November Newsletter

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November 2012 Sunset Newsletter  What’s Happening This Month at Sunset . . . SUNDAY










Veteran’s Day Observed

Gary Johnston Reading Program 6:30-7:30 pm











Believe Kids Pick Up Your Order to Deliver!

End of 1 Trimester









Early Release for Holiday – 11:45

Thanksgiving Holiday No School

Thanksgiving Holiday No School








PTA Meeting 6:00 pm




PTA Meeting Calendar 2012/2013 School Year The PTA meetings will be held the first Monday of every month. We are alternating between after school and evening meetings. Please mark your calendars so you can attend! Monday, November 5th @ 6:00

Monday, February 4th @ 3:30

Monday, December 3rd @ 3:30

Monday, March 4th @ 6:00

Monday, January 14th @ 6:00

Monday, April 8th @ 3:30 Monday, May 6th @ 6:00

A Message from Our Sunset Principal – Brenda Farmer Dear Families: Continuing with the theme of understanding the precepts of Conscious Discipline, this month I’m focusing on Power and Skill Number TWO. Power of Unity and Skill of Encouragement With the Power of Unity we want each member of the team or family to feel that we are all in this together. The Skill of Encouragement we are building our home families and our school family. The precepts taught under this Power and Skill are so very important as children are DEMANDING to be seen. So here goes. *The behaviors that get us someone’s undivided attention are the behaviors we use. Therefore; as the adults, we must notice our children and not judge them. How do we do that? Be present in the moment with them, connect to them, look them in the eye, give them your undivided attention. Notice them; which describes what is seen. At school we say, “You (what they did), so (how it helped someone outside of themselves). That was helpful. Here it is in real words: “You gave Joe your brown crayon so he could finish coloring his tree. That was helpful.” Noticing forces our minds to come to the present moment. The present moment is where your joy, safety, and passion lay. It is the bridge that allows children who are disconnected to reconnect, AND as humans we want connections. Our brain says, “I want to be seen so I can be noticed and feel encouraged. An example of noticing and not judging: “I asked you to pick up your coat and you said no.” Judging puts the judgers value on what is happening. It is judgmental and it makes the person you are judging feel “less than” and “not good enough”. *As humans, we are global with our praise and specific with our discontent. Let’s try turning that around and becoming specific with our praise and global with our discontent, it works! It looks like this: “I like the way you put your coat away without arguing.” This is specific praise and makes the child feel good about his/her mastery of something. It actually gives the brain a hit of serotonin (the good feeling neurotransmitter). Saying, “Thank you” and “You did it” do the same. *Another start for us as adults is to start using commands for the expectations we give where no choice is involved. It sounds like this: “Put your coat on the hook by the front door so it is ready when we leave for school in the morning.” The child complies and then your say, “You did it, way to go.” Or “Good for you.” *Consider giving every child a job that helps the family. My children tell their children these are ACTS of SERVICE for the family. Just the new language has my grandchildren excited about their work and gives them pride where the word “job” made them feel their work was drudgery.

So, by the end of the year you will see how this all comes together. I KNOW it is hard to change our patterns of reacting and speaking. We do to our kiddos what was done to us. I also know that after a long hard day at work it is difficult for parents to THINK about these new concepts and put them into practice. I’m challenging you to try. My difficult grandson was being his most difficult was when his mommy was getting dinner. He’d try to get her attention and she’d brush him off (she was tired, hungry, and busy). Soon he hauled off and hit his baby brother. THAT got her attention! AND he got what he wanted, her attention. So she started preparing simpler dinners. This gave her time and energy to give attention to the boys. The difficulties declined. She began noticing the good things Isaac would do and gave him her full eyes and mind. He felt better and the behaviors began to decline. Notice I said decline. It has been a long hard road but the benefits of Conscious Discipline are showing at that household. Thanks everyone for the opportunity to partner with you and have a great month. Mrs. Farmer

Sunset School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) President — Rebecca Merritt Vice President — Lisa McDonald Secretary — Chrystal Rippeto Treasurer — Marcie Barton Sunset PTA E-mail Address: Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions, comments, suggestions and ideas! “Like” us on Facebook at Sunset Elementary School PTA

PTA News! Believe Kids Fundraiser WOW!!! Another amazing Believe Kids fundraiser, we sold over $32,000 worth of products with a profit of around $13,000 towards events, activities and staff requests. Thank you thank you thank you! Many of you chose to shop online and we appreciate your orders too! Thank you as well to those who made cash donations! Every bit helps! Pick up of frozen foods and prizes will be on Thursday November 8th from 3 pm to 5 pm. Please make sure you mark this on your calendars as all items must be picked up during that time. We do not have freezer space to store your products. Please plan to do your deliveries as soon as you pick up your items or have freezer space to store items until you can deliver them. Congratulations to those students who won the prizes for the drawings. The winner pulled from those who sold 5 items won the Electric Scooter congratulations Issie Foote. The winner from the 10 items sold bucket was Bob Booth and he won a Tablet. Devon Furman won the HDTV for selling 20 items. Great job! Thank you to everyone who participated. We had great internet sales congratulations and rewarded these top 3 computer savvy sellers each with a prize, Simeon Forsman, Jayden Scheid and DJ Chacon had the top sales on the website. Top seller in the school, combining internet and catalog sales with $1199.50 in sales, 84 items sold was Jayden Scheid in Mr. White’s class, Congratulations, enjoy your Kindle and lunch with Mrs. Farmer. Second place seller with $908.50 in sales was DJ Chacon in Mrs. Cole’s class, enjoy your lunch with Mrs. Farmer! Third place with $744 in sales was Hudson Oelschlager in Mrs. Gallagan’s class. Enjoy your lunch with Mrs. Farmer! Top Classroom wins a Pizza Party and gets to adopt an animal from the Smithsonian zoo. Congratulations Mr. White’s class, who together sold 209 items with $3220.50 in sales. Again thank you to everyone who participated!!!

Kid’s Night Out We had a great turnout for our annual Kid’s Night Out! The students enjoyed games, movies, fingernail and face painting, food and a costume parade. Thank you to all of those that attended. We raised around $1,000 for this event. This money will go towards staff requests to support our Sunset Family!!

Scholastic Fall Book Fair Our Fall Book Fair did well again this year! Check out the books Mrs. Manchester picked out for the library from proceeds earned during our book fair!

Where does the money from PTA Fundraisers Go? Here are some of the requests we’ve filled this year so far: New Books for the Library New Books for Title One New Curriculum Program for the 5th Grade Classrooms

Classroom News! Want to see what is happening in your child’s classroom? Please visit the Sunset Teacher Sites by typing in the following link:

Special Education Topic of the Month The goal is to increase disability awareness and understanding. Please read and have a conversation with your child about the importance of inclusion. Thank you! Inclusion This information came from the following website: Inclusion of students with disabilities is part of a much larger picture than just placement in the regular class within school. It is being included in life and participating using one’s abilities in day-to-day activities as a member of the community. Inclusion is being a part of what everyone else is, being welcomed and embraced as a member who belongs. Inclusion can occur in schools, churches, playgrounds, work and in recreation. Through inclusive education, children with disabilities remain on a path that leads to an adult life as a participating member of society. Inclusive education teaches all children teamwork and how to interrelate and function together with others of different abilities. They learn to value diversity, see the ability of others to contribute, and it gives children a sense of unity. Some of the Benefits of Inclusion for Students With Disabilities: • Friendships • Increased social initiations, relationships and networks • Peer role models for academic, social and behavior skills • Greater access to general curriculum • Enhanced skill acquisition and generalization • Increased inclusion in future environments • Greater opportunities for interactions • Higher expectations • Increased school staff collaboration • Increased parent participation • Families are more integrated into community Benefits of Inclusion for Students Without Disabilities • Meaningful friendships • Increased appreciation and acceptance of individual differences • Increased understanding and acceptance of diversity • Respect for all people • Prepares all students for adult life in an inclusive society • Opportunities to master activities by practicing and teaching others • Greater academic outcomes All students’ needs are better met through inclusion!

Mrs. Baumstarck, School Counselor I would like to thank everyone for participating in the National Character Counts Week by dressing up for each of the Six Pillars of Character! It is so important to be a Kid of Character that at Sunset Elementary we say the Sunset School Creed each and every day; which is: To be a Kid of Character, I’ll be worthy of Trust I’ll be Respectful and Responsible, Doing what I must. I will always act with Fairness. I will show that I Care. I will be a good Citizen, And always do my share. Classroom Guidance Activities include learning about the Pillars of Responsibility and Trustworthiness this trimester. As I finish these up this trimester, I will begin teaching Emotion Management to the Kindergarten students, and Impulse Control and Problem Solving strategies to the First through Fifth Grades students from the Second Step Curriculum.

Sunset School Snow Plow Painting Sunset 4th and 5th Graders are painting a snowplow which will be used by the City of Cody to plow snow this winter. The students used automotive paint on the plow and it will be finished with a sealer to make it last. The theme is famous painters and the Sunset snowplow is inspired by Andy Warhol's paintings of endangered species.

Gary Johnston Dads, Moms, Guardians, and Grandparents please come and listen to a dynamic speaker about “reading to your children.” Gary says that, “How much a child is read to or read with depends on how they like to read. Please attend on…

Tuesday, November 13, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Sunset School See you for snacks and great information to help your child “love to read.” Child Care will be provided. There will be a grand prize drawing for an iPad. You must be present to win.

Sunset will be releasing the students early on Wednesday, November 21st, at 11:45 am for the Thanksgiving Holiday. There will be No School on Thursday, November 22nd, and Friday, November 23rd. Have a safe and happy holiday!

Kids’ Nordic Ski Clinic & “Ski-Cation” Ages 5 years-5th grade (younger/older kids welcome) Registration for Clinic &/or Camp: Sunday, November 11th 2:00-5:00pm @ Sunlight Sports Questions?

Lions Club Turkey Day Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012 (All day or non-timed event) This is the Lions Club major fundraiser for the year. Raffle tickets available to win a truck and other items, shooting games, and kids turkey themed day. Come join the fun! Holiday Craft Fair located at the Cody Auditorium on this day as well! Come support your local artists!

Yellowstone Quake Home Games Friday, Nov 23 - Thursday, Nov 29 Start Time: 7:30 pm Catch all the action at the Victor J. Riley Arena (1400 Heart Mountain St.). For a complete season schedule, visit their website. http://yellowstonequake.pointstreaksites.c om/view/yellowstonequake

Paul Stock Aquatics and Recreation Center The rec center will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday, November 22nd.

Riley Arena Public Skate Schedule Monday, November 5th from 4-5p Tuesday, November 6th from 4-5p Wednesday, November 7th from 3:30-5p “Free Skates” Thursday, November 8th from 4-5p Friday, November 9th from 1:30-5p Saturday, November 10th from 11-1p Monday, November 11th from 4-5p Tuesday, November 12th from 4-5p Wednesday, November 13th from 12:00-1p “$3” Thursday, November 14th from 4-5p Monday, November 19th from 4-5p Tuesday, November 20th from 4-5p Wednesday, November 21st from 12:00-1p “$3” Thursday, November 22nd from 4-5p Monday, November 26th from 4-5p Tuesday, November 27th from 4-5p Wednesday, November 28th from 12:00-1p “$3” Thursday, November 29th from 4-5p Pricing Public Skate Prices: $6 for 12 and over; $4 under 12. Group Rates - 11 to 20 skaters = $5 per person 12 and over; $3 under 12 21 or more skaters = $5 per person 12 and over; $2 under 12 Skate Rentals: $3 per session Stick & Puck: $7 Adult Drop-in Hockey: $10 Broomball: $7 Open Figure Skating: $7

Park County Library In the Children’s Library: Mondays: Toddler Time 10:00-10:20 a.m., for ages 12-36 months with parent or caregiver. Short stories, music, movement, and finger plays develop a comfort in the library. Tuesdays and Wednesdays – Story Time, 10:00-10:45 a.m. for ages 3-6. Stories are based on a theme each week, accompanied by games, songs, and crafts promote early literacy. Sleepy Time Stories on Monday, November 5, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Kids may come in pajamas, bring a stuffed animal or pillow and enjoy stories and snacks.

For more information, call the Children’s Library at 527-1884 or email librarian Holly Baker, or visit Follow






The library will be closed for Thanksgiving Thursday, November 22 through Sunday, November 25.

SnowFest 2012! Saturday, November 10th Takes place at the Stock Activity Center (next to the Cody High School gymnasium). Pancake Breakfast 7:30 - 10:30 Cody High School Ski Swap 10:00 - 3:00 Ski Movie 6:00 pm Phone: 307-250-7710 More Info:

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