Preparation of CBD Oil 5/2/2018 Liposomal CBD
Cannabis Extracts There are different options for preparing cannabis extracts "marijuana", It is preferable to use the dry plant, as we ensure that the oil is not damaged by the humidity contained in the plant in fresh and that consequently leaves mold. The part used of the plant are the flowers (buds), if there is some leaf does not matter, although mainly active ingredients are concentrated in the flower. It would be interesting to find rich cbd oil varieties (cannabidiol), since they usually contain more THC; to procure varieties of cannabis that the cbd oil is as high as possible because it is the component with more antitumoural properties, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. THC is more psychoactive, interesting property in the lack of appetite and in glaucoma. In most of the ailments in which Cannabis is used, the concentration of cbd oil is interesting.
CBD oil based extract: It is preferable to use olive oil of maximum quality (extra virgin, first pressed). First Picaríamos the flower so that the principles can be better extracted, it does not need to be dust, but small pieces. Fill a glass jar with the chopped flower almost to the top and finish filling with olive oil and cover. Extraction of medicinal properties: Slow form: The glass jar closed and filled with the flower and olive oil; leave it for 2 months in maceration in the sun and Serena. , it should not touch the direct sun, it would have to cover with opaque paper or even put the pot inside a cardboard box, and leave it outdoors, you have to warm up during the day, and refresh during the night, have temperature changes. During these 2 months, it would be interesting to be stirring the pot every 3 days approximately, which will mix all the oil. After the maceration time, strain the cbd oil and put it in a clean, sterilized pot and keep it without direct contact with the light for better preservation. Quick way: If you don't want to wait 2 months and urgently need the preparation, you can put the same pot well closed and full of flower and oil D'oliva to the Bain Marie for 2 hours, very hot but not to boil the cbd oil. After 2 hours, leave 2 or 3 days at rest and go stirring several times during the day. Past this process, strain and save in a container as we said in the quick extraction... Conservation and Dosificaicon: The slow form is better preserved because the oil has not been heated. Always store in a dark place and being oil you could add a few drops of vitamin E liquid based on olive oil, which is used as a preservative and antioxidant. The dosage of the oil can be done sublingually, you cannot assign a number of drops because each plant has different quality and quantity of active ingredients
and each person has a different tolerance; The usual thing is 2 to 15 drops, 3 times a day. Although always keep in mind that each person should slowly test their level of tolerance.
Extract with alcohol or tinctures: Alcohol extracts, also called tinctures, are usually more potent than those made with olive oil, since alcohol is more easily extracted from active ingredients. It must be taken into account that certain people do not tolerate alcohol or should not consume it for their illness, in that case, take in olive oil or alcohol but letting it evaporate enough to make it more potent and avoid the intake of so much alcohol. You can use a dry alcohol of 40% (tequila, pomade, etc) or a wine alcohol 96% always for food use! In the case of doing so with the 96% let evaporate, to reduce the alcohol concentration, taking into account that it will be more potent because the active ingredients were more concentrated and fewer drops would be used.
This extract would be carried out as follows: Put the glass jar almost full with the chopped flowers, fill with the alcohol and close, it would be advisable not to touch the light. This boat must be macerated for 30 – 40 days, stirring every 2 – 3 days as possible, after these days, filter and save as discussed above. If it were the case of being very urgent in 10 days has already extracted enough properties. Another option is to make a maceration of 12 – 15 days, filter the alcohol in the (Pot 2) and the same herbs that are added again alcohol, leave 12 – 15 days more, and filter, adding alcohol in the first extraction that we have done 15 days ago in (boat 2). This type of extract when doing two extraction, there will be more amount of alcohol since we have
filled twice, so it would be interesting to let it evaporate a 50 – 60% to concentrate more. In the two extractions take advantage of the same flowers. The advantage we have of extractions with alcohol is that can evaporate and make the concentrations to our liking, to have to take more or less drops. Conservation and dosage: The alcoholic extract is better preserved than with the oil, it can be retained for years.
Each person has a different tolerance and each extract according to the quality of the plant will be different. Normally the dosage is morning and night, in the morning will always be much less quantity than at night. It would apply mixed with food or diluted in water, this extract below the tongue is usually too strong, although it could also be done. It would be starting with 2 drops in the morning and 3 at night, and each person find their dose. These two excerpt formats that have been explained can be used internally or externally.
In the external way (topical), instead of olive oil you could use almond oil or other oil. For external means, alcohol would not need to be food. It is always better to do it with olive oil or food alcohol, so you always have the two options, via internal or external. External route, apart from being used for skin cancers, burns, scars is fantastic for rheumatic pain, muscular, as it is a great anti-inflammatory and soothing. To make a preparation for external use, you could use any of these two types of extracts that we have explained earlier. Alcohol will always have more properties because it is more concentrated, but it evaporates faster when massaging the skin; The oil will have a more oily texture and better massages can be done. An option to improve the quality of the preparation for external use, would be to mix the oil with alcohol, once already performed individually as we explained above, where in the solution based on olive oil, could be added apart from cbd oil, Rosemary, Arnica, Harpagrofito, or any plant with anti-inflammatory properties. When mixing cbd oil and alcohol, the textures are separated because they have different density, so it should be shaken before use.
Cbd oil Micro dose: Micro doses are used to treat different diseases by administering a hydro alcoholic solution of medicinal plant tinctures or even patent drugs, in equivalent amounts of one thousandth to five times less than the usually recommended dosage. The dosage of the micro doses is as follows:  Usually taken 4 times a day, 3 drops under the tongue.
 In case of serious illnesses or acute cases, 3 drops can be administered under the tongue every 5-10 minutes for 1 hour, then 3 drops every hour, and after 24 hours continue with the normal dosage. Micro doses can be used with any plant and have the advantage that there is no risk of poisoning, have no side effects and collateral, do not create dependence or addiction, is compatible with any bitter and alternative therapies and can be reinforce with any treatment. It is used with strong plants or with some toxicity, or to facilitate the intake. To make the mircrodosis first we have to have done the tincture or alcoholic extract that we have explained earlier, that would be the mother dye to make this preparation.
Preparation:  Have a container, better in dropper, with the vehicle that will be the transmitter, which will help to get the functions of the plants to our celebration, the vehicle would be composed of 2/3 parts of water and 1/3 part of alcohol, so if we have a 30 ml dropper, 20 ml of water per 10 ml of alcohol.  Once the container is full of the vehicle, the mother dye should be added, in this case from 10 to 30 drops per 10 ml. Each plant has different toxicity or different quality and quantity as in the case of cbd oil, so varies the amount of droplets of tincture per 10 ml.
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