Ladybug Land

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Ladybug Land By Lisa Fisli

adybug Land is a real and magical place that is available only to people with a really good imagination. If you don’t believe in Ladybug Land, then please don’t attempt to go. The villagers feel sad when people arrive with no imagination. In fact, they will leave immedi‐ ately as not to prove you wrong. For they love all their visitors and never wish to make them feel uncomfortable. Getting there is easy and fun, and it works every time! Would you like to take the journey into the most beautiful and fun‐filled world of Ladybug Land? Then, let’s go!

Close your eyes and take long, slow, deep breaths. In to the count of 5 and out to the count of 5. Now, imagine you are standing in a large, black room. In front of you, you see a white, sparkly light about the size of a basketball. It twinkles and shines and you are curious about this light. You reach out and grasp the light into your hands. It is warm and tingly. The fun thing about this ball of light is that every breath you breathe out, it gets bigger. As you breathe out, it pulls from you all the pain and worry, all the sadness and fear and changes those feelings into love and security. I want you to purposefully breathe all your fears, worries, pain and sadness into this beautiful ball of light and watch it grow bigger and bigger until it is so big that you are engulfed and standing inside this ball of light. You are surrounded in love, safety, warmth and peace. Those feelings of warmth, safety and love begin to tingle the top of your head and slowly tickle down your neck. Then you feel the light warm your shoulders and chest as it moves down to‐ ward your legs and feet. Within moments your whole body is rested, loved, warmed and peaceful. In front of you is a heavy wooden door. You step to the door, unhook the latch, and open it. A slight creaking sound is made and when the door swings completely open, the most beautiful sight in the world is revealed to you! You step through the doorway and into Ladybug Land! The green grass beneath your feet crunches and tickles your ankles. The sky above is a brilliant blue with puffy white clouds slowly drifting by. In front of you is a beautiful and peaceful lake. You feel warm and safe here. Then a small voice says, “Welcome back my friend! We missed you!” Look down on your finger and you see a tiny Ladybug crawling around. You instinctively re‐ member who this is! It’s your friend who is always there to greet you every time you come back. When you see your friend Ladybug, you instantly feel welcomed and loved. “Tell me what you need healed, my dear friend.” the Ladybug says As you imagine telling your friend about your needs, you notice little Ladybugs begin to crawl around and massage the places that need the most attention. As they crawl around and mas‐ sage those areas, you begin to feel relaxed and the tingly feeling lets you know that healing is taking place. When their work is done, they leave you alone to play and enjoy their land. You may stay as long as you like. When you are ready to leave, you just step back through the doorway and into the black room that is illuminated with the white sparkly light.

Ladybug Land by Lisa Fisli © All Rights Reserved

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