UPCOMING SERVICE LIST Don’t forget these important dates coming up!
Count Your Blessings The [angels] said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’” Luke 24:5b For many of us in this world, some of the words we do not like to hear include: “You HAVE TO…” or “You MUST…” do something. We don’t like to be told or commanded to do something. “You MUST clean your room! You MUST wash the car! You MUST take out the garbage! You MUST do your homework! You MUST wash the dishes! You MUST mow the lawn!” We like to keep our options open and our lives free, especially when it comes to our personal lives. We get plenty of tasks, or orders at work. We know what we MUST do at our job, so we want to be freer at home.
Please join us for worship on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm and Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
Take a look again at the lesson for this devotion, especially at verse 7: The Son of Man MUST be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again (emphasis added). These are strong command words. In fact the Greek of this section is even a little stronger as it states – It is necessary for the Son of Man to be… It is NECESSARY! Jesus had to be handed over, he had to be crucified, he had to die, and he had to rise again. But why? Well, quite simply, because of us. I remember that someone once told me when I was having a bad day, to count my blessings. The purpose of this was to show me that, no matter how badly my day was going, I was going to be fine and I always have more blessings than I can even count. But for a few moments, I want us to do something together. Remember how I answered the question of “Why did Jesus have
to do all those things?” The answer was because of each of us. So, for a few moments, try to count up some of the wrong things that you have done…just today! Did you let you eyes wander where they should not have wandered? Did you let worry creep into your life? Did you wish that you could have what you neighbor has? Did you lie in order to avoid some kind of trouble? Did you hit your hand with a hammer and say something that you know you should not have said? Are you able to count up all of these wrongs? I know that I cannot keep track of the wrongs I commit. Even if I kept a pad of paper with me every second of every day, I would still not be able to keep track of the wrongs I do. But those wrongs I commit do not just go away by themselves. No, instead we are told something else from the Bible. We hear these words: “The soul who sins is the one who will die.” (Ezekiel 18:20). Looking at my life and the wrongs I have done, that is not good news for me! Well, Jesus was not happy with that. So, he gave us something else. He gave us the way out. He gave us…himself. And he gave us Easter. Do you now see why in our lesson for this devotion, we have those strong command words? Someone had to be delivered over into the hands of sinful men for my sins. Someone had to Continued on page 2...
Lenten Services April 5th at 6:30 pm. (Lenten Suppers at 5:30 pm)
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
April 9th 9:30 am
April 13th 6:30 pm
Good Friday April 14th 1:00pm & 6:30pm (Lunch at noon)
Easter Sunday April 16th 6:30am & 9:30am (Breakfast in between services)
“...The Lord has risen indeed,…” Luke 24:34
Centennial Evangelical Lutheran Church
April 9 - Palm Sunday - Sunday School, Choir sing & Procession of Palms - 9:30 am April 13 - Maundy Thursday Communion - 6:30 pm April 14 - Good Friday afternoon Communion service 1:00 pm April 14 - Good Friday special Tennebrae (Service of Darkness) 6:30 pm April 16 - Easter Sunrise Song Service - 6:30 am April 16 - Easter Festival with Communion - 9:30 am April 30 - Confirmation Service - 9:30 am May 14 - Mother's Day Choir Service - 9:30 am May 25 - Ascension Service - 6:30 pm
Continued from page 1...
suffer for my sins. Someone had to die for my sins. That was a MUST. But it was not going to be me. And it is not going to be you. Instead it was Jesus. And Jesus gladly, out of love for you, did all of that. But Jesus did not stay dead. No! He came back to life. He rose again on that first Easter Sunday morning to prove something else to us all – we will live too. I love this time of year. I love springtime. It is a time when we start to say good bye to the winter blahs and start to see flowers bloom and trees turn green again. But it is also the time of year we get to remember another kind of life – Jesus’ resurrection. For Jesus, it was never a command. For Jesus, it was never a question. He came to this earth for one reason and one reason only – to suffer, die and rise again. And he did this so that we will live with him in heaven. Jesus came and took all those wrongs we have done away. Easter proves that Jesus is alive. But Easter also proves that we will live as well. Yes, springtime brings life to flowers and trees and grass. But Easter brings life to each one of us…forever! He is risen! He is risen indeed, Hallelujah! Happy Easter to you all! ~Pastor Greg Pufahl
STAFF MINISTER’S REPORT As Missionaries of Christ, we bring everyone we come in contact with closer to the Savior. Easter for Kids – Saturday, April 8th 9:15am – 12:30pm Our committee is working on plans for our Annual Easter for Kids being held on Saturday, April, 8th from 9:30am to 12:30pm. We will do the usual crafts, Easter egg hunt, and lunch. New this year will be a puppet show organized by Lin Kanitz and Sharon Borchardt, members of Centennial. Both Lin and Sharon are coming out of retirement as long time puppeteers and have decided to use their gifts and talents to produce a show at our Easter for Kids. We have about 8 young people who have volunteered to be part of this ministry. They have been practicing for the last several weeks. Gary Nath has built a puppet stage and Hilde Lecke has sewed material for around the stage. We thank all of these people for their gifts. We have solicited our members through the church bulletin to help us with gifts of time, food, and monetary donations. Please help us pray for a great day and that the Holy Spirit would motivate the hearts of the community to come and hear the true Easter story. We will update you in May as to the success of this program.
Trunk or Treat? This is a community event where our members would volunteer to decorate their vehicles (trunks) in some kind of theme and hand out candy and goodies to the children. Our committee has been thinking about doing something like this for several years now. We were recently approached by the school’s Wolfpac group to combine our resources and think about doing this in October to replace their annual Fall Family Fun Fest. Our committee will be discussing this at our next meeting.
Bob Garbe - Minister of Evangelism & Outreach
Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, It remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. John 12:23-25
Desperately Needed SONG BOARD SET UP Add the liturgy, psalms, and hymns to the music boards on the church walls. Persons will need to change the boards on a weekly basis. About 10% of the services are special services that will not fit on the boards so we do not post them. You would get the service information from either the bulletin or electronically so that you can change the boards when you have time to do so. Contact Bruce Scott at 414-282-9436 for more information on or interest in this opportunity. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CHAIRMAN Contact Rich Hofmeister at 414-248-2358, Rich Kanitz at 414405-3633, or Pastor Pufahl at 414-281-8820 for more information on or interest in this opportunity. STEWARDSHIP CHAIRMAN Contact Rich Hofmeister at 414-248-2358, Rich Kanitz at 414405-3633, or Pastor Pufahl at 414-281-8820 for more information on or interest in this opportunity. LIBRARY MAINTENANCE Persons responsible would work with the Christian Education Chairman to add, maintain and manage library books and materials. Make suggestions of titles to add. Hunt down the titles that haven’t yet returned. Contact Rich Hofmeister at 248-2358 or the Christian Education Chair for more information on or interest in this opportunity. ALTAR GUILD ASSISTANTS Persons interested would assist setting up communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays as well as putting it away at the end of service. These individuals will also maintain any flowers that are on the altar as well as changing banners and paraments according to the church calendar / schedule. Contact Bonnie Huth at 414-248-2358 for more information on / interest in this opportunity. SERMON RECORDING Be a part of a team that records the sermons to be posted on the website for visitors and friends. May be asked to record special services like Advent or Lent mid week service if schedule allows, but this is based on team availability. We encourage teens to consider this. Contact Rich Kanitz at 414-405-3633 for more information.
1 Has Some Volunteers But Could Use More
NURSERY ATTENDANTS Be a part of a team that would attend to young children so that their parents can attend services and studies. May be asked to be available for special times so that parents can take part in studies out side of normal church service times. See Pastor Pufahl at 414-281-8820 for more information on or interest in this opportunity. PEW RACK MONITOR Persons interested would ensure that all the pews are tidy and stocked with guest cards, working pencils, enough hymnals, and bibles and that Scribble Pads for the children are ready for each service. See Rich Hofmeister at 248-2358 for more information or to express interest in this opportunity. COMMUNITY EVENTS HELPER These helpers would work with the Evangelism team on ensuring that all tasks have been completed for any of our outreach projects. Contact Jeremy Nolte at 414-350-2782 or Bob Garbe for more information or to express interest in this opportunity. PHOTOGRAPHERS Do you like taking pictures? This job is for you! We need someone to take pictures of our events and members to be posted on the website or social media. Photographers will work with the church office to ensure that new member images are taken and that they have copies of images for further publication. Contact Rich Kanitz at 414-405-3633 or the church office for more information or to express interest in this opportunity. SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANTS Centennial is on social media. Whether its Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, we need assistance with all of them. We are in need of persons to interact on these pages, and create regular posts of encouragement, and event notification. We encourage teens to consider this. Contact Nicole Hefley at 414-282-9262 or the church office for more information or to express interest in this opportunity. CHOIR MEMBERS Do you like to sing? The choir needs you! Practices are on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm. Summers off. Contact Cheryl Nolte if interested. 414—350-1907
Each one should use whatever gift he has received [from God] to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
Men’s Softball League Starting! Centennial is fielding a softball team in the local WELS league! We need confirmed male members who are interested in playing to contact Jeremiah Nolte at jeremynolte@gmail.com or call him at (414) 350-2782. Additionally if any business owners from Centennial would like to sponsor us to help defray some costs please contact Jeremiah Nolte. Games will begin on Tuesday evenings at the end of April. Start times will range somewhere between 6pm and 9pm and will approximately last 1 hour. The games will be played at Sijan Field in Bay View. Each player will need to pay their own $15 player fee. There is also a $270 team fee and an $80 WELS league fee for balls and awards. If any Centennial members would like to support the team with an extra offering please label it for "Men's Softball" and include it with your regular offering. You may also add it to your offerings online at our website: www.centennialwels.org/give. If you have any questions please contact Jeremiah Nolte.
VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED CAN YOU HELP AND GIVE A BIT OF TIME TO THE CHURCH? We are continue to be in desperate need of vital help to continue to grow Centennial into a vibrant living offering to our Savior. We have had some who have expressed their interest in helping in the areas listed and for that we are incredibly thankful. We, however, need more. There are many that are taking on multiple roles to make sure that the work gets done and we would like to see that change. Please pray and ask God where you can help. Examine these opportunities that have been included in this newsletter and pray about where you can best serve. If you do not see an area that you are interested in but still want to do something, please let the church office know and we can get you connected to the right people. Until we get these positions filled, please pray that God will provide the people necessary to make Centennial work efficiently. We have posted an updated sheet on the kiosk in the church lobby as well. Please pray on how you can assist with these needs. No offer of help is too small!
Blessed is the people of whom this is true; blessed is the people whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144:15
Spring Rally Our Spring Rally will be held on Saturday April 22nd at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oak Creek. ( 6700 S Howell Ave ). The theme will be “Gospel Reach Close to Home”. Pastor Jonathan Bauer will be our speaker. If you have a heart for missions, we encourage you to join us at the rally! For more information, please see our full page poster in this newsletter and our bulletin inserts in the coming weeks. Door Offering We will hold a door offering on Sunday, April 2nd for our two mission projects. The first is assisting missionary families in Nepal with the purchase of a cow. Farm animals help these families to provide for themselves and even generate income for their impoverished villages. The second project is building our New Equipment Fund to allow new missions to save money by having office supplies donated. ~Danica Krueger - LWMS
Here is an update on the new hymns Centennial is field testing for the WELS Hymnal Project. For each new hymn used they are seeking input from the worshipers in the congregation. If you would like to voice your opinion, the WELS Hymnal Committee has a very brief survey on each new hymn used. These surveys are available in two ways. On the home page of Centennial’s website (top right side) is a link that will take you straight to the survey; “Hymnal Poll. Or you can type in in directly. http://www.centennialwels.org/hymnpoll. Both will go immediately to the Committee poll. A form you may fill out and give to Cheryl Nolte or put in the balcony on the organ bench. These forms are attached to this Newsletter. Two hymns you should be getting familiar with, because we are using them several times during the Lenten season, are “I Run to Christ” and “Jesus Paid It All”. Two more new hymns are coming up in April for the Easter festival. Again, the Choir will help introduce these hymns. “Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds” is a new text to a very familiar hymn melody. The second one we will do is “The Tomb is Empty”. This one is festive and fast, and may be a bit more difficult. However it is fun to sing. If you want to get an idea of what it sounds like look up the David Haas arrangement of this title or go to this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnm1__Xg044 The survey feedback for the two Easter songs are not due to WELS until the middle of May or later. You do have time if you want to wait to give your feedback on all songs all at once. However, it may be best to give feedback on them while they are fresh in your mind. I hope you are enjoying being part of this process for the WELS Hymnal Project. Cheryl Nolte - Music Director
MODERN WORSHIP Call it whatever you want, if you have been faithfully coming to Centennial for over 8 months now, you will have noticed the worship team has been offering an alternate style of worship. For these worship services, we have asked His Way band to come and lead worship. It is a blending of the traditional setting of worship (confession, absolution, readings, sermon, offering, prayers, Lord’s Prayer, Creed and blessing) set to a little more modern flare. The voters in January were given the information that the worship team would like to continue to have this style of worship offered once a month for Centennial. That was met with no opposition from the voters. Although it is understood that there will be no one form of worship which will reach each member and visitor a like, the worship team feels that offering a variety of styles will reach the most. For the vast majority of our worship, we use many of the orders of worship found in Christian Worship, our hymnal, as well as the Supplement book. For those services we have used organ as well as piano to accompany our worship. Those musicians, for the most part, are members of our congregation and get paid from the congregation. His Way band members are members of other local WELS churches. It is the wish of the worship team that eventually we could have a band which would consist of mostly (or only) members of Centennial. Until we reach that point, His Way has been asked to join us for worship once a month. They have agreed. The question has been raised if we should consider them to be “independent contractors” or “employees” of our congregation. As we work out those details, we as a church continue to pay them in order to help lower their costs to come to Centennial. Each time they come, they ask for $150. So, would you consider giving to this ministry? Perhaps you could find it in your heart, especially if you enjoy this style of worship, to donate to this cause and maybe “adopt” a Sunday to go to His Way’s ministry. For further questions, feel free to contact anyone on the Worship Committee (Bruce Scott, Maureen Rochester, Cheryl Nolte, Rich Hofmeister, Rich Kanitz, Lin Kanitz and Pastor Pufahl). And, continue to pray to our Almighty God that He would bless all we do here at Centennial! God bless you too!
Men’s Softball League Starting! Centennial is fielding a softball team in the local WELS league! We need confirmed male members who are interested in playing to contact Jeremiah Nolte at jeremynolte@gmail.com or call him at (414) 350-2782. Additionally if any business owners from Centennial would like to sponsor us to help defray some costs please contact Jeremiah Nolte. Games will begin on Tuesday evenings at the end of April. Start times will range somewhere between 6pm and 9pm and will approximately last 1 hour. The games will be played at Sijan Field in Bay View. Each player will need to pay their own $15 player fee. There is also a $270 team fee and an $80 WELS league fee for balls and awards. If any Centennial members would like to support the team with an extra offering please label it for "Men's Softball" and include it with your regular offering. You may also add it to your offerings online at our website: www.centennialwels.org/give. If you have any questions please contact Jeremiah Nolte.
VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED CAN YOU HELP AND GIVE A BIT OF TIME TO THE CHURCH? We are continue to be in desperate need of vital help to continue to grow Centennial into a vibrant living offering to our Savior. We have had some who have expressed their interest in helping in the areas listed and for that we are incredibly thankful. We, however, need more. There are many that are taking on multiple roles to make sure that the work gets done and we would like to see that change. Please pray and ask God where you can help. Examine these opportunities that have been included in this newsletter and pray about where you can best serve. If you do not see an area that you are interested in but still want to do something, please let the church office know and we can get you connected to the right people. Until we get these positions filled, please pray that God will provide the people necessary to make Centennial work efficiently. We have posted an updated sheet on the kiosk in the church lobby as well. Please pray on how you can assist with these needs. No offer of help is too small!
Blessed is the people of whom this is true; blessed is the people whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144:15
Spring Rally Our Spring Rally will be held on Saturday April 22nd at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oak Creek. ( 6700 S Howell Ave ). The theme will be “Gospel Reach Close to Home”. Pastor Jonathan Bauer will be our speaker. If you have a heart for missions, we encourage you to join us at the rally! For more information, please see our full page poster in this newsletter and our bulletin inserts in the coming weeks. Door Offering We will hold a door offering on Sunday, April 2nd for our two mission projects. The first is assisting missionary families in Nepal with the purchase of a cow. Farm animals help these families to provide for themselves and even generate income for their impoverished villages. The second project is building our New Equipment Fund to allow new missions to save money by having office supplies donated. ~Danica Krueger - LWMS
Here is an update on the new hymns Centennial is field testing for the WELS Hymnal Project. For each new hymn used they are seeking input from the worshipers in the congregation. If you would like to voice your opinion, the WELS Hymnal Committee has a very brief survey on each new hymn used. These surveys are available in two ways. On the home page of Centennial’s website (top right side) is a link that will take you straight to the survey; “Hymnal Poll. Or you can type in in directly. http://www.centennialwels.org/hymnpoll. Both will go immediately to the Committee poll. A form you may fill out and give to Cheryl Nolte or put in the balcony on the organ bench. These forms are attached to this Newsletter. Two hymns you should be getting familiar with, because we are using them several times during the Lenten season, are “I Run to Christ” and “Jesus Paid It All”. Two more new hymns are coming up in April for the Easter festival. Again, the Choir will help introduce these hymns. “Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds” is a new text to a very familiar hymn melody. The second one we will do is “The Tomb is Empty”. This one is festive and fast, and may be a bit more difficult. However it is fun to sing. If you want to get an idea of what it sounds like look up the David Haas arrangement of this title or go to this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnm1__Xg044 The survey feedback for the two Easter songs are not due to WELS until the middle of May or later. You do have time if you want to wait to give your feedback on all songs all at once. However, it may be best to give feedback on them while they are fresh in your mind. I hope you are enjoying being part of this process for the WELS Hymnal Project. Cheryl Nolte - Music Director
MODERN WORSHIP Call it whatever you want, if you have been faithfully coming to Centennial for over 8 months now, you will have noticed the worship team has been offering an alternate style of worship. For these worship services, we have asked His Way band to come and lead worship. It is a blending of the traditional setting of worship (confession, absolution, readings, sermon, offering, prayers, Lord’s Prayer, Creed and blessing) set to a little more modern flare. The voters in January were given the information that the worship team would like to continue to have this style of worship offered once a month for Centennial. That was met with no opposition from the voters. Although it is understood that there will be no one form of worship which will reach each member and visitor a like, the worship team feels that offering a variety of styles will reach the most. For the vast majority of our worship, we use many of the orders of worship found in Christian Worship, our hymnal, as well as the Supplement book. For those services we have used organ as well as piano to accompany our worship. Those musicians, for the most part, are members of our congregation and get paid from the congregation. His Way band members are members of other local WELS churches. It is the wish of the worship team that eventually we could have a band which would consist of mostly (or only) members of Centennial. Until we reach that point, His Way has been asked to join us for worship once a month. They have agreed. The question has been raised if we should consider them to be “independent contractors” or “employees” of our congregation. As we work out those details, we as a church continue to pay them in order to help lower their costs to come to Centennial. Each time they come, they ask for $150. So, would you consider giving to this ministry? Perhaps you could find it in your heart, especially if you enjoy this style of worship, to donate to this cause and maybe “adopt” a Sunday to go to His Way’s ministry. For further questions, feel free to contact anyone on the Worship Committee (Bruce Scott, Maureen Rochester, Cheryl Nolte, Rich Hofmeister, Rich Kanitz, Lin Kanitz and Pastor Pufahl). And, continue to pray to our Almighty God that He would bless all we do here at Centennial! God bless you too!
Continued from page 1...
suffer for my sins. Someone had to die for my sins. That was a MUST. But it was not going to be me. And it is not going to be you. Instead it was Jesus. And Jesus gladly, out of love for you, did all of that. But Jesus did not stay dead. No! He came back to life. He rose again on that first Easter Sunday morning to prove something else to us all – we will live too. I love this time of year. I love springtime. It is a time when we start to say good bye to the winter blahs and start to see flowers bloom and trees turn green again. But it is also the time of year we get to remember another kind of life – Jesus’ resurrection. For Jesus, it was never a command. For Jesus, it was never a question. He came to this earth for one reason and one reason only – to suffer, die and rise again. And he did this so that we will live with him in heaven. Jesus came and took all those wrongs we have done away. Easter proves that Jesus is alive. But Easter also proves that we will live as well. Yes, springtime brings life to flowers and trees and grass. But Easter brings life to each one of us…forever! He is risen! He is risen indeed, Hallelujah! Happy Easter to you all! ~Pastor Greg Pufahl
STAFF MINISTER’S REPORT As Missionaries of Christ, we bring everyone we come in contact with closer to the Savior. Easter for Kids – Saturday, April 8th 9:15am – 12:30pm Our committee is working on plans for our Annual Easter for Kids being held on Saturday, April, 8th from 9:30am to 12:30pm. We will do the usual crafts, Easter egg hunt, and lunch. New this year will be a puppet show organized by Lin Kanitz and Sharon Borchardt, members of Centennial. Both Lin and Sharon are coming out of retirement as long time puppeteers and have decided to use their gifts and talents to produce a show at our Easter for Kids. We have about 8 young people who have volunteered to be part of this ministry. They have been practicing for the last several weeks. Gary Nath has built a puppet stage and Hilde Lecke has sewed material for around the stage. We thank all of these people for their gifts. We have solicited our members through the church bulletin to help us with gifts of time, food, and monetary donations. Please help us pray for a great day and that the Holy Spirit would motivate the hearts of the community to come and hear the true Easter story. We will update you in May as to the success of this program.
Trunk or Treat? This is a community event where our members would volunteer to decorate their vehicles (trunks) in some kind of theme and hand out candy and goodies to the children. Our committee has been thinking about doing something like this for several years now. We were recently approached by the school’s Wolfpac group to combine our resources and think about doing this in October to replace their annual Fall Family Fun Fest. Our committee will be discussing this at our next meeting.
Bob Garbe - Minister of Evangelism & Outreach
Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, It remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. John 12:23-25
Desperately Needed SONG BOARD SET UP Add the liturgy, psalms, and hymns to the music boards on the church walls. Persons will need to change the boards on a weekly basis. About 10% of the services are special services that will not fit on the boards so we do not post them. You would get the service information from either the bulletin or electronically so that you can change the boards when you have time to do so. Contact Bruce Scott at 414-282-9436 for more information on or interest in this opportunity. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CHAIRMAN Contact Rich Hofmeister at 414-248-2358, Rich Kanitz at 414405-3633, or Pastor Pufahl at 414-281-8820 for more information on or interest in this opportunity. STEWARDSHIP CHAIRMAN Contact Rich Hofmeister at 414-248-2358, Rich Kanitz at 414405-3633, or Pastor Pufahl at 414-281-8820 for more information on or interest in this opportunity. LIBRARY MAINTENANCE Persons responsible would work with the Christian Education Chairman to add, maintain and manage library books and materials. Make suggestions of titles to add. Hunt down the titles that haven’t yet returned. Contact Rich Hofmeister at 248-2358 or the Christian Education Chair for more information on or interest in this opportunity. ALTAR GUILD ASSISTANTS Persons interested would assist setting up communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays as well as putting it away at the end of service. These individuals will also maintain any flowers that are on the altar as well as changing banners and paraments according to the church calendar / schedule. Contact Bonnie Huth at 414-248-2358 for more information on / interest in this opportunity. SERMON RECORDING Be a part of a team that records the sermons to be posted on the website for visitors and friends. May be asked to record special services like Advent or Lent mid week service if schedule allows, but this is based on team availability. We encourage teens to consider this. Contact Rich Kanitz at 414-405-3633 for more information.
1 Has Some Volunteers But Could Use More
NURSERY ATTENDANTS Be a part of a team that would attend to young children so that their parents can attend services and studies. May be asked to be available for special times so that parents can take part in studies out side of normal church service times. See Pastor Pufahl at 414-281-8820 for more information on or interest in this opportunity. PEW RACK MONITOR Persons interested would ensure that all the pews are tidy and stocked with guest cards, working pencils, enough hymnals, and bibles and that Scribble Pads for the children are ready for each service. See Rich Hofmeister at 248-2358 for more information or to express interest in this opportunity. COMMUNITY EVENTS HELPER These helpers would work with the Evangelism team on ensuring that all tasks have been completed for any of our outreach projects. Contact Jeremy Nolte at 414-350-2782 or Bob Garbe for more information or to express interest in this opportunity. PHOTOGRAPHERS Do you like taking pictures? This job is for you! We need someone to take pictures of our events and members to be posted on the website or social media. Photographers will work with the church office to ensure that new member images are taken and that they have copies of images for further publication. Contact Rich Kanitz at 414-405-3633 or the church office for more information or to express interest in this opportunity. SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANTS Centennial is on social media. Whether its Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, we need assistance with all of them. We are in need of persons to interact on these pages, and create regular posts of encouragement, and event notification. We encourage teens to consider this. Contact Nicole Hefley at 414-282-9262 or the church office for more information or to express interest in this opportunity. CHOIR MEMBERS Do you like to sing? The choir needs you! Practices are on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm. Summers off. Contact Cheryl Nolte if interested. 414—350-1907
Each one should use whatever gift he has received [from God] to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
April 2017 Sun
6:30 pm God’s Way Course
7:00 pm Choir Practice
5:30 pm Lenten Supper 6:30 pm Lenten Service
6:30 pmpm Worship 6:30 Worship Service 7:30 pm Women’s 7:30 pmStudy at the Bible Women’s Bible Krueger’s Study
8:15 am Bible Study 9:30 am Palm Sunday Service (Installation of Officers today.) 4:00 pm Word Of Life Voter’s Meeting
8:15am Bible Study 9:30 am Worship w/ Communion 10:45 am Church Council
EASTER SUNDAY He is Risen, Indeed!
6:30 am Sunrise Celebration Song Service 7:30 am Easter Breakfast 9:30 am Easter Worship Communion Service
8:15 am Bible Study 9:30 am Worship
12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Good Friday Communion Service
6:30 pm Tennebrae Service
6:30 pm God’s Way Course
7:00 pm Choir Practice
6:30 6:30pm pmWorship Worship Service
27 6:30 pm Worship Service
8:15 am Bible Study 9:30 am Confirmation Service 10:45 am Quarterly Voters Meeting
FLOWERS 2nd 9th 16th 23th -
None assigned Palm Sunday Easter Lillies/Spring Flowers Kurt & Nancy Fleischhacker’s 49th Wedding Anniversary 30th - None assigned
USHERS Thursday - Maury Bell Sunday - Lump Brown / Mike Chapman Steve Peske / Gary Peske Lump Brown - Head Usher
2nd 9th 16th 23th 30th -
9:15 am
6:30 pm Maundy Thursday Worship w/Communion
7:00 pm Choir Practice
Dave Rochester Bob Mayer Rich Kanitz Dave Rochester Bob Mayer
April 2017 Sun
6:30 pm God’s Way Course
7:00 pm Choir Practice
5:30 pm Lenten Supper 6:30 pm Lenten Service
6:30 pmpm Worship 6:30 Worship Service 7:30 pm Women’s 7:30 pmStudy at the Bible Women’s Bible Krueger’s Study
8:15 am Bible Study 9:30 am Palm Sunday Service (Installation of Officers today.) 4:00 pm Word Of Life Voter’s Meeting
8:15am Bible Study 9:30 am Worship w/ Communion 10:45 am Church Council
EASTER SUNDAY He is Risen, Indeed!
6:30 am Sunrise Celebration Song Service 7:30 am Easter Breakfast 9:30 am Easter Worship Communion Service
8:15 am Bible Study 9:30 am Worship
12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Good Friday Communion Service
6:30 pm Tennebrae Service
6:30 pm God’s Way Course
7:00 pm Choir Practice
6:30 6:30pm pmWorship Worship Service
27 6:30 pm Worship Service
8:15 am Bible Study 9:30 am Confirmation Service 10:45 am Quarterly Voters Meeting
FLOWERS 2nd 9th 16th 23th -
None assigned Palm Sunday Easter Lillies/Spring Flowers Kurt & Nancy Fleischhacker’s 49th Wedding Anniversary 30th - None assigned
USHERS Thursday - Maury Bell Sunday - Lump Brown / Mike Chapman Steve Peske / Gary Peske Lump Brown - Head Usher
2nd 9th 16th 23th 30th -
9:15 am
6:30 pm Maundy Thursday Worship w/Communion
7:00 pm Choir Practice
Dave Rochester Bob Mayer Rich Kanitz Dave Rochester Bob Mayer
UPCOMING SERVICE LIST Don’t forget these important dates coming up!
Count Your Blessings The [angels] said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’” Luke 24:5b For many of us in this world, some of the words we do not like to hear include: “You HAVE TO…” or “You MUST…” do something. We don’t like to be told or commanded to do something. “You MUST clean your room! You MUST wash the car! You MUST take out the garbage! You MUST do your homework! You MUST wash the dishes! You MUST mow the lawn!” We like to keep our options open and our lives free, especially when it comes to our personal lives. We get plenty of tasks, or orders at work. We know what we MUST do at our job, so we want to be freer at home.
Please join us for worship on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm and Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
Take a look again at the lesson for this devotion, especially at verse 7: The Son of Man MUST be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again (emphasis added). These are strong command words. In fact the Greek of this section is even a little stronger as it states – It is necessary for the Son of Man to be… It is NECESSARY! Jesus had to be handed over, he had to be crucified, he had to die, and he had to rise again. But why? Well, quite simply, because of us. I remember that someone once told me when I was having a bad day, to count my blessings. The purpose of this was to show me that, no matter how badly my day was going, I was going to be fine and I always have more blessings than I can even count. But for a few moments, I want us to do something together. Remember how I answered the question of “Why did Jesus have
to do all those things?” The answer was because of each of us. So, for a few moments, try to count up some of the wrong things that you have done…just today! Did you let you eyes wander where they should not have wandered? Did you let worry creep into your life? Did you wish that you could have what you neighbor has? Did you lie in order to avoid some kind of trouble? Did you hit your hand with a hammer and say something that you know you should not have said? Are you able to count up all of these wrongs? I know that I cannot keep track of the wrongs I commit. Even if I kept a pad of paper with me every second of every day, I would still not be able to keep track of the wrongs I do. But those wrongs I commit do not just go away by themselves. No, instead we are told something else from the Bible. We hear these words: “The soul who sins is the one who will die.” (Ezekiel 18:20). Looking at my life and the wrongs I have done, that is not good news for me! Well, Jesus was not happy with that. So, he gave us something else. He gave us the way out. He gave us…himself. And he gave us Easter. Do you now see why in our lesson for this devotion, we have those strong command words? Someone had to be delivered over into the hands of sinful men for my sins. Someone had to Continued on page 2...
Lenten Services April 5th at 6:30 pm. (Lenten Suppers at 5:30 pm)
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
April 9th 9:30 am
April 13th 6:30 pm
Good Friday April 14th 1:00pm & 6:30pm (Lunch at noon)
Easter Sunday April 16th 6:30am & 9:30am (Breakfast in between services)
“...The Lord has risen indeed,…” Luke 24:34
Centennial Evangelical Lutheran Church
April 9 - Palm Sunday - Sunday School, Choir sing & Procession of Palms - 9:30 am April 13 - Maundy Thursday Communion - 6:30 pm April 14 - Good Friday afternoon Communion service 1:00 pm April 14 - Good Friday special Tennebrae (Service of Darkness) 6:30 pm April 16 - Easter Sunrise Song Service - 6:30 am April 16 - Easter Festival with Communion - 9:30 am April 30 - Confirmation Service - 9:30 am May 14 - Mother's Day Choir Service - 9:30 am May 25 - Ascension Service - 6:30 pm