Dr Rod Rohrich interview

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Dr. Rod J. Rohrich

push the boundaries of plastic surgery. Is there an overriding, more classical and less transient

The preferred open approach to

aesthetic and what is it?

rhinoplasty to reveal the nasal

Please, describe the timeless ideal, if in fact there is one.

nasal anatomy clearly.

Do you as a plastic surgeon see a dichotomy between a timeless aesthetic and the prevailing aesthetic of the day? If so, do you

Dr. Rod J. Rohrich is based in Dallas, Texas, but is, by all accounts, a plastic surgeon of

instinctively go for one or the other, the patient’s preferences being equal?

outstanding international stature. After growing up on a ranch in North Dakota, Rohrich

A The overriding aesthetic of today is still that of natural beauty, the so-called ‘Golden Triangle’ (The 2500 -year-old formula for defining perfect beauty, established by intellectuals as a ratio of

graduated with high honours from North Dakota State University and the Baylor University

1:1.618. Known as ‘phi’, the ratio applies to a ‘triangle’ of aspects for facial beauty - the width of the mouth to the width of the cheek, the width of the nose to the width of the cheek and the width of the

College of Medicine.

nose to the width of the mouth.) It’s one of a youthful, non-operated natural appearance He trained in plastic surgery at the University of Michigan from

– not looking ‘wind-swept’ or ‘the Hollywood’ appearance. As Plastic

1979-1985 and then undertook a fellowship in hand surgery at

Surgeons we are supposed to be in the FACE PROTECTION, NOT

Massachusetts General Hospital. In 1986, Dr. Rohrich accepted a

WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM. Most patients do not want to

position in the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University of

look like someone else or to look significantly different. People want

Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas College of Medicine

to look as good as they feel. The wind-swept look of past decades

(UTSW) and became chairman of the department in 1991.

is out.

Since then, Dr. Rohrich has become well known as one of the pre-eminent plastic surgeons in the world. He has chaired over one hundred national and international symposia and delivered

to keep in mind the concepts of ‘Timeless Beauty’ by performing

Rohrich is author or co-author of over five hundred peer review

age-appropriate plastic surgery so that the patient and their plastic

articles and fifty chapters in plastic surgery, ranging across the

surgery will age well and proportionally with them. For example,

delivers the desired result. The nose is the most looked out facial

Q Most people’s faces are not identical on each side and as

board from cosmetic surgery to craniofacial surgery. Many of these

when performing a rhinoplasty on a 50 year old, one should make

feature so it must not shout out rhinoplasty.

they age, the difference between left side and right side is often

publications are considered to be landmark papers on their topics.

minimal changes in proportion to the patient’s facial features.

rhinoplasty. I prefer the open technique in most cases. This

use different procedures in combination or the same procedure,

breast implants that are out of proportion to the rest of her

means you make a very small 6 mm incision in the middle of the

but in different measure?

craniomaxillofacial trauma, secondary rhinoplasty and ultrasound-

body. We need to avoid the infamous “Cat Woman” and overdone

columella (the structure in the middle of the bottom of the nose).

A Of course, everybody’s face is asymmetrical. One eye is always

assisted liposuction. In 2005, he was also appointed editor-in-

distortions seen in the ‘Michael Jackson nose’. This simply is not

The procedure allows the surgeon to look directly at the nasal

bigger than the other; one side of the face always appears shorter

chief of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, the leading and most

good plastic surgery!!!

deformity, while with the closed approach he has to do everything

than the other. The beauty is in each face’s individuality. I ask my

in a blind way, so to speak, which means he doesn’t have the same

patients to look at the mirror and compare each side of their face

level of control.

and then to tell me which side they prefer. The goal of the plastic

shaped eyebrows. Innate or unique asymmetries are also beautiful.

teaching curriculum of plastic surgery training programs in the

When we turn the clock back through surgery we must try to

United States and thirty-eight foreign countries.

preserve these unique asymmetries rather than try to make the

Website: www.drrohrich.com

In the open approach, the surgeon can see the deformity

by improving it. The most important thing at this point is to analyse the patient’s face. We all age differently. The ageing face is not just

and correct it with the patients’ own tissue – and reshape the

about sagging skin but about losing facial fat and volume. There are

cartilages using sutures and/or invisible grafts.

21 facial fat compartments in the face.

Q When a patient goes to a particular surgeon, they would

is a Founding Member of the Board of Governors of the National

necessarily end up with a result reflecting the aesthetic

Endowment for Plastic Surgery and currently serves as President of

sensibilities of that surgeon. Should patients discuss this, as

as it is impossible to see the deformity – so, instead of correcting

patient, I would carry out different procedures or a combination of

the Association of Academic Chairmen of Plastic Surgery.

well as the procedure?

it, the surgeon has to camouflage it. Not the best thing to do long

procedures on each side of the face to provide for correction of that

term as visible grafts can become distorted after a while…

patient’s aesthetic concern, as well as restoration of the patient’s

A This is a very important point for the patient and their surgeon

In the closed approach the surgeon has to use more grafts

Plastic Surgery societies in America and worldwide, Dr. Rohrich

to discuss at the outset of the consultation. I fell this is an essential

actively engages in many philanthropic enterprises. He has served

element – I need to feel very comfortable, as does my patient, that

and ages well with the patient, without the need for revision in most

on the boards of charities such as the March of Dimes, Save the

I fully understand what they want and also what I can realistically


Children - Dallas, Dallas Chapter of the American Cancer Society,

deliver in the operating room. If I am not comfortable with the

the Evergreen Gala Advisory Board which directly benefits the

patient’s expectations, I would not operate.

Dallas community breast cancer efforts of the ACS and he is

I cannot go outside of my own aesthetic norm; else I would

With the open approach, the nose looks more natural longer

In any facial cosmetic surgery, based on my analysis of the

optimal facial contour I perform what is known as a LIFT AND FILL FACELIFT based entirely on the patient’s pre-op analysis, so that each

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure of millimetres. It is the most precise technique in cosmetic plastic surgery, therefore if you

patient’s operative plan is entirely customised . I build up the centre-face by refilling the medial or central

are off by a mm one way or the other you can have either great

facial deep fat compartments, together with lateral or outer face

a Founding Member of the Dallas for Children Foundation. He

never know the end point that I would be seeking in the operating

or phenomenal result vs. a poor outcome. Rhinoplasty, in fact,

lifting. — These are the essence and fundamental cornerstones of

personally established The Rod J. Rohrich, M.D. Foundation to

room. One would be in Michael Jackson and Joan Rivers territory. I

epitomises plastic surgery as a whole because it is a surgery of

modern facial cosmetic surgery.

annually support a medical student who will practice primary care

need to be at one with my patients and their aesthetic sense has to

such great finesse and three dimensional thinking and execution,

in North Dakota. He has also performed and taught plastic surgery

match mine, otherwise I would not be able to operate on them.

as well as precise pre-op planning –all of which requires constant

Q In the introduction of this book we give a summary of the

learning and takes years to master if you truly want to be a real

different face lifts offered by surgeons today. In practice, how

expert. Experts are not born but are made through tireless learning,

important is the technique v. the skill and judgement of the

critical self-analysis and always seeking a higher level of excellence.


in Third World countries, focusing specifically on reconstructing severely burned and congenitally deformed children.

Q Today’s aesthetics are shaped by the media, whether print, film, Internet or advertising, which in turn fuel demand for and



face look like someone else’s.

surgeon is to accentuate the better side; to enhance the asymmetry

Q Are there different techniques for achieving an excellent result in rhinoplasty? Please, describe them briefly.

A Yes, there are different techniques. However, it is not so much about the technique used as long as that particular technique

It takes an average of about 10 years or 10,000 hours to become a

A In the hands of a greatly skilled plastic surgeon, any technique

true expert in anything in life!!!

will provide good results, however, if you want to go to the next

Revolutionary concepts on how we age with loss of fat in special fat compartments of the face which will guide how to do a natural facelift without distortion.


Phone: +1 (214) 821-9114

And rhinoplasty is all about controlling every aspect of the

of Plastic Surgeons and the Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons. He

In addition to serving on the boards of numerous other

Dallas, Texas 75231, USA

The timeless ideal is an oval face with full eyes and well

for Selected Readings in Plastic Surgery, a supplement to the

of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) and as President of the Dallas Society

Suite 600

accentuated. How does a plastic surgeon address this? Would he

Likewise, it would not be wise to give a 50-year-old woman large

Dr. Rohrich has served as a Director of the American Board

9101 North Central Expressway

The main different techniques are open vs. closed

five textbooks in plastic surgery ranging from rhinoplasty,

prestigious journal in the world for plastic surgeons, and an editor


As Plastic Surgeons we must be always aware that we need

over 1500 scientific presentations on all aspects of plastic surgery.

As well as papers, Dr. Rohrich has also published

Dr. Rod J. Rohrich

There should be no surgery tell-tale signs, whether the surgery is rhinoplasty or facelift.


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