Virtual Assistant Portugal
Estrada do Garajau, 144-3D 9125-067 Caniço Madeira, Portugal
your business or family support
email management
writing documents letters reports
arranging appointment s and meetings
Spreadsheets Presentations
Bills control and payments driving you to and from the local airport
Home, garden  and pet care while you're away
secretarial work
How can I help you? Whether it's for your business or your family life, let's discuss how I can help you with simple tasks in order to improve your time management. I am local from Madeira Island, I live nearby in Garajau and have a good knowledge of local institutions, organizations, authorities and companies. I'm an experienced Personal Assistant for more than 25 years and now working remotely since 2013. Working languages: Portuguese native and good command of English and French
local errands and shopping dealing with handyman, contractors translations
web research
Your Personal Assistant