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EYEBROWS ON FLEEK: How to get the look Pg. 4 1

Table of Contents Short Shorts, How Short is Too Short?...........................................3 Eyebrows on Fleek!..………………………………………………………………..….4 Credits……………………………………………………………………………………..….7


Short Shorts, How Short is Too Short By: Lindsay Smith @fashionably_latte May 4, 2015

Being a woman, sometimes we are forced to surrender to the fashion trends that may not necessarily fit our personalities, or more importantly our bodies. Coming from personal preference, I have always had reservations about wearing crop tops, daisy dukes, or what they call short shorts. Something about showing off too much skin, it just creates this unsettling feeling like people are staring with their judging eyes, or worse, they are envisioning irreverent thoughts about me (BLEH! No thanks!). Conversely, I am almost positive that if I had a rockin’ body, I would totally show it off within reason. That said, this whole short shorts trend has gained a foothold in the fashion industry. By short shorts, I mean the kind where when you look at them, they look like bikini bottoms. I mean short enough to show the crease where your “cheek” meets your leg. At that point, we should just stop calling them shorts, and start calling them “granny panties.” Ladies, when your shorts are shorter than your assets so-to-speak, that is not attractive. If you have to constantly pull your shorts down for fear that you will show too much skin, which is also not attractive. I can understand that you want to wear clothing that shows off your best assets, but when it gets to that point, then that is when you should worry about attracting the wrong attention. Coming from someone who has experience with seeing this trend grow, or should I say,

shorten, here are some tips when picking shorts that will suit your assets better: 1. When buying shorts, TRY THEM ON FIRST! 2. When trying said shorts on, look at your backside in the mirror and see if the shorts cover the crease where your cheeks meets your legs. 3. Pull your shorts as high as you can comfortably go, this will simulate walking a long distance and having your shorts naturally ride up (you do not have to pull them up as high as Steve Urkel would). If when you look at your backside in the mirror you see that crease, then this is not good. 4. If you cannot find any shorts that are at a suitable length, consider buying capris or pants and cutting them to length. 5. Think, is this something your dad would approve?


Fleek of Nature! By: Lindsay Smith @fashionably_latte May 4, 2015

J: You start with the cleanup, whether it’s waxing, threading, tweezing, whatever. You want your brow to start generally by the bridge of your nose. You want the height of your arch to be towards the end of your iris, and the end to be diagonal with the corner or your eyes… personally, I think the thicker eyebrows are in right now but you still want them polished… I personally like to use powder to fill it in… Some people like wax pencils, but filled in is really popular for the “eyebrows on fleek” look because it just defines the brow. So, I would say for me personally, my preference is to use a shadow that’s close to the hair color, lightly fill it in, and then use a little mascara comb and just brush them through. And what I do afterwards is kind of carve it out with my foundation… underneath or on top. You can do highlighters but that would be more for a clean arch defined brow usually.

It seems like just yesterday when eyebrows were just another feature on our face, now they are women’s best accessory, if styled right. Now, if you troll Instagram, you can find ten million different ways to achieve that “eyebrows on fleek” look with tutorials about getting that perfect arch. Noticing this trend, I thought it would be a good idea to get advice from one of my great friends, Julie who is an experienced esthetician and makeup artist. So, I decided to meet up with her and talk a little more about this. Lindsay: When did you first notice that eyebrows were becoming the new form of accessory? Julie: I’ve always been obsessed with eyebrows, even with my own growing up. I would say when Instagram came out… people were looking more at videos and tutorials and the short stuff that’s easy to come across. L: What is the proper way to do the popular "eyebrows on fleek" look?

L: Do you prefer eyebrow pencil or dip brow? J: I personally like the eyebrow powder or you could do a shadow that’s close to your brow color… you have more control to make it soft. And in order, I would say my favorites would be that, and second best would be an eyebrow pencil, and then my least would be dip brow just 4

because I’m not into it being a really heavy application. For the eyebrow pencil, I would do something that’s more waxy. Maybe an Anastasia pencil or Chella. It helps so it doesn’t come out so stark or dark.

maybe you’re not able to do your makeup… then go for it.

L: What are your thoughts on the trend? J: I love it. I love brows… I’m glad that they’re on trend. They kind of got a little too thin and weird looking for a while. I think it’s good that people are more conscious of it now. They make a huge difference. They frame your whole face.

L: What if you have sparse/bushy eyebrows? J: If someone has sparse brows… you can either tint them, which actually makes them look thicker. Sometimes I’ll have blonds come in and say, “My brows are so thin,” and all you have to do is tint them and all those little fine hairs actually grab the color and show up. So, if they’re too sparse for that to make a difference, then I would say eyebrow extensions which is cool because you don’t have to fill in your eyebrows and you can add hair to them or do a fiber with the hair… And the bushy eyebrows, I would always just recommend a trim and cleanup up if they’re out of control.

Below is a general tutorial of how to fill in your eyebrows, whether it is with an eyebrow pencil, eye shadow, or dip brow. Try to follow Julie’s general rule of thumb of where the eyebrow should start, arch, and end. Also, to avoid going for a dramatic or harsh look, blend the color towards the middle of your face.

L: Would you recommend a certain brow shape for different forms of faces? J: I think if you follow the general rule of where the brow starts, arches, and ends. It’s really about personal preference… For a very round face, usually people don’t like to go too thick. But it depends on your eye shape and if they’re droopy or whatever. L: Would you recommend tattoo makeup? J: Personally, I’m just not a fan. For brows, like I said, there’s now brow extensions. I know that’s not cost effective for everybody. I like that the most because it has real hair. It’s the most realistic. If you are going to do tattoo, I would say that would be a second backup. I would do a hair stroke method… with that it’s basically them making a brow but they’re doing hair strokes instead of a solid line… As far as eyeliner goes, I’m not really a fan… unless you’re someone who knows, “I don’t care, I just want some eyeliner on there,” then go for it. Or


Julie recommends: Anastasia


If you are interested in getting brow cleanup, brow extensions, facials, makeup done, or need a personal lesson‌


Contact Julie Margi Rae Margi at: 455 S Lake Ave #101 Pasadena, California 91101 626.577.4777 Or follow her on Instagram: @jewel0rae


Credits Cover page: Lindsay Lohan for Homme Style Magazine Renaissance S/S 2015 http://hommestylemagazine.com/ Eyebrows on Fleek: First picture - Keiko Lynn, 11/04/13 http://www.keikolynn.com/2013/11/makeup-monday-how-to-get-perfect-brows.html Second picture - Lex, 05/29/13 http://themadeulookblog.blogspot.com/2013/05/frequently-asked-questions-faq.html Third picture - Lilian22 http://indulgy.com/post/xQ81vZahl2/perfect-eyebrows All other pictures - from brand websites Short Shorts, How Short is Too Short: Picture - Scott Mackintosh for People, Wade Rouse 09/13/13 http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20734380,00.html


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