Mediakit Vietnam Traveller 2014

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International destinations:


Vietnam Traveller is Vietnam's premier magazine dedicated to travel both within Vietnam and beyond its borders. Published in bilingual format on a bimonthly basis, it provides Vietnamese readers, expats and tourists with engaging articles and vibrant photography alongside information on the best hotel, tour and f light deals.


The magazine's partnership with the Vietnam Travel Association guarantees a huge distribution network. Each of the association's 1000 member organisations receive copies and so do all top hotels, restaurants, spas and resorts.

With a print run of 5,000 - 8,000 copies (season dependant), Vietnam Traveller has an estimated monthly readership of over 50,000.


OV - DEC.2012

NOV - DEC.2012


Size Number of pages Paper Cover: Couche 230 Printing color

: 210mmx280mm : 100 pages : Inside: Couche matte 115 / : Inside: 4 colors / Cover: 5 colors




Six full pages of photography from leading travel photographers. This section also showcases Vietnam Traveller's photography competitions. Vietnam Feature:

Ranging from six to ten pages, these articles cover Vietnamese destinations in depth, providing readers with all they need to know to follow in the writer's footsteps. Food & drink:

News and promotions. Restaurants, bars and cafe reviews. Shopping & Style:

Furthermore, our airline partners, Eva Air and VietjetAir, mean air passengers are reached.

mers work near Nha Trang under a gathering stormh˜ng c∏nh ÆÂng muËi g«n Nha Trang

Cover Story: Each issue we cover one destination in detail, with full length feature stories alongside tips on where to eat, shop and stay. City snapshot: Overview guides of the world's major tourist cities.

Insider news: News from the Vietnam Tourism Association's members. Regional deals: Hotel and resort offers. Global news: Brief travel news updates. Vietnam deals: Flights, tours, hotels and packages. Top f ive: Covers a diverse range of topics, from yoga retreats to culinary destinations.

On our radar: Books, gadgets, luggage, apps and more. Gifts: What to buy. Beauty & spa guide: Reviews and guides to Vietnam's spas. Best in Vietnam:

Vietnam's best hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and resorts. The annual Vietnam Traveller Awards is featured in this section. Travel Q&A:

An interview with an expert or a traveller.

Bespoke advertising

Our team is available to work with your business if you are looking for something more than a regular advertising slot. We collaborate with clients to create tailored, sponsored editorial that will not only help your business, but also be of genuine interest to our readers. Our experienced team is available to consult on targeted inserts.


insertions that appear within 12 months of signing the contract. Rates quoted are for basic process colours: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Special colours incure a surplus charge. Cancellation will be accepted only up to one-month before the publication date. The content and design of all advertisements are subject to the publisher's approval. Payment terms are 15 days from date of publication. All invoices will be issued in US Dollars or Vietnam Dong, and payments are to be made in these currencies only.

(Prices not inclusive of 10% VAT)




1/6 Page


First DPS

(USD) 7000

1/4 Page


Second DPS


1/3 Page


Third DPS


1/2 Page


Forth DPS


Full Page


Double Page Spread 4000 Inside Back Cover


Fifth DPS


Inside Front Cover


Outside Back Cover






1/2 Page


DEADLINES Booking: 10th of the month prioer to publication Artwork: 15th of the month prior to publication

Frequency discounts only apply for multiple

Publication date: 15th (bi-monthly: Jan; Mar; May; July; Sept; Nov)

Double page spread Trim size: 410 x 275 mm Bleed size: 424 x 289 mm

Full page Trim size: 200 x 275 mm Bleed size: 212 x 289 mm







eth Rubin lµ nhi’p ∂nh gia Æ’n tı n≠Ìc M¸. Anh chÙp nhi“u th” loπi, tı ∂nh Æ∏m c≠Ìi, ∂nh ch©n dung, ©m eth Rubin is DC based photographer. He shoots weddings and portraits alongside nhπc, du lfich, Æ’n ∂nh t≠ li÷u. Anh Æ∑ Æi khæp ch©u ¢u, his music, travel, and documentary work. ch©u @c, ch©u Phi vµ hi÷n Æang tr≠ng bµy nh˜ng b¯c Feeding his hunger for cultural exporation h◊nh v“ Kenya Î Washington DC chÙp cho tÊ ch¯c phi ch›nh phÒ ICROSS. he has travelled extensively throughout Seth mÌi Æ’n vfinh Hπ Long g«n Æ©y cÔng vÌi c´ng five continents capturing evertything from remote lanscapes to vibrant religous festivals. Rubin recently ty Asia Outdoors Æ” chÙp h◊nh nh˜ng vÀn ÆÈng vi™n leo nÛi tay kh´ng. ß©y lµ m´n th” thao mπo hi”m, ng≠Íi leo visited Halong Bay and took to the water with Asia Outdoors to shoot the climbers who scale the karsts nÛi kh´ng sˆ dÙng d©y b∂o hi”m vµ m∆t n≠Ìc Æ≠Óc dÔng ‘deep water solo’ fashion – with no ropes, using the lµm Æ÷m r¨i. Trong h◊nh lµ mÈt vÀn ÆÈng vi™n Æang th∂ m◊nh r¨i t˘ do sau khi Æ∑ chinh phÙc Æ≠Óc ÆÈ cao. sea as their crash pad. "It was exhilerating watching these climbers... their strength, agility and focus was truly remarkable," says Rubin. To see more of his work, ß” chi™m ng≠Ïng th™m nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh cÒa Seth, head to mÍi bπn ghä website:


SEP - OCT.2012

Entitled "Thanks for Today" this photograph depicts a f isherman on a beach in Bali. Indra says the beauty in his photographs is tribute to the unseen diff iculties of the fishermen's lives. C∂m •n Ngµy H´m Nay lµ t™n cÒa b¯c ∂nh mi™u t∂ mÈt ng≠ d©n tr™n b∑i bi”n Bali. Ch›nh nh˜ng kh„ kh®n v´ h◊nh trong cuÈc sËng cÒa nh˜ng ng≠ d©n nµy Æ∑ tπo n™n vŒ Æãp cho nh˜ng b¯c h◊nh cÒa Indra.

1/4 page Trim size: 100 x 130 mm Bleed size: 107 x 138 mm

1/2 page horizontal Trim size: 200 x 138 mm Bleed size: 212 x 145 mm

1/2 page vertical Trim size: 100 x 275 mm Bleed size: 107 x 289 mm 1/3 page horizontal Trim size: 200 x 90 mm Bleed size: 207 x 97 mm

1/6 page Trim size: 95 x 85 mm Bleed size: 102 x 92 mm

1/3 page vertical Trim size: 65 x 275 mm Bleed size: 72 x 289 mm


ßi”m Æ’n n≠Ìc ngoµi

Timeless There is far more to Mui Ne than beaches and kiteboarding - Adam Bray explores Vietnam's top resort destination through its unique history.


MUI NE ui Ne Beach is located 120km east of Ho Chi Minh City (about 5.5hrs by bus or 5hrs by train) on the southern coast of Vietnam, between the cities of Vung Tau and Nha Trang. Mui Ne is part of the city of Phan Thiet, the capital of Binh Thuan Province. The actual name of the beach where most visitors spend their time is Rang, and the resort area is really named Ham Tien, but the tourism industry refers to the whole area as Mui Ne, after the fishing village on Phan Thiet’s easternmost cape.

THE PRODUCT OF HISTORY Mui Ne has quickly become famous as both the resort capital and the water-sports centre of the country. Kiteboarding centres like Windchimes, C2Sky and the Sailing Club Kite School have helped put Mui Ne on the map. Phan Thiet on the other hand, has long been known for less glamorous products like fish sauce, dragon fruit and cashews, as well as the local ethnic-Cham population. Like most of Vietnam, Mui Ne and the surrounding area is as much a product of mountain rivers

Mui Ne's trademark dunes (Pic: Adam Bray) Nh˜ng ÆÙn c∏t- Æ∆c s∂n cÒa MÚi Nä

carving their way through fertile floodplains to the fishing communities along the South China Sea, as it is the consequence of a succession of occupying cultures; namely the Sa Huynh, Cham, French, Americas, Russians and the Vietnamese themselves.

ITS ALL IN THE ANCIENT PAST It will surprise some to learn that Mui Ne shows evidence of thousands of years of habitation. I’ve discovered remnants of ancient burial grounds in the dunes from both the Champa Kingdom, and their predecessors, the Sa Huynh Culture. The Sa Huynh, who inhabited the area, possibly as early as 1000BC, were famous for their jar burials containing ornate jewellery and bronze daggers. Unfortunately most of these burial sites, always in sand dunes,

have been destroyed by hotel and road construction, and no local museum exists to preserve these lost treasures. In Ancient times, the little village of Phu Hai, which sits between Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, was the centre of human activity. Perched on a hill overlooking Phan Thiet Bay is the Cham temple of Po Shanu. Built in the 8th century and one of the oldest standing structures in the country, Po Shanu was a beacon at the mouth of an entire river system colonized by the Hindu Champa Kingdom. The Phu Hai River extends up into the mountains and was dotted by at least seven ancient temple complexes, three of which I discovered during frequent explorations in the mountain foothills. The area east of Phan Thiet was

SEP - OCT.2012

actually much more important to the Cham. From the Luy River Citadel and the ancient port city of Phan Ri, the Cham kings ruled the southern kingdom of Panduranga. The citadel was the last vestige of Cham autonomy when Champa was entirely crushed by the Vietnamese Emperor Minh Mang in 1832. The tall earthen walls of the enormous citadel still stand but the original Cham inhabitants were driven from the city and replaced by ethnic Hoa and Tay villagers from the north. These immigrants continue to maintain their unique northern culture, distinct from their Kinh Vietnamese neighbours. All along the Luy River were royal tombs of the kings of Panduranga

SEP - OCT.2012


Tπp ch› Vietnam Traveller lµ c¨ quan ng´n luÀn cÒa Hi÷p hÈi Du lfich Vi÷t Nam, vÌi s¯ m÷nh Æ≠a h◊nh ∂nh v“ Ɔt n≠Ìc vµ con ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam ra th’ giÌi cÚng nh≠ giÛp du kh∏ch Vi÷t Nam c„ th” hi”u bi’t nhi“u h¨n v“ c∏c Æi”m Æ’n n≠Ìc ngoµi tr≠Ìc khi chu»n bfi cho m◊nh mÈt chuy’n Æi thÛ vfi. Vietnam Traveller mang Æ’n cho ÆÈc gi∂ Vi÷t, c∏c du kh∏ch cÚng nh≠ chuy™n gia n≠Ìc ngoµi sinh sËng vµ lµm vi÷c tπi Vi÷t Nam nh˜ng bµi vi’t v´ cÔng duy™n d∏ng, h†p d…n, nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh †n t≠Óng cÔng vÌi nh˜ng th´ng tin chi ti’t vµ cÙ th” nh†t v“ c∏c Æi”m Æ’n cÚng nh≠ th´ng tin v“ kh∏ch sπn, tour vµ khuy’n m∑i tı c∏c chuy’n bay tπi Vi÷t Nam vµ tr™n th’ giÌi. H¨n 1000 thµnh vi™n cÒa Hi÷p hÈi Du lfich Vi÷t Nam lµ bπn Ɖc trung thµnh cÒa tπp ch› Vietnam Traveller. Tπp ch› cÚng sœ Æ≠Óc ph∏t hµnh tÌi t†t c∂ c∏c kh∏ch sπn vµ khu nghÿ d≠Ïng hµng Æ«u tπi Vietnam. Th´ng qua c∏c ÆËi t∏c hµng kh´ng kh∏c lµ Eva Air vµ VietjetAir, Vietnam Traveller cÚng sœ tÌi tay t†t c∂ c∏c hµnh kh∏ch tr™n c∏c chuy’n bay cÒa c∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng nµy. VÌi sË l≠Óng in tı 5000-8000 b∂n (tÔy theo mÔa) vµ Æ≠Óc ph∏t hµnh rÈng r∑i tr™n nh˜ng k™nh Æ∆c thÔ nh≠ vÀy, Vietnam Traveller c„ sË l≠Óng bπn Ɖc ≠Ìc t›nh kho∂ng h¨n 50.000 l≠Ót mÁi sË.

Th´ng sË k¸ thuÀt

: 210mmx280mm : 100 pages : RuÈt: Couche matte 115 / B◊a: Couche 230 : RuÈt: 4 mµu / B◊a: 5 mµu

Kh∏i qu∏t nÈi dung †n ph»m Th≠ bπn Ɖc

Th≠ bπn Ɖc khæp n¨i chia sŒ c∂m nhÀn, kinh nghi÷m vµ c∂ nh˜ng b¯c xÛc v“ Æi”m Æ’n, dfich vÙ du lfich... Tin t¯c

HÂ s¨ nhi’p ∂nh gia/ Ph„ng s˘ ∂nh

H s¨ nhi’p ∂nh gia qua nh˜ng b¯c h◊nh du lfich mµ h‰ Æ∑ th˘c hi÷n/ Ho∆c ph„ng s˘ ∂nh v“ mÈt Æi”m Æ’n nµo Æ„ Î Vi÷t Nam ho∆c tr™n th’ giÌi. ßi”m Æ’n Vi÷t Nam

MÁi sË b∏o, Vietnam Traveller sœ dµnh tı 6-12 trang chuy™n Æ“ chuy™n s©u v“ mÈt Æi”m Æ’n tπi Vi÷t Nam vÌi t†t c∂ nh˜ng c∂m nhÀn mÌi v“ vŒ Æãp, thæng c∂nh, dfich vÙ du lfich vµ gi∂i tr› kÃm theo. ¬m th˘c

ßÈc gi∂ & Ph∏t hµnh

KhÊ SË trang Gi†y in Mµu in

1. Chuy™n Æ“: MÁi sË Vietnam Traveller sœ ch‰n mÈt Æi”m Æ’n n≠Ìc ngoµi Æ” tπo thµnh mÈt chuy™n Æ“ chuy™n s©u, vÌi nhi“u bµi c∂m nhÀn v“ Æi”m Æ’n Æ„, th´ng tin nh˜ng danh thæng n™n Æ’n, dfich vÙ vui ch¨i gi∂i tr›, th≠ gi∑n, spa, mua sæm, vµ c∏c dfich vÙ kh∏c. 2. CÀn c∂nh: MÁi sË, Vietnam Traveller vi’t v“ ›t nh†t hai thµnh phË, giÌi thi÷u nh˜ng Æ∆c tr≠ng, Æi”m du lfich trong thµnh phË, c∏c dfich vÙ c«n thi’t kh∏c, nh˜ng th´ng tin chi ti’t c«n bi’t, tour Æ’n thµnh phË tı Vi÷t Nam.

1. Tin Hi÷p hÈi 2. Tin du lfich vµ khuy’n m∑i du lfich trong vÔng 3. Tin du lfich khæp n¨i th’ giÌi 4. Tin du lfich trong n≠Ìc 5. Top 5 Æi”m Æ’n trong th∏ng giÌi thi÷u ngæn g‰n

Tin t¯c v“ m„n ®n mÌi, khuy’n m∑i »m th˘c tı c∏c nhµ hµng vµ kh∏ch sπn trong n≠Ìc, Tour du lfich »m th˘c thÛ vfi vµ c∏c bµi vi’t giÌi thi÷u nhµ hµng, bar cafä Æ∆c sæc tπi Hµ NÈi, ßµ NΩng, vµ TPHCM. Mua sæm

L˘a ch‰n trong th∏ng: Nh˜ng vÀt dÙng c«n thi’t mµ VietnamTraveller ch‰n cho chuy’n Æi cÒa bπn, tı s∏ch du lfich, ba l´, vali, qu«n ∏o du lfich, m∏y ∂nh, thi’t bfi kh∏c... Quµ Vi÷t Nam: Nh˜ng m„n Æ ÆÈc Æ∏o bπn c„ th” mua lµm quµ k˚ ni÷m Î Vi÷t Nam Lµm Æãp vµ spa : GiÌi thi÷u c∏c dfich vÙ lµm Æãp vµ spa th≠ gi∑n cao c†p tπi Vi÷t Nam Best in Vietnam- ßÈc gi∂ b◊nh ch‰n

sΩn sµng t≠ v†n cho bπn nh˜ng ph≠¨ng ∏n qu∂ng c∏o hi÷u qu∂ nh†t tr™n †n ph»m.


M¯c gi∏ Æ∆c bi÷t Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng Æ’n th∏ng 12/2013. MÈt m¯c gi∂m gi∏ Æ∆c bi÷t sœ Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng vÌi nh˜ng hÓp ÆÂng qu∂ng c∏o 12 th∏ng. M¯c gi∏ qu∂ng c∏o Æ≠Óc t›nh cho h◊nh ∂nh qu∂ng c∏o 4 mµu c¨ b∂n: Xanh, Vµng, ß·, ßen. C∏c qu∂ng c∏o c„ mµu Æ∆c bi÷t Æ≠Óc t›nh th™m ph›. Vi÷c hÒy qu∂ng c∏o ph∂i Æ≠Óc th´ng b∏o tr≠Ìc khi †n ph»m ph∏t hµnh mÈt th∏ng. NÈi dung vµ h◊nh ∂nh qu∂ng c∏o ph∂i Æ≠Óc duy÷t bÎi nhµ xu†t b∂n ßi“u kho∂n thanh to∏n trong vflng 15 ngµy k” tı ngµy xu†t b∂n †n ph»m T†t c∂ c∏c h„a ƨn thanh to∏n Æ≠Óc t›nh bªng USD ho∆c VND vµ vi÷c thanh to∏n cÚng chÿ sˆ dÙng hai ƨn vfi ti“n t÷ nµy.

(Gi∏ ch≠a bao gÂm 10% VAT)

b∂ng gi∏ qu∂ng c∏o vµ pr QUÅNG CÉO (VND) 1/6 trang 13.000.000

Vë TRê ßÖC BIåT Trang ƨn 1

(VND) 150.000.000

1/4 trang


Trang ƨn 2


1/3 trang


Trang ƨn 3


1/2 trang


Trang ƨn 4


1 trang


Trang ƨn 5


ßÈc gi∂ l˘a ch‰n c∏c c´ng ty, resort, hotel, nhµ hµng tËt nh†t. ß©y cÚng lµ c¨ sÎ Æ” c∏c doanh nghi÷p du lfich Æ≠Óc x’p hπng trong gi∂i th≠Îng Vietnam Traveller Awards Æ≠Óc b«u ch‰n vµ trao t∆ng hµng n®m.

Trang Æ´i 86.000.000

B◊a 2



B◊a 4


Ng≠Íi l˜ hµnh k˙ dfi

Trang Æ´i 86.000.000

Ph·ng v†n mÈt chuy™n gia du lfich ho∆c ng≠Íi Æi du lfich

MÈt c∏ch qu∂ng c∏o hi÷u qu∂:

ßÈi ngÚ cÒa chÛng t´i sΩn sµng lµm vi÷c vÌi doanh nghi÷p cÒa bπn khi bπn c«n nhi“u h¨n mÈt gi∂i ph∏p qu∂ng c∏o. ChÛng t´i hÓp t∏c vÌi kh∏ch hµng qu∂ng c∏o Æ” tπo ra nh˜ng bµi vi’t hÁ trÓ thÀt hay, xÛc t›ch vµ thi’t th˘c, kh´ng chÿ giÛp qu∂ng b∏ doanh nghi÷p, dfich vÙ cÒa kh∏ch hµng mµ cfln h≠Ìng tÌi vi÷c cung c†p cho bπn Ɖc nh˜ng th´ng tin hay nh†t, mÌi nh†t. ßÈi ngÚ qu∂ng c∏o vµ bi™n tÀp dµy dπn kinh nghi÷m cÒa chÛng t´i cÚng sœ

B◊a 3 PR

Trang ƨn 45.000.000 1/2 trang


HÑN CHïT Booking: Ngµy 10 tr≠Ìc th∏ng ph∏t hµnh Artwork: Ngµy 15 tr≠Ìc th∏ng ph∏t hµnh Ngµy ph∏t hµnh: Ngµy 15 c∏c th∏ng chΩn

Trang Æ´i Trim size: 410 x 275 mm Bleed size: 424 x 289 mm

1 trang Trim size: 200 x 275 mm Bleed size: 212 x 289 mm



MÈt trong nh˜ng b› mÀt Æ” c∏c spa hÛt kh∏ch Æ„ lµ c∏c li÷u ph∏p massage. Vµ mÈt trong nh˜ng li÷u ph∏p massage Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n nhi“u nh†t Î c∏c spa ch›nh lµ massage ch©n.

rong c∏c bÈ phÀn tr™n c¨ th”, bµn ch©n lµ n¨i c«n Æ≠Óc ch®m s„c nh†t v◊ ph∂i hoπt ÆÈng nhi“u nh†t trong mÈt ngµy. N’u bπn kh´ng ch®m s„c, Æ´i bµn ch©n sœ nhanh ch„ng bfi l∑o h„a, gia t®ng ∏p l˘c vµ c®ng thºng l™n khu v˘c th«n kinh. MÈt trong c∏c c∏ch h˜u hi÷u Æ” ch®m s„c s¯c kh·e lµ massage ch©n. T∏c dÙng cÒa massage ch©n Æ≠Óc coi lµ qu˝ h¨n vµng. Bµn ch©n c„ kho∂ng 7.000 Æ«u d©y th«n kinh c«n Æ≠Óc k›ch th›ch. Massage ch©n c„ th” gi∂m bÌt s˘ lo læng, Æem lπi trπng th∏i th≠ gi∑n s©u. MÈt Æi”m quan tr‰ng nªm Î hai bµn ch©n lµ s˘ ph∂n xπ cÒa Æ∏m rËi d≠¨ng th«n kinh. N¨i Æ©y c„ th” Æ≠Óc xem lµ kho l≠u tr˜ m‰i nÁi c®ng thºng cÒa bπn. Khi nh†n vµo nh˜ng Æi”m nµy, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc gi∂i t·a stress vµ c¨ th” Æ≠Óc phÙc hÂi. Bªng c∏c thao t∏c massage, ng≠Íi ta c„ th” k›ch hoπt t†t c∂ ch¯c n®ng nh≠: ti™u h„a, bµi ti’t. N’u bµn ch©n kh·e th◊ c∂ c¨ th” cÚng kh·e mπnh. Massage ch©n lµm cho vi÷c l≠u th´ng vµ tu«n hoµn m∏u v“ tim di‘n ra d‘ dµng h¨n. Th≠ gi∑n khi ngÂi ho∆c nªm tho∂i m∏i Æ” massage cÚng lµ lÛc Æ´i ch©n Æ≠Óc nghÿ ng¨i. ß©y ch›nh lµ kho∂nh khæc thi“n hoµn toµn th≠ gi∑n cho th” x∏c l…n tinh th«n. Ngoµi ra, nh˜ng ÆÈng t∏c tı xoa b„p nhã nhµng cho Æ’n †n huy÷t mπnh, k’t hÓp vÌi tæm n≠Ìc n„ng, t»y t’ bµo ch’t ho∆c Ææp m∆t nπ d≠Ïng ch©n... cÚng r†t tËt. C∏ch nµy vıa giÛp ch©n th≠ gi∑n, vıa giÛp da m“m mπi, kh´ng bfi kh´, n¯t nŒ. N’u kh´ng c„ thÍi gian Æ’n c∏c spa, bπn hoµn toµn c„ th” masage ch©n tπi nhµ.


SEP - OCT.2012


1/4 trang Trim size: 100 x 130 mm Bleed size: 107 x 138 mm

H∑y bæt Æ«u bªng vi÷c ng©m ch©n trong n≠Ìc †m c„ vµi gi‰t d«u th¨m kho∂ng 5 - 10 phÛt. Lau kh´ ch©n bªng kh®n †m. Nªm ho∆c ngÂi sao cho tho∂i m∏i nh†t, th∂ l·ng c¨ th”. ß´i ch©n vµ bµn ch©n t˘a vµo mÈt m∆t phºng nh≠ bµn massage, sofa ho∆c gi≠Íng ngÒ. Massage mÈt ch©n tr≠Ìc, gi˜ †m ch©n kia trong kh®n. Thoa l™n hai tay mÈt lÌp kem d≠Ïng da m·ng hay chÛt d«u th¨m, ch‰n loπi c„ ch¯a thµnh ph«n giÛp m∏u nhanh ch„ng l≠u th´ng nh≠ bπc hµ, d«u th´ng, long n∑o hay l∏ h≠¨ng th∂o. Ti’p Æ„, massage chÀm r∑i vµ nhã nhµng, tı lflng bµn ch©n. DÔng c∏c ng„n tay c∏i b†m nhã vµo lflng bµn ch©n, rÂi Æ’n m∆t d≠Ìi cÒa c∏c ng„n ch©n sau Æ„ di chuy”n xuËng g„t ch©n. DÔng hai tay xi’t ch∆t ch©n, sau Æ„ rÂi th∂ l·ng tı tı. Lµm tı ch©n n‰ chuy”n sang ch©n kia. Ho∆c bπn cÚng c„ th” ti’n hµnh theo c∏c b≠Ìc sau Æ©y: ßÈng t∏c 1: ngÂi tr™n sµn, bµn ch©n tr∏i Æ∆t l™n Æ«u gËi ch©n ph∂i, bµn tay tr∏i Æ” l™n mu bµn ch©n, bµn tay ph∂i Æ∆t d≠Ìi lflng bµn ch©n. VuËt nhã bµn ch©n. ßÊi ch©n vµ l∆p lπi ÆÈng t∏c nµy. ßÈng t∏c 2: Æ∆t cÊ ch©n tr∏i l™n Æ«u gËi ch©n ph∂i. DÔng ng„n tay c∏i †n nhã vµ day Æ“u l™n ph«n m∆t trong cÒa g„t ch©n. ßÈng t∏c 3: ng„n tay c∏i Æ∆t ph›a d≠Ìi lflng bµn ch©n, sau Æ„ †n vµ vuËt nhã theo Æ≠Íng r∑nh gi˜a nh˜ng ng„n ch©n. ßÈng t∏c 4: Æ∆t bµn ch©n tr∏i l™n Æ«u gËi vµ käo mÚi ch©n h¨i chÛi xuËng Ɔt. DÔng ng„n tay c∏i massage lflng bµn ch©n theo nh˜ng vflng trfln nh·. ßÈng t∏c 5: dÔng ng„n c∏i tay tr∏i †n vµ mi’t nhã tı ng„n ch©n c∏i Æ’n mæt c∏ ch©n. ßÈng t∏c 6: næm l†y nh˜ng ng„n ch©n, b„p vµ vuËt nhã. Sau Æ„ l∆p lπi ÆÈng t∏c 1.

SEP - OCT.2012


1/2 trang ngang Trim size: 200 x 138 mm Bleed size: 212 x 145 mm

1/2 trang d‰c Trim size: 100 x 275 mm Bleed size: 107 x 289 mm 1/3 trang ngang Trim size: 200 x 90 mm Bleed size: 207 x 97 mm

1/6 trang Trim size: 95 x 85 mm Bleed size: 102 x 92 mm

1/3 trang d‰c Trim size: 65 x 275 mm Bleed size: 72 x 289 mm

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