Duisenberg school of finance brochure 2014

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Duisenberg school of finance


Duisenberg school of finance is committed to shaping a sustainable finance industry that creates economic and societal value. We develop leaders in finance, advance new thinking, and promote constructive dialogues with relevance to business, society and academia.




Small school. Big impact. Duisenberg school of finance We are very proud of the fact that Duisenberg

Today you can see that our agile ‘small is

school of finance (DSF) has, in a short time,

beautiful’ model is succeeding handsomely.

made a real impact on the world of finance,

The impact of DSF has been proven by the

and the careers of our students and alumni.

successful careers of our alumni, who are working at top organisations such as ING,

As a small private school, we launched in

ABN Amro, Barclays, Morgan Stanley,

2008 with an entirely new approach,

Goldman Sachs, and Aegon. Impact for

connecting business, academia and policy.

our current students comes from interacting in small classes with top faculty, and

Prof. Dr. Dirk Schoenmaker Dean

It was ambitious, and even daring. We

through the training, internships and career

wanted to gather a small group of the most

potential offered by our Career Resource

promising finance students in the world at

Centre. Our media impact derives from

our Amsterdam campus, put them together

public debates and other events covered

with the finest international faculty members

by the Dutch and international news. Our

Professor Dirk Schoenmaker is

and researchers in their field, create a real

growing research impact means that

Dean of Duisenberg school of finance.

bridge between academic theory and

everyone in the DSF network – students,

With a dual MSc in Economics and

in-­the-field practice, and fulfil our promise

alumni, industry partners and the media –

Law from EUR and a PhD in Eco-

to our industry partners: to help form a

can stay up to speed with the latest ideas

nomics from LSE, he has worked at

whole new generation of savvy, socially-

in finance.

the Bank of England, for the Dutch

aware, ethically-conscious leaders in finance.

Ministry of Finance and the Dutch

I would like to thank all students, alumni,

Ministry of Economic Affairs. He

At the same time, we wanted to fully

staff and industry partners for contributing

is currently Professor of Finance,

integrate the world of economic and finance

to our success, and I invite you to become

Banking and Insurance at the VU

research with that of policy. Through our

part of the DSF community.

University Amsterdam, and Member

publications and events, we bring the top

of the Advisory Scientific Commit-

decision-makers in business and government

tee, European Systemic Risk Board,

together with our researchers, to create

amongst other advisory positions.

open dialogue and debate with positive

Bridging the world of research and

impact for the European, and by extension

policy, he is a frequent contributor

the international, banking and finance sector.

Professor Dirk Schoenmaker

to Dutch and international media, including vox.eu, FT.com, FD, NOS and BNR. His most recent book is ‘Governance of International Banking: The Financial Trilemma’ (Oxford University Press 2013).

Duisenberg school of finance



At Duisenberg school of finance, we are focused on shaping a sustainable and transparent financial industry; we recognise that partnerships are essential to this vision. Our strong alliances with industry, academia, and policy-makers enable us to create positive impact in the world of finance.

Industry Partners that really are partners

situation for both the Industry Partners and

From the very beginning, Duisenberg school

easily able to find internships and jobs with

of finance has been built and supported by

our industry alliances.

the school, as our students are often quite

a committed group of Industry Partners.

DSF takes its name from the distinguished Dutch economist, financier and politician Willem Frederik ‘Wim’ Duisenberg, first President of the European Central Bank (1935-2005)

Our first supporters were large financial

But this growing, active network actually

organisations; over time this has grown to

provides many further benefits to our

include consultancies and legal firms who

Industry Partners: it offers a platform to

appreciate the mutual opportunities to be

build their identity and brand with our

experienced through an alliance with DSF.

students, to meet other industry leaders, to

Currently our Industry Partners include

share the latest research insights DSF has to

ABN Amro, Aegon, APG, De Brauw Blackstone

offer, to enter into policy discourse, and to

Westbroek, Deloitte, DNB, ING, KPMG, NIBC,

engage in an active dialogue that stimulates

NYSE Euronext, PGGM, PwC, RBS, and SNS

new thinking, and new solutions, in finance.

Reaal, and we’re always looking for new partners, new synergies, and new oppor­ tunities to create impact for the industry. Visit our YouTube channel for

Academic networks The Netherlands’ top Universities form the

the latest videos posted by

Mutual advantages

academic foundations of Duisenberg school

Duisenberg school of finance at

DSF’s relationship with its Industry Partners

of finance. The University of Amsterdam,


goes beyond the direct advantage of offering

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vrije


a pipeline of top-quality talent to recruiters

University (VU) Amsterdam and the

of these organisations. This is a ‘win-win’

Tinbergen Institute created the initial



academic ‘infrastructure’ of the school,

Societal and media impact

joined later by Tilburg University and the

Provocative new ideas, groundbreaking new

Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium).

solutions, recommendations for new policy,

DSF’s top-notch core faculty and Programme

and an environment attuned to debate keep

Directors are drawn also from this academic

the media focused on DSF. Through our


Public Debates and Policy Briefs, Duisenberg school of finance is sparking and stimulating

The logo of Duisenberg school of

Many DSF faculty members have practical

argumentation and sharing new perspectives

experience working within financial or

with the greater world. Research published

finance represents the school’s

other organisations, so they bring their own

by our professors almost inevitably result in

synergistic network with industry

rich research and professional networks to

articles and interviews, notably in the FD,

and academia, two sectors that

the school. They are joined by a ‘fly-in faculty’

FT.com, NOS, BNR radio, ESB.nl and vox.eu.

are tightly interconnected.

of the world’s top professors, who come

DSF also organises Master Classes for

to DSF from such schools as Columbia

journalists, enabling them to better under­

University, Harvard University, London

stand and communicate the subtleties of

School of Economics, Oxford University

today’s economic and financial issues

Duisenberg school of finance

and Stanford University to lecture.

more effectively and clearly.

has been established.

Together, they form the foundation – the fabric – upon which

Industry Partners

Duisenberg school of finance


Duisenberg school of finance Master’s Programmes Become a leader in finance

Master your future

- Corporate Finance and Banking

The MSc and LLM programmes of

- Financial Markets and Regulation

Duisenberg school of finance enable

- Risk Management

you – a highly-motivated, engaged

• LLM Finance and Law

and forward-thinking young finance professional – to realise your educational

Duisenberg school of finance also offers

and career ambitions.

options for Part-Time Executive Master education for professionals who want to stay on the job as they learn, and targeted

“Being part of the generation that started its career in banking in 2008, at the kick-off of the financial crisis, I think young professionals have a crucial mission in constructing the future of the financial industry.” Adelina Toader (Romanian), MSc Finance, Corporate Finance and Banking 2011

approach to corporate social respon-

open and customised formats) across a variety of topics. A full description of all DSF programmes can be found at dsf.nl. Specific MSc and LLM information, including admissions and finance options, can be found in the tabs at the back of this brochure.

“At Duisenberg school of finance we believe that integrity and a holistic

Executive Education programmes (both

These 1-year programmes take you far beyond the fundamentals of finance. DSF’s synergies provide great advantages here:

Leadership impact: DLP

each programme has been designed by our

Each of our Master’s programmes is

new generation of leaders in finance.

leading academics in conjunction with top

complemented by the embedded

Courses in financial ethics and beha­

practitioners from the industry. Theory

Duisenberg Leadership Programme (DLP).

vioural finance, amongst others, are

and practice are delivered hand-in-hand,

Unique to DSF, the Duisenberg Leadership

followed by all DSF students – part

providing you with a truly well-rounded

Programme consists of courses dedicated to


the development of responsible, thoughtful

sibility is crucially important for a

of our comprehensive Duisenberg Leadership Programme, which really

leaders in finance – our mission, and our And there is more: from your first weeks

promise to the industry.

benefits society as well as the

at DSF, you are called upon to understand,

students who will graduate from

and engage in, new and innovative thinking

Each DSF student, irrespective of his/her

DSF with a law or finance degree.”

about economics and finance, risk and

chosen specialisation will take the

behaviour, ethics, integrity and long-term

following courses:

Professor Dr. Joseph McCahery, Programme Director MSc Finance, Financial Markets and Regulation; LLM Finance and Law

sustainable value for all stakeholders. • Financial Systems and Regulation • International Corporate Governance

Programmes with impact

• Behavioural Finance

The programmes of DSF:

• Ethics in Finance

• MSc in Finance: three specialisations that

• Finance and Sustainability

include specialised core courses tailored

• Marketing Yourself

to the programme:

• Presentation Skills • Negotiation Skills



“Duisenberg school of finance provides students with an amazing opportunity to learn both finance and law concepts in seamlessly integrated courses taught by world renowned professors. The students are first rate and the learning environment terrific.” Professor Dr. Randall Thomas Professor of Law and Business, Vanderbilt University Visiting professor US Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Duisenberg school of finance

An Internship completes the integration

n­ation of this training and coaching, plus

of theory, practice, ethical and personal

students’ own motivation, has resulted in

leadership skills for each student.

an excellent employment record for our graduates. ING, JP Morgan, RBS, Morgan Stanley, ABN Amro, Goldman Sachs, Aegon,

Internships with impact

Bain and Barclays Capital are just a few of

Given DSF’s intimate connection with

the top organisations for which our alumni

industry, you have an irreplaceable

now work.

advantage: the opportunity to carry out an internship with a leading bank, financial

“Duisenberg makes it just that much easier to jump

institution, corporation, or regulatory body.

out of the pile of CVs in financial institutions.

The internship offers you a chance to apply

Recruiters already have a very good impression

what you have learned in the classroom, and

of Dutch Central Bank.”

to get to know and better understand the financial industry. The internship period helps you define and target just what you

Rob van der Zande (Dutch), LLM Finance and Law 2010

“Duisenberg school of finance mixes top level researchers and academics

would like to do after graduation; further, you

with courses taught by senior level

gain industry experience, the opportunity

Our consultative approach

to build upon your professional and

One great advantage to our small school:

inter­personal skills, and the chance to

we take a consultative, one-on-one approach

develop your network.

to your individual needs. At Duisenberg

firms. It was this real world and

school of finance, we help you craft, define

updated perspective on finance

“After my DSF programme, I did a challenging

and refine your goals from your very first

which made me choose this school.”

internship at DNB and then secured my dream

inquiry with the school.

executives currently working at

job at ING.”

Paulus Ingram (American), LLM Finance and Law 2010

We hear it all the time from our current Harish Kumar (Indian), MSc Finance, Risk Management 2011

students and alumni: at other schools, they felt they were just a number. At DSF, they feel the personal interest we take in

Career impact

each student.

The known quality of DSF graduates derives not just from our rigorous academic and professional training, but from the targeted training and relationship-building offered by our Career Resources Centre. The combi­­­-

Duisenberg school of finance

some of the world’s leading financial


Amsterdam and The Netherlands Come to the historical, wholly modern hub of international commerce: Amsterdam. This is a city that’s been creating wealth and driving innovation for hundreds of years Duisenberg school of finance is conveniently located in Northern Europe’s financial heart: Amsterdam Zuidas. This rapidly growing area, connecting Amsterdam to Schiphol Airport, is a vibrant centre for international banking and business. The city of Amsterdam is also a vital hub for intellectual exchange, another reason for Duisenberg school of finance to have put down roots here. The city’s unique blend of independence, daring, diversity and collaboration provides a perfect breeding ground for global financial talent. Here, business is in the air – a result of pragma­ tism combined with an open-minded willingness to try something new, and the professionalism to drive success. A history of internationalism – The Netherlands in general, and Amsterdam in particular, have been a hub of not just international commerce, but international culture, for 600 years, the result of the Netherlands’ supremacy in maritime trade. The Dutch fearlessly sailed to faraway places; they returned with exotic cargo like silks and spices and tulips, as well as an openness to the foreigners who came from all over the world to trade here. This is the city that created multiculturalism in Europe: Amsterdam’s inhabitants include an estimated 145 nationalities, each bringing their own cuisine, language, music, and traditions to this bustling city. English spoken here – Another great strength of the Dutch: the ability and willingness to learn any language in order to facilitate business. In Amsterdam, as in other major Dutch cities, you will find English – the contemporary language of commerce – is spoken at a virtually native level. This makes it easy for foreigners to take advantage of all the wonders the Netherlands has to offer, from great museums to glorious nature, from cafes and clubs to festivals and bicycle tours.

Amsterdam in numbers • 750,000 inhabitants • 300,000 students • 145 nationalities Amsterdam

• 700,000 bicycles • 100 kilometres of canals • 1500 bridges • 1602: world’s first stock exchange established here • 90% of inhabitants speak English



“The great English and open attitude of Amsterdam makes it easy for a foreign student to feel at home quickly. It’s a wonderful city!” Li Huishuai (China) Current DSF Student

Join Duisenberg school of finance on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter @Duisenberg!

Duisenberg school of finance


Duisenberg school of finance New thinking in finance Bridging theory, policy and practice

and beliefs, reinforcing the need for critical

The inherent strength of Duisenberg school


of finance (DSF) really comes to the fore in our academic network. DSF stands for

Read more about the DSF Programme Directors,

new thinking in finance and believes that

Faculty Members and Research Fellows at dsf.nl

high-quality research is essential for DSF partners with the renowned Tinbergen Institute (TI) to deliver its doctoral programme, including an MPhil that has been ranked as #1 in

world-­class education. DSF furthermore believes that research should not only

Generating new ideas and solutions

lead to academic publications, but also

Research is the driving force behind every

create value and new insights for business

programme, policy brief, research seminar

and society.

and public debate at DSF. While the school is

the Netherlands. TI was founded in

firmly grounded in the concrete needs of the financial services industry and the society at

1987. It is named after Jan Tinbergen (1907 – 1994), the Nobel prize winning Dutch economist, and is regarded as one of the top European research institutes in the areas of economics, econometrics and finance.

Bringing the best to your classroom

large, we nurture a research atmosphere in

How do we attract the best faculty to our

which new thinking thrives.

top-quality programmes? DSF’s Programme Directors, all leading academics in their own

Our global network of scholars never stops

right, reach out to their global networks and

asking questions – and coming up with new

our academic partners, to bring important

knowledge and solutions – key to the world

lecturers from academia and industry to

of finance, banking, and insurance.

your classroom. Research programmes “DSF brings us the very top-tier professors from

For students with a strong interest in the

schools like Harvard, Cambridge and Columbia,

academic side of finance and economics,

but with all its industry connections we also have

DSF offers the option to engage in a

lectures from practitioners, so you can directly

doctoral programme. Our MPhil and PhD

connect theory and practice.”

programmes are carried out in conjunction with the Tinbergen Institute (TI), which is a

Timothy Carlson (American), Current DSF Student

collaboration between Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), University of Amsterdam

Experts in their respective fields, all of our faculty members are inspiring speakers. They challenge your intellectual capacity



(UvA), and the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam.

Research seminars and conferences

Join the debate

DSF/TI presents an ongoing series of

With the tagline ‘Join the Debate’,

Research Seminars approximately twice

Duisenberg school of finance frequently

each month. These seminars feature

creates a physical space for the discussion

scholars from such schools as LBS, LSE,

of these new ideas. Our Public Debate

Oxford Said Business School, IESE, INSEAD

series, open to DSF’s entire community of

and organisations such as the Federal

students, alumni, partners, the media and

Reserve Bank of New York, presenting

the public at large, are hosted in our

groundbreaking new ideas. In addition,

Amsterdam Zuidas campus. Speakers have

each year DSF/TI organise in cooperation

included such renowned academics as

with Cambridge University and the Wharton

Professor Noreena Hertz, University of

Business School/University of Pennsylvania

Cambridge, and Emeritus Professor Charles

an invitation-only conference with some of

Goodhart, London School of Economics; and

the world’s renowned and upcoming new

key figures from the world of finance, such

thinkers in finance.

as Vítor Constâncio, Vice President of the European Central Bank; Klaas Knot,

“Through its research activities,

President of the Dutch Central Bank; and

Creating business and policy impact

DSF aims to advance new thinking

Gerrit Zalm, CEO of ABN Amro.

and generate business and societal

How does DSF’s research excellence create value for business and society? Often it

See our most recent policy papers, policy briefs

begins with thought-provoking new

and upcoming public events at dsf.nl

impact. We focus on innovative themes such as behavioural finance,

approaches to solving fundamental

new risk management techniques

problems. Wholly new ideas are backed up

and financing sustainability. Our

by research and published as DSF Policy

unique network approach enables

Papers or Policy Briefs. These publications,

us to engage the leading thinkers –

picked up by the media, create a new

from science and practice – in the

intellectual space for dialogue and discourse

field of finance.”

with senior executives and policy-makers in finance.

Bernd Jan Sikken, Director of Business, Research and Innovation, Duisenberg school of finance

Duisenberg school of finance




Networks that work for you Duisenberg school of finance Alumni Network

yearly ‘Inside Stories’ event that gathers

The industry connections and career

our alumni.

together both current DSF students and

resources you enjoy during your Duisenberg school of finance programme translate into lifelong advantages when you become part

For alumni only

of our Alumni Network upon your

There are a variety of alumni-only events


that bring the DSF Alumni Network together each year. An annual Christmas Dinner, a

Our Alumni Network is young, international

summer alumni get-together that presents

and thriving. These highly motivated

an innovative ‘out of the box’ approach to

professionals are working in some of the

leadership skills, and quarterly drinks form

world’s top financial organisations and legal

the current structure of these alumni

firms. A number of our alumni have launched

networking activities.

We encourage our alumni to stay in touch with each other and the school via our LinkedIn and Facebook accounts created specifically for DSF Alumni.

their own entrepreneurial or start-up ventures; some have started their careers in the

As the Network grows, we also encourage

financial or legal departments of major

local events in such ‘alumni hubs’ as London,

multinationals, while others have chosen

Frankfurt, New York, Moscow – and of

to follow their MSc or LLM with doctoral

course Amsterdam! – that are organised


informally by DSF alumni in the area.

The exceptional diversity of the DSF Alumni Network, and its small and cohesive nature,

DSF Alumni Board

can really enhance the social and professional

The Duisenberg school of finance Alumni

aspects of being a graduate of DSF.

Board takes on the responsibility of envisioning, planning, and creating

“I joined the DSF Alumni Board because

opportunities for DSF alumni to come

I enjoy remaining involved and meeting

Ongoing opportunities for connection

together, share their experiences, connect

You are always a member of the DSF ‘family’

Duisenberg school of finance. Their work

– and as such, you are invited to benefit from

– and that of each of our alumni – is crucial

really does depend in part on its

the ongoing Public Debates, policy dialogues,

to the continuous building of the school’s

Alumni, and vice versa.”

Master Classes and other events focused on

image in the world.

former classmates and new alumni.

with current students, and bond with

In the end the success of the school

the latest thought and practice in finance, that are presented at DSF each year. In

The alumni of Duisenberg school of finance

addition, you can contribute to DSF’s Career

truly function as our ambassadors in the

Resource Centre activities, for example

world, and we are proud of each and every

by sharing your work experiences in the

one of them.

Duisenberg school of finance


Sjoerd van der Eijk (Dutch), LLM Finance and Law 2010, DSF Alumni Board

Duisenberg school of finance in a nutshell

Master your future 50+

35 Students

€ 50,000


per programme

average exit salary;


0-2 years work experiendce

253 Alumni



average placement

since 2009

rate 3 months after

Top 3 Cities most alumni work in Amsterdam,


London, Moscow

Connect with industry Tripled

Guest Lectures

Meet & Greet

number of industry

frequent visits from

industry partners

partners since start

industry practitioners

meet students at annual event

of school

Alumni Hired



one third of alumni

public debates

visitors to the

hired by industry

per year

DSF public events


Wide Media Coverage

top academics from

publications, including

DSF research frequently

e.g. Cambridge, Harvard,

Policy Papers/Briefs

in FT.com, vox.eu, FD,

LSE and Stanford


Gain new insights 200+

Fly-in Faculty

ESB, BNR etc.

Academic Founders

30 Research Fellows

UvA, VU Amsterdam,

working on cutting

Erasmus University,

edge research in

Tinbergen Institute



Duisenberg Coin awarded for exceptional ‘new thinking in finance’


For more information about Duisenberg school of finance programmes visit: dsf.nl

Concept and Design: Link Design, Amsterdam Photography: Michael Porro, Pepijn Leupen Photography Amsterdam: Amsterdam Toerisme & Congres Bureau Text: Lesa Sawahata, Sawahata Communications Copyright 2014 Duisenberg school of finance Duisenberg school of finance makes every effort to ensure that the information contained within this brochure is accurate, but for the latest information please visit dsf.nl

Duisenberg school of finance


Financing your DSF programme

Tuition and Financial Aid Duisenberg school of finance wants the best young financial talent in the world to

Tuition Fees

come to our classroom. If you are granted a seat in our prestigious programmes, we go above and beyond other educational institutions to support you in finding and

Tuition Fees for Duisenberg school

securing the finances needed to fund your DSF studies. Once admitted to DSF, there

of finance are:

is a scholarship available for you.

• EEA/EEU students: € 18,000 • Non-EEA students: € 29,000

DSF Merit Scholarship for Non-EU students

If you are accepted to DSF you must

Created especially for Non-EU students accepted to DSF is the DSF Merit

pay a € 1,000 tuition deposit upon

Scholarship: Upon acceptance to DSF and payment of your € 1,000 tuition deposit

registration to secure your place in

with your registration, you will be considered for this merit tuition fee waiver, based

the programme.

upon your personal application and admissions interview. The DSF Merit Scholarship will be awarded in three categories, dependent upon the merit and strength of your personal candidature: • 30% - remainder tuition fee: € 19,600 • 50% - remainder tuition fee: € 14,000

The ING Loan Scheme

• 70% - remainder tuition fee: € 8,400 The balance of your tuition can be covered by the ING Loan Scheme. No living expenses

All Students accepted to DSF are

will be covered by either the DSF Merit Scholarship or the ING Loan Scheme.

eligible for the ING Loan Scheme, developed with our Industry Partner ING. This low-interest loan, which

EU or non-EU, there’s a scholarship for you!

requires no co-signer, may be used to pay your full tuition fee.

For all students accepted into DSF: If you have paid your € 1,000 tuition deposit, there are a wide variety of competitive scholarships that give you the opportunity to prove your excellence and pay part of your tuition fee. Additionally, there are unique opportunities for successful applicants from selected international Universities with which DSF has

Top GMAT/GRE Score?

established an institutional cooperation or scholarship programme.

All students accepted to DSF who

Some of our special scholarships include:

have a GMAT/GRE quantitative score

• Wim Duisenberg (EU) Scholarship

(math section) in the top 10%, will

• Thesis Competition

receive a € 250 waiver on the tuition

• Dutch Board Member Leadership Award

fee to cover the cost of the test.

• Woman in Finance Scholarship • Country Specific Scholarships

For complete information about all the financial aid and scholarship possibilities please visit dsf.nl



Financing your DSF programme

Tuition and Financial Aid Apply Online Wherever you are, it is simple to complete and submit your application form online at dsf.nl. Create an online application account, then upload the Required Documents. Required documents:

“At DSF I got personal support

1. Motivation letter/essay

from my first question about

2. Curriculum Vitae/resume

admissions as well as step-by-

3. Copy of passport 4. Copy of diploma(s) and grade list(s) or transcript(s) of academic records

step guidance in obtaining my

5. GMAT or GRE score (for MSc Finance tracks only)

student visa and finding a great

6. TOEFL or IELTS score (for non-native English speakers)


Our personal approach Part of the excellence of Duisenberg school of finance programmes, and of our students and alumni, is the result of the small size of our cohort each year. A maximum of 35 students will be admitted to each programme. You are not just a number at DSF, but a person with exceptional potential and individual needs.

We’re accommodating We understand that, especially for our non-EU students, moving to Amsterdam for a year is no small undertaking. We do everything we can to help smooth your move here, from helping you obtain a visa and other necessary papers, to sourcing the most affordable accommodation possible.

Staying in the Netherlands after your study The Netherlands is a small country that can offer big advantages to those who find a job here upon graduation. The practical aspects of living and working in a country in which English is the second language is complemented by a variety of tax benefits. The Dutch government enables you to extend your stay in the Netherlands after graduation by applying to change your study visa to a ‘job search’ visa that lets you

Apply now!

stay one further year to find work in this country. If you find an appropriate job, you and your employer can apply for an adjustment to your residence permit as a

To apply for the tuition and

‘highly-skilled migrant.’

financial aid programme go to: www.dsf.nl and apply online.

Highly employable Thanks to the integrated approach of all DSF programmes, including the embedded Duisenberg Leadership Programme, industry interaction and career coaching and mentoring, our graduates are highly employable. Most have a job within 90 days of graduation. Our Placement Statistics are truly impressive. DSF graduates are sought after and find jobs at such organisations at ABNAmro, Aegon, APG, Ernst & Young, ING, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, PGGM, PWC, RBC, and Shell.


for leaders in finance

Duisenberg school of finance


Programme Information

LLM Finance and Law The DSF LLM Finance and Law programme is specifically designed to provide those

Programme at a glance

with existing legal degrees, those who aspire to a legal degree, and current legal and business practitioners, with a comprehensive understanding and broad perspective of

• Format:

Full-time or Part-time

the areas where finance and law intersect. This provides students with the theoretical

• Length:

12 months/24 months

basis, legal considerations and the financial models and methods necessary for

• Intake:


effectively dealing with issues that are rapidly arising in contemporary international

• Structure: 5 Blocks

finance. Through intensive case analysis and simulations, students will gain a concrete, legal-oriented comprehension of modern accounting, corporate law, international business transactions and emerging markets. Faculty will particularly explore the financial legal structures of the European Community and the United States, as well as introduce students to the most recent developments in the cross-

Programme Director

cutting areas of finance and law. Students will emerge from the LLM Finance and Law programme ready to confront and handle any challenging financial aspects of their

• Prof. Dr. J. A. McCahery

legal practice, whether it be in a position at a law firm, as in-house counsel of a financial cor porate, or in a governmental regulatory body.

Programme Highlights Graduates from this programme are now working as:

• Curriculum designed by distinguished professors from top universities together with leading practitioners • World-Class Faculty • Facilitation of exclusive internship with a leading bank, financial institution,

• Corporate, Tax or Capital Markets

corporate and law, audit or advisory firm


• One-on-one career guidance and job placement assistance

• Member of the Advisory or Audit Group • Lead Consultant within

Student Requirements

a Management Consultant firm • Professional in Corporate

• Bachelor’s degree in finance, business, economics, law, or related discipline

Compliance, Capital Market

• GMAT/GRE test is not required*

Regulation, or Banking Supervision

• High English language proficiency test (TOEFL/IELTS) score** • Well rounded candidate with strong motivation, ambition and interpersonal skills • Apply online

* Duisenberg school of finance reserves the right to request a competitive GMAT/GRE score to assess candidate’s quantitative ability for admissions to the LLM in Finance and Law programme. ** Scores that are more than two years old are not valid and will not be considered. Note that Chinese nationals should meet the institute’s IELTS or computer based TOEFL requirements as this is a condition for obtaining a NUFFIC certificate. More information at www.nuffic.nl. Not mandatory for candidates with sufficient proof of previous undergraduate education taught in English.



Programme Information

LLM Finance and Law This 12-month, 70 ects programme includes the embedded Duisenberg Leadership Programme, a thesis and an internship

Outline of the programme

“I study the LLM Finance and Law at Duisenberg school

Pre-Programme Courses

of finance to gain a thorough

August • Law Refresher • Quantitative Methods in Finance

Block I September October

understanding of the fundamentals of finance, enabling me to

• Marketing Yourself • Financial Systems and Regulation

best apply my legal expertise in

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

the financial world.”

• Corporate Valuation • Econometric Methods • Financial Accounting

Block II November January

• Marketing Yourself • Ethics in Finance • International Corporate Governance

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Banking Regulation and Competition Law • M&A Law and Transactions

Block III January March

• Presentation Skills • Finance and Sustainability • Behavioural Finance

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Contract Law • Investment Funds and Regulations

Block IV March May

• Negotiation Skills

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization • Elective (Comparative Corporate Law and Regulation; US M&A Law)

Apply now! To apply for the LLM Finance and Law programme go to:

Block V May August

• Internship

www.dsf.nl and apply online.

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Thesis

All courses offered by Duisenberg school of finance are subject to change.


for leaders in finance

Duisenberg school of finance


Programme Information

MSc Finance Corporate Finance and Banking The MSc Finance - Corporate Finance and Banking track is designed to train top talent

Programme at a glance • Format:


• Length:

12 months

• Intake:


• Structure: 5 Blocks

in the areas of Corporate Finance, Banking and Regulation. Its aim is not just to teach current best practices, but also methodology on how best practices may adapt as circumstances change. Specifically, faculty and visiting industry practitioners in the Corporate Finance and Banking track will focus on advanced valuation and hedging methods, and on enhancing student’s fundamental skills in the areas of financial intermediation; for instance, in credit analysis, governance assessment techniques, and in commercial and investment banking. Business case analysis will be integrated with a more analytical approach drawn from state-of-the-art corporate finance research. Students will emerge from the Corporate Finance and Banking track with an advanced ability to analytically approach financial decision making in corporate finance and

Programme Director

governance, in banking and in regulatory finance.

• Dr. Z. Sautner

Programme Highlights • Curriculum designed by distinguished professors from top universities together with leading executives from the areas of corporate finance and banking

Graduates from this programme are now working as:

• World-Class Faculty from around the world with a strong research and industry background • Practitioner seminars by leading executives from the financial sector • Facilitation of exclusive internships with leading investment banks, commercial

• Investment Banker

banks, private equity firms or financial regulators

• Commercial Bank Manager

• One-on-one career guidance and job placement assistance

• Business Consultant

• Strong placement record and access to a network of alumni at leading employers

• M&A Advisor • Treasury Manager • Financial Supervisor at

Student Requirements

Regulatory Institution • Bachelor’s degree in finance, business, economics, law, or related discipline • Competitive GMAT/GRE score • High English language proficiency test (TOEFL/IELTS) score* • Well rounded candidate with strong motivation, ambition and interpersonal skills • Apply online

* Scores that are more than two years old are not valid and will not be considered. Note that Chinese nationals should meet the institute’s IELTS or computer based TOEFL requirements as this is a condition for obtaining a NUFFIC certificate. More information at www.nuffic.nl. Not mandatory for candidates with sufficient proof of previous undergraduate education taught in English.



Programme Information

MSc Finance Corporate Finance and Banking This 12-month, 70 ects programme includes the embedded Duisenberg Leadership Programme, a thesis and an internship

Outline of the programme

“I study the Corporate Finance and Banking track because I

Pre-Programme Courses

want to best equip myself with

August • Advanced Computational Bootcamp • Banking Refresher • Statistics and Econometrics Refresher

the knowledge and skills needed to make a difference in this dynamic yet changing industry.”

Block I September October

• Marketing Yourself • Financial Systems and Regulation

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Advanced Corporate Valuation • Advanced Econometric Methods • Advanced Financial Accounting

Block II November January

• Marketing Yourself • Ethics in Finance • International Corporate Governance

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Corporate Financial Management • Boards, Ownership and Compensation

Block III January March

• Presentation Skills • Finance and Sustainability • Behavioural Finance

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Commercial Banking • Private Equity and Venture Capital

Block IV March May

• Negotiation Skills

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

Apply now! • International Corporate Risk Management • Elective (Comparative Corporate Law and Regulation; US M&A Law; Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganisation)

To apply for the MSc Finance Corporate Finance and Banking track go to: www.dsf.nl and

Block V May August

• Internship

apply online.

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Thesis

All courses offered by Duisenberg school of finance are subject to change.


for leaders in finance

Duisenberg school of finance


Programme Information

MSc Finance Financial Markets and Regulation The MSc Finance - Financial Markets and Regulation track is a programme uniquely

Programme at a glance

designed to create high calibre finance professionals who possess a solid legal insight into the principles, mechanisms and techniques of finance, since there is a clear need

• Format:

Full-time or Part-time

in the financial industry for experts who have a strong background in both finance and

• Length:

12 months/24 months

private law. Through the integrative programme, which combines academic depth

• Intake:


with practical orientation, students will learn the principles of international business

• Structure: 5 Blocks

transactions, trade and investment, corporate finance, financial instruments, company law, as well as corporate governance and structured finance. The courses are largely case-driven to stimulate intense group interaction and teamwork experience. Students will emerge from the Financial Markets and Regulation track with an exceptional foundation Finance - Investment Banking and Regulation Track prepared for a

Programme Director

career in the vigorous financial industry where such knowledge and skills are greatly needed.

• Prof. Dr. J.A. McCahery

Programme Highlights • Curriculum designed by distinguished professors from top universities together with leading practitioners

Graduates from this programme are now working as:

• World-Class Faculty • Facilitation of exclusive internships with a leading bank, financial institution or corporation • One-on-one career guidance and job placement assistance

• Financial Analyst • Management position in Commercial Bank, Investment

Student Requirements

Bank, Fund Management, Central Bank or International

• Bachelor’s degree in finance, business, economics, law, or related discipline

Regulatory Body

• Competitive GMAT/GRE score

• Member of the Advisory or

• High English language proficiency test (TOEFL/IELTS) score*

Audit Group

• Well rounded candidate with strong motivation, ambition and interpersonal skills

• Lead Consultant within a

• Apply online

Management Consultant firm • Professional in Corporate Compliance, Capital Market Regulation, or Banking Supervision

* Scores that are more than two years old are not valid and will not be considered. Note that Chinese nationals should meet the institute’s IELTS or computer based TOEFL requirements as this is a condition for obtaining a NUFFIC certificate. More information at www.nuffic.nl. Not mandatory for candidates with sufficient proof of previous undergraduate education taught in English.



Programme Information

MSc Finance Financial Markets and Regulation This 12-month, 70 ects programme includes the embedded Duisenberg Leadership Programme, a thesis and an internship

Outline of the programme

“The world of finance is changing. The Financial

Pre-Programme Courses

Markets and Regulation track

August • Advanced Computational Bootcamp • Law Refresher • Statistics and Econometrics Refresher

prepares me for a career where I can consult on best business practices when considering

Block I September October

• Marketing Yourself • Financial Systems and Regulation

these changes, but also provide

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

legal guidance for the same.”

• Advanced Corporate Valuation • Advanced Econometric Methods • Financial Accounting

Block II November January

• Marketing Yourself • Ethics in Finance • International Corporate Governance

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Investments • M&A Law and Transactions

Block III January March

• Presentation Skills • Finance and Sustainability • Behavioural Finance

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Investment Funds and Regulations • Private Equity and Venture Capital

Block IV March May

• Negotiation Skills

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganisation • Elective (Comparative Corporate Law and Regulation; US M&A Law)

Apply now! To apply for the MSc Finance Financial Markets and

Block V May August

• Internship

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

Regulation track go to: www.dsf.nl and apply online.

• Thesis

All courses offered by Duisenberg school of finance are subject to change.


for leaders in finance

Duisenberg school of finance


Programme Information

MSc Finance Risk Management The global financial crisis has clearly demonstrated the high relevance of risk management. There is great need to innovate risk management procedures, revise

Programme at a glance • Format:

Full-time or Part-time

• Length:

12 months/24 months

• Intake:


supervisory practices and improve the handling of systemic risk. Thus, the study of risk management has never been so relevant. Duisenberg school of finance recognises the need for this change and therefore offers students a challenging curriculum to prepare them for handling future extreme circumstances. The MSc Finance - Risk Management track is taught using an integrative, highly analytical

• Structure: 5 Blocks

approach, one which combines an in-depth examination of real-world risk management problems with the underlying financial theory and methodological aspects (mathematics, stochastic processes, statistics) of risk management. Students will emerge from the Risk Management track prepared to enter a career in a field where top expertise is scarce.

Programme Director • Dr. L. Norden

Programme Highlights

• Prof. Dr. C. de Vries

• Curriculum designed by distinguished professors from top universities together with leading practitioners • World-Class Faculty

Graduates from this programme are now working as:

• Combination of disciplines: finance, economics, econometrics, mathematics. • Broad perspective on risk: micro, meso, macro • Facilitation of exclusive internships with a leading bank, financial institution or corporation

• Risk Manager

• One-on-one career guidance and job placement assistance

• Quant Analyst/Risk Modeller • Asset Liability Manager

Student Requirements

• Derivatives Specialist • Financial Supervisor • Portfolio Manager

• Bachelor’s degree demonstrating strong quantitative ability – preferably in quantitative Economics, Mathematics or Physics, Quantitative Finance, Engineering – also see our website for more information • Competitive GRE/GMAT score • High English language proficiency test (TOEFL/IELTS) score* • Well rounded candidate with strong motivation, ambition and interpersonal skills • Apply online

* Scores that are more than two years old are not valid and will not be considered. Note that Chinese nationals should meet the institute’s IELTS or computer based TOEFL requirements as this is a condition for obtaining a NUFFIC certificate. More information at www.nuffic.nl. Not mandatory for candidates with sufficient proof of previous undergraduate education taught in English.



Programme information

MSc Finance Risk Management This 12-month, 70 ects programme includes the embedded Duisenberg Leadership Programme, a thesis and an internship

Outline of the programme “I applied for the Risk ManagePre-Programme Courses

ment track because I would

August • Advanced Computational Bootcamp • Programming • Statistics and Econometrics Refresher

like to be known as a calculated and responsible risk-taking enabler. I share Duisenberg school of finance’s approach

Block I September October

• Marketing Yourself • Financial Systems and Regulation

towards responsible leadership

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

in finance.”

• Advanced Econometric Methods • Financial Statement Analysis • Measure Theory and Stochastic Processes

Block II November January

• Marketing Yourself • Ethics in Finance • International Corporate Governance

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Asset Pricing: Stock and Fixed Income Markets • Derivatives

Block III January March

• Presentation Skills • Finance and Sustainability • Behavioural Finance

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Credit Risk Management • Elective (Commercial Banking; Enterprise Wide Risk Sources)

Block IV March May

Block V May August

• Negotiation Skills

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

• Actuarial Mathematics and Modeling • Market and Systemic Risk Management

• Internship

Apply now! To apply for the MSc Finance -

Duisenberg Leadership Programme

Risk Management track go to: www.dsf.nl and apply online.

• Thesis

All courses offered by Duisenberg school of finance are subject to change.


for leaders in finance

Duisenberg school of finance


Duisenberg school of finance Gustav Mahlerplein 117 1082 MS Amsterdam The Netherlands Telephone +31 [0]20 525 85 90 info@dsf.nl


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