IT’S TIME TO LOOK MORE CLOSELY AT CONTROLS At a time when getting even more energy efficiency out of a heating system is proving more and more difficult, leading heating controls manufacturer ESi says there is one place to look ever more closely for savings. ESi says heating controls are worth spending a bit of time on, looking for a little bit more in the way of energy and cost savings. The selection of programmers and timers available today are many and varied and range from the simple to the far more complex.
You should choose the controls you install based on the homeowners who will need to use them. Having access to the latest wifi controlled, touch screen controls, whilst to many, a huge plus if they are internet savvy, is perhaps to older people or vulnerable individuals who need simplicity in their controls, a step too far! ESi is typical in that it offers a range of programmers from a simple 1 Channel version to a 3 channel Multi-Purpose Programmer which enables the installer to comply with Part L of the Building Regulations by providing separate timed heating control for living and sleeping zones in a home, whilst also providing timed control of hot water. However, the ESi range all offer 24 Hour / 5/2 day and 7 day programming options for each channel. ESi has recently launched its 6 Series WiFi Programmable Room Thermostat, offering the latest in heating control for homes and commercial premises. Fully OpenTherm compatible, this new range of controls allows full control via the room thermostat or via a mobile phone or tablet, with a range of features to impress even the most demanding specifier, installer or homeowner. www.esicontrols.co.uk
OMNIE PACKAGE HEATS LOW ENERGY HILLSIDE HOUSE IN NORTH YORKSHIRE A contractor developer, targeting the high end property market in the area around the Yorkshire towns of Ripon and Harrogate, is utilising a renewables and underfloor heating package from OMNIE to provide all of the space heating and hot water, as well as to maintain indoor air quality. For the new-build five-bedroom house hear Ripon, Hotham Construction is making use of insulated concrete formwork for the walls of structure, as well as a highly insulated pitched roof supported by JJI engineered timber joists. OMNIE determined that a 7kW LG Therma V air source heat pump would be sufficient to feed the Ultimate and OgeeBoard UFH circuits, along with all of the domestic hot water requirements. OMNIE also designed and supplied a full MVHR system for the house. The 18mm thick, precision routed XPS insulation panels feature a special ‘diffuser channel’ concentric to the pipe runs. For the lower ground or basement, OMNIE’s OgeeBoard XPS panels were laid throughout the bedrooms, bathrooms and a generous sized gymnasium which adjoins the home’s plant room. www.omnie.co.uk