8.2 Poetry Portfolio-Ms. Foster

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“Original Musings of the 8th Grade” A Collection of Original Poems by English 8.2

2016-2017 LISA West Middle School Little Rock, Arkansas


Adryan’A “ I Shouldn’t Have” Meeting you was the worst mistake of my life I shouldn’t have become your friend I shouldn’t have let you get to me I shouldn’t have told people I shouldn’t have made those mistakes I shouldn’t have felt these feelings You don’t care about me And eventually I’m going to have to except that I’m nothing to you And I need you to mean nothing to me


“Wild Filly” An Original Poem by Allison Wild spirits that own the mountains Don’t tread on their home of Colorado They stand tall, unbroken and free Run run little filly For Colorado is your home Run fast with your herd To Pikes Peak Where only you shall roam And call this beautiful place your own


mind the deer As they tremble in fear Trust the mountains As they whisper in your ear Learn to love the red stained rocks As you trot through the columbines In your white socks Hear the whinny of the little wild filly

“LOst Under the Sea” By: Alondra Apodaca I was only eight when God took you away, What was I gonna do with no mom to guide me the right way. I felt like a fish without water lost under the sea, I was drowning in my tears while falling to my knees. Everyday of my life without you by my side how will I survive if all I do is hide? I opened my eyes and realized it was a dream if it would’ve been real this world would’ve been a place without me. 4


“friend can be hard to find, but they offer a friendship that will last a lifetime. Other friends may not be quite as loving.� by: Amaya alexander


Anthony, “Childhood, what does it mean?” Why childhood, why do you Childhood, what does it mean? The playful beginnings, the crazy days, When the world was at peace and clean. Childhood, why’re you so kind? While so strange, you’re gentle, And at all times nice, such a great find.

show me happiness? Is it because of your innocence, or even your light,

Oh childhood, don’t ever leave me, Stay with me until the end of time and light,

Or is it your inspiration and curiousness?

I don’t want you to corrupt and infect, like a disease.

The tricycles and crayons are a part of life,

So as you can see, she’s pure,

As are tears and mistakes to adults,

And she’s as strong as any other beginning

But of course you aren’t there with all your strife.

Who you may ask, childhood of course!

“True friends?� By Ariel

I use to be the one that everybody forget was where,

I was the last to get pick for partner and the first to be asked about her work But then I meet a friend and then I was the first to get in trouble Last to turn their work in, the last to stop talking. The one I call my friends turn me into the person it didn’t want to be , Instant of being me Left to figure it out by myself Bad friends are like shadows. They follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.


“DNA� You make me cry Make me despise All things nice Making me want to die But at the end of the day There are no other words to say But I love you and i know you do all these things to protect me but i'm not a little girl anymore I can care for myself on my own i will ALWAYS love you though B A



“Comparison� by Azael Perez People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.




Brian Immortality is a fatality Or a cruelty What a pity


Christopher Martin

“Bringing in the new year” Last year was tough This year might be rough You are still slackin Bringing back bad habits Making revolutions that never happen Facing many challenges Can’t understand why you deserve it Just stay positive you’ll understand why Throughout the year life will become easier Because you brung in the new year staying positive.

This is a poem that explains what I go through right before a new year starts


“A Brother Like No Other�

I have a brother.

Yes, one like no other

One like no other

But he is my brother

He will go to college

One like no other

With lots of knowledge He is like a bear with his scaring But if he has to, he can be very caring Yes, he is a brother 13

Elizabeth “Like I Would” She wouldn’t love you like I would She couldn’t treat you like I would Now i’m in my feelings Really thinking About how many times i’ve been wanting to show you the way i would love you


Wondering what’s on your mind Guess you like the simple type By Franchelsa I ain’t stupid color blind Won’t get caught up in your lie Francisco Said she came to you net her Tryna tell me you were drunk I can still smell her perfume I’m so done with you



Henry He is near He will always be near you Now he’s here

When you are near your time, death himself will visit. Henry ponce


“Life� by Jonathan P. Life is so confusing. Sometimes it is nice, But other times you Really have to pay the price.

Things like abuse and poverty Makes me really mad, But then I think about it, And it just makes me sad. 17

“Lost Friendship” by Kailey Huffman You can have a friend for a long time. Friends stay with you. Then poof!, they’re gone. You’ll porbably never see them again. They are gone forever. But even though they’re gone, You’ll always be there for them. They will always be in your heart. You will always love them. They are lost friends.


¨Friends¨ by: Leilani Arellano Friends, We all need them in our lives, To help us when we're in need, to cry with us when we're sad, Or simply just care for us, And us care for them. Without them, We would be empty, We are happy to have friends, In our lives.


“Circle Of Life” By Macareo.Shelton “People comes and goes.Keep a small amount of people in your circle.”whoever in your circle , they mean apart of your life they matter to you. Remember people come and goes away just like money come and go but it don’t grow on trees.


My friends

-Mayze Chedder

My friends don't see it But i think you might You always seem to leave after getting in my sight I don't know if you know or not, and i'm not gonna ask I'm not doing this because of my past I'm not doing it because of my dad You don't know why i'm doing it I don't expect you to You have your problems And i have things in my way This is the only thing i do to keep it from getting in my face All the yelling and the retelling, gets to my brain And i want to get away 21

Mary Neutral Be No matter what we always meet Two roads desired not to seek. Two choices before a narrow plain Picking neither is not to blame. Not picking can take the lead To bring us to who we want to be. Purple or yellow, blue or green Not picking a side is what I mean. No matter what we always meet Two roads desired not to seek. 22

NOBODY‌‌. Nobody loves me, nobody cares, nobody picks me peaches and pears, nobody offers me candy or cokes, nobody listens to my funny jokes, nobody helps when i get in a fight, nobody does my homework at night, nobody misses me, nobody cries, nobody wants to say goodbye.

By:Natalie Ayala



“Soccer”-Omar Eldenawi Number 1 sport in the world The most fun in the globe Millions of people watch it and enjoy It’s where men and women meet To cheer one team Screaming and crying here and there It’s the most favourite game in the world Hard rules and some weird boots. It’s the place to get rich and poor. Doesn’t matter where are you from We all play the same It’s called soccer 25

Princess There was once a young african men that said he had a dream to end segregation. He spoke a speech that send a message to the life of people ears. I had a dream The voice of the audience silent. With all the claps of the audience. Listen to the peace of the crowd. People learn,listen, and acted. Marching peacefully through the street with their heads held high. I had a dream that how it start. A dream that turned into reality. The love continue to flow through the heart of the people that chose to listen to the man that had a dream.


Saul Obviously he's more successful cause everyone supports what he does And me I'm sitting here in jealousy and envy just cause because Be happy be happy because you have everything you need While i sit here with jealousy envy and greed


Sudin Rajbanshi

“By the people” By the people does the war starts, By the people the war ends. The dystopia by the people, The utopia by the people. The horror started by the people, For the people and by the people. When the war arrives people get scared, But one thing they forget is that they started it. Now they need to end it, But can they , can they really Scared of the war but starting the war, When it comes to ending they can’t What now???


By: Tabry Jordan ¨Regular & True¨

Regular Friends are like rain they come and go. True friends are like glue they stick with you thru and thru. Regular friendships are like ice when they melt away, there gone. True friendships are like wood they can only be broken with certain material.


Life Seasons

Winter by: Tanayia Wells Cold and quiet Hibernation for the mind Spring Flowers start to bloom Earth renewals for you to try something new Summer Warm and wild Sun is out no more hiding in darkness Fall Leaves are falling air is cool Prepare for hibernation and last big celebration


Tyjuan Mask People tell lies They will do it straight to your face They will make you feel one way But when you learn the truth you’ll have to replace As my mom told me Don’t believe what they say They will lie and steal in your face I didn’t learn my lesson till today Now that I’ve learnt my lesson I thank god for the Blessing



Alex Holloway “Friends� Sharing sorrows, sharing needs, Sharing happiness, exchanging deeds, These are things shared by good friends, Friends to be with you until the end. A person to confess to, A person from whom you will never hide, Though trials may be in the way, By your side a friend will stay. Oh, how good it is to have a friend 33

To walk with you until time ends.

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