Liposomal cbd oil 2/24/2018 Liposomal cbd
The benefits of Liposomal cbd oil have been documented in times prior to the Christian era, particularly in India. The historical documents reveal vast benefits of this plant, translated from Sanskrit literature, dating around 1400 – 2000 BC, although its therapeutic use was described in greater depth in Indian medicine Ayurveda. Currently, the plasticity of the cannabis genome, as well as the low efficacy of synthetic drugs to adequately treat diseases of higher morbidity, have led the CBD to take considerable care again. However, it is vitally important that therapies using CBD be justified and based on empirical, measurable, and reproducible evidence.
Potential therapeutic value of Liposomal cbd oil Among the numerous literatures on the properties of medicinal marijuana, both in cell lines, laboratory studies and clinical trials with human patients, different benefits are reported:
Anticancer Tumor cell Apoptosis Antiseptic Asthma Burns Diabetes Anti-inflammatory Pain Epilepsy Anti Convulsion ante Neuroprotective and antioxidant Antipsychotic Muscle relaxant Stimulates appetite Anti-Tumor
The following lines will mention some of the benefits most studied today, both in laboratory research and clinical trials.
Antiepileptic Studies suggest that the Liposomal cbd oil has properties to reduce the severity and frequency of epileptic seizures in drug-resistant children created for this purpose. The number of clinical trials carried out to elucidate the effectiveness of the CBD is increasing, as it requires more robust methodology and greater number of patients to be able to know the actual potential of this compound.
Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects These cbd properties have been studied within models of diseases such as Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, glutamate toxicity and neuro degeneration caused by alcohol.
In double-blind clinical trials in patients with Parkinson's disease, they report improvement in the parameters known as quality-of-life scale.
Anti-tumor effect There are multiple and varied reports of the Liposomal cbd oil anti-tumor effects in breast cancer cell cultures. These studies reveal cell viability, increased cancer cell apoptosis, reduction of tumor growth, and inhibition of metastases. Possibly due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the CBD.
Anti-anxiolytic effect In laboratory protocols designed to simulate post-traumatic stress disorder, it is found that the CBD improves the "consolidation of Extinction", in other words, forgetting traumatic experiences/memories.
What is the CBD? Differences between CBD and THC Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most promising non-psychotropic Cannabidiol compound due to its various medicinal and therapeutic potentials, including antioxidant, anti-psychotic and anxiolytic effects. In recent years, interest in the investigation of this compound has increased due to the discovery of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.
Making it very attractive for the treatment of conditions produced by inflammation and oxidative stress, these include Parkinson's disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer disease and ischemic reperfusion injuries. All these properties and effects were brought to light thanks to the discovery of endogenous Cannabidiols within our bodies, which are coupled, activated and regulated our end Cannabidiol system.
Where does the CBD come from? The plants of Cannabis are a member of the Cannabaceae family, among which are three main species:
Cannabis sativa Cannabis indicia Cannabis Rudderless
Those species that have high concentrations of psychotropic components: Tetra hydro Cannabidiol (THC) and low concentrations of non-psychotropic components: CBD are classified as marijuana. This is why although marijuana plants are currently used to lessen some symptoms of disease, their use is mainly recreational. On the other hand, there are the opposite conditions: very low THC and elevated CBD, in plants known as Hemp Industrial or simply hemp. It is interesting to note that, studies strongly suggest that the CBD counteracts the psychotropic effects of THC. This difference is crucial when making the conferences about the properties of each plant.
The versatility of hemp Because hemp is one of the most versatile plants in nature, it can be used to:
Textile production Food Fuels Oils Plastic Medicines Paper Food for cattle Building materials Cleaning of industrial chemical compounds And the list grows with new research and development.
Can the Liposomal cbd oil really cure cancer? The use of cannabidiol, in the form of extract or Liposomal cbd oil , has attracted great attention in recent years thanks to its potential therapeutic properties, especially for the management of the complications and symptoms inherent to the different types of cancer. Every day you have a clearer picture about the potential and also the limitations of Liposomal cbd oil .
Use of CBD for cancer management The Cannabidiol (CBD) is a fit Cannabidiol without psychotropic activity that exerts part of its effects through the modulation of different components within the end Cannabidiol system. It is usually very common to find articles or publications suggesting that the use of Cannabidiol s, especially liposomal cbd oil , have the ability to "cure" diseases of this type. While such headlines may attract a lot of attention to boost research and collective interest, they can also cause the opposite effect: it may be wrong to inform readers about the progress in research and the use of these compounds, through Exaggeration in the report of results, misinterpretation or omission of key information. It`s crucial to analyze both the content and the sources of these reports, and thus separate the noise from the relevant and valuable information.
The onset of cancer Every life begins with a fertilized egg, whose cells are divided over and over again. This process of cell growth is an intrinsic part of the life of every human being, which must be meticulously regulated to ensure an appropriate development of tissues and organs. Once the adult age has been reached, much of our cells stop this division process, however, another type of cell must follow this path to ensure the replacement of low-efficiency cells (e.g. blood cells, skin and intestines). Unfortunately, spontaneous mutations in one or more of our genes result in inadequate function in the machinery of regulating the cell cycle, in other words, there is an excessive growth and without control of cells, forming Malignant tumors.
This phenomenon is known as cancer. It is important to mention that the vast majority of mutations that cause cancer are due to external factors acting on genes and tumor suppressor genes.   
Physical or chemical agents called carcinogens. Ultraviolet, gamma, nuclear and possibly electromagnetic radiation. Various viruses, including human papilloma virus (HPV) or herpes.
What we know about experimental models In the first place, in order to know the context in which the results have been obtained, it is necessary to recognize the model of study implemented; it is necessary to look under what conditions the Liposomal cbd oil has been used for its research. There are many reports using animal models, among mice, rats and in more complex mammals such as pigs, as well as in vitro tumor cell lines. After the results obtained within these models are reported Liposomal cbd oil properties such as slowing the proliferation of tumor cells, induction of apoptosis (cell death) and interference in the process of metastases. These results show quite encouraging, but it should be remembered that human subjects tend to be more complex, both at the molecular and genetic levels.
What interests us: human trials and the effect of the Liposomal cbd oil Second, and more relevant to us, are clinical trials with human patients. The antitumor effect of Liposomal cbd oil in patients with advanced stage glioblastoma; 8 of 9 patients showed some positive response in the decrease in tumor growth rate. It is interesting to note that adverse effects were not reported during the development of this study. Added to this, we find anecdotal reports about patients and relatives attesting to the effectiveness of CBD extracts and oils to lessen and control both symptoms and adverse effects. Among these are documented a total recovery of appetite and weight gain, considerable decrease in pain, cessation of hair loss, calm nausea and even complete ´ destruction of cancer cells. To give interest to research and development of non-conventional therapies based on Liposomal cbd oil extracts and oils, it is crucial to educate both physicians and patients about the potential and also the limitations related to these compounds.