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February 2013 Sunset Newsletter 

What’s Happening This Month at Sunset . . .

February 2013 SUNDAY














PTA Meeting 3:30 pm Health Screening

Health Screening rd th 3 & 4 Grade

Health Screening rd th 3 & 4 Grade

Health Screening rd th 3 & 4 Grade

Health Screening rd th 3 & 4 Grade

Sunset Drum Ensemble 12:45 & 2:30 pm







Dental Screenings 8:00-11:30 am

Kid’s Night Out 5:00-7:30 pm







No School President’s Day




Dental Screenings 8:00-11:30 am



25 Dr. Temple Grandin @7:00 pm “Autism” “A

Sunset 3 Grade to BBHC 8:30-11:00 am

26 nd


23 nd

End of 2 Trimester



2 & 3 Grade Music Program 6:30 pm @ WTA

PTA Meeting Calendar 2012/2013 School Year The PTA meetings will be held the first Monday of every month. We are alternating between after school and evening meetings. Please mark your calendars so you can attend! Monday, February 4th @ 3:30

Monday, March 4th @ 6:00

Monday, April 8th @ 3:30

Monday, May 6th @ 6:00

A Message from Our Sunset Principal – Brenda Farmer Dear Families: Conscious Discipline Power and Skill Number FIVE is perfect for the month of LOVE, February! This Power and Skill is the core of our bully prevention, it teaches children to respect others. Power of Love and Skill of Positive Intent Before we begin: Inhale and say, “I AM WILLING TO SEE,” Exhale and say, “THE BEST IN OTHERS.”

 Some facts for you to consider:  

Children cannot behave differently until they are seen differently. What you offer to others, you strengthen within yourself. You cannot attack others without hurting yourself. Attributing positive intent creates teaching moments by transforming resistance into cooperation.    

Children WILL oppose you. Passive and aggressive adults unconsciously invite children to test limits more often than adults who are assertive.

 Some tips:  Practice REFRAMING from thinking of the Negative Intent to the Positive Intent    

State the child’s positive motive and then the skill needed. DO NOT MAKE JUDGEMENT. Give the benefit of the doubt. State the limit and teach assertiveness.


Verbiage you can use – It works! Trust me, I’ve seen it over and over here at Sunset. Intent: “You wanted _______ so you __________.” Benefit: “You didn’t know __________________.” Limit: “You may not ____________, ______________hurts.” Here it is again with real words: “You wanted the toy so you grabbed it from your brother. You didn’t know he was playing with it. You may not grab another person’s toy without permission, that hurts.” Sometimes the child must be removed to keep the other child/person safe. Sending love your way this month,

Mrs. Farmer

PTA News! Look what you’ve done for our school! Money raised from PTA fundraisers helps buy needed items for our school. Here are a few of the things you have helped us purchase in the last month! Mr. Beaudrie – New sporting equipment for the gym Mr. French – With the help from Sunset PTA, a Souper Bowl fundraiser and a Wyoming grant, Sunset Elementary will be getting a kiln (a specialized oven/furnace which will be used to fire clay and pottery created by our students). Mrs. Manchester – Our library is in the process of purchasing fifteen (15) iPad minis! The students will learn how to navigate an iPad mini before they enter junior high and receive a school issued tablet. Students will be taught various technologies, one of which is learning to check out books from the Cody Public Library by using a tablet! How Exciting! Thanks for all that you do to help raise money for school!

Box Tops/Labels for Education Souper Bowl Once again Sunset Students did a Fantastic job in our Souper Bowl Challenge! We collected a total of 21,761 Box Tops/Labels for Education! Congratulations to the following classes for being our top three collectors: 1st Place – Roemmich (3rd Grade) 2nd Place – Olson (3rd Grade) 3rd Place – Barnhart (2nd Grade) Bradley Fick from Mr. Roemmich’s class brought in over 1,000 labels helping his class take the win. Way to go Bradley!! Thank you to all of the Sunset Students and Families for making this a success! Start saving your Box Tops/Labels for Education now to bring in for next year’s Souper Bowl Challenge!

Sunset School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) President — Rebecca Merritt Vice President — Lisa McDonald Secretary — Chrystal Rippeto Treasurer — Marcie Barton Sunset PTA E-mail Address: sunsetptacodywy@gmail.com Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions, comments, suggestions and ideas! “Like” us on Facebook at Sunset Elementary School PTA

______________________________ Sunset PTA has finished planning the remainder of our activites for the 2012/2013 school year. Please mark your calendars for the following activities: February Friday, February 15th – Spring Kid’s Night Out from 5:00-7:30 pm Come help us celebrate Dr. Suess’s Birthday! ($10 per student or $15 per family)

March Spring Scholastic Book Fair – Monday, March 4th through Friday, March 8th The book fair will be set up in the library this time. Please stop by to see if there is a new book you would like to add to your collection!

April Tuesday, April 9th – McTeacher Night at McDonald’s from 4:30-6:30 pm Come celebrate a night out with your family! Check next month’s newsletter for further details. A portion of the purchases goes to the Sunset PTA fund. Friday, April 12th – Donuts for Dads from 7:30-8:10 am Bring your dad/grandpa/friend to school to enjoy a donut with you! Friday, April 26th – Sunset at the Movies from 2:00-3:45 pm Come celebrate Earth Day with us by viewing “The Lorax” at Big Horn Cinemas. Entry fee gets you in to the movie, a small bag of popcorn and a small drink! ($10 per student or $15 per family)

May Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6th through the 10th We will be hosting various activities to thank our principal, teachers and staff for all that they do for Sunset students! Friday, May 6th – Muffins for Moms from 7:30-8:10 am Bring your mom/grandma/friend to school to show your appreciation for all that they do for you!

Classroom News! Want to see what is happening in your child’s classroom? Please visit the Sunset Teacher Sites by typing in the following link: http://www.park6.org/classroompages.cfm?location=736&school=736

2nd Grade News (Cole, Barnhart, Ellsbury) January was filled with many exciting learning opportunities for our Sunset Second graders. We have been working on Place Value up to 1,000 in Math. We will be moving onto skip counting by 5’s, 10’s and 100’s from any given number after we finish our place value assessment. In Social studies, we watched a video on the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They really enjoyed this! In Science, we are using the FOSS kits, which include a unit on Pebbles, Sand, and Silt; as well as a unit on Liquids and Solids. In writing, students have been working on their Young Author’s stories.

Special Education Topic of the Month The goal is to increase disability awareness and understanding. Please read and have a conversation with your child about the importance of including students with disabilities. Thank you! Autism The following information came from the following website: www.autismspeaks.org Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Each individual with autism is unique. Many of those on the autism spectrum have exceptional abilities in visual skills, music and academic skills. About 40 percent have average to above average intellectual abilities. Indeed, many persons on the spectrum take deserved pride in their distinctive abilities and “atypical” ways of viewing the world. Others with autism have significant disability and are unable to live independently. About 25 percent of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder are nonverbal but can learn to communicate using other means. An Autism expert is coming to Northwest College. Dr. Temple Grandin is the author of six books and a past member of the board of directors of the Autism Society of America. She is a renowned lecturer on autism. See her in person and hear her lecture entitled, “Autism and My Sensory Based World,” at the Nelson Performing Arts Center Auditorium on the Northwest College campus on February 25 at 7 p.m. Seats are limited, so register early. To register and learn more about Grandin and the programs, visit: www.northwestcollege.edu/ctd/training/powell.dot

Reading Corner (and a math tip) By Mrs. Karen Skoric, Instructional Facilitator “Mrs. Skoric, how do I talk to my children about the books they are reading? Are there questions I could ask that would help my child think more deeply about what they are reading?” This is a common question I get from parents, and one I would like to address this month. By the end of Kindergarten students are expected to retell a story in sequence (beginning, middle, end), using the character’s name(s), and identifying the setting (place AND time). As a student progresses through elementary school they begin to delve into key details, problem and solution, plot/events, author’s purpose, theme, compare/contrast characters and books, and reflecting about the lesson/moral of the story. Keep these concepts in mind when talking to your child about their reading and the books they are enjoying. The biggest tip I can give you: Avoid questions with one-word answers. For example, compare the following two questions: Did you like this book? Vs. What did you like about this book? The first question requires a one-word answer. The second question requires the child to think and reflect before answering. See additional thoughtprovoking questions below:          

If you could be friends with any character in the story, who would it be and why? What was the most exciting part of the story? Why? What surprised you the most about the story? Why was it surprising? What do you think the saddest part of the story was? Why? Is there anything in this story that is similar to something that has happened in your life? What would you do in a situation similar to that faced by a character in the story? How would you change the book’s ending if you could re-write it? How is this book like one you read in the past? How did the character(s) change from the beginning to the end? Have you read other books by this author? Why or why not?

References: greatschools.org readingrockets.org familyeducation.com scholastic.com Math tip: One of the best things you can do for your child is to have several analog clocks around your house. Many students today cannot read an analog clock. (An analog clock is one with a face and hands.) Think about it…cell phones, stoves, microwaves, banks and vehicles all show digital clocks. Telling time is a very abstract concept, and needs lots of practice. Talking about, and using an analog clock will boost your child’s mathematical understanding of algebra, decimals, fractions and even multiplication.

Happy President’s Day There will be no school on Monday, February 18, 2013. Enjoy your day off!

Music Room News Saturday, February 9th - Sunset Drum Ensemble Girl’s game - 12:45 & Boy’s game - 2:30 High School Gym Tuesday, February 26th - 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Program 6:30 pm at the Wynona Thompson Auditorium Dear 2nd and 3rd grade Parents and Students: On Tuesday, February 26th, the 2nd and 3rd grade classes will be presenting the musical, ‘3 of a Kind,’ written by John Jacobson and John Higgins. The performance will be at Wynona Thompson Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. We are in the beginning stages of pulling together costumes for the production. Listed below are the costumes needed for the various characters in the musical. If you need help with your costume, I will need to know in advance (by February 11th) so I can put the word out if I don’t have the costume. I am trying to have everything for the program taken care of before I leave on a school trip, February 17 th-22nd. I will be back on Friday, February 23rd. Please call me if you have any questions. ***All students will need a teddy bear for this production. Let me know if your child does not have one…I took a count earlier, and it looks like we will be able to come up with extra for those who don’t have one. **Riser Concert dress for the program: All Boys singing on Risers: Nice pants and a nice shirt All Girls singing on Risers: Nice pants and a nice shirt or a mid-length/long dress...short dresses are not the best due to risers being up above the audience. Please call me if you have any questions. All Characters in the Musical have recently had a costume note sent home within the last week. Please check the Sunset website if you have any questions or call me at school. Thanks for all your help and support. Kari Pinney Sunset Music Educator 587-4279

The Food Service Department would like elementary students to help us by drawing and coloring ChooseMyPlate.gov color sheets for our cafeteria. Log on to the district website, www.park6.org, and click on the Food Service link to find and print the color sheet, or ask for a copy at your school office. Draw and color your favorite school meal and turn it in to your school office to be posted in the cafeteria. Five components are offered for lunch daily; FRUIT, VEGETABLE, GRAIN, MEAT/MEAT ALTERNATE & MILK. Students must choose at least three items and one of the items must be a serving of a fruit or vegetable.

The Cody High School Student Council is pleased to present Mr. Alvin Law, an international motivational speaker to Cody, Wednesday, February 6th. With the support of School District #6 and local donors, Mr. Law will speak at Cody High School from 9:15am to 10:45am in Wynona Thompson Auditorium. Then he will speak at the Cody Middle School in the commons from 2:15pm to 3:15pm. A third presentation by Mr. Law for the ENTIRE COMMUNITY will be held at 6:30pm Wednesday in Wynona Thompson Auditorium. Mr. Law will be addressing the question everyone in Cody has asked – what can we do to help our kids?! There is no admittance charge. Everyone is welcome.

“Bingo for Books Fiesta Style” Thurs. March 21 6:00-7:30 p.m. Sunset Cafeteria Please mark on your calendars for this fun family reading night open to all Sunset students and parents. More information to come later. February is dental health month. Dental screenings will take place Tuesday, February 12th and Thursday, February 14th. Thanks to Dr. Holeman and Dr. Walton for volunteering their time at our school. Please contact me if you do not want your child to participate in the screenings. We will be performing our annual health screens for 3rd and 5th graders the week of February 4th. The health screen consists of height and weight measurement, body mass index (BMI) measurement, vision screening for near and far acuity, and hearing screening. If you do not want your child to participate in this health screening, please contact me. If you are interested in knowing the results of your child’s health screen, you can contact the school nurse or you can visit with the nurse in March during parent teacher conferences. Thank you. Windy Smith, RN School Nurse

Paul Stock Aquatics and Recreation Center Yellowstone Quake Home Games Start Time: 7:30 pm Catch all the action at the Victor J. Riley Arena (1400 Heart Mountain St.). For a complete season schedule, visit their website. http://yellowstonequake.pointstreaksites.c om/view/yellowstonequake

Riley Arena Public Skate Schedule For a schedule please go to the following website: http://www.rileyarena.com/schedule.html

Winter Family Fun Friday, February 22nd, 3-7 pm Family fun in conjunction with the Center’s celebration of Buffalo Bill’s birthday. In the festive spirit of a birthday party, this one is free along with our evening event featuring the Buffalo Bill band and birthday cake.

WEEK OF FEB 4 - New Session of Aquatic & Fitness Classes Begins (Includes swim lessons & toddler programs) • FEB 6 - National Girls & Women in Sports Day • FEB 6 - Creative Cookies (4 to 6 yr olds, $8) MP Room; 1:15 to 2 PM • FEB 6 to 27 - Spring Futsal (2nd to 8th grade, $20) Red Gym; 1 to 1:30 PM, Wed • FEB 7 to 28 - Little Kickers (4 to 6 yr olds, $18) Red Gym; 1 to 1:30 PM, Thurs • FEB 8 - Basic Breastroke Swim Clinic (7 yrs & Older, $15) Pool; 2 to 3:30 PM • FEB 8 - Water Float Day (All Ages, Free for members) Pools; 2 to 5 PM • FEB 8 - HCA Stay Safe (School Age Youth, Free for members) Indoor Snowball Fight, Insta-Snow & Snack; 2:15 to 5 PM • FEB 13 - WY Health Fairs Blood Drive Hallway; 7 to 10 AM • FEB 15 - HCA Stay Safe (School Age Youth, Free for members) Whiffle Ball, Pom Poms & Snack; 2:15 to 5 PM • FEB 15 - Open Kayaking (All Ages, $4) Pool; 5 to 7:30 PM • FEB 18 – President’s Day (Regular Facility Hours) • FEB 20 - Open Scuba (All Ages, $4) Pool; 5:30 to 7:45 PM • FEB 22 - HCA Stay Safe (School Age Youth, Free for members) Lacrosse, Beading & Snack; 2:15 to 5 PM • FEB 25 - Co-Ed & Women’s Volleyball Registration Deadline! • FEB 26 & 28 – First Aid/CPR/AED for Workplaces & Communities Conference Room, 5:30 to 9:30 PM • FEB 25 to MARCH 29 – Pool Grouting Project Pools Closed!

Park County Library

Month of February

We want to help with a simple new program for the month of February to encourage reading

In the Children’s Library:

together as a family, and visiting the library as

Mondays: Toddler Time 10:00-10:20 am, for ages 12-36 months with parent or caregiver. Short stories, music, movement, and finger plays develop a comfort in the library.

often as possible.

Sign up at the library to

receive a calendar and stickers, and join us Saturday morning, March 2nd

(Dr. Seuss’s

birthday) for a Winter Reading Celebration, including Bingo for Books and more!

Tuesdays and Wednesdays – Story Time, 10:00-10:45 am for ages 3-6. Stories are based on a theme each week, accompanied by games,

For more information, call the Children’s

songs, and crafts promote early literacy.

Library at 527-1884 or email librarian Holly


Sleepy Time Stories the first Monday evening


of each month from 6:30-7:30 pm. Kids may


come in pajamas, bring a stuffed animal or


pillow and enjoy stories and snacks.







Read to a Dog every Tuesday afternoon from 3:45-4:45 pm.

This is wonderful oral reading












listeners, and this program is proven to help fluency. Call, email or stop by to sign up for a 15 minute session. Friday, February 8th, from 2:15-3:15 Valentine Party Kids in grades K-5 Kids will make a gift to give someone else on Valentine’s Day, plus enjoy stories, games and a snack. Sign-up Appreciated.

For a complete calendar please go to this website:


Family Winter Reading!

Come celebrate President's Day with us! We're Open: 9:30am - 4:00pm


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