REVIEWS Steamworks: Espresso Stout The Steamworks Espresso Stout is a light-bodied heavily malted beer perfect for the winter season and for lovers of both coffee and beer. Steamworks infused this beer with 7,000 shots of espresso per batch (that’s a lot), this is very obvious in the flavour as it tastes more like a coffee than any stout I’ve ever had. The closest comparison I can make to this beer is quite seriously an iced americano, the only difference being the malted flavour of the beer and the light caramelized flavour that hits the tongue. By no means is that a knock against the beer that Steamworks has brewed it is actually quite impeccable. It seeks to deliver a fresh espresso flavour and it knocks it out of the park completely. That being said this beer does lack something for me as a drinker. It’s a 6% ABV beer with a heavy malt but the body is so light that I crave more substance. It drinks like more of a dark lager than a stout, I just wish this beer had a bit more to its body so the texture matched the richness of the flavour profile. Steamworks does an excellent job with this beer at the lower price point, it’s the perfect beer to have if you’re snowed in, or if you simply want to enjoy a beer at the bar with your friends.
—Zach Kiedaisch