With the enormous impact that our oceans have on life, it is concerning the lack of consideration for its health that most of the human race is exhibiting. Major corporations like the World Wildlife Fund and National Geographic are working with governments, companies, and communities around the globe to change this declining ocean health. However, there are simple steps that everyone can take to help save our seas.
Clean up after yourself If you are enjoying a summer vacation at the beach or relaxing by a lake, be cautious of what you leave behind. Too often, plastic or other nondegradable items are washed or blown into the water, having detrimental effects on marine life.
Ditch plastic Plastic is a major contributor to climate change and declining ocean health. Make reusable products a trend by taking them with you wherever you go. Use cloth tote bags for groceries, reusable water bottles and utensils, and eliminate your overall waste.
Reduce your carbon footprint
Be cautious of your carbon pollution footprint and make changes where you can. Walk or bike when you don’t have to use a car, and switch to eco-friendly alternatives at home and at work.
Respect marine life While there are many fascinating and adorable marine life creatures to see, be respectful of their space. Interfering with wildlife or with their natural habitat can harm the animals. Don’t remove rocks, plants, or coral when you come across it. Leave your surroundings how they were when you happened upon them.
Support clean ocean initiatives Encourage friends and family to join you in local beach cleanups. Find local organizations that protect oceans and consider donating time or money if you can. Research restaurants in your area to support those that practice sustainable seafood. Be a voice of change in your community.