May 2012
Volume 58, Issue 9
Sunset News May 2012 SUN
Staff 6 Appreciation Week
Family, Food & Fun Night
14 4th grade 15
20 Meet the
Teacher Nite
4th to Wapiti; 5th to Thermop
PTA meeting
Track today, 5th grade tomorrow
End of the year is here, oh MY!
1st Picnic
Library Books
3rd Picnic
Muffins with Moms
Move Up Day
Sunset Garden
2nd Picnic
4/5 TOWN
Celebration Last 1/2 day of school
Boo Hoo Breakfast
Bell rings at 8:10 am
May 6-11 — Staff Appreciation Week
Tues. May 22— 1st grade Picnic
Tues. May 8—6:30 pm PTA meeting & elections
Thurs. May 24— 2nd grade Picnic
Fri. May 11—Muffins With Moms 730 am + Move Up Day + Library Books are due Fri. May 11 & Sat. 12—Sunset Garden building Mon. May 14– 4th Grade Track at CHS Tues. May 15—5th Grade Track at CHS + Family Food & Fun Nite at Papa Murphy’s Fri. May 18 —4/5 TOWN Mon. May 21 — 4th to Wapiti; 5th to Thermopolis
Weds. May 23— 3rd grade Picnic Fri. May 25 – 830 am Celebration +1145 am Early release—Last Day of School Fri. Aug. 17—Newsletter deadline Mon. Aug. 20—3:30—5 pm. Meet The Teacher Nite, tour the school, come see you child’s classroom, meet their teacher and join PTA. Tues. Aug. 21-1st Day of School, Don’t be late the bell rings at 8:10am! Kindergarten parents attend Boo Hoo Breakfast after drop off. Thanks 1st grade parents for helping with food.
The month of May is BUSY at Sunset School. Stop by the front office for a May calendar of events. Mrs. Meyer has worked hard to include all scheduled events on one calendar. MOVE UP day is May 11th. Please be aware that placing students in classrooms for the upcoming year is a sacred trust taken very seriously. We spend hours considering each student’s personality, academic needs, along with the best mix of students for each class. Our teachers collaborate when lesson planning; each classroom is a standards based classroom where the state standards are taught. Our goal is a level learning field for every student. Summer at Sunset will be very busy. Kindergarten Readiness Camp is June 11 – 22nd, 8am to noon. Jump Start Summer School/ ExCEL, along with Elementary SPED Jump Start is July 16-August 3 M-TH 8am-2pm and Fridays 8am-noon. Sunset hosts all elementary teacher summer professional development for the district and meets from other entities as needed. July 31st the office staff returns, and teachers return on August 14th; it will be a quick summer. Meet the Teacher Night (the night to bring school supplies) will be August 20th from 3:305pm. We will close the school promptly at five to go home and get ready for the next day as school starts the next morning (August 21st) at 8:10am. Our staff is focusing on student data to ensure rigorous instruction and high levels of student learning. We use the MAP test three times per year and goal set with students. We are very proud of our students’ efforts and learning. You will receive your child’s MAP graph at the end of the year showing his/her growth in math and reading. We have a lot to celebrate. If you have questions concerning this data or any other needs contact your child’s teacher. See you this summer around town. Thanks for helping Sunset ROCK! ~Mrs. Farmer
Greetings folks! Sunset Garden Update! We have many materials secured (wood from Mr. Bronnenberg and fencing from Mr. Vaughn), so the garden is a go. The plan is to meet Friday May 11th after school to build the boxes and Saturday the 12th, 10 am (to fill them and perhaps plant). We will need some tools (rakes, wheel barrels, saws, screws, shovels, etc.) on both days. Please mark your calendars and come help us out if you can. In addition, parents will need to be in attendance with their children during these two day (please no drops-offs). Thanks for the hard work and I am very excited to get this going. Mr. Krubeck
Sunset School Staff Appreciation Week is May 7—11. Thank you to all Teachers, Para educators and all the Support Staff for every moment you give to this school and these students. There will be a card making station near the lunchroom for students to create a thank you card for a staff member they appreciate. Please take a moment to say THANK YOU! Other activities will be ongoing for staff throughout the week.
Forgot to record Sunset School on the Balancing Act? Watch it here! http:// story/?id=3843 Thanks for your support.
On Tuesday, May 15th at Papa Murphy’s from 4-7, we will be having our final Family, Food and Fun Night. Papa Murphy’s will be generously donating a portion of all sales to our Fitness Center project. Come and get your picture taken with our Sunset Mascot! Our own teachers, staff and student council will be working and serving your food! Come and say hi and take home some fantastic food to share with your family! September Boo Hoo Breakfast Traditionally the new 1st Grade families bring breakfast for the new Kindergarten families. Mark the date in your calendars for September 21st at 8 am to bring a breakfast casserole or other breakfast item for the teary eyed families! Thank you way in advance!
Wyoming Advisory Panel for Students with Disabilities will be holding public meetings in Cody. Those wishing to provide public comment regarding the education of children with disabilities in Wyoming are encouraged to attend and make their comment any time between 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 7, 2012. Individuals unable to attend the meeting in person may call into the meeting using the number 1877-278-8686 with a Pass Code of 095102. Public Comment may be verbal or written. The limit for verbal comments is no more than five minutes; comments are to be factual and objective and will be taken under advisement by the panel. To learn more about the WAPSD, their vision and Date May 7, 2012 May 8, 2012
Time 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – Noon
Location Best Western Ivy Inn Best Western Ivy Inn
A Gigantic Thank you! It has been a fantastic year for your Sunset PTA. Our year was very eventful—we held some great activities and raised a whopping $42,865 to help make Sunset School the best school in Cody! We have funded over $14,000 in staff requests, are building a Fitness area, and sending home a Summer Activity book among many, many other successful projects and events. None of it would have been possible without the assistance of the staff, families and students of Sunset School and our Cody Community. A special thank you to Lisa Hoffman who spent countless hours with Annette Bollinger counting, cutting and bagging all of those little Box Tops and Campbell's soup labels. Sunset School Parent-Teacher Association
mission, a list of current members and the work in which they have been involved, please go to http:// ograms/special_education/ wapsd.aspx or or call the Panel’s Administrative Assistant, Barb Yates, at 307-8579253 or email
Cody Middle School Parent Night for incoming 6th graders. Parents and students attend one of Tues. May 22 or Weds. May 23 from 630-730 pm in the CMS Commons.
Sunset Elementary School PTA
Our next and last! ParentTeacher Association meeting for the 2011-2012 School year will be held on Tues. May 8th at 630 pm in the Art/Science room. All parents and staff are invited and encouraged to attend. Elections for PTA Executive will be held. All positions are open.
We appreciate you Mrs. Brock, Mrs. Kleersnyder, Mr. White & Mrs. Wood! Kindergarten Readiness Camp: KRC will be June 11 – June 21, Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM at Sunset Elementary School. The Kindergarten Readiness Camp is going to be an excellent opportunity for children to transition from preschool or home to Kindergarten in the fall. This program is being provided free to any child registering for Kindergarten for the 2012-2013 school year.
We appreciate you Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Davis & Mrs. Foley! First grade students are doing a FANTASTIC job on their reading challenge. Our students have almost met their goal of 40,000 minutes and we still have 2 weeks of the challenge left! When the students reach their reading goal we will have a celebratory picnic at the park complete with treats and games on May 22nd. As the year is winding to a close we are gearing up for some fun adventures: a trip to the public library, our picnic at the park, move up day and much more. Be sure to check the weekly newsletter for the most up to date information about all that is happening in first grade! Page 4
We appreciate you Mrs. Barnhart, Mrs. Cole, & Mrs. Ellsbury! Second Grade Year End Picnic on Thursday May 24th.
We appreciate you Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Reinker, & Mr. Roemmich! Mrs. Hill’s Class : Can't believe this is the last newsletter for the year! What a great time we have had! We are finishing up district writing assessments as well as reading assessments right now! We will also be having a little fun along the way with a picnic and a celebration on May 23rd. Thanks to everyone for a fantastic 3rd grade year! Have a GREAT Summer!
We appreciate you Mrs. Galagan, Mr. Krubeck, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. LaFollette & Mr. McCarten! TOWN on May 18th, See the Phys. Ed section for Track Meet dates. Mon. May 21—4th Grade Rendezvous in Wapiti & 5th Grade Thermopolis swimming trip Sunset News
Move Up Day—May 11th Wow! Where has the year gone? Children have grown not only in height, but also in rich ideas and critical problem solving skills!
All classes get to visit their new teacher and classroom from 12:30-1:10 pm.
They have learned their alphabet all the way to becoming creative writers; they have learned to memorize one plus one and now know formulas.
We appreciate you Miss Pinney
We appreciate you Mrs. Baumstarck
They have also learned the difference between when we forget the rules and are unkind versus when kids are really bullying others.
See the choir sing at Muffins With Moms! Thank you to the fabulous drummers at Donuts with dads!
Character Education has been taught to one and all so that guidelines toward becoming a happy, healthy individual and getting along better with each other builds a better community in which we live.
We appreciate you Mrs. Bachmeier Library books are due Fri. May 11th
This is an exciting journey, which we partake, may everyone have a splendid summer!
Year End Celebration Join us on the last day of school at 830 am for our year end celebration. It’s a Hawaiian theme, dressing up is encouraged!
September Newsletter Deadline Fri. Aug. 17th Please send your submissions to Page 5
We appreciate you Mr. Beaudrie Below is a list of some of the activities the kids can look forward to in finishing the year. 4th/5th Grade Track Meets 4th Grade - Monday, May 14th 5th Grade - Tuesday, May 15th 4th Grade Make-up Wednesday, May 16th 5th Grade Make-up Thursday, May 17th Field Day Sunset News
Join our Sunset Family for our traditional event. Friday, May 11th at 730 am. Students attend with a significant Female influence in their lives to feast on breakfast treats, beverages and quality time. Entertainment is also provided. Please remember to enter through the Gym doors. No study hall this morning & if you usually have the school breakfast program it will be served in the Art/Science Room. Dad’s are welcome to volunteer to help! Contact the PTA to volunteer at 250-4633.
Cody Youth Activities Cody Rec. Center Summer Activities Book will be out soon Camp Invention—June 11– 15 Scholarships available, see Mrs. Baumstark. Kindergarten Readiness—June 11-21; see office for details Yellowstone Fire Soccer Camp—June 25-29; Cody Bronc Youth Football Camp— July 23-27; 587-6110 Summer School July 16-Aug 3; call the School Board for more info. Northern Edge Hockey Camp— Aug. 13— 17; 587-1681 Park County Youth Hockey Assn—Learn to Play; Aug. 20-Sept. 28 —250-6046 The boys and girls club will be closed from 4/30 – 5/4, and again on 5/24 and 5/25.
Summer Activities Book
Summer is on the horizon, believe it or not!
If you filled out the green form for a free Summer Activity book you will be receiving it the last week of school. There will be an information sheet included with a special activity for those who return their books when school starts back up. Remember working just 15 minutes per day for 3 days a week will help support your child’s learning as 3 months off can take a big toll on retention. Keep reading over the summer as well. Statistics show that if a child reads 6 books over the summer they will maintain their reading level, 10–20 books and many make reading gains. The library has a great motivational summer reading program. Make reading this summer a priority!
Park County Library’s SUMMER READING Program, begins May 29th! Please don’t be misled by the word “reading” – our summer program most definitely includes nonreaders…babies, in fact! A full brochure with more information is available on the kids’ page of our website, or in print form at the library. Two special programs this summer will include return visits by our favorites: Magician Cody Landstrom in June and “The Noiseguy” Charlie Williams in July! Lots of reasons to include the library in your summer plans. See you at the library! Warmly, Holly Baker C h i l d r e n ' s Services Director Park Library
307.527.1884 facebook and twitter: codykidsread
Point B 4-H Community Club meeting: Monday, May 7th, 3:30 at the Barling Room (lower level of the Court House). All projects and students are welcome. Contact Pepper Werner with questions. or 587-2732.
Sunset gets an additional donation from Regional Recycling ALL SUMMER LONG! RECYCLE RECYCLE RECYCLE!