Sunset School Winter Break Reading Challenge
Don’t let your brain go to mush during winter vacation…accept the winter reading challenge! You will have fun and expand your mind at the same time! For every task a student completes they will receive one ticket into a drawing for a prize… a book and Sunset School gear. There will be a drawing at each grade level. For each square, you must spend at least 15 minutes reading. Complete as many squares as you can, and then return this form – with parent/guardian initials – to the library. Prizes will be drawn the morning of Friday, January 11, 2013.
Read while listening to music.
Read aloud to a friend.
Read a digital or online story.
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Read a newspaper article.
Read in bed.
Read the instructions for a toy or electronic device.
Read to a loved one. Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________ Initials: ____________
Read the Sunday comics. Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Read the words to your favorite CD while listening to the lyrics.
Read while wearing someone else’s shoes.
Read instead of watching a favorite TV show.
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Read a magazine.
Read silently while surrounded by at least 2 other silent readers. Initials: ____________
Read cereal or other food containers.
Have a loved one read to you.
Read aloud to someone younger.
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Read in your favorite chair.
Read to a pet or plant.
Read in a plane, train, or automobile.
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Initials: ____________
Read instructions to a game and then play the game. Initials: ____________
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Please initial the square after your child successfully completes the task. Students should read for at least 15 minutes per square. Your name _______________________________________________ Your grade and teacher _____________________________________