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By: Denise R. Michonda M. by Your Name Kimberlee R.

Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Animals Contents Koala Tiger Sloth Harp Seal Alaska Fox Wolf Red Panda Sloat About the authors.


Koalas only can live in one place, Australia . Why? Because it is the only place that has Eucalyptus leaves


â?– Koalas sometimes communicate through sounds like snores and belches. â?– A koala will eat 2.5 pounds of food a day. 3


Tigers live in Asia. Tigers mainly eat ambar deer, wild pigs, water buffalo and antelope, since there mostly found in asia.


â?– The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family. â?– Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 metres 4


Sloths are arboreal mammals noted for slowness of movement and for spending most of their lives hanging upside down in the trees of the tropical rainforests of South America and Central America


â?– They use their long claws to hang onto branches while they feast on the leaves that other animals can't reach. â?– There are two categories of sloths. The two-toed sloth and three-toed sloth,


Harp seal

Harp seals spend most of their time diving and swimming in the icy waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. These sleek swimmers often hunt for fish and crustaceans at 300 feet and may dive to nearly 1,000 feet. They are able to remain submerged for up to 15 minutes.​ During mating season, females form large colonies on floating ice and give birth to young. Older seals return annually to pack ice to molt. They lose their pelts and top layers of skin and grow a new fur coat every year. Harp seals are sometimes called saddleback seals because of the dark, saddle like marking on the back and sides of their light yellow or gray bodies of the adults. Baby seals are born on pack ice floating in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Harp seal mothers are able to identify their babies by their smell. The pups don't have any blubber at birth, but quickly gain weight nursing on high-fat mother's milk. When the pups reach about 80 pounds (36 kilograms), their mothers stop nursing them. The pups go without food for about six weeks and can lose about half their body weight until they dive in and begin to hunt for 6 themselves. The young seals are famous for their snowy white coats.

Arctic Fox

This small animal weighs around 12 to 15 pounds. In the winter they are white but in the summer they are brown. They have incredible hearing, aided by their wide, front-facing ears, which allow them to locate the precise position of their prey beneath the snow. When the Arctic fox hears its next meal under the snow-pack, it leaps into the air and pounces, breaking through the layer of snow right onto the prey beneath. They like to live near the Tundra and coastal areas of Alaska on the Arctic and Bering Seas, and ranging as far south as the Aleutian Islands. Also in Northern Canada and Europe. The tundra is not an easy place to live. It is barren, rocky, and without much vegetation. They like to eat whatever is available out on the frozen tundra, even if it means scavenging leftovers from other predators, such as polar bears! Arctic fox populations range in the hundred thousands, but fluctuate with the available lemming population .One of the most unique and interesting behaviors of Arctic foxes is how they hunt. 7

Wolf Wolves live and hunt in packs of six to twenty. They are known to roam at least 12 miles in a single day. They can weigh up to 55-200 pounds. Their amazing fur helps them survive in a variety of climates.


Red Panda Red pandas typically grow to the size of a house cat., though their bushy tails add another 18 inches. They can weigh up to 12-20 pounds . They spend most of their lives in trees. Unlike in the daytime they tend to be more active at night. Red pandas love to eat bamboo but, unlike their larger relatives, they many other foods too—fruit, acorns, roots, and eggs. Like giant pandas, they have an extended wrist bone. It functions almost like a thumb and helps them with their grip.


Stoat The stoat is a small, but active and efficient predator., Although brown in summer, they sometimes turn pure white in the winter, except the tip of their tail, which remains black.. They can weigh can from 90 to 445 grams. Stoats have a good sense of sight, smell and hearing, they use it to help them hunt. Stoats are very agile and good climbers They are also strong swimmers, capable of crossing large rivers.


Hi, my name is Kimberlee Rowe, i'm one of the authors of Animals. I was born on December 23, 2003, Arkansas.

Hi, my name is Michonda, i’m one of the authors of Animals. I was born on December 12, 2003, Louisiana.

Hi, my name is Denise Ramirez, i'm one of the authors of Animals. I was born on May 18, 2004, California.


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