NAME: DESCRIPTORS: UNIT 1 Outcome 2 – design elements and design principles Criteria Creative exploration of design elements (point, line, shape, tone, texture, form, colour, letterform) and ALL design principles (figureground, balance, contrast, cropping, scale, hierarchy, proportion, pattern
Very Low Design tasks show very little understanding of application of elements to create and enhance particular design principles.
Skill in use of Adobe Illustrator
Illustrator skills require additional practise. Use tutorials from internet and Help section.
Analysis and evaluation of design elements and principles
Very limited analysis and evaluation of how, design elements and principles are applied to convey information in existing visual communications Very limited use of terminology. Very limited evidence of compositional relationships is established between images and text to produce an effective business card
Use of terminology Business card (final presentation) ability to create an effective composition.
1 – 14 marks
Low Design tasks display little consideration of composition and little understanding of design elements and principles. Difficulties distinguishing which design elements / principles have been focussed upon. Some difficulty in using Illustrator. Further practise required to increase skill level. Use tutorials from internet and Help section. Limited analysis and evaluation of how, design elements and principles are applied to convey information in existing visual communications. Limited use of terminology. Limited evidence of compositional relationships is established between images and text to produce an effective business card
Medium Design tasks demonstrate some thought regarding composition and effective use of some elements and principles.
High Imaginative design tasks demonstrate thoughtful decisions about compositional relationships and the use of all elements and principles in a considered manner.
Very High Highly imaginative and expressive design tasks demonstrate thoughtful decisions about compositional relationships and use of all elements and principles in a clever and considered manner.
Illustrator handled reasonably well.
Competent use of Illustrator displaying high level of technical expertise.
Highly competent use of Illustrator displaying very high level of technical expertise.
Adequate analysis and evaluation of design elements and principles are applied to convey information in existing visual communications.
Clear analysis and evaluation of how design elements and principles are applied to convey information in existing visual communications.
Insightful analysis and evaluation of design elements and principles are applied to convey information in existing visual communications.
Appropriate use of terminology. Some evidence of compositional relationships is established between images and text to produce an effective business card
Effective use of terminology Effective compositional relationships are established between images and text to produce an effective business card
Effective use of terminology. Highly effective compositional relationships are established between Images and text to produce highly effective business card
15 -22 marks
23 -30 marks
31 -38 marks
39 – 50 marks
Grades UG
0 -6
7 -10
15 -18
19 – 22
23 -26
27 -30
31 -34
35 -38
39 -42
43 – 50