Assessment criteria
The extent to which the Design Folio demonstrates: The Brief Criterion 1
Development of a brief that defines the communication needs of a client. Very High
Comprehensive and relevant information is provided in a brief that identifies the client with a clear and thorough description of the two communication needs. Use of highly appropriate terminology to define audience characteristics, the purpose of each communication need, the contexts in which the proposed visual communications are going to be used and the constraints and expectations for the two final presentations. High
Detailed information is provided in a brief that identifies the client with a clear description of the two communication needs. Use of appropriate terminology to define audience characteristics, the purpose of each communication need, the contexts in which the proposed visual communications are going to be used and constraints and expectations for the two final presentations. Medium
Adequate information is provided in a brief that identifies the client with a satisfactory description of the two communication needs. Use of some appropriate terminology to define audience characteristics, the purpose of each communication need, the contexts in which the proposed visual communications are going to be used and constraints and expectations for the two final presentations. Low
The brief offers some information about the client with a brief description of the communication needs. Limited references to audience characteristics, the contexts in which the proposed visual communications are going to be used and expectations for one or both final presentations. Very Low
Very little information is provided about the client with a very limited description of the communication needs. Very limited references are made to audience characteristics, the contexts in which the proposed visual communications are going to be used and expectations for one or both final presentations.
Developmental work Criterion 2
Use of observational and visualisation drawings with annotations to generate ideas relevant to the brief. Very High
Comprehensive and highly effective use of observation and visualisation drawings in response to thorough research undertaken in preparation for the two final visual communication presentations. Highly effective drawings establish a broad range of directions appropriate to methods that comprehensively address the client’s stated needs. Insightful annotations document a range of innovative and diverse ideas that focus and direct further exploration to resolve communication needs. High
Effective use of observation and visualisation drawings in response to detailed research undertaken in the preparation for the two final visual communication presentations. Effective drawings establish a range of directions appropriate to methods that clearly address the client’s stated needs. Informative annotations document a range of innovative ideas to focus and direct further exploration to resolve communication needs.
2013 Administrative information for school-based assessment – VCE Visual Communication Design 5