1 minute read

High Desert Approved and Prohibited Plant List

Alligator Juniper Juniperus deppeana





Planting Instructions:

Deciduous Trees

Grandfather: Too Tall


Albuquerque Prohibited Plants: Grandfather: Too tall and prefers higher altitude

Too tall)

Trees that shred leaves seasonally. The table’s height and width ranges are estimates, water tends to increase the values.

Plant and water according to instructions and remove root ball packing. Review how the particular tree roots grow to mitigate mature roots from lifting the sidewalk or driveway or getting into the house plumbing.

Maintenance Instructions:

Follow the tree’s instructions for watering and continue adjusting the watering to the canopy line as the tree grows. Keep branches trimmed up at least 16 inches above the ground. Keep plants under the tree canopy under 8 inches. Remove leaves and other debris from roofs and gutters. Remove fallen leaves from under and around trees. Remove dead branches. Remove all shrubs that are within 1 shrub diameter from the tree canopy.

Fire Intensity & Propagation:

Fire intensity and propagation may depend on specific tree selection. Well-watered plants may reduce the concentrations of flammable chemicals and may burn with reduced intensity.

Deciduous trees tend to be more fire resistant than evergreen trees because their leaves have higher moisture content, and they have fewer flammable chemicals. Ladder fuel is the biggest risk for these trees catching fire. Dead branches in the trees enable flames to propagate and consume the entire canopy. Burning embers carried by the winds can start spot fires.

Revised November 15, 2022 Page 8 of 33

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