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LIQUI MOLY: La Storia in un Logo
I loghi sono ovunque e circondano la vita di ognuno di noi. Per questo, un logo, è così importante per un’azienda. Perché ne indica la “mission”, ne celebra la storia, la sua eredità e deve essere sempre riconoscibile. Per le aziende iconiche del mondo, il valore del proprio brand è inestimabile e richiede tantissimo lavoro e studio. Questo perché, un logo, è di successo quando entra nell’immaginario collettivo, diventando un pezzo di storia. Ciò non significa che siano statici, ma piuttosto che abbiano subito delle modifiche, nel tempo, in base alle epoche e ai cambiamenti della società. Tutto inizia nel 1847 quando Gustav Meguin, dopo aver iniziato con resina e pece, nella Saar, fondò l’azienda per la produzione di olio di lino, grasso per zoccoli e per carri. Nel 1890, con l’industrializzazione, cresce la gamma dei pro dotti e compaiono i primi lubrificanti e oli minerali per l’industria siderurgica e la motorizzazione. Quest’ultima sarà la vera frontiera ad aprire la strada verso il futuro. Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale (1948-1959), la ricostruzione, richiese l’impiego di oli e lubrificanti per l’industria del carbone e dell’acciaio. Si stava avvicinando il periodo del boom economico. Il 1957 vede a Ulm la fondazione di LIQUI MOLY, con l’acquisizione del brevetto per la lavorazione del bisolfuro di molibdeno liquefatto MoS₂. Il primo prodotto si chiamerà KFZ 1.
Da quel momento, il logo dell’azienda s’identifica con le iniziali maiuscole, per poi inte45° PARALLELO / 01.2021 · LIQUI MOLY Italia · www.liqui-moly.com 23
1976 1982 2002 OGGI
grarle gradualmente con il nome completo, che negli anni, con qualche modifica al font originale, rimarrà a tutto campo. Dal 1990, Ernst Prost entra in LIQUI MOLY come capo di Marketing e Vendite. 1847 Foundation – with resin and pitch Gustav Meguin laid the foundations for the company in Saarland. Hoof grease, linseed oil and cart grease were to follow. 1996 – 1998 Ernst Prost acquista LIQUI MOLY dalla famiglia fondatrice e diventa socio amministratore. Ancora oggi, sotto questo marchio, vivono le due aziende (LIQUI MOLY e MEGUIN) che, dal 2006, si sono unite per dare seguito al successo che persiste complessivamente da oltre 230 anni, diventando uno dei più innovativi produttori 9 del settore additivi e lubrificanti.
LIQUI MOLY I MEGUIN I 05 I 2017 1948 – 1959 The phase of reconstruction after the Second World War and the integration of Saarland into the new Federal Republic of Germany. Mineral oils and greases galore are required by the coal and steel industry in the years of the economic miracle. 1890 With industrialization the product range grows. Lubricants for the steel industry, mineral oils and greases for the increase in motorization set new focal points. Foundation – with resin and pitch Gustav Meguin laid the foundations for the company in Saarland. Hoof grease, linseed oil and cart grease were to follow.
1948 – 1959 The phase of reconstruction after the Second World War and the integration of Saarland into the new Federal Republic of Germany. Mineral oils and greases galore are required by the coal and steel industry in the years of the economic miracle. 1890 With industrialization the 1847 Foundation – with resin and pitch Gustav Meguin laid the foundations for the company in Saarland. Hoof grease, linseed oil and cart grease were to follow.
COMPANY ANNIVERSARY 230 years LIQUI MOLY and MÉGUIN SUCCESS STORY Two locations, two anniversaries, one company group – in 2017, MÉGUIN is celebrating 170 years of existence and LIQUI MOLY will be gathering best wishes on its 60th birthday. Biologically impossible, the daughter is older than its own mother; almost three times as old. The LIQUI MOLY Family worldwide is also special in other ways: Many corporations find it difficult to allow companies to grow together within the group, some are unsuccessful. A counterexample is offered by LIQUI MOLY and MÉGUIN: united in 2006, their model and philosophy is characterized by values such as decency, hard work, respect and tolerance. Together they are driving from record to record on the road to success! Both companies describe the short path of their eventful history together. We work daily that this part should become bigger, much bigger. 1957 Foundation of LIQUI MOLY in Ulm on the Danube with the acquisition of the patent and license for processing molybdenum disulfide, better known as MoS₂. The first product is called "KFZ 1". First advertising theme Advertising theme from 1966 October 1, 1990 Ernst Prost joins LIQUI MOLY as the head of Marketing and Sales. 2006 MÉGUIN becomes a 100 percent subsidiary of LIQUI MOLY GmbH. 1948 – 1959 The phase of reconstruction after the Second World War and the integration of Saarland into the new Federal Republic of Germany. Mineral oils and greases galore are required by the coal and steel industry in the years of the economic miracle. 10 LIQUI MOLY I MEGUIN I 05 I 2017 LIQUI MOLY I MEGUIN I 05 I 2017 1890 With industrialization the product range grows. Lubricants for the steel industry, mineral oils and greases for the increase in motorization set new focal points.
COMPANY ANNIVERSARY 1847 Foundation – with resin and pitch Gustav Meguin laid the foundations for the company in Saarland. Hoof grease, linseed oil and cart grease were to follow. 2007 1996 – 1998 In two tranches, Ernst Prost buys every LIQUI MOLY share from the founding family and becomes the Managing Partner. Two new subsidiaries are born: Foundation of the subsidiaries LIQUI MOLY South Africa and Portugal (today LIQUI MOLY Iberia). Then and today: The logo and the products over the course of time 2008 More new family: the birth of subsidiary LIQUI MOLY USA.
until 1976 until 1982 until 2002 current