April 2013 Sunset Newsletter
What’s Happening This Month at Sunset . . .
April 2013 SUNDAY
PTA Meeting @ 3:30 pm Young Author’s
McTeacher Night @ McDonald’s 4:00-7:00 pm
King Arthur Flour Assembly 5th @ 8:30 am
Donuts for Dads 7:30-8:10 am
Sunset at the Movies! 2:00-3:45 pm
PTA Meeting Calendar 2012/2013 School Year The PTA meetings will be held the first Monday of every month. We are alternating between after school and evening meetings. Please mark your calendars so you can attend! Monday, April 8th @ 3:30
Monday, May 6th @ 6:00
We will be voting in officers for the 2013/2014 school year at our last meeting in May. If you or someone you know would like to be an officer, please be sure to attend the meeting and cast your vote!
A Message from Our Sunset Principal – Brenda Farmer Dear Families: April. Wow. I am speechless. So much to do, so many things I am excited to accomplish and the year is almost gone. I am reading a book about fierce conversations and it asks what you are passionately engaged in. I have to tell you, my passionate engagement is the staff, parents and kiddos I serve at Sunset School. Thank you for allowing me this joy. So we are now at the last skill and power in Conscious Discipline, Power and Skill Number SEVEN. The Power is Intention (Conflict is an opportunity to teach) and the Skill is Consequences (Building self esteem and willpower). We have the Power of Free Will, the problem is, some of us have not learned from our mistakes. Mistakes are opportunities – it’s the power of intention. Three basic intentions we give when we give a consequence. Scenario = Get homework into the finished box for grading. Intent to Punish = Lecture student, keep admonishing, intent is to feel bad, guilty or wrong. Focus is not on what student IS feeling to what I think she should be feeling. Intent to save = I know you did your work, I’m sure of it. Goal is to save children. They are not in charge – you are. Teaches adults know best. Focus is not on child – now we’ve set student up to have someone rescue and save them the rest of their lives. Intent to teach = You feel…. The goal is to help children reflect and take responsibility. True consequences have to do with the internal state of the child. It’s the feeling state.
If we tell them they should feel or they shouldn’t feel, we’ve taken away their internal guidance system. Consequences + Empathy = Responsibility and change Moral Lecture = Stagnation and excuses Three Types of Consequences Natural – hand on hot stove, mean to friends, run into street. These motivate you to use skills you have not learned. Natural Consequences are the most powerful! Imposed – we arrange them. “If you hit your brother again, your consequence will be to be removed from the room.” These are arranged consequences and the consequence must be Reasonable, Related and Responsible!!! The example is in quotes above, the template for you to use is: If you ____, your consequence will be________. They hit again. You say, “You hit your brother and I’m going to help you to your room now. You may not hit!” Problem Solving – This is an opportunity for them to learn a new skill. ‘Time out’ doesn’t teach a new skill. “I don’t like it when you hit me, next time say I want the pen.” Chronic problems do not respond without problem solving. Class or family meeting is the structure underlying this strategy. It’s the time to talk and strategize. It is the time to set clear expectations, when everyone is calm. Allow children to experience the pain of their consequences.
Do your own reflection, ask yourself - Do I want the child to pay for his crimes or reflect and change? I hope you have enjoyed these monthly memos on Conscious Discipline. It is a topic parents requested more information on in our Title 1 survey last year. We have a set or two of the Conscious Discipline DVD’s at the office for you to check out if you’d like. They are very costly and we keep a tight reign on them, so we ask that you to use them and return them. If you missed a newsletter, let Mrs. Meyer know, she has a copy of each of my writings. Sending good intent and a wish for consequences that don’t hurt too much your way this month, Mrs. Farmer
Classroom News! Want to see what is happening in your child’s classroom? Please visit the Sunset Teacher Sites by typing in the following link: http://www.park6.org/classroompages.cfm?location=736&school=736
The Young Authors' Celebration is Monday, April 8th from 6-7:30PM at the Cody Middle School Commons Area. Please come and celebrate with your author.
The Food Service Department would like elementary students to help us by drawing and coloring ChooseMyPlate.gov color sheets for our cafeteria. Log on to the district website, www.park6.org, and click on the Food Service link to find and print the color sheet, or ask for a copy at your school office. Draw and color your favorite school meal and turn it in to your school office to be posted in the cafeteria. Five components are offered for lunch daily; FRUIT, VEGETABLE, GRAIN, MEAT/MEAT ALTERNATE & MILK. Students must choose at least three items and one of the items must be a serving of a fruit or vegetable.
PTA News!
Tuesday, April 9th – McTeacher Night at McDonald’s from 4:00-7:00 pm. We are raising funds to help Mr. French purchase a kiln and art supplies for Sunset! We sent home coupons with your students. Please sell at least one coupon if you can. These coupons can be used on McTeacher Night! If you do not wish to sell the coupon, please send it back to the school with your student. If you want to sell more coupons, you can pick them up from Mrs. Meyer at the front desk. Come celebrate a night out with your family and the teachers at Sunset!
Friday, April 12th – Donuts for Dads from 7:30-8:10 am Bring your dad/grandpa/friend to school to enjoy a donut with you!
Friday, April 26th – Sunset at the Movies from 2:00-3:45 pm (movie starts at 2:00 pm) Come celebrate Earth Day with us by viewing “The Lorax” at Big Horn Cinemas. Entry fee gets your student in to the movie, a small bag of popcorn and a small drink! ($10 per student or $15 per family). We will be sending more information along with a permission slip in your Monday folders on Monday April, 15th. Thanks!
PTA Save the Date for May May Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6th through the 10th We will be hosting various activities to thank our principal, teachers and staff for all that they do for Sunset students! Friday, May 10th – Muffins for Moms from 7:30-8:10 am Bring your mom/grandma/friend to school to show your appreciation for all that they do for you!
Paul Stock Aquatics and Recreation Center Yellowstone Quake Home Games Start Time: 7:30 pm Catch all the action at the Victor J. Riley Arena (1400 Heart Mountain St.). For a complete season schedule, visit their website. http://yellowstonequake.pointstreaksites.c om/view/yellowstonequake
Family Fun Friday, April 19, 3-7 pm Celebrating Earth. In 2013, Earth Day is celebrating its 43rd anniversary. Come to the museum to honor the occasion with fun activities that connect us to Mother Nature. A familyfriendly meal will be available in the Eatery.
Riley Arena Public Skate Schedule For a schedule please go to the following website: http://www.rileyarena.com/schedule.html
• APRIL 8 to 18 - SRD Sponsored Swim Lessons (Eastside 4th Graders) Pools; 3:30 to 5P, Mon-Thurs; FREE! • APRIL 10 - Wyoming Health Fairs Blood Draw Hallway, 7 to 10 A, Prices Vary • APRIL 12 - HCA Stay Safe (School Age Youth) Games, Crafts & Snack; 2:15 to 5 P; Free for members • APRIL 13 – FREE DAY! • APRIL 15 to 25 – Basic Water Tots (2-4 Years Old) Pools; Mon, Tues & Thurs, 5:30 to 6 P; $30 • APRIL 15 to 25 – Advanced Water Tots (2-4 Years Old) Pools; Mon, Tues & Thurs, 6 to 6:30 P; $30 • APRIL 17 - Holiday Hurrah (2-5 Years Old) Pools; 3 to 4:30 P; $12 • APRIL 19 - HCA Stay Safe (School Age Youth Games, Crafts & Snack; 2:15 to 5 P; Free for members • APRIL 19 - Water Float Day (School Age Youth) Pools; 2 to 5 P; Free for members • APRIL 19 - Open Kayaking Pools; 5 to 7:30 P; $4 • APRIL 22 to MAY 2 - SRD Sponsored Swim Lessons (Sunset 4th Graders) Pools; 3:30 to 5P, Mon-Thurs; FREE! • APRIL 24 - Open Scuba Pools; 5:30 to 7:45 P; $4 • APRIL 26 - HCA Stay Safe (School Age Youth) Games, Crafts & Snack; 2:15 to 5 P; Free for members
Park County Library
For a complete calendar please go to this
In the Children’s Library:
the-cody-library/ Mondays: Toddler Time 10:00-10:20 am, for ages 12-36 months with parent or caregiver. Short stories, music, movement, and finger plays develop a comfort in the library.
For more information, call the Children’s
Tuesdays and Wednesdays – Story Time, 10:00-10:45 am for ages 3-6. Stories are based on a theme each week, accompanied by games, songs, and crafts promote early literacy.
of each month from 6:30-7:30 pm. Kids may come in pajamas, bring a stuffed animal or pillow and enjoy stories and snacks. Read to a Dog every Tuesday afternoon from This is wonderful oral reading
listeners, and this program is proven to help fluency. Call, email or stop by to sign up for a 15 minute session.
Holly Baker, hbaker@parkcountylibrary.org
www.parkcountylibrary.org/kids/. Follow
Sleepy Time Stories the first Monday evening
3:45-4:45 pm.
Library at 527-1884 or email librarian