Border Conflicts

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VS Richard Liu, Pratyut Anand, Rishik Kanchanapally, and Daniel Xiang

Israel vs. Palestine Trump acknowledges Jerusalem as Capital of Israel. Since the 1980 Jerusalem Bill, the Israeli government has formally recognized Jerusalem as its official capital. Recently, President Trump stating that the US will recognize Jerusalem as its capital. ..I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of israel.�, said Donald Trump. Since the decision, protests have been erupting in Gaza. the West Bank, and Cairo, furthering tensions between supporters of Palestine and the West.

“ I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of israel.�,

Palestinian Recognition

Illegal Settlements

135 countries recognized within the United Nations recognize the palestinian State. The question of Palestinian Statehood has been held in question since the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, which established a Jewish state in the area, but not a palestinian state. Currently, 2 of the Big Five (China and Russia) acknowledge the state of Palestine, but the other states veto the recognition of palestine into the UN.

Israeli citizens have been establishing communities within Palestinian territory, along with the support of the Israeli government. Palestinians have been protesting against this violently,, and as a result, Israel built a border wall around its border with the west bank and Gaza. International condemnation has been raised up recently due to that the wall encompassess many of these illegal communities within Palestinian territory, thus further adding to pre existing tensions between the two parties.

U.S. vs Mexico


It all started in the Mexican American War (1846 - 1848) which was in order to claim the land that now makes up Texas. As a result of America’s Win, America claimed the land of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California.

Illegal Immigrants 870, 000 Mexican Immigrants are Illegal.

Trump and Mexico All the rumors you have heard about Donald J. Trump Deporting Illegal Immigrants and building a wall between mexico and the US is true. He stated these ideas in his speeches for the presidential election.

To the left is San Diego, CA. To the right is Tijuana, Mexico

U.S. vs Mexico

Bad Relations

Mexico is a major source of drugs entering the United States. By the 1990s, 80%–90% of the cocaine smuggled into the United States arrived through Mexico. In February 1985, US Drug Enforcement Administration agent Enrique Camarena, nicknamed "Kiki", was kidnapped in Mexico, tortured and then murdered, in what was seen as an attempt by the Mexican drug cartels to intimidate the United States. In 2015, Official reports of the U.S. government and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and explosives (ATF) revealed that over the last years, Mexican cartels improved their firearm power, and that 70% of their weapons come from the U.S.

Good Relations

One of the main good relationships are from NAFTA. The North American Free Trade Agreement, between Canada, US, and Mexico. Implemented on January 1, 1994. This brought the immediate elimination of tariffs on more than ½ of Mexico’s exports and more than ⅓ of U.S. Exports.

NAFTA symbol for U.S., Mexico, and Canada is shown below.

North And South Korea The border between North and South Korea is often called the world’s most dangerous border. The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) splits the Korean peninsula in half. It’s also the most militarized border on earth. All the fences have barbed wire with one million soldiers standing guard from outposts. There has been a war 60 years ago that is still continuing today (officially, at least) because they never actually signed a peace treaty.

The Korean DMZ From The South Korean Side

North And South Korea Some History of the Conflict: In July of 1950, the Korean war between North and South Korea began. The Soviet Union and China was on one side and the United Nations on the other. In January 1968, North Korea attempted to assassinate South Korean President Park Chung-Hee and narrowly fails. In August 1974, there is another assassination attempt of President Park Chung-Hee by a North Korean commando in Seoul in which First Lady Chung-Hee is killed. SInce then, tensions have kept increasing.

The Korean DMZ From The South Korean Side

India Vs. Pakistan India and Pakistan have long had troubles along their borders. The conflicts started during the partition of India in 1947. Since then, there have been three major wars. Multiple bombings, and over one million people brutally murdered, tortured, and more. Both sides have done terrible things to each other, but for a while things seemed to be getting better. However, one month ago, Kashmir militants attacked Indian held bases and killed three. This conflict seems fated to go on, but what exactly caused it? ????????????????????

India Vs. Pakistan The conflict began with the partition of India. The country that is now India once contained Pakistan. India. Bangladesh, and Burma. Conflicts first arose over the Kashmir region in 1947.

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