Coming of age

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Welcome to the waiting room.

We´re behaving like insects.

21st century killed love.

They´re moving their feet, but nobody´s dancing.

They´re staring all night and they´re staring all day.

... and I´m still waiting at the Berlin Wall.

I felt instantly confined by the notion that we are born into a world where everything was mapped out by those before us.

Sometimes I just wanted to raise my hand and stop. But stop what? Maybe just growing up.

I remember passing shopwindows with my mother and asking why people didn´t just kick them in.

It was disgust with civilization.


We live small lives on the periphery.

Love isn´t what they tell you.

Stop sacrifizing.

Let´s have facial surgery.

Use jets while you still can.

All places are temporary places.

When is it starting? - When is WHAT starting? - ... I don´t know ... Life and all ...

It´s 24/7. It´s your life.


Of all the thirty six alternatives, running away is the best.

I´m just walking around... your city is a wonder-town .

Isn´t it too dreamy?

No one expected me. Everything awaited me.

All my dreams came true. But now I have a bunch of other dreams.

It´s just that I have this problem that I wanna be everywhere I´m not.

- It makes me so sad that we just don´t manage to be happy for a while.

We wasted all the best of us in alkohol and sweat.


Do you really not get what´s happening?

We are in-betweens.

Why so serious?

I think I´ve been dead now for some while.

If nothing drives me crazy, then nothing drives me at all.

When they get what they want they never want it again.

I AM a clichĂŠ.

If this is reality, then why am I here?


The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

Why? - Why not?

They consume each other.

Laughter. An essential ingredient for survival. And we laughed a lot.

I always keep a smile, because anything but a smile would make me have to explain, what I can´t explain anyway.

Instead of talking about the last war, let me talk about the next war, because sometimes it´s useful to be prepared instead of just reacting.

So let them bleed.

Life´s unfair. Kill yourself or get over it.

Isn´t it too dreamy? Audrey Horne in Twin Peaks, Episode 1.3

I´m just walking around... your city is a wonder-town . Sonic Youth: the wonder

Of all the thirty six alternatives, running away is the best. – chinese proverb

Sometimes I just wanted to raise my hand and stop. But stop what? Maybe just growing up. Patti Smith: Just Kids

Use jets while you still can. Douglas Coupland: Generation X

We live small lives on the periphery. Douglas Coupland: Generation X

It was disgust with civilization. Kurt Vonnegut, Backwards City Review, 2004

I remember passing shopwindows with my mother and asking why people didn´t just kick them in. Patti Smith: Just Kids

I felt instantly confined by the notion that we are born into a world where everything was mapped out by those before us. Patti Smith: Just Kids

They´re staring all night and they´re staring all day. Sex Pistols: Holidays In The Sun

... and I´m still waiting at the Berlin Wall. Sex Pistols: Holidays In The Sun

They´re moving their feet, but nobody´s dancing. Low: Like a Forest, from: Things We Lost in the Fire


so let them bleed - Kristian Gohlke i am a cliche - Martin Fink use jets - Vincent Kramer

All images by Lisa Hoffmann except

Life´s unfair. Kill yourself or get over it. Black Box Recorder: Child Psychology from England Made Me, 1998

Instead of talking about the last war, let me talk about the next war, because sometimes it´s useful to be prepared instead of just reacting. Noam Chomsky: Media Control

I always keep a smile, because anything but a smile would make me have to explain, what I can´t explain anyway. Black Flag: Can´t decide

Laughter. An essential ingredient for survival. And we laughed a lot. Patti Smith: Just Kids

The sky above the port was the color of television, turned to a dead channel. William Gibson: Neuromancer

we wasted all the best of us in alcohol and sweat La Dispute: Andrea

It´s just that I have this problem that I wanna be everywhere I´m not. Touché Amoré: Home Away From Here

All my dreams came true. But now I have a bunch of other dreams. Sonic Youth: quest for the cup

No one expected me. Everything awaited me. Patti Smith: Just Kids

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