country team managed to rack up a second place finish at the state meet.

#3- Diang Gatluak

#2- Zach Hanson

At number five is the girls basketball team beating Watertown which sent them to the State tournament. Led by senior Courtney Klatt and sophomore Morgan Hansen, the Lady Pats hoped to bring home a state title. The girls played on March 15 against WHS in the first round of the tournament. They advanced and ended the tournament with a third-place finish.

#4- Jack Elliott


#5- Girl’s Basketball

Coming in at number three is Diang Gatluak’s dunk versus Watertown. Off of a steal, Gatluak pushed the ball up the court and finished with a massive slam. Dunking on two Watertown defenders giving LHS some much needed momentum. Despite the impressive dunk the Pats fell short in a 61-52 loss. The Patriots ended the season with an eighth-place finish at state after a devastating last second loss to Yankton.

#3- Diang Gatluak Number two on the list is Zach Hanson’s one handed snag in the President’s Bowl. Despite losing the game, Hanson’s catch was the highlight of the night. Hanson finished the game with Lincoln’s only TD. “Everyone said it was pretty cool, but I don’t remember it at all because I got a concussion on the same play,” said Hanson. Next year will be Hanson’s senior season and the football team will look to him for more spectacular plays.

#1- Alex Glanzer The number one sports moment from this year was Alex Glanzer crossing RHS point guard Peyton Riggs. During the last game of the regular season, Glanzer made Riggs fall to the ground using a crossover. After making Riggs fall, Glanzer finished the move by completing a layup. This was not Glanzer’s only highlight from the game, he made a multitude of three’s and dished out a few assists. Glanzer and the Patriots ended beating the Riders 80-63. Glanzer had a phenomenal senior season. He ended up leading the team in free throw percentage. Not to mention he also made the second most threes on the squad. Glanzer’s leadership and ball handling skills will surely be missed next year.PHOTOS BY RILEY RASMUSSEN PHOTOS BY RILEY RASMUSSEN PHOTOS PROVIDED BY LHS YEARBOOK


Comin is Diang Watertow Gatluak p the court a massive two Wate giving LH needed m the impre fell short Patriots e an eighth after a de loss to Ya




Alex Glanzer, 12

Oliver LP, 12

Alex Fuhs, 12

Grant Loudenback, 12

Nicholas Kemper, 11

Nate Brecht, 11

Pregame ritual: Playing Fortnite with Goodie Hidden talent: Streets Biggest fear: Tristan’s kitchen

Pregame ritual: Snapchatting a freshman Hidden talent: Causing a ruckus at Spinsters Biggest fear: Tristan having kids

London Miller, 12

Pregame ritual: Singing Mambo #5 with Cheyenne Hidden talent: Making millions of Spotify playlists and listening to them once Biggest fear: The cable on a ski lift snapping and me falling to my death

Graham Leonard, 12

Pregame ritual: Watching NASCAR highlights Hidden talent: Carrying Ross in duos on Fortnite Biggest fear: Snakes

Pregame ritual: “Jose Cuervo” with Raz Hidden talent: Ask Cheeser ;) Biggest fear: The thought that I may never get to witness a Raz vs. Zatch fight night

Pregame ritual: Calling Mick “Sugar Daddy” Hidden talent: Beating Jarden Jaros 1v1 Biggest fear: Grounding out to end the game


Kate Amundson, 10

Pregame ritual: Getting food with Scott Amundson Hidden talent: I can eat pizza for every meal Biggest fear: Mr. Embry (he’s mean)

BOYS TENNIS Sam Dobbs, 11

Pregame ritual: Ninja Hidden talent: Ryan and I’s advanced warm up including massages Biggest fear: The Cavs losing the finals this year to Mendel

Pregame ritual: Dance in the middle of the stretch circle Hidden talent: Summon the power of my cats to hit 500 foot bombs Biggest fear: Nick Kemper’s roid rage

Pregame ritual: Wrestling Oliver and Charlie LockwoodPowell Hidden talent: Beating Oliver in wrestling Biggest fear: Dillon Barrow’s mustache

Cheyenne Miller, 10

Pregame ritual: Sing Mambo #5 with London in the mirror Hidden talent: I can eat a whole bag of crazy bread in three minutes Biggest fear: Being attacked by the whales at Seaworld

Rahul Giri, 10

Pregame ritual: Consuming Gatorade Hidden talent: Guessing stuff Biggest fear: Being attacked by ghosts




Colin Schuller, 12

Michaela Mohr, 12

Collin Brison, 12

Courtney Klatt, 12

Jacob Becker, 12

Eliza Peters, 12

Jack Meyers, 12

Ryley Heier, 12

David Bizimana, 12

Liberty Justus, 12

Ike Mendel, 12

Malik Redd, 12

Pregame ritual: 16x200m workout Hidden talent: Bend down on my hands and knees while praying to the greek god Hermes for godspeed Biggest fear: Starting a relay without the baton

Pregame ritual: Leading my teammates and coaches to Leif Erickson without telling them about the hidden barbed wire Hidden talent: Yoga instructor Biggest fear: Making Analise cry

Pregame ritual: Trust Hidden talent: The Biggest fear: Process

Pregame ritual: Listen to “Cake” by Flo Rida Hidden talent: ??? Woah Biggest fear: Not getting 15,000 retweets @Libertyy__

Pregame ritual: Braids!! Hidden talent: Falling in a 100m dash Biggest fear: Telling Jaws I’m going to Mexico…

Pregame ritual: Do whatever the situation calls for Hidden talent: I can touch my nose with my tongue Biggest fear: Embry putting me in the 800m

Pregame ritual: Braids Hidden talent: Pickleball and Texas hold ‘em Biggest fear: JaBletie Hassan

Pregame ritual: Getting buckets with Courtney Hidden talent: Being mistaken for Pooley Biggest fear: Missing the bus to the meet

Pregame ritual: Put grass from the infield in my back pocket Hidden talent: I know how to get in Wakanda Biggest fear: Not making progress

Pregame ritual: Removing barbed wire Hidden talent: Running Biggest fear: Falling

Pregame ritual: Dance, I need dat Hidden talent: Great singer Biggest fear: To fail

Pregame ritual: Grab the sand, throw it over my head and act like I’m Lebron James for once Hidden talent: I can hide stuff in my hair Biggest fear: Not being able to run with my boy Jack on the 4x4

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